Waste Management: Saurabh Gupta, Ram Boojh, Ajai Mishra, Hem Chandra
Waste Management: Saurabh Gupta, Ram Boojh, Ajai Mishra, Hem Chandra
Waste Management: Saurabh Gupta, Ram Boojh, Ajai Mishra, Hem Chandra
Waste Management
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/wasman
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Hospitals and other healthcare establishments have a ‘‘duty of care” for the environment and for public
Accepted 2 June 2008 health, and have particular responsibilities in relation to the waste they produce (i.e., biomedical waste).
Available online 5 August 2008 Negligence, in terms of biomedical waste management, significantly contributes to polluting the environ-
ment, affects the health of human beings, and depletes natural and financial resources. In India, in view of
the serious situation of biomedical waste management, the Ministry of Environment and Forests, within
the Government of India, ratified the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, in July 1998.
The present paper provides a brief description of the biomedical waste (Management and Handling)
Rules 1998, and the current biomedical waste management practices in one of the premier healthcare
establishments of Lucknow, the Vivekananda Polyclinic. The objective in undertaking this study was to
analyse the biomedical waste management system, including policy, practice (i.e., storage, collection,
transportation and disposal), and compliance with the standards prescribed under the regulatory frame-
The analysis consisted of interviews with medical authorities, doctors, and paramedical staff involved
in the management of the biomedical wastes in the Polyclinic. Other important stakeholders that were
consulted and interviewed included environmental engineers (looking after the Biomedical Waste Cell)
of the State Pollution Control Board, and randomly selected patients and visitors to the Polyclinic. A gen-
eral survey of the facilities of the Polyclinic was undertaken to ascertain the efficacy of the implemented
measures. The waste was quantified based on random samples collected from each ward. It was found
that, although the Polyclinic in general abides by the prescribed regulations for the treatment and dis-
posal of biomedical waste, there is a need to further build the capacity of the Polyclinic and its staff in
terms of providing state-of-the-art facilities and on-going training in order to develop a model biomedical
waste management system in the Polyclinic. There is also a need to create awareness among all other
stakeholders about the importance of biomedical waste management and related regulations.
Furthermore, healthcare waste management should go beyond data compilation, enforcement of regula-
tions, and acquisition of better equipment. It should be supported through appropriate education, train-
ing, and the commitment of the healthcare staff and management and healthcare managers within an
effective policy and legislative framework.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction pletes natural and financial resources (Henry and Heinke, 1996;
Oweis et al., 2005). The impact of waste generated from the health-
Hospitals and other healthcare establishments have a ‘‘duty of care establishments on human health and the environment has of-
care” for the environment and for public health, and have particu- ten not been given significant attention from either the affected
lar responsibilities in relation to the waste they produce, i.e., bio- people or the concerned authorities.
medical waste (Pruss et al., 1999). Negligence regarding The biomedical waste generated during diagnosis, treatment,
biomedical waste management significantly contributes to envi- and immunization processes in healthcare establishments includes
ronmental pollution, affects the health of human beings, and de- wastes such as sharps, human tissue or body parts, and other infec-
tious materials, and is often considered to be a subcategory of hos-
pital waste (Baveja et al., 2000; Gupta and Boojh, 2006). It is also
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 522 2740015x5532; fax: +91 522 2740013.
‘‘potentially’’ infectious (Levendis et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2002a),
E-mail addresses: sguptalko@rediffmail.com (S. Gupta), r.boojh@unesco.org (R.
Boojh), ajaimishra2007@yahoo.co.in (A. Mishra), hchandra55@yahoo.com (H. and certain categories of waste are potentially hazardous (Karad-
Chandra). emir, 2004; Defra, 2005; Bdour et al., 2006). The indiscriminant
0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Gupta et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 812–819 813
and unscientific management of biomedical waste poses serious lection, transportation and disposal), and compliance with the
threats to human health. This also involves hazards and risks, not standards prescribed under the regulatory framework.
only for the generators and operators, but also for the general com- In light of all of the above, this study was initiated and intended
munity (Sandhu and Singh, 2003). as a case study at Vivekananda Polyclinic in Lucknow, India (Fig. 1).
