Design and Testing of Stockbridge Vibration Dampers
Design and Testing of Stockbridge Vibration Dampers
Design and Testing of Stockbridge Vibration Dampers
Stockbridge Vibration
3. Sub-span Oscillation
4. Longitudinal vibration/movement
Vortex Shedding (Top) Fig.-4 shows shedding of vertex from top side
and formation and building up of vortex at
bottom. It also shows movement of conductor
due to vortex shedding.
Thus due to quick repetition of such vortex shedding, the conductor gets induced vertical vibration which is also known as
Aeolian Vibration.
Consider a motor with mass m1 attached via motor mounts to the ground. The motor vibrates as it operates and the soft
motor mounts act as a parallel spring and damper, k1 and c1. The force on the motor mounts is F0; suppose we wish to
reduce the maximum force on the motor mounts as the motor operates over a range of speeds.
Let F1 be the effective force on the motor due to its operation. We will
add a smaller mass, m2, connected to m1 by a spring and a damper, k2
and c2.
The heights of the two peaks can be adjusted by changing the stiffness of the spring in the tuned mass damper. Changing
the damping also changes the height of the peaks, in a complex fashion. The split between the two peaks can be changed
by altering the mass of the damper (m2).
However, the modern dampers are modified to have one of the rigid
weights greater than the other and also unequal length on either side.
Hence the differential weights and lever arms are used to obtain 4 resonant frequencies. The significance of this is that the
damper action is maximum at its resonant frequencies and is less effective as we move away from the resonant frequencies.
Having 4 resonant frequencies as opposed to 2 give us a greater damping over the entire spectrum of Aeolian vibration
frequencies and also increase the fatigue life of damper itself.
W W W1 W2
L L L1 L2
Our design are verified by Professor Diana`s Software. We
Input Data
common to
first ascertain the self-damping characteristics. Using this data
ESANAM, CICF we design the damper placement over the required frequency
AS, ATTRA2 and
VERIF2 spectrum. Using the data obtained, the validation of our
damper design is done. The flow chart shows the schematic
Natural Frequencies and
Principal Modes of
view of the computer system and the
Vibration Mechanical system:
Out put
Comparison between This is used to defined the true value of the conductor
analytical and experimental
stiffness EJ = RedEJmax
2. Span End Condition - The two types of constraints for the span extremity are fixed clamp and pivot.
3. Armor Rod – If the armor rods are used at the suspension points, the number of layers must be specified ( 1 or 2 ).
For any of the layers, the half length (la) , number and diameter should be given. If the armor rod total length is lt ,
la = (lt - lcl ) /2 which lcl is the suspension clamp length. The material of the armor rods can be steel or aluminum and
must be specified.
4. Dead end or suspension clamp – It is possible to introduce data relevant to the type dead end or suspension clamp in
both the cases, 2 sets of data are necessary.
• The length of the fitting in meters.
• The moment of inertia with respect to the hinged extremity (kg m2 )
This study along with repeat dynamic characteristics is conducted after completion of 10 + 10 million cycles fatigue test
(or as specified by customer) at two higher resonance frequencies. Pre & post fatigue study result are compared to
assess reduction/ deterioration of damping efficiency of Vibration Damper.
According to IS Standards the following Type Tests are performed –
1. Visual Examination, 2. Verification of Dimensions, 3. Resonance
Frequency Test, 4. Fatigue Test, 5. Mass Pull Off Test, 6. Dynamic
Characteristics Test, 7. Damping Efficiency Test, 8. Clamp Slip Test, 9. Clamp
Bolt Torque Test, 10. Galvanizing/Electroplating Test, 11. Magnetic Power
Loss Test, 12. Corona Test, 13. Radio Interference Test
For the routine test , the dampers are subjected to Visual Examination.
Conforming to IS Standards the following acceptance tests are performed on
Vibration Dampers -
1. Visual examination, 2. Verification of dimensions, 3. Resonance frequency
test, 4. Fatigue test, 5. Mass pull off test, 6. Galvanizing / electroplating test.
" A study by the group of trainee engineers of Supreme & Co. Pvt. Ltd. At the end of their training. Contact email id :,,