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Cactus (Opuntia spp.

as forage


U nited
Cactus (Opuntiaspp.) FAO
as forage PRODUCTION


Ed~ed by
Candelario Mondrago n-Jacobo
lnstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y
Agropecuarias (INIFAP)
Salvado r Perez-Gonzalez
Universidad Aut6noma de Queretaro

Coordinated for FAD by

Enrique Arias
Horticultural Crops Group
Stephen G. Reynolds
Grassland and Pasture Crops Group
FAO Plant Production and Protection Division
Manuel D. sanchez
Feed Resources Group
FAO Animal Production and HeaHh Division

Produced within the frameworl< of the

FAO International Technical Cooperation Networl< ot
on Cactus Pear •••
u nttttd

Reprinted 2002

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ISBN 92-5-104705-7

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© FAO 2001


The cactus Opuntia has been used in Mexico from pre-Hispanic times, and along with maize (Zea mays)
and agave (Agave spp.), played a major role in the agricultural economy of the Aztec civilization.
In recent years there has been increased interest in Opuntia species for the important role they play – and
are likely to play – in the success of sustainable agricultural systems in marginal areas of arid and semi-
arid zones.
Opuntias are well-adapted to arid zones characterized by droughty conditions, erratic rainfall and poor
soils subject to erosion, having developed phenological, physiological and structural adaptations to sustain
their development in these adverse environments. Notable adaptations are their asynchronous
reproduction, and their Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, enabling them to grow with very high efficiency
under conditions of limited water.
While opuntias may particularly contribute in times of drought, serving as a life saving crop to both
humans and animals, they also regularly provide livestock forage in arid and semi-arid areas. They
provide highly digestible energy, water and minerals, and when combined with a source of protein, they
constitute a complete feed.
In 1995 FAO published a book on Agro-ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear, prepared
through CACTUSNET, the international cactus network, with only one chapter devoted to the use of
opuntia as feed. The present publication, also prepared through CACTUSNET, focuses primarily on the
use of opuntia as forage and presents many recent research and development findings.
The preparation of this book was coordinated by Enrique Arias and Stephen Reynolds of the Horticulture
and Grassland and the Pasture Crops Groups of the Plant Production and Protection Division, and by
Manuel Sanchez of the Feed Resources Group of the Animal Production and Health Division.

E. Kueneman
Chief, Crop and Grassland Service
Plant Production and Protection Division
H. Kudo
Chief, Animal Production Service
Animal production and health division

Towards the end of 1990, encouraged by the Mexican Embassy in Rome, a Mexican delegation consisting
of researchers, technicians and officials from the federal agricultural sector, visited the island of Sicily, Italy,
with the aim of initiating agreements to exchange information between the two countries concerning the
cultivation and utilization of opuntia. When the delegation arrived on the island, the spectacular development
of opuntia was noted. It was surprising to realize that formal cultivation of opuntia started only in the 19th
One year later, an International Symposium on Opuntia, with participants from Chile, Italy, Mexico and
USA, was organized in Lagos de Moreno (Jalisco, Mexico), with the purpose of encouraging producers and
researchers to increase cooperation among the participating countries and to diffuse information on the
importance of opuntia.
As a follow-up to this meeting, it was proposed to create an International Technical Cooperation Network
on Cactus Pear (CACTUSNET). The proposal was presented in a special session of the Second
International Congress on Opuntia, which was held in Santiago, Chile, in 1992. CACTUSNET was
established under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in a
specific meeting organized by the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, in August 1993, with the participation
of ten countries from the Americas, Asia and Europe. Subsequently, several African countries have also
joined the Network.
Subsequently, thanks to the voluntary cooperation of CACTUSNET members residing in countries with an
arid environment, it was possible to start a database on countries of production, opuntia uses, and cultivated
areas. At the end of the 20th century, the area under cultivated opuntia for forage was reported to be
900 000 ha, greatly surpassing the reported area for fruit (100 000 ha). For farmers in arid zones, opuntia
planting is one solution to the problem of recurrent droughts. The succulence and nutritive value of opuntia
make it a valuable emergency crop, permitting livestock farmers in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and USA to
survive prolonged and severe droughts.
It is worth mentioning that most authors of this book are technicians and scientists with wide experience in
their own country of cultivation and use of opuntia as forage. The publication strengthens the written
information on opuntia, since most of the existing publications have emphasized its use as a fruit.
Finally, I would like to mention that the diffusion of information on species like opuntia can allow assessment
of its value for tackling drought in the short term, while in the medium term opuntia can constitute an
important alternative to counteract global climate change and desertification. Other benefits from opuntia
are soil and water conservation, and protection of local fauna in arid and semi-arid lands.
The publication of this book is, therefore, opportune, reflecting one of the basic objectives of the CACTUSNET,
namely the diffusion of technical and scientific knowledge on opuntia

Dr Eulogio Pimienta
University of Guadalajara, Mexico
First General Coordinator of the CACTUSNET