Studies on the waste management system in Indian hospitals Lucknow, India, the state capital of Uttar Pradesh, is situated
are very few (Lakshmi, 2003; Patil and Pokhrel, 2005). One of the 123 m above sea level. It is located at 26.30 and 27.10 North lati-
studies on the biomedical waste management practices of a spe- tude and 80.30 and 81.13 East longitude. It covers an area of
cific hospital (Balrampur) in Lucknow, India, has recommended 2528 km2, and the river Gomti flows through the city. The popula-
the need for strict enforcement of legal provisions and a better tion of the Lucknow district, as of a 2001 census, was 3.68 million.
environmental management system for the disposal of biomedical Lucknow is well connected by rail, road, and air with all the major
waste (Gupta and Boojh, 2006). The present study focuses on the cities of the country.
analysis of the biomedical waste management system in Viveka-
nanda Polyclinic in Lucknow, mainly from a regulatory point of 1.1. Management of biomedical waste
Vivekananda Polyclinic is one of the ideal medical centres in the The management of hospital waste first became an issue of con-
North Indian State of Utter Pradesh, which provides extensive cern in the 1980s in the United States when a huge uproar was
modern diagnostic facilities and specialized treatment for various raised about hospital waste floating along east coast beaches and
diseases not only to local people, but also to those from other parts children playing with used syringes. This led to the enactment of
of Uttar Pradesh and from far-off places like Nepal. It is believed the US Medical Waste-Tracking Act of 1988, which came into force
that, in the Polyclinic, the level of responsibility is higher than at on November 1, 1988 (Dayananda, 2004). In India too, there was
any other polyclinic/hospital in the state. public outcry against hospital waste disposal practices, and several
The objective of this study was to analyse the biomedical waste public interest litigations (PILs) were filed in different courts that
management system, including policy, practice (i.e., storage, col- put pressure on the government to enact a law governing health-
of Environment and Forests of the Government of India created Category Type of waste Treatment and
the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, which No. disposal
came into effect on 20th July, 1998. These rules have been framed 1 Human anatomical waste: Human tissues, Incinerationa/deep
as an application of the powers conferred by Sections 6, 8 and 25 of organs, body parts burial
the Environment (Protection) Act 1986. These rules have six sched- 2 Animal waste: Animal tissues, organs, body Incinerationa/deep
parts, carcasses, fluid, blood; experimental burial
ules. A brief summary of the contents of each schedule is presented animals used in research, waste generated
in Table 1: by veterinary polyclinics
Under schedule I of these rules, biomedical waste has been clas- 3 Microbiology and biotechnology waste: Waste Autoclave/microwave/
sified into ten categories, which are listed in Table 2, along with from laboratory cultures, stocks or incinerationa
their corresponding treatment and disposal options, as prescribed
of micro-organisms, live or attenuated
in schedule V (The Gazette of India, 1998). vaccines, human and animal cell cultures
The colour-coding scheme and type of containers used for dif- used in research, infectious agents from
ferent categories of biomedical wastes are described under sche- research and industrial laboratories, waste
dule 2, and are presented in Table 3. The categories are grouped from production of biologicals, toxins, dishes
and devices used to transfer cultures
together to facilitate waste handling by unskilled staff.
4 Waste sharps: Needles, syringes, scalpels, Disinfection (chemical
The containers used for the storage and transportation of bio- blades, glass, etc. capable of causing treatment)c/
medical waste should be labeled with the appropriate biohazard punctures and cuts. This includes both used autoclaving/
or cytotoxic symbol, as described in schedules III and IV. In the case and unused sharps microwaving and
of off-site transportation, the vehicle should be covered and se-
5 Discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs: Incinerationa/
cured against accidental opening of a door, leakage/spillage, etc. Waste destruction and drugs
Schedule VI mandates that every hospital, polyclinic, nursing comprising outdated, contaminated and disposal in secured
home, veterinary institution, animal house, or slaughterhouse gen- discarded drugs and medicines landfills
erating biomedical waste needs to install an appropriate facility for 6 Contaminated solid waste: Items Incinerationa/
contaminated autoclaving/
managing waste on the premises, or should set up a common facil-
with blood fluids including cotton, dressings, microwaving
ity, which requires authorization from the appropriate authority. soiled plaster casts, linens, bedding
Table 4 indicates the time limit for the creation of the waste man- 7 Solid waste: Disposable items other than the Disinfection by
agement facilities at various healthcare establishments. waste sharps, such as tubing, catheters, IV chemical
sets treatmentc autoclaving/
The State Government can grant authorization for the collec-
etc. microwaving and
tion, segregation, storage, treatment, and disposal of biomedical mutilation/shreddingb
wastes via the: (a) Directorate of Health Services, (b) Directorate 8 Liquid waste: Waste generated from Disinfection by
of Animal Husbandry or Veterinary Services, (c) State Pollution laboratories, washing, cleaning, chemical
Control Boards/Committees, and (d) Municipal Authorities. housekeeping treatmentc and
and disinfection activities discharge into drains
It is the responsibility of a generator or an operator of a biomed-
9 Incineration ash: Ash from incineration of any Disposal in municipal
ical waste facility to take all measures necessary to prevent dam- medical wastes landfill
age or adverse effects to the environment and to human health. 10 Chemical waste: Chemicals used in Chemical treatmentc
The generator of waste is responsible for the segregation, labeling, production and discharge into
of biologicals, disinfection, insecticides, etc. drain
packing, storage, transportation, and disposal of the waste in such
for liquids and secured
a manner so the waste will not harm the public’s health. The gen- landfill for solids
erator is also required to submit detailed information on form II of
the schedule about the types and quantities of biomedical waste The Gazette of India (1998).
