Singing Lesson Plan
Singing Lesson Plan
Singing Lesson Plan
Materials needed:
1. Introduce ourselves
2. Talk about a worm
a. What animal you find in the dirt after rain? It can be attached to
hooks when you go fishing.
b. Herman The Worm
3. High pitched and Low pitched sounds
a. What are they?
b. What animals make these noises?
4. Show the song and sing it for the class
a. What high pitches did you hear?
b. What low pitches did you hear?
5. Repeat song and include the sound words “CHOMP” and “WooOOo”
6. Teach the song by lines
7. Play the game.
a. The student that picked the animal will also get to choose the
next person to pick the animal
b. Run through slowly three times.
8. What are low pitch sounds? What are high pitch sounds? What
animals make these sounds? What lyrics made these sounds in the
song? What were we talking about in this song?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Not being Select
shy to say 6. Listening Analyze
noises or
sounds 7. Evaluating Evaluate
animals Connecting
Connect #10
8. Integration Connect #11
(outside arts)
9. History/Culture