Design Development Process.2
Design Development Process.2
Design Development Process.2
Stage (ii) Project Review 1: Confirm approval for design expenditure (Report to Sanctioning Authority and await approval prior to proceeding)
Design Manage procurement strategy VM: Consider VM in relation to procurement Definitive Procurement Strategy
Manage design consultant appointment Appoint Design Team / Design Team Leader Appoint Design Team / Lead Consultant strategy Contract Type Proposal
Manage assessment of output Assess output requirements Develop design standards Check / assess budget Project Team Selection Report
requirements Assess output requirements RM: Identify risk in relation to procurement
Agree risk allocation
Stage 2 Project Review 2: Confirm requirements; review procurement strategy ( C ertify compliance to Sanctioning Authority; and proceed after agreed period provided no queries / hold from Sanctioning Authority)
Planning Manage Outline Design process Develop Outline Sketch Scheme Develop Preliminary Planning VM: Consider VM in relation to Outline Sketch Outline Sketch Scheme (Building)
Developed Appoint PSDP (if not appointed earlier) Appoint PSDP (if not appointed earlier) Develop Outline Cost Plan Scheme / Preliminary Planning Preliminary Planning drawings (C.
Standard Conditions of Engagement
Project Review 3: Assess project design and Outline Cost Plan ( Certify compliance
Capital Appraisal
to Sanctioning Authority; and proceed after agreed period provided no queries / hold from Sanctioning Authority)
Manage Developed Design process Develop Developed Sketch Scheme Continue Preliminary Planning Develop Developed Cost Plan VM: Carry out value engineering Developed Sketch Scheme
Stage (iii) Manage the Detailed Design Process Develop Detailed Design (not design-and- Develop Detailed Planning (Design) (not Conduct Detailed and Pre-Tender Cost VM: Review suitability assessment of Tender Documentation
build) design-and-build) Checks and Whole Life Cost Update in contractors for VM potential Detailed Pre-tender Cost Check
Tender Prepare tender documents Prepare tender documents advance of preparing tender documents Whole Life Cost Update
RM: Review suitability assessment of
contractors for risk impact Contractor List Selection
Project Review 6: Approve detailed design solution; review pre-tender cost check; review risk (Report to Sanctioning Authority and await approval prior to proceeding)
Manage the Tender Process Issue tender documents Issue tender documents Develop Tender Cost Analysis VM: Assess tender returns for VM potential Tender Assessment Criteria
Assess tender returns Assess tender returns Develop Tender Report RM: Assess tender returns for risk impact Tender Analysis And Report
Recommend successful tenderer Recommend successful tenderer Contractor Recommendation
Project Review 7: Review tender returns in advance of awarding the contract (Report to Sanctioning Authority and await approval prior to proceeding)
Stage 3 Stages (iv) Manage the implementation / construction Develop Detailed Design (Design and Develop Detailed Planning (Design and Build) Manage change control for costs VM: Carry out value engineering (for design Various contract management reports
process Build) Implement design Prepare final account and build projects only)
Implementation Construction & (v) Manage change control Implement design RM: Manage residual risk
(v) Handover Manage contract Manage construction risk
Stage 4 Manage the Project Review Conduct design review Conduct design review Develop Analysis of Outturn Cost VM: Evaluate value achieved Project Outturn Review
Review RM: Evaluate the risk management and risk
mitigation process
Consider operational risk reviews