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Function: Maintenance & Repairs at Operational & Management Level


Maintenance & Repairs




Diesel Engines Isolation, Dismantling and Re-Assembling of parts:

Inspect condition, check wear and clearances of:-

(a) Piston and Rings:-

The piston can be divided into various parts namely, piston crown, piston grooves and rings, skirt and the piston

In the piston crown:

1. See any burning at top part of the piston a template is provided by the maker for measuring the crown
2. Check any wear at the side walls of the crown and on ring grooves
3. Check for any cracking at top due to the thermal and mechanical stress along with high temperature
4. Check any signs of hot corrosion at the top surface and acidic corrosion at the lower part

In piston rings & grooves:

1. Check for the free movement of the piston rings

2. Check for the ring clearance & groove height
3. Inspect for any wear, stepping and for scuffing

In piston skirt and side wall:

1. Check for any rubbing marks

2. Inspect for any wear down of wear rings

In cooling water passage:

1. Check for any scaling due to poor water treatment

2. Choking due to high temperature

Finally inspect the LOCKING BOLTS & WIRES, STUDS and 'D' ring condition

Piston Clearance

The pistons of most modern marine diesel engines are tapered and not straight.

In the diagram the figure shows the piston clearances across various heights along the cylinder liner wall. This
figure shows a particular engine with a bore of 76 cm and the associated piston clearances at various sections.
Apart from being tapered the piston also has slightly ovality at the wrist pin land area which if of the order of
the fraction of an mm like say 0.5 mm.



Piston Ring Clearance:

Apart from the piston clearance, the piston rings also need to have both axial and radial clearance in the groove.
The axial clearance of the piston rings also depends on their position from the top in the grooves and this
clearance ought to be more in the top couple of rings vis-à-vis the bottom ones.

The diagram above clearly shows the use of feeler gauges to measure the clearance of piston rings. Another
check is to measure the end to end clearance or the opening between the gap ends of the piston ring while it is
inserted inside the cylinder liner and the readings are compared both at the top end and the bottom end of the
cylinder liner. Of course this can only be done in the case of smaller auxiliary engines and not with the main
propulsion engine rings simply because of the size of the engine.

(b) Cylinder Liner:


A liner can be inspected whenever a piston has been removed for changing the rings or replacement of the
piston itself.

Inspection of the Cylinder Liner

When we remove a piston and take a look at the inner surface of the cylinder liner, and we see a mirror sort of
dry finish then do not be happy about it because ideally the surface should appear worn-bright and a bit oily,
which gives an indication that all is well within the liner. The mirror finish described earlier is an indication of
trouble and means that local lubrication has failed in that region and severe galling action has occurred.

If you see black patches on the liner it indicates that the piston rings are leaky and should be changed
accordingly. Since the piston moves in a to and fro fashion, there might be a ridge or sharp edges at the extreme
points and/or ports and these need to be removed by proper grounding. Any other scoring marks and ridges
should also be removed using grind stones or oil stones as appropriate.

Wear Measurement

Apart from the physical signs of wear, the actual wear is measured using an inside micrometer length gauge

using a reference strip to ensure that the readings are taken each time from the same positions; the readings

being taken in the fore-aft as well as port and stbd directions. The maximum allowed wear is nearly 0.6% for



large bore engines and a max of 5mm for smaller engines. Apart from wear an ovality of 1mm could be

The readings taken over a period of time should be recorded and then they should be presented in the form of a
graph which shows liner wear as a function of time, and there should be an independent graph for each cylinder
liner of the engine. A typical graph of such a nature is shown below in the sketch. The time is shown in hours
along the x-axis whilst the wear in terms of mm/1000 hours is shown on the y-axis. The grey dots show the
wear as they progress along the red line. Remember that the hours referred to here are running hours of the

(c) Air starting valve:

Refer to MAN B&W Manual

(d) Fuel valve:

Refer to MAN B&W Manual

(e) Fuel pump:

Refer to MAN B&W Manual

(f) Relief valve:

Refer to MAN B&W Manual

(g) Main ~ Bottom end~Crosshead Bearings:

Refer to MAN B&W Manual

(1) Define the following terms.

Rudder clearance:-

 Top Pintle: a head is fitted to the upper pintle to prevent undue vertical movement of the rudder. This is
known as locking pintle. The locking pintle is called top pintle.
 Bottom Pintle: The bearing pintle is called bottom pintle.
 Rudder drop: it is usually an indication of wear out of carrier bearing. This is taken by “trammel
 Jumping clearances: jump is taken with feeler gauge or with a standard gauge, which indicates the

distance by which the rudder can jump during pitching. Jump would usually be restricted to 6-7 mm but it

exceeds then the jumping bar is renewed.


(2) How you prepare for and record Crankshaft Deflection of a Diesel Engine?
The best method for crankshaft alignment is the dial gauge fitted between the adjacent webs, opposite the
crankpin at half of the diameter from the shaft centre. The dial gauge measures the crank web spread at different
angular position of the shaft.

 The first measurement is taken with the engine just beyond the bottom dead centre position with the
gauge close to the side of connecting rod. It is usual to set the gauge to zero at this position.
 The engine is now rotated with the turning gear and stopped at each quarter from where gauge readings
are taken plus or minus value.
 The final or fifth reading is being taken near bottom dead centre, with the connecting rod on the
opposite side of the first reading. The first and last readings are averaged to use as an approximation of
bottom position.
 The procedure is repeated for each unit.




(3) Safety precaution and procedure to carry out Crank Case inspection.
Safety Precautions carried out before Crankcase Inspection:

1. Shutoff of main air staring valve and air bottle main valve.
2. Immobilization permit to be obtained from competent authority if ship’s in port.
3. Open indicator cocks and engage turning gear.
4. Ensure engine has been tuned for at least half an hour before stopping lube oil pump and cross head
lubrication pump.
5. Stop lube oil pumps and cross head oil pump and place the circuit breakers in off position.
6. Post notice “DO NOT START – MEN AT WORK”
7. Inform duty officer for propeller clearance.
8. Open crankcase door and ventilate properly.
9. Wear safety gear; e.g. helmet, boots, raincoat, gloves etc.
10. Use safety lamps, torches and tools.
11. All pockets should be emptied of contents and all tools taken inside must to be accounted for.
12. One responsible person must stand outside.

