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Dr. Geeti Sood

PG Deptt. of Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
“Matra ”
 Matra means: A measure of any kind, quantity, size, duration, number,
degree etc.
 Charaka in Matrashitiyaadhaya described Matra in relation to intake of food as,
“the amount of food which, without disturbing the equilibrium of Dhatus and
Doshas of the body, get digested well as metabolised in proper time. Aharamatra
depends upon agnibala and it to be regarded as proper quantity (Matra)”.

 Chakrapani in his commentary described Matra as “Either the Ahara or Aushada

when taken in proper quantity it produces good results. Also it doesn’t cause any
undesired results when taken in proper quantity”
sha. Pu. 1/14
 The success of treatment depends on dosage, time and proper administration (Yukti). Every
physician gives importance to these two factors Matra and Kala, where Matra is prime one.
 Acharya charak also mentioned regarding the proper administration of the drug. It is the Matra
only by which Visha becomes Amrit and vice versa Ausadha becomes Visha. If it is properly
used in Samyak matra, it cures diseases. If it is used in Atimatra, it may harm body or excreted
by Malamarga. Same way if it is used in Hina matra, may not be capable to cure the disease.
Classification of Matra
Acharya Chakrapanidatta classified Matra into:
 1. Ahara Matra,
 2. Vyaama Matra and
 3. Aushada Matra.
Here the main importance and preference will be given on Aushadamatra i.e. Bheshajamatra, because
Aushada is said second Pada of Chatushpada mentioned by Charaka.
Aushadha Matra may be divided into:
 Matravat Ausadha
 Amatravat Ausadha,
Again Amatravat Aushdha is divided into:

 Heena matra
 Atee Matra.
i. Heena Matra ii. Atee -Matra
Unable to treat disease Cause the vitiation of Tridoshas leading to
other undesired results also death
Does not create any Dhatu Samyata Excreted by Malamargas without being
Usage of Sodhana Ausadha in Hinamatra, Usage of Sodhana Aushadha in Atimatra,
produce Utklesa of Dosha and Ayoga causes Atiyoga and may result into
Vyapada i.e. unable to eliminate Doshas emergency and risk of life too
 Vardhamana Matra It is a special dose design whendrug to be
administered in excessive dose and to make the biological platform ready to
assimilate the greater dose of the same drug gradually, and to avoid its
dependency or withdrawal symptoms. Further the gradual increase of dose
may reach the deeper tissues in due course of time. Example: Vardamana
pipalli rasayan, Bhallatak kalpa etc.
 Harasiyasimatra In Shenapana Vagbhata and Susruta described
Harasiyasimatra to know the Agnibala of patients before fixing the dose, it is
something like test dose.

 A.H.Su.16/18

 According to Charaka, the dosages mentioned with reference to person having
moderate type of Kostha, age and strength; keeping this standard in view, changes
in the dosage could be done according the need, either by increasing or decreasing
the matra according to Dosha, Agni, Bala, Vayah, Vyadhi, and Kostha All these
factors are helpful to decide the Matra of individual for better management.
Sharangadhara, said that there is no specific common dose for everyone. it depends
upon the individual and should be analyzed only after considering Kala, Agni, Vayah,
Bala, Prakriti, Dosha and Desha.

Chakrapani and Sushruta described that, the dosage of drug should be administered
after considering the strength of the disease (Vyadhibala), digestive enzymes
(Agnibala) and the strength of the body of the patients (Aturabala).
While compiling all the above references, Matra can be decided only after
considering the following factors.

Sr. No Ayurveda Corelation

1 Vaya Age
2 Bhesaja Drug
3 Bhesaja Kalpana Pharmaceutical dosage form and drug physical state
4 Kala Time of administration
5 Satmaya Tolerance
6 Prakriti Genetic Factors
7 Desha Diet & Environment
8 Kostha Biological membranes (Distribution)
9 Agni Enzymatic action (Metabolism)
10 Satva Mental emotion & strength
11 Bala Internal Strength
12 Rogavastha Pathological state
13 Dosha
14 Prayoga marga Route of administration
How these all factors are to be considered, it is
as follows
1. Vaya:

 Acc to Doshas, Dhatus and Malas in children are apripakva in comparison to the adults; the
drug given to child must be of low potency, small in dose as well as less frequency of administration.
 According to Susrutha dose for children is as follows:

