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A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam

district, Andhra Pradesh, India

Article · November 2012

DOI: 10.6088/ijes.2012030133025


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Research article ISSN 0976 – 4402

A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam

district, Andhra Pradesh, India
Jagadish Kumar. M1, Vasudeva Rao. M2
Department of Civil Engineering, YSR Engineering College of YVU, Proddatur, AP
Department of Microbiology, S.S.R.J Degree College, Khammam, AP, India


The biodiversity of soil fungi have been studied at Bhadrachalam forest which is located in
Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh state, India. The Bhadrachalam forest study area lies on
left bank of river Godavari in Bhadrachalam revenue division. The area is located between
East 80021’ - 81009’ longitudes and 17036’ - 18038’ North latitudes. The total geographic area
of the division is 1, 96,800 Ha with 1, 44,603 Ha under forests. For the present study, soil
samples were collected from North zone of Bhadrachalam forest on 5th of every month
starting with March-2009 to Febrauary-2010.The collections were made by taking composite
samples up to a depth of 10cm after scrapping off 3cm of surface soil with a sterile trowel.
The samples were systematically analyzed for physico-chemical parameters such as seasonal
variation, moisture content, pH, soil temperature, soil organic carbon content which affects
fungal population. The soil exhibit dynamic nature with everlasting interaction between
abiotic and biotic factors. Fungi is an important component of the terrestrial ecosystem as it
plays an vital role on recycling of organic wastes, nature conservation,agriculture.The present
work has been initiated to determine the effect of the key abiotic factors on soil fungi. It is
observed that soil fungus of the study area is affected due to abiotic factors and it should be
properly mitigated to continue the natural benefits of the soil fungi and its role in sustaining
fertility to the forest ecosystem. As a part of present study an attempt has been made to study
the ecology and dynamics of soil fungi associated with Bhadrachalam forest.

Keywords: Forest ecosystem, Physico-chemical parameters, Soil fungi, Bhadrachalam forest,

Khammam District, A.P

1. Introduction

Bhadrachalam forest division is one of among the territorial divisions of Khammam circle
and one wildlife division. The North division of the Bhadracham forest is the part of the
Godavari upper division and was formed on 1st July 1964, by bifurcating upper Godavari
division into Bhadrachalam and V.R.Puram divisions with head quarters at Bhadrachalam.
The terrain shows great variation in the altitude with undulations constituting high ranges of
hills on the north and numerous scattered groups of hills intercepted by the river Taliperu and
streams. The terrain falls in to two well defined zones namely eastern zone comprising east of
Taliperu river and Nugur zone comprising charla, venkatapuram and wazeedu mandals.The
important rivers which drain the study area are the Godavari and Taliperu. The Forests of the
tract can be divided into the two Physio-graphic zones namely Eastern zone lying east of
Taliperu river and Nugur zone.The eastern zone lies between the river Taliperu and
Nandigama vagu along the left bank of river Godavari. Its length along the Godavari is
74.835 Km with an area of about 24501.305 Ha. It is bounded by the politically defined cut
line of Chhattisgarh State on the North, by Nandigama Vagu on the East, by river Godavari

Received on October 2012 Published on November 2012 1169

A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

on the South and river Taliperu on the West. There are many reserves in this zone containing
occasional isolated hills. The whole terrain is either plain or gently undulating. This contains
both a plateau with a general elevation of 305 m to 425 m and a narrow alluvial flat country
with a general elevation of about 92 m. Towards the South and the West near Tippapuram
and Venkatapuram, the plateau rises abruptly from the plains with a precipitous wall of 152m
to 213m high. Further towards North near Krishnapuram, the rise is gentler then again at the
North Eastern edge of the plateau, the ground rises abruptly with perpendicular rocky sides to
an elevation varying between 610m to 975m. To the South-East of this plateau, the Charla
Reserved Forests, there is a Range of hills about 12 Km long and 6 Km broad. The general
terrain of this plateau is undulating and is well drained by many streams that have cut deep
ravines into the plateau.

The Bhadrachalam Forest Division forms a part of Pranahita-Godavari valley region. The
Pranahita-Godavari valley has not yet been fully surveyed geologically; only small portions
of the field where the coal bearing Barakar Strata found were once explored by
Mr.W.T.Blandford, and later by Mr.W.King (Records of the Geological Survey of India,
Volume XVIII-Part-3, 1881). Inspite of the presence of Coal bearing Barakar Strata, this
area has not been taken up for systematic geological mapping so far. The area to the North of
River Godavari and West of Sabari river is of a complicated nature, but in general the area
represents a Graben (rift valley).A view from Pavanoor village in Nugur R.F. of
Venkatapuram Range will give an idea of this rift valley. In many places the earth has folded
itself, resulting in the sudden lowering of a part of rocks (rifts). Thus abrupt occurrence of
precipitous, perpendicular rocky sides (walls) has resulted. These rifts later formed the
sources of mountain streams, which are conspicuously many in this Division due to these rifts.
These numerous mountain streams, used to drain their water and silt into the river Godavari
ultimately, were tamed by constructing a dam across Taliperu near Charla, creating immense
irrigation facilities for the adjacent lands. The rocks do not generally show any folding or
any tectonic symptoms. But near Baster, the Archeans show the effects of folding. The
Godavari valley is flanked on either side by extensive tracts of ancient archeans gneiss, with
superincumbent later formations covering portions of the middle area from end to end of the
field. The recent formations in the middle of the graben near about Dummugudem are
denuded away.

