2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
of Us
of Us
Forward Thinking
Safety is our first priority.
It underpins everything that we
do. Our unwavering commitment
is to world’s best safety practices
and reporting in all aspects of
our business, from operational
safety to the physical security
and well-being of our customers
and our people.
Safety First
Superior Infrastructure
Caring for Customers
Superior infrastructure is fundamental
to Qantas Group operations. More than ever we are investing
We have a fleet of 254 aircraft and in understanding what our
an ambitious fleet renewal program. customers want, and delivering
Our engineering and maintenance more than they could imagine.
capabilities ensure safe, reliable Qantas is redefining the modern
performance. We have 14 stylish premium airline brand – and,
Qantas international lounges, while with our Next Generation
at home we are the only airlineto Check-in, streamlining and
offer multi-tiered domestic lounges. simplifying the airport experience.
Responsible environmental
Great People behaviour is a strategic
imperative. From innovations
The Qantas Group employs in fuel conservation and flight
35,700 people across 250 unique planning to onboard recycling,
roles, with 93 per cent of them care for the environment is
based in Australia. Our goal is integrated with the Qantas
to deliver a great place to work, Group’s business strategy.
provide training and development We also strongly encourage
for our people, and harness their positive environmental action
passion in support of our brands. in the community.
With Qantas and 3
Jetstar we have two
Annual report 2010
strong and complementary brands, and
a unique ability to respond to changing
market conditions. We aim to make each
airline the best in its class. And we have the
flexibility to make flying decisions based
on the airline, aircraft and route that will
deliver the best outcomes for our customers
and returns to our shareholders.
Sustainable Operations
Giving Back
At Qantas we consider good corporate
citizenship part of our role and
responsibility as the national carrier.
In a spirit of partnership, we support
Australian culture and sport, charitable
organisations, regional communities and
Indigenous advancement, promoting
excellence and equal opportunity.
the qantas Group 4
Forward Thinking
Qantas has been pursuing innovation in technology, flight operations
and product and service for 90 years. Forward thinking has always
been, and always will be, part of our culture. This timeline highlights
our major achievements during that period – many of them ‘firsts’ in
Founded in First airline to offer Qantas employee Invented Business World’s longest Pioneered flying
Queensland on round-the-world Jack Grant Class travel flight undertaken operations over
16 November services via both invented the by a commercial the Silk Road route,
hemispheres inflatable aircraft 1979 jet aircraft: saving 30 minutes’
1920 escape slide-raft London-Sydney flying time, after six
1958 non-stop with years’ planning with
1965 a B747-400 the Civil Aviation
Authority of China
1989 and Airservices
Flew the world’s
longest route of
28 hours from
Perth to Colombo 1980s
(Sri Lanka) using
Catalina Flying 1974 Leading role in
developing 2002
Boats, undertaken
1959 World record for Extended Twin First airline to
in almost total
radio silence to First airline outside
largest passenger
load, evacuating
Operations with
the B767-200ER 1995 introduce Rockwell
Collins Multi Scan
avoid Japanese the United States 674 passengers fleet, dramatically Leading role in the radar on B747-
attack: 271 safe to fly Boeing 707 with 23 crew via improving use of Future Air 400ERs to detect
crossings, 858 jets and to take B747 after Cyclone reliability, saving Navigation system the ice content of
passengers, nearly passengers by jet Tracy devastated fuel and reducing to optimise routing storms and deliver
a million miles across the Pacific Darwin flight times and save fuel smoother flying
5 Annual report 2010
the aviation industry – and the milestones we are set to reach over
the next 10 years, as we move towards our centenary. Continued
innovation will be essential to meet the needs of customers and
deliver value for shareholders.
First airline to First airline to First airline to offer World record for Only airline to offer Next generation
introduce launch low-fare ‘degustation’ First commercial engine Premium Economy flying with the
specialised cabin long haul Tasting Menu with performance with with in-arm inflight arrival of the first
lighting on long operations Neil Perry cuisine 42,019 hours entertainment of our B787 fleet
haul flights to with Jetstar on-wing (equal to
promote well-being 2007 1,000 return trips 2008 2012
and reduce jetlag 2006 to the UK) with
a Qantas General
2003 Electric CF6-80C2
engine installed on
a B747-400 aircraft
for nine years
Achieved a ‘perfect
flight path gate
to gate’ with the
inaugural A380
2004 2008 service between
Los Angeles
First full service
airline to 2006 Introduced the
Qantas Airbus
and Melbourne
using Required
successfully launch
a budget airline,
First airline to
perform a landing
A380, the world’s
first passenger
Performance 2010
Jetstar, with the using the satellite aircraft cabin and air traffic Introduced a new
largest first day of
commercial sales
Global Landing
wholly conceived
by one acclaimed
management to
save thousands
era of domestic
flying with 2020
(100,000 fares) in System with a designer: Marc of kilograms of Next Generation Centenary
aviation history B737-800 Newson carbon emissions Check-in of Qantas
Chairman’s Report
I am pleased to report that the Qantas Key factors Industry context and outlook
Group delivered a good result for Key factors in the result this year included: In 2009/2010 global operating conditions
2009/2010 and laid the groundwork — A robust performance by Qantas, which improved from historic lows, with recovery
for continuing and sustainable success. was Australia’s most profitable and in demand in both the passenger and
punctual domestic airline, and which freight markets. International demand
Highlights achieved a significantly improved improved across premium and leisure
Highlights of the year were: international performance despite sectors. Domestic business demand also
— Underlying Profit Before Tax global uncertainty and the impact returned strongly, although domestic
of $377 million of the volcanic ash disruptions leisure demand continued to be relatively
— Revenue of $13.8 billion — A record profit by Jetstar, which grew soft late in the financial year.
— Operating cash flow of $1.3 billion passenger revenue by 21 per cent Looking ahead, the Australian
— Cash held at year end of $3.7 billion and increased international capacity commercial aviation sector will remain
by 50 per cent highly competitive, both domestically
In 2008/2009 the Group stood out — A record performance by Qantas and internationally. Aviation is a complex
in the global aviation sector by recording Frequent Flyer, with all-time highs industry, subject both to long-term
a profit, due to its decisive response to in customer satisfaction and benefits economic cycles and short-term shocks,
the global financial crisis. This year the deriving from enhanced alliance with high fixed costs and long investment
Group trebled that profit by taking relationships, notably with the lead times. The industry is globalising
rapid advantage of improving conditions, Woolworths Group unevenly, and still suffers overcapacity
and by maximising the strengths of — Industry-leading financial strength, and high start-up and drop-out rates.
Qantas and Jetstar, its two complementary including cash holdings of $3.7 billion, To succeed, the Qantas Group’s two
flying brands. increased operating cash flow, and flying brands will be competing vigorously
the best credit rating of any airline every day in their different market
in the world segments – the full service Qantas and
— Continuing investment in a modern and the low fares Jetstar.
simplified fleet, with around 160 aircraft
on order, and an average of one delivery Reporting clarity
per month planned for the next This year the Group introduced a new
eight years primary reporting measure: Underlying
— Continuing innovation and improvement Profit Before Tax (PBT). This is a
in the customer experience, including non-statutory measure which is now
the industry-leading Next Generation being used by the Board of Directors
Check-in and Executive Committee to assess and
— Significant progress towards $1.5 billion improve the performance of the Group.
in permanent savings over three years Underlying PBT makes it easier for the
through the QFuture program, with Group – and its shareholders – to identify
$533 million in savings achieved this how well the Group manages those
year, allied to a business transformation business factors it controls, by eliminating
and simplification agenda the difficulty statutory accounting
treatments pose in recording one-off
and high-change factors such as hedge
volatility in currencies and fuel.
7 Annual report 2010
Dividend approach
The Board recognises the desirability
of returning a dividend to shareholders
wherever possible, and careful
consideration was given to this matter.
Over the coming period the Qantas Group
will need to service its very high capital
requirements, and retaining a high credit
rating remains a priority. The economic
outlook and competitive situation will
continue to be challenging and potentially
volatile. With this in mind, the Board has
determined not to deliver an interim or
final dividend in 2009/2010, and future
dividends will continue to be assessed
against ongoing earnings performance
and capital requirements.
On behalf of the Board of Qantas, I want
to thank all members of the Qantas
Group for their efforts through the year.
I travel a lot, which means I often get to
see their dedication at first hand, across
Australia and throughout our international
networks. The good results this year are
in large part testament to the immense
dedication and skill our staff display day in
day out. They have much to be proud of.
Leigh Clifford, AO
the qantas Group 8
CEO’s Report
Board of Directors
Garry Hounsell was appointed to the Qantas Board Paul Rayner was appointed to the Qantas Board in July
in January 2005. He is Chairman of the Audit 2008. He is a Member of the Audit Committee and
Committee and a Member of the Nominations Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee.
Committee. Mr Hounsell is Chairman of PanAust Mr Rayner is a Director of Boral Limited and Centrica plc.
Limited and a Director of Orica Limited, DuluxGroup He also serves as Chairman of Boral’s and Centrica’s
Limited and Nufarm Limited. Mr Hounsell is also Audit Committees. From 2002 to 2008, Mr Rayner
Deputy Chairman of Mitchell Communication Group was Finance Director of British American Tobacco plc,
Limited. He is Chairman of Investec Global Aircraft based in London. Mr Rayner joined Rothmans
Fund, a Director of Ingeus Limited and a Board Holdings Limited in 1991 as its Chief Financial Officer
Member of law firm Freehills. Mr Hounsell is a and held other senior executive positions within the
former Senior Partner of Ernst & Young and Group, including Chief Operating Officer of British
Chief Executive Officer and Country Managing American Tobacco Australasia Limited from 1999 to
Partner of Arthur Andersen. Age: 55 2001. Previously Mr Rayner worked for 17 years in
various finance and project roles with General Electric,
Rank Industries and the Elders IXL Group. Age: 56
11 Annual report 2010
Peter Cosgrove was appointed to the Qantas Board Patricia Cross was appointed to the Qantas Board Richard Goodmanson was appointed to the Qantas
in July 2005. He is a Member of the Safety, Health, in January 2004. She is a Member of the Audit and Board in June 2008. He is a Member of the
Environment and Security Committee and a Director Remuneration Committees. Mrs Cross is a Director Remuneration Committee and a Member of the
of Qantas Superannuation Limited. General Cosgrove of National Australia Bank Limited, JBWere Pty Limited, Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee.
is a Director of Cardno Limited, Chairman of the South the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, the Grattan Mr Goodmanson is a Director of Rio Tinto plc and
Australian Defence Industry Advisory Board and the Institute and the Methodist Ladies College. She is Rio Tinto Limited. From 1999 to 2009 he was
Australian War Memorial Council. General Cosgrove a Member of the Government’s Australian Financial Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
served in the Australian Army from 1965 including Centre Forum and Melbourne University’s Advisory of E.I du Pont de Nemours and Company. Previous to
command of the international forces in East Timor Council to the Faculty of Business and Economics. this role, he was President and Chief Executive Officer
from 1999 until the force was withdrawn in February Mrs Cross was previously a director of Wesfarmers of America West Airlines. Mr Goodmanson was also
2000. He was the Chief of the Australian Defence Limited, Chairman of Qantas Superannuation Limited previously Senior Vice President of Operations for
Force from July 2002 until his retirement in July 2005. and Deputy Chairman of Victoria’s Transport Accident Frito-Lay Inc. and was a principal at McKinsey &
General Cosgrove was Australian of the Year in 2001. Commission. She has served on a variety of publicly Company Inc. He spent 10 years in heavy civil
Age: 63 listed, government, university and private company engineering project management, principally in South
boards. Prior to becoming a professional company East Asia. Mr Goodmanson was born in Australia and
director in 1996, Mrs Cross held senior executive is a citizen of both Australia and the United States.
positions with Chase Manhattan Bank, Banque Age: 63
Nationale de Paris and National Australia Bank. Age: 51
John Schubert was appointed to the Qantas Board James Strong was appointed to the Qantas Board Barbara Ward was appointed to the Qantas Board
in October 2000. He is Chairman of the Safety, Health, in July 2006. He is Chairman of the Remuneration in June 2008. She is a Member of the Safety, Health,
Environment and Security Committee and a Member Committee and a Member of the Nominations Environment and Security Committee and the Audit
of the Nominations Committee. Dr Schubert is a Committee. Mr Strong was the Chief Executive Committee. Ms Ward is Chairman of Country Energy,
Director of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton plc. Officer and Managing Director of Qantas between a Director of a number of Brookfield Multiplex Group
He is also Chairman of G2 Therapies Limited and the 1993 and 2001, following his appointment to the companies and O’Connell Street Associates Pty Ltd,
Great Barrier Reef Foundation. He was most recently Board in 1991. He is Chairman of Woolworths Limited, and is on the Advisory Board of LEK Consulting. She
Chairman of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Kathmandu Holdings Limited and the Australia Council was formerly a Director of the Commonwealth Bank
and was also previously Chairman of WorleyParsons for the Arts. He is also a member of the Nomura of Australia, Lion Nathan Limited, Brookfield Multiplex
Limited and President of the Business Council of Australia Advisory Board and a Director of the Australian Limited, Allco Finance Group Limited, Record
Australia. Dr Schubert was also Managing Director Grand Prix Corporation. Mr Strong was formerly Investments Limited, Data Advantage Limited, Rail
and Chief Executive Officer of Pioneer International the Chairman of Insurance Australia Group Limited, Infrastructure Corporation and Delta Electricity. She
Limited from 1993 until 2000. Dr Schubert held a Director of IAG Finance (New Zealand) Limited, was Chairman of NorthPower and a Board Member
various positions with Esso in Australia and overseas. the Group Chief Executive of the DB Group in New of Allens Arthur Robinson. Ms Ward was Chief
In 1983, he was appointed to the Board of Esso Zealand and National Chairman of Partners of Corrs Executive Officer of Ansett Worldwide Aviation
Australia. In 1985, Dr Schubert became Esso’s Deputy Chambers Westgarth. He was also Chief Executive Services from 1993 to 1998. Before that, Ms Ward
Managing Director and in 1988 he became Esso’s Officer of Australian Airlines from 1985 until 1989. held various positions at TNT Limited, including
Chairman and Managing Director. Age: 67 He has been admitted as a barrister and/or solicitor General Manager Finance, and also served as a Senior
in various state jurisdictions in Australia. Age: 66 Ministerial Adviser to The Hon PJ Keating. Age: 56
the qantas Group 12
13 Annual report 2010
Information on Qantas
for the year ended 30 June 2010
Review of Operations
for the year ended 30 June 2010
Underlying Profit Before Tax (PBT)1 more than tripled to $377 million in 2009/2010 from $100 million in 2008/2009.
The Qantas Group reported an Underlying PBT of $377 million for the year ended 30 June 2010, an increase of 277 per cent on the previous year’s
result of $100 million.
All business segments have remained profitable, demonstrating yield improvements from lows resulting from the global economic downturn and
robust cost saving achievements for the year. The Qantas, Jetstar, Qantas Freight and Qantas Frequent Flyer businesses have all delivered double digit
percentage growth in underlying earnings compared to the prior year, with both Jetstar and Qantas Frequent Flyer delivering record results.
Group revenue for the year was $13,772 million, a 4 per cent decrease from the prior year’s revenues of $14,382 million. Average passenger yields
(excluding the impact of FX) fell 7 per cent to 10.61 cents/RPK from 11.43 cents/RPK in the prior year. These falls reflect the full year impact of the
global financial crisis on demand, as well as external factors such as the H1N1 influenza outbreak and the closure of European airspace in response
to Icelandic volcanic activity.
