Raspberry Pi Pipboy 3000
Raspberry Pi Pipboy 3000
Raspberry Pi Pipboy 3000
Guide Contents 2
Overview 4
Functional Cosplay Props 4
Electronic Parts & Components 5
Tools & Supplies 5
3D Printing 7
Parts & Materials 7
Part Orientation 7
Modify Design 8
Custom Supports 9
Parts Cleanup 9
Tap Standoffs 10
Add Magnets 11
Glue Screen Visor to Base Cover 12
Prep Work 12
Circuit Diagram 13
Wired Connections 13
LED Wiring 13
Rotary Switch 13
Raspberry Pi GPIO 14
Software 17
Ready-to-go Image 17
Adapting for Pi 2 or 3 17
PiTFT on Pi 2 and 3 17
Installing Pypboy 3000 on Pi 2 and 3 17
WiFi Setup 17
Add WiFi Creds 17
Save Creds 18
Start Pypboy Python Program 18
Controls 18
Add Your City to Map 18
Customize Pypboy Program 19
Power Circuit 20
Power Switch 20
Prep Switch Wires 21
Connect Wires to Switch 22
Heat Shrink 23
Connect Switch to PowerBoost 1000C 23
Test PowerBoost Circuit 24
Power Wires for PowerBoost 1000C 24
Prep Power Wires 25
Finished Power Circuit 25
Audio 26
Audio Parts 26
Connect Wires to Speaker 27
Connect Wires to Audio Amp 28
Connect Audio Amp to PowerBoost 1000C 29
It features an audio amp + speaker with the actual score and background music from Fallout 4. An analog rotary switch
lets you switch between different modes in the pypboy python program.
The 3D printed enclosure has cutouts for most of the IO ports for the Raspberry Pi, so you add your favorite peripheral
like a WiFi dongle, keyboard and mouse.
The 2200mAh battery can be recharged over USB and fits inside an aesthetically looking cylindrical case.
Details like the super bright yellow LED, rotary encoder, speaker grill and faux gauges really make this look like a
Pipboy 3000 Mark IV.
If you don't have access to a 3D printer, you can use a service like 3DHubs.com (https://adafru.it/ldo)
Part Orientation
The parts are oriented to print "as-is". Only two parts require support material. We tested this parts on the Flashforge
Creator Pro (http://adafru.it/2742) and Ultimaker 2 (http://adafru.it/2673).
Modify Design
The parts were designed in Autodesk Fusion 360 (https://adafru.it/ldq). The design file is open source available to
download and customize - It can be downloaded in various formats such as IGS, STEP, SAT and many others.
Parts Cleanup
When the parts are finished printing, you may need to clean them up a bit. Remove the support materials using a pair
of flat pliers. A pair of flush diagonal snips can help remove any string or bits.
Prep Work
That's about all the prep work we need to do for the printed parts. In this tutorial, we won't go over any finishing or
painting techniques to the parts, but you're totally welcome to do that yourself.
While the parts dry, let's go ahead and get the Raspberry Pi software ready.
Wired Connections
The diagram above depicts the connections for the PowerBoost 1000C, audio amp, PiTFT, rotary switch, LED and Pi.
Use this as a reference for wiring the components. Note, the length of wires and position of components are not
exactly how the circuit will be - it’s just a diagram to show connections.
The 3.5" PiTFT connects to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO header. The rotary switch, LED and PowerBoost connect to the
GPIO breakout on the 3.5" PiTFT.
LED Wiring
The LED is wired to Pin 1 and 9 on the PiTFT.
Rotary Switch
Raspberry Pi GPIO
Below is a color-coded graphic of the Raspberry Pi GPIO. It has the pin number, GPIO number and pin type listed. It
great for referencing the wired connections.
Ready-to-go Image
To get the software running on the Pi, we'll need to first burn the .img to a 8GB microSD card using an
app (https://adafru.it/aMW). Once burnt, insert it into the Pi and install the PiTFT onto the Pi. Use a proper 5V power
supply wall adapter to boot it up.
The screen should display the terminal. Plug in a keyboard to one of the USB ports and use the default credentials to
login (username pi password raspberry).
This IMG is only for the Raspberry Pi Model B+ It will not work with Pi 2 or 3.
Adapting for Pi 2 or 3
If you're using a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, you'll need to manually install the Pipboy python software on a fresh install of
Jessie. Start by downloading and burning the Jessie-based PiTFT 3.5" Resistive Image.
PiTFT on Pi 2 and 3
The Jessie-based PiTFT 3.5" Resistive Image has preconfigured software for running the touch screen display. It will
automatically boot into the raspbian desktop.
WiFi Setup
We'll need to get the Raspberry Pi setup with internet so it can download map data. To do this we'll need to add our
Wifi network credentials to our wpa supplicant config.
Save Creds
Once done, press cmd+x to exit the text document and then type "y" to save and "enter" to confirm the file name. Now
you can type "sudo reboot" to restart the Pi. Once it boots up, the Pi should automatically connect to your wifi network.
cd pypboy
sudo python main.py
The pypboy program should start up and the audio will automatically start playing if you have headphones or a
speaker plugged into the A/V jack.
The following keys will let you navigate through the pypboy UI.
cd pypboy
sudo nano config.py
You should see some parameters in the config file. Look for the line with "MAP_FOCUS" and type in your desired
location. It needs to be formatted for longitude and latitude. You can get this from google maps. Type in your location
in google maps and you pull it from the URL in your address bar. For example, the
import pygame
WIDTH = 320
HEIGHT = 240
Power Switch
Let's start off the circuit by putting together the slide switch. We'll need two pieces of 26AWG wires.
Audio Parts
Gather up the parts we need for the audio circuit. We'll need four pieces of 26AWG wires, two slightly longer than the
others. Go ahead and remove 5mm of insultation from the tips and then apply solder to tin them.
I recommend turning up the audio gain on the PAM8302. Use a small flat screw driver to twist the tiny potentiometer
located on the amp PCB. This will make the sound play loud as possible.
Rotary Switch
Now it's time to work on the analog rotary switch. We'll need 5 female/female jumper cables for this setup. Just note:
there's actually 10 available position in this particular rotary switch, but we're only using 5 of them.
Wired Components
And now we have our wired components finished and ready to start mounting to the 3D printed enclosure, yay!
Install Switch
Now's a good time to thread the slide switch into the cutout on the side of the base-main part. You should be able to
press the switch through the cutout, but if its too tight, you'll have to use a filing tool or hobby knife to loosen it up. I
recommend pulling it all the way through and glueing it in place after all the components are mounted in place.
Once you think it's all good, go ahead and install the PiTFT onto the Raspberry Pi by laying it over, lining up the pins
from the PiTFT with the header from the Pi. Press it down until the pins are fully seated onto the Pi.
Rotary Encoder
You'll notice at this point our rotary encoder actually isn't
wired to anything. That's because we haven't written
any custom code to make it work with the pypboy
software. This is more of a prop but it can totally be
implemented in the future. If you're a programmer and
know how to do this, we'd love to hear about it!
Once you've sorted out a good spot for the clips, add
some quick drying glue to the bottom of the clips and
work them onto the side of the battery-case part. I found
the best location to be right under the rotary switch
case. I tried to keep the clips right above the seam
which the base-main and armband parts meet. I'd avoid
securing the clips in the middle of them so the two arm
parts can be separated.
Use the software page to reference how to launch the pypboy python program. Rotating the rotary switch should
change the menu items. The audio should start playing too.