PO - Assessment - Civil Courses
PO - Assessment - Civil Courses
PO - Assessment - Civil Courses
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3 authors, including:
Fatin Razali
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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Programme Outcomes (PO) is the expected achievement of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities essential to each student
after their graduation. The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM
has established 10 POs, PO1 to PO10 for all undergraduate courses from Year 1 to Year 4. Measurements of the POs are made
through several assessments such as tutorials, quizzes, laboratory works, projects, mid-semester examinations and final
examinations. This study presents the results from calculations based on the POs of the final examinations for two semesters
(semester 1 and semester 2) of session 2010/2011 Civil & Structural and Civil & Environmental Engineering undergraduate
programmes. It was made using the average marks for the sample of five excellent students, five moderate students and five weak
students for all courses which have final examinations. The results showed an average overall marks for the PO4 is the highest
around 78% followed by PO3 and PO10 which are about 68% and 63% respectively, while PO1 and PO2 have the lowest values
which are around 56%-59%.
© 2011
© 2011Published
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. Selection
Selection and/or
and/or peer peer reviewed
reviewed underunder responsibility
responsibility of theTeaching
of the UKM UKM Teaching
and and Learning
Learning 2011. 2011
Keywords: Outcome-Based Education (OBE); Programme Outcomes (PO); assessment using examination; student evaluation: high quality
graduates; three categories of students
1. Introduction
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment UKM has started using the concept of Outcome-Based Education
(OBE) since 2005. This concept is in line with the requirements for all engineering programmes in implementing
OBE curriculum at public higher education institutions (Shahrir et al., 2008). OBE is a teaching method that
emphasizes what students can actually do after they completed their training or their courses (Faizah, 2008). OBE
implementation is to ensure the academic programmes, the delivery systems and methods of valuation will produce
capable and high quality graduates. There are three main objectives needed to be achieved in the implementation of
the OBE. The objectives are the results of the Course Outcomes (CO), the Programme Outcomes (PO) and the
Corresponding author. Tel +6-03-8921-7024; fax:+6-03-8921-6147
E-mail address: ishar@eng.ukm.my.
1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer reviewed under responsibility of the UKM Teaching and Learning Congress 2011
Ishak Arshad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 98 – 102 99
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO). The objectives should be measured to determine the level of knowledge,
skills and abilities of all students after completing their courses.
The basis for the assessment of PO is to use the marks of final exams, mid-semester exams, tests, quizzes,
laboratory works, course works and projects. The accounted final exam marks are between 40% and 70% of the
overall course marks and it is the largest component. However, the examination can only be used to assess the
performance of PO1, 2, 3, 4 and 10. The rest of the POs can be evaluated using other methods as mentioned above.
Table 1 shows the list of PO1 to PO10 used by the Civil & Structural and Civil & Environmental Engineering
undergraduate programmes for the 2010/2011 session.
PO Knowledge Components
2. Methodology
This study has analyzed the information related to the achievement of PO using 15 samples of students' final
exam answer sheets for each course of the programmes. PO matrix of the final examination forms for each course
show marks of the tested POs. Marks obtained show the achievement of POs by 15 students representing three
different categories for each course. PO results for all courses were then averaged to indicate overall performance of
PO. PO values for each category of the excellent, moderate and weak students were also evaluated. A total of 37
courses of Civil & Structural Engineering and the Civil & Environmental Engineering were offered for the
2010/2011 session. However, only 22 courses were involved in the evaluation of these POs while the other 15
courses could not be assessed due to lack of data, or did not have final examinations. List of courses involved in this
study is given in Table 2.
100 Ishak Arshad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 98 – 102
3. PO evaluation
Ratings are based on the PO matrix set by lecturers during preparation of final exam questions. In this study only
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 and PO10 can be evaluated while the other POs cannot be assessed through final examination.
Figure 1 (a) and (b) below shows the achievement of PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 and PO10 for both undergraduate
programmes during 2010/2011 session. Evaluation shows that the average percentage of each PO is at satisfactory
level (more than 60%) especially PO3, PO4 and PO10. The average for both PO1 and PO2 are above 56%. There
are several courses such as KH2124 and KH4023 that show very poor achievement of both PO1 and PO2 where the
values are less than 40%. These courses affect the total average of both POs. For KH4573, KW3214 and KW4113,
PO2 values are less than 40%. Therefore it is recommended that respective lecturers of these courses should pay
more attention on PO1 and PO2 because they involved fundamental knowledge of the taught courses.
Values of PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 and PO10 for the three categories of the excellent, moderate and weak students
are displayed in Figure 2. The three categories are determined using the final exam marks where five highest marks
were chosen to represent excellent category, five middle marks in moderate category and five lowest marks in weak
category. Results show that all POs for excellent students have the highest values (76-94%), followed by moderate
students (57-73%) and weak students (37-65%). All categories of students show the highest values in PO3 and PO4.
Comparing the overall values of all POs, this study found that PO2 has the lowest value followed by PO1, with
value between 37% and 77%. It was found that the differences in all the POs between excellent and moderate
students were within 13%-20%. However, the differences in all the POs between excellent and weak students were
within 28%-40%. The largest percentage difference of POs between excellent and weak students is PO2 (40%),
followed by PO3 (38%) and PO1 (37%). This result indicated that most of weak students could not achieve PO1 and
PO2 targets. It is recommended for PO1, that the academic staff should focus on improving the ability of students to
acquire and use fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. As for PO2, the lecturers should
give more exercises to enhance student ability in identifying and solving engineering problems, in their respective
courses. However, the overall percentages of POs are at satisfactory level.
Ishak Arshad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 98 – 102 101
Figure 1. Evaluation of PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 and PO10 for Civil & Structural and Civil & Environmental Undergraduate Programmes during the
2010/2011 Session
Figure 2. Evaluation of PO for three categories of students and overall marks of PO for all categories.
102 Ishak Arshad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 98 – 102
4. Conclusions
Evaluation of PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 and PO10 using the final exam marks showed that all the five POs are at
satisfactory level. Values of PO3 and PO4 are at the highest level followed by PO10. This result demonstrates
achievement of PO3 with assess the ability to design related civil, structural and environmental engineering projects.
Achievement of PO4 the ability to behave in professional and ethical responsibilities is very good. The achievement
of PO1 and PO2 which are at lower values compare to other POs indicated more emphasis must be given on these
two POs. Lecturers are advised to put in more effort in enhancing students’ understanding of the basic knowledge
and to apply them in solving engineering problems. Among the improvements that can be done is to give students
more problem solving on the engineering applications. This can be applied particularly for courses which are
considered critical in the evaluation of PO1 and PO2.
This study should be done from time to time so that the department can evaluate the students’ level of
knowledge, skills and abilities based on all the POs, in order the teaching and learning aspects can be continuously
improved. To achieve better and comprehensive results for the study, it is proposed that the calculation is made for
all students and for all courses using final examination marks. It is recommended that the scoring matrix for each PO
of all students is prepared to enable a more accurate assessment.
We would like to thank UKM for providing the research grant (PTS-2011-016).
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