Government of Kerala: Rs. Rs. Rs
Government of Kerala: Rs. Rs. Rs
Government of Kerala: Rs. Rs. Rs
The Superintending Engineer, PWD Roads and Bridges, South Circle, Thiruvananthapuram
for and on behalf of the governor of Kerala invites sealed Tenders from the Registered contractors of
PWD. The opening of tender is fixed at 4.30 p.m. on the same day of receipt of tender.
LAC-ADF-2012-13- Improvements to
1 Name of work Mukkali - Valakappara road ch.0/000 to
2 Estimate Amount Rs. 1,19,79,381/-
3 EMD (2.5%) Rs. 2,99,500/-
4 Cost of Tender form Rs.18,900/-
5 Period of completion 6 months
7 Issue of tender documents Can be down loaded from PWD Web site
www. kerala pwd.
8 Last date of receipt of tender 28/2/2013 up to 4pm.
Tender documents and tender schedule may be downloaded from PWD Web site
Cover containing tenders should be superscribed with Tender Number, Name of work,
Division and Sub Division and should be addressed to the Superintending Engineer, PWD Roads
and Bridges, South Circle, Thiruvananthapuram 695033. Tenders are accepted only through
registered post or speed post. Late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders will be opened in the
presence of tenderer or their authorized representatives who may be present at that time.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
If the tender date happens to be on a declared holiday the tender process will be done on the next
working day at same time and place. The cost of tender forms may be paid as demand draft in
favour of Superintending Engineer, Roads and Bridges, South Circle, Thiruvananthapuram and shall
be submitted along with the tender and is not refundable under any circumstance. Attested copy of
relevant page of Contractor’s Registration Card may also be enclosed.
Cheques or any other type of remittence will not be accepted for the cost of tender forms.
Tenders are to be accompanied with a preliminary agreement executed in Kerala stamp paper
worth R.100/- and EMD at the rate of 2.5% (for the works beyond Rs.50.00 Lakhs) of the Estimate
PAC. The EMD shall be paid/produced in any one of the following.
i) Draft on scheduled bank/Nationalised bank made payable to the Superintending
Engineer, R&B south Circle, Thiruvananthapuram.
ii) Deposit on scheduled bank/Nationalised bank pledged in favour of Superintending
Engineer, R&B south Circle, Thiruvananthapuram.
iii) Chellan receipt from the Govt. Treasury, the chellan being countersigned by the
Executive Engineer(General), PWD, R&B South Circle, Thiruvananthapuram.
iv) National Savings/Kissan Vikas Patra pledged in favour of Superintending Engineer,
R&B south Circle, Thiruvananthapuram.
v) Bank Guarantee from Nationalised bank.
There shall be no negotiation after opening the tender and if quoted PAC of the lowest tender
exceeds local market rate justification estimate, work will be retendered. More over if the tender
quoted PAC is less than 75% of estimate PAC, such tender will be rejected. Tender excess will not
be allowed for LAC-ADF-2012-13 works as per Circular No 17390/C3/2012/PWD
dated 01-10-2012
The selected bidder shall produce security deposit for works upto 2.00 Crore is equal to 5%
of the contract amount or Rs. 2.00 lakhs whichever is less and for the works beyond 2.00 Crore is
equal to 10% of the contract amount in the form of bank guarantee from any nationalized bank/
Scheduled bank which shall remain valid till 28 days from completion of defect liability period.
If bid of the successful bidder is unbalanced in any item in the case of item rate contract or in
total in case of percentage rate contract relation to the estimate, the difference in cost should be
deposited as performance security deposit for unbalanced price in addition to normal performance
security deposit of Kerala PWD will be applicable in this tender also.
Roads and Bridges, South Circle,
(For and on behalf of Govt. of Kerala)
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Tender No.169/SESC/2012-13
(Signature of the officer issue tender
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
N.B: The details noted herein are only approximate and the tenders of the lead an
quality and quantity of materials available before tendering. Any plea put forward later
on for enhancement rate or grounds of adequacy of the materials available on for other
seasons in the lead etc. will not be considered.
Sl. Description Unit of Rate of Supply Place of departmental
No. of item. Calculation of delivery. Delivery
II. The cost of bitumen will be recovered at the rate of Rs. 40367/T for 80/100 grade,
Rs.41320 for bitumen 60/70, Rs.42677 for NRMB and Rs.34975 for emulsion per tonne
excluding cost of empty drum and empty drum of bitumen used on the work should be
returned in good condition the value of empty tar drum will be recovered at the rates of
Rs.100/- per drum + S.T. as per rules. Also the rates for recovery of excess Bitumen allowing
2 ½ % for wastage will be double the issue rate.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
I hereby declare that I have persued in detail and examined closely in the
Madras Detailed Standard Specification, all Clauses of the standard preliminary
specification before I submit the tender and I agree to be bound by and comply with all
such specifications except clause 73 and other clauses relating to arbitrations contained
therein. The guarantee period of 18 months as per G.O. (MS) No. 98/02/PWD dated
21/11/1992 is noted by me for this work, I have signed the register as below in
acknowledgment thereof having examined the MDSS and other documents connected
with the contract.