Operating expenses for the year were $11,577 million, an improvement of 8 per cent from the prior year’s operating expenses of $12,545 million.
Unit costs improved by 8 per cent to 8.07 cents/ASK from 8.80 cents/ASK in the prior year. These improvements were attributable to substantial
reductions in fuel and manpower costs, and savings of $533 million for the year from the QFuture program. Fuel into-plane prices were 13 per cent
lower than 2008/2009. Excluding fuel and one-off items, net underlying unit costs were 5.55 cents/ASK, an improvement of 4 per cent on the
previous year’s result of 5.80 cents/ASK.
The Qantas Group funded the purchase of 11 new aircraft, and leased a further 12 in 2009/2010. This resulted in an increase in the Group’s net debt
including non-cancellable operating leases, of $474 million, and a corresponding increase in Group gearing to 51:49.
Qantas Group cash was $3,704 million as at 30 June 2010, an increase of $87 million from 30 June 2009. This reflects improvements in the Group’s
operating cash flows, and ongoing management of the Group’s strong liquidity position.
Operating cash flow grew to $1.3 billion, an increase of $158 million compared to the prior year result that included Qantas Frequent Flyer billings
associated with the direct earn rush in. This increase was attributable to:
—Improvements in cash earnings across the Group and working capital initiatives
—Tax refunds of $129 million in 2009/2010, compared to payments of $274 million in 2008/2009
Investing cash flows grew to $1.6 billion for the year following the purchase of 11 new aircraft, including three A380s.
Financing cash flows decreased to $0.4 billion, from $1.0 billion for 2008/2009. The reduction reflects the capital raising and dividend payments that
took place in 2008/2009, as well as prepayments of secured debt undertaken in 2009/2010.
Qantas achieved an Underlying EBIT of $67 million for the full year, $63 million above the prior year. This result reflects effective capacity and yield
management during tough economic conditions. Fuel savings resulting from lower average fuel into-plane prices, operational savings from capacity
reductions and $533 million in QFuture benefits have contributed to the profitable result for the year.
Passenger revenue declined 10 per cent compared to the prior year, primarily due to capacity reductions across the international network which was
required to mitigate the softening in demand experienced during the economic downturn.
Weak premium demand affected international yields particularly in the first half of the year. Yields began to recover in the second half, however
recovery was impacted by international events including Icelandic volcano disruptions and political unrest in Bangkok. The effects of the Icelandic
volcano on Qantas’ earnings totalled $46 million.
Whilst international capacity decreased 9.4 per cent compared to the prior year, seat factor remained strong at 82.5 per cent.
Qantas domestic yields, while lower than the prior year, are improving from the lowest point reached in the second half of 2009 and the beginning
of 2010. Business demand continues to recover.
The QFuture business transformation program aims to equip Qantas for sustainable and profitable growth in an increasingly competitive operating
QFuture initiatives achieved a $533 million benefit in terms of cost savings and new revenue in the program’s first full year, with significant savings
in manpower, fuel conservation, IT and other direct costs.
The program continues to target a total $1.5 billion benefits by the end of 2011/2012.
Jetstar achieved an Underlying EBIT of $131 million, a 22 per cent increase on the prior year, with capacity increasing by 27.8 per cent across
its network.
This substantial capacity growth increased Jetstar’s passenger revenue by 21 per cent. The inclusion of a full year’s operation for Jetstar Asia and
expansion across the international network resulted in a 50 per cent increase in international capacity. The Group’s New Zealand domestic routes
were successfully transferred to Jetstar, delivering the Group substantial savings and profit improvements in this important market. International
growth was supported by additional A330 capacity ahead of the arrival of the B787.
Jetstar remained firmly established as Australia’s leading low fares airline and continued to grow.
The launch of the Jetstar Credit Card, along with other product innovations, also contributed to the increase in total revenue.
Strong cost management was achieved during the year. Gross unit cost (excluding fuel and non-recurring items) is 2 per cent lower than the prior year.
Qantas Frequent Flyer achieved a record Underlying EBIT of $328 million which was $102 million higher than the prior year. This result includes the
full-year impact of the change in accounting estimate implemented on 1 January 2009, which has contributed $161 million to the 2009/2010 result,
compared to $77 million in 2008/2009 (calculated on a normalised basis).
The reduction in Qantas’ capacity has resulted in lower Classic Award redemptions. However, Any Seat and Frequent Flyer Store redemptions have
increased 21 per cent and 8 per cent respectively, resulting in an overall increase in the redemption margin of 10 per cent.
Qantas Frequent Flyer continued to build on program enhancements and alliances through 2009/2010. The successful launch of the Woolworths
alliance has assisted in maintaining point sales during the global financial crisis.
More than 1.4 million new members have joined since 1 July 2009, with total membership increasing to over 7.2 million people. Of the total
members, around 2.8 million have linked through the partnership with the Woolworths Group.
Qantas Freight’s Underlying EBIT of $42 million was $35 million above the prior year. The significant improvement reflects recovery in the airfreight
market since November 2009.
The freighter network has shown strong recovery of volumes and yields on the key China-US routes. This is due to restocking of retail inventories
and the global launch of new electronic devices.
The global freight market has been slower to recover. Volumes are improving but, due to intense competition, yields remain lower than the
prior year.
Jetset Travelworld Group Underlying EBIT was $14 million. The recovery from the economic downturn has been slower than anticipated with volumes
lower than the prior year. A continued focus on cost control has helped to offset the revenue decline.
Management and the Board have adopted Underlying PBT as the primary measure of business performance. A reconciliation to Statutory PBT is
provided below.
Statutory PBT was $178 million, down $3 million on the prior year.
Statutory PBT includes ineffectiveness and non-designated derivatives relating to other reporting periods of $140 million in losses in 2010, compared
to $187 million in gains in 2009.
Non-recurring items in the statutory result included aircraft write-downs of $48 million, transaction costs incurred during the year in relation to the
Jetset Travelworld Group merger, and other provisions.
THE BOARD IS STRUCTURED TO ADD VALUE Qantas believes that the following materiality thresholds are relevant
Qantas currently has ten Directors (see details on pages 10 and 11). when considering the independence of Non-Executive Directors:
Nine Directors are Independent Non-Executive Directors elected by —For Directors:
shareholders. The Independent Non-Executive Directors are: – A relationship which accounts for more than 10 per cent of their
gross income (other than Director’s fees paid by Qantas), or
Year of
Director Appointment – When the relationship is with a firm, company or entity, in respect
Leigh Clifford (Chairman) 2007 of which the Director (or any associate) has more than a 20 per cent
Peter Cosgrove 2005 shareholding if a private company or two per cent shareholding if
a listed company
Patricia Cross 2004
Richard Goodmanson 2008 —For Qantas:
Garry Hounsell 2005 – In respect of advisers or consultants – where fees paid exceed
$2 million per annum
Paul Rayner 2008
John Schubert 2000 – In respect of suppliers – where goods or services purchased by
the Qantas Group exceed $100 million per annum (other than
James Strong 2006
banks, where materiality must be determined on a case by case
Barbara Ward 2008 basis), or
– In respect of customers – where goods or services supplied by
Independence the Qantas Group exceed $100 million per annum
Independent Directors are those who have the ability to exercise their Qantas, as the principal Australian airline, has commercial relationships
duties unfettered by any business or other relationship and are willing with most, if not all, major entities in Australia. As such, in determining
to express their opinions at the Board table free of concern about their whether a Non-Executive Director is independent, simply being a
position or the position of any third party. The Board does not believe it non-executive director on the board of another entity is not, in itself,
is possible to draft a list of criteria which are appropriate to characterise, sufficient to affect independence. Nevertheless, any Director on the
in all circumstances, whether a Non-Executive Director is independent. board of another entity is ordinarily expected to excuse themselves
It is the approach and attitude of each Non-Executive Director which during any meeting where that entity’s commercial relationship with
is critical and this must be considered in relation to each Director while Qantas is to be directly or indirectly discussed.
taking into account all other relevant factors, which may include whether
Qantas currently has one Executive Director Alan Joyce, who is not
the Non-Executive Director:
treated as independent.
—Is a substantial shareholder (within the definition of section 9 of the
Independent professional advice is available to the Directors if necessary,
Corporations Act) of Qantas, or an officer of, or otherwise associated
at the expense of Qantas.
directly with, a substantial shareholder of Qantas
At the 2000 AGM, shareholders approved Qantas entering into Director
—Has, within the last three years, been employed in an executive
Protection Deeds with each Director.
capacity by the Qantas Group
—Has, within the last three years, been a principal of a material Nominations Committee
professional adviser or a material consultant to the Qantas Group or The Nominations Committee:
an employee materially associated with the service provided
—Has four Members who are Independent Non-Executive Directors
—Is a material supplier or customer of the Qantas Group, or an officer
of or otherwise associated directly or indirectly with a material supplier —Is chaired by Leigh Clifford
or customer —Has a written Charter which is available in the Corporate Governance
—Has any material contractual relationship with the Qantas Group other section on the Qantas website
than as a Director —Meets as required to assist the Board in fulfilling its corporate
—Has served on the Board for a period which could materially interfere governance responsibilities in regard to:
with the Director’s ability to act in the best interests of the Qantas – Board appointments, re-elections and performance
Group (and it is neither possible nor appropriate to assign a fixed term – Directors’ induction and continuing development
to this criteria)
– Committee Membership
—Is free from any interest and any business or other relationship which
– Endorsement of Executive Management appointments
could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially interfere with
the Director’s ability to act in the best interests of Qantas – Diversity obligations
The Board Charter requires each Director to immediately disclose to the The experience and qualifications of Members of the Nominations
Board if they have any concerns about their independence. Committee are detailed on pages 10 and 11. Membership of and
attendance at 2009/2010 Nominations Committee Meetings are
All Independent Non-Executive Directors bring an independent view
detailed on page 29.
to the consideration of Board issues.
Appointment and Re-Election of Directors
When appointing new Directors, the Board and its Nominations
Committee looks to ensure that an appropriate balance of skills,
experience, expertise and diversity is maintained. External consultants are
engaged to assist with the selection process as necessary and each Board
Member has the opportunity to meet with the nominated Director.
Directors receive formal letters of appointment setting out the key terms,
conditions and expectations of their appointment.
Directors to be re-elected are reviewed by the Nominations Committee.
Directors are re-elected in accordance with the Qantas Constitution and
the ASX Listing Rules.
The Board has a formal Code of Conduct & Ethics which deals with:
Audit Committee
—Compliance with laws, regulations and ethical standards
The Board has an Audit Committee which:
—Political donations and prohibited payments
—Has four Members who are Independent Non-Executive Directors
—Giving or receiving gifts and conflicts of interest
—Is chaired by Garry Hounsell, an Independent Non-Executive Director
—Retention of records
who is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
—Proper accounting and a Certified Practising Accountant
—Dealing with auditors —Has a written Charter which is available in the Corporate Governance
—Making public statements about the Qantas Group and use section on the Qantas website
of confidential information —Includes Members who are all financially literate
—Continuous disclosure and share trading —Is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its corporate
—Whistleblower policy governance responsibilities in regard to:
—Privacy policy – The integrity of the Qantas Group’s financial reporting
The core elements of the Qantas Code of Conduct & Ethics are – Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations
summarised in the Qantas Group Business Practices Document which is – The effectiveness of the Qantas Group’s enterprise-wide risk
available in the Corporate Governance section on the Qantas website. management and internal control framework
– Oversight of the independence of the external and internal auditors
The experience and qualifications of Members of the Audit Committee
Qantas has reported on diversity in its Sustainability Report since 2007.
are detailed on pages 10 and 11. Membership of and attendance at
The Qantas Board will formalise its oversight role in relation to current
2009/2010 Audit Committee Meetings are detailed on page 29.
diversity practices, in line with the proposed revisions to the ASX
The Board and Audit Committee closely monitor the independence of THE BOARD RESPECTS THE RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS
the external auditor. Regular reviews occur of the independence Qantas has a Shareholder Communications Policy which promotes
safeguards put in place by the external auditor. As required by section effective communication with shareholders and encourages participation
300(11D)(a) of the Corporations Act and the Audit Committee Charter, at general meetings. The Qantas Shareholder Communications Policy is
the Audit Committee has advised the Board that it is appropriate for the summarised in the Qantas Group Business Practices Document which is
following statement to be included in the 2010 Directors’ Report under available in the Corporate Governance section on the Qantas website.
the heading “Non-audit Services”:
Qantas makes all ASX announcements available via its website. In
“The Directors are satisfied that: addition, shareholders who are registered receive email notification of
a. The non-audit services provided during the 2009/2010 financial year announcements.
by KPMG as the external auditor were compatible with the general The 2010 Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be provided to
standard of independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations all shareholders and posted on the Qantas website, and the 2010 AGM
Act 2001; and will be available for viewing by live and archived webcast. For shareholders
b. Any non-audit services provided during the 2009/2010 financial year unable to attend, an AGM Question Form will accompany the Notice of
by KPMG as the external auditor did not compromise the auditor Meeting, giving shareholders the opportunity to forward questions and
independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 for the comments to Qantas or the external auditor prior to the AGM.
following reasons:
Auditor at AGM
– KPMG services have not involved partners or staff acting in a
managerial or decision-making capacity within the Qantas Group The external auditor attends the AGM and is available to answer
or being involved in the processing or originating of transactions shareholder questions on:
– KPMG non-audit services have only been provided where Qantas —The conduct of the audit
is satisfied that the related function or process will not have a —The preparation and content of the auditor’s report
material bearing on the audit procedures
—The accounting policies adopted by Qantas in relation to the
– KPMG partners and staff involved in the provision of non-audit preparation of the Financial Report
services have not participated in associated approval or
—The independence of the auditor in relation to the conduct of the audit
authorisation processes
– A description of all non-audit services undertaken by KPMG and
the related fees have been reported to the Board to ensure
complete transparency in relation to the services provided Qantas is committed to embedding risk management practices to
support the achievement of business objectives and fulfil corporate
– The declaration required by section 307C of the Corporations Act
governance obligations. The Board is responsible for reviewing and
2001 confirming independence has been received from KPMG”
overseeing the risk management strategy for the Group. Management
Qantas rotates the lead audit partner every five years and imposes has designed and implemented a risk management and internal control
restrictions on the employment of ex-employees of the external auditor. system to manage Qantas’ material business risks.
Policies are in place to restrict the type of non-audit services which can Qantas is a complex business and faces a range of strategic, financial
be provided by the external auditor and there is a detailed quarterly and operational risks and is not immune from the risks inherent in
review of non-audit fees paid to the external auditor. operating in the aviation industry. To manage these and other risks, the
At each Meeting, the Audit Committee meets privately with Executive Board is responsible for reviewing and approving the Qantas Group Risk
Management without the external auditor and with the internal and Management Framework (Framework) which is underpinned by three
external auditors without Executive Management. interrelated elements: governance, risk management and assurance.
The Board also reviews and approves the Qantas Group Risk
THE BOARD MAKES TIMELY AND BALANCED DISCLOSURE Management Policy (Policy) which sets out the minimum requirements
and roles and responsibilities for managing risk across the Qantas Group.