Procedure to be carried out during Crankcase Inspection:

1. Firstly check oil condition for any smell, discoloration or degradation.

2. Turn the engine to BDC and start checking from under stuffing box area for any sign of black oil, an
indication of stuffing box leaking.
3. Check the piston rod surface for scoring marks and roughness.
4. Check piston palm bolts and locking device for slackness and fretting.
5. Check the guide and guide shoe bearing general condition and the area around frame where guide is
attached for any visible cracks.
6. Check that the guide shoe end cover bolts are in place and not slack.
7. Check cross head bearing general condition.
8. Evaluate top and bottom end of connecting rod bolt, nut and locking device for slackness, signs of
fretting, etc.
9. Check for sliding of bottom end bearing (axial movement) or floating of connecting rod.
10. Check for slip of web and journal by checking the reference mark.
11. Check web in the area of stress concentration and check tie bolt (bottom side).
12. Check cross girder, area around main bearing and bearing keep for sign of cracks and check around
main bearing.
13. All bearings must be checked for silvery color (indicates bearing wiping).
14. Check the surroundings of the oil pan area of all units for any sludge deposits, bearing metal pieces, etc.
15. Check crank case relief door- wire mesh (should be wet), spring tension, sealing ring condition, etc.
16. Check the teeth of transmission gear for sign of wear.
17. Check chain drive for tightness.
18. Use oil mist detector on sampling pipe to check for clear passage.
19. Clear all the foreign materials from the crank case, and make sure all tools are accounted for.
20. Start lube oil pump and cross head lubricating pump and check for the oil flow and distribution.
21. Check crankcase door sealing condition and close the crankcase door.
22. Inform chief engineer (for satisfactory checking of crank case) and duty officer.



(4) What maintenance is required on Main Air Compressor?

What initial preparation is needed before commencement of work?

Complete overhaul of a Main Air Compressor:-

1. Put off the power to the compressor and put a note “Men Working” on the power panel.
2. Shut the air bottle filling valve and compressors delivery valve.
3. Isolate cooling water system.
4. Open crankcase door and drain out the oil from the sump.

5. Remove all connections like JCW outlet pipe, inlet pipe, pressure gauge line on cylinder head.
6. Remove cylinder head holding bolts, nuts.
7. Lift the cylinder head from its place and keep it on a wooden piece on floor.
8. Move piston to BDC and clean the circumference on liner top.
9. Move the piston to TDC and fit the piston lifting tool.
10. Open the bottom end bearings bottom half.
11. Remove the piston from its place and place it on its stand.
12. Clean the liner and calibrate the liner.
13. Clean the crank pin, bottom end bearing and calibrate.
14. Remove the piston rings; clean the piston, piston groove, old piston rings and new piston rings.
15. Calibrate piston ring grooves, old piston rings and new piston rings.
16. Put new piston rings on the piston.
17. Lubricate the liner, crank pin, bottom end bearing and fit back the piston and connect the bottom end
18. Clean the cylinder head landing area and renew the gasket.
19. Put back the cylinder head after cleaning its landing area and tighten it.
20. Clean L.O pump suction filter, clean crank case and take fresh L.O into the crankcase/sump.
21. Give all cylinder head connections.
22. Clean the intercoolers S/W passages (tubes). Clean the J.C.W spaces with descaling liquids.
23. Open compressors delivery valve and air bottle filling valve.
24. Open intercooler drain.
25. Try out compressor.





Normally the following should be done during a decarb to free the engine from anomalies

 Every 3000hrs take out cylinder head, take the worn out mountings and/or over haul the mountings
 All units cylinder head, piston, connecting rod, and turbocharger to be overhauled
 Clean sump tank and fill with fresh lube oil
 Take crank shaft deflection before and after removal of bearings
 Whatever actions taken should be recorded in the maintenance record book


1.Make sure the all stand by auxiliary engines are ready

2.Keep all the special tools and other tools ready
3.Go through the previous records/manual for clearance and adjustments
4.Put the display card "MEN AT WORK", "DON'T START"
5.Close air bottle valve to auxiliary engine and engine start and stop valve
6.See that the turning bar is not in the flywheel and should be in place
7.Open the indicator cocks
8.If the main bearing is to be removed, check crank shaft deflections
9.Close lube oil, fuel oil, fresh water inlet/outlet valve, drain the cooling water line and remove

Removal of Cylinder Head:

1.Scavenge manifold, exhaust manifold rocker arm, lube oil drain connection from rocker arm, rocker arm
tank and cover connections to be removed
2.Fuel oil high pressure connection from fuel pump to the injector, fuel valve cooling connections in and
out (either diesel or water) to be removed
3.Remove the rocker arm assembly and the push rod. Remove all the mountings such as starting valve,
indicator cock, relief valve and exhaust valve assembly
4.Remove the rocker cover and check any marking on cylinder head nuts and studs. If no torque spanner is
available, note down the markings.
5.Open the cylinder head nut with box spanner and extension rod. Never use the torque spanner. With box
spanner available note down the marking .
6.Put the cylinder head lifting tool and before lifting make sure all the connections are removed. Also
ensure that the liner is not removed along with the cylinder head
7.Take out the copper joint between the head and the liner



Removal of Piston

Removal of Piston and Connecting Rod:

1.After lifting the head, check the liner surface for score marks, blow past etc. Crack remove the ridges or
deposits if any on the top surface to avoid the lifting of liner along with the piston and breakage of piston
rings while lifting piston
2.Open the crank case door and remove the bottom end bearing bolts after removing the lock arrangement
and the remove the bolts
3.Remove the bottom half of the bottom end bearing
4.Bring the piston to TDC. Make sure the bolt holes on the piston top, lifting tool holes must be cleared
from carbon deposits. Threads should also be checked and cleared
5.Put the piston lifting tools and tighten the bolts
6.Lift the piston and remove top shell of bottom end bearing
7.Place the piston on the piston stand and cover the crankcase pin to avoid the foreign material damaging
the crank-pin.