Su. Sha.12/38
 • Ksirada - The quantity of medicines should be that which adhere to the lines of the thumb and index
fingers and it should be mixed with honey or ghee.
 • Ksiraanada - Medicine made as paste shall be of the size of the seed of Kola.
 • Annada - Size of Kola
According to Kashyapa(

Matra of Ghrita:

For Navajata as Vidangaphalatulya,

afterwards the above dose is
gradually increased.
The maximum dose should not
exceed the weight of Amalakiphala.
According to Kashyapa khila sthana- 3
In Khilasthana he mentioned Aushada matra as
 Immediately after birth : Badariphala beeja
 5 -10 days : Slightly increased
 10-20 days : Equal to ½ Badaripahala
 1 month : Equal to 1 Badariphala
 1-2 months : 1½ Badariphala
 3 months : 3 Badariphala
 4 months : Equal to dry Amalaki fruit
 5-6 months : Equals to wet Amalaki fruit
 7-8 months : More than Amalaki
According to Sharangadhara (Sha.Pu. 6)

Aushadh Matra:
 1 month : 1 Ratti (125mg)
 2nd month- 1 year : increase by one Ratti
every month (250 mg-1.5gm)
 1 year- 16 year : increase by one Masha every
year (1.5 gm – 16.5gm)
 16- 70 years : 16.5 gm
 After 70 years : decrease slowly as that of
child dose
 This dose is for churan and kalka. Increase
the dose to 4times for kwatha .
2. Bhesaja
According to Chakrapanidatta, Matra also depends on Bhesaja, he described Matra of
drugs depending on Virya as follows:
 • Tiksna Virya Dravya in Karsa pramana e.g. Sunthi

 • Madhya Virya Dravya in ½ Pala pramana e.g. Bilva, Agnimantha

 • Mridu Virya Dravya in Pala pramana e.g. Amalaka
Excessive use of Dravya causes:

 Mridu Virya Ausadha – Daurbalya

 Madhyama Virya Ausadha - Dhatuksaya
 Tiksna Virya Ausadha - Dhatuksaya, burning sensation and may create emergency too
Some drugs like Pippali, Kshara and Lavana are strictly prohibited for over and long term
usages. Here dose and durations both are beyond limitations (Cha.Vi.1). Hence drugs if
taken for longer duration and in over dose, produce undesired effects.
3. Bhesaja Kalpana
 “Bahukalpoprayogitvat” is a one of the quality mentioned in Bhesaja guna and
Bhesaja Matra depends on Kalpana. Svarasa (juice), Kalka (paste), Srita (decoction),
Sita (cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion) are five pharmaceutical preparations
mentioned in classics. The potentiality of the medicines of the preceding category is
greater than the succeeding ones (Cha.Su.4/7). So these preparations should be
prescribed with due regard to the strength of the patient and seriousness of the disease.
 Satva or Ghana Kalpana of drugs should be given in less dose comparative to Svarasa
of same Dravya.
 “Saviryata Avadhi” is also important while prescribing the dose of drug. Dose also
depends on “Saviryata” of the Ausadha For example generally Churna’s efficacy get
decreased after 2 months and Asava’s efficacy increases if kept for long time.
4. Satmya
 If any substance is taken continuously, it may become Satmya. Different factors for Satmya
as Desha, Kala, Jati, Ritu, Roga, Vyayama, Rasa etc. are mentioned in samhitas. Satmya is
a one of the type of adaptability. When a drug is Satmya to the body it is required in high
doses to produce results. Ex. Ahiphena, Dhatura etc
 The ability to endure the influence of a drug, particularly when acquired by a continued use
of the substance is called tolerance. Tolerance occurs commonly in such drugs e.g.
antihistamines, narcotic analgesics. Normal sensitivity may be regained by suspending the
drug administration for a period of time. The development of tolerance can be minimized
Initiating therapy with the lowest effective dose.
Avoiding prolonged administration
5. Prakriti
 Prakriti or constitution of the body is prime important for deciding the drug and
the Matra of drug in a diseased or normal state. In Charaka Samhita, it is quoted
that, if person of Vata Prakriti take Vata Prakopaka Ahara, that too in low
quantities, Ahara itself aggravates Vata leading to Vatika disorders and vitiate the
body. In the same way if Pitta and Kapha prakriti person takes much Usnaahara
and Sita Ahara respectively, leads to Paittika and Shleshmic vikaras. If Pitta
prakriti person takes Matradhikya of Tiksna dravya it vitiates Pitta and cause
Paittika disorders. e.g. Intake of Gandhaka, Somala by Paittika prakriti people
leads to paittika disoders .
Species and Race (Genetic factors):
 Dose of a drug that produce the same effect may vary 4- folds among different
individuals because of different rate of metabolism due to difference in amount
and isoform pattern of drug metabolizing enzymes and difference in target organ
sensitivity. Afro- Americans require higher dose of atropine and ephedrine than
mongols. Pharmacogenetics is concerned with genetically variations in drug
6. Desha
 Desha has been described mainly of two types 1. Bhumidesha (land) and 2.
Aturadesha (Human body) which is useful in deciding dosage. For example, it is
difficult to cure patient of Vata Roga, staying in the desert region which is also
predominant in Vata, or the one suffering from Kapha residing in marshy land
predominant with Kapha, Similarly if vitiated Vata of colon, which is the site of
Vata or if any diseases of vital organs, are difficult to treat. So one should take the
drug which is of opposite qualities to the Desha
Diet and Environment :
 Type of diet can alter drug absorption. Medicines are usually taken after meal to
reduce the risk of gastric irritation. Alcohol also induces hepatic enzymes and
causes rapid metabolism of certain drugs. On the other hand, hepatic injury due to
alcohol can increase sensitivity to drugs. Exposure to insecticides, carcinogens,
tobacco smoke, charcoal etc induce drug metabolism and setup in which drug
taken alter drug action. for example hypnotics works better when taken at night in
quiet surroundings.
7. Kostha
 Kostha plays very important role in deciding the Matra e.g. when the Virechana
dravya is given to a Krurakostha person it should be given in higher doses. In the
same way for Mrdukostha person, smaller quantity is enough to produce desired
effect .
Biological membranes (Distribution) –
 Once a drug enters into systemic circulation by absorption or direct
administration, it must be distributed into interstitial and intracellular fluids. Each
organ or tissue can receive different doses of the drug and the drug can remain in
the different organs or tissues for a varying amount of time. The distribution of a
drug between tissues is dependent on vascular permeability, regional blood flow,
cardiac output and perfusion rate of the tissue and the ability of the drug to bind
tissue and plasma proteins and its lipid solubility. pH partition plays a major role
as well.
8. Dosha & Rogavastha
 In every disease quantity of vitiated Dosha varies. So, dose should be given according to
Bala of Dosha. On the other hand if Doshas’ are not aggravated, low dose of drug would be
sufficient. Matra also depends on Doshagati, because Doshagati is responsible for
manifestation of Samprapti. Proper Matra may act on particular path (Rogamarga). In
Tiryakagatadosha’s high potency drug in high doses are required than Kosthagatadosha.
 Dosha predominace in human body:

S No. Vata Pitta Kapha

Site Below Navel Between Navel & Above Heart

Age Old age Young age Childhood

Day Evening Noon Morning
Night Early night Mid night Early morning
Digestion Pakwavastha(Late Vidgadhavastha(Mids Amavastha(Initial
stage of Digestion) tage of digestion) stage of digestion)
Pathological state
 The effects of certain drugs may be modified by the pathological condition of the
patient and must be considered in determining the dose. Presence of Gastro
intestinal disorders can alter the absorption of orally administered drugs. E.g
achlorhydra decrease asprin absorption because of ionization. Presence of Disease
like myxedema, morphine acts for a much longer time because of the low rate of
oxidation. Pulmonary and gastrointestinal disease may also alter
9. Satva & Bala
 The person with Pravara Satva and Bala can tolerate large dose of Tiksna dravya,
so one should look after Satva and Bala of patient before deciding dose. This can
correlated to physical and mental strength of the patient. Drug’s efficacy can be
affected by patient’s expectations and attitude; anxious patients required more
general anasesthetics.
 Placebo used for condition that cannot be explained on the basis of
pathophysiological basis here physician and patient relationship has a major role
in treatment with placebo
10. Agni
 The body constitution of persons is named according to the predominance of Doshas.
Depending upon their intensity of Doshas, Agni can be classified under four categories,
viz. Tikshna, Manda, Sama and Visama. Dose of a drug depends upon the Agni of the
 Matra should be decided looking at the Agni of a person, sometimes if Agni is very low
(Mandaangi), it cannot even digest the even Aushada matra, which can be compared to the
fire, which is very little, if we add ghee to it, though ghee said to increase the fire but in
this case it extinguishes the fire totally. In this way it may leads for many complications. In
the same way, if Agni is more (Tikshnagni) the little amount of Aushadha given get
digested there itself without showing the effect on the disease. So the relation of Agni and
Matra is prime
11.Bhesajaprayoga marga
 In our classics different Prayoga margas are mentioned like Vasti, Nasya, Lepa,
Abhayantara marga etc. based on Prayoga marga the dose of the drug may change,
example dose of drug administered in Snehavasti is more than Uttaravasti. In Nasya
karma we use drugs in Bindhu pramana where as in Vasti it’s in Prasthas.
 Drugs administered intravenously enter the blood stream directly and thus the full
amount administered is present in the blood. In contrast, drugs administered orally are
rarely fully absorbed due to the various physical, chemical and biologic barriers to their
absorption, including interactions with the gastric and intestinal contents. Thus, a
lesser parental dose of a drug is required than the oral dose to achieve the same blood
levels of drug
12. Kala
 In Samhitas different “Ausadha Pradhana Kala” are described, when Ausadhi is given
according to Kala, small dose is sufficient and is more effective. Dosha bala , Atura bala
and vyadhi bala are different during different time periods.
 In various seasons bala of individual changes So, Matra of Ausadha to be used according to
Kala e.g. in summer Usna dravya and in winter Sita dravya should be used in low doses
otherwise, it may be harmful.
 The time at which a drug is administered sometimes influences dosage. This is especially
true for oral therapy in relation to meals. Absorption proceeds more rapidly if the stomach
and upper portions of the intestinal tract are free of food, and an amount of a drug that is
effective when taken before a meal may be ineffective if administered during or after
eating. E.g. Irritating drugs are better tolerated by the patient if food is present in the
stomach to dilute the drug’s concentration.
Aushadha sevana kaal

The ancient texts of Ayurveda have different opinions regarding number of aushadha sevana
Ashtanga Sangrah-11
Charaka, Sushruta, Ashtanga Hridaya -10
1. Abhakta(Niranna)

 which means administration of Aushadha alone. Nirbhukta, Surodaye Jaate are the synonyms of
the abhakta Kaala. Chakrpaan says that it should be given before meals in the morning.
Scientific basis :
 In Ayurvedic texts, Kapha Kaal is 1/3rd part of the day and latter half this 1/3rd part is kapha
udrek kaal. Due to kapha utklesha, the medicine will not come in contact with agni(digestive
fire) and will not be digested properly. So it is administered only when koshtha is devoid of
Kapha Utklesh or in empty stomach. The effect of medicine will be immediate.
Indications :
 1. Roga(disease) and Rogi(patient)- Balwaan(good strenghth) or having Pradeepta Agni.
 2. Kapha Udrek Avasthagat Kaal
 3. In Lekhana(Scrapping) and Utklishta Kapha Pitta.
2. Pragbhakt
 Administered before meals.
Scientific basis:
 The Bhaishaja is followed by food means the Bhaishaja directly acts on the Amashaya. Its
first target is agni, not the food so it eradicates the vitiated doshas and there will be no
regurgitation as the bhaishaj is covered by food. Bhaishaj becomes Ashu Paki(easily
 a. Apan vayu vikrati
 b. Debility, Children, aged, emaciated
 c. Weakness of adhogata bhaga(lower part of body)
3. Madhya Bhakta
 Admnistered in between meals: Chakrapaani and Indu says that first consume 50% of
food and then after taking medicine rest of the food is administered.
Scientific basis:
 when food is taken, It initiates the process of digestion and Pachaka Pitta and Samana
Vayu are stimulated. Both of these are situated in Koshtha and helps to control
paittika and Koshthagata vyadhis and samaan Vayu dushti. Food restricts the urdha
and adhogati of Bhaishaj so systemic action is of sustained release type .
 Samaan Vata Vikrati, Koshtha gata and Paittika Vyadhi
4. Adho Bhakta

