COVID-19 Fact Sheet ENG PDF
COVID-19 Fact Sheet ENG PDF
COVID-19 Fact Sheet ENG PDF
Disclaimer :
This document has been written by scientists from the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Unit of Sciensano.
Despite its recent discovery, over 4000 scientific articles on COVID-19 have already been published. The objective
of this document is to summarize and interpret key information based on a comprehensive review of the
literature, to help overloaded health workers work keep up to date on the subject. However, this is not a
systematic review, and at the speed with which discoveries are being made, certain references included are
preprint papers that have not to yet been peer-reviewed. Critical appraisal of the content is, as always in our
discipline, encouraged.
Index :
Pathogen Diagnosis
- Virology - Overview
- Reservoir - Laboratory findings
- Physical and chemical resistance - RT-PCR
- Chest CT
Prevention - Serology
- General public - Rapid Antigen test
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Vaccine Epidemiology
- Overview
Clinical aspects - Risk groups
- Transmission - Children
- Incubation period - Pregnant women
- Contagious period - Immuno-compromised
- Asymptomatic infections
- Symptoms Patient management
- Complications and mortality - Treatment
Immuno-pathogenesis References
- Pathogenesis
- Immunity and reinfection
Highlighted sections in this document are those that have been added since version 1 (01 April 2020):
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
Virology Taxonomy: COVID-19 is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This virus belongs to the Coronaviridae
family, in the Nidovirales order. The subgroups of the coronavirus family are alpha (α), beta (β),
gamma (γ), and delta (δ) coronavirus. The four ‘common human coronaviruses’ are 229E (α
coronavirus), NL63 (α coronavirus), OC43 (β coronavirus) and HKU1 (β coronavirus).
SARS-CoV-2 is a β-coronavirus. β-coronaviruses also include SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, other acute-
lung-injury causing coronaviruses of zoonotic origin. SARS-CoV-2 is most closely related to SARS-CoV,
sharing roughly 80% identity at a nucleotide level (1).
Structure: Coronaviruses are minute (65-125nm in diameter) encapsulated viruses with a crown-like
appearance under an electron microscope, due to the presence of spike glycoproteins on the
envelope. Coronaviruses have large (26-32 kbs) single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genomes. The
viral particles contain four main structural proteins. These are the spike (S), membrane (M), envelope
(E), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins.
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
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identified as possible intermediate hosts based on the predicted interaction between the SARS-CoV-
2 spike protein and host ACE2 (8). Various wild mammals, as well as cats and dogs, also have ACE2
configuration that is predicted to bind with SARS-CoV-2 S protein (9,10).
Physical and In the absence of any ventilation, according to a recent study (11), SARS-CoV-2 remains viable in
chemical aerosols for 3 hours, with median half-life 1.1-1.2 hours (more information on aerosolization in
resistance of section Transmission). In the same study, SARS-CoV-2 was most stable on plastic and stainless steel,
the virus with viable virus detected up to 72 hours (median half-life of 5.6 hours on steel and 6.8 hours on
plastic) in the absence of any intervention (eg. no disinfection of surfaces). No viable virus could be
measured after 4 hours on copper and after 24 hours on cardboard. Importantly, on all surfaces and
in the air, exponential decay in virus titer was recorded over time.
Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat. Furthermore, these
viruses can be effectively inactivated by lipid solvents including ether (75%), ethanol, chlorine-
containing disinfectant, peroxyacetic acid and chloroform except for chlorhexidine (12).
Soap, which dissolves the lipid bilayer of the virus, also induces SARS-CoV-2 inactivation.
Several countries have looked at options for decontamination and re-use of personal protective
equipment: decontamination of FFP2/N95 masks with H2O2 vapor in the Netherlands (13) and the
USA (14) and using dry heat (30’ at 65-70°C) in Germany (15). The WHO does not recommend this,
but their guidance on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides a practical
overview of studies that have been conducted on the topic (16). US researchers also compared
different methods of decontamination for steel and N95 masks (H2O2, UV-light, dry heat and ethanol
spray) and concluded H2O2 was most suitable for respirators (17).
General public General public
For the general public, handwashing and social distancing measures are recommended to protect
oneself. Keeping a distance of at least 1m means that droplets from a normally breathing person will
not reach you (18).
Cloth masks
The possibility of a/presymptomatic transmission (see lower) has fueled the debate on whether face
masks should be universally recommended, not to protect the wearer but mainly to prevent spread
from asymptomatic individuals. Droplets are emitted not only when coughing or sneezing, but also
when breathing or speaking, though these droplets differ in size (19). A recent article investigated
the protective effect of wearing a medical mask in 243 participants with a respiratory infection
(‘common cold’, including non-SARS-coronaviruses) and reported that viral RNA was also detected
in air samples from a small number of participants who did not cough at all during the 30-minute
exhaled breath collection, suggesting transmission is possible from individuals with no obvious signs
or symptoms. However, they also note that ‘the majority of participants did not shed detectable
virus in aerosols or droplets. For those who did shed, viral load in both tended to be low, implying
that prolonged close contact would be required for transmission’. Modeling data for Influenza
suggest that population-wide use of masks could importantly reduce spread of the virus (20–22).