Qantas has an established process to ensure that it is in compliance with
All employees have a responsibility to identify, report and/or manage risk
its ASX Listing Rule disclosure requirements. This includes a quarterly
as it arises within the work environment. Summaries of the Policy and
confirmation by all Executive Management that their areas have complied
other significant risk policies are included in the Qantas Group Business
with the Continuous Disclosure Policy, together with an ongoing
Practices Document available in the Corporate Governance section on
obligation to advise the Company Secretary of any material non-public
the Qantas website.
information arising in between confirmations.
The Qantas risk management and internal control system aligns to the
The Continuous Disclosure Policy is summarised in the Qantas Group
principles included in the Australian/New Zealand Standard on Risk
Business Practices Document which is available in the Corporate
Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009) and the Committee of
Governance section on the Qantas website.
Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)
framework for evaluating internal controls. The Qantas Management
System (QMS) provides a common standard for identifying, assessing
and managing material business risks across the Group. QMS provides
guidance for business units to adopt regarding leadership, commitment
and planning, process management, risk management, assurance and
training and promotion. QMS has already been implemented within all
operational areas of the Qantas Group and will be implemented to all
non-operational areas over the coming year.
Material risks and the effectiveness of risk management plans are The Internal Audit function is independent of the external auditor, has
escalated to Executive Management, relevant Board Committees and/or full access to Management and the right to seek information and
the Board as appropriate and are reported on as part of the quarterly explanation. The Audit Committee oversees the scope of the Internal
risk reporting process. During the quarterly risk reporting process, each Audit function and has access to the Internal Auditor without the
Qantas Group business unit prepares and submits a detailed risk register presence of Management.
outlining the key risks to achieving their objectives and mitigating actions.
Beyond reporting, the identification, assessment and management of CEO/CFO Declaration
risks is also integrated into key business decision-making and activities, As required by section 295A of the Corporations Act, the CEO and CFO
such as strategy development, projects and change initiatives. have declared that:
Management self-assessments, including self-assessments against the “In our opinion:
different QMS elements, audits and risk management reviews are
a. the financial records of Qantas and its controlled entities (Qantas
undertaken to confirm that risks are being mitigated where possible.
Group) for the financial year ended 30 June 2010 (Financial Period)
On a quarterly basis, Executive Management is required to certify that
have been properly maintained in accordance with section 286 of
there is an effective risk management process in place within their area
the Corporations Act;
of responsibility.
b. the financial statements and the notes referred to in section 295(3)(b)
The internal auditor, through an independent third party validation, also
of the Corporations Act for the Financial Period comply with the
reports to the Board and relevant Board Committees that there is an
accounting standards and other mandatory professional reporting
effective risk management process in place for the financial period and
requirements; and
up to the date of signing the Financial Report.
c. the financial statements and notes for the Financial Period give a true
Further details of the Framework and corporate governance structure
and fair view of the financial position and performance of the Qantas
are captured in the Qantas Investor Data Book available in the Investors
Group in accordance with section 297 of the Corporations Act.”
section on the Qantas website.
In addition, in accordance with Recommendation 7.3 of the ASX
Safety, Health, Environment & Security Committee (SHESC) Principles, the CEO and CFO also state to the Board that, in respect
of the Qantas Group for the Financial Period:
a. “The declaration given in accordance with section 295A is founded
—Has six Members – the CEO and five others who are Independent
on a sound system of risk management and internal compliance and
Non-Executive Directors
control and the system is operating effectively in all material respects
—Is chaired by John Schubert, an Independent Non-Executive Director in relation to financial reporting risks; and
—Has a written Charter which is available in the Corporate Governance b. The statement given in accordance with Recommendation 7.3 (above)
section on the Qantas website regarding the risk management and internal compliance and control
—Is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its corporate system provide a reasonable, but not absolute level of assurance and
governance responsibilities in regard to: do not imply a guarantee against adverse events or more volatile
– Safety, health, environment and security matters outcomes arising in the future.”
– Compliance with related legal and regulatory obligations
– Enterprise-wide risk management
The experience and qualifications of Members of the SHESC are detailed
on pages 10 and 11. Membership of and attendance at 2009/2010
SHESC Meetings are detailed on page 29.
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit function provides independent, objective assurance
and consulting services on Qantas’ system of risk management, internal
compliance, control and governance. The Internal Audit charter is
approved by the Audit Committee and the Internal Auditor reports
functionally to the Audit Committee.
Internal Audit adopts a risk-based approach in formulating its audit plan
to align audit activities to the key risks across Qantas. The audit plan is
reviewed every six months to align audit activity to changes to the
Qantas Group business and risk profile. The audit plan is approved by the
Audit Committee bi-annually and endorsed by the SHESC.
Audit projects performed by Internal Audit assist the Audit Committee
and the SHESC to promote sound risk management and good corporate
governance. Internal Audit assesses the design and operating
effectiveness of controls for key business processes to mitigate risks
identified in the Qantas risk profile. Management is responsible for
ensuring that appropriate corrective actions are taken on the reported
areas for improvement arising from audit projects within the required
time frame. The status of audit Management actions are submitted
monthly to the Executive Management and quarterly to the Audit
Committee and the SHESC.
Remuneration Committee
The Board has a Remuneration Committee which:
—Has three members who are Independent Non-Executive Directors
—Is chaired by James Strong, an Independent Non-Executive Director
—Has a written Charter which is available in the Corporate Governance
section on the Qantas website
—Is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its corporate
governance responsibilities in regard to:
– The remuneration framework for Non-Executive Directors
– The remuneration and incentive framework, including any
proposed equity incentive awards for the CEO, any other Executive
Directors, Executive Committee Members and Senior Executives
– Recommendations and decisions (as relevant) on remuneration
and all incentive awards for the CEO, any other Executive
Directors and Executive Committee Members
– Strategic human resources policies
The experience and qualifications of Members of the Remuneration
Committee are detailed on pages 10 and 11. Membership of and
attendance at 2009/2010 Remuneration Committee Meetings are
detailed on page 29.
The remuneration of Executive Management is disclosed to the extent
required in the Remuneration Report from page 33.
Qantas Directors are entitled to statutory superannuation and certain
travel entitlements (accrued during service) which are reasonable and
standard practice in the aviation industry (see page 42).
Financial Report
Section Page
Directors’ Report (includes the Remuneration Report) 29
Consolidated Income Statement 47
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 48
Consolidated Balance Sheet 49
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 50
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 51
Notes to the Financial Statements 52
1. Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 52
2. Underlying PBT and Operating Segments 59
3. Other Revenue and Expenditure 61
4. Statutory Profit before Income Tax Expense and Net Finance Costs 61
5. Net Finance Costs 62
6. Income Tax 62
7. Auditor’s Remuneration 63
8. Earnings per Share 63
9. Dividends 64
10. Cash and Cash Equivalents 64
11. Receivables 65
12. Inventories 65
13. Assets and Liabilities Classified as Held for Sale 66
14. Other Current Assets 66
15. Investments Accounted for using the Equity Method 66
16. Property, Plant and Equipment 69
17. Intangible Assets 71
18. Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities 73
19. Payables 74
20. Revenue Received in Advance 74
21. Interest-bearing Liabilities 74
22. Provisions 75
23. Capital and Reserves 76
24. Share-based Payments 77
25. Derivatives and Hedging Instruments 79
26. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement 80
27. Acquisitions and Disposals of Controlled Entities 81
28. Commitments 83
29. Contingent Liabilities 84
30. Superannuation 85
31. Related Parties 86
32. Controlled Entities 91
33. Deed of Cross Guarantee 94
34. Financial Risk Management 96
35. Events Subsequent to Balance Date 100
36. Parent Entity Disclosures for Qantas Airways Limited (Qantas) 101
Directors’ Declaration 104
Independent Auditor’s Report 105
Shareholder Information 106
Sustainability Statistics and Notes (including Independent Limited Assurance Report) 107
Financial Calendar and Additional Information 116
Directors’ Report
for the year ended 30 June 2010
The Directors of Qantas Airways Limited (Qantas) present their Report DIVIDENDS
together with the Financial Statements of the consolidated entity, being No final dividend will be paid in relation to the year ended 30 June 2010.
Qantas and its controlled entities (Qantas Group), for the year ended (2009: nil final dividend). No interim dividend was paid during the year.
30 June 2010 and the Independent Audit Report thereon.
The number of Directors’ Meetings (including Meetings of Committees of Directors) held during the year are as follows:
2010 2009
Directors Number Number
Leigh Clifford 51,622 51,622
Alan Joyce 138,255 138,255
Peter Cosgrove1 2,314 2,314
Patricia Cross 10,474 5,474
Richard Goodmanson 20,000 20,000
Garry Hounsell 43,449 43,449
Paul Rayner 21,622 21,622
John Schubert 41,375 41,375
James Strong 30,670 30,670
Barbara Ward 17,597 17,597
1. Refer below for details of shares held by General Cosgrove under the Non-Executive Director Share Plan.
In addition to the interests shown, indirect interests in Qantas shares held in trust on behalf of General Cosgrove and Mr Joyce are as follows:
2010 2009
Peter Cosgrove Number Number
Deferred shares held in trust under:
Non-Executive Director Share Plan1 14,799 7,692
1. General Cosgrove acquired these shares by salary sacrificing part of his Director’s fee.
2010 2009
Alan Joyce Number Number
Deferred shares held in trust under:
2004 Performance Share Plan 30,000 30,000
Alan Joyce Award (2005) 25,000 25,000
2005 Performance Share Plan 35,000 35,000
2006 Performance Share Plan 34,000 34,000
2006 Retention Plan 350,000 350,000
2007 Performance Share Plan 23,500 23,500
2007 Retention Plan 400,000 400,000
2008 Performance Share Plan 100,000 100,000
2009 Performance Share Plan 173,363 173,363
2010 Short Term Incentive Plan 1,166,000 –
2,336,863 1,170,863
Rights granted under:
2005 Performance Rights Plan 6,3501 13,750
2006 Performance Rights Plan 55,0002 55,000
2007 Performance Rights Plan 65,0003 65,000
2008 Performance Rights Plan 250,0004 250,000
2010-2012 Long Term Incentive Plan 250,0004 –
626,350 383,750
1. Mr Joyce can call for these Rights to be converted to Qantas shares. 7,400 Rights expired following the final test on 30 June 2010.
2. Mr Joyce can call for 49,720 of these Rights to be converted to Qantas shares. The remaining balance may be called for over the next year only to the extent performance hurdles are achieved.
3. Mr Joyce can call for nil of these Rights to be converted to Qantas shares. The remaining balance may be called for over the next two years only to the extent performance hurdles are achieved.
4. Shareholders approved an award on 28 November 2008 for a pool of 750,000 Rights to be awarded. Rights have been awarded on 4 May 2009 and 9 September 2009.
Performance Rights are awarded to select Qantas Group Executives under the Qantas Deferred Share Plan (DSP). Refer to page 35 for further details.
The following table outlines the movements in Rights during the year:
2010 2009
Performance Rights Reconciliation Number Number
Rights outstanding as at 1 July 6,916,092 6,121,033
Rights granted 3,925,000 3,117,000
Rights lapsed (865,690) (1,301,362)
Rights expired (242,400) –
Rights vested (888,116) (1,020,579)
Rights outstanding as at 30 June 8,844,886 6,916,092
Rights will be converted to Qantas shares to the extent performance hurdles have been achieved. The Rights do not allow the holder to participate in
any share issue of Qantas. No dividends are payable on Rights. The fair value of Rights granted is calculated at the date of grant using a Monte Carlo
model and/or Black Scholes model.
The following Rights were outstanding at 30 June 2010:
Number of Rights
Value at Grant 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009
Testing Period Grant Date Date Net Vested Unvested Total Net Vested Unvested Total
30 Jun 07 – 30 Jun 09 18 Aug 04 $2.25 – – – – 31,000 31,000
30 Jun 07 – 30 Jun 09 21 Oct 04 $2.28 – – – – 90,000 90,000
30 Jun 07 – 30 Jun 09 13 Jan 05 $2.47 26,271 – 26,271 27,535 120,400 147,935
30 Jun 07 – 30 Jun 09 20 Jun 05 $1.88 – – – – 1,000 1,000
30 Jun 08 – 30 Jun 101 17 Aug 05 $1.98 6,350 13,320 19,670 6,350 26,640 32,990
30 Jun 08 – 30 Jun 101 22 Nov 05 $2.67 89,690 92,130 181,820 137,383 105,820 243,203
30 Jun 08 – 30 Jun 101 28 Mar 06 $2.28 – 2,664 2,664 – 2,664 2,664
30 Jun 09 – 30 Jun 112 22 Aug 06 $2.39 52,415 8,640 61,055 – 190,000 190,000
30 Jun 09 – 30 Jun 112 4 Oct 06 $2.95 321,326 74,719 396,045 – 914,300 914,300
30 Jun 09 – 30 Jun 112 19 Oct 06 $3.17 14,850 26,400 41,250 – 275,000 275,000
30 Jun 10 – 30 Jun 123 12 Dec 07 $4.42 – 390,111 390,111 – 527,000 527,000
30 Jun 10 – 30 Jun 123 31 Mar 08 $2.75 – 1,204,500 1,204,500 – 1,344,000 1,344,000
30 Jun 114 4 May 09 $1.64 – 2,831,500 2,831,500 – 3,117,000 3,117,000
30 Jun 125 9 Sep 09 $2.05 – 3,690,000 3,690,000 – – –
510,902 8,333,984 8,844,886 171,268 6,744,824 6,916,092
1. While these Rights may convert to Qantas shares on the 10th anniversary of the date of award, Executives may call for the Rights to be converted to the extent performance hurdles have been
achieved upon testing, which commenced 30 June 2008.
2. While these Rights may convert to Qantas shares on the 10th anniversary of the date of award, Executives may call for the Rights to be converted to the extent performance hurdles have been
achieved upon testing, which commenced 30 June 2009.
3. While these Rights may convert to Qantas shares on the 10th anniversary of the date of award, Executives may call for the Rights to be converted to the extent performance hurdles have been
achieved upon testing, which commenced 30 June 2010.
4. While these Rights may convert to Qantas shares on the 10th anniversary of the date of award, Executives may call for the Rights to be converted to the extent performance hurdles have been
achieved upon testing. Testing will be done as at 30 June 2011.
5. These Rights may convert to Qantas shares to the extent performance hurdles have been achieved upon testing. Testing will be done as at 1 July 2012.
What is the STIP? The STIP is the annual “at risk” incentive plan for senior Executives at Qantas. Each year Executives may receive
an award that is a combination of cash and shares if the plan’s performance conditions are achieved.
How are the STIP At the start of the year the Board sets a “scorecard” of performance conditions for the STIP as follows:
performance conditions
chosen and how is Performance condition Scorecard weighting
performance assessed? Group Underlying Profit Before Tax (PBT) 65%
Other financial and non-financial measures, tailored for each business segment 35%
Underlying PBT is the key budgetary and financial performance measure for the Qantas Group.
Other performance measures are selected to support the strategic agenda of the Qantas Group, either at a Group
or business segment level. These measures vary by business segment, however each Scorecard includes a measure
related to cost or revenue performance.
A threshold, target and maximum level of performance is set each year for each scorecard measure. At the
conclusion of the year, the Board assesses performance against Group and Segment Scorecard targets.
An example Performance Scorecard and a description of how a STIP award is calculated is included on page 41.