Tenderer of Contractor’s
Signature :
Name :
Date: Address :
In respect of each work the PWD officers concern passes the bill will
determined the total cost of purchased items utilized in the work and issue a certificate
regarding the above amount to the assessing authority concerned. Six point four eight
percentage (6.48%) of the value of the purchasable items except departmental materials
will be retained by the P.W.D. officers when the bill for the work is passes for payment
and the amount so retained will be credited to the Sales Tax Department.
In assessing the tax liability, the percentage, will be worked out reference to
the contractors value of the work whether it below or above the estimate amount,
purchase tax will be leviable as per sections 2 (2) of the Kerala Finance Act. 1991 as
modified periodically.
PWD Roads and Bridges (S) Circle,
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
The tenders of contractors which do not quote their account in any of the
banks having core banking solutions in the requisition for e-payment form
attached with the tender documents for making the e-payment would be rejected
– vide para3 of GO(P) No. 06/2012/PWD dated 10/01/12.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Annexure II
Requisition for e-payment as per GO(P)No.06/2012/PWD dtd.10/01/2012.
(To be attached with tender form)
(Name of Bank) (Name of Branch with IFC Code)
systems, as the case may be, for all payments relating to this work.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Bills shall be submitted in accordance with the form supplied by the Executive Engineer and
the rates at which the value of the work calculated shall be as those entered in the attached schedule
of rates. The allow for a guarantee fund of 10 percent, for all payments to the contractor recovery is
to be made by the Executive Engineer, at the time of payment. This guarantee fund of retention
money shall be made in favour of the Executive Engineer in charge of the work subject to the
condition that if recoveries are to be made for such amount which become due to Government it will
be recovered from the deposits.
The Contractor shall deposit the entire retention money initially in bank before the
first running account bill is passed and paid. Additional retention money on the basis of the revision
of probable amount of contract and it shall also be deposited in bank before the bill in which such
additional claim in excess of the original probable amount of contract is passed and paid. As per G.O
(Ms) No.60/12/PWD dated 20/09/2012 amount from each work bill shall be realized as retention
amount of 10% of the executed amount for the works upto 2.00 Crores and for the works beyond
2.00 Crores no retention shall be realized as the security deposit of 10% of the contract amount is
furnished if the authority executing the agreement is satisfied that the amount so retained shall
covers the liabilities of the contractor if any. The retention amount which is held as additional
security will be released by the officer competent of making payment of the work to the satisfaction
of the Superintending Engineer, Roads & Bridges South Circle, Thiruvananthapuram and finally
taken over the Government and shall retain only such amount as he may consider necessary to be
recovered as the liabilities if any of the contractor. The maximum period of retaining the security
deposit is 1 ½ years from the date of completion of the work. The security amount will be necessary
released earlier to this at the direction of the superintending Engineer, concerned, provided he is
convinced that the amount as per the final bill will cover all liabilities of the Contractor and recorded
and provided further that the contractor has produced the latest clearance certificate of Income Tax
and Sales Tax. Till then the responsibility will rests with the contractor.
Note : The contractor should make his own arrangement for providing and bringing hot mix plant
required for bitumen concrete work.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
1. Land required for the work may not be available in full. Further land will be
handed over as and when it is received from the Land Acquisition Authority.
The Contractor shall not be eligible for any extra or enhance claims or for
compensation due to the non-availability of entire land. He shall also not be
eligible for any claims or compensative for the non- completion of the work
within the agreed time and for continuing the work in the extended period of
agreed time due to the above reasons.
2. In the case of any delay in shifting the Telephone posts, Electric posts, Electric
over head line and cables, water lines etc. by the concerned Department. This
department shall not in any way be liable for damages provided a proportionate
extension of time of completion of work will be granted in deserving cases on
application by the contractor.
3. For new road construction works, the road shall be opened to traffic after
completion of the sub base course, for minimum of one monsoon. B.T. should
be carried out on and over metalled surface after the above period.
4. For new works having guarantee period of 36 months in the agreement, the
Contractor is bound to do the black topping work along with the original work,
after the full settlement of the road is over and he is bound to rectify the
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Whereas the Government invited to tenders for the work is stated above ………………………...
H.E. name of the work by notification No.