The filtration capacity of home-made mask is lower than that of medical masks, but they do offer
outward protection, despite imperfect fit or adherence (23–27). WHO, after reviewing all the
evidence, still recommended against the use of community masks on April 6th, pointing out the
importance of other measures like social distancing, cough and hand hygiene (28). ECDC lists a
number of potential risks and benefits without either recommending or discouraging the use (29).
On the other hand, important health authorities like CDC and Robert Koch Institute are now advising
wearing of home-made masks for the population, in addition to social distancing measures and strict
hand hygiene (30,31) whilst acknowledging the absence of compelling evidence. Likewise, both in
scientific and in popular literature, several experts have insisted on the universal use of masks to be
included in guidelines (32–35). A review of the evidence compiled on April 10th by a consortium of
scientists not only concluded that there is evidence on the efficiency of cloth masks but also that,
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
based on experience with other preventive measures, the claim that their use would lead to
increased risk behavior and less observance of other measures is unfounded (34).
Personal Health care workers
Protective In Belgium, for health care workers coming into close contact with a possible or confirmed cases of
Equipment COVID-19 (<1,5m) the use of a surgical mask, gown, gloves, and goggles or faceshield is
recommended. This is in line with recommendations of the WHO (36). During the SARS epidemic,
adherence to these precautions was found to be effective to avoid infection in health care workers.
The effect was largest for hand hygiene and use of masks (37).
Surgical Masks vs. FFP2
Different health care authorities have issued different advice on the recommended PPE (38), which
has led to confusion. Different types of masks exist: surgical masks or the more advanced ‘respirators’
like FFP2/3 (standard used in the EU) or N95 (standard used in the US). FFP2 masks sometimes come
with an outlet valve, in which case they will only protect the individual wearing it but should never
be given to a possible patient, as it will not protect the environment.
In the above-mentioned trial during the SARS epidemic (37), no difference in protection of health
care workers (HCWs) was found between the use of N95 masks or surgical masks. Randomized
control trials (RCTs) in Canada and the US (the larger of which included 2826 participants) have
evaluated the use of surgical masks versus N95/FFP2 masks in prevention of respiratory diseases in
health care workers and have found them to be both equally effective (39,40). This conclusion was
confirmed by a meta-analysis including six RCTs published very recently (13 March 2020) by the
Chinese Cochrane Center (41). Some specific evidence for SARS-CoV-2 is also available from South
Korea, where 41 health care workers were unknowingly exposed to aerosol-generating procedures
on a COVID-19 patient. Of the thirty-five HCWs (85%) that wore a surgical mask, none were infected.
Reassuringly, the WHO China Joint Mission Report notes that most infected HCWs in China were
infected within their households (42).
Therefore, surgical masks seem to suffice for most HCWs and N95/FFP2 masks should be used
preferentially for aerosol-generating procedures, such as endotracheal intubation and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (43).
Aerosol-generating procedures
Aerosols differ from droplets because of their smaller size, which allows them to stay suspended in
the air for much longer. The evidence, the best of which comes from studies of SARS-CoV, suggests
a consistent association between pathogen transmission and tracheal intubation (44). In addition, a
few studies reported an increased risk of SARS-CoV infection associated with tracheotomy,
noninvasive ventilation, and manual ventilation before intubation. However, because these findings
were identified from only a few studies of very low quality, interpretation and practical application
are difficult (45). No other procedures were found to be significantly associated with an increased
risk of acute respiratory infection transmission. On theoretical grounds however, the following
procedures should be considered aerosol-generating procedures: (38,46)
• Intubation, extubation and related procedures
• Prone positioning, disconnecting the patient from the ventilator
• Administration of medication via nebulization (to be replaced by use of spacers)
• Tracheotomy/tracheostomy procedures
• Manual ventilation
• Open suctioning
• Bronchoscopy
• Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) e.g. Bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) and
Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation (CPAP)
• Some dental procedures (e.g. high-speed drilling).
Different authorities list different procedures. Some authors argue that certain other
procedures/equipment may generate an aerosol from material other than patient secretions and
that it is unclear if they represent a significant infectious risk. Procedures in this category include
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
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COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
They estimate that 95% of cases will develop symptoms within 16.1 days of symptom onset in their
infector (67).
Contagious Beginning of contagious period: Many factors remain unknown. Viral load in the upper respiratory
period tract is highest immediately one day before and the days immediately after onset of symptoms (68–
71). Evidence has been accumulating on presymptomatic transmission (70,72–75). The strongest
evidence comes from detailed analysis of cases and contacts in Singapore, where 7 clusters with likely
pre-symptomatic transmission were identified (76). Cases in these clusters accounted for 6.4% of
total locally acquired cases. Similarly, early data from Lombardy (Italy) show only a limited number
of asymptomatic cases identified through contact tracing, suggesting a minor role for asymptomatic
individuals in the overall spread of infection (67). In contrast, in a modelling study, pre-symptomatic
transmission, deemed likely based on a shorter serial interval (the period between onset of
symptoms in the first case and onset of symptoms in the second case) than the mean incubation
period, was thought to account for 48-62% of all transmission when containment measures were in
place (77). Contact tracing guidelines from ECDC therefore consider all potential contacts of a case
from 48h before symptom onset (78). Viral load in the upper respiratory tract is highest immediately
one day before and the days immediately after onset of symptoms (68–71). Since coughing and
sneezing increase the amount of droplets that are expelled, the highest transmission potential (in
absence of containment measures) seems to be for symptomatic individuals.