How are STIP If the performance conditions are achieved and the Qantas Group achieves the Group Underlying PBT threshold
awards delivered? (determined by the Board), two thirds of the STIP reward is paid in cash, with the remaining one third deferred into
Qantas shares. There is then a two year vesting period before ownership of the shares transfers to the Executive.
The Board retains absolute discretion over STIP awards.
For example, circumstances may occur where scorecard measures have been achieved or exceeded, but in the view
of the Board it is inappropriate to make a cash award under the STIP. The Board may determine that either no
award will be made, or that any award will be fully deferred. On the other hand, there may be circumstances where
performance is below an agreed target, however the Board determines that it is appropriate to pay some STIP award.
The cash portion of a STIP award is disclosed in the remuneration tables as a “Cash Incentive” and the deferred
share portion as a “Share-based Payment”.
What is the LTIP? The LTIP involves the granting of Rights over Qantas shares. If performance conditions are satisfied the Rights
vest and convert to Qantas shares. If performance conditions are not met, the Rights lapse.
What are the LTIP Since 2007/2008, the performance conditions for LTIP awards have been:
performance conditions —An Earnings Per Share target (EPS)
and how is performance
—The relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR) of Qantas compared to the S&P/ASX100 Index
The Board has approved a change to the LTIP target for the 2011-2013 LTIP. The new performance conditions
are outlined below.
What is the vesting Up to one-half of the total number of LTIP Rights awarded on 9 September 2009 under the 2010-2012 LTIP may
scale for the EPS vest subject to the follow scale:
performance hurdle?
EPS Performance (for the year ended 30 June 2012) Vesting Scale
EPS result below threshold of $0.367 Nil vesting
EPS result between threshold of $0.367 and stretch target of $0.404 Linear scale: 50% to 99% vesting
EPS result at or above or above stretch target of $0.404 100% vesting
The EPS target does not represent an earnings forecast nor is it a disclosure of targets under Qantas’ long-term
budget. The target was set at a level that returns Qantas earnings to the levels achieved from 2005/2006 to
For the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 LTIP awards the EPS thresholds and stretch targets were expressed as compound
annual growth rates. The EPS threshold for the 2007/2008 award was 9.5 per cent and for the 2008/2009 award
was 6.0 per cent. The stretch targets for both years were a compound annual growth rate of 12.5 per cent.
What is the vesting Up to one-half of the total number of LTIP Rights awarded on 9 September 2009 under the 2010-2012 LTIP may
scale for the relative vest subject to Qantas’ relative TSR ranking in the S&P/ASX100 Index over the three year performance period,
TSR hurdle? as follows:
Since 2008, LTIP awards have been subject to a single test (with no retesting) at the conclusion of the three year
performance period. Any Rights that do not meet the performance conditions at the test will lapse.
For the 2007/2008 Rights award, relative TSR versus the S&P/ASX100 Index was tested as at 30 June 2010 and
further tests will occur each six months until 30 June 2012.
What changes have been During 2009/2010, the Remuneration Committee reviewed the design of the Qantas LTIP. Based on the results of
made to the performance this review, at its June 2010 Meeting, the Board approved the following changes to the hurdles for the 2011-2013
conditions for the LTIP award:
2011-2013 LTIP awards? —Retain the relative TSR hurdle against the S&P/ASX100 Index
—Introduce a relative TSR hurdle against a global airline peer group
—Discontinue the EPS hurdle
Measuring relative TSR index against a global airline peer group is consistent with the Group’s goal of being the
“world’s leading premium and low cost airlines”.
In a cyclical industry, the setting of EPS targets each year for multi-year periods has presented considerable practical
difficulties. As a result, the Board has decided to replace the EPS hurdle and instead measure the performance
against its Airline Peer Group.
The Airline Peer Group will comprise the following basket of global listed airlines: Air France-KLM, Air New Zealand,
AMR Corporation (American Airlines), British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Delta Northwest Airlines, Lufthansa, Ryanair,
Singapore Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Tiger Airways and Virgin Blue.
How are Rights treated Any Rights which have not vested will lapse if the relevant Executive ceases employment with the Qantas
on termination? Group, except in limited special “good leaver” circumstances provided under the DSP Terms and Conditions
(for example, retirement, death or total and permanent disablement). Rights will also lapse if the Executive
is guilty of gross misconduct.
Other benefits such as superannuation and travel are detailed on page 42.
Contract Details
Alan Joyce Bruce Buchanan Gareth Evans Rob Gurney Simon Hickey Lyell Strambi
Contract Length Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Fixed Annual Remuneration $2,000,000 $800,000 $880,000 $700,000 $750,000 $850,000
Notice by Qantas 12 months 12 months 12 months1 12 months 12 months 12 months
Notice by Executive 12 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
Travel Entitlements An annual benefit of trips for these Executives and eligible beneficiaries during employment, at no cost to the
individual, as follows:
4 International 2 International 2 International 2 International 2 International 2 International
12 Domestic 6 Domestic 6 Domestic 6 Domestic 6 Domestic 6 Domestic
Post employment, the benefit is two international and six domestic trips, based on the period of service in a
senior Executive role within the Qantas Group.
STIP “at target” opportunity 120% of FAR 80% of FAR 80% of FAR 80% of FAR 80% of FAR 80% of FAR
LTIP “at target” opportunity 250,000 Rights2 25% of FAR 25% of FAR 25% of FAR 25% of FAR 25% of FAR
Target reward mix FAR 38% 49%
(as a % of total pay) STIP 45% 39%
LTIP 17% 12%
1. For Mr Evans, notice by Qantas of 12 months is made up of 6 month’s written notice plus 6 month’s severance pay.
2. Of the pool of 750,000 Rights approved by shareholders at the 2008 AGM, 250,000 Rights were awarded to the CEO in 2009/2010.
1,500 50 2,500
1,200 40 2,200
34.0 2,026
900 965 30 1,900
600 671 20 1,600
300 10 1,300
ASX/S&P 100 Index
MSCI World Airlines
Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jun
2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010
Qantas General 2009 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rob Kella 2010 618 – 209 827 14 25 39 17 375 – 1,258
Qantas Chief 2009 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Risk Officer
Colin Storrie5 2010 675 697 97 1,469 31 25 56 19 48 871 2,463
Total – 2010 6,331 697 1,075 8,103 354 225 579 210 2,866 871 12,629
Executives 2009 4,098 – 429 4,527 136 126 262 764 2,394 – 7,947
1. For the year ended 30 June 2010, annual leave entitlements are shown on an accruals basis as part of “Cash FAR”. For previous reporting periods, annual leave benefit not taken was shown
on termination. The movement in annual leave accruals from the date of becoming a KMP to 30 June 2009 is as follows: Mr Joyce ($444,000), Mr Buchanan ($86,000), Mr Evans (n/a),
Mr Gurney ($56,000), Mr Hickey ($63,000), Mr Strambi ($28,000) and Mr Storrie ($45,000).
2. A breakdown of Share-based Payment is provided on page 43.
3. Further details on other transactions with Key Management Personnel are set out in Note 31 to the Financial Statements.
4. Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance has not been included in the remuneration since it is not possible to determine an appropriate allocation basis.
5. 2009 remuneration reflects the period of time in a key management role – Mr Buchanan (1 Oct 2008 to 30 Jun 2009), Mr Gurney (5 May 2009 to 30 Jun 2009), Mr Hickey (1 Oct 2008
to 30 Jun 2009), Mr Strambi (1 Dec 2008 to 30 Jun 2009) and Mr Storrie (30 Sep 2008 to 30 Jun 2009).
6. Superannuation benefits are provided through a defined benefit superannuation plan. The amount disclosed has been measured in accordance with AASB 119 Employee Benefits.
Board Committees1
Chairman Member Chairman Member
Board fees $544,000 $136,000 $54,400 $27,200
1. Committees include the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nominations Committee, and Safety, Health, Environment & Security Committee.
2. The Chairman does not receive any additional fees for serving on, or chairing, any Board Committee.
1. Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance has not been included in the remuneration since it is not possible to determine an appropriate allocation basis.
2. The Employee Share Ownership Plan allows Non-Executive Directors to purchase shares at no discount to market price on a salary sacrifice basis, and operates under the DSP Terms and Conditions.
General Cosgrove participated in this plan from July 2008 to June 2010. The value of shares is included above as a non-cash benefit.
3. General Cosgrove received payments for services rendered as a Director of Qantas Superannuation Limited.
4. In 2009, Mr Hounsell received a payment for services rendered as Chairman of the Qantas Frequent Flyer Due Diligence Committee.
5. 2009 remuneration reflects the period served by Mr Rayner as a Non-Executive Director (16 Jul 2008 to 30 Jun 2009).
6. Ms Ward received payments for services as a Director on a number of Qantas subsidiary leasing companies for the period 1 July 2008 to 26 February 2009.
Example Performance PBT Target The PBT target is set based on the annual financial budget, however for reasons
Scorecard of commercial sensitivity the annual target is not disclosed.
The target is adjusted for restructuring charges, the impact of approved
accounting policy changes and adjustments for volatility from the mark-to-
market of open hedge instruments under Accounting Standard AASB 139
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.
Customer Service Qantas performance in Skytrax World Airline Awards.
Skytrax is a global, independent passenger survey of airline standards.
In the 2010 survey, Qantas ranked seventh overall out of over 200 airlines rated
by Skytrax.
Operational / Punctuality Punctuality is measured against on-time departures and arrivals targets.
For Qantas Airlines and Jetstar Executives, the measure relevant to their
business unit is used.
For corporate Executives a combined figure is used.
People / Safety The objective of the People/Safety target is to reduce Lost Time Injury and
Serious Injury rates of our employees.
The targets at a Group level involve reducing the Lost Time Injury Frequency
Rate by 24 per cent on the 2008/2009 result and reducing the Serious Injury
Frequency Rate by 19 per cent.
Unit Cost Reduction Unit cost remains an area of focus across the business and, as a result,
scorecards include a unit cost reduction performance measure. The unit cost
target is set based on the annual financial budget.
For example, for Qantas Airlines unit cost performance is calculated as Net
Expenditure divided by Group Available Seat Kilometres (ASKs). To ensure the
measure focuses on the underlying operating activities and efficiencies, the
measure excludes the impact of fuel price changes and restructuring charges.
Calculating a
STIP award “at target” Individual Performance
FAR x x Scorecard Result x
opportunity Factor (IPF)
The individual An individual’s target Performance against At the end of the year,
Executive’s FAR. reward under the STIP, the scorecard performance against
expressed as a (expressed as a KPIs is assessed and
percentage of FAR. percentage). each Executive is
assigned an IPF based
on their performance.
Across all STIP
participants, IPFs
average to 1.0.
Non-cash Benefits Non-cash benefits, as disclosed in the remuneration tables, include salary sacrifice components such as motor
vehicles and travel entitlements while employed.
Travel Travel concessions are provided to permanent Qantas employees, consistent with practice in the airline industry.
Travel at concessionary prices is on a sub-load basis, i.e. subject to considerable restrictions and limits on availability.
It includes specified direct family members or parties.
In addition to this and consistent with practice in the airline industry, Directors and Key Management Personnel and
their specified direct family members or parties are entitled to a number of trips for personal purposes at no cost to
the individual.
Post-employment travel concessions are also available to all permanent Qantas employees who qualify through
retirement or redundancy. The CEO and Key Management Personnel and their specified direct family members or
parties are entitled to a number of free trips for personal purposes. An estimated present value of these
entitlements is accrued over the service period of the individual and is disclosed as a post employment benefit.
Superannuation Superannuation includes statutory and salary sacrifice superannuation contributions and the expense to the
company of defined benefit superannuation entitlements.
Termination Payments Qantas is bound by the contractual and statutory entitlements of its Executives on termination. Additional
payments to terminating Executives may be made to a reasonable level where it is appropriate to do so taking into
account legal and other considerations. Any termination payments will be subject to the relevant law concerning
caps on termination payments to Executives.
Other Long-term Benefits Other long-term benefits include the accrual of long service leave for Executives and other benefits which are
long-term in nature.
Performance Share Plan – The Performance Share Plan (PSP) was discontinued in 2009. It was a medium-term deferred share incentive plan,
Discontinued that operated as follows:
—At the start of Year 1, the Qantas Board set performance targets for each Balanced Scorecard measure
—At the conclusion of Year 1, the Board assessed performance against each target and awarded deferred shares to
Executives if targets were achieved
—Any deferred shares awarded were subject to a vesting period which expires at the end of Year 2 in relation to
one half of the shares and the end of Year 3 in relation to the other half of the shares
—Generally, any unvested deferred shares would be forfeited if the relevant Executive ceases employment with the
Qantas Group
The grant date and number of deferred shares awarded to Key Management Personnel are outlined on page 87.
The accounting expense relating to share grants are disclosed in the remuneration table on page 43.
$’000 PSP RP1 LTIP TOTAL Market Value2
Alan Joyce 2010 428 261 275 964 742
Awarded1 Vested2 Exercised3
Alan Joyce 250,000 49,720 –
Bruce Buchanan 119,000 – –
Gareth Evans 55,000 18,080 –
Rob Gurney 104,000 18,080 18,191
Simon Hickey 112,000 31,640 –
Lyell Strambi 126,000 – –
Brett Johnson 106,000 31,640 28,945
Rob Kella 104,000 31,640 28,945
Colin Storrie 90,000 30,765 45,249
1. Rights were awarded on 9 September 2009 with a nil exercise price. The weighted average fair value of the Rights award was $2.05.
2. The number of Rights which have met the performance hurdle during the year 7.7 per cent of the 2006 Performance Rights Plan met the performance hurdle during 2009/2010.
3. The number of Rights exercised represents the number of vested Rights called for by the Executive during the year.
Qantas Code of Conduct & Ethics – Employee Share Trading Policy, Margin Loans and Hedging
The Qantas Code of Conduct & Ethics prohibits certain Nominated Qantas Employees from entering into any hedging or margin lending arrangement
or otherwise granting a charge over the securities of any Qantas Group Listed Entity, where control of any sale process relating to those securities
may be lost.
Once equity entitlements vest and convert to unrestricted shareholdings in the name of each participant under the relevant equity plan, participants
are free to deal with their shareholdings subject to the Qantas Code of Conduct & Ethics and Employee Share Trading Policy.
Lead Auditor’s Independence Declaration under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001
To: the Directors of Qantas Airways Limited
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in relation to the audit for the financial year ended 30 June 2010, there have been:
i) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and
ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.
Qantas is a company of a kind referred to in Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Class Order 98/100 dated
10 July 1998. In accordance with the Class Order, amounts in this Directors’ Report and the Financial Report have been rounded
to the nearest million dollars unless otherwise stated.
