Dba Ethics Syllabus

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La Salle University

Ozamiz City
School of Graduate Studies

Course Outline
Updated November 2018

Course Code: BA1502 Credit Units: 3 units

Course Title: Global Business Ethics, Social Responsibility and Diversity Credit Hours: 52 hours

Part 1. Course Information

Instructor Information
Instructor: Daryl S. Famacion-Quinco
Office: CBA, La Salle University
Office Hours: 8:00-12:00 A.M. and 1:00-5:00 P.M.
Office Telephone: 088-521-0342 loc. 109
E-mail Address: quincodf@gmail.com

Course Description

This course focuses on understanding the basic concepts of ethics and its role in business,
entrepreneurship and economy. The course would look at cases and articles applying ethical principles
in the process of leadership and decision-making. The course also aims for the students to become
familiar with the benefits of corporate social responsibility in the context of globalized economic and
social relations. The course would also challenge the students to identify consequences of unethical
business activities on the development of the community / global society. Finally, the course challenges
the students to be able to recognize the essential characteristics of "good society".

This 3-unit course requires 36 hours of classroom or face-to-face instruction and 16 hours out-
of-class student work for approximately four weeks. Out-of-class work may include but it is not limited
to required reading, library research, written assignments and study.

Course Pre-requisites and/or Co-Requisites


Textbook and Course Materials

Required Text
The Vocation of the Business Leader

Inside Job -https://vimeo.com/20853241

Food, Inc. --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMVdrEo5130

Course Requirements
Research Paper – 35%
Each student must submit an analysis of a local industry/workplace ethical issue using the materials
discussed in class and additional 5 or more scholarly articles. The final paper must follow APA citation
and referencing formats. Maximum of 20 pages, Calibri (11 points) or Times New Roman (12 points), 1.5
space, 1 inch margins. The research paper must follow the following format:
Background of the ethical issue
Research question
Literature review
Data gathering method

Reports – 25%
Students will report on assigned topics designed to test comprehension of material covered in class.

Journal/Case Analysis – 25%

Students will read and synthesize on assigned journal articles designed to test comprehension of
material covered in class. The journal reports will cover four areas: Key Points, picked out from the
journal reading; Insights, reflection on the material read; Applications, the key points and insights
applied in their actual field of work; and Questions, clarifications or further inquiries into the concepts
and application of the journal reading.

Attendance – 15%
Attendance at every class is expected. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain complete
information on that class from another student in the course.

Course Structure
Class presentations will primarily follow a lecture format with designated class time for journal
readings and synthesis. Students are encouraged to ask questions. I want to stress the importance of
preparation for class and remind you that we are all learning. My approach is that questions are an
extremely important part of our learning process, thus are relevant to all those in this learning setting.
Please ask questions.

Because research, analysis, and written and oral communication are important skills for a
successful public administrator, students will also be involved in written assignments. The assignments
will involve researching topics, analyzing the results, and reporting on the outcomes of their efforts.
Assignments will be evaluated for the logical coherency of thought and quality of written presentation.

Part 2. Student Learning Outcomes

In this course, students will have the opportunity to: examine the underlying assumptions
behind the ethical responsibilities of public officials and government figures in democratic societies;
explore key aspects of professional ethics – conflicts of interest, loyalty, duty, subordination; give
attention to the way in which institutional arrangements and reforms promote or inhibit moral choices
and anticorruption strategies; assess norms and values related to the public service.

Part 3. Topic Outline/Schedule

1. Overview, Learning Goals and Expectations
2. Lecture-discussion: Deciding what's right: A prescriptive approach (Chapter 2 of Managing business
ethics by Trevino and Nelson) MS. BLANCA SY
Ethics as organizational culture (Chapter 5 of Chapter 2 of Managing business ethics by Trevino and
3. Discussion of Documentaries

 Food Inc.
 Inside Job

4. Lecture-discussion: The Vocation of the Business Leader MS. TORTOLA

    Case:  Reell Precision Manufacturing (The Bridge RPM Case)
    BBC-HD Code of Business Ethics
5. Lecture-discussion: Toward a Common Good Model of the Firm MR. ROSLINDA

6.  Discussion: Management, theology and moral points of view MR. ANDIAS
7.  Discussion: Aristotle's Virtues and Management theory MR. GRANFON
8.  Wrap up:  Questions, Synthesis, and Implications for Action and Research
9.  Assignments:  Readings and discussants