End of contagious period: When the contagious period ends, is not very clear either. Although viral
loads drop after the first week, prolonged shedding has been described (up to 37 days) (56,79). Viral
shedding does however not equate with contagiousness, and no infectious virus has been isolated
after D8 after symptom onset (59), see also topic ‘transmission’. Also, several studies report positive
tests after initial negative results (80,81), possibly due to false negative RT-PCR result or prolonged viral
clearance rather than recurrence of infection (81).
Asymptomatic Asymptomatic infection at the time of laboratory confirmation has been reported from many settings
infections (67,82–87). A large proportion of these cases developed some symptoms at a later stage of infection,
although there are reports of cases remaining asymptomatic throughout the whole duration of
laboratory and clinical monitoring (84–87). Overall, major uncertainties remain with regard to the
influence of asymptomatic infections on the overall transmission dynamics of the pandemic. In
clinical studies with broad testing approaches (testing of symptomatic and asymptomatic), the
weight of asymptomatic cases varies according to the setting, possibly due a different age
distribution of the study population. In the Diamond Princess Cruise ship, the estimated
asymptomatic proportion was 17.9% (95% credible interval (CrI): 15.5-20.2%) (83); according to data
from Shenzhen (China), 20% of PCR-positive close contacts were asymptomatic at the time of testing
(61); in Japanese nationals evacuated from Wuhan on chartered flights, the percentage of
asymptomatic cases was estimated at 30.8% (95% confidence interval (CI): 7.7%, 53.8%) (84). In
Iceland, citizens were invited for testing regardless of symptoms. Of all people with positive test
results, 43% were asymptomatic (88). The actual number of asymptomatic infections might be even
higher since it seemed that symptomatic persons were more likely to respond to the invitation. That
young and healthy people have more asymptomatic infections seems to be confirmed by
unpublished data from a US Navy ship where 60% of 600 positive tests were in asymptomatic people
(89). However, it is unknown which proportion of these ‘asymptomatics’ would go on to later develop
symptoms. In New York, all 215 women admitted to an obstetric unit were screened for SARS-CoV-
2. Of all 33 women who tested positive, only four (12%) presented with symptoms, and three more
(9%) developed symptoms during admission (90). Even in an elderly population, the proportion of
asymptomatic infections might be higher than previously assumed: data from a nursing home in the
US showed that half of all residents who tested positive did not have any symptoms (although
difficult to ascertain in a cognitively-impaired population) and viral loads were comparable for
symptomatic and asymptomatic residents (91) Similar viral loads in symptomatic vs. asymptomatic
cases have also been reported in several other studies (67,68).
Symptoms The most frequent symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In the analysis of >1000
hospitalized patients from China, 44% initially presented with fever (although 89% developed fever
at some point during hospitalization) and 68% with cough (66). Other symptoms include fatigue
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
(23%), myalgia (15%), and gastrointestinal symptoms (+-8%) (79). Shortness of breath often develops
around day 7 after symptom onset.
As with other systemic viral infections, a large spectrum of possible clinical manifestations are being
reported in COVID-19 patients, including symptoms and signs of neurological involvement (eg.
chemosensory dysfunction, viral encephalitis etc), cardiac disease (eg. myocarditis) and cutaneous
lesions (eg. erythematous rash, widespread urticaria) (92–95). Chemosensory dysfunction, such as
anosmia and dysgeusia (either isolated or in combination with other symptoms) are increasingly
reported. Recently, several studies, including a European multicenter study reported a high
prevalence of both olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions in the clinical presentation of mild-to-
moderate forms of COVID-19 (96,97). Notably, anosmia has been reported after infection with other
respiratory or coronaviruses (98).
Data from more than 72,000 cases from China classified cases as mild (81%), severe (14%), or critical
(5%) (99). Mild presentations include mild pneumonia. The actual number of mild presentations is
probably higher, as due to detection policies this data set contains only 1,2% asymptomatic cases,
much lower than is currently thought to be the case (cf. supra).
Complications As aforementioned, according to the Chinese experience, severe cases and critical cases occur in
and mortality approximately 14% and 5% respectively. These cases present with severe pneumonia, septic shock, and
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The critically ill patients requiring intensive care
management, as with other severe viral pneumonias, present a large spectrum of complications in
addition to ARDS (eg. acute cardiac injury, acute renal injury, acro-ischaemia, disseminated
intravascular complications, bacterial or fungal superinfections etc.) (100,101).
