Danfoss Presents Its Complete Range of R410A Compressors For Air Conditioning Applications

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Danfoss presents its complete range of R410A compressors

for Air Conditioning Applications

Adopting R410A, new refrigerant of reference in air conditioning, Danfoss is proud to
present its complete range of R410A products including compressors, controls and
heat exchangers.Designed for excellence in performance, silence and endurance,
Danfoss has built a vast experience in R410A components, designing and testing
compressors and controls as early as 1997.
• Proven competitive life tests under Developed for R410A, the new range of
Danfoss compressors and controls have extreme operating conditions ensure our Performer light commercial compressors
been selected for many years by leading compressors satisfy the requirements of available for capacities from 21 kW(*) to 90
OEMs for liquid chillers, packaged air all air conditioning applications kW(*) includes manifolded systems with
conditioning, rooftop units, reversible heat • Internal safeties which allow a better already 13 tandems and 2 trios. All
pumps, process cooling equipment and protection of the compressor, hence longer manifolded systems have been qualified in
computer air conditioning. service life and lower service cost our lab enabling our customers not only to
secure the compressors operation but also
With the recent acquisition of the US-based Developed for R410A, the new range of save time and reduce costs on development.
company, Scroll Technologies, Danfoss now Scroll Tech compressors available for A new Performer light commercial 15-Ton/
offers a complete range of R410A capacities from 7.5 kW(*) to 20 kW(*) is 45kW(*) model will be available during third
compressors for residential, light commercial designed on two compressor platforms and quarter 2007.
and commercial applications from 7.5 kW(*) offers many possible combinations of
to 90kW(* ) and up to 540kW(*) including manifolded systems. A specific 5-Ton/
manifolded systems. 15kW(*) model for R410A will be available
during third quarter 2007.

Residential and Light Commercial In order to secure flexible and fast deliveries
in Europe, Middle East and Africa, a central
stock for Scroll Tech compressors has been
The range of Scroll Tech compressors
implemented in Europe.
designed for residential and light
Commercial Applications
commercial applications offers the most
The Performer commercial compressor,
reliable and long-lasting compressor in the
already selected by major OEMs for air
HVAC industry thanks to its advanced
conditioning applications, offers multiple
technology and high product quality. With
millions of Scroll Tech compressors already
• First on the new and growing market of
installed in the field and over 30 specific
large R410A commercial applications,
patents registered, Danfoss Scroll
Danfoss has acquired an unmatched
Technologies has acquired a broad and
experience enabling its product
proven experience in air conditioning
development team to again bring some
applications. For the middle range, the Performer light
recent improvements to its performance.
commercial compressor range, with
• Compact and light, both 15T/45kW(*)
Among its multiple product benefits, can thousands of hours of testing, has proven:
and 20T /60kW(*) models have been
be highlighted:
designed on the same 15T compressor
• Efficiency up to 11.15 EER
platform enabling easy manifolding and
• Simple, light and compact for easy • Sound level as low as 70 dBA
part load
assembly and service • Compact and light, compressor weight
• Sound level has been reduced over
• An innovant disk check valve placed in the has been reduced by 25% over R22
R407C equivalent compressor models
compressor fixed scroll, a highly optimized equivalent, perfect for applications where
available on the market.
motor and an adaptive control system unit weight has to be limited
enable the most quiet, efficient and energy- • High reliability and robustness over a
Developed for R410A, the Performer
saving solutions in the market by reducing wide application envelope suitable for
commercial compressor range, from
pressure drop and avoiding the reverse cooling units only and reversible heat
45kW(*) to 90 kW(*), includes manifolded
rotation noise at shut-down pumps.
systems with all combinations of The new R410A compressors can be The acquisition of Qinbao in September
compressors qualified in our lab. matched with a full portfolio of R410A 2006 enables Danfoss to complete its range
Standardized piping design identical for all dedicated Danfoss line of components and of compressors and controls with brazed
tandem and trio configurations and the controls such as thermostatic and electronic plate heat exchangers especially designed
new oil equalization line are the clear expansion valves, solenoid valves, filter for the HVAC industry.
advantages of the 9 tandems and 4 trios in driers and sight glasses, pressure and
the range. temperature devices, service valves, four- Danfoss customized solutions save time
Danfoss Performer compressors are way valves, pressure switches. This last year, and money for our OEM customers. In
manufactured in France, China and USA Danfoss has been launching new air cooperation with customer engineers,
ensuring close collaboration and high conditioning controls such as a new Danfoss can deliver complete, customized
delivery performance to global partners in electronic expansion valves driver. New functions and subassemblies using a wide
all regions. products are still to come in the third quarter variety of Danfoss products. As an example,
of 2007 with a new electronic expansion component assemblies consisting of
valve, a new compressor drive and a new expansion valves, filter driers, ball valves
(*)ARI 50Hz specifications unit controller. and pressure temperature devices or entire
compressor functions which may include
scroll compressors, ball valves and pressure
and temperature devices.

The Danfoss Group is pursuing a

multinational production strategy to
facilitate a close collaboration with global
partners and to optimize product
manufacturing and delivery. Danfoss
facilities uphold the highest standard
quality and environmental friendliness,
located at the heart of our main air
conditioning market areas. The Danfoss
network is tailored to provide quicker and
better service to air conditioning OEM
customer on a global level.

Complete literature including leaflets,

application guidelines, selection tools and
data sheets are available for easy product
selection and installation. For more details
on these Danfoss products, please contact
your local Danfoss support team or connect
to www.danfoss.com.

Danfoss completes product range with

brazed plate heat exchangers
With our new product range you can select all products: compressors, controls,
electronics and heat exchangers for your cooling system from one supplier.

In September 2006, Danfoss acquired Less space and weight , wide range of sizes
Qinbao, a Chinese manufacturer of brazed and cooling capacities, high heat transfer
plate heat exchangers located in Hangzhou, surface, great versatility, available for high-
close to Shanghai. With 80 employees, viscosity fluids and low energy consumption
Widely used by large OEMs in Asia and
Qinbao has acquired 40 years of experience are just a few of the many items on its
already selected by large OEMs in Europe,
developing, manufacturing and distributing benefits list.
Danfoss Qinbao has developed a unique
brazed plate heat exchangers for all HVAC Providing the ability to remove and transfer
and patented solution to provide high
applications including heat pumps. heat from one medium to another, brazed
efficiency with low pressure drop with an
plate heat exchangers are a cost-saving
innovative plate type frame and optimal
Especially designed for all types of alternative to conventional condensers and
commercial and industrial refrigeration, evaporators as they provide superior heat
cooling and air conditioning applications, transfer. Suitable for all existing, they
our brand-new product range of brazed contribute to a reduced refrigerant volume
plate heat exchangers offers you a whole in the system.
new level of performance and cost-

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