G.R. No. 93023 - Achacoso v. Macaraig PDF
G.R. No. 93023 - Achacoso v. Macaraig PDF
G.R. No. 93023 - Achacoso v. Macaraig PDF
CRUZ , J : p
The petitioner invokes security of tenure against his claimed removal without
legal cause. The respondents assert he is not entitled to the guaranty because he is not
a career official. These are the legal issues. The facts are as follows:
Tomas D. Achacoso was appointed Administrator of the Philippine Overseas
Employment Administration on October 16, 1987, and assumed o ce on October 27,
1987. On January 2, 1990, in compliance with a request addressed by the President of
the Philippines to "all Department Heads, Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries,
Bureau Heads," and other government o cials, he led a courtesy resignation. This was
accepted by the President on April 3, 1990, "with deep regrets." On April 10, 1990, the
Secretary of Labor requested him to turn over his o ce to the Deputy Administrator as
o cer-in-charge. In a letter dated April 19, 1990, he protested his replacement and
declared he was not surrendering his o ce because his resignation was not voluntary
but led only in obedience to the President's directive. On the same date, respondent
Jose N. Sarmiento was appointed Administrator of the POEA, vice the petitioner.
Achacoso was informed thereof the following day and was again asked to vacate his
o ce. He led a motion for reconsideration on April 23, 1990, but this was denied on
April 30, 1990. He then came to this Court for relief.
In this petition for prohibition and mandamus, this Court is asked to annul the
appointment of Sarmiento and to prohibit the respondents from preventing the
petitioner from discharging his duties as Administrator of the POEA.
Achacoso contends that he is a member of the Career Service of the Civil Service
and so enjoys security of tenure, which is one of the characteristics of the Career
Service as distinguished from the Non-Career Service. 1 Claiming to have the rank of
undersecretary, he says he comes under Article IV, Section 5 of P.D. 807, otherwise
known as the Civil Service Decree, which includes in the Career Service:
3. Positions in the Career Executive Service; namely, Undersecretary, Assistant
Secretary, Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau Director, Regional Director, Assistant
Regional Director, Chief of Department Service and other o cers of equivalent
rank as may be identi ed by the Career Executive Service Board, all of whom are
appointed by the President.
His argument is that in view of the security of tenure enjoyed by the above-named
o cials, it was "beyond the prerogatives of the President" to require them to submit
courtesy resignations. Such courtesy resignations, even if led, should be disregarded
for having been submitted "under duress," as otherwise the President would have the
power to remove career o cials at pleasure, even for capricious reasons. In support of
this contention, he invokes Ortiz v. Commission on Elections , 2 where we observed that
"to constitute a complete and operative act of resignation, the o cer or employee
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must show a clear intention to relinquish" and that "a courtesy resignation cannot
properly be interpreted as a resignation in the legal sense for it is not necessarily a
re ection of a public o cial's intention to surrender his position." He concludes that as
his removal was illegal, there was no vacancy in the disputed o ce to which
respondent Sarmiento could have been validly appointed.
In his Comment, the Solicitor General concedes that the o ce of POEA
Administrator is a career executive service position but submits that the petitioner
himself is not a career executive service o cial entitled to security of tenure. He offers
the following certification from the Civil Service Commission to show that the petitioner
did not possess the necessary quali cations when he was appointed Administrator of
the POEA in 1987: prLL
This is to certify that per records of the Career Executive Service Board (CESB),
Mr. Tomas D. Achacoso III has not participated in a Career Executive Service
Development Program (CESDP) and is not a CES eligible. This is to certify further
that Mr. Achacoso was not appointed to a rank in the CES and is not therefore a
member of the Career Executive Service.
Reference is also made to the following rules embodied in Part III, Article IV,
Integrated Reorganization Plan as approved by P.D. 1 and amended by P.D. 336 and
P.D. 337, on the career executive service:
c. Appointment. Appointment to appropriate classes in the Career Service shall be
made by the President from a list of career executive eligibles recommended by
the Board. Such appointments shall be made on the basis of rank; provided that
appointments to the higher ranks which qualify the incumbents to assignments
as undersecretary and heads of the bureaus and o ces and equivalent positions
shall be with the con rmation of the Commission on Appointments. The
President may, however, in exceptional cases, appoint any person who is not a
Career Executive Service eligible, provided that such appointee shall subsequently
take the required Career Executive Service examination and that he shall not be
promoted to a higher class until he quali es in such examination. (Emphasis
The respondents contend that as the petitioner was not a career executive
service eligible at the time of his appointment, he came under the exception to the
above rule and so was subject to the provision that he "shall subsequently take the
required Career Executive Service examination and that he shall not be promoted to a
higher rank until he quali es in such examination." Not having taken that examination, he
could not claim that his appointment was permanent and guaranteed him security of
tenure in his position.
It is settled that a permanent appointment can be issued only "to a person who
meets all the requirements for the position to which he is being appointed, including the
appropriate eligibility prescribed." Achacoso did not. At best, therefore, his
appointment could be regarded only as temporary. And being so, it could be withdrawn
at will by the appointing authority and "at a moment's notice," conformably to
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established jurisprudence.
The Court, having considered these submissions and the additional arguments of
the parties in the petitioner's Reply and the Solicitor-General's Rejoinder, must nd for
the respondents.
The mere fact that a position belongs to the Career Service does not
automatically confer security of tenure on its occupant even if he does not possess the
required quali cations. Such right will have to depend on the nature of his appointment,
which in turn depends on his eligibility or lack of it. A person who does not have the
requisite quali cations for the position cannot be appointed to it in the rst place or,
only as an exception to the rule, may be appointed to it merely in an acting capacity in
the absence of appropriate eligibles. 3 The appointment extended to him cannot be
regarded as permanent even if it may be so designated.
1. Article IV, Section 5, P.D. 807.
6. Mendez v. Ganzon, 101 Phil. 48; Cuadra v. Cordova, 103 Phil. 391; U.P., et al. v. CIR, 107 Phil.
848; Quitiquit v. Villacorta, 107 Phil. 1060; De la Torre v. Trinidad, et al., 108 Phil. 365;
Madrid v. Auditor General, 108 Phil. 578; Montero v. Castellanes, 108 Phil. 744.