Cylinder Liner and other Parts Removed for Overhauling & Calibration




Cleaning the Carbon content on all the parts of Engine;

1.Clean the piston rings, measure dimensions and keep them in order
2.Clean the piston ring grooves thoroughly and measure the groove thickness at 3 different points
3.Check for the deposits on piston crown (Sulphur, carbon or thick vanadium deposits) and measure the
4.Remove the gudgeon pin and clean the gudgeon lube oil holes as well as the bush or small end bearing
5.Check the bolts of connection rod for any cracks
6.Every 20,000 hrs engine connecting rod bolt must be replaced
7.If new piston rings are going to be replaced, then there is no need for measurement
8.Calibrate the liner thickness by using template

Assembly of the Engine parts;

1.First put the piston rings one by one and measure the butt clearance for all the rings
2.Then measure the axial clearance between piston rings & grooves
3.Place the piston guide on top of the liner and bring the particular crank shaft to TDC. Apply sufficient
lube oil and start lowering the piston. Make sure that butt gap should not be in line it may cause blow past
4.Before engaging check the crankpin for any cracks or scratch
5.Check the bottom end bearing clearance and if needed measure the main bearing clearance as well
6.Taper clearance is checked
7.Check for any cracks in the water jacket and in the cylinder head
8.Replace all rubber joints and copper gasket to be put on the cylinder cover
9.Put the cylinder head gasket in the top of the cylinder
10. Anti-seizure coating or powder like molycote, copper slip should be used. It is applied to avoid any
seizure mainly on the threads or joints and it will be easier while removal
11. Tighten the cylinder mounting according to torque specified as in manual and make all connection
like lube oil, fuel, jacket cooling water connections etc
12. Fit the rocker arm back




(6) Describe Propeller with its Maintenance.

While designing a ship, the amount of resistance produced and the design of the ship are the two important
factors that should be taken into consideration. Both these factors depend considerably on the type and number
of propellers used.

Factors affecting the choice

If the speed and power required by the ship is more and also the allowable draft is high, it is imperative to use
twin propellers with the diameter that can be easily accommodated within the draft.

Twin or multiple screw type propellers are generally used where the degree of reliability required is more or in
case of a break down, the cost expected for the mobility of the vehicle for repairs will be extremely high, e.g.
cruise lines. Multiple screw propellers are also generally used in the vehicles where the risk of accident is high
or where there are high chances of a part or machinery of ship to get damaged, e.g. war and ice breaker ships.

Multiple screw propellers are also used where the requirement of better and smooth maneuverability is high. A
slow speed maneuvering can be controlled by bow thrusters or high performance rudder, but a high speed
maneuvering needs multiple screw propellers.

Controllable pitch propeller

This type of propeller is used in spite of its low efficiency due to the smooth and easy maneuverability it
provides, especially when the ship has to often move in the confined waters. This propeller is also used when
the ship has to continuously operate at one speed or for fuel efficiency reasons where the ship has to move of
different speeds and displacement. This propeller is often used in war ships where the cruising speed is half the
full speed. A controllable pitch propeller prevents the over-torquing of the cruise propeller that might be caused
by fixed pitch propeller.

Highly skewed propeller

A highly skewed propeller can be a fixed pitch propeller or a controllable propeller. Skewing contributes
negligibly to increase the efficiency of the propeller but plays an important role in reducing the propeller forces
on the hull. This type of propeller is mainly fitted on cruise ships or passenger ships where the avoidance of
vibration is of utmost importance.




Self Pitching propellers

These types of propellers are generally used for low power vessels. They are highly found in yachts or smaller
vessels, as there are higher chances of facing mechanical errors when they are used in heavy and high powered
vessels. An interesting point is that the open water efficiency obtained at astern is same as that at ahead.

Other propeller types

There has been a massive advancement in the innovation and development of the propellers for increasing
efficiency. Some of the newly developed propellers are tip vortex free (TVF) and balanced thrust loading (BTL)
propellers. They are not so extensively used as they do not provide the kind of efficiency that they promise.

One more type of propeller is contra-rotating propeller which reduces the rotational losses and thus increases
the efficiency. This type of propeller is generally used in a direct electric drive propeller where the usage of gear
box can be avoided. They are generally fitted on smaller ships. This type of propellers if used in bigger ships
gets confronted with problems such as high mechanical complexity, high cost of gear box and shafting and
propeller limits. Thus they are used in smaller ships with less power and higher steering performance

Maintenance of Propeller:-

 When a ship is in dry dock the

opportunity should be taken to
thoroughly examine the propeller, and
any repairs necessary should be carried
out by skilled dockyard staff.
 Careful examination should be made
around the blade edges for signs of
cracks. Even the smallest of cracks
should not be ignored as they act to
increase stresses locally and can result in
the loss of a blade if the propeller
receives a sharp blow. Edge cracks
should be suitable repaired & surveyed.
 Bent blades, particularly at the tips,
should receive attention as soon as
possible. Except for slight deformation
the application of heat will be required.
This must be followed by more general
heating in order to stress relieve the area
around the repair.
 Surface roughness caused by slight pitting can be lightly ground out and the area polished. More serious
damage should be made good by welding and subsequent heat treatment
 Tail shaft is withdrawn once the propeller is removed. Thorough examination of the shaft is done through

advanced procedures (MP & DP testing) to detect any defect and it has to be surveyed by class surveyor
 Deflection gauge & stern tube bearing clearance readings to be recorded prior to removing and after

assembling propeller and examined by class surveyor.





Heat Exchanger:-

(7) Open and inspect and list the types of defects normally looked for on the following:-

Air cooler: Air Cooler Fouling and its Effect on the Engine

When the air cooler becomes fouled, less heat will be transferred from the air to the cooling water (usually
seawater). This is indicated by the changes in the air temperature and cooling water temperature and a pressure
drop in the air passing through the air cooler. To measure this pressure drop, a manometer is connected between
the charge air cooler inlet and outlet. The amount of pressure drop will depend upon the degree and nature of
the fouling. A higher pressure drop indicates a clogged air side.

Symptoms of Air Side Fouling:

 Increase of air pressure drop across the charge air cooler.

 Decrease of air temperature difference across air cooler.
 Rise in scavenge air temperature.
 Rise in exhaust gas temperature from all cylinders.
 Increase in cooling water temperature across the air cooler.

Symptoms of cooling water side fouling:

 Rise in scavenge air temperature.

 Decrease in the difference of the air temperature across the air cooler.
 Decrease in the temperature of the cooling water across the cooler if fouling is on the tubes.
 Increase in exhaust gas temperature from all cylinders.
 Increase in the temperature of the cooling water due to fouling or chocking material in tubes that reduce the
amount of cooling water flow.

Methods of air side cleaning:

 Fins in the air side can be cleaned by using compressed air at high pressure.
 The air side can be cleaned by dipping the air cooler in a chemical bath for a certain period of time as this
will remove all deposits on the air side.
 Another method of cleaning the air side is by using the jet of water at high pressure.



Methods of sea water side cleaning:

 For soft deposits on the water side, dip the cooler in a chemical bath. After a certain period of time, take the
cooler out and then clean with jet of water at high pressure.

 For hard deposits use a long drill bit to drill the hard deposits on the tubes. Note this requires a specialist to
drill the hard deposits because small mistakes in drilling may damage the tubes.

