Program Performance Profile: ST ND RD TH
Program Performance Profile: ST ND RD TH
Program Performance Profile: ST ND RD TH
1. Program
b. Specialization/Majors : ----
2. Academic unit where the Program is offered : College of Arts and Sciences
3. Institution
A.1. Faculty members involved in the Program and their respective academic ranks, highest
educational degrees earned, specializations, years of teaching experience, appointment status
and subject assignments.
Area II
Description of the Institution’s system and procedures in the recruitment, selection and
orientation of faculty (including criteria used and composition of the screening committee).
The Program’s faculty and workload (hours) in the last 6 academic terms.
Faculty-student ratio in the Program in the last 6 academic terms.
Lecture Courses
Laboratory Courses
Description and bases of the system of faculty promotion (in rank and salary) and change
of employment status adopted.
E. Faculty Development
Brief outline of the Faculty Development Program/Plan specific to the Program (including
degree program to be pursued, schedule/year, funding resource, etc.; seminars, trainings,
Published works
Papers presented relevant to the program within the last 3-5 years.
Papers presented in other fields of interest/discipline.
Outreach activities of faculty relevant to the Program.
Description of the system of compensating and rewarding the faculty, with specific
description of the following:
I. Professionalism
Description of work ethics and compliance with policies and standards on attendance in
classes, submission of reports, decorum, etc.
J. Extent of compliance with the Team Recommendations for Area II (Faculty) in the last
survey visit.
K. Summary of the findings and recommendations for Area II (Faculty) of the Self-
1. Strengths
2. Areas Needing Improvement
3. Recommendations