Evidence is emerging that COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic disease
(102,103) and a high rate of cardiovascular complications (95). A high incidence rate of severe
pulmonary embolism, exceeding 10%, in COVID-19 ICU (intensive care unit) patients has been observed
(pre-published data, Strasbourg, Lille, Grenoble, and Cremona-Italy) (104). In a double-center study in
the Netherlands, a 31% incidence of thrombotic complications in ICU patients with COVID-19 infections
is reported (105).
Reported case-fatality rates (CFR) depend on screening policies (which impact the number of
asymptomatic/mild cases recorded and hence increase the denominator), clinical management factors
(like availability of intensive care), and the underlying population (e.g. age, comorbidities). In early
stages of the outbreak, CFR was 17% in China but decreased to 0.7% (42). In Wuhan, in admitted
patients, mortality reached 25% in the middle of the epidemic (79). On March 22, the CFR in the oldest
age group (>80y) in Italy was 23% (106). Similarly high death rates are recorded in those requiring
intensive care: in a large retrospective cases series on COVID-19 confirmed patients admitted to
intensive care units (Lombardy, Italy), mortality reached 26% (107).
Pathogenesis The exact pathogenesis of COVID-19 remains to be elucidated. Reviews on the topic infer from initial
data on COVID-19 and knowledge from closely-related infections, such as SARS-CoV and Mers-CoV.
Here we focus on the possible mechanisms involved in the development of severe disease.
The virus presumably enters the body through the mucous membranes, principally the nasal and
larynx mucosa, and enters the lungs through the respiratory tract. In a nonhuman primate model
(cynomolgus macaque), SARS-CoV-2 replicates efficiently in respiratory epithelial cells throughout
the respiratory tract (nasal cavity, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli), with replication in lower
respiratory tract fitting with the development of lung disease (108). In this animal model, whereas
MERS-CoV primarily infects type II pneumocytes, both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 also infect type I
pneumocytes. Injury to type I pneumocytes can result in pulmonary edema, and formation of hyaline
membranes (108).
Persistence of high viral loads has been associated with disease severity (109). In addition to a direct
viral cytopathic effect, it is likely that hyper-immune responses to the virus contribute to the
development of complicated COVID-19 and end organ damage, in particular to acute respiratory
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
distress syndrome (ARDS). In SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, a delayed release of interferons (IFNs) is
observed in the early stages of infection, hindering the body's antiviral response. This is followed by
a rapid increase in cytokines and chemokines, a “cytokine storm”, that attracts many inflammatory
cells, such as neutrophils and monocytes to the lungs. The excessive infiltration of the lung tissue by
inflammatory cells results in lung injury (110). A growing body of evidence indicates a similar disease
pathogenesis in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Immune injury was described in the post-mortem biopsies of
a patient deceased from COVID-19 related-ARDS, in which interstitial mononuclear inflammatory
infiltrates, dominated by lymphocytes, were found in both lungs (111). In addition, in a study by
Huang et al, multiple cytokines and chemokines were found at higher concentrations in hospitalized
COVID-19 patients than in healthy adults, among which IL2, IL7, IL10, GCSF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1A, and
TNFα were significantly higher in intensive care unit (ICU) patients than non-ICU patients (112).
Another study reported that the increased expression of IL2R and IL6 in serum appeared to predict
the severity and prognosis of patients with COVID-19 (113). A hyper-immune response in COVID-19
is also supported by the finding that peripheral CD4 and CD8 T cells, although being substantially
reduced in severe COVID-19, display characteristics of over-activation (increase in HLA-DR/ CD38
expression, increase in highly pro-inflammatory Th17, and a high cytotoxicity of CD8 T cells) (111)
A hypercoagulable state in severe COVID-19 patients associated with poorer outcome is suspected.
High levels of pro-inflammatory markers, fibrinogen, and fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products
(including D-Dimers), prolonged prothrombin times and disseminated intravascular coagulation are
described in cases of COVID-19 (79,100,114,115). In-hospital death has been associated with d-dimer
concentrations greater than 1 μg/mL (odds ratio 18·42, 95% CI 2·64-128·55; p=0·0033) on admission
(79). In a single center study of 183 hospitalized patients, non-survivors (n=21) revealed significantly
higher D-dimer and fibrinogen/fibrin degradation product levels, and longer prothrombin times
compared to survivors (n=162, discharged or hospitalized with stable conditions). Overt
disseminated intravascular coagulation was found in 1.4% of non-survivors against 0.6% in survivors
(115). Moreover, as mentioned in the section “complications and mortality”, an increased risk of
thromboembolic disease and a high rate of cardiovascular complications is observed in severe
COVID-19 patients.
In addition, the activation of complement pathways may play a role in severe disease. In a recent
study, complement-mediated microvascular injury was reported in lung and/or skin biopsies of 5
individuals with severe COVID-19. In these patients, hallmarks of classic ARDS were not prominent in
lung biopsy. However, significant deposits of complement components were found in the
microvasculature of the lung and/or the skin (purpuric lesions) that were consistent with systemic
activation of the alternative and lectin-based complement pathways (116).
An additional mechanism of disease pathogenesis hypothesized by several authors is Antibody-
dependent enhancement (ADE) (117,118). ADE is a well described phenomenon found with several
viral infections, where non-neutralizing antibodies have the potential to mediate enhancement of
viral infection or disease, by facilitating virus entry into host cells and increasing infectivity. Briefly,
virion-antibody complexes are formed that can infect immune cells (eg. monocytes, macrophages,
neutrophils, NK cells or B-cell lymphocytes) via Fc or complement receptors, i.e. independently of a
virus specific receptor. ADE can elicit sustained inflammation, lymphopenia, and/or a cytokine storm.
The phenomenon requires prior exposure to similar antigenic epitopes (eg. circulating in local
viruses). ADE has been reported in SARS-CoV-2 (119). Whether ADE is involved or not in SARS-CoV-2
disease pathogenesis is still unknown.
Immunity and In preparation
Overview COVID-19 is confirmed by the identification of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA in biological samples.
In addition, clinical presentation (cfr. Clinical aspects), biological markers, and imagery contribute to
the diagnosis of COVID-19.
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
Nevertheless, there is currently no perfect ‘gold standard test’ for the diagnosis of COVID-19 to which
diagnostic tools can be compared to. Reported sensitivities and specificities should be considered with
caution. Moreover, the positive and negative predictive values of the test will depend on the prevalence
of the virus and therefore on the stage of the epidemic. In addition, timing of testing with regards to
symptom onset is an important factor to consider when comparing the diagnostic tools. Indeed, viral
loads in the upper respiratory tract are highest in the day prior and initial days of symptom onset while
Chest CT and serology appear to have increased performances later in disease. Knowing the advantages
and limitations of each tool is essential, to use tests and interpret results adequately.
Laboratory In a retrospective cohort study including 191 PCR-confirmed adult inpatients (Wuhan, China), 40% had
findings lymphopenia (< 0.8 x109/L ), 67% had elevated Lactate deshydrogenase (LDH > 245 U/L), and 80% had
>300 µg/L of serum ferritin on hospital admission (79).
RT-PCR The majority of molecular diagnostics developed for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 involve real-time RT-
PCR. These assays are indicated for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 on upper
respiratory tract samples (eg. naso-pharyngeal specimens, oro-pharyngeal specimens) and lower
respiratory tract samples (eg. bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens, endotracheal aspirates,
expectorated sputum). First line testing generally involves upper respiratory tract samples, which are
easier to perform and have lower viral transmission risk. Lower respiratory tract samples are reserved
for selected hospitalized or ICU cases. RT-PCR have also been used on other sample types, including
blood or faecal samples, but these are not used for diagnostic work-up.
Sensitivity of RT-PCR for the diagnosis of COVID-19 will depend on various factors, including type of
specimen, timing of sampling, sampling technique, and also test kit quality.
• Type and timing of specimen: the overall quality of studies to accurately assess sensitivity of
PCR is low: different definitions are used (ex. ‘pharyngeal’ has been used to refer to both naso-
pharyngeal and oro-pharyngeal samples, ‘nasal’ for either naso-pharyngeal or anterior nares),
timing of testing with regards to symptoms are not always addressed, reference used for
sensitivity calculation not specified, primer used for assay not described etc. However,
comparisons within studies give certain indications. Sensitivity of RT-PCR appears to be higher
for lower respiratory samples than for upper respiratory tract samples (55,59,120). In a study
including on 213 COVID-19 cases and analyzing 866 respiratory tract samples (Shenzhen,
China), in the first week of symptom onset, sputum sample showed the highest positive rate
in both severe (88.9%) and mild (82.2%) cases, follow by naso-pharyngeal swabs (73.3%,
72.1%) and throat swabs (60.0%, 61.3%). BAL showed 100% sensitivity in severe cases in days
8 to 14 of onset. In this time period, positive rate of sputum remained higher than that of naso-
pharyngeal swabs, and positive rates of pharyngeal samples dropped to 50% in severe and
29.6% in mild cases. This is not unexpected as viral load in the upper respiratory tract is highest
one day before and the days immediately after onset of symptoms (68–71). RT-PCR may
remain positive longer in lower respiratory samples (59,120). In a prospective cohort of 67
COVID-19 pneumonia cases (Chonqing, China), median duration of SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding
were 12 days (3-38 days) in nasopharyngeal swab versus 19 days (5-37 days) in sputum. In this
study, prolonged viral shedding was also observed in severe patients compared to non-severe
patients (120).
• Sampling technique and pre-analytical precautions: correct sample collection technique is
essential to ensure best test performance and avoid false-negatives. Guidance is available in
Fr and Dutch. Correct swabs (preferably flocked), transport medium (Universal Transport
Medium) and transport precautions to laboratory (ideally immediately after sample
collection) must be applied.
• Test kit quality: several studies have been published comparing SARS-CoV-2 detection assays
(121,122),and assays have used different primers. Instructions for test validation in Belgium
are available in Fr and Nl.
