Task 1:
Globalization refers to the growth of international trade, investments, information technology and
outsourced manufacturing to merge the economies of diverse countries together (Staff, 2017). In
business, it mainly refers to the economic integration of global markets, but the term is also used to
describe socio-cultural integration among countries. Moreover, globalization is responsible for the
noticeably increasing international trade and cultural exchange in today's world.
Doing business globally can provide your business with exciting new opportunities for growth and profit.
However, if global business were easy, everyone would do it, and there are significant risks and
challenges associated with going international. When you conduct trade in another country, you'll have
to be familiar with that country's laws. The legal complexities of international business can be
challenging, and without proper legal advice you might be subject to fines and penalties. If you are
outsourcing customer service to another country, your customers may struggle to understand people
whose first language is different than your own. Other factors like technological, socio-cultural,
environmental and political should be kept in account while expanding the business overseas.
Likewise, we can see many multi-national companies leading in the global market by overcoming all the
challenges and risks that came while going international. For instance, KFC is one of the leading fast food
chains in the world with more than 1800 outlets worldwide. They have been successfully running their
business in almost all parts of the world. Among the last two decades of entering, KFC, a once lack-luster
American fast food brand, outperformed all other competitors and rapidly became the biggest
restaurant chain in China. No matter considering the number of restaurants, profit or market shares, KFC
dominants the Chinese food market with 2200 branches over China and a speed of 300 new branches
annually, unmatched by its arch rival and world market leader McDonald (John, 2008).
Furthermore, as we are living in 21st century, it's really important that we keep a tab on every global
perspective in the field as one way or the other it will either gain the economy or the business of the
company. Whereas people can also save themselves from going bankrupt or on losses whenever there is
turmoil in the global economy. As our degree is one of the latest courses where we study lots and lots of
cases regardless of a company or an organization or particularly an economy which will help us be aware
of the mistakes done by them.
Task 2:
When it comes to choosing your career, it's really important to know whether the skills you posses are
suitable for the job or not. Identifying your personality and linking it up with your career is very crucial
while applying for a job. Not only does it help us find the right career option, but also distinguish
ourselves from our competitors. The three main skills that we require in the workplace are: Technical,
transferable and personal. Technical skills are often termed as "work skills" that are required to perform
specific tasks. Transferable skills help us in making a career change whereas personal skills are the
individual traits that we have as a person in the workplace.
A workplace consists of mainly two types of people; the extrovert and the introvert. Extroverts tend to
work in a group and share their ideas and achievements with their co-workers whereas introverts are
focused and find themselves to be efficient and comfortable working alone. Because of this, it's
necessary to allocate these personalities in their right jobs in order to get things done effectively. For
example, extroverts are more likely to perform well while dealing with clients such as in sales
department, working/coordinating in groups and so on. On the other hand, introverts are suitable for
mostly thinking and developing complex algorithms for problem solving rather than having to
communicate with clients.
As an introvert, I would prefer working for a role that requires planning, visioning and problem solving
so that during project planning, I'll be able to sit alone and design solutions, propose ideas, while having
to communicate within the team itself and no external party involved. Therefore, I would like to work in
an INGO with the above mentioned roles and responsibilities that will bring the best out in me. I also
wouldn't want to work for a tight scheduled job as I'm more of an easy going person hence, working in a
recreational environment will be beneficial for me.
Thus, finding the right job by identifying your skills will eventually reward you with job satisfaction, work
life balance, suitable work environment and also a good pay.
Task 3:
Ethics are the norms and values that we follow in our everyday life. It is the judgment of what is right
and what is wrong. Likewise in business, ethics are the moral guideline, policies and practices that a
company follows. These ethics are formed and decided by companies in regard to controversies such as
briery, corporate social responsibility, discrimination, black marketing, etc. Business ethics are often
guided by the law and provide a framework to the organization which they can follow to get public
acceptance. It ensures a trust between the company and its customers that they will be receiving a fair
treatment from the business (Staff, 2017).
Being an ethical business does not only help in maintaining a good reputation in the society but it also
ensures its investors and stake holders that their capital is being used properly. Whereas not following
any of these norms and values might lead the company to a wide range of consequences. It might affect
the people as well as the environment around them. For example, if an industry does not take
responsibility of where it disposes its waste, fails to think of a long term view while buying a land,
ignores its responsibility of minimizing the carbon emission it is affecting the nature in a very negative
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) stresses organizations to behave as good corporate citizens by
contributing something to the community in an ethical way. Companies engage in corporate social
responsibility to provide benefits for the communities which are not obligatory to the law or any profit
based organizations. There are many appreciations as well as speculation regarding CSR for it to be
ethical. The assumptions that prove the ethics of CSR are as follows:
1) Paying attention to the company's motive for CSR and the concrete benefit that the customers
will be getting.
2) In order to achieve ethical outcomes if the company is able to explain why they are engaged in
There is a risk that the company might affect the government's role in providing public services.
Task 4:
Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of
goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation
(En.wikipedia.org, 2017). The term technology has been changed since we entered the 21st century , as
every single organization has been adapting technology to move forward to change the customer
services and experience and since then the business world has been changed rapidly as because of this
the businesses are booming , Innovation is happening and the productivity is at its peak.
When newer technology comes forward the biggest challenge for that it should be adapted well and the
main person to do that in the business world is a Manager. If a manager cannot adapt with the
technology, the entire operation can be hampered as it will also affect the employees working under
him as it is his/her job to implement technology among his co-workers or employees. Despite the fact
that receiving new innovation can be extremely helpful - even vital - for a business, each new innovation
likewise exhibits a special arrangement of new dangers. Without appropriate representative preparing
in how to utilize another product framework, for instance, innovation can really diminish profitability
and even lessen worker fulfillment. The fast relocation of individual and corporate operations
information to online databases likewise makes organizations more defenseless against digital assaults
that can unfavorably influence operations or close down a business inside and out. Technology risk has
its own benefits, as when a manager successfully adapt with the technology he/she can make the
employee satisfied as well as can increase the productivity among the employee bringing rapid business
boom and it also helps the organization or a company to adapt with the change happening around and
become productive and can also do healthy competition among its competitors and make the market
I personally think that if I work as a manager in a company in the near future I will try to adapt with all
the changes technology brings and will try to implement that in my workplace and not only try to bring
best out of the employees with the help of technology but will also try to increase the satisfaction
among the customers as well as will try to be competitive in the market.
Joseph, L. (2017). Importance of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. [online] Udemy
Blog. Available at: https://blog.udemy.com/importance-of-business-ethics/ [Accessed 4 Dec. 2017].
It Still Works | Giving Old Tech a New Life. (2017). How Technology Affects Business Operations. [online]
Available at: https://itstillworks.com/technology-affects-business-operations-1659.html [Accessed 4
Dec. 2017].
Keeping, J. (2017). The Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility - LawNow Magazine. [online] LawNow
Magazine. Available at: http://www.lawnow.org/the-ethics-of-corporate-social-responsibility/ [Accessed
2 Dec. 2017].
Libguides.usc.edu. (2017). Research Guides: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Home.
[online] Available at: http://libguides.usc.edu/csr [Accessed 2 Dec. 2017].