Journal 3 Weeks 5 6 and 7
Journal 3 Weeks 5 6 and 7
Journal 3 Weeks 5 6 and 7
Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
Recall a specific ethical dilemma you confronted at your How does the course material relate to this ethical dilemma?
service site. As objectively as possible, describe the context, Be specific. Based on your readings, how do you know that
individuals involved, and the controversy or dilemma you this was an ethics issue, and not something else? What
observed. (This can be written in a case study-like format.) ethical principle(s) relate to this issue (beneficence, non-
maleficence, justice, autonomy), and how? What specific
standards, if any, from the code of ethics were breached by
others? Explain. What specific standards, if any, were
breached by you? Explain.
There weren’t many ethical dilemmas at my service site, but, This situation relates to the course work because it shows a
there were a couple of small instances where some of the change in location of needs. In other words, someone who
seniors could have displayed an ethical dilemma towards other may have needed a greater consumption of fruits and veggies
people at the site. One of the seniors at the service site was transferred to a different facility. While they may serve
decided to tell our site supervisor while everyone was around fruits and vegetables, this person may have preferred to have
(the other seniors were within hearing distance) that one of the actual interaction between the farm stand volunteers and
the other seniors was transferred to different place from the themselves. Overall, this situation of telling others about the
senior center and additionally, shared how that person who individual’s depression may change how others view the world
was transferred was feeling. They said that she was depressed and may even be worried for themselves, therefore, having an
and very upset that she could normally go to the farm stand. impact on their health. I know that this is an ethics issue
The ethical dilemma in this situation is that the person who got because it involves, as stated before, a change in needs as well
transferred may have told that person in confidence that she as differing perspectives that are both valid in their own
wouldn’t tell anyone else. This may have violated this viewpoints but may impact the other in a positive or negative
individual’s right to their own secrets or trust in others. way. If it was just evaluating the needs of the two individuals,
it could be categorized more so in terms of studies or
community needs assessment but this is more specifically an
ethical dilemma because it involves two different individuals’
emotions rather than just their demographics or needs. The
main standards that may have been violated (by the individual
who does not have experience in nutrition professions) would
be everyone’s right to confidentiality and trust.
The individual who shared this information with our site
DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL: WEEKS 5-7 Name___Jenn Treubig____
Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
supervisor (as well as the rest of the seniors standing around)
demonstrated autonomy over the situation and the person’s,
who was transferred, feelings, rather than stepping into their
shoes and thinking about how it might feel for people who you
haven’t told to know that you’re in a depression.
Describe your community-engaged experiences. Relate your experiences to course content and future actions.
secondly, I could have asked how that individual’s new
environment was and if there was anything that could help
them out so that I could try and resolve the situation more
rather than disregarding the depressed individual’s feelings.
My action was not the best option to choose to respond
because it did not resolve anything whatsoever. I would
probably use the strategies above, such as asking about the
new environment of the individual who was transferred and
trying to help both parties to have a better time.
Since I achieved the highest level, there wouldn’t be much improvement needing to be made (in terms of perspectives), other
than continuing to analyze from multiple perspectives as well as reevaluate how I responded to the situation and how I could have
responded better or more effectively. Overall, I would just need to improve on my judgments since I did not say anything.