Signed pursuant to a Resolution of the Directors:
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
Net passenger revenue 10,938 11,604
Net freight revenue 821 764
Other 3 2,013 2,184
Revenue and other income 13,772 14,552
Manpower and staff related 3,405 3,684
Fuel 3,283 3,602
Aircraft operating variable 2,675 2,834
Depreciation and amortisation 1,199 1,390
Non-cancellable aircraft operating lease rentals 525 450
Ineffective and non-designated derivatives 25 173 (105)
Share of net loss of associates and jointly controlled entities 15 4 15
Other 3 2,255 2,479
Expenditure 13,519 14,349
Statutory profit before income tax expense and net finance costs 253 203
Finance income 5 181 207
Finance costs 5 (256) (229)
Net finance costs 5 (75) (22)
Statutory profit before income tax expense 178 181
Income tax expense 6 62 58
Statutory profit for the year 116 123
Attributable to:
Members of Qantas 112 117
Non-controlling interests 4 6
Statutory profit for the year 116 123
The above Consolidated Income Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Statutory profit for the year 116 123
Transfer of hedge reserve to the Income Statement, net of tax1 122 (81)
Recognition of effective cash flow hedges on capitalised assets, net of tax 120 (61)
Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of tax (135) (300)
Foreign currency translation of controlled entities (3) 8
Foreign currency translation of associates (10) –
Hedge reserve movement of associates, net of tax 7 (8)
Other comprehensive income for the year 101 (442)
Total comprehensive income for the year 217 (319)
The above Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
Cash and cash equivalents 10 3,704 3,617
Receivables 11 1,088 1,054
Other financial assets 25 233 561
Inventories 12 319 250
Current tax receivable – 128
Assets classified as held for sale 13 91 26
Other 14 397 330
Total current assets 5,832 5,966
Receivables 11 407 522
Other financial assets 25 102 344
Investments accounted for using the equity method 15 378 387
Other investments 3 3
Property, plant and equipment 16 12,516 12,155
Intangible assets 17 668 664
Other 4 8
Total non-current assets 14,078 14,083
Total assets 19,910 20,049
Payables 19 1,750 1,833
Revenue received in advance 20 3,167 3,109
Interest-bearing liabilities 21 619 608
Other financial liabilities 25 242 641
Provisions 22 448 507
Deferred lease benefits 11 16
Liabilities classified as held for sale 13 4 –
Total current liabilities 6,241 6,714
Revenue received in advance 20 1,067 1,232
Interest-bearing liabilities 21 5,099 4,895
Other financial liabilities 25 231 268
Provisions 22 560 533
Deferred tax liabilities 18 715 607
Deferred lease benefits 16 35
Total non-current liabilities 7,688 7,570
Total liabilities 13,929 14,284
Issued capital 23 4,729 4,729
Treasury shares (54) (58)
Reserves 23 109 7
Retained earnings 1,155 1,043
Equity attributable to members of Qantas 5,939 5,721
Non-controlling interests 42 44
Total equity 5,981 5,765
The above Consolidated Balance Sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.
Employee Currency Non-
Qantas Group Issued Treasury Compensation Hedge Translation Retained controlling Total
$M Capital Shares Reserve Reserve Reserve Earnings Interest Equity
Balance as at 1 July 2008 3,976 (61) 53 421 (24) 1,366 4 5,735
Statutory profit for the year – – – – – 117 6 123
Other comprehensive income
Transfer of hedge reserve to the Income Statement,
net of tax – – – (81) – – – (81)
Recognition of effective cash flow hedges on
capitalised assets, net of tax – – – (61) – – – (61)
Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash
flow hedges, net of tax – – – (300) – – – (300)
Foreign currency translation of controlled entities – – – – 8 – – 8
Hedge reserve movement of associates, net of tax – – – (8) – – – (8)
Total other comprehensive income – – – (450) 8 – – (442)
Total comprehensive income for the year – – – (450) 8 117 6 (319)
Contributions by and distributions to owners
Shares issued 517 – – – – – – 517
Own shares acquired – (58) – – – – – (58)
Share-based payments – – 59 – – – – 59
Shares vested to employees – 61 (60) – – (1) – –
Dividends declared 236 – – – – (439) (5) (208)
Total contributions by and distributions to owners 753 3 (1) – – (440) (5) 310
Change in ownership interests in subsidiaries
Non-controlling interest in controlled entities acquired – – – – – – 39 39
Total change in ownership interests in subsidiaries – – – – – – 39 39
Total transactions with owners 753 3 (1) – – (440) 34 349
Balance as at 30 June 2009 4,729 (58) 52 (29) (16) 1,043 44 5,765
Statutory profit for the year – – – – – 112 4 116
Other comprehensive income
Transfer of hedge reserve to the Income Statement,
net of tax – – – 122 – – – 122
Recognition of effective cash flow hedges on
capitalised assets, net of tax – – – 120 – – – 120
Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash
flow hedges, net of tax – – – (135) – – – (135)
Foreign currency translation of controlled entities – – – – (3) – – (3)
Foreign currency translation of associates – – – – (10) – – (10)
Hedge reserve movement of associates, net of tax – – – 7 – – – 7
Total other comprehensive income – – – 114 (13) – – 101
Total comprehensive income for the year – – – 114 (13) 112 4 217
Contributions by and distributions to owners
Own shares acquired – (16) – – – – – (16)
Share-based payments – – 21 – – – – 21
Shares vested to employees – 20 (20) – – – – –
Dividends declared – – – – – – (4) (4)
Total contributions by and distributions to owners – 4 1 – – – (4) 1
Change in ownership interest in subsidiaries
Return of capital to non-controlling interest by
controlled entity – – – – – – (2) (2)
Total change in ownership interest in subsidiaries – – – – – – (2) (2)
Total transactions with owners – 4 1 – – – (6) (1)
Balance as at 30 June 2010 4,729 (54) 53 85 (29) 1,155 42 5,981
The above Consolidated Statement of Changes of Equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
Cash receipts in the course of operations 14,376 15,462
Cash payments in the course of operations (13,125) (13,918)
Interest received 149 191
Interest paid (238) (334)
Dividends received 16 22
Income taxes refunded/(paid) 129 (274)
Net cash from operating activities 26 1,307 1,149
The above Consolidated Cash Flow Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.
Dividend Revenue
Dividends are recognised as revenue when the right to receive payment
is established. Dividend revenue is recognised net of any franking credits
or withholding tax.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
Statutory profit before income tax expense and net finance costs (Statutory EBIT) 253 203
Qantas Jetset
2010 Qantas Frequent Travelworld Corporate/ Consolidated
$M Qantas Jetstar Freight Flyer Group Unallocated Eliminations Underlying
External segment revenue 9,588 2,012 1,003 1,038 104 17 10 13,772
Intersegment revenue 1,021 185 4 70 31 14 (1,325) –
Total segment revenue and other 10,609 2,197 1,007 1,108 135 31 (1,315) 13,772
Share of net (loss)/profit of associates (13) (3) 12 – – – – (4)
and jointly controlled entities
External segment revenue 10,532 1,653 1,077 1,019 117 (23) 7 14,382
Intersegment revenue 1,092 198 3 30 28 16 (1,367) –
Total segment revenue and other 11,624 1,851 1,080 1,049 145 (7) (1,360) 14,382
Share of net (loss)/profit of associates and (13) (15) 13 – – – – (15)
jointly controlled entities
Selling and marketing 572 632
Property 396 402
Computer and communication 405 406
Capacity hire 249 274
Other 633 765
Total other expenditure 2,255 2,479
4. Statutory Profit before Income Tax Expense and Net Finance Costs
The following are included in statutory profit before income tax expense and net finance costs:
1. During the year ended 30 June 2009, the Qantas Group changed its estimate of the fair value of a frequent flyer point and breakage which resulted in $153 million (2009: $164 million) of
additional revenue. For the year ended 30 June 2009, $84 million of this additional revenue related to a non-recurring benefit arising from the direct earn conversion implemented during the year.
Refer to Note 1(C) for further details.
2. During the year ended 30 June 2010, the Qantas Group changed the estimated residual value for passenger aircraft resulting in an increase in depreciation expense by $50 million (2009: nil).
Refer to Note 1(C) for further details.
3. During the year ended 30 June 2009, the Qantas Group changed the estimated useful lives of core system software resulting in a decrease in amortisation expense by $26 million
(2009: $17 million). Refer to Note 1(C) for further details.
4. In July 2008, the Qantas Group sold Qantas Holidays Limited and Qantas Business Travel Pty Limited to Jetset Travelworld Ltd in exchange for a 58 per cent ownership interest in the combined
group resulting in a gain on sale of $86 million after transaction costs. Refer to Note 27 for further details.
5. During the year ended 30 June 2009, the Qantas Group announced its intention to reduce capacity and ground or retire certain aircraft. In addition to these plans to ground certain aircraft, the
Qantas Group has disposed of a number of other aircraft during the years ending 30 June 2009 and 30 June 2010. This resulted in a net impairment charge/accelerated depreciation of $48 million
and $152 million in the years ended 30 June 2010 and 2009 respectively, to reduce the carrying value of these aircraft to their fair value less costs to sell.
6. During the year ended 30 June 2009, the Qantas Group recorded impairment losses on certain investments of $15 million and goodwill and other intangible assets of $22 million following a
review of the carrying value of these assets. In addition, immediately prior to the acquisition of Orangestar Investment Holdings Pte Limited (“Orangestar”), the Qantas Group reversed $19 million
of prior year impairment losses recorded against the carrying value of the investment in Orangestar. Refer to Note 27 for further details.
7. During the year ended 30 June 2009, as part of the plans to reduce capacity, the Qantas Group announced plans to restructure the business. These plans resulted in restructuring expenses of
$106 million. During the year ended 30 June 2010, the Qantas Group incurred transaction costs relating to the Jetset Travelworld Group merger transaction anticipated to occur in the year ended
30 June 2011, and the Qantas Group changed the estimates and assumptions in respect of other non-recurring provisions.
Finance leases 11 25
Interest expense on financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 272 287
Fair value hedges
—Fair value adjustments on hedged items (71) 379
—Fair value adjustments on derivatives designated in a fair value hedge 48 (403)
Less: capitalised interest1 (44) (83)
Total finance costs on financial liabilities 216 205
Unwinding of discount on provisions and other liabilities 40 24
Total finance costs 256 229
6. Income Tax
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Current income tax expense
Current year – 49
Adjustments for prior years – 8
– 57
Deferred income tax expense
Origination and reversal of temporary differences 317 15
Adjustments for prior years – (15)
Benefit of tax losses recognised (255) –
Utilisation of recognised tax losses – 1
62 1
Total income tax expense in the Consolidated Income Statement 62 58
Statutory profit before income tax expense 178 181
Income tax using the domestic corporate tax rate of 30 per cent 53 54
Add/(less) adjustments for (non-assessable income)/non-deductible expenditure:
—Non-assessable gain on sale of Qantas Holidays and Qantas Business Travel – (26)
—Non-deductible share of net loss of associates and jointly controlled entities 1 5
—Utilisation of previously unrecognised losses (4) (11)
—Non-deductible writedown of investments and goodwill – 6
—Non-deductible infrastructure bond interest 9 9
—Other items 3 13
Under provision in prior years – 8
Income tax expense 62 58
7. Auditor’s Remuneration
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$000 $000
Auditors of Qantas – KPMG Australia
—Audit and review of Financial Report – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 2,777 2,756
—Audit and review of Financial Report – Jetset Travelworld Group 584 594
—Other regulatory audit services – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 53 147
—Other regulatory audit services – Jetset Travelworld Group 12 6
Overseas KPMG firms
—audit and review of Financial Report 308 332
Total audit services 3,734 3,835
Audit related services
Auditors of Qantas – KPMG Australia
—Due diligence services – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 70 4,086
—Due diligence services – Jetset Travelworld Group 1,733 –
—Other audit related services – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 526 490
Overseas KPMG firms
—Due diligence services – 1,363
Total audit related services 2,329 5,939
Taxation services
Auditors of Qantas – KPMG Australia
—Taxation services – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 360 270
—Taxation services – Jetset Travelworld Group 44 56
Overseas KPMG firms
—Taxation services 226 257
Total taxation services 630 583
Other non-audit services
Auditors of Qantas – KPMG Australia
—Other non-audit services – Qantas Group (excluding Jetset Travelworld Group) 323 365
Overseas KPMG firms
—Other non-audit services 24 –
Total other non-audit services 347 365
Total other services 3,306 6,887
Total auditor’s remuneration 7,040 10,722
$M $M
Statutory profit attributable to members of Qantas 112 117
Number Number
Issued shares as at 1 July 2,265 1,894
Effect of shares issued 1 October 2008 – 41
Effect of shares issued 11 February 2009 – 104
Effect of shares issued 17 March 2009 – 5
Effect of shares issued 8 April 2009 – 7
Weighted average number of shares 2,265 2,051
Effect of shares issued at a discount to the market price1 – 29
Weighted average number of shares (basic and diluted) as at 30 June 2,265 2,080
1. In accordance with AASB133 Earnings per Share, the weighted average number of shares is adjusted when shares are offered to existing shareholders at a discount to the market price.
9. Dividends
Dividends declared and paid in the current and prior year by Qantas are:
Franked Tax
Total Rate for Percentage
Amount Date of Franking Credit Franked
2010 Cents per Share $M Payment % %
2010 interim – – – – –
2009 final – – – – –
Total – – – – –
2009 interim 6.0 117 8 April 2009 30 100
2008 final 17.0 322 1 October 2008 30 100
Total 23.0 439
No final dividend will be paid in relation to the year ended 30 June 2010.
Additionally, $4 million (2009: $15 million including a payment of a $10 million provision acquired on consolidation of the Jetset Travelworld Group)
of dividends were declared to non-controlling interest shareholders.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Total franking account balance at 30 per cent 18 (17)
The above amount represents the balance of the franking account as at 30 June, after taking into account adjustments for:
—Franking credits that will arise from the payment of income tax payable for the current year
—Franking credits that will arise from the receipt of dividends recognised as receivables at the year end
—Franking credits that may be prevented from being distributed in subsequent years
The ability to utilise the franking credits is dependent upon there being sufficient available profits to declare dividends.
Short-term money market securities of $141 million (2009: $197 million) held by the Qantas Group are pledged as collateral under the terms of
certain operational financing facilities when underlying unsecured limits are exceeded. The collateral cannot be sold or repledged in the absence
of default by the Qantas Group.
11. Receivables
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Trade debtors
Associates and jointly controlled entities 33 41
Other parties 790 810
Less: provision for impairment losses 6 27
817 824
Other loans
Aircraft security deposits 5 24
Sundry debtors 266 206
Total current receivables 1,088 1,054
Other loans from jointly controlled entities – interest-bearing 128 128
Aircraft security deposits 8 18
Sundry debtors 271 376
Total non-current receivables 407 522
The ageing of trade debtors, net of provision for impairment losses, at 30 June was:
Not past due 702 677
Past due 1-30 days 38 60
Past due 31-120 days 28 36
Past due 121 days or more 49 51
Total trade debtors 817 824
There are no significant other receivables that have been recognised that would otherwise, without renegotiation, have been past due or impaired.
The movement in the provision for impairment losses in respect of trade debtors was as follows:
Balance as at 1 July 27 4
Impairment loss recognised 4 24
Bad debts written off (5) (1)
Reversal of provision (20) –
Provision for impairment losses as at 30 June 6 27
Current aircraft security deposits are provided as security to providers of aircraft finance.
Sundry debtors of the Qantas Group includes $361 million (2009: $442 million) representing the present value of liquidated damages resulting from
the delay in delivery of aircraft.
12. Inventories
Engineering expendables 270 195
Consumable stores 42 46
Work in progress 7 9
Total inventories 319 250
Liabilities of DPEX disposal group 4 –
Total liabilities classified as held for sale 4 –
On 8 June 2010, the Qantas Group announced an agreement to sell the DPEX Group, which is part of the Qantas Freight operating segment.
The sale transaction completed in August 2010. The assets of the DPEX disposal group represent goodwill of $16 million and receivables and
other assets of $6 million. The liabilities of DPEX disposal group represent payables of $4 million.