There will be no chemical treatment before incineration. Chlorinated plastic
collected or handled on an annual basis. shall not be incinerated.
Due to criticism and feedback from healthcare institutions, b
Deep burial shall be an option available only in towns with population less than
three amendments have been made to the Biomedical Waste five lakhs and in rural areas.
(Management and Handling) Rules 1998. The first amendment Chemical treatment using at least 1% hypochlorite solution or any other
equivalent chemical reagent. It must be ensured that chemical treatment ensures
was ratified on March 6, 2000 and is referred to as the Biomedical
Mutilation/shredding must be such as to prevent unauthorized reuse.
Table 1 Table 3
Schedule of Biomedical waste rules Colour coding and type of container for biomedical waste disposal
Schedule Contents Colour coding Type of container and waste category
Schedule I Classification of biomedical waste in various categories Yellow Plastic bag
Schedule Colour coding and type of containers to be used for each category of Cat. 1, Cat. 2, Cat. 3, Cat. 6.
II biomedical waste
Schedule Proforma of the label to be used on container/bag Red Disinfected container/plastic bag
III Cat. 3, Cat. 6, Cat. 7.
Schedule Proforma of label for transport of waste container/bag Blue/white Plastic bag/puncture proof
IV Cat. 4, Cat. 7. Container
Schedule Standard for treatment and disposal of waste
Black Plastic bag
Cat. 5, Cat. 9, Cat. 10. (solid)
Schedule Deadline for creation of waste treatment facilities
VI The Gazette of India (1998).
Form I Format of application for authorization
Form II Format of annual report
Form III Format of accident reporting Waste (Management and Handling) (Amendment) Rules 2000. The
first amendment extended the deadline for the implementation of
The Gazette of India (1998).
the rules. The second amendment to the rules was ratified on June
S. Gupta et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 812–819 815
Type of healthcare establishment Deadline In 1914, a group of young volunteers, inspired by the lofty ideals
A Hospitals and nursing homes in towns with a population of 30th June, 2000 preached by Swami Vivekananda, the great patriot saint of India,
30 lakhs and above started a small group for conducting humanitarian services. Over
B Hospitals and nursing homes in towns with population the course of time, the group has grown to become the Rama-
below 30 lakhs krishna Mission Sevashram, Lucknow. Later, the Sevashram ac-
(a) with 500 beds and above 30th June, 2000
(b) with 200 beds and above, but less than 500 beds 31st December,
quired a plot of land in the Aminabad area in the old city and
2000 constructed its own building with the help of a generous public
(c) with 50 beds and above, but less than 200 beds 31st December, and devotees. The Ramakrishna Mission has continued to function
2001 for nearly 43 years in Aminabad.
(d) with less than 50 beds 31st December,
In order to fulfill the public need, the Sevashram envisaged
C All others institutions generating biomedical waste not 31st December, expansion. During the years 1961–62, the group secured a 4-ha
included in A and B above 2002 plot of land in the Trans-Gomti area with the help of the State Gov-
ernment. So as to continue its service activities on a bigger scale, it
The Gazette of India (1998).
constructed the Vivekananda Polyclinic in Lucknow.