 Administered after food. Pashchata Bhakta, Bhaishaja should be administered immediately after
meals to subside Urdhajatrugat Rogas( diseases of Upper part of body). It is divided into two:
Pratah bhojan kaal: Indicated for Vyan Vikrati
Saayam Bhojan Kaal: Indicated for Udana Vikrati.
Scientific basis:
 The site of vayana vayu is hridaya(Heart) and Hridaya is more active during morning, when
medicine is administered in morning. It reaches to heart and the Vyan Vata is activated after the
formation of Rasa. At night, Hridaya becomes less active, vyan Vayu is taken over by Udaan
Vayu. So, the medicine is administered after dinner. Udaan Vayu facilitates the Urdha gati of
Bhaishaja, so it strengthens the upper part of body.
 Vyan Vayu and Udan Vayu Vikrati For strengthening of upper part of body.
5. Antar Bhakta
 Administration of food between two meals. First of all, consumed food is digested. Bhaishaja is
administered and after metabolism of Bhaishaja, food is taken again in the evening.
Scientific basis:
 Chakrapaani says that Antar Bhakta means after digestion of food in medicine is administered
in Madhyahan kaal i.e. Pitta stimulating time. Agni is in stimulated condition, so Bhaishaja is
properly metabolized.
 a. Vyan Vayu Vikrati , Shopha, Jwara, Kushtha, Visarpa etc.
 b. Deeptagni Purush
 c. It also acts over Udaan vayu Also acts over udaan vayu (Hridaya Sthana), it gives strength to
the manas(mind).
6. Sabhakta
 Administration of Aushadha along with food. Bhakta Sanyuktam and Sam Bhaktam are the
synonyms. Indu says that when bhaishaja is processed or cooked along with food or mixed
within food.
Scientific basis:
 In this Kaala, no dosha is mentioned in texts, but along with food, it is digested and Rasa
is formed. This rasa is circulated all over the body with the help of Vayan Vayu. Hence,
useful in Sarvanga Vyadhis.
 In Mandagni, Aruchi i.e. children women old age, debilitated persons and sukumar
7. Samudga
 Administered immediately before and after meal. This word refers to Samputak means box
like structure.
Scientific basis:
 When Bhaishaja is consumed immediately after meals, then it helps in correcting the Gati
and Vikrati of Vaata by promoting Anulomana. Doshas are situated in both Urdha(Upper)
and Adho (Lower) Sharira. So, Bhaishaj will be having its effect on Apana, Vyan as well as
on Udaan Vata.
 a. In Vyan, Udaan and Apaan Vayu
 b. Bhaishaj should be taken in the form of Paana(Liquid), Avaleha(Confections), Choorna
and Navana(Administered) through nostrils.
 c. Hikka(Kapha + Vata), Akshepaka(Paani+Pada) i.e. Kapha is situated in Urdha Sharira
while Vaata in Adho Sharira. So, Samudga Kaal pacified doshas at upper and lower
extremities of body
8. Muhurmuhu(repeatedly)
 Bhaishaja is repeatedly taken with or without food. It can be classified into two: 1.
Abhakta(without food) 2. Sabhakta(with food)
Scientific basis:
 The food type and intake is based on the Bala of the patient. The indications showed life
threatening conditions. So, needs immediate therapeutic care. Repeated doses provide
high concentration of drug to the body and increase bioavailability. Its sublingual
absorption provides faster relief and also treats doshas in Sanchaya awastha.
 a. Pranavahasrotas vyadhi eg. Swasa Kasa, Hikka
 b. Udakvaha srotas vyadhi eg. Trishna
 c. Annavaha srotas eg. Chhardi, visha
9. Sagrasa
 Grasa means mixed along with each bolus of food.
Scientific basis :
 Normally, intake of food is the function of Prana vata. Bhaishaja administered with each
grasa comes in cotact with buccal mucosa, this stimulates the prana vayu, so the indriye
prasadah and chitta prasadna takes place and disease of mukh(oral cavity) , kantha(throat),
Urah(chest)could be easily treated.
Indications :
 1. Prana Vayu Vikrati
 2. Have vrishya prabhava ,Vajikarana Bhaishajain the form of Vati, Choorna, Leha, Guti,
Deepana Dravya
10. Grasantara
 Grasantara means adminstration of Bhaishaj in between each bolus of food. It is also
known as Kavalantare.
Scientific basis:
 In this Kaala, the same principle applies as in Grasa. It helps in correcting the gati of Vata
dosha by promoting anuloman of vata.
 a. Prana vayu Vikrati
 b. In Peenasa, Ardita, Trisha, Swasa, Hridaroga, Kaasaghna dhooma
11. Nishi
 Administration of Aushadha at night after digestion of consumed food. Ratre, Swapnkaale
are the synonyms.Indu says that when evening meal is digested or three hours after taking
dinner. Sharang dhara says, this condition is annavastha.
Scientific basis:
 According to Ayurvedic science, one should go to sleep after digestion of food, so the
action of this medicine will be towards Urdhajatrugata part because the urdhagati of drug is
prevented by food.
 a. Urdhajatrugata vyadhi
 b. For lekhana , Vrinhana, paachana and shamana
Dose of different ayurvedic formulations
Dose of churana