Qantas Group
Ownership Interest
2010 2009
Principal Activity Country of Incorporation Balance Date % %
Air Pacific Limited Air transport Fiji 31 Mar 46 46
Fiji Resorts Limited Resort accommodation Fiji 31 Dec 21 21
Hallmark Aviation Services L.P. Passenger handling services United States of America 31 Dec 49 49
HT & T Travel Philippines, Inc. Tours and travel Philippines 30 Jun 28 28
Holiday Tours and Travel (Thailand) Ltd Tours and travel Thailand 31 Dec 37 37
Holiday Tours & Travel Vietnam Co. Ltd Tours and travel Vietnam 30 Jun 37 37
Jetstar Pacific Airlines Aviation Joint Air transport Vietnam 31 Dec 27 27
Stock Company
PT Holidays Tours & Travel Tours and travel Indonesia 31 Dec 37 37
Tour East (T.E.T) Ltd Tours and travel Thailand 31 Dec 37 37
Share of associates’ contracted capital expenditure commitments 1,070 995
Share of associates’ contracted non-capital expenditure commitments 54 46
Qantas Group’s share of associates’ commitments 1,124 1,041
Qantas Group’s share of associates’ contingent liabilities 8 5
Qantas Group
Ownership Interest
2010 2009
Principal Activity Country of Incorporation Balance Date % %
Australian air Express Pty Ltd Air cargo Australia 30 Jun 50 50
Harvey Holidays Pty Ltd Tours and travel Australia 30 Jun 50 50
LTQ Engineering Pty Limited (formerly Maintenance services Australia 30 Jun 50 50
known as Jet Turbine Services Pty Limited)
Star Track Express Holdings Pty Limited Express road freight Australia 30 Jun 50 50
Share of jointly controlled entities’ contracted capital expenditure commitments 4 12
Share of jointly controlled entities’ contracted non-capital expenditure commitments 388 357
Qantas Group’s share of jointly controlled entities’ commitments 392 369
Qantas Group’s share of jointly controlled entities’ contingent liabilities 31 33
Buildings – owned
At cost 284 283
Less: accumulated depreciation 132 118
152 165
Buildings – leased
At cost 51 51
Less: accumulated depreciation 45 43
6 8
Total buildings
At cost 335 334
Less: accumulated depreciation 177 161
Total buildings at net book value 158 173
Leasehold improvements
At cost 1,531 1,479
Less: accumulated depreciation 966 900
Total leasehold improvements at net book value 565 579
Aircraft deposits
At cost 1,368 1,364
Total aircraft deposits 1,368 1,364
to Assets
Qantas Group Disposal of Classified as
2010 Opening Net Controlled Held for Closing Net
$M Book Value Additions Disposals Entities Transfers Sale Depreciation Other1 Book Value
Freehold land 66 – – – – – – – 66
Buildings 173 – – – 1 – (16) – 158
Leasehold improvements 579 64 – – (20) – (79) 21 565
Plant and equipment 543 45 (10) – 9 – (103) 5 489
Aircraft and engines 8,937 305 (18) – 1,099 (54) (904) 15 9,380
Aircraft spare parts 493 65 (10) – (4) – (50) (4) 490
Aircraft deposits 1,364 1,149 (62) – (1,099) – – 16 1,368
Total property, plant and equipment 12,155 1,628 (100) – (14) (54) (1,152) 53 12,516
Freehold land 72 – – (6) – – – – 66
Buildings 193 – – (3) – – (16) (1) 173
Leasehold improvements 541 118 – – (6) – (77) 3 579
Plant and equipment 551 111 (23) (21) (2) – (98) 25 543
Aircraft and engines 8,608 443 (205) – 1,149 (26) (1,077) 45 8,937
Aircraft spare parts 431 156 (3) – (17) – (60) (14) 493
Aircraft deposits 1,945 618 (127) – (1,124) – – 52 1,364
Total property, plant and equipment 12,341 1,446 (358) (30) – (26) (1,328) 110 12,155
1. Other includes capitalised interest, foreign exchange movements and non-cash additions.
Certain aircraft and engines act as security against related financings. Under the terms of certain financing facilities entered into by the Qantas
Group, the underwriters to these agreements have a fixed charge over certain aircraft and engines to the extent that debt has been issued directly
to those underwriters. The total carrying amount of assets under pledge is $5,693 million (2009: $5,572 million).
Qantas Group Acquisitions to Assets
2010 Opening Net of Controlled Classified as Closing Net
$M Book Value Additions Entities Transfers Held for Sale Amortisation Other1 Book Value
Goodwill 237 – – – (16) – (2) 219
Airport landing slots 35 – – – – – – 35
Software 300 60 – 14 – (42) (4) 328
Brand names and trademarks 31 – – – – – (1) 30
Customer contracts/relationships 61 – – – – (5) – 56
Total intangible assets 664 60 – 14 (16) (47) (7) 668
Goodwill 147 – 112 – – – (22) 237
Airport landing slots 35 – – – – – – 35
Software 266 84 1 – – (57) 6 300
Brand names and trademarks – – 31 – – – – 31
Customer contracts/relationships – – 66 – – (5) – 61
Total intangible assets 448 84 210 – – (62) (16) 664
1. Other includes foreign exchange movements and impairments.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Qantas1 23 39
Jetstar 130 132
Jetset Travelworld Group 66 66
219 237
The recoverable amounts of CGUs were based on their value in use calculations. Those calculations were determined by discounting the future
cash flows generated from the continuing use of the units and were based on the following assumptions:
Recognised in
the Recognised
Qantas Group Consolidated in Other Acquisitions of
2010 Opening Income Comprehensive Controlled Closing
$M Balance Statement Income Entities Balance
Inventories (35) 23 – – (12)
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,366) (166) – – (1,532)
Payables 82 (35) – – 47
Revenue received in advance 676 (55) – – 621
Interest-bearing liabilities (228) 209 – – (19)
Other financial assets/liabilities 59 (163) (46) – (150)
Provisions 265 (14) – – 251
Other items (62) (116) – – (178)
Tax value of recognised tax losses 2 255 – – 257
Total deferred tax liabilities (607) (62) (46) – (715)
Inventories (52) 17 – – (35)
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,387) 44 – (23) (1,366)
Payables 99 (17) – – 82
Revenue received in advance 642 34 – – 676
Interest-bearing liabilities (145) (83) – – (228)
Other financial assets/liabilities (11) (119) 189 – 59
Provisions 229 36 – – 265
Other items (135) 73 – – (62)
Tax value of recognised tax losses 3 (1) – – 2
Total deferred tax liabilities (757) (16) 189 (23) (607)
At 30 June 2010, there is no recognised or unrecognised deferred tax liability for taxes that would be payable on the unremitted earnings of the
Qantas Group’s controlled entities, associates and jointly controlled entities (2009: nil).
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Tax losses – New Zealand operations 15 16
Tax losses – Singapore operations 25 –
Total unrecognised deferred tax assets – tax losses 40 16
19. Payables
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Trade creditors
Associates and jointly controlled entities 6 38
Other parties 594 559
600 597
Unredeemed frequent flyer revenue 1,067 1,232
Total non-current revenue received in advance 1,067 1,232
Bank loans – secured 2,717 2,562
Bank loans – unsecured 740 629
Other loans – unsecured 1,203 1,235
Lease and hire purchase liabilities – secured (refer Note 28) 439 469
Total non-current interest-bearing liabilities 5,099 4,895
Certain current and non-current interest bearing liabilities relate to specific financings of aircraft and engines and are secured by the aircraft to which
they relate (refer Note 16).
22. Provisions
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Dividends 5 5
Employee benefits
—Annual leave 317 338
—Long service leave 40 40
—Redundancies and restructuring 5 40
Onerous contracts 3 4
Make good on leased assets 18 –
Insurance, legal and other 60 80
Total current provisions 448 507
Employee benefits
—Long service leave 311 323
Onerous contracts 6 9
Make good on leased assets 100 96
Insurance, legal and other 143 105
Total non-current provisions 560 533
Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of each class of provision, except for employee benefits, are set out below:
Qantas Group of
2010 Opening Provisions Controlled Provisions Unwind of Closing Non-
$M Balance Made Entities Utilised Discount Other1 Balance Current Current Total
Dividends 5 4 – (4) – – 5 5 – 5
Onerous contracts 13 – – (5) 1 – 9 3 6 9
Make good on leased assets 96 41 – (21) 4 (2) 118 18 100 118
Insurance, legal and other 185 45 – (40) 6 7 203 60 143 203
Total 299 90 – (70) 11 5 335 86 249 335
Dividends 5 444 10 (218) – (236) 5 5 – 5
Onerous contracts 7 13 – (7) – – 13 4 9 13
Make good on leased assets 42 38 14 – 2 – 96 – 96 96
Insurance, legal and other 166 50 – (32) 5 (4) 185 80 105 185
Total 220 545 24 (257) 7 (240) 299 89 210 299
1. Other includes dividends settled in shares under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, foreign exchange movements and transfers from other balance sheet accounts.
Onerous Contracts
An onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable cost of meeting the obligations under the contract exceeds the economic benefit
expected to be received. The Qantas Group has raised this provision in respect of operating leases on premises.
Movements in the share capital of Qantas during the current and prior year were as follows:
of Shares
Date Details M $M
1 July 2008 Balance 1,894 3,976
1 October 2008 Dividend reinvestment plan 55 192
11 February 2009 Institutional share placement 270 491
17 March 2009 Share purchase plan 18 26
8 April 2009 Dividend reinvestment plan 28 44
30 June 2009 Balance 2,265 4,729
30 June 2010 Balance 2,265 4,729
Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at shareholders’
In the event of wind-up, Qantas ordinary shareholders rank after all creditors and are fully entitled to any residual proceeds on liquidation.
Treasury shares consist of shares held in trust for Qantas employees in relation to equity compensation plans. As at 30 June 2010, 15,640,025
(2009: 14,677,697) shares were held in trust and classified as treasury shares.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Employee compensation reserve 53 52
Hedge reserve (refer Note 25(B)) 85 (29)
Foreign currency translation reserve (29) (16)
109 7
Hedge Reserve
The hedge reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow hedging instruments related to future
forecast transactions.
Number of Rights
Performance Rights Reconciliation 2010 2009
Rights outstanding as at 1 July 6,916,092 6,121,033
Rights granted 3,925,000 3,117,000
Rights lapsed (865,690) (1,301,362)
Rights expired (242,400) –
Rights vested (888,116) (1,020,579)
Rights outstanding as at 30 June 8,844,886 6,916,092
Rights exercisable as at 30 June 510,902 1,311,949
All Rights were granted with a nil exercise price. No amount has been paid, or is payable by the Executive in relation to these Rights.
Based on the performance hurdle tested as at 30 June 2010, 108,114 Rights will expire from the 2005/2006 award (2009: 242,400 Rights from
the 2004/2005 award).
During the year, 888,116 Rights were exercised (2009: 1,020,579).
At 30 June 2010, 26,271 Rights are available to be exercised at the request of the Executive under the 2004/2005 award, 96,040 Rights under the
2005/2006 award and a further 388,591 Rights under the 2006/2007 award (2009: 27,535 Rights under the 2004/2005 award and 143,733 Rights
under the 2005/2006 award). For more information on the operation of the LTIP, see page 35.
The expected volatility for the 2009/2010 award was determined having regard to the historical one year volatility of Qantas shares and the implied
volatility on exchange traded options. The risk-free rate was the yield on an Australian Government bond at the grant date matching the remaining
life of the plan. The yield is converted into a continuously compounded rate in the model. The expected life assumes immediate exercise after vesting.
2010 2009
Weighted Weighted
Average Average
Number of Fair Value Number of Fair Value
Shares Granted Shares $ Shares $
Performance shares granted – 19 August 2009 6,108,538 2.65 – –
Performance shares granted – 6 April 2009 – – 147,977 1.82
Performance shares granted – 4 March 2009 – – 75,000 1.52
Performance shares granted – 1 October 2008 – – 2,826 3.22
Performance shares granted – 17 September 2008 – – 3,566 3.49
Performance shares granted – 20 August 2008 – – 7,661,838 3.45
Shares are valued based on the volume weighted average price of Qantas shares as traded on the ASX for the seven calendar days up to and
including the date of allocation. Expected dividends are not specifically taken into account when calculating the fair value but are implicit in the
weighted average price of Qantas shares. Shares are issued or purchased on-market and are held subject to a holding lock. For further detail on the
operation of the PSP, see page 42.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Designated as cash flow hedges (54) (43)
Designated as fair value hedges (153) (101)
De-designated derivatives (23) (134)
Not qualifying for hedge accounting 92 194
Net derivative liabilities (138) (84)
Other financial assets – 80
Net other financial liabilities (138) (4)
Other financial assets are measured at amortised cost. These amounts are shown net of impairment losses of nil (2009: $181 million).
Qantas Group
2010 Less than More than
$M 1 Year 1 to 5 Years 5 Years Total
Contracts to hedge
Future foreign currency receipts and payments 44 181 5 230
Future aviation fuel payments (3) 1 – (2)
Future interest payments (3) (31) (15) (49)
Future capital expenditure payments (60) 3 – (57)
(22) 154 (10) 122
Tax effect (37)
Total net gain included within hedge reserve 85
Contracts to hedge
Future foreign currency receipts and payments 117 111 37 265
Future aviation fuel payments (286) 12 – (274)
Future interest payments (5) (28) (1) (34)
Future capital expenditure payments (8) 10 – 2
(182) 105 36 (41)
Tax effect 12
Total net loss included within hedge reserve (29)
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Ineffective portion of cash flow hedges 15 72
Components of derivatives not hedge accounted (including time value of options) (188) 33
Ineffective and non-designated derivatives (173) 105
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Committed bank overdraft
Facility available 7 7
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 7 7
Committed syndicated standby facility1
Facility available 500 500
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 500 500
Committed secured funding and sale and operating lease
Facility available – 1,100
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused – 1,100
Commercial paper and medium-term notes
Facility available2 1,000 1,000
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 1,000 1,000
1. The syndicated standby facility has $200 million maturing on 8 August 2011 and $300 million maturing on 26 May 2013.
2. Subject to Dealer Panel participation.
The bank overdraft facility held with Commonwealth Bank of Australia covers the combined balances of Qantas and its wholly-owned controlled
entities. Subject to the continuance of satisfactory credit ratings, the bank overdraft facility may be utilised at any time. Commonwealth Bank
of Australia may terminate this facility without notice.
(ii) Jetstar Asia (Orangestar Investment Holdings Pte Limited and its controlled entities)
During the year ended 30 June 2009, the Qantas Group increased its ownership in Orangestar Investment Holdings Pte Limited and its controlled
entities (the Jetstar Asia Group) to 49 per cent from 45 per cent. The transaction was completed via a newly incorporated entity, Newstar Investment
Holding Pte. Ltd. (Newstar), in which the Qantas Group owns 49 per cent. Through funding provided by the Qantas Group, Newstar acquired
100 per cent of the Jetstar Asia Group. The substance of this transaction is such that the Qantas Group can control (as defined by AASB 127
Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements) 100 per cent of the economic interest in the Jetstar Asia Group. Consequently, Jetstar Asia Group
is consolidated in the Qantas Group Financial Statements. Prior to the completion of the transaction, the Qantas Group reviewed the carrying value
of its equity investment in the Jetstar Asia Group, resulting in the reversal of approximately $19 million (before tax) of prior period impairment losses.