From all social strata, patients come to the Polyclinic for ser-
vices, but the majority are from middle and lower middle eco-
2, 2000 and was called the Biomedical Waste (Management and nomic classes. They fall under the ‘general’ category, whereas
Handling) (Amendment) Rules 2000. Some of the major changes poor are placed in the ‘welfare’ category. Other general patients
made through this amendment included defining the role of the are charged at a highly subsidized rate on a ‘no profit-no loss’ basis.
municipal body, nominating pollution control boards/committees The Polyclinic has been recognized by the Government of India as a
as the prescribed authorities, and adding forms for seeking autho- Polyclinic for the treatment of Central Government employees and
rization to operate a facility and for filing an appeal against orders members of their families. It has also been recognized for the treat-
passed by the prescribed authority. The third amendment was rat- ment of patients under the Central Government Health Scheme.
ified in September 2003. It made the DGAFMS (Director General Many other bodies and government agencies send their employees
Armed Forces Medical Services) the prescribed authority for med- to the Polyclinic for treatment, and reimburse the treatment ex-
ical establishments under the Ministry of Defense (Toxics Link, penses according to its rules and orders.
Before the existence of the Biomedical Waste (Management and 2. Methodology
Handling) Rules 1998, it was the responsibility of the municipal or
governmental authorities to manage all types of waste properly, The authors conducted a general survey of the operating proce-
but now it has become mandatory for every healthcare establish- dures practiced in handling and managing the biomedical waste in
ment (HcE) to dispose of biomedical waste as per the rules (Patil the Vivekananda Polyclinic to assess its compliance level in terms
and Pokhrel, 2005). of standard legal norms and procedures under the Biomedical
Some HcEs use incineration to discharge waste. This method Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 1998. The methodology
has been the most common for treating combustible materials. also consisted of performing interviews with the authorities and
However, some types of biomedical waste are difficult to incinerate personnel involved in the management of the biomedical wastes
(e.g., full urine bags and body parts) and need special attention. in the Polyclinic, as well as environmental engineers (monitoring
It has been proven that incineration not only decontaminates the biomedical waste cell) of the state pollution control board.
the waste by heat, but it also reduces the volume of total waste The information was collected using the guidelines derived by
to less than 10% of the original (Ferreira and Veiga, 2003). How- the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1998.
ever, the incineration of biomedical waste is one of the major Site visits were conducted to support and supplement the informa-
sources of dioxin and furan pollution, partly due to the presence tion gathered in the survey. Interviews and site visits were helpful
of PVC products (Walker and Cooper, 1992; Lerner, 1997; Vesilind in obtaining information about the management of the biomedical
et al., 2002). waste (i.e., collection, segregation, transportation, storage, treat-
It is the responsibility of healthcare establishments to ensure ment, and the disposal procedures) at the Polyclinic. Data on the
that there are no adverse health and environmental consequences quantities of waste generated by different wards were obtained
of their waste handling, treatment, and disposal activities (The from the Polyclinic records. The average daily values of the gener-
Gazette of India, 1998). The installation of an incinerator is manda- ated waste were computed from the above records, which formed
tory for hospitals with more than 50 beds. Any person can report the basis for weekly and yearly projections, as given in Table 8.
an alleged negligence regarding the management and handling of
biomedical waste to the appropriate authority, and it is the author- 3. Biomedical waste management and implementation of rules
ity’s responsibility to take action against the defaulting HcE under in the Vivekananda Polyclinic
section 15(1) of the Environment (Protection) Act 1996, which
says: Whoever fails to comply with or contravenes any of this The Vivekananda Polyclinic is a five-story building with a total
act, or the rules made or orders or directions issued hereunder, capacity of 350 beds (22 gynecology and obstetrics wards, 36
with respect to each such failure or contravention, will be punish- maternity wards, 32 neurology wards, 50 surgical wards, 43 corpo-
able by ‘imprisonment for a term that may extend to 5 years or rate wards, 34 pediatric wards, 8 nephrology wards, 8 post inten-
with a fine that may extend to 100,000 rupees [US$2500], or with sive care unit wards, 12 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
both and, in case of failure or continued contravention, an addi- wards, 12 intensive care unit (ICU) beds, 8 welfare wards, 27 eye
tional fine may be applied, which may extend to 5000 rupees wards, and 58 emergency rooms). Out of 75 doctors and 98 nursing
[US$125] for every day during which such a failure or contraven- staff, there are six resident doctors who look after the patients
tion continues after the conviction for the first such failure or con- around the clock. The Polyclinic provides various types of impor-
travention (Yadav, 2001). tant facilities, which are listed in Table 5.
