803 Web - Applications Xii PDF
803 Web - Applications Xii PDF
803 Web - Applications Xii PDF
JOB ROLE: Web Developer
The present course curriculum offers an opportunity for students to understand the basics of computer
software and hardware for working efficiently on computer. A web application is a computer programme that
allows you to log-in to a web address in order to submit and retrieve data to/from a database over the
internet, these programmes are developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JS etc.
This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of units meant for developing
employability and vocational competencies of students of Class XII opting for vocational subject
along with general education subjects. The unit-wise distribution of hours and marks for class XII is
as follow:
Details of Units
Unit Title Total
Unit-1 Movie Editing Tools. 10
Familiarization of Interface Components.
Importing Pictures.
Importing Audio and Video Files.
Splitting and Joining Movie Clips.
Adding Titles and publishing
Unit-2 Customizing and Embedding Multimedia components in 12
Web Pages.
Compatible Multimedia file formats for Web Pages.
Embedding Audio file.
Embedding Video file.
Embedding Flash file.
Unit- 3 Web Scripting – Java Script. 20
Java Script review.
Functions – user defined.
String Object.
Math Object.
Array Object.
Case Studies.
Unit-4 Work Integrated Learning IT – WA-II. 8
Advanced Features of Web Design.
Code view, Add-ins / Snippets and Page Transitions.
Dynamic Web templates.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization.
Forms - Advanced.
Publishing webpages or websites-I.
Publishing webpages or websites-II.
Authoring tools.
CSS templates.
Total 50
Practical Marks: 40
Total 40