Group/Project ID:
Group Members:
1. ----------------------------------------
2. ----------------------------------------
3. ----------------------------------------
4. -----------------------------------------
5. -----------------------------------------
2. Get all entries verified by respective group’s guide. No changes are to be made
without project guide’s permission.
3. Students should report to their respective guide as per the schedule and its log is to
be maintained in the log-book.
4. Follow all deadlines and submit all documents strictly as per prescribed formats.
8. Submit hard as well as soft copy of the report & maintain one copy with each member.
Log-Book Development Project
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Mechanical Engineering
Program Outcomes
Table of Content
On completion of the course, learner will be able to:
CO1. IDENTIFY the real-world problem (possibly of interdisciplinary nature) through a rigorous literature
survey and formulate / set relevant aims and objectives.
CO2. ANALYZE the results and arrive at valid conclusions.
CO3. PROPOSE a suitable solution based on the fundamentals of mechanical engineering by possibly
integration of previously acquired knowledge.
CO4. CONTRIBUTE to society through proposed solutions by strictly following professional ethics and
safety measures.
PBL Log-book 1 Second Year of Mechanical Engineering, SPPU, Pune
CO5. USE of technology in proposed work and demonstrate learning in oral and written form.
CO6. DEVELOP ability to work as an individual and as a team member
Project Selection
The project can be selected by undertaking a survey of journal papers, patents or field visit (A problem
can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic, cultural and/or scientific). The problem shall consist of
following facets: feasibility of arriving at a solution, analyzing the problem, design and development of the
system (hardware or virtual).
There are no commonly shared criteria/ guidelines for what constitutes an acceptable project. Projects
vary greatly in the depth of the questions explored, the clarity of the learning goals, the content and structure of
the activity undertaken.
Solution to problem-based projects through “learning by doing” is recommended. The model begins with
the identifying of a problem, often growing out of a question or “wondering”. This formulated problem then
stands as the starting point for learning. A problem can be theoretical, practical, social, technical, symbolic,
cultural and/or scientific and grows out of students‟ wandering within different disciplines and professional
environments. As stated in the preamble as the world has adapted and propagated multidisciplinary approach,
hence the proposed project activity preferably should not be restricted to only mechanical domain specific
projects rather should be Interdisciplinary in nature. However the chosen problem should be integration of other
streams of engineering with Mechanical engineering.
Although in a genuine case 100% software/ virtual project topic may be allowed.
The PEC structure shall consist of Head of the department, 1/2 senior faculties of the department and one
industry expert (optional). Continuous Assessment Sheet (CAS) is to be maintained by the department.
List of Figures
List of Graphs
List of Tables
Abstract (A brief abstract of the report not more than 150 words. The heading of abstract i.e. word
―Abstract‖ should be bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt and should be typed at the centre. The contents of
abstract should be typed on new line without space between heading and contents. Try to include one or two
sentences each on motive, method, key-results and conclusions in Abstract
2 Literature Review (05-10 pages) Discuss the work done so far by researchers in the domain
area and their significant conclusions. No derivations, figures, tables, graphs are expected.
3 This chapter shall be based on your own simulation work (Analytical/ Numerical/FEM/CFD)
(05- 10 pages)
4 Experimental Validation - This chapter shall be based on your own experimental work (05-
10 pages)
5 Concluding Remarks and Scope for the Future Work (1-2 pages)
ANNEXURE (if any) (Put all mathematical derivations, Simulation program as Annexure)
a. Tools used
b. Papers published/certificates
Plagiarism Report of paper and project report from any open source tool.
We, the students of S.E. Mechanical hereby assure that we will follow all the rules and
regulations related to PBL-II activity for the academic year 202 -202
will be fully designed/ developed by us and every part of the project will be original work and
Project Title:-
Reference Paper (Base Paper):-
Name of Students
10 15 10 10 5 40 10 100
I- Idea Inception.
II- Documentation
III- Attended reviews, poster presentation and model exhibition.
IV- Demonstration
V- Awareness /Consideration of - Environment/ Social /Ethics/ Safety measures/Legal aspects.
VI- Outcome
VII- Participation in various competitions/ publication/ copyright/ patent.
Internal Guide
(Name & Sign with Date)
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
This is to certify that the PBL-II report entitled “Title of the project”
has successfully completed by the students of Second year Mechanical
Sign of
Sr. No. Date Issues Discussed/ Work Done
Internal Guide