What Is Organizational Behavior?
What Is Organizational Behavior?
What Is Organizational Behavior?
OB is the study of human behavior.
Group level
Individual level
Individual differences
A whole person
Behaviour of an individual is caused
An individual has dignity
Organizations are social systems
Mutuality of interest among organizational
Holistic organizational behavior
To learn about yourself and how to deal with others
of production
Provided workers with medical treatment and
sickness payment
Explained various concept of manufacturing
Management should be studied as science
Maximum output
Equal division of responsibility
Need for developing a scientific way of
performing each job
Training and preparing those workers to
Piece race incentive system:-
Reward the worker who produced maximum
Output exceeded set targets – wages would
increase proportionately
Would motivate the workers to produce
Father of motion study
Finding the best sequence and minimum no.
of motions needed
Jobs are broken into various tasks or motions
Unnecessary motions are removed to get best
Each job is studied to find out how much
Technical Activities –producing &
Commercial Activities –buying, selling,
Accounting Activities –Maintaining balance
sheets, computing statistics.
Managerial Activities –planning, organizing,
commanding, coordination.
Fayol focused on last activity i.e. managerial
He gave 14 principles of management
1. division of work
2. Authority & responsibility
3. Discipline
4. Unity in command
5. Unity of direction
6. Subordination of individual interests to the
general interest.
7. Remuneration
8. Centralization
9. Scalar chain
10. Order
11. Equity
12. Stability of tenure of personnel
13. Initiative
14. Espirit de corps “a sense of union”
Characteristic Description
power on
Power should not be based on hierarchy ,
• 12000 employees were interviewed for 3
• Emphasis was on human relations not
working conditions
• Initially stereotyped answers
• Informal questions were asked and they
formed informal groups
14 male workers were formed into a group
and extensively observed. For 7 months in a
bankk wiring room
Individual wages and bonus paid on basis of
Don’t turn out too much work
Not too little even
Don’t tell supervisors
Conform to group norms
Work group norms, beliefs, sentiments, had
greater influence and impact in influencing
Thus results say that human beings are not
Theory X and theory Y
The managers, government officials and
scientists used some mathematical approaches to
use the resources more efficiently
after many years the organizations applied these
it includes the application of statistics
,optimization models, computer simulations.
Three branches of quantitative approach
Management science
Operations management
Management information system
Use of matehmatical and statistical models
for decision making
Also called operations research
Capital budgeting and cash flow management
Production sheduling
Planning for human resource development
Maitainance of optimal inventory
Aircraft sheduling
Waiting line theory and queuing theory
Linear programming
Program evaluation review technique
Critical path method
Decision theory
Simulation theory
Time series analysis
Require a team approach
Is criticised for over emphasis on
mathematical tools
It’s the applied form of management science
Is considered with
Inventory management
Work scheduling
Production planning
Facilities location and design
Quality assurance
Inventory analysis
Materials requirement planning systems
Networking models
Statistical quality control methods
Project planning
Focuses on designing and implementing
computer based information systems
Converts raw data into information
Provides the needed information to the
It advocates participation of employees in decision
Informal control in the organization
Can be understood from 3 perspectives
Traditional perspective
Behavioral perspective
Perspective based on input-output system
Early behavioral theorists regarded human
behavior as a stimulus response (S-R)
The stimulus causes a certain corresponding
decision making.
Or the act of knowing something
This knowledge proceeds behavior
Different stimuli which indiviual receives from
Receives information- arranges it ,based on past
experiences – converted into sensations by sense
Finally it leads to results
Information arranged in logical and meanigful
Personality traits and experiences and social settings
affect the process of arrangement of information.
Thinking, reasoning, problem solving takes place.
Refers to various actions by the indiviual.
Verbal or non verbal reactions
Stays in memory for future, to take similar
Influenced by temperature, humidity, noise
Motivation is the basis of this
The biographical characteristics affect the performance of the
employees .
They effect the productivity, satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover rate
of employees
Older employees make valuable contribution by virtue of experience
and sound judgment.
High work ethics and are quality conscious
Inflexible, unwilling to adopt new technologies
Women have problem solving abilities, analytical skills, inter
personal skills, learning abilities.
Higher absenteeism
Marital status
Married are steady and reliable.
Vast experience are likely to be more productive
Heredity:-the process by which
characteristics are given from a parent to the
child through the genes.
A person’s behavior is determined by its
visit of executives.
Best viewed in police department
Modern theorists believe that it represents
only a small part of total human learning.
Classical conditioning explains only
reflexing behaviour
Complex Human behaviour cant be