Research Matters - To The Science Teacher No. 8902 April 1, 1989
Research Matters - To The Science Teacher No. 8902 April 1, 1989
Research Matters - To The Science Teacher No. 8902 April 1, 1989
From the moment of birth infants begin to generate views about their new
environment. As children develop, there is a need construct meaning
regarding how and why things behave as they do. And, long before
children begin the process of formal education, they attempt to make
sense of the natural world. Thus, children begin to construct sets of ideas,
expectations, and explanations about natural phenomena to make
meaning of their everyday experiences. The ideas and explanations that
children generate form a complex framework for thinking about the world
and are frequently different from the views of scientists. These differing
frameworks are referred to in the literature as misconceptions, alternative
conceptions, or alternative frameworks. Since the early 1970s, research in
science education and cognitive science has enriched our understanding of
the importance of the ideas and explanations that students possess prior
to instruction. This research has direct implications concerning the nature
of learning science, as well as the process of teaching science.
Teachers have always recognized the need to start instruction "where the
student is." David Ausubel (1968) emphasized this by distinguishing
between meaningful learning and rote learning. For meaningful learning to
occur, new knowledge must be related by the learner to relevant existing
concepts in that learner's cognitive structure. For this reason, Ausubel
contends that, "The most important single factor influencing learning is
what the learner already knows." Ausubel also commented on the
importance of preconceptions in the process of learning, noting that they
are "amazingly tenacious and resistant to extinction...the unlearning of
preconceptions might well prove to be the most determinative single
factor in the acquisition and retention of subject-matter knowledge."
Children's Views: Objects are living if they move and/or grow. For
example, the sun, wind, and clouds are living because they move. Fires
are living because they consume wood, move, require air, reproduce
(sparks cause other fires), and give off waste (smoke).
Electric Current
Children's View: Electric current flows from battery to bulb and is used
Driver (1983) notes that the alternative conceptions that students have
constructed to interpret their experiences have been developed over an
extended period of time; one or two classroom activities are not going to
change those ideas. She emphasizes that students must be provided time
individually, in groups, and with the teacher to think and talk through the
implications and possible explanations of what they are observing-and this
takes time. Improving students' science conceptions may begin by
recognizing that "less is more." That is, we may need to decrease the
amount of new material introduced to students each year if we truly
desire to enhance their conceptions of scientific phenomenon.
Anderson, C. W., & Roth, K. J. (in press). Teaching for meaningful and
self-regulated learning of science. In J. Brophe (Ed.), Teaching for
meaningful and self-regulated learning. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Ausubel, D. (1968). Educational psychology: A cognitive view. New York:
Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
Driver, R. (1983). The pupil as scientist? Milton Keynes, England: The
Open University Press.
Driver R., & Erickson, G. (1983). Theories-in-Action: Some theoretical
and empirical issues in the study of students' conceptual frameworks in
science. Studies in Science Education, 10, 37-60.
Driver, R., Guesne, E., & Tiberghien, A. (1985). children's ideas in
science. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
Gilber, J. K., & Watts, D. M. (1983). Concepts, misconceptions and
alternative conceptions: Changing perspectives in science education.
Studies in Science Education, 10, 61-98.
Osborne, R., & Freyberg, P. (1985). Learning in science: The
implications of children's science. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Piaget, J. (1929/1969). The child's conception of the world. Totowa, NJ:
Littlefield, Adams, & Co.
Posner, G. J. Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982).
Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual
change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
West, L. H., & Pines, A. L. (eds.). (1985). Cognitive structure and
conceptual change. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.