Specificity of RT-PCR for the diagnosis of COVID-19 is high. With the exception of SARS-CoV, no cross-
reactivity is found when tested against a large panel of microorganisms including the common human
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
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coronaviruses (123). A false positive would presumably occur only in the case that a non-positive
sample is contaminated by viral material during the post-sampling processing of the test.
Chest CT Chest Computerized Tomography (CT) has been increasingly shown to be a useful tool for the diagnosis
of COVID-19. As summarized by the European Society of Radiology, the typical radiological findings in
the early phase of the disease are bilateral ground glass opacities, with a predominantly peripheral,
sub-pleural location. Crazy paving and organizing pneumonia pattern are seen at a later stage, and
extensive consolidation is associated with a poor prognosis (124).
To help radiologists familiarize themselves with the CT appearance of COVID-19 infection, several
online tools compiling and sharing Chest CT images of COVID-19 patients have been developed:
eg.;;; ).
Chest CT appears to offer a good sensitivity for COVID-19 diagnosis. In a large retrospective study of
patients in Wuhan that underwent both Chest CT and PCR (n=1014), among the 601 patients with a
positive PCR, 580 had a positive CT (97%). Positive Chest CT was also found in 380 patients that had
negative PCR results, among which 147 were considered ‘highly likely’ of COVID-19 based on clinical
symptoms and typical CT features with dynamic changes (obvious progression or improvement in a
short time) on serial CT scans (125). Inversely, negative Chest CT in PCR positive patients has also been
reported (126), indicating that a normal CT should not exclude COVID-19 infection. Notably, sensitivity
of Chest CT appears to be lower in the initial days after symptom onset. In a small retrospective study,
20 out of 36 PCR-confirmed patients (56%) had normal Chest CT in the first 48h of symptom onset,
whilst this percentage dropped to 9% in patients tested between days 3 to 5 (127). In Wang et al’s
study on temporal changes of Chest CT in COVID-19 pneumonia (n=366), the extent of lung
abnormalities on CT peaked in days 6 to 11 after symptom onset. In this study, an approximate
sensitivity of 84% (95% confidence interval: 73%-92%) was estimated for illness days 0-5, against 99%
(93%-100%) for days 6-11 (128). Notably, positive CT has also been described in asymptomatic and pre-
symptomatic persons. In a small study of 24 asymptomatic carriers of SARS-CoV-2, identified through
contact tracing, half showed typical findings on Chest CT, 5 had atypical findings and 7 had normal CT
images (87). Similarly, on the “Diamond Princess cruise ship”, 41 out of 76 asymptomatic cases (54%)
had abnormal CT findings (129).
Chest CT lacks however in specificity. Indeed, the typical radiological findings of COVID-19 overlap with
those of other viral pneumonias. The predictive values of Chest CT will therefore depend on the phase
of the epidemic as well as the level of co-circulation of other viruses such as influenza.
Serology Immunological assays (via Elisa or immunochromatography techniques) have been developed for the
measurement of circulating antibodies of COVID-19 patients.
Total seroconversion rates are high. According to Zhao et al, among 173 RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19
cases with acute respiratory infection syndromes and/or abnormalities in chest CT images,
seroconversion rate was 93.1%, 82.7%, and 64.7% for total Ab, IgM and IgG respectively (130). In the
early phase of illness, within 7-day since onset, the antibody assays only presented a positive rate of
38.3%. In days 15 to 39 after onset, seroconversion rates increased to 100.0% for Ab, 94.3% for IgM
and 79.8% for IgG. Similarly, in a study by Guo et al, analyzing 208 plasma samples from two-cohorts
from China, positive rates of 85.4%, 92.7% and 77.9% were reported for IgM, IgA and IgG respectively
(131). Higher rates (+/95%) are being reported in several pre-print studies (132,133).
Time to seroconversion : The median seroconversion time for Ab, IgM and IgG was day-11, day-12 and
day-14 after symptom onset in the study by Zhao et al (130,131). In Guo et al’s study, the median
duration to IgM and IgA antibody detection were 5 days (IQR 3-6) and 14 days for IgG (IQR 10-18) (131).
Both studies described higher sensitivities of the serological assays over a repeated RT-PCR after the
first week of symptom onset. Following these results, the authors have suggested that serology, in
combination with RT-PCR, may have an added value in the diagnostic work-up of suspected COVID-19
cases in the second phase of the disease.
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
Overview Source ECDC: COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan City (Hubei province, China) in December 2019:
on the 31 December 2019 a cluster of 27 pneumonia cases of unknown aetiology, including 7 severe
cases, was reported, with a common link to Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a wholesale
fish and live animal market. By the 20 January 2020, cases imported from China were confirmed in
Thailand, Japan, and South Korea.
The first imported European case was reported from France on the 24 January 2020. In Germany,
cases were reported on 28 January 2020, related to a person visiting from China.
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
On the 30 January 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international
In Belgium, the first confirmed case was reported on 03 February 2020, an asymptomatic person
repatriated from Wuhan.