During the year ended 30 June 2010, the preliminary acquisition accounting was finalised, resulting in an increase in the fair value of receivables by
$2 million with a corresponding decrease in Goodwill.
Jetset Travelworld Group Jetstar Asia Group Group
2009 Carrying Fair Value Fair Carrying Fair Value Fair Fair
$M Values Adjust Value Values Adjust Value Value
Consideration paid, including transaction costs – – 7 – – 61 68
Less: cash acquired (29) – (29) (49) – (49) (78)
Payments for controlled entities, net of cash acquired (22) 12 (10)
28. Commitments
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Finance lease and hire purchase liabilities included in the Financial Statements at the present value
of future rentals
Aircraft and engines – payable:
Not later than one year 44 171
Later than one year but not later than five years 482 346
Later than five years – 180
526 697
Less: future lease and hire purchase finance charges 44 64
Total finance lease and hire purchase liabilities 482 633
Finance lease and hire purchase liabilities included in the Financial Statements
Current liability (refer Note 21) 43 164
Non-current liability (refer Note 21) 439 469
Total finance lease and hire purchase liabilities 482 633
The Qantas Group leases aircraft under finance leases with expiry dates between one and 12 years. Most finance leases contain purchase options
exercisable at the end of the lease term. The Qantas Group has the right to negotiate extensions on most leases.
The Qantas Group leases aircraft, buildings and plant and equipment under operating leases with expiry dates between one and 32 years.
The Qantas Group has the right to negotiate extensions on most leases.
Operating lease receivables not recognised in the Financial Statements
Not later than one year 12 11
Later than one year but not later than five years 47 47
Later than five years 44 56
Total operating lease receivables not recognised in the Financial Statements 103 114
Qantas leases out freighter aircraft under long-term operating leases with rentals received monthly.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Capital expenditure commitments contracted but not provided for in the Financial Statements
Aircraft 14,505 16,591
Building works 95 103
Other 228 96
14,828 16,790
Not later than one year 2,553 1,560
Later than one year but not later than five years 9,854 10,135
Later than five years 2,421 5,095
Total capital expenditure commitments contracted but not provided for in the Financial Statements 14,828 16,790
The above amounts exclude uncommitted aircraft purchase payments that may be made if cancellable aircraft options are exercised. The Qantas Group
has a number of slide rights available on committed aircraft capital expenditure that are generally exercisable 24 months prior to contracted delivery.
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Performance guarantees and letters of comfort to support operating lease commitments and other arrangements 5 6
entered into with other parties
General guarantees in the normal course of business 172 161
Contingent liabilities relating to current and threatened litigation 3 3
180 170
As part of the financing arrangements for the acquisition of aircraft, the Qantas Group has provided certain guarantees and indemnities to various
lenders and equity participants in leveraged lease transactions. In certain circumstances, including the insolvency of major international banks and
other AAA rated counterparties, the Qantas Group may be required to make payments under these guarantees.
30. Superannuation
The Qantas Superannuation Plan (QSP) is a hybrid defined benefit/defined contribution fund with 14 separate divisions which commenced operation
in June 1939. In addition to the QSP, there are a number of small offshore defined benefit plans.
The Qantas Group makes contributions to defined benefit superannuation plans that provide defined benefit amounts for employees upon
retirement. Under the plans, employees are entitled to retirement benefits determined, at least in part, by reference to a formula based on years of
membership and salary levels. The total plan assets include shares in Qantas with a fair value of $8 million (2009: $6 million). Plan assets also include
an investment in a trust which owns a 50 per cent interest in property occupied by the Qantas Group. The value of this investment is $16 million
(2009: $28 million).
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$M $M
Opening defined benefit obligation 2,098 1,846
Current service cost 158 149
Interest cost 106 105
Actuarial losses 174 176
Exchange differences on foreign plans (23) 8
Benefits paid (303) (186)
Closing defined benefit obligation 2,210 2,098
% %
Equity instruments (Australian and overseas) 55 55
Fixed interest, cash and indexed bonds (Australian and overseas) 20 20
Property 9 10
Alternative assets 16 15
$M $M
Fair value of plan assets 1,964 1,944
Present value of defined benefit obligation 2,210 2,098
Deficit (246) (154)
Less: unrecognised actuarial losses (494) (380)
Recognised prepayments in the Consolidated Balance Sheet (refer Note 14) 248 226
Qantas Group
2010 2009
% %
Discount rate 5.3 5.7
Expected return on plan assets 7.4 7.6
Future salary increases 3.0 3.0
The expected long-term rate of return is based on the weighted average of expected returns on each individual asset class where the weightings
reflect the proportion of defined benefit assets invested in each asset class. Each asset class’ expected return is based on expectations of average
returns over the next 10 years.
Employer contributions to the defined benefit superannuation plans are based on recommendations by the plans’ actuaries. It is estimated that
$108 million will be paid by Qantas for employees accruing defined benefits in the year ended 30 June 2011 (2010: $121 million).
In April 2009, Qantas and the Trustee of the QSP agreed to additional funding of up to $66 million over three years following the adverse performance
of investment markets as a result of the Global Financial Crisis. As at 30 June 2010, Qantas has contributed $35 million of the additional funding.
Leigh Clifford, AO, Chairman
Alan Joyce, Chief Executive Officer
Colin Storrie, Chief Financial Officer (ceased as a Director and KMP effective 5 March 2010)
Peter Cosgrove, AC, MC, Non-Executive Director
Patricia Cross, Non-Executive Director
Richard Goodmanson, Non-Executive Director
Garry Hounsell, Non-Executive Director
Paul Rayner, Non-Executive Director
John Schubert, Non-Executive Director
James Strong, AO, Non-Executive Director
Barbara Ward, Non-Executive Director
Qantas Group
2010 2009
$000 $000
Short-term employee benefits 9,058 13,092
Post-employment benefits 705 1,148
Other long-term benefits 175 4,021
Statutory annual leave1 – 2,926
Termination benefits 871 6,304
Share-based payments 2,060 11,547
12,869 39,038
1. For the year ended 30 June 2010, annual leave entitlements are presented on an accruals basis as part of short-term employee benefits. For the year ended 30 June 2009, annual leave not taken
and paid out was presented on termination.
Further details in relation to the remuneration of KMPs is included in the Directors’ Report.
Opening Number Number Vested and Closing Not Available Available
Key Management Personnel Balance Granted Forfeited Transferred Balance to Call to Call
Alan Joyce 2010 Total 247,500 173,363 – – 420,863 223,363 197,500
2009 Total 147,500 100,000 – – 247,500 111,750 135,750
Bruce Buchanan 2010 Total 31,720 51,000 – – 82,720 63,533 19,187
2009 Total 6,654 25,066 – – 31,720 28,393 3,327
Gareth Evans 2010 Total 36,621 27,522 – – 64,143 27,522 36,621
2009 Total n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rob Gurney 2010 Total 41,042 34,000 – (25,379) 49,663 41,832 7,831
2009 Total 34,115 31,326 – (24,399) 41,042 36,184 4,858
Simon Hickey 2010 Total 90,213 53,000 – – 143,213 77,500 65,713
2009 Total 41,213 49,000 – – 90,213 54,750 35,463
Lyell Strambi 2010 Total 75,000 37,000 – – 112,000 112,000 –
2009 Total – 75,000 – – 75,000 75,000 –
Colin Storrie1 2010 Total 84,768 54,270 (80,270) (58,768) – – –
2009 Total 32,768 52,000 – – 84,768 61,250 23,518
Geoff Dixon2 2009 Total 700,500 287,000 – (987,500) – – –
Peter Gregg2 2009 Total 306,500 96,000 – (402,500) – – –
John Borghetti2 2009 Total 201,500 96,000 – (297,500) – – –
Kevin Brown2 2009 Total 55,500 63,000 – (118,500) – – –
David Cox2 2009 Total 107,500 42,000 – – 149,500 49,750 99,750
Grant Fenn2 2009 Total 74,500 60,000 – – 134,500 69,500 65,000
1. Ceased to be KMP during 2009/2010.
2. Ceased to be KMP during 2008/2009.
The shares were granted on 19 August 2009 (2009: 20 August 2008) at a fair value of $2.65 (2009: $3.45). The 2009 award to Mr Strambi was
granted on 4 March 2009 at a fair value of $1.52. No amount has been paid, or is payable, by the Executive in relation to these deferred shares.
Opening Number Number Vested and Closing Not Available Available to
Key Management Personnel Balance Granted Forfeited Transferred Balance to Call Call
Alan Joyce 2010 Total 750,000 – – – 750,000 – 750,000
2009 Total 750,000 – – – 750,000 480,000 270,000
Simon Hickey 2010 Total 400,000 – – – 400,000 – 400,000
2009 Total 400,000 – – – 400,000 265,000 135,000
Colin Storrie1 2010 Total 550,000 – (38,333) (511,667) – – –
2009 Total 550,000 – – – 550,000 315,000 235,000
Geoff Dixon2 2009 Total 1,000,000 – – (1,000,000) – – –
Peter Gregg2 2009 Total 800,000 – – (800,000) – – –
John Borghetti2 2009 Total 800,000 – – (800,000) – – –
Kevin Brown2 2009 Total 700,000 – – (700,000) – – –
David Cox2 2009 Total 700,000 – – – 700,000 465,000 235,000
Grant Fenn2 2009 Total 700,000 – – – 700,000 465,000 235,000
1. Ceased to be KMP during 2009/2010.
2. Ceased to be KMP during 2008/2009.
No amount has been paid, or is payable, by the Executive in relation to these deferred shares.
The Rights were granted with a nil exercise price on 9 September 2009 (2009: 4 May 2009). The fair value of Rights granted is calculated at the date
of grant using a Monte Carlo model to value the Rights with the TSR performance condition and a Black Scholes model to value the Rights with the
EPS performance condition. The weighted average fair value of Rights granted was $2.05 (2009: $1.64). No amount has been paid, or is payable,
by the Executive in relation to these Rights.
Other than share-based payment compensation, all equity instrument transactions between the KMP, including their related parties, and Qantas
during the year have been on an arm’s length basis.
Loans and other transactions with Key Management Personnel
No KMP or their related parties held any loans from the Qantas Group during or at the end of the year ended 30 June 2010 or prior year.
A number of KMPs and their related parties have transactions with the Qantas Group. All transactions, including air travel, are conducted
on normal commercial arm’s length terms. The nature of transactions, other than air travel, is set out below:
— Toolangi Vineyards is a related entity to Mr Hounsell. Throughout the year, the Qantas Group purchases wine from Toolangi Vineyards for use
on Qantas Business Class services
— Woolworths Limited and its subsidiaries (Woolworths Group) are related entities to Mr Strong, who is Chairman of Woolworths Limited.
The Qantas Frequent Flyer (QFF) loyalty partnership with the Woolworths Group commenced in June 2009. Mr Strong has not participated
in any Qantas Board discussions relating to the QFF-Woolworths Group loyalty partnership
Transactions and balances with associates and jointly controlled entities are included in the Financial Statements as follows:
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
Sales and other income 186 152
Finance income 5 10 10
Expenditure 44 65
Current receivables 11 33 41
Non-current receivables 11 128 128
Current payables 19 6 38
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 3,385 3,309
Receivables 1,467 1,324
Other financial assets 232 561
Inventories 319 250
Current tax receivable – 128
Assets classified as held for sale 69 26
Investment classified as held for sale 38 –
Other 365 302
Total current assets 5,875 5,900
Non-current assets
Receivables 2,074 2,396
Other financial assets 102 344
Investments accounted for using the equity method 298 295
Other investments 389 394
Property, plant and equipment 12,502 11,833
Intangible assets 477 447
Other 4 7
Total non-current assets 15,846 15,716
Total assets 21,721 21,616
Current liabilities
Payables 1,716 1,732
Revenue received in advance 3,057 3,033
Interest-bearing liabilities 1,003 726
Other financial liabilities 242 641
Provisions 422 499
Deferred lease benefits 10 16
Total current liabilities 6,450 6,647
Non-current liabilities
Revenue received in advance 1,067 1,232
Interest-bearing liabilities 6,761 6,626
Other financial liabilities 231 268
Provisions 557 516
Deferred tax liabilities 704 572
Deferred lease benefits 16 35
Total non-current liabilities 9,336 9,249
Total liabilities 15,786 15,896
Net assets 5,935 5,720
Issued capital 4,729 4,729
Treasury shares (54) (58)
Reserves 139 44
Retained earnings 1,121 1,005
Total equity 5,935 5,720
Qantas Group
2010 Less than 1 to 5 More than
$M 1 Year Years 5 Years Total
Trade creditors 600 – – 600
Bank loans – secured1 520 1,991 1,323 3,834
Bank loans – unsecured1 45 805 – 850
Other loans – unsecured1 83 752 589 1,424
Lease and hire purchase liabilities1 41 471 – 512
Derivatives – inflows (240) (1,467) (610) (2,317)
Derivatives – outflows 264 1,748 748 2,760
Net other financial assets/liabilities – inflows (30) (38) – (68)
Total financial liabilities 1,283 4,262 2,050 7,595
1. Recognised financial liability carrying values are shown pre-hedging.
Trade creditors 597 – – 597
Bank loans – secured1 424 1,769 1,115 3,308
Bank loans – unsecured1 23 641 – 664
Other loans – unsecured1 78 818 685 1,581
Lease and hire purchase liabilities1 164 344 175 683
Derivatives – inflows (270) (1,782) (815) (2,867)
Derivatives – outflows 290 1,973 886 3,149
Net other financial assets/liabilities – (inflows)/outflows 100 (174) – (74)
Total financial liabilities 1,406 3,589 2,046 7,041
(iv) Sensitivity on interest rate, foreign exchange and fuel price risk
The table on the following page summarises the gain/(loss) impact of reasonably possible changes in market risk, relating to existing financial
instruments, on net profit and equity before tax. For the purpose of this disclosure, the following assumptions were used:
—100 basis points increase and decrease in all relevant interest rates
—20 per cent (2009: 20 per cent) USD depreciation and USD appreciation
—20 per cent (2009: 20 per cent) increase and decrease in all relevant fuel indices
—Sensitivity analysis assumes designations and hedge effectiveness testing results as at 30 June 2010 remain unchanged
—Sensitivity analysis is isolated for each risk. For example, fuel price sensitivity analysis assumes all other variables, including foreign exchange rates,
remain constant
—Sensitivity analysis on foreign currency pairs and fuel indices of 20 per cent represent recent volatile market conditions
Qantas Group
Profit before tax Equity (Before tax)
2010 2009 2010 2009
$M $M $M $M
100bps increase in interest rates
Variable rate interest bearing instruments (net of cash) (7) 1 – –
Derivatives designated in a cash flow hedge relationship – – 8 14
Derivatives and fixed rate debt in a fair value hedge relationship 5 4 – –
100bps decrease in interest rates
Variable rate interest bearing instruments (net of cash) 7 (1) – –
Derivatives designated in a cash flow hedge – – (9) (14)
Derivatives and fixed rate debt in a fair value hedge relationship (5) (5) – –
20% movement in foreign currency pairs
20% (2009: 20%) USD depreciation 1 (76) (479) (458)
20% (2009: 20%) USD appreciation (2) 104 938 625
20% movement in fuel indices
20% (2009: 20%) increase per barrel in fuel indices 60 39 110 279
20% (2009: 20%) decrease per barrel in fuel indices (26) (28) (89) (204)
Qantas Group
2010 2009
Notes $M $M
On Balance Sheet
Cash and cash equivalents 10 3,704 3,617
Trade debtors 11 817 824
Aircraft security deposits 11 13 42
Sundry debtors 11 537 582
Other loans 11 128 128
Other financial assets 25 335 905
Off Balance Sheet
Operating leases as lessor 28 103 114
Total 5,637 6,212
The Qantas Group minimises the concentration of credit risk by undertaking transactions with a large number of customers and counterparties in
various countries in accordance with Board approved policy. As at 30 June 2010, the credit risk of the Qantas Group to counterparties in relation
to other financial assets, cash and cash equivalents, and other financial liabilities where a right of offset exists amounted to $4,114 million
(2009: $4,364 million) and was spread over a number of regions, including Australia, Asia, Europe and the United States. Excluding associated entities,
Qantas Group’s credit exposure is with counterparties that have a minimum credit rating of A-/A3, unless individually approved by the Board.