816 S. Gupta et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 812–819
S.N. Particulars Patients attended as out-patients Total The Polyclinic has pre-established routes for the transport of
medical wastes, which include specific corridors and elevators on
New Repeat days
each floor to transfer wastes from each ward to the storeroom in
1 Allopathic cases 116,711 648,406 765,117
the basement of the Polyclinic.
2 Homeopathic cases 1713 32,088 33,801
3 Ayurvedic cases 1248 2746 3994 The Polyclinic has a specially designed storage area that is
appropriately ventilated with fire protection facilities. The waste
Totals 119,672 683,240 802,912
is stored in this area for 24 h in the summer and 48 h in the winter.
S. Gupta et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 812–819 817
3.4. Treatment/disposal methods the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003–2004 for proper
management of biomedical waste. As of now, the Polyclinic is oper-
The Vivekananda Polyclinic uses on-site non-burn technologies ating in compliance.
for the treatment of biomedical wastes. These treatment technolo- The biomedical waste management facilities at the Polyclinic
gies are divided into the following categories: take into consideration factors such as regulatory requirements,
operating concerns, occupational hazards, and environmental im-
(i) Chemical treatment. The Polyclinic uses a chlorine solution pacts to dispose of the waste properly. The Polyclinic submits an
mainly for the disinfection of sharps and plastic waste. annual report to the prescribed authority, i.e., the State Pollution
(ii) Thermal treatment. In this process, heat is used to decon- Control Board, by January 31 every year. This report includes all
taminate or destroy medical wastes. The commonly used the information about the generated waste categories, quantities,
technologies in the Polyclinic are: autoclave, hydroclave, and the Polyclinic’s treatment methods during the preceding year.
and microwave. The types of waste commonly treated by The main purpose of waste treatment is to reduce the volume,
the waste management team in the autoclaves are cultures weight, and risk of infectivity and organic compounds of the waste
and stocks, sharps, syringes, catheters, blood and urine bags, (Pruss et al., 1999). Incineration has been the most widely used
material contaminated with blood and limited amounts of method of treating biomedical waste, however, with a growing
fluids, isolation and surgery waste, laboratory waste awareness of the environment and health hazards caused by the
(excluding chemical waste), and soft waste (gauze, ban- use of incinerators, which release a wide variety of pollutants
dages, drapes, gowns, bedding, etc.) from patient wards. including dioxins, furans, metals (such as lead and mercury), par-
The hydroclave is used to treat the same waste as the auto- ticulate matter, acid gases, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.
clave, while the wastes treated by microwaves include syrin- The incineration of waste, as practiced in the Polyclinic, is in
ges and other plastics, materials contaminated with blood compliance with the biomedical rules. Several studies have shown
and body fluids, laboratory wastes (excluding chemical that incineration is quite expensive for biomedical waste manage-
waste), gauze, and bandages.The incineration process also ment (Lee et al., 2004), especially in developing countries (Diaz
comes under the topic of thermal treatment but, due to its et al., 2005), and may result in the production of many toxic emis-
toxic effects, the Polyclinic decided to make this treatment sions (Levendis et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2002b; Segura-Munoz et al.,
technology an off-site process. 2004; Yong-Chul et al., 2006). For example, the medical waste
(iii) Mechanical treatment. The Polyclinic uses this technology for incineration process may release dioxins {polychlorodibenzo-p-di-
compacting and shredding biomedical waste. The compac- oxin (PCDD)} and furans {polychlorodibenzofuran (PCDF) (Lee
tion process involves compressing the waste into containers et al., 1995, 2004; Brent and Rogers, 2002; Fritsky et al., 2001; Mat-
to reduce its volume, and shredding includes granulation, sui et al., 2003; Yong-Chul et al., 2006) into the environment be-
grinding, pulping, etc. The sharps are in the category of cause medical waste typically consists of a small amount of
waste that requires maximum precaution and care during plastic materials containing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products. This
collection and segregation. The needles, which comprise may directly affect the healthcare workers and the atmosphere
the bulk of the ‘‘sharps,” are destroyed by a needle destroyer (Glenn and Garwal, 1999; Soliman and Ahmed, 2007). Therefore,
in the Polyclinic. Mutilated needles are disinfected in 0.5% the waste stream may require a different method of treatment
chlorine solution for about 30 min at the point of generation and disposal that is suitable to its own peculiarities. Other poten-
and then sent for shredding and disposal in a sharps pit. For tial treatment technologies, such as plasma pyrolysis and electro-
the final disposal, the local municipal authority (i.e., Luc- thermal-deactivation (ETD), can also be examined and encouraged
know Municipal Corporation) transports the segregated as alternatives to incineration in order to better manage the bio-
waste daily to an off-site incineration plant.For incineration, medical waste (Sharma, 2005; Yong-Chul et al., 2006).
