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Eyebrow Shape Treatment Plan

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Level 2 Technical Certificate in Beauty Therapy

Assessment Sheet

Candidate Mischa Assessment 28.04.20

name date

Consultation summary

The client has come in for an eyebrow shape with tweezers. They have
never had them tweezed or waxed before, they usually just trim them with
scissors occasionally. Sometimes they pull the hairs out themselves with
their hands but this is quite painful. They have no contra-indications and are
on medication for high blood pressure but this does not prevent or restrict
the treatment in any way.

As well as tweezers, they would also like me to trim the eyebrows with
scissors as they are very long. Their expectations from today are to have a
tidier appearance to their eyebrows and to remove some hairs from
underneath. They do not want a dramatic change, so would like to stick to
their natural eyebrow shape but just have a tidy up.

They find their eyebrow hair to be coarse and long with some straight and
some curly hair. They are very big and bushy but do not have much shape to
them, they do not mind this. The eyebrows are thick and rectangular in
shape, getting narrower toward the ends.

They have some long hairs in-between the eyebrows that can be removed.
They are dark brown with some white hairs.They said I can remove the white
hairs but I said I would not remove the white hairs as it would leave patches
of the eyebrows with no hairs, instead it would be better to tint these if they
want them removed. They said they would consider getting these tinted at
another time to see how it looks.

The client has no questions before we start.

Make-up plan and skin analysis

Make-up plan: Annotate the diagram showing

where make-up is to be applied

The client’s eyebrows are long, straight and

Skin analysis: Annotate the diagram showing all some are not straight. They are dark with
the characteristics that are visible on the clients some white hairs. The shape of the
skin. eyebrows is straight across, rectangular
shape and narrower towards the end.
Full treatment plan including justification

For this treatment I will be wearing my uniform, my hair up and remove my

jewellery. I would normally wear gloves but I do not have gloves at the
moment so I will make sure I wash my hands just before the start. I will use
sterilised tools; a tweezer and small scissors.

I will use a clean brush to brush through the eyebrows. The workplace will be
organised with the tools and products I will be using and the client will be
seated in a comfortable seat that is positioned so I can get to their eyebrows
without bending or straining my back. There will be good lighting so I can
see what I am doing and the room temperature will be warm enough so the
client is comfortable. Any slip or trips hazards will be removed to comply with
Health & Safety laws.

I will begin by greeting the client and asking them to take a seat. I will wash
my hands while they are doing this. Then I will check they are comfortable. I
will check that the client is comfortable throughout and if I need them to
move their head at any time I will ask them to do this instead of straining my
back to reach. I will place a clean towel over their clothes to protect their
clothing and if they have any hair in their face I can apply a headband to

With clean cotton pads soaked in micellar water, I will cleanse the area to
remove any oils or dirt, this ensures I do not allow bacteria to enter the pores
once I have removed the hair as it can cause breakouts or infection in the

Using a clean eyebrow brush I will comb out the eyebrows and agree with
the client how much and where I am going to remove the hairs, showing
them in a mirror. I can use a micro spatula to measure the eyebrows to
determine where the start, arch and end of the eyebrow is. I will comb the
eyebrows upwards and with sterile scissors, I will trim the length across the
whole eyebrow.
Full treatment plan including justification

When I begin tweezing, I will make sure I am removing the hairs fast to
cause as little pain as possible and that I am removing them going in the
direction of hair growth. Starting in-between the eyebrows, I will tweeze the
hairs, being careful not to remove any hairs at the beginning the eyebrows.
Then I will move on to remove the hairs with tweezers underneath the
eyebrow, where the arch is and any below the beginning and end of the

I repeat this for the other eyebrow and make sure they are both even and I
have removed the hairs in the same place for both. I can check with the
client throughout to see if they are happy with what I am doing and also tell
them to let me know if I am causing them pain. Once I am happy with the
result I will show the client and ask if they are also happy.

Then, using a soothing gel on clean cotton pads, I will gently wipe over the
eyebrows and the surrounding skin to soothe the skin. I will comb through
the eyebrows and remove the towel from the client. We will then discuss
aftercare and recommendations.
Recommendations and aftercare

I have advised that the client does not touch or rubbing the area for the rest
of the day as the pores are open and bacteria from their hands can enter
them and cause irritation or breakouts.

They should avoid washing the area with any perfumed products for up to 24
hours as this can also irritate the area. For up to 24 hours they should not
apply any makeup or do any activities that can cause them to perspire such
as have a hot shower, go to a sauna or heavy exercise as the perspiration
can also enter the open pores and cause irritation or breakouts.

They should not remove hair from the area but come back for another
appointment in 2-4 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth, to maintain
the shape and appearance of the eyebrows.

They can comb through their eyebrows using a small eyebrow brush to keep
them looking neat in-between appointments. They should not try to pull the
hairs out themselves as this can be very painful.
Client feedback

Did the therapist consult with you on your requirements? Yes No

Were you satisfied with your treatments? Yes No

Client comments:

My eyebrows look a lot better now, I would have this done again in the future. I am happy with the
amount of hair that was taken off and it was not as painful as I was expecting.

Assessor feedback

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:

Self-reflection / Evaluation

Personal performance and technical skill:

I am quite happy with the result of the eyebrows as it was the first time I did this
client’s eyebrows and there was quite a lot of hair to work with. I think I worked in a
good order, starting with the middle of the eyebrows and then doing one eyebrow
at a time to make sure they both ended up even. I think I prepared the eyebrows
well by cleansing the area properly and trimming the hairs at the start which made
it easier for me to see what I had to tweeze. Mostly, I think the client did not feel
much pain throughout the treatment.

Timing and organisation skills:

I think I worked to a commercially viable time as the eyebrow shape took 15

minutes which is how long it should normally take. I had all of the tools I needed
organised for the treatment and they were all sterilised before I started. I planned in
my head where I was going to start on the eyebrow which I think saved time during
the treatment.

Communication skills:

I think I communicated well with the client as they were happy with the final result
and I feel that it is what they asked for. I could have removed more hairs from the
arch to get a better shape but I do not think they wanted this. I communicated with
them to get them to move their chair or head when I needed to reach where I
needed to better, this stopped me from leaning over them.

Areas that can be improved:

I think it could be more comfortable for me next time to get the client to lay down
and I could sit behind them to do the treatment, as this is how they would normally
be in the salon. It may help me to get to their right eyebrow better. I found removing
the hairs from this side a bit harder. Or I could just move their chair and stand more
to their side so I am able to get a better angle. At one point during the treatment, I
pinched the client’s skin with the tweezer, so I do not do this again I will make sure
I can see where I am tweezing better so I do not catch the skin. I can sit the client
closer to the light to see if this helps.

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