The fair value of financial instruments, by valuation method, are summarised in the table below:
Qantas Group
$M Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Derivative financial assets – 335 – 335
Derivative financial liabilities – (473) – (473)
Net financial instruments measured at fair value – (138) – (138)
Derivative financial assets – 825 – 825
Derivative financial liabilities – (909) – (909)
Net financial instruments measured at fair value – (84) – (84)
Financial instruments that use valuation techniques with only market observable inputs to the overall valuation include interest rate swaps, forward
and option commodity contracts and foreign exchange contracts that are not traded on a recognised exchange.
2010 2009
$M $M
36. Parent Entity Disclosures for Qantas Airways Limited (Qantas) continued
2010 2009
$M $M
Not later than one year 2,552 1,556
Later than one year but not later than five years 9,854 10,135
Later than five years 2,421 5,095
14,827 16,786
The above amounts exclude uncommitted aircraft purchase payments that may be made if cancellable aircraft options are exercised. Qantas has a
number of slide rights available on committed aircraft capital expenditure that are generally exercisable 24 months prior to contracted delivery.
2010 2009
$M $M
Committed bank overdraft
Facility available 7 7
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 7 7
Committed syndicated standby facility1
Facility available 500 500
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 500 500
Committed secured funding and sale and operating lease
Facility available – 1,100
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused – 1,100
Commercial paper and medium-term notes
Facility available2 1,000 1,000
Amount of facility used – –
Amount of facility unused 1,000 1,000
1. The syndicated standby facility has $300 million maturing on 8 August 2010 and $200 million maturing on 8 August 2011.
2. Subject to Dealer Panel participation.
The bank overdraft facility held with Commonwealth Bank of Australia covers the combined balances of Qantas and its wholly-owned controlled
entities. Subject to the continuance of satisfactory credit ratings, the bank overdraft facility may be utilised at any time. Commonwealth Bank of
Australia may terminate this facility without notice.
36. Parent Entity Disclosures for Qantas Airways Limited (Qantas) continued
Details of contingent liabilities are set out below. The Directors are of the opinion that provisions are not required with respect to these matters, as it
is not probable that a future sacrifice of economic benefits will be required or the amount is not capable of reliable measurement.
2010 2009
$M $M
Performance guarantees and letters of comfort to support operating lease commitments 5 6
and other arrangements entered into with other parties by controlled entities
General guarantees in the normal course of business 172 161
Contingent liabilities relating to current and threatened litigation 3 3
180 170
Aircraft financing
As part of the financing arrangements for the acquisition of aircraft, Qantas has provided certain guarantees and indemnities to various lenders and
equity participants in leveraged lease transactions. In certain circumstances, including the insolvency of major international banks and other AAA
rated counterparties, Qantas may be required to make payments under these guarantees.
Directors’ Declaration
for the year ended 30 June 2010
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Financial Report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing
Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the Financial Report is free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Report. The procedures selected
depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Financial Report, whether due to fraud or
error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the Financial
Report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
of accounting estimates made by the Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Financial Report.
We performed the procedures to assess whether in all material respects the Financial Report presents fairly, in accordance with the Corporations Act
2001 and Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations), a view which is consistent with our understanding
of the Qantas Group’s financial position and of its performance.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001.
Auditor’s opinion
In our opinion:
(a) The Financial Report of the Qantas Group is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:
(i) Giving a true and fair view of the Qantas Group’s financial position as at 30 June 2010 and of its performance for the year ended on that date
(ii) Complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Regulations 2001
(b) The Financial Report also complies with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in note 1(A)
Auditor’s opinion
In our opinion, the Remuneration Report of Qantas Airways Limited for the year ended 30 June 2010, complies with Section 300A of the
Corporations Act 2001.
Shareholder Information
The shareholder information set out below was applicable as at 20 August 2010.
The following shareholders have notified that they are substantial shareholders of Qantas:
SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING APPROACH focus on those indicators which support the goal of sustainable growth
The Qantas Group (Group) has adopted an investor approach to in returns to shareholders and cover material impact areas including
sustainability, which includes embracing opportunities and managing risks financial and economic, health and safety, environment and social
to achieve sustainable growth in returns to shareholders. This investor (including our people, customers and the wider community). Definitions
approach includes a commitment to managing and reporting on for each of the performance statistics are provided on pages 112–113.
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. While the Group continues to seek guidance from a range of voluntary
This is the Group’s fourth sustainability report and continues the approach sustainability frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative G3
of previous years to move towards a fully integrated approach where the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (www.globalreporting.org), the main
Group’s sustainability issues, performance and programs are integrated focus of the Group’s sustainability reporting is to demonstrate to
throughout the Report and supplemented by the Sustainability Statistics stakeholders that sustainability is integrated with the Group’s strategy
and Notes outlined below. The Annual Report is aimed at a wide and operations.
stakeholder audience: including investors, employees, customers, suppliers, The sustainability information and performance statistics in this report
government, financiers and various special interest groups. This apply to all wholly-owned operations of the Qantas Group globally for
information is supplemented by a dedicated Environment, Social and the 2009/2010 financial year unless otherwise indicated. Approximately
Governance (ESG) section in the Qantas Investor Data Book, which is 92% of employees (based on full-time equivalents) are based in
specifically tailored to an investor audience. Australia.
Following the new Management team’s refinement of the Group’s vision
and strategy in 2008/2009, 2009/2010 presented an opportunity to FEEDBACK
better align the Group’s approach to sustainability to business strategy
Feedback on the sustainability information presented in the Annual Report
and the drivers of value for the Group. The Group’s overall sustainability
and the ESG section of the Investor Data Book is encouraged. Please
strategy is integrated within the Group’s business strategy. There is no
contact the Qantas Group by writing to sustainability@qantas.com.au.
stand-alone sustainability strategy.
The KPMG Independent Limited Assurance Report on page 115 is with
The selection of content and key performance statistics also reflects the
respect to the indicators within the performance statistics table for the
revised approach. The number of sustainability indicators has been
current year 2009/2010.
reduced in 2009/2010 to better align to the Group’s strategy and to
Absenteeism (Qantas Group) 3 Days 9.2 – – – – LA7
Absenteeism (Qantas) 4 Days 9.8 – – – – LA7
For notes see page 111.
2. Customer
On-time performance (OTP) is one of the Group’s most important QANTAS GROUP DOMESTIC ON-TIME PERFORMANCE (%)
operational measures. It has a significant impact on efficiency, cost and ARRIVALS 85.2
customer satisfaction. OTP is especially important for Qantas as a 2009/2010
premium carrier. In 2009/2010 Qantas out-performed all other domestic
carriers for the year for domestic on-time arrivals and departures. 2008/2009
The industrial dispute with the Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
in 2008 negatively impacted OTP in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. 2007/2008
70 75 80 85 90
3. People
The Group is committed to providing our employees with flexible PERCENTAGE OF PART-TIME EMPLOYEES
workplace arrangements including part-time work opportunities.
The Group also provides a range of benefits and well-being initiatives 2009/2010 13.1
(outlined on page 44 of the Annual Review). Workplace flexibility
is an important driver of staff engagement and retention. The 2008/2009 12.9
percentage of Qantas Group employees who work part-time has
increased from 12.4 per cent in 2005/2006 to 13.1 per cent in 2007/2008 12.8
2006/2007 12.3
2005/2006 12.4
4. Environment
Fuel conservation is the most important element of the Group’s AVIATION CO2-e EMISSIONS (TONNES)
environmental strategy. Improving fuel efficiency is one of the Group’s
greatest opportunities to minimise cost and manage its environmental 2009/2010 11,708,155
impact. It also enables the Group to better absorb fluctuations in oil
prices. In early 2010, the Group reached a key milestone of avoiding
one million tonnes of CO2-e through fuel conservation activities since
the program’s launch in 2004/2005. 2008/2009 12,027,918
2007/2008 12,422,533
5. Financial
Unit cost performance 5 Cents per ASK 5.55 5.80 – – – EC1
Manpower cost per ASK 5 Cents per ASK 2.62 2.77 2.63 2.52 2.61 EC1
6. Community
Tourism spending by Group passengers
National export revenue 15 $M 5,406.2 5,828.2 5,976.2 – – EC1
Domestic traveller expenditure 16 $M 18,917.1 18,622.3 17,256.2 – – EC1
Indirect – –
Economic output 17 $M 28,921.2 30,559.2 32,816.7 – – EC9
For notes see page 111.
1. For information on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators, refer to the GRI G3 Reporting Framework for Sustainability Reporting,
2. There were no aviation fatalities or OHS fatalities in 2009/2010.
3. Reported statistic has been expanded in 2009/2010 for the Qantas Group. This includes Jetstar, QantasLink, Jetconnect, CaterAir Riverside
and CaterAir Cairns. It also includes absenteeism data for the Jetset Travelworld Group.
4. In 2009/2010, Qantas absenteeism includes carer’s leave and has been expanded to include Jetconnect, Cater Air Riverside and CaterAir
Cairns. Absenteeism data previously reported in 2008/2009 is not comparable due to the revised definition.
5. New statistics for 2009/2010. For definitions refer to pages 112–113.
6. On-time performance has been expanded in 2009/2010 to include on-time performance indicators for the Group’s domestic operations.
These statistics have been previously reported to the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE).
7. Full-time equivalent (FTE) categories have been revised from those reported in 2008/2009 to reflect the current Qantas Group operating
structure. In 2009/2010, Qantas Airlines include the aggregation of Qantas, QantasLink, Airports, Engineering, Flight Training, Freight and
Jetset Travelworld Group for 2009/2010 include Qantas Holidays.
8. % by age group has replaced previously reported statistics, average age and % eligible for retirement in the next five years, which were
reported in the 2008/2009 Qantas Annual Report. Understanding the changing demographics of the workforce assists in workplace planning.
9. Training associated with the introduction of the new Airbus A380 fleet and an increase in the A330 fleet in 2008/2009 represents the majority
of the difference between 2008/2009 and 2009/2010.
10. 2009, 2008 and 2007 restated to reflect the revised definition to include the total amount of electricity separately metered and under Qantas’
control and influence through its bill payment processes. Variance difference for each year is less than 0.2 per cent. Data provided from 2007
only as this represents the base year for the 2011 improvement target of a 10 per cent reduction in electricity consumption by 2011.
11. 2009, 2008 and 2007 restated to reflect the revised definition to include the total amount of water separately metered and under Qantas’
control and influence through its bill payment processes. Variance decrease of 2.3 per cent in 2009, 0.7 per cent in 2008 and 1 per cent in
2007. Data provided from 2007 only as this represents the base year for the 2011 improvement target of a 25 per cent reduction in water
consumption by 2011.
12. Waste to landfill includes solid waste and quarantine waste. Data has been provided from 2006/2007 only as this represents the base year
for the 2011 improvement target of a 25 per cent reduction in waste to landfill by June 2011.
13. The Qantas Group uses emission factors recommended by the Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change methodology.
Emission factors are from the National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors (July 2010).
14. Reported statistics have been expanded to report Group revenue tonne kilometre (RTK) measures which include Jetstar and QantasLink
operations. In prior years, CO2-e per 100 RTK and Fuel per 100 RTK were reported for Qantas Airlines only.
15. In 2009/2010, calculated as 1,639,728 inbound visitors brought to Australia by Qantas and Jetstar between June 2009 and May 2010 which is
the latest data available (source: Australian Bureau of Statistics) multiplied by average visitor expenditure of $3,297 (source: Tourism Australia’s
March 2010 International Visitor Survey). This amount does not include the value of airfare and freight charges that accrue to Qantas from
overseas sources which also represent export revenue.
16. In 2009/2010, calculated as 29,148,000 domestic passengers carried by the Qantas Group between June 2009 and May 2010 for all flights
within Australia multiplied by average visitor spending of $649 (source: Tourism Australia’s March 2010 National Visitor Survey). This amount
includes the value of related airfares. As it is not possible to disaggregate the data, the calculations should be viewed as indicative only e.g.
the figure may include some international visitor expenditure (where domestic flights are purchased after arrival in Australia) or understate the
expenditure associated with domestic flights which are “round trip”.
17. In 2009/2010, calculated as $13,772 million Qantas Group revenue multiplied by Qantas Group economic multiplier of 2.1 (as calculated by
Access Economics, April 2008 in a report to Qantas). The multiplier is derived from Australian Bureau of Statistics input-output tables of the
Australian economy.
OHS Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
(Australia and New Zealand) The total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees as at 30 June,
The number of Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) per million hours worked in reported in total for each business unit of the Qantas Group in Australia
Australia and New Zealand from 1 July to 30 June, where an LTI is defined and overseas. This is calculated using standard working hours for
as any work related injury or illness that results in the loss of one or more full-time and part-time employees and actual hours worked by the
full days or shifts. LTIFR is used by Qantas Group business units as a casual and temporary workforce.
means to compare their own performance both internally and externally.
Percentage of women
OHS Serious Injury Frequency Rate (SIFR) (Australia) The percentage of all employees of the Qantas Group in Australia and
The number of workplace injuries resulting in the accumulation of seven overseas who are female, at 30 June. Attracting, developing and
or more total and/or suitable duties days lost per million hours worked in retaining women in all areas of the Qantas business remains an ongoing
Australia from 1 July to 30 June. Serious injuries exclude injuries incurred priority for the Qantas Group.
by employees while travelling for work but outside of work hours and
those incurred while travelling to and from work. Suitable duties days Percentage of women in senior positions
are defined as days when an employee has returned to the workplace The percentage of all female employees in senior management positions
following an injury but has specific restrictions or limitations around the across the Qantas Group in Australia and overseas as at 30 June. Senior
work they can perform as part of a return to work plan. Serious injuries positions are defined as Level 4 (Head of/Manager as defined by job size)
are a major driver of workers’ compensation costs. designator and above.
2010 2011
18 February Half year result announcement 17 February Half year result announcement
30 June Year end 7 March Record date for interim dividend*
12 August Preliminary final result announcement 6 April Interim dividend payable*
29 October Annual General Meeting 30 June Year end
24 August Preliminary final result announcement
13 September Record date for final dividend*
12 October Final dividend payable*
28 October Annual General Meeting
*Subject to a dividend being declared by the Board.
Qantas Airways Limited ABN 16 009 661 901
Qantas Centre
Level 9 Building A 203 Coward Street Mascot NSW 2020 Australia
Telephone +61 2 9691 3636
Facsimile +61 2 9691 3339
Australian Securities Exchange
20 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia