Principles and Techniques of Tendon and Ligament Repair: Jay D. Ryan, DPM
Principles and Techniques of Tendon and Ligament Repair: Jay D. Ryan, DPM
Principles and Techniques of Tendon and Ligament Repair: Jay D. Ryan, DPM
Figure 2E. Final appearance. Figure 3. Podiatry Institute technique for tendon
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TENDON REEFING employed to provide a similar result. It will cause added bulk
OR SHORTENING in an isolated area, but less bulk along the tendon course as
the Hoffa technique will produce. Therefore, each procedure
Hoffa described a simplistic method for shortening a may be of greater benefit in certain surgical circumstances.
tendon. This method is performed by running suture along This technique is performed by overlapping the tendon in
the longitudinal axis of the tendon in a simple linear manner. an S-like fashion, and approximating the interior edges
After completing the desired length, a single suture pass is (Figure 6).
made in the transverse plane to the opposite side of the
tendon, and the same longitudinal simple running suture MTPJ CAPSULE PLICATION
technique is utilized in reverse. Once reaching the suture
origin, tension is placed as desired to shorten the tendon, It is also possible to repair soft tissue deficits utilizing
and the suture is tied. Shortening can also be controlled by simple suture techniques. This technique may be utilized
the length of suture passes (Figure 5).9 for correction of lateral deviation of digits at the metatarsal
Additionally, a doubling over procedure may be phalangeal joint level. An over and over suture technique
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