Foreword iii
Preface iv
Acknowledgements x



Marco Antonio ANAYA-PÉREZ
Description of the opuntia plant 7
Propagation 8
Livestock raising 9
Forage 9
Livestock husbandry 10
The forage 10
Forage 11
Opuntia production 12




Wild stock 23
Backyard sources 24
The improved Mexican cultivars 24
The ‘Palmas of Brazil’ 25
The spineless Burbank selections in South Africa 25
Cold Tolerance 26
Spineless pads 27
Plant productivity 27
High protein content 27
Pest and disease tolerance 27


Wild stands 31
Cultivated nopaleras 31
Meat production 35
Milk production 35
Sheep 35
Other animals 36


Planting density 39
Crop management 41

Soil preparation 41
Cutting height 42
Species comparison 42
Environmental constraints 43
Shading by mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) 43
Pests and diseases 43
Weed control 44
Economic evaluation 44




Patricio AZÓCAR
Climate 58
Water requirement 58
Planting 58
Productivity 58

Juan C. GUEVARA and Oscar R. ESTÉVEZ
Temperature 66
Rainfall 66
Land tenure 66

Cattle production 67
Goats for meat production 69


Chemical composition 75
Digestibility 79
Rumen pH 81
Ammonia concentration 81
Volatile fatty acids 82
Protozoa counts 82
Cellulolytic activity 82
Intake 83
Energy content 84
Example 1. Poor quality roughages supplemented with opuntia 86
Example 2. Atriplex as a nitrogen supplement to cactus 87
Example 3. Can acacia supplement cactus? 88


Dry matter, ash and mineral content determinations 94
Mineral composition 94
Chemical composition 96
In vitro dry matter digestibility 96
CP content 97
Crude fibre content 97

Nitrogen-free extract content 97

In vitro dry matter digestibility 97


Gerhard C. DE KOCK
Grazing 104
Chaffing 104
Meal 104
Silage 105
Supplementary feeding 105


The cladode as a water reservoir 108
Length of growing season 108
Propagation 108
Response to prunning 109
Response to fertilization 110
Response to high planting densities 110
Site selection 111
Site protection 111
Planting material 111
Collection of planting material from wild stands 112
Planting techniques 112
Fertilization 112
Utilization 112
Site selection 112
Land preparation 113
Cultivars 113
Propagation material 113
Plantation layout 113
Planting date 113

Fertilization 114
Weed control 114
Management of pests and diseases 114
Harvesting 114
Storage 114
Effect of irrigation schedule and planting method 120
Water use efficiency 122



Annex 2 – COLOUR PLATES 143


For the preparation of his review on Ecophysiology, Park Nobel gratefully acknowledges the support of the
University of California, Los Angeles - Ben Gurion Programme of Cooperation, through the generous gift
of Dr Sol Leshin. Likewise, financial assistance from the Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad
Nacional de Cuyo is gratefully acknowledged for the research reported by Juan C. Guevara and Oscar R.
Estevez, in their paper. Severino Gonzaga de Albuquerque, co-author of the chapter on “Fodder Opuntia
use in the Semi-arid NE Brazil,” acknowledges his dept to his father, César Gonzaga – a grower convinced
of the potential of opuntia, who passed away during the writing of the paper. Final editing, formatting and
production of camera-ready copy was undertaken by Thorgeir Lawrence.
Opuntia as forage 1


Stephen G. REYNOLDS and Enrique ARIAS


The utilization by man of the cactus Opuntia was recorded in Mexico in pre-Hispanic times, where it
played a major role in the agricultural economy of the Aztec empire; with maize (Zea mays) and agave
(Agave spp.), opuntias are the oldest cultivated plants in Mexico. There are three crucial steps in the
transition from the use of wild plants to planned cultivation, namely:
* the gathering of wild plants;
* cultivation of (wild) plants near human settlements, and
* cultivation of varieties, altered by selective propagation methods, in intensive farming for the
purpose of marketing.

Opuntias are now part of the natural landscape and the agricultural systems of many regions of the
world. Typically, there are three main production systems: wild cactus communities; family orchards; and
intensive commercial plantations. Opuntias have adapted perfectly to arid zones characterized by droughty
conditions, erratic rainfall and poor soils subject to erosion. They thus contribute in times of drought, serving
as life saving crops for both humans and animals. Some species are even naturalized weeds in countries
such as South Africa and Australia, where the environmental conditions are particularly favourable.
In recent years, plantations for fruit or forage production, as well as for vegetable or nopalitos and
cochineal, have been developed in many countries of Africa, America, Asia and Europe. There is increasing
interest in opuntias, and O. ficus-indica in particular, and the important role they play and are likely to play in
the success of sustainable agricultural systems in arid and semi-arid zones, where farmers and shepherds
must look to those few species that can profitably survive and produce. Thus opuntias have become an
endless source of products and functions, initially as a wild plant and, later, as a crop for both subsistence and
market-oriented agriculture, contributing to the food security of populations in agriculturally marginalized

