Its Main Objective Is Improving Economic Efficiency, Especially Labor Productivity
Its Main Objective Is Improving Economic Efficiency, Especially Labor Productivity
Its Main Objective Is Improving Economic Efficiency, Especially Labor Productivity
4 principles
1. Develop science -time & motion study-vs of rule of thumb (rule on practical experience)
2. Scientifically select, train, develop worker-job description- based on capability and motivation, and train
them to work at maximum efficiency.
3. Cooperate with workers with principle of the science- develop incentive- Monitor worker performance, and
provide instructions and supervision to ensure that they're using the most efficient ways of
4. Divide work, responsibility equally- promote leader who guide- Allocate the work between managers and
workers so that the managers spend their time planning and training, allowing the workers to
perform their tasks efficiently
2. Explain the major differences between the classical and human relations
approaches to management theory. Also point out similarities, if any.
Where Classical theorists were concerned with structure and mechanics of organisations,
the theorists of human relations were, understandably, concerned with the human factor
Relay assembly test room experiments(1927-1929) analysing effect of physical surroundings (rest,
pauses, lunch break duration, length of working week) on output were designed to determine the
effect of changes in various job conditions on group productivity as the illumination experiments could not establish
relationship between intensity of illumination and production. For this purpose, the researchers set up a relay
assembly test room two girls were chosen.
These girls were asked to choose for more girls as co-workers. The work related to the assembly of telephone relays.
They were given opportunity to express their viewpoints and concerns to the supervisor. In some cases, they were
allowed to take decisions on matters concerning them.
From time to time, changes were made in working hours, rest periods, lunch breaks,etc. It was concluded that social
relationship among workers, participation in decision making had greater effect on productivity than working
conditions. the researchers decided to revert back to original position, that is, no rest and other benefits. Surprisingly,
productivity increased further instead of going down due to the change in girls’ attitudes towards work and their work
group. They developed a feeling of stability and a sense of belongings. Since there was more freedom of work, they
developed a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. The relationship between supervisor and workers became
close and friendly. Output increased even when worsening conditions
Hypothesis was now that it was the attitudes of subjects at work and not the physical
conditions. This gave rise to the 'Hawthorne Effect' - employees were responding not so
much to changes in the environment as to the fact they were the centre of attention - a
special group.
3.Mass Interview (1928-1930) During the course of experiments, about 20,000 interviews were conducted between
1928 and 1930 to find out reasons for increased productivity, It was concluded that productivity can be increased if
workers are allowed talk freely about matters rather than answering yes or no to direct questions. And belistened..
interviews were collected with the workers on employee attitudes to working conditions,
their supervision and their jobs.
4.Bank wiring observation room experiment 1932 Group of 14 male workers in the bank wiring under observation.
Worker’s pay depended on the performance of the gorpu as a whole. The researchers thought that efficient workers
would put pressure on the less efficient workers to complete work. However, the informal group established its own
standards of output and social pressure was used to achieve the standards of output., isolated themselves
Productivity restricted due to pressure from peers to adopt a slower rate to circumvent
company wages incentive scheme to generally adopt own group rules and behaviour
The Hawthorne experiments clearly showed that a man at work is motivated by more than the satisfaction of
economic needs. Management should recognise that people are essentially social beings and not merely economic
beings. As a social being, they are members of a group and the management should try to understand group
attitudes and group psychology.
Closed stable org. system- NO outside environment
Universal solution possible
Theory Y Assumptions:
People will both seek and accept responsibility under favorable conditions.
People have the capacity to be innovative in solving organizational problems.
People are bright, but under most organizational conditions their potentials are underutilized.
Theory X (essentially 'scientific'
Theory Y
the human relations movement supplanted scientific scientific management as the dominant approach to management int he
1930s and recognizes the complexities of human behavior in organizational settings.
Contributions: provided important insights into motivation, group dynamics, and other interpersonal processes in
organizations.. Challenged the view that employees are tools and furthered the belief that employees are valuable resources.
Limitations: the complexity of individual behavior makes prediction of that behavior difficult. Many behavioral concepts
have not yet been put to use because some managers are reluctant to adopt them. Contemporary research findings by
behavioral scientists are often not communicated to practicing managers in an understandable form.
4. Explain the concepts of span of control and scalar chain and how they are
related in determining the overall hierarchical structure of organizations.
Characterize formal organizational relationships.
1960s extension of system approach. it relates the environment to specific structures of org. no one best universal structure
depends on variable factors.
Contingency models
Size and econ perf-Larger company. More bureaucracy, more perf
Technology- Woodward- production system /unit, mass-broad span, process-many lvls Industrial org design org
structure based on type of production technology are commercially successful.
Perrow- craft. Non-routine, routine. engineering
Environment- Burns and Stalker-mechanistic, organic, Lawrence Lorsch-differentiation, when different
departments create their own corporate culture within company's overall structure. Integration- how the
different areas of the company coordinate their operations
Diff in Env require diff methods, integrating mechanisms.More diverse, dynamic environment- more effective org will be
differentiated, highly integrated
Stable-less differentiation, high integration is needed
Causes of Resistance
1. Parochial self-interest- lose sth as result
2. Misunderstanding-idk reason of change
3. Contradictory assessments- don’t make sense
4. Low tolerances of change- fear of handling
10. To what extent do you accept the view that conflict is an inevitable feature of
organizational life? Discuss how management can attempt to avoid the harmful effects of conflict. Analyse
Thomas’s model of conflict handling strategies. Support
your arguments with practical examples.
Org. conflict- situation in disagreement over goals, ways to accomplish goals btw parties emerges
Levels, Sources of conflicts, Outcome and handling will determine its valence
Traditional approach- bad, need not occur, result from lack of trust open, ppl r goodness in nature
Pluralistic approach- good, should be encouraged/regulated, inevitable, result from competition, ppl r self-seeking, competitive-
Conflict M- ways of exerc power btw parties to overcome disagree
Thomas 1976- Ways of resolving conflicts- how assertive each party pursuing its concern, cooperative with others concern
1.Collaboration-integrative solution both party wins-time consuming- to learn,merge insights from diff persp
2.Competition-quick,decisive action, take adv of non-comp
3.Accomodate- one appeases, submits to other interest, when ur wrong, harmony, build social credits
4.Compromise- both give up their concern-temporary settle,if collab compete is unsuccesful
5. Avoidance- flee conflict, trivial issue, cool down, others resolve