Dated in the
AND WHEREAS Para 13 of the Notice inviting tenders stated as follows.
Before commencing work or within a week after the date when the acceptance of the
tender has been intimated to him, the tender or shall deposit a sum sufficient to make up to the
balance of 5 percent of the probable value of contract which together with the amount of earnest
money deposited shall be treated as security for the proper fulfillment of the same and shall
execute an agreement for the work in the PWD schedule form. If he fails to do this or in the case
of PWD contract maintain a specified rate of progress (to specified in each case the tender
schedule ) the earnest money and security deposit shall be forfeited to Government and fresh
tenders shall be called for or the matter otherwise disposed off. If as a result of such measures
due to the default of the tenderer to pay the requisite deposit, sign contract or take possession of
the work any loss to Government due to the same will be recovered from him as arrears of
revenue, but should it be a saving to Government the original contractor shall have no claim
whatever to the difference. Recoveries on this or any other account will be made from the sum
that may be due to the contractor on this or any or other subsisting contracts or under the
Revenue Recovery act or otherwise the Government may decide NOW THERE FOR IN THE
PRESENCE OF WITNESS it is mutually agreed as follows.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
1. The terms and conditions for the said contract having been stipulated in the said tender
form to which the contractor has agreed a copy of which is here to appended which forms
the part of this agreement, it is agreed that the terms and conditions stipulated therein
shall bind the parties to this agreement except to the extend to which they are abrogated
or altered by express terms and conditions herein agreed to and in which respect the
express provisions herein shall supersede those of said tender form.
2. The Contractor hereby agreed and undertake to perform and fulfill all the operations and
obligations connected with the execution of the said contract work “LAC- ADF-2012-13 –
Improvements to Mukkali Valakappara road from ch.0/000 to 3/200km” -(hereinafter the
name of the work) if awarded in favour of the Contractor.)
3. If the Contractor does not come forward and to execute the original agreement after the
said work is awarded and selection notice issued in his favour or commits breach of any
of the conditions of the contract as stipulated in clause 13 of the notice inviting tenders as
quoted above, within the period stipulated then the Government may re-arrange the work
other wise or get it done departmentally at the risk and the cost of the contractor and the
loss so sustained by the Government can be realized from the Contractor under the
Revenue recovery Act as if arrears of land revenue as assessed quantified and fixed by
an adjudicating authority consisting of the Secretary Public works) Chief Engineer
Admn:) or any other officer or officers authorized by Government in this behalf, taking
into consideration the prevailing P.W.D rates and after giving due notice to the
Contractor. The decision taken by such authority officer or officers shall be final and
conclusive and shall be binding on the Contractor.
4. The Contractor further agrees that any amount found due to the Government under or by
virtue of this agreement shall be recoverable from the Contractor from his EMD and his
properties movable and immovable as arrears of Land Revenue under the provision of the
Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force or in any other manner as the
Government may deem fit in this regard.
5. The Contractor further assures that it is clearly understood that the settlement of claims
either by part bills or by final bills will be made only according to the availability of
budget provision and allotment of funds made with the Divisional officer in charge of the
work under the respective heads of account in which the work is sanctioned and arranged
and also subject to the seniority of such bills. No claims for interest or for damages
whatsoever shall be made for the related settlement of claims of bills.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Signed by Sri…………………………………………………………………………
(officer / Officers of Public Works Department)
Signed and delivered by Sri…………………………………..
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
I. Bills shall be submitted by the contractor for part payment while the work is in progress or
final bill on completion of the work as per the specification, terms and conditions of the
contract and the Divisional officer shall take the requisite measures for having the same
checked and the claim as far as admissible settled according to the availability of budget
provision and allotment of funds made with the divisional officer under the respective
heads of account under which the work is sanctioned and arranged and also subject to the
seniority of such bills. The contractor shall not make any claim for interest or for damages
for any delay in settling the bills. No such claims shall be admitted by the Government
should the contractor be unable to prepare the bill for himself, the Divisional officer shall
depute a subordinate to measure the work performed in the presence of the contractor,
whose counter signature to the measurement list will he a sufficient warrant to the
Divisional officer to prepare the bill for him that list.
The tenderer / contractor must clearly understand that the settlement of the claims
either by part bills or by final bills will be made only according to the availability of
budget provision and allotment of funds made with the Division officer in charge of
the work under the respective head of account in which the work is sanctioned and
arranged and also subject to the seniority of such bills. No claim for interest or for
damages what so ever shall be made for the related settlement of Claims of bills. No
such claims shall be admitted by the Government.