(8) Maintenance done on Heat Exchanger

Maintenance & Inspection procedure for a heat exchanger LO or JCW HE cooled by SW:-

1. Isolate S/W cooling systems (shut sea water inlet and outlet valves)
2. Isolate L.O/ J.C.W systems (shut LO/J.C.W. inlet and outlet valves)
3. Open the S/W side vent and drain and drain out S/W from the cooler
4. Open the L.O/ J.C.W vent and its drain and drain out L.O/J.C.W from the L.O. cooler
5. Open the end covers on both sides
6. Clean cooling water (S/W) passage tube, with nylon wire brush, clean with fresh water,clean with compressed air.
7. Now shut the L.O / J.C.W drain and fill up ¾ of cooler with fresh water and ¼ of the cooler with diluted de-
scaling liquid (weak H2SO4 acid solution)
8.Overall relief valves fitted on the exchanger and ensure setting is 1.5 x WP
8. Heat the chemical added to the cooler with steam for few hours
9. Shut the heat steam and drain out the chemicals from the cooler (i.e., chemicals surrounding tubes)
10. Clean the space again with fresh water out till all the chemicals surrounding the tubes comes out
11. Clean the end covers inner surface and give a coat of Apexier (anti corrosive paint)
12. Change / install new sacrificing anodes (Zinc)
13. Replace gasket for the end covers and fit back the end cover on one side
14. Now fill up the space surrounding tubes (i.e., fill up the L.O / J.C.W passage area with fresh water and see that
there is no leakages at both tube ends. If tube found leaking, plug the tube using brass plugs on both ends.
15. Fix back the end covers with new gasket
16. Shut all the drain
17. Start the S/W cooling system and vent it (Purge out the air in the system)
18. Start the L.O/ J.C.W system and vent it (Purge out the air in the system).




(9) Describe testing of gauge glass and water level in Boiler.

Water gauge blowing through procedure:

For the blowing through procedure, as shown in the figure, the following steps
should be performed:

1. Close steam cock A and water cock B

2. Open drain cock C
3. Slowly open steam cock A. The pressurized steam will blow through the drain
cock C, forcing any kind of impurities or blockage out.
4. Now Cock A should be closed and B should be opened, with C remaining in the
open position.

The jet of water will force out any kind of remaining blockages. If the flow of the jet
of water is uneven, this means that the gauge is still chocked. The whole procedure
should be repeated in such cases.

After ensuring that the gauge glass is clear it has to be put in use.

The following procedure is adopted:

Close drain cock C

Open water cock B. water will rise to the full level in the gauge
Open the steam cock A. the steam pressure from the drum will act
on the water and push it down to show the correct level.

Replacement of Glass

 Isolate the assembly by shutting-off the steam and water connections and by opening the drain.
 Take off the screws of the glass holder and remove the pressure ledges.
 Remove the glass insert with gaskets
 Spare glass surfaces to be cleaned thoroughly.
 Install the black gasket, the spare glass with the grooves facing inwards, the red gasket and finally the thin
steel sheet.
 Put on the pressure ledges and tighten the screw uniformly starting from the middle and proceeding cross-
wise up and downward.
 Heat the new glass slowly by keeping the waterside valve shut, the steam side valve crack-open and the
drain fully open.
 After about 30 minutes, the screws should be tightened again by applying a torque of 2.4 kp-m.
 The assembly can now be put on load by shutting-off the drain and opening the steam and waterside valves



Reasons for a false water level indication by a Gauge Glass

 Choked valves and passages on the steam and/or water side by sediment,
scale, packing or use of a round glass, which is too long.

 Leaky drain valve or proffusive steam and/or water leakages from the gauge assembly.
 Foaming condition inside the boiler.
 Sudden changes in steam demand.


All types of marine boilers must be fitted with high-low water level safeguards. All such equipment is to be
capable of operating audible and visible alarms and also of automatically shutting off the fuel supply to the
burners when the water level falls to a predetermined low level.

Magnetic Float Switch Type

 The float assembly of this detector carries a permanent magnet, which is opposed by a similar magnet in the
switch assembly. This principle is
employed to change over switch contacts with a snap action under the control of the water level float.

 In addition to its main function of fuel shut-off, the assembly can also be designed to control water level by
controlling the feed pumps.
 As an improvement, a tertiary magnet is added to each switch assembly to lock the contacts in either
 Important: The float chamber is prone to get choked on scale and sludge, if no blowing-through of this
assembly is carried out regularly. Its operation also must be checked at least once a week.

Conductivity Probes (Electrode) Type

The principle of operation is based on the different conductivity of water and steam. When the electrode dips-in
or dives-up, a bridge circuit in the switching amplifier is reset. The signal is amplified and energizes the switch
relay of the switching amplifier, which with its contacts within the burner safety chain releases a disturbance

An additional time-lag switch of maximum 20 seconds avoids effects of fluctuations of water level and thus
prevents unintended disturbance shutdown.



Operational test Procedure

 Raise the water level up to the high level alarm. An alarm is given after about 10 seconds and the alarm
light is lit up.
 Sink the level under the low level alarm - An alarm is given after about 10 seconds and the alarm lamp is lit
 A functional test can be carried out by depressing the test button until the alarm lamp lights up after about
10 seconds.
 Electrodes and cables are to be tested for insulation by using a volt-meter. The reading obtained when the
water level reaches up to the electrode is 0-5 V and the reading obtained when the level is below the
electrode is 15-25V.




(10) Describe Safety Valve Setting and Test Procedures.

Pressure Setting of the Boiler Safety Valve:

If it is found that the boiler safety relief valve is not lifting at

the designed lifting pressure, manual pressure setting of the
boiler safety valve has to be done for the proper and safe
operation of the boiler. The adjustment can be carried out on
this type of valve to give the desired discharge and blow down

1. Safety valve pressure setting can be done from high to

low pressure or vice versa.
2. Take necessary personal safety precaution and arrange
tools i.e. gagging tool and master gauges.
3. Slowly raise the boiler pressure and blow off the safety
valves manually few times at lower pressures for thermal
expansion and to reduce the thermal stress on the valves.
4. Then screw down all the safety valves higher than the
setting pressure at which you are going to set.Gag te 2nd
safety valve in order to prevent it from lifting.
5. Raise the boiler steam pressure 3% more than the MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WP of the boiler, then
stop firing and unscrew the SPRING ADJUSTING NUT of the first valve slowly, when it blows off at 3 %
more than the MAWP then note this opening and closing pressure of the valve and finally secure the lock nut
on the compression nut / spring adjuster.
6. Gag this valve in order to set the 2nd safety valve. Remove gagging tool from the 2nd safety valve.
7. Raise the boiler pressure at the MAWP of the boiler and unscrew the SPRING ADJUSTING NUT of th
2nd valve, when it blows off at 2% MAWP pressure ~ record this opening pressure and the closing pressure.
Recheck the setting pressure and secure the compression nut / spring adjuster.
8. Then set the super heater safety valve lower than the MAWP of the boiler in same procedure.
9. Finally take out the gagging tools. Pressure setting should be done in presence of surveyor.







