Application of The Criteria in Paragraph Atei Ci ATE 100

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Application of the criteria in paragraph 3.1.3.

(This example was requested subsequent to the submission of document INF.27 (15tt session) to the Sub-Committee. It
is related to INF.27 (15th session), addendum 1, item 7)

Ingredient information:

Ingredient Wt% Acute toxicity test data

Oral Dermal Inhalation
Ingredient 1 26 LD50: 2,737 mg/kg LD50: 6,480 mg/kg LC50: 11 mg/l
Ingredient 2 23 LD50: 4,500 mg/kg LD50:> 6,000 mg/kg LC50: 19 mg/l
Ingredient 3 11 LD50: > 5,000 mg/kg No data available No data available
40 LD50: 400 mg/kg Dermal limit dose > 2,000 mg/kg (No LC50: 4 mg/l
Ingredient 4
signs of toxicity)

(a) Oral route - Apply the equation in paragraph

100 Ci
ATE mixture n ATEi

100 26 23 40
= + +
ATE mixture 2,737 4,500 400
ATEmixture = 873 mg/kg, Acute Oral Toxicity; Category 4

(b) Inhalation route - Apply the equation in paragraph

100 − (∑ C unknown if > 10% ) Ci

ATE mixture n ATE i

100 − (11) 26 23 40
= + +
ATE mixture 11 19 4
ATEmixture = 6.6 mg/l, Acute inhalation toxicity; Category 3 and “11% of the mixture consists of an ingredient
of unknown inhalation toxicity”


Signal word: Danger

Hazard statements: Toxic if inhaled. Harmful if swallowed.


(a) Classification via application of substance criteria is not possible since acute toxicity test data was not
provided for the mixture (paragraph;

(b) Classification via the application of bridging principles is not possible since data on a similar mixture was not
provided (paragraph;

(c) Classification based on ingredient data for the mixture can be considered (paragraph;

(d) Applying the “relevant ingredients” concept from paragraph (a) means that all ingredients will be
considered when applying criteria in paragraphs and;
(e) Review of the ingredient test data show there is relevant evidence to suggest acute toxicity via the oral and
inhalation routes so the ATEmixture calculation was applied to the oral and inhalation routes (paragraph
Review of the ingredient test data via the dermal route show that the data are not applicable to the dermal
ATEmixture calculation (paragraph;

Oral route

(f) Data is available for all ingredients via the oral route so criteria in paragraph apply;

(g) Ingredients 1, 2 and 4 are included in the ATEmixture calculation because they have data that fall within a GHS
acute toxicity category [Paragraph (a)].

(h) Applying the guidance in Note (a) to Table 3.1.1 results in using the LD50 data for ingredients 1, 2 and 4 in the
ATEmixture calculation since data is available.

Inhalation route

(i) The total concentration of ingredients with unknown inhalation acute toxicity (i.e., ingredient 3) is 11%,
therefore, the ATEmixture equation in paragraph must be used for the inhalation route. This
calculation corrects for ingredients with unknown acute toxicity above 10% of the mixture.

(j) Ingredients 1, 2 and 4 are included in the ATEmixture calculation because they have data that fall within a GHS
acute toxicity category [Paragraph (a)];

(k) Applying the guidance in Note (a) to Table 3.1.1 results in using the LD50 data for ingredients 1, 2 and 4 in the
ATEmixture calculation since data is available;

(l) Ingredient 3 does not have any useable information for the inhalation route ATEmixture calculation and is in the
mixture at a concentration ≥ 1% so an additional statement is included (paragraph

(Reference document: ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2008/23, Annex 2, Example 4)

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