On 22 February, the Italian authorities reported clusters of cases in Lombardy and cases in Piedmont
and Veneto regions. During the following 2 weeks, several European countries, including Belgium,
reported cases of COVID-19 in travelers from the affected areas in Italy, as well as cases without
epidemiological links to Italy, China or other countries with ongoing transmission.
On the 11 March 2020 the Director-General of the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a
global pandemic and on the 13 March 2020, that Europe was the new epicenter of the disease.
The epidemiological reports for Belgium can be found here: https://epidemio.wiv- A more detailed reported is published
weekly on Thursdays.
For international epidemiological updates:
• WHO:
• John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center:
Risk groups Older age: has been repeatedly identified as the most important risk factor for severe COVID-19
disease. Out of a total of 44,672 confirmed cases in China reported in China CDC Weekly, 87% of
confirmed cases were aged between 30 and 79 years, and 3% were ≥80 years of age. Confirmed cases
≥80 years of age had the highest case fatality rate (CFR= 14.8%), followed by 70-79 year-olds
(CFR=8.0%), and 60-69 year-olds (CFR= 3.6%) (99). In a retrospective cohort study by Zhou et al,
including 191 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, multivariable regression showed increasing
odds of in-hospital death associated with older age (odds ratio 1.10, 95% CI 1.03–1.17, per year
increase; p=0·0043) (79). Liu et al have reported on another retrospective cohort study of
hospitalized patients in Wuhan. Among 109 COVID-19 confirmed patients, 53 (48.6%) of them
developed Acute Respirotry Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Compared with non-ARDS patients, in
univariate analysis, patients with ARDS were elder (mean age, 61 years vs. 49 years; p< 0.001), and
more likely to have underlying comorbidities (140).
Co-morbidities: In a recent meta-analysis (10 article, 76993 patients overall), the most prevalent
underlying diseases found among hospitalized COVID-19 patients were hypertension, cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes mellitus, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), malignancy,
and chronic kidney disease (141)
In Liu et al’s study introduced above, ARDS-patients compared with non-ARDS patients were, in
univariate analysis, more likely to have coexisting diabetes (20.8% vs. 1.8%; p=0.02), cerebrovascular
disease (11.3% vs. 0%; p=0.01), and chronic kidney disease (15.1% vs. 3.6%; p=0.049) (nb. malignant
disorders were excluded from this study) (140). In Zhou et al’s study, out of the 191 COVID-19
hospitalized patients included, 91 (48%) had a comorbidity, with hypertension being the most
common (30% of patients), followed by diabetes (19%), and coronary heart disease (8%). All these
co-morbidities, as well as chronic obstructive lung disease (3% of cases) and chronic kidney disease
(1% of cases) were associated with non-survival in univariate analysis, but were not associated with
increased odds of in-hospital mortality with multivariable regression (79).
Gender: In the above-mentioned report from China CDC weekly, males represented 51% of the
confirmed cases (M:F ratio 1.06:1). CFR for men was 2.8% versus 1.7% for women (99). In the
Lombardy (Italy) outbreak, a large retrospective case-series 1591 COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU,
82% were male (107). In Zhou et al’s study, 62% of the 191 hospitalized patients were males.
However, male gender was not identified as a risk factor for in-hospital death (79). Similarly, in Liu et
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
al’s study of 109 admitted COVID-19 patients, 54% were males and no association with gender was
found when comparing non-ARDS and ARDS patients (140).
Smoking: Various observational studies have included “smoking” among variables assessed for
association with severe COVID-19 or progression to death. However, definitions used have varied,
with some researchers using “current smoking” and others “history of smoking” as potential risk
factor. In Zhou et al’s study described above, current smoker (versus non-smoker) was not
significantly associated with in-hospital death (79). In another retrospective cohort study including
78 patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia, an efficacy evaluation at 2 weeks after
hospitalization indicated that 11 patients (14.1%) had deteriorated, and 67 patients (85.9%) had
improved/stabilized. The progression group had a significantly higher proportion of patients with a
history of smoking than the improvement/stabilization group (27.3% vs. 3.0%, χ2 = 9.291, p = 0.018).
Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that, like age, history of smoking (OR, 14.285; 95% CI: 1.577–
25.000; P = 0.018) was among the risk factors for disease progression (142).
Children Children seem to be less affected by COVID-19 than adults. Analysis of 72,314 confirmed cases in
China showed only 0.6% of cases occurred in <10y and 0.7% of cases in children 10-19y (99). Very
importantly, the same analysis reported zero deaths in children <10 years and one out of 549 children
between 10 and 19 years. Similarly, low case numbers are reported in children in Europe: as of 24th
of March, only 1% of the 50,068 cases reported in Europe was <1 year old and 4% were between 10-
19 years. Some have argued that children are less likely to get infected due to a difference in
receptors (143) or immune imprinting by other viruses (144), whilst other data seem to show that
children are equally likely to get infected (61). The low reported numbers could indeed also be due
to restrictive testing strategies limited to severe presentations, whilst it seems clear that children –
even neonates- generally present no or mild symptoms (56,87,143,145–150). Most children were
infected within their households (151). The World Health Organization noted in their Report of the
WHO-China Joint Mission that “people interviewed by the Joint Mission Team could not recall
episodes in which transmission occurred from a child to an adult.” (42).
