DIC-for-notification To Students

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Dear Students:

In order to rise up to a level of a world class technical institute, RGIPT needs to put sufficient emphasis on encouraging
technical creativity among the students and faculty members. Therefore it would be highly desirable to constitute a dedicated
team to coordinate the activities aimed at promoting creativity. To this end a Design and Innovation Center (DIC) has been
constituted. The proposed modalities of operation of the DIC are described hereunder:

 Committees: DIC will form of two committees: (i) Admin Committee, and (ii) Technical Committee. The Admin
Committee, constituted of four faculty members one from each Department, will take care of the procedural aspects of
the DIC. Technical Committee will consist of two faculty members from each Department and will screen the technical
merits of the submitted projects. These Committees of the DIC would be constituted by the Director, RGIPT. DIC
Technical Committee may also include external members from academic institutes or industry.
 Functioning of the DIC:
o DIC will sponsor and monitor the following kinds of technical projects:
 Short Term/Summer Projects (with duration around less than three months)
 Extended Projects/B. Tech Projects
 Projects proposed as the participating entries in International or National events/competitions of
o For a Project to qualify for sponsorship by the DIC, it should distinctly have elements of innovation as judged
by the DIC Technical Committee members. Students will be part of the Project which may be floated by the
(i) faculty members, or (ii) the team of the students themselves. In the latter case, the team will be required to
find a mentor for the Project. If the students are unable to find a mentor, the Project will be forwarded to all
the faculty members and any faculty may volunteer to mentor the project.
o Faculty members interested in floating a Short Term/Extended/B. Tech/Summer Projects for students can
express their interest by filling and submitting DIC Form A to DIC. These projects will be evaluated and
subsequently notified to the students. The students will be required to choose a project of their liking and
express their interest by filling and submitting DIC Form B.
o DIC Form A for Short Term/Extended/B. Tech. Projects will be accepted from the faculty members and
screened by the DIC nearly every two months, and will be subsequently notified to the students. DIC Form A
for Summer Projects will be accepted until three weeks before the beginning of the Summer and subsequently
sent for an evaluation to the Technical Committee. The DIC Technical Committee may recommend
readjustment in the budget and approve/disapprove based on the technical merit of the Project. All Projects
approved by the DIC will be assigned a Project ID and will be notified to the students. After being notified,
students will be required to fill in the DIC Form B expressing their interest in a particular Project. Student(s)
interested in pursuing a particular Project should meet the corresponding mentor and discuss about the details
of the Project. If interested in pursuing the Project, they should submit DIC Form B which should be signed
by the proposed faculty mentor(s), before the deadline fixed by the DIC Admin Committee.
o The Technical Committee will screen/evaluate the submitted/ongoing Projects in the last week of even months
and the approved projects/projects granted extension will be listed online by the end of each even month.
o A student or a group of students interested in pursuing a Project conceived solely by them should submit DIC
Form C before the deadline assigned by the DIC Admin Committee. These Projects will include Summer
Projects/Short Term Projects running during Semester/Long Term Projects. Submission of DIC Form C will
open every two months. These Projects will be screened by the DIC Technical Committee within one week of
their submission deadline. The teams of the approved proposals will be given four days to find a mentor. If a
team is unable to find a mentor, then after four days of the deadline, their proposals will be shared by all faculty
members requesting a volunteer to mentor their projects(s). In the rare case of un-availability of any faculty
mentor, the DIC Chairman will be the mentor assigned to the Project within a week of their submission.
o Students interested in participating in an event of national or international repute should submit the form DIC
Form D. It should be submitted well ahead of the event date so that considerable progress may be realized so
as to be able to participate, and at least two months before the registration deadline. Before submitting the
form, the students should also find a faculty mentor to monitor their progress. Their proposals will be screened
and evaluated by the technical committee as and when required. DIC Technical Committee may ask the team
to make a presentation.
o All submissions will need to be done electronically as well as in form of hard copy.
 Budget: In all kinds of Project proposals, financial assistance will include the following:
o Living expenses (stipend) to students of the Institute who work during Summer Vacation. It will be paid only
to those students staying back during the Summer Term for working on the Project only. 100% attendance is
compulsory for the stipend.
o Other than stipend, a financial assistance would normally not exceed Rs 15000 per project, out of which Rs
10000 should be allocated for equipment, components, and consumables, and Rs 5000 for books, softwares,
and contingencies etc.
o For students interested in participating in a national/international event, DIC may sponsor Registration Fees,
project related purchases, domestic and international travel, and transport of the prototype if required.
 Releasing the funds:
o All the DIC Projects will be allocated the recommended funds only after the students have submitted their
interest in it by filling up the appropriate form and been approved by the Technical Committee.
o For short term projects, the complete instalment will be released.
o For extended duration projects, the amount to be released will be recommended by the DIC Technical
Committee based on the timeline stated by the mentor and deliverables proposed in the first three months. The
next instalment will be released after first evaluation which is to be performed in every two months (please
see the item ‘Evaluation of the Project’ listed later in the document).
 Purchases:
o All purchases are to be made by the mentor according to the Institute guidelines.
o All purchases will have to be recorded in the Departmental Stock Register for non-consumable goods and
Consumable Usage Register for the consumables.
 Evaluation of the Project:
o A project will be evaluated by a committee formed of the Project Mentor and DIC Technical Committee.
o Evaluation will be based on the following criteria: (i) Attendance, (ii) Work input, (iii) Degree to which
objectives have been achieved, and (iv) Judicious utilization of funds.
o There will be a mid-term and a final evaluation for fixed duration short term Projects. For extended Projects
an evaluation will be carried out every two months. These evaluations will be scheduled and coordinated by
the DIC Admin Committee.
o After Mid-Term evaluation if the Evaluation Committee thinks that the objectives are not met in a proposal,
that particular Project may be discontinued from the DIC.
o The Evaluation Committee will submit their recommendations which will comprise of one of the following
four: (i) Successfully Completed, and to be Continued. (ii) Successfully Completed, (iii) Partially Completed
(iv) Unsuccessful.
o For project proposals submitted as entries to international/national events, the evaluation will be done as and
when required. However, one evaluation in two weeks will be necessary to monitor the progress before the
registration, and one evaluation in two weeks will be necessary in every three weeks.
 Every participant in a ‘Successfully Completed’ Project will be given a certificate of appreciation from the DIC.
 Logo: A contest will be held to decide the design of the logo of DIC. Until then the following logo will be used:
 For any questions/clarifications, please contact Dr. Amit Ranjan, Convener, DIC, RGIPT. Submissions of the proposals
for this semester are now open. A hard copy and a soft copy of the proposals will be required. Submit the hard copies
of the forms to the Convener, DIC in the Dean R&D office, and soft copies by email to aranjan@rgipt.ac.in. Emails
should mention the nature of project (A/B/C/D) by stating ‘Project Proposal Form DIC A/B/C/D’ in the subject field.

I hope that DIC will receive an enthusiastic response from the students and serve its purpose of promoting creativity
and innovation successfully.

With Best wishes

-Amit Ranjan
Convener, DIC, RGIPT.
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Design and Innovation Center
DIC Form A (To be filled by the faculty mentor proposing an extended project)
A. Details of the faculty member(s):
(1)Name:____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(2)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(3)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
B. Title of the Project:

C. Nature of the Project (Short Term/Summer/Extended/BTP):

D. Skill Set needed from the students:

E. Idea and innovation aspects: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences.)

F. Methodology: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences).

G. Timeline: (Separate sheet listing deliverables in the proposed chronological order).

H. Budget: (Please give the proposed split).

Name(s) and Signatures of the Faculty member(s) Date

For Dean, R&D Office (DIC) Office Use

Project ID: Decision: Approved/To be Revised/Rejecte

Remarks of the Technical Committee (if any):

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Design and Innovation Center
DIC Form B (To be filled by the students interested in joining a project)
A. Details of the student(s):
(1)Name:____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(2)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(3)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
B. Title of the Project:
C. Project ID:
D. Relevant skill set of the students:
Name(s) Relevant skill set

E. Names and signatures

No. Name(s) of the Signature Date Name(s) of the faculty Signature Date

F. Declaration if staying during Summer/Winter Terms: (All students should sign the following declaration):

“I hereby declare that I need to stay for the Summer/Winter session of the year ….. at the RGIPT Hostel. I
will spend my stay working only for the aforementioned DIC Project.”

For Dean, R&D (DIC) Office Use

Decision: Approved/To be Revised/Rejected

Remarks of the Technical Committee (if any):

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Design and Innovation Center
DIC Form C (To be filled by the students proposing their own project)
A. Details of the student member(s):
(1)Name:____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(2)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(3)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
B. Title of the Project:
C. Nature of the Project (Short Term/Summer/Extended/BTP):
D. Faculty Mentor:
E. Idea and innovation aspects: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences.)
F. Methodology: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences).
G. Timeline (if an extended project): (Separate sheet listing deliverables in the proposed chronological order).
H. Budget: (Please give the proposed split in s separate sheet).
I. Names and signatures:

No. Name(s) of the Signature Date Name(s) of the faculty Signature Date

For Dean, R&D (DIC) Office Use

Project ID: Decision: Approved/To be Revised/Rejected

Remarks of the Technical Committee (if any):

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Design and Innovation Center
DIC Form D (To be filled by the students proposing their own project)
A. Name of the Event:
B. Address of the event:
C. Registration deadline date:
D. Event Date:
E. Organizers of the event:
F. Details of the student member(s):
(1)Name:____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(2)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
(3)Name____________________________email:________________________Phone No:_______________
G. Title of the Project:
H. Faculty Mentor:
I. Idea and innovation aspects: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences.)
J. Methodology: (Separate sheet. Not to exceed ten sentences).
K. Timeline (if an extended project): (Separate sheet listing deliverables in the proposed chronological order).
L. Budget: (Please give the proposed split).
M. Names and signatures:

No. Name(s) of the Signature Date Name(s) of the faculty Signature Date

For Dean R&D (DIC) Office Use

Project ID: Decision: Approved/To be Revised/Rejected

Remarks of the Technical Committee (if any):


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