2. Materials and method

Study area

The study area in the part of Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh is in between East 80021’
- 81009’ longitudes and 17036’ - 18038’ North latitudes and falls in the Survey of India
toposheet No. 55 G/2, 5. It is on left bank of river Godavari.


Soil samples were collected from North Zone of Bhadrachalam forest on the 5th of every
month starting with march, 2009 to February, 2010. Each month at 50 x 50 m area was
selected. Collections were made by taking composite samples up to a depth of 10cm, after
scraping off 3cm of surface soil with a sterile trowel. A pit was dug with the trowel which
was sterilized with 70% alcohol and the root zone soil was collected in fresh polyethene bags
along with root bits. The soil temperature was measured with help of soil thermometer. The
soils were brought to the laboratory immediately and composite soil samples of each plant
species were thoroughly mixed and kept in one big polythene bag in refrigerator at 5 0C until

Jagadish Kumar. M, Vasudeva Rao. M 1170

International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.3, 2012
A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

further study. Soils were taken from the root zone soils, supporting two Angiospermic plants,
Hardwikia bipinata (Caesalpiniaceae) for determining number of soil fungi and VAM fungal
propagules after removing stones and vegetable debris present. Root bits of each species were
fixed separately every month in 1:3 acetic alcohols. Soil samples for chemical analysis were
air dried and passed through 2 mm sieve.

Soil analysis

The soil reaction and moisture content were determined immediately after getting the samples
to the laboratory. The pH of each soil was determined using digital electronics, pH meter.
The moisture content, mechanical analysis, water holding capacity, quantity of organic
carbon, chlorides, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, iron,
copper, zinc and manganese were determined by the methods recommended by piper (1944).
The microelement content of iron, copper, zinc and manganese (in ppm) was measured using
Perkin Elmer model 373 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Available nitrogen was
estimated by Kjeldahl’s method. Exchangeable potassium was measured by the intensity
method with the help of Elico flame photometer. Olsen’s method as modified by Betramson
(1942) was employed in estimating available phosphorous using Elico colorimeter.

Moisture content

The moisture content of the soil was determined as follows:

10 g of 2 mm sieved soil was taken in a known weight of card board paper boat. The same is
kept in hot air oven, adjusted at 1050C, for 11 hours. Next day, the weight of the boat
including dry soil was taken, when it was cool. The moisture content in % was determined as

Weight of empty paper boat = W1 g

Weight of boat + soil = W2 g
Weight of boat + soil (after dry) = W3 g
Weight of soil before dry W2-W1 = W4 g
Weight of soil after dry W3-W1 = W5 g
Moisture content W4-W5 = W6 g
Percentage of Moisture content = (W6/W4) X 100

Likewise, the moisture content (in %) of the rhizoshpere soil supporting the two
angiospermic plants under study was determined individually each month.

Organic carbon

The quantity of organic carbon of the soil was estimated by the modified method of Walkley
and Black (Piper, 1944).To one gram of 0.5 mm sieved soil, 10 ml of 1NK2Cr2O7 and 2 ml of
conc. H2SO4 were added. The contents were allowed to cool for 30 min. and then added 3 g
of sodium fluoride. The solution was titrated against 1N ferrous sulphate solution using
diphenyl amine indicator. The turbid blue colour was changed to brilliant green. A blank
titration was carried at the beginning. The organic carbon content (in %) of the soil was
calculated as follows:

Jagadish Kumar. M, Vasudeva Rao. M 1171

International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.3, 2012
A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

Blank value - titre value

% organic carbon = ------------------------------- X Normality of FeSo4 X 3
1 1N K2Cr2O7 solution; dissolve 49.04 g of K2Cr2O7 in distilled water and dilute of 1 liter.
2 1N FeSO4 solution; Dissolve 280g of FeSO4 in 40ml of Conc. H2SO4 ,cool and dilute of 1
liter with distilled water.

Soil Temperature

The soil temperature was recorded while collecting the soil samples with the help of a soil
thermograph at a depth of approximately 10 cm in the top horizon.

3. Results and discussion

Quantitative data in relation to Physico-chemical factors

The results of the quantitative data in relation to physico-chemical factors were analyzed and
represented in table 1 through 5.The following statistical parameters which include minimum,
maximum, median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis were studied. The analysis was
carried out keeping view of the importance of the soil quality and a fungal component in it.
The pH values of the soil ranges from 6.5 to 7.9 for soil-1 and 6.56 to 8.39 for soil-2.The
other key parameters were also carefully studied and represented in tabulated form.

