Round Da Doo Bop Singing Game PDF

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Singing Game

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Round Da Doo Bop Grade Level: kinder-2nd

Source: Dr. McConkey

Materials needed:


A.S: Have you ever been to a fair before? What kind of things do you see at
a fair?

1. Sing the song one time through for the class.

I was going to Kentucky, I was going to the fair.
I met a señorita with flowers in her hair
Oh shake it baby, shake it
Shake it all you can.
Shake it like a milkshake,
Then drink it from a can.
Oh round da doo bop, one two!
Round da doo bop, one two!
Turn around and turn around until you make a stop.
2. To teach the song to the class, sing one line at a time and have the class
echo it back.
3. Then sing 2 lines at a time all the way through the song and have the class
echo back.
4. Repeat the echo process until the class is comfortable enough to sing the
song all together with you.
5. The teach the game, get the class in one big circle, facing in. One person
will be on the inside of the circle.
6. For the first line of the song, the big circle will hold hands and spin
clockwise, while the person in the middle walks counterclockwise inside
the circle.
7. When you say “flowers” in the second line, put your hands up to your
hand like your holding the flowers in your hair.
8. For lines 3-5, shake your shoulders and hips almost like you’re doing a
9. For line 6 (drink it from a can) pretend you are drinking out of a can.
10. Spin around yourself for “round da doo bop”, then clap your hands twice
“one two”
11.Repeat step 10 again
12.The person in the center will spin around with their eyes closed and
finger pointing out to the circle during the last line until they sing “stop”.
Then they will stop spinning and whoever they’re pointing at trades places
with them and is in the middle for the next round.

Closure: What did we talk about seeing at this fair? (a señorita with a flower
in her hair)
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
How to use their head voice and how to remember different movements for
different parts of the song.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-

Emotional Subjects

• Maintain • Rememb • Moving National “Core” Music Content

Standards Standards Standards
ing ering to the
personal lyrics song Creating
1. Singing
space and
Plan and Make
and moveme
taking nts to 2. Play
Evaluate &
turns specific Instruments
going in parts of
the the song Performing
3. Improvising Select

4. Composing
Evaluate, &
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration
(outside arts) Connect #11

9. History/

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