DATED 5-11-2011
If M&E are supplied by department, 10% O.H. to M&E and 10% C.P. to O.H.
already sanctioned in the T.S. of the work will be recovered along with the hire
charges of machinery & equipments from the bill amount.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
13 (b) when payment on earth work exceeding 300m3are made based on the tape
measurements, the contractor shall given a declaration in writing to the effect that he
agree for the recovery of the over payment if any from the next bill.
The contractor is bound to carry out sinking of wells increase upto 10 metre
(ten metres) extra depth beyond the estimated design depth and rate for which shall be
paid as per schedule of rates and extra item conditions. In case of pile foundations,
precast or bored cast in situ, the same conditions as above shall apply.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
4. Clause 22 (Substitution)
Execution of agreement for works will be made within prescribed time limit
as follows:
a) The time allowed for executing agreement without fine will be 14 days
(Fourteen days) from the date of acceptance of tender. Acceptance of tender
rests with the Superintending Engineer, R&B South Circle,
b) Further time of 10 days shall be allowed to execute agreement by realizing fine
of 1% PAC subject to a minimum of Rs.1000 and Maximum of 25,000/- .
c) The successful bidder shall execute the agreement within 14 days or within 10
days with fine from the date of Acceptance of tender. In case of failure to
execute the agreement within this period offer of the contract will be cancelled
by forfeiting the EMD. The tender will be rejected if agreement is not executed
within 24 days and work will be awarded to the next lowest tenderer as per
d) The contractor will take over charge of the site within 10 days after executing
agreement and commence the work.
5. Clause 28 (Substitution)
Cement and steel will not be supplied departmentally in respect of works costing
more than T.S powers of the Superintending Engineer. The contractor will have to
purchase the same and complete the work.
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
They will also establish laboratory facilities for testing the quality of the materials at their
For works costing upto the T.S powers of the Superintending Engineer cement
and steel will be supplied departmentally. If cement steel and bitumen are not available in
departmental stores, the contractor will bound by agreement to purchase the same from open
market and complete the works as per the time schedule fixed. In such cases he will be paid
the market price of the materials and conveyance at market rates to the nearest available
source as fixed by the Executive Engineer (Building) of the concerned district.
The quality of the materials used by the Contractors should be ensured by the departmental
officers and testing of the materials wherever necessary will be done by the contractor at his
6. Clause 32 (A2) Addition
The Contractor will arrange the Road Roller required for the work by himself if not supplied
by the department.
5. Clause 35 (A) (I) Addition
The responsibility for safe custody of materials at work site and during transit will be vested
with the contractor. The concerned overseer in charge of the work will verify by the stock
and initiate action if any shortage in stock is noticed. Other inspecting officers will also
verify the stock during inspection.
6. Clause 42 (Addition)
The contractor will employ Technical Personal to supervise the work as follows :
1. For works costing from Rs.10.00 Lakhs
to 20 Lakhs One Diploma Holder
2. For works costing above Rs.20 Lakhs One Degree Holder
3. For Pre-qualification works and One Degree Holder and
works costing above Rs.20 lakhs. One Diploma Holder
The tendering Authority will consider genuine request for extension of time of completion of
work at the time of executing agreement taking into account the climate conditions or other local
problems at the site and grant extension of time upto three months (From the Original time of
completion)The tendering authority shall record the reason in such action with facts and figures.
The grace period will not be granted if the extension is necessitated due to the default on the
part of the Contractor
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
For extension of time of completion beyond the grace period fine will be imposed at
the following rates.
The extension of time of completion that can be granted at the time will not
exceed 25% of original time or 6 months whichever is less. Maximum Extension of
TOC will be limited to half of the agreed TOC.
10. Incentives will be paid to the contractor at the rate of 1% of the Estimate PAC
subject to a maximum of Rs.4 Lakhs (Four Lakhs) for completion of works
within the agreed time of completion. This clause is applicable only for the
works within T.S. Power of the Chief engineer(ie. which exceed T.S. powers of
the Superintending Engineer).
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934
i. It should be made compulsory that all contractors who procure the tender forms
to submit the tender with required EMD. Those who fail to submit tenders
consecutively for 3 works will be debarred from participating in the tender
for a stipulated period of time ranging from 3 months to 6 months and those
who fail to submit the tenders consecutively for 5 works or more must be
denied renewal of registration.
ii. Whenever the tendering authority suspects collusion among contractors in the
tender process, the tender will be cancelled.
iv. The original registration card (Form III) should compulsorily be produced while
issuing the tender forms to the contractors.
v. If bid of the successful bidder is unbalanced in any item in the case of item rate
contract or in total in case of percentage rate contract relation to the
estimate, the difference in cost should be deposited as performance security
deposit for unbalanced price in addition to normal performance security
Free tenders for Road Improvement by Public Works Department-3772084934