the Polyclinic administration pays 20,000 rupees (US$2500) Klangsin and Harding (1998) have also reported that autoclav-
per year to the Lucknow Municipal Corporation. The Poly- ing and microwaving are fully adequate disinfection technologies,
clinic secretary is the main person responsible for all the and that these techniques, if followed by shredding, can reduce
Polyclinic activities, including waste management. volume by 60–80%. The plasma pyrolysis technology provides a
complete solution for the safe disposal of medical waste, and it
Table 9 shows the current status of biomedical waste manage- does not require segregation of chlorinated hydrocarbons. In plas-
ment and its compliance with the standards prescribed under the ma pyrolysis, the quantity of toxic residuals (dioxins and furans)
regulatory framework. was found to be well below the accepted emission standards of
the Central Pollution Control Board. The gases remaining after
the pyrolysis process can also be used as energy resources (Nema
4. Results and discussion and Ganeshprasad, 2002). The main problem arises for the disposal
of sharps, such as needles. Presently, the Vivekananda Polyclinic
Based on the above study, the authors found that Polyclinic disposes its sharps waste in secured pits. However, smelting for
abides by the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules metal extraction needs to be examined as an alternative (Chitnis
1998 as prescribed for the treatment and disposal of biomedical et al., 2005).
waste. The Polyclinic segregates its wastes into colour-coded poly- It should be the goal for every HcE to maintain high standards of
ethylene bags (as prescribed in the schedule (I and II) of these hygiene, whilst reducing environmental pollution, consumption of
rules), and uses appropriate technologies for the treatment and non-renewable resources, and costs. The necessary measures of
disposal of biomedical waste according to their physical appear- HcEs are the reduction of biomedical waste, the control of toxic
ance (as mentioned in the schedule (II) of the rules). The process emissions, the avoidance of unnecessary disinfection procedures,
of collection, segregation, transportation, treatment, and disposal and the implementation of energy and water-saving technologies
of waste is done by skilled personnel who are well-versed in man- (Escaf and Shurtleff, 1996; Dettenkofer et al., 1997; Ferreira and
aging the biomedical waste generated at the Polyclinic. Veiga, 2003).
The biomedical rules are properly followed by the trained per- On the basis of random interviews and consultations with the
sonnel involved in biomedical waste management practices. Vive- doctors, patients, visitors and regulatory authorities, it can be con-
kananda Polyclinic had received assistance and sponsorship from cluded that the Polyclinic is managing its biomedical waste effec-
818 S. Gupta et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 812–819
Table 8
Generation of biomedical waste in various wards/departments/procedure rooms (in kg)
General Waste
BLACK Corporation for
BAG Incineration
Infected Plastic
Chemical Treatment
RED Microwave Shred
Solution 2%
Infected Soiled
Solid Waste
YELLOW Autoclave Shred Municipal
BAG Corporation for
Blood Bags
Fig. 2. Current status of medical waste disposal at Vivekananda Polyclinic, Lucknow, India.
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Schedule Status Escaf, M., Shurtleff, S., 1996. A program for reducing biomedical waste: the
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Schedule I Yes
Schedule II Yes
Ferreira, P.A., Veiga, M.M., 2003. Waste operational procedures: a case study in
Schedule III Yes Brazil. Waste Management and Research 21, 377–382.
Schedule IV Yes Fritsky, K., Kumm, J., Wilken, M., 2001. Combined PCDD/F destruction and
Schedule V Yes particulate control in a baghouse: experience with a catalytic filter system at
Schedule VI Yes except incinerator a medical waste incineration plant. Journal of the Air and Waste Management
Form I Yes Association 51, 1642–1649.
Form II Yes Glenn, Mc.R., Garwal, R., 1999. Clinical waste in developing countries. An analysis
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Schedule V of the Biomedical Waste (Management and Han- Management Association 48, 516–526.
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