Pregnant Both SARS and MERS had high case-fatality rates in pregnant women who were therefore considered
women key at-risk populations for COVID-19 based on theoretical concerns (152). However, currently
available data, albeit limited and based on small case series, reports similar clinical characteristics
in pregnant women as in the general population (153–158). PCR testing on amniotic fluid, cord
blood, and breast milk has been found to be negative in 15 cases (155,157) However, vertical
transmission, be it very rare, might be possible. ACE2 receptors are highly expressed in maternal-
fetal interface cells (159). A review of case reports identified 64 newborns born to COVID+ pregnant
women, of which two infants tested positive 36h after cesarean delivery, indicating likely vertical
transmission (158). A case series of 33 newborns in Wuhan, reported 3 infants with positive
nasopharyngeal swabs on day two of life. (160) Another 3 possible vertical transmissions have been
reported based on presence of IgM in cord blood (161,162). In two out of three infants, PCR testing
was also carried out and was negative. Importantly, all infants were clinically well and had normal
birth weights. More evidence is needed to confirm the potential of in utero infection, as IgM-
detection alone has known several technical constraints in the diagnosis of other congenital
infections (163).
Immuno- In preparation
Patient management
Treatment Symptomatic and optimal supportive care is currently the mainstay of treatment for COVID-19 (e.g.
antipyretics, oxygenation, ventilation, fluid management, treatment of co-infections or
superinfection), and no COVID-19-specific treatment has been identified to date.
However, multiple treatment strategies, including re-purposing of older drugs, are under
investigation. An interim guidance for the treatment of hospitalized cases in Belgium is available
here. A summary of available literature on the topic is available in the text.
COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
22 APRIL 2020, VERSION 3
Many questions have also arisen with regards to the use of Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi)/Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs),
and corticosteroids patients. Self-medication & the interruption of chronic treatments without
medical advice is strongly discouraged.
There is currently no scientific evidence establishing a link between NSAIDs and worsening of
COVID‑19. This was confirmed by EMA (European Medicines Agency) and FDA (Food and Drug
administration) on the 18th and 19th of March respectively (164,165). Both agencies will continue to
monitor events. Belgium’s treatment guidelines indicate that “As a precautionary measure, whilst
awaiting pending results, paracetamol may be preferred as first-line symptomatic treatment of pain
and fever (at usual dosage), while NSAIDs should be used with caution and according to common
practice (contra-indicated in case of renal failure for example)” link.
A hypothesis has emerged on a potential increased risk of severe COVID-19 in patients taking ACEIs
and ARBs (166,167). This hypothesis is based on (i) ACE2 is the principal functional receptor used by
SARS-CoV-2 for cell invasion, (ii) expression and activity of ACE2 receptor in various organs is
increased after intravenous infusions of ACEi and ARBs in animal experiments, (iii) the identification
of hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease as potential risk factors for severe SARS-CoV-
2 (168), (iv) the knowledge that patients with these conditions are frequently treated with ACEi and
ARBs (169). However, there is currently no data proving a causal relationship between ACE2 activity
and SARS-CoV2 associated mortality, and various counter-arguments to this hypothesis have been
advanced (170). More data is therefore needed.
Meanwhile, on the 13th March, the Council on Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology
strongly recommended that “physicians and patients should continue treatment with their usual anti-
hypertensive therapy because there is no clinical or scientific evidence to suggest that treatment with
ACEi or ARBs should be discontinued because of the Covid-19 infection” (171). Belgian treatment
guidelines currently state “There is currently no evidence from clinical or epidemiological studies that
establishes a link between ACE inhibitors or ARBs and the worsening of COVID 19. It is important that
patients do not interrupt their treatment with ACE inhibitors or ARBs nor be switched to other
medicines, but physicians could CONSIDER it in ADMITTED patients if felt necessary. HOWEVER, no
changes are advised in suspected/confirmed patients treated at home where no monitoring is
possible (the risks outweighing by far the hypothetical benefits)” link.
Corticosteroids: WHO guidance (13th March 2020) states the following: “Do not routinely give
systemic corticosteroids for treatment of viral pneumonia outside of clinical trials”, including COVID-
19 for which “given the lack of effectiveness and possible harm, routine corticosteroids should be
avoided unless they are indicated for another reason. Other reasons may include exacerbation of
asthma or COPD, septic shock, and risk and benefit analysis needs to be conducted for individual
patients” (172). However, there is currently no clinical or scientific evidence to support
discontinuation of systemic or inhaled corticosteroid treatment indicated for a chronic pathology
(inflammatory diseases, adrenal insufficiency, asthma* etc.). The clinical benefits of such treatments
and the risks related to interruption being clearly established.
*The pneumology department of the University Hospital of Geneva has made a review on corticosteroids in
suspected or confirmed COVID-19, with regards to pneumonia, acute asthma, acute exacerbation of COPD and
ARDS (in French): link
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