Singing Lesson Plan

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Singing Lesson Plan

Title: ​ Charlie Over the Ocean Grade Level: 1st

Source: ​Mpielementary

Materials needed:

Participating students

Charlie Over the Ocean song


A.S: Lets sing together!

1. First, you will need to introduce the song Charlie Over the Ocean.
2. After introducing the song, break it down phrase by phrase so that the students can sing
1. Start by singing the first phrase and then having the students repeat the phrase
back to you.
2. Repeat the step above until you have reached the end of the song.
3. After singing phrase by phrase, now you will put two or three phrases together to
start putting the lyrics together.
4. Continue that process until you have reached the end of the song.
5. Now you will do the song in halves. So sing the first half, then have the students
repeat, and sing the last half and have the students repeat.
6. After the halves, you will now put the whole song together and have the kids sing
3. Now that the students know the song, you will introduce the activity to them.
4. Have your students sit in a circle.
5. Choose on student to be “Charlie”. This student will walk around the outside of the circle,
singing one phrase, while the rest of the class sits and repeats after “Charlie”. Then
when the song says, “can’t catch me”, the student will choose another student to chase
them around the circle.
6. The student that is playing as “Charlie” will now have to run away from the student they
chose and try to sit in the same spot the other student was sitting in without getting
7. Repeat the game and have fun!
Closure: Review the song and the game, and ask students what they had to do during the

Educational Objective: ​ ​By the end of this lesson, students will have learned quality
memorization skills by memorizing the Charlie Over the Ocean song.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musica

Emotional l Subjects
Children will Children will Children will National “Core” Music Content
play with each learn a song, chase each Standards Standards Standards
other and phrase by other around
have fun phrase the circle Creating
and avoid 1. Singing Imagine
Children will getting
sing the song caught Plan and
during the Make
activity 2. Play
Instruments Evaluate &

3. Improvising MU:Cr3.2.1a

4. Composing

5. Reading &
Notating Rehearse,
Evaluate, &

6. Listening Present

7. Evaluating Select


8. Integration Interpret
(outside arts)

9. Connect #10
Connect #11

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