Each boiler (including exhaust gas boiler) and steam generator is to be fitted with at least one safety valve
and where the water-heating surface is more than 46.5 m 2 (500 ft2), two or more safety valves are to be
provided. The valves are to be of equal size as far as practicable and their aggregate relieving capacity is
not to be less than the evaporating capacity of the boiler under maximum operating conditions.


In no case,
- is the inlet diameter of any safety valve for propulsion boiler and superheaters used to generate steam for
main propulsion and other machinery to be less than 38 mm (1.5 in.) nor more than 102 mm (4 in.).

- For auxiliary boilers and exhaust gas economizers, the inlet diameter of the safety valv e must not be less
than 19 mm (3/4 in.) nor more than 102 mm (4 in.).



Each superheater, regardless of whether it can be isolated from the boiler or not, is to be fitted with at least
one safety valve on the superheater outlet.


Each economizer, where fitted with a bypass, is to be provided with a sentinel relief valve, unless the
bypass arrangement will prevent a buildup of pressure in the economizer when it is


In all cases, the safety-valve relieving capacity is to be determined on the basis of the b oiler heating
surface and water-wall heating surface along with the fuel-burning equipment, and is not to be less than
that given in the table (see later).

Where certification by the boiler manufacturer of the evaporative capacity of the boiler under max imum
operating conditions indicates a higher capacity, the higher capacity is to be used.




Where a superheater is fitted as an integral part of a boiler with no intervening valve between the
superheater and the boiler, the relieving capacity of the superheater safety valve, based on the reduced
pressure, may be included in determining the total relieving capacity of the safety valves for the boiler as a

In such a case, the relieving capacity of the superheater safety valve is not to be credited for more than
25% of the total capacity required.

The safety valves are to be so set and proportioned that, under any relieving condition, sufficient steam
will pass through the superheater to prevent overheating the superheater.

Specially designed full-flow superheater valves, pilot-operated from the steam drum, may be used.


For each boiler, the total capacity of the installed safety valves is to be such that the valves will discharge
all steam that can be generated by the boiler without allowing the pressure to rise more than 6% above the
maximum allowable working pressure.


At least one safety valve on the boiler drum is to be set at or below the maximum allowable working

If more than one safety valve is installed, the highest setting among the safety valves is not to exceed the
maximum allowable working pressure by more than 3%.

The range of pressure settings of all the drum safety valves is not to exceed 10% of the highest pressure to
which any safety valve is set In no case is the relief pressure to be greater than the design pressure of the
steam piping or that of the machinery connected to the boiler plus the pressure drop in the steam piping.





Where a superheater is fitted, the superheater safety valve is to be set to relieve at a pressure no greater
than the design pressure of the steam piping or the design pressure of the machinery connected to the
superheater plus pressure drop in the steam piping.

In no case is the superheater safety valve to be set at a pressure greater than the design pressure of the

In connection with the superheater, the safety valves on the boiler drum are to be set at a pressure not less
than the superheater-valve setting plus 0.34 bar (0.35 kgf/cm 2, 5 psi), plus approximately the normal-load
pressure drop through the superheater.


Each boiler and superheater safety valve is to be fitted with an efficient mechanical means by which the
valve disc may be positively lifted from its seat.

This mechanism is to be so arranged that the valves may be safely operated from the boiler room or
machinery space platforms, either by hand or by any approved power arrangement.


Safety valves are to be connected directly to the boiler, except that they may be mounted on a
common fitting.

However, they are not to be mounted on the same fitting as that for the main or auxiliary steam outlet.

This does not apply to superheater safety valves, which may be mounted on the fitting for the superheater
steam outlet.


The area of the escape pipe is to be at least equal to the combined outlet area of all of the safety
valves discharging into it.
The pipe is to be so routed as to prevent the accumulation of condensate and is to be so supported that the
body of the safety valve is not subjected to undue load or moment.




Safety valve chests are to be fitted with drain pipes leading to the bilges or a suitable tank.
No valve or cock is to be fitted in the drain pipe.


Safety valves are to be set under steam and tested with pressure accumulation tests in the presence of the
The boiler pressure is not to rise more than 6% above the maximum allowable working pressure when the
steam stop valve is closed under full firing condition for a duration of 15 minutes for firetube boilers and 7
minutes for watertube boilers.
During this test, no more feed water is to be supplied than that necessary to maintain a safe working water
The popping point of each safety valve is not to be more than 3% above its set pressure.


Where such accumulation tests are impractical because of superheater design, an application to omit such
tests may be approved, provided the following are complied with:

- All safety valves are to be set in the presence of the Surveyor.

- Capacity tests have been completed in the presence of the Surveyor on each valve type.

- The valve manufacturer supplies a certificate for each safety valve stating its capacity at the maximum
allowable working pressure and temperature of the boiler.

- The boiler manufacturer supplies a certificate stating the maximum evaporation of th e boiler.

- Due consideration is given to back pressure in the safety valve steam escape pipe.


Where, for any reason, the maximum allowable working pressure is lower than that for which the boiler
and safety valves were originally designed, the relieving capacity of the valves under lower pressure is to
be checked against the evaporating capacity of the boiler.
For this purpose, a guarantee from the manufacturer that the valve capacity is sufficient for the new
conditions is to be submitted for approval, or it is to be demonstrated by a pressure accumulation test,
conducted in the presence of a Surveyor.



(11) Sketch and describe an Oil Burner?

Fuel oil burning:

The high-pressure fuel is supplied to a burner which it leaves as an atomized spray. The burner also rotates the fuel
droplets by the use of a swirl plate. A rotating cone of tiny oil droplets thus leaves the burner and passes into the
furnace. Various designs of burner exist, the one just described being known as a 'pressure jet burner' (Figure a). The
'rotating cup burner' atomizes and swirls the fuel by throwing it off the edge of a rotating tapered cup. The 'steam
blast jet burner', shown in Figure (c), atomizes and swirls the fuel by spraying it into a high-velocity jet of steam.
The steam is supplied down a central inner barrel in the burner. The air register is a collection of flaps, vanes, etc.,
which surrounds each burner and is fitted between the boiler casings. The register provides an entry section through
which air is admitted from the wind box. Air shut-off is achieved by means of a sliding sleeve or check. Air flows
through parallel to the burner, and a swirled provides it with a rotating motion. The air is swirled in an opposite
direction to the fuel to ensure adequate mixing. High-pressure, high-output marine water tube boilers are roof fired.
This enables a long flame path and even heat transfer throughout the furnace. The fuel entering the furnace must be
initially ignited in order to burn. Once ignited the lighter fuel elements burn first as a primary flame and provide heat
to burn the heavier elements in the secondary flame. The primary and secondary air supplies feed their respective

The process of combustion in a boiler furnace is often referred to as suspended flame since the rate of supply of oil
and air entering the furnace is equal to that of the products of combustion leaving.




(12) Main parts and Components & Working of:

(a) Purifiers and Clarifier

(b) Installation

Refer C4

(13) Main parts and Components & Working of:

(a) Centrifugal pump

(b) Screw pumps

(c) Reciprocating pumps

Refer C5




(14) Main Components and Working Principle of FW Generator.

Single stage Fresh Water Generator:
A fresh water generator consists of mainly two parts, a condenser and an evaporator. The boiling process is
done either by a heating coil or by using the high temperature main engine jacket water. In some FWGs, heating
is also done by superheated steam. Generally water is boiled at 100 degree Celsius. But in freshwater generator
water is boiled at around 60-70 degree Celsius by heating sea water under vacuum condition. Air ejectors are
used to remove all the air inside the casing and maintaining vacuum. A control valve is used to regulate the flow
of sea water into the generator. The freshwater generated in the condenser is later collected by a distillate pump
and pumped to the fresh water storage tanks. A Salinometer is used to check the salinity in the fresh water
generated. Detection of salinity in the water will operate a 3 way valve on the discharge of the distillate pump
and the water is bypassed into the evaporator again.

Working of the Fresh Water Generator:

The hot jacket water from the diesel engine is passed through the evaporator’s heated nest. The sea water enters
the evaporator through the flow control valve and due to the low pressure of the chamber; it boils vaporizes.
Generally the feed of the seawater is kept half the stated quantity to facilitate adequate boiling of sea water. The
steam then passes through a steam separator, in which the water particles in the steam are separated and

The steam then enters the condenser, where it cools down to form fresh water. It is then removed from the
condenser with the help of a distillate pump. The remainder sea water particles or the brine which gets collected
at the bottom is drawn out with the help of an ejector pump.



(15) Installation and Flow diagram of FW generator




(16) Overhauling of Turbocharger, Parts and Components.

Overhauling of Turbocharger:
STEP 1: Disconnect the tachometer. Attach sling to the silencer. Remove the nuts securing the silencer to the
air casing and remove and land silencer, securing if necessary.

STEP 2: Using feeler gauges, measure the clearance between compressor impeller and air inlet casing. Measure
at top and bottom and both sides. Record the readings and compare with manufacturers data.

STEP 3: Undo the socket bolts holding the inner scroll air casing, Attach lifting gear and jack off casing using
jacking bolts. Remove and land safely taking care not to damage the diffuser.

STEP 4: Remove top securing nuts from the gas casing, attach lifting tool, and remove remaining nuts. Jack off
casing using bolts, land gas casing and secure taking care not to damage nozzle ring

STEP 5: Using feeler gauges, measure the clearance between the turbine blade tips and the gas casing. Record
the readings and compare with manufacturers data.

STEP 6: Place a clock gauge on the shaft end on the gas side. Spin the rotor several times to break the lube oil
adhesion and then pull and push the rotor to gauge the total thrust clearance (about 0.3mm)

STEP 7: Remove the cap from the end of the shaft on the impeller end. Using a micrometer, measure the
depth from the end of the shaft to the top of the nut. Record this reading. This is so that a reference can be made
when refitting impeller. Next, use a clock gauge to measure the shaft run out. This should be less than 0.01mm.

STEP 8: Screw the support shaft on to the end of the shaft at the turbine end and mount the support stay and
guide roller to the end of the gas casing.

STEP 9: Screw the hydraulic jack supplied on to the thread on the impeller end of the shaft, and back off 1 turn.
After using a jacking pump to raise the pressure to 675 bar, loosen the nut with a tommy bar. Remove jack and

nut. Bolt on tool and free impeller from seating


STEP 10: Bolt on lifting tool, slide impeller off shaft and land safely.

STEP 11: Remove the impeller drive sleeve from the splined shaft by screwing two rods into the threaded holes
provided and pulling off.

STEP 12: Undo bolts, screw in two support rods and remove oil labyrinth and thrust bearing housing.

STEP 13: Screw two threaded rods into the holes in the thrust collar and remove.

STEP 14: Screw rotor guide tube onto the rotor shaft, lubricate with oil and bolt on the guide tube support stay
as shown.

STEP 15: Lift rotor shaft slightly by raising the roller on the guide tube support at the turbine end. Attach strop
to rotor shaft, support with chain block and slide rotor out of casing

STEP 16: Attach second strop to other side of rotor, remove support stay and slide rotor out of casing. Land in
cradle so as not to damage turbine blades.

STEP 17: Undo bolts and remove gas labyrinth from casing.

STEP 18: Remove turbine end oil labyrinth from casing.

STEP 19: Remove turbine journal bearing from casing.

STEP 20: At the compressor end, unscrew bolts and remove turbine side thrust bearing.

STEP 21: Lastly, remove the compressor end journal bearing.

(17) Familiarity with Windlass, Mooring winches, cargo Winches and Deck Cranes and Maintenance
Refer C4

(18) Function of Steering gear, Telemotor system ~ Working of steering gear.

Refer C 4

(19) Familiarity with Marine Incinerator:

Refer C10



(20) Air conditioning and Ventilation

Air conditioning is the process of maintaining comfortable conditions inside a closed space. It controls
temperature, humidity, air flow rate and the cleanliness of air inside a room. Humans feel most comfortable at
temperatures around 25 degree Celsius and humidity of 50% with certain flow rates of air. This is called a
comfort zone. At this temperature and humidity, humans are able to work at their maximum efficiency. Air
conditioning is the process of maintaining specific temperature, relative humidity, specific flow rate of air and
low dust levels inside an enclosed space.

The function of the air conditioning system is to absorb this heat and throw it to the surroundings thereby
maintaining low temperature inside the room. It also absorbs the excess amount of dew inside the room and
maintains humidity levels inside the room. The fan inside the air conditioner maintains proper flow of air inside
the room, while the filter cleans and purifies the air.

Air conditioning serves a dual purpose. If the surrounding temperature is higher than the comfort temperature of
250C, it acts as a cooler whereby it keeps the room cool. On the other hand, if the surrounding temperature is
too low, it acts as a heater and increases the temperature inside the room. There is a valve in the air conditioner
which enables us to change its functioning. But more commonly, air conditioning is used to maintain
temperatures lower than the surroundings and the specific levels of humidity.

Some of the important parts of air conditioning systems are: Compressor, Condenser, Expansion valve and
Evaporator. To transfer the heat from a room to its surroundings, some media is required. The
air conditioning systems come in various capacities with different flow rates of air and Freon R404A is the
refrigerant used in air conditioning systems.
The capacity of an air conditioner is measured in terms of tonnage. If the capacity of an air conditioner is one
ton, it can remove 3024Kcal of heat from a room in an hour. If the size of a closed space is large and the
number of people is also large, the amount of heat generated inside the room is very high; hence more heat is to
be removed and larger capacity air conditioners are required.




The maintenance for a R404A air-con installation should be completed as follows:-
1. Check and record suction, discharge, oil pressure, motor amperage, blower outlet temp & % humidity
2. Inspect the compressor unit and check that there are no abnormal noises or vibrations.
3. Check the temperatures on suction & discharge side of compressor.
4. Check the oil level (Charging connection provided on compressor crank case)
5. Check the shaft seal & double shut off line valves for any leakages using soap solution
6. If an oil separator is installed, check that oil is return crankcase
7. Clean air filter and expansion valve line filters periodically.
8. Refrigerant liquid level in condenser (Gas or liquid charged - qty to be logged as per MARPOL Annex VI)
9. Routine maintenance as per PMS on:
 Cylinder head compressor valves
 Crankcase inspection & oil change
 Oil filters
 V-Belt tension check
 Alarms & trips

System Safety:
 Compressor Crankcase Low Lube Oil Pressure Cut Out
 Low Suction Pressure Cut Out
 High Discharge Pressure Cut Out
 Relief valve on Condenser for safe guarding against high pressure (Set Point:1.5xWP)
 Shut off solenoid valves in respective compartments
 Blower ~ Compressor electrical interlock.




(21) Schematic diagram showing Control of Main Engine F.O Viscosity

(22) Explain the operation of Governors.

Refer C4

(23) Explain the operation of Over Speed trip.

Refer C4

(24) Explain the type of Filters.

Mechanical separation of solid contaminants from oil systems (fuel and lubricating) is achieved by the
use of filters and strainers. A strainer is usually a coarse filter to remove the larger contaminating particles. Both
are arranged as full flow units, usually mounted in pairs (duplex) with one as a standby.
The strainer usually employs a mesh screen, an assembly of closely packed metal plates or wire coils which
effectively block all but the smallest particles. It is usually fitted on the suction side of a pump and must be
cleaned regularly or when the pressure differential across it becomes unacceptable. Where suction conditions
are critical the strainer will be fitted on the discharge side of the pump. When cleaning is undertaken the other
unit will be connected into the system by changeover valves or levers and oil circulation will continue. The
particles of dirt collect on the outside of the strainer element or basket and can be removed by compressed air or
brushing. A strainer should be cleaned as soon as it is taken out of the system, then reassembled and left ready
for use.

Magnetic strainers are often used in lubricating oil systems, where a large permanent magnet collects any
ferrous particles which are circulating in the system. The magnet is surrounded by a cage or basket to simplify
cleaning. Fine filters, again in pairs, are used to remove the smallest particles of dirt from oil before the oil

enters the finely machined engine parts in either the fuel injection system or the bearings of the rotating

machinery. Fine filters are full-flow units which clean all the oil supplied to the engine. The filtering substance



may be a natural or synthetic fibrous woolen felt or paper. A felt-type fine filter is shown in Figure. A steel
division plate divides the steel pressure vessel into an upper and a lower chamber. Dirty oil passes into the
upper chamber and through the filter element, and then the filtered oil passes down the central tube to the lower
chamber and out of the unit. A magnetic filter can be positioned as shown in the central tube. A spring-loaded
bypass is shown in the diagram, for lubricating oil filters only, to ensure a flow of oil should the filter become
blocked. The cartridge in the design shown is disposable although designs exist to enable back-flushing with
compressed air to clean the filter element as required. The filter unit shown will be one of a pair which can be
alternately in service.

In full-flow filtration systems all the oil passes through the filter on its way to the engine. In a by-pass system
most of the oil goes to the lubrication system and a part is by-passed to a filter. A higher pressure drop across
the filter can then be used and a slower filtration rate. A centrifugal filter can be used in a by-pass system where
the oil passes through a rotor and spins it at high speed. Dirt particles in the oil are then deposited on the walls
of the rotor and the clean oil returns to the sump. This type of filter cannot block or clog and requires no
replaceable elements. It must be dismantled for cleaning of the rotor unit at regular intervals.

Microbiological Infestation

Minute microorganisms, i.e. bacteria, can exist in lubricating oils and fuel oils. Under suitable conditions they
can grow and multiply at phenomenal rates. Their presence leads to the formation of acids and sludge, metal
staining, deposits and serious corrosion. The presence of slime and the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide)
indicates a contaminated system.

Water in a lubricating oil or fuel oil, oxygen and appropriate temperature conditions will result in the growth of
bacteria and infestation of a system. The removal of water or ensuring its presence is at a minimum, is the best
method of infestation prevention. The higher the temperature in settling, service and drain tanks holding fuel or
lubricating oils, the better. Test kits are available to detect the presence of bacteria, and biocides can be used to
kill all bacteria present in a system. The system must then be thoroughly flushed out



(25) Explain Risk Assessment & Safety Culture

 A very effective way to prevent accidents is to examine likelihood of injury, damage or loss.
 Examine what can be done to prevent such injury, damage or loss.
 Identifies unsafe procedures and hazards that may have become accepted as a normal practice.
 Risk assessment is a systematic way to establish whether the Best Practice is followed.
 Risk assessment will not eliminate every accident or injury but it will raise awareness of the crew
to the dangers surrounding them while at work.