4. Conclusion

The main objective of the present study was to understand and analyze the quality of soil in
northern part of Bhadrachalam, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The present work
was designed to statistically represent the physico chemical parameters involved with fungi
of the study area. The physico-chemical characteristics of the soil samples reveal that the
soils in this region require attention.

Table 1: Result of chemical and statistical analysis of fungal numbers and seasonal variations
of soil samples collected from the study area
Fungal numbers and seasonal variation
Distribution of fungal numbers (per g) in two soils
Months Soil-1 Soil-2
Soil fungi VAM Fungi Soil fungi VAM Fungi
March, 2009 40 0.88 34 3.76
April,2009 40 3.04 34 3.04
May,2009 30 2.12 36 7.52
June ,2009 113.3 4.2 505 9.88
July,2009 313 24.44 293 11.20
August,2009 53 33.48 154 31.88
September,2009 30 58.68 36 97.84
October,2009 253 68.72 316 42.72
November,2009 236 14.64 110 41.60
December,2009 33 25.12 26 34.80
January,2010 53 2.60 33 13.72

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International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.3, 2012
A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

February 2010 42 1.40 34 4.64

Min 30 0.88 26 3.04
Max 313 68.72 505 97.84
Median 47.5 9.42 36 12.46
Std Dev 102.9616 23.34987 156.116 27.36585
Skewness 1.287582 1.232405 1.540613 1.86862
Kurtosis 0.034719 0.489554 1.631026 4.068466
Soil-1: Dalbergia Paniculata; Soil-2: Hardwickia bipinata

Table 2: Result of chemical and statistical analysis of percentage of moisture in soil of the
study area
Percentage of Moisture in two soils
Month Soil-1 Soil-2
March, 2009 0.3800 4.6293
April, 2009 1.5621 2.5623
May, 2009 0.7163 1.7223
June , 2009 2.2190 3.7732
July, 2009 3.1954 3.1924
August, 2009 3.3305 2.8815
September, 2009 7.3717 19.2636
October, 2009 6.3096 11.3127
November, 2009 5.6216 7.3260
December, 2009 4.7928 5.5524
January, 2010 3.3487 7.1950
February, 2010 3.2365 6.6271
Min 0.38 1.7223
Max 7.3717 19.263
Median 3.2835 5.0908
Std Dev 2.17735 4.8722
Skewness 0.31125 1.9226
Kurtosis -0.66218 4.2122
Soil-1: Dalbergia Paniculata
Soil-2: Hardwickia bipinata

Table 3: Result of chemical and statistical analysis of pH of soil from the study area
pH values recorded in the two soils
Month Soil-1 Soil-2
March, 2009 7.02 7.32
April, 2009 6.75 7.02
May, 2009 6.52 6.56
June , 2009 6.50 6.70
July, 2009 7.90 8.00
August, 2009 7.20 6.95
September, 2009 7.50 7.00
October, 2009 6.50 7.00
November, 2009 7.83 7.56
December, 2009 7.82 8.39
January, 2010 6.70 7.28
February, 2010 7.12 7.56
Min 6.5 6.56

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A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

Max 7.9 8.39

Median 7.07 7.15
Std Dev 0.5397 0.5306
Skewness -1.4860 0.3743
Kurtosis 0.3305 0.8285
Soil-1: Dalbergia Paniculata
Soil-2: Hardwickia bipinata

Table 4: Result of chemical and statistical analysis of soil temperature of soil from the study
Soil temperature in Degree Celsius of the two soils
Month Soil-1 Soil-2
March, 2009 27 28
April, 2009 30 31
May, 2009 25 26.5
June , 2009 28 28
July, 2009 26 26
August, 2009 28 27
September, 2009 24 24
October, 2009 24 25
November, 2009 22 24
December, 2009 28 29
January, 2010 22 21
February, 2010 24 25
Min 22 21
Max 30 31
Median 25.5 26.25
Std Dev 2.5702 2.6582
Skewness -1.0379 0.3740
Kurtosis 0.0585 -0.1310
Soil-1: Dalbergia Paniculata
Soil-2: Hardwickia bipinata

Table 5: Result of chemical and statistical analysis of organic carbon content of soil from the
study area
Percentage of Organic Carbon in the two soils
Month Soil-1 Soil-2
March , 2009* --- ---
April, 2009 2.64 1.86
May, 2009 1.83 3.45
June , 2009 1.59 2.31
July, 2009 3.21 2.04
August, 2009 1.38 3.57
September, 2009* --- ---
October, 2009 0.96 3.57
November, 2009 1.14 3.66
December, 2009 2.22 2.04
January, 2010* --- ---
February, 2010* --- ---
Min 0.96 1.86

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A study on biodiversity of soil fungi of Bhadrachalam forest, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh, India

Max 3.21 3.66

Median 1.71 2.88
Std Dev 0.7738 0.8128
Skewness -0.487 -2.5925
Kurtosis 0.6606 -0.0623
Soil-1: Dalbergia Paniculata
Soil-2: Hardwickia bipinata
*-Data unavailable due to road block to the study area

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