Churna Dose
Deepniya Churna Equal to agraparva anguli grahya
Jeevaniya, Sansamniya Churna 2 times of deepaniya
Vaman and Virachana Churna ½ of the deepaniya
Dose of Kwatha


Kwatha Dose

Doshanashaka 2 Prasrit or 192ml

Vaman and Virechana 1 Prasrit or 96ml

Jeevniya, Sansamniya 2 Prasrit or 192ml

Dose of Kalka


Kalka Dose
Deepniya 1Aksha or 12g
Jeevaniya, Sansamniya 2 Aksha or 24g
Vaman and Virachana ½ Aksha or 6g
Sr.No. Formulation Dose (acc to Acharya sharangdhar)
1 Svarasa (ardra draya) ½ pala 24g
Svarasa (shushak draya) 1pala 48g
Putpaka Svarasa 1pala 48g
2 Kalka 1 karsha 12g
3 Kwatha 2 pala 96g
4 Him 2 pala 96g
5 Phanta 2 pala 96g
6 Churana 1 karsha 12g
7 Vati 1 karsha 12g
8 Avaleha 1pala 48g
9 Ghrita 1pala 48g
10 Taila 1pala 48g
11 Asava - Arishta 1pala 48g
Sr.N Formulation (Rasa Dose (Acc to Rastarangini and R.R.S.)
o. aushadhi)
1 Abharaka bhasma 1-2 ratti 125-250mg
2 Vaikranta bhasma 1/24 -1/11 ratti , 5-10mg
3 Makshik bhasma ½- 2 ratti 75-250mg
4 Vimala bhasma ½ - 2 ratti 75-250mg
5 Shudha shilajatu 2 - 8 ratti 250- 1g
6 Shudha gandhak 1 -8 ratti 125- 1g
7 Shudha gairik 2 – 4 ratti 250- 500mg
8 Kasis bhasma ½ - 2 ratti 75- 250mg
9 Shudha safatika 2 – 4 ratti 250- 500mg
10 Hartala bhasma ¼ - ½ ratti 30-75mg
11 Shudha Mana shila 1/32 – 1/16 ratti 4-8mg
12 Shudha gauripashan 1/120 – 1/30 ratti 1-4mg
13 Varatika bhasma 2 ratti 250mg
14 Godanti bhasma 1- 3ratti 125-375mg
15 Shringa bhasma 1 -2 ratti 125-250mg
16 Shukati bhasma 2 ratti 250mg
Sr.N Formulation (Rasa Dose (Acc to Rastarangini and R.R.S.)
o. aushadhi)
17 Shankha bhasma 2 ratti 250mg
18 Shambook bhasma 2 ratti 250mg
19 Kukkutand tvak bhasma 1- 2 ratti 125-250mg
20 Svarna bhasma 1/8 -1/4 ratti 15-39mg
21 Rajata bhasma ¼ - 1 ratti 30-250mg
22 Tamra bhasma 1/8 – 1 ratti 15-125mg
23 Lauha bhasma ¼ - 2 ratti 30-250mg
24 Mandura bhasma ¼ - 2 ratti 30-250mg
25 Naga bhasma ¼ - 1 ratti 30-125mg
26 Vanga bhasma 1 -2 ratti 125-250mg
27 Yashad bhasma ½ - 1 ratti 75-125mg
28 Kansya bhasma ½ - 1 ratti 75-125mg
29 Hirak bhasma 1/32 – 1/16 ratti 4-8mg
30 Paraval bhasma ½ - 2 ratti 75-250mg
31 Rasa sindoor 1- 2 ratti 125-250mg

 Dose of Aushadha dravyas can not be fixed rigidly because there are so many factors
which influence the doses like Condition of the Patient, Severity of Disease, Natural
Tolerance, Acquired Tolerance .
 Dose of drug is to be decided by observing the Kaal, Agni, Bala, vaya, Prakrti,
desha, dosha etc.

 Acc to Acharya sharangdhar persons of present era(kalyug) are with low digestive
power, lesser tolerance and short life span, so the suitable dose of the drug should be
decided by the physician with his own intellect.

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