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Program Performance Profile: ST ND RD TH

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Area II



1. Program

a. Name of Program : Bachelor of Arts in English

b. Specialization/Majors : ----

c. Degree granted : ABEN

2. Academic unit where the Program is offered : College of Arts and Sciences

3. Institution

a. Name : Nueva Vizcaya State University

b. Location of main campus : Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

c. Campus where the Program is offered : Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

4. Name and title of the

a. Head/Chair of the Program : Mrs. Melania A. Bangunan

b. Dean/Director of the Academic Unit : Dr. Jorgelindo R. Lucas

c. President of the Institution : Dr. Florentina S. Dumlao

5. Legal basis of the Program/BOR or : Board Resolution No. 77-230

BOT resolution, Date of opening, etc. School Year 2002

6. Accreditation visit being applied for : Level IV Survey Visit

(Preliminary, 1st Survey, 2nd Survey,
3rd Survey, 4th Survey)

7. Present accreditation status and : Level III Re-Accredited

its inclusive period of effectivity January 1, 2007 –
December 31, 2010

AREA II: The Faculty

A. Academic Qualifications and Professional Experience

A.1. Faculty members involved in the Program and their respective academic ranks, highest
educational degrees earned, specializations, years of teaching experience, appointment status
and subject assignments.
Area II

 Specialization/Professional Education/Core faculty

Graph showing the specialization/professional education faculty profile according to:

 highest degree earned
 academic rank
 length of teaching experience
 status of appointment
 field of specialization

 General Education faculty

Graph showing the specialization/professional education faculty profile according to:

 highest degree earned
 academic rank
 length of teaching experience
 status of appointment

 Faculty who have prepared instructional materials.

 Faculty who have conducted and/or are conducting research relevant to the program.
 Faculty who are actively involved in extension activities relevant to the program.
 Faculty who are handling production projects.
 Awards/grants/scholarships received by the faculty involved in the Program.

B. Recruitment, Selection and Orientation

Description of the Institution’s system and procedures in the recruitment, selection and
orientation of faculty (including criteria used and composition of the screening committee).

C. Faculty Adequacy and Loading

 The Program’s faculty and workload (hours) in the last 6 academic terms.
 Faculty-student ratio in the Program in the last 6 academic terms.
 Lecture Courses
 Laboratory Courses

D. Rank and Tenure

Description and bases of the system of faculty promotion (in rank and salary) and change
of employment status adopted.

E. Faculty Development

Brief outline of the Faculty Development Program/Plan specific to the Program (including
degree program to be pursued, schedule/year, funding resource, etc.; seminars, trainings,

 Towards a higher degree

 For capability building/skills and competencies upgrading

 Seminars/workshops/training relevant to the Program attended by the faculty.

Description of measures adopted on faculty attendance in training programs.

 Faculty’s affiliation in professional /scientific organizations and honor societies relevant

to the Program.
Area II

F. Professional Performance and Scholarly Works

 Resources used and/or prepared by faculty to enhance teaching-learning process.

 Faculty involvement as consultant, resource person or lecturer in field of specialization
and other disciplines.
 Published works/Paper presented by faculty relevant to the program within the last 3-5

 Published works
 Papers presented relevant to the program within the last 3-5 years.
 Papers presented in other fields of interest/discipline.
 Outreach activities of faculty relevant to the Program.

G. Salaries, Fringe Benefits and Incentives

Description of the system of compensating and rewarding the faculty, with specific
description of the following:

 basis of the faculty salary rates

 other benefits (COLA, bonuses, etc.)
 mode of overload teaching compensation

 Fringe benefits granted to the faculty in the last 3-5 years.

 Description of the Academic Unit’s incentive system for faculty with outstanding

I. Professionalism

Description of work ethics and compliance with policies and standards on attendance in
classes, submission of reports, decorum, etc.

Description of the system of supervision of faculty performance in the following:

 preparation of instructional materials
 formulating, updating, and enriching of syllabi
 class preparation
 testing and evaluation of learning outcomes
 other faculty-related activities (e,g, OJT, practicum, RLE, off-campus teaching, etc.)

J. Extent of compliance with the Team Recommendations for Area II (Faculty) in the last
survey visit.

K. Summary of the findings and recommendations for Area II (Faculty) of the Self-

1. Strengths
2. Areas Needing Improvement
3. Recommendations

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