1. Recap
2. Why should corporations be socially responsible? MS. BLANCA SY
3. Stakeholder theory: The state of the art MS. MARICON
4. ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Guidance MS. TORTOLA
5. Ethical decision-making: Where we've been MR. ROSLINDA

6. Humanistic entrepreneurship MR. ANDIAS
7. Creating shared value MR. GRANFON
8. Dialogic leadership
9. Changing unethical organizational behavior
10. Wrap up:  Questions, Synthesis, and Implications for Action and Research
11.  Assignments:  Final paper

Schedule of Meetings Delivery Mode Number of Hours

December 1, 2018 face-to-face 8 hours
December 7, 2018 Library Work 8 hours
December 8, 2018 face-to-face 8 hours
December 15, 2018 Independent Study 8 hours
January 5, 2019 face-to-face 8 hours
January 6, 2019 face-to-face 4 hours
January 12, 2019 face-to-face – Exam 8 hours
36 hours Face-to-face
16 hours Out-of-Class
TOTAL 52 hours
Part 4. Grading Policy
Basis for Grading

Research Paper 35%

Reports 25%
Journal Analysis and Synthesis 25%
Attendance 15%
Total 100%

Rubrics for Oral Reports

Criteria Developing (6) Standard (8) Exemplary (10)

1. Content Lacks depth; limited Only some topics are In-depth and thorough
treatment of assigned thoroughly discussed discussion of assigned
topics. Demonstrates and given an in-depth topics. Shows strong
limited evidence of treatment. Shows evidence of research
research moderate evidence of

2. Organization Shows minimum Shows adequate Very well planned,

and Clarity of planning, some planning, some logical presentation and
Report sections are portions need well understood by the
disorganized and clarifications and audience
confusing improvement in logical

3. Delivery Nervous, self- Demonstrates quick Relaxed, self-confident.

conscious and recovery from minor Show natural body
monotone voice mistakes. Voice movements that
projection is develop enthusiasm and
satisfactorily varied in affects audience
volume and inflection positively. Voice
projection fluctuates in
volume and inflection
and sustains interest
4. Presentation Makes use of AV Makes use of some AV AV materials are well
Aids materials but does not materials and enhances done and are used to
enhance the the presentation to a make the presentation
presentation limited extent more interesting and

5. Audience impact Able to sustain the Able to sustain the Able to sustain the
interest of the interest of the audience interest of the audience
audience to a limited most of the time all the time

Criteria for grading the Research Paper

Form (including APA) and language accuracy 20%
Significance and clarity of issue and research problem 10%
Appropriate description of literature and analytic framework 20%
Appropriate application of literature in the discussion, conclusion and recommendation 30%
Appropriate data gathering method and reporting of findings 20%
Total 100%
Grading System
Grade     t     Description
1.00     97-100     Excellent
1.25     94-96     Superior
1.50     91-93     Very Good
1.75     88-90     Good
2.00     85-87     Satisfactory
2.25     82-84     Fair
2.50     80-81     No Credit
2.75     78-79     No Credit
3.00     75-77     No Credit
5.00   Failed due to absences No Credit
P           Passed (for Pass/Fail Courses
F           Failed (for Pass/Fail Courses
INC           Incomplete
WP           Work in Progress
Dr           Officially Dropped
A           Audit
For Master's Programs, courses for which grades below 2.25 were obtained should be repeated.
A grade of INC becomes a "5.0" after one (1) year if the student fails to complete the course.

Part 5. Course Policies

Attend Class

Any student is reliable to failure or disqualification in any subject he is taking when he has incurred:
a. A whole day face-to-face unexcused absence from the class
b. Absences, even excused, amounting to more than 20% (MRPS art. 14) of the total number of
hours of a course.

Build Rapport

If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments and other aspects of the course,
make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and
effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive
in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the semester so that they can help you find a



Approved on ______________by the Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee

Date Chair: _______________________________________


Faculty Responsible for Revising This Course Outline

(List the names of the faculty members who have developed this revised course outline.)

Approved on ______________by Program Coordinator or Chair:_______________________


If changes affect more than one program, approval by the appropriate Graduate Studies Curriculum
Committee is required:

Approved on ______________by the Graduate Curriculum Committee

Date Chair: _______________________________________

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