Factors influencing the development of a Credible Safety Culture:

 Attitude to work
 Crew encouragement in promoting safety and prevention of accidents
 Recruitment of competent crew
 Working hours and fatigue
 Shore based management support
 Commercial pressures
 Cutting corners to save money

Five steps of Risk Assessment:

 Instil a culture on board the ship in which senior crew take full control of what happens on their
ships and ensure safety is considered as a way of life
 Raise levels of awareness, concentration and thought process should be simple and relevant.
 Conduct tool box meetings prior to commencing the job



Risk Assessment:

Slightly Harmful = 1 Harmful = 2 Very Harmful = 3

Highly Unlikely = 1 1 2 3

Unlikely = 2 2 4 6

Likely = 3 3 6 9

Risk factor Risk category Action and timescale

1 Trivial No action and no


2 Tolerable No additional controls

3&4 Moderate Reasonable efforts to

reduce risk
6 Substantial Reduce risk

9 Intolerable Eliminate risk

Solutions to ensure the development of a good safe working culture:

 Training and drills

 Share near miss experiences
 Encourage crew to think and contribute ideas
 Encourage crew to challenge decisions
 Encourage to plan for the unexpected

In simple words:

 Be aware
 Be alert
 Keep it simple
 Use common sense
 RA is a continuous process, sustain the process
 Document tool box meetings



(26) Planned Maintenance System













Every boiler of working pressure 3.5 bar and heating surface area 4.65 m2 and above must be subjected to
survey by concerning Class society.

Survey interval:

DNV & LLOYDS: Every 2-years interval until 8 years old, and every 1-year interval after 8 years old.

GL: Every 2 1⁄2 years interval until 10 years old and every 1-year interval after 10 years old.
When the surveying boiler to be through examined internally and externally. If found necessary , hydraulic
pressure test , thickness gauging and non – destructive test to boiler metal could be conducted.

Survey items:

1. All mountings to be opened up and surveyed.

2. Fuel oil burning system , valves and piping system
3. Pressure gauge and water level indicators
4. Safety valves
5. Collision chocks , seating stools and stay bolts to be examined. 6. Safety devices fitted on boiler and alarm

Annual Boiler Survey includes:

1. Hydraulic testing (1.25 x approved working pressure for not more than 10 minutes).
2. Pressure testing of main steam piping at 15% in excess of approved working pressure for not more
than 10 minutes.
3. Internal inspection, hammer test to furnace, stays bolts, fire and stay tubes, brickwork, baffles and
4. Inspection of alarm and control system, fuel system, feed system, all steam piping and lagging
arrangement, foundation and chocking system.
5. Checking of pressure gauge and water level gauges.
6. Testing of safety valves to blow off at the pressure not greater than 3% above w.p.
7. After 10 years old or at any time, if surveyor demands, drill test near the water line should be done to
determine actual thickness of boiler shell If found necessary, lower working pressure may be reassigned




At 4 years interval:
In addition to above Annual inspection procedure, all valves on boiler required to open-up and inspected, every
4 years at the time of Annual Survey, or at the next regular dry docking period thereafter.

Preparation for survey:

 Shut down the boiler and gradually cold down.
 All steam valves tight shut
 Carry out bottom blow down properly
 When the boiler pressure in near to ATM pressure, open the boiler vent valve , sight glass drain cock ,
salinometer cock to prevent the vacuum effect.
 Lift the safety valve by easing gear
 Top man door open first and when open bottom man hole use the crow bar and stand clear away
because hot water may left inside.
 When boiler cold enough, Clean water and firesides.
 All of the boiler mountings to be overhauled and displayed for survey.
 Gags or clamps must be prepared for safety valves.
 Boiler must be filled with water at a temperature not more than 38° C for fire tube boiler and not more
than 82° C for water tube boiler.
 Drip pan placed under all burners.
 Tank top and bilges cleaned.
 Pump for pressure test to be kept ready.
 Blanks must be installed at steam valves and water level gauge


1. Tail shaft with water lubricated bearing, to be drawn and surveyed, every 3 years for single screw, and every
4 years for twin screw.

2. Tail shaft with oil lubricated bearings, to be drawn and surveyed once every 4 years.

3. It is a survey done by Surveyor at the request of owner or his agent, due to damage of hull, machinery or
equipment, which can affect the seaworthiness, or class of ship.

4. All necessary repairs to be carried out to Surveyor’s satisfaction

Tail shaft survey includes:

1. Complete with draw tail shaft

2. Propeller nut and tail shaft threaded end to be checked.


3. Cone, key and keyway to be checked, and forward part of the taper to be checked for crack with approved
crack detecting method.



4. Tail shaft-bearing wear, to be checked.

5. Stern bush and bearings, to be checked.

6. Shaft sealing arrangement, including oil system, to be checked.


Classification Societies with International Association of Classification Societies or IACS such as LR, ABS,
GL, DnV, BV, etc require that all machinery under their rules must be surveyed every five years. This heavy
work load is reduced if all surveys were done at one time, all Classification Societies will allow some items
to be surveyed in rotation, over a number of annual cycles. Here surveys are continuous over the five year cycle
of surveys, so it is called as Continuous Survey of Machinery or CSM.

To reduce the costs to Owners/Operators, Class will allow the Chief Engineer to survey most items under his
supervision. Once surveyed by the Chief Engineer, the items would still require the Class Surveyor to credit the
surveys at an annual audit. The Chief Engineer will be instructed by Class that he is eligible to undertake these
surveys on Class’s behalf, and the specific items he can and cannot survey.

To fully utilise the manpower on-board ships, it would be prudent to ensure that when items are due for survey,
that they are also required to be overhauled. Thus as the time when overhauls are due can be modified by
operational practices, the Chief Engineer should endeavor to ensure that both the overhaul or planned
maintenance routine and the survey are due within the same time period.

Programmes for which Opening Machinery not Required

Two programmes briefed below are approved by the Class in order that physical opening up machinery is not
necessary on every occasion.

Lubricating oil analysis

This programme could be used on the steering gear machinery. Samples of the lubricant within the system
would be sent for analysis on a regular, three monthly basis to detect contaminants, wear particles, and oil
characteristics, such as viscosity. These results will indicate the quality of the oil, and the presence of any
internal wear. Based on these results, an internal inspection of the steering gear should be wavered, and only an
operational test be required at the survey date.



Performance monitoring

This programme could be used on auxiliary diesel engines. The operational parameters of the engine, such as
exhaust temperatures, lubricating oil pressures, engine load, boost air pressure, etc, etc, would be recorded
under steady state conditions. These sets of recent readings would be compared with those taken when the
machine was new, or in a known good operating condition. Based on these results the internal inspection of the
engine components would be wavered.



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