There are almost 300 species of the genus Opuntia (Scheinvar, 1995). In Mexico alone, Bravo (1978)
recorded 104 species and varieties.
According to Scheinvar (1995), the name “Opuntia” comes from an ancient Greek village in the region
of Leocrid, Beocia: Opus or Opuntia, where Tournefort found a spiny plant which reminded him of the
American opuntias. Opuntia includes 11 subgenera: Opuntia, Consolea, Austrocylindropuntia,
Brasiliopuntia, Corynopuntia, Cylindropuntia, Grusonia, Marenopuntia, Nopalea, Stenopuntia and
The taxonomy is difficult for a number of reasons: their phenotypes, which vary greatly according to
ecological conditions; their polyploidy, with a great number of populations that reproduce vegetatively and
sexually; and the existence of numerous hybrids, as almost all species blossom during the same period of

Stephen G. REYNOLDS Enrique ARIAS

Crop and Grassland Service Horticultural Crops Group

Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO

2 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

the year and there are no biological barriers separating them. Scheinvar (1995) mentions nine wild species
of Opuntia (O. hyptiacantha Web; O. joconostle Web; O. lindheimeri (Griff. and Haare) Bens.; O.
matudae Scheinv.; O. robusta Wendl. var. robusta; O. sarca Griff. ex Scheinv.; O. streptacantha Lem.;
O. tomentosa SD. var. tomentosa and var. herrerae Scheinv.) and three cultivated species (O. albicarpa
sp. nov.; O. ficus-indica (L.) Mill.; O. robusta Wendl. var. larreyi (Web.) Bravo), as well as one culti-
vated species of the subgenus Nopalea (O. cochenillifera (L.) Mill.), providing detailed descriptions of
The evolution of members of the subgenus Opuntia in arid and semi-arid environments has led to
the development of adaptive anatomical, morphological and physiological traits, and particular plant
structures, as described by Sudzuki Hills (1995).
The species of the Opuntia spp. subgenus have developed phenological, physiological and struc-
tural adaptations favourable to their development in arid environments, in which water is the main factor
limiting the development of most plant species. Notable among these adaptations are asynchronous
reproduction, and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), which, combined with structural adaptations
such as succulence, enables this plant to survive long periods of drought, and to reach acceptable pro-
ductivity levels even in years of severe drought.

In this book opuntia is used to refer to the whole genus, of which the most widely known is Opuntia
ficus-indica. Previously, opuntia was used almost interchangeably with cactus pear and prickly pear.
Here, while these terms are occasionally used, the term opuntia is preferred because cactus pear can
sometimes refer to the fruit, and also not all opuntias are prickly pears, there being many spineless clones.
Other terms used include the following:
* cactus pear – opuntia plant
* cladode – shoots or stem-like organs
* jarabe – a syrup product from the fruit
* melcocha – jam
* miel de tuna – cactus pear honey
* nocheztli – highly prized red dye obtained from the body of the cochineal insect (Dactylopius
coccus) living on some opuntias. Called grana cochinilla by the early Spanish in Mexico, now
called cochineal
* nochtli – opuntia fruit
* nopal – opuntia plant (mainly Mexico)
* nopalitos – young cladodes used as vegetables
* nopalli – opuntia plant in Nahuatl language
* notuatl – the original Mexican word (from Aztec times) for opuntia
* prickly pear – opuntia plant
* queso de tuna – cactus pear cheese
* tenochtli – sacred opuntia in early Mexico
* tun/tunas – Caribbean word for fruit or seed
Opuntia as forage 3

Opuntia ficus-indica
Common names:
* Spanish: nopal, cardón de México, chumbera, chumbo, chumbua, higo chumbo, higo de pala,
higo México, higuera de pala, nopal de castilla, tuna de España, tuna española, tuna mansa,
tuna, higo chimbo, tuna real.
* Portuguese: palma forrageira, figo da India, figo de pitoira, figueira da India, palmatoria sem
espinhos, tabaido.
* English: Barbary fig, Indian fig, prickly-pear.
* French: chardon d’Inde, figue de Barbarie, figuier à raquettes, figuier d’Inde, opunce, raquette.
* Italian: Fichi d’India
* German: frucht des feigenkactus, Indianische feige.

Upon the request of member countries, an international network, CACTUSNET, was established in
Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1993, under the auspices of FAO, to increase cooperation among scientists, technicians
and growers from different countries, and to facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge and technical
cooperation on cactus. Cooperation in the collection, conservation, evaluation and utilization of germplasm,
and the promotion of the ecological and social benefits of opuntias are also aims of the network. Twenty-
two countries have since joined. The University of Guadalajara, Mexico, and the University of Reggio
Calabria/University of Palermo have hosted the general coordination; from October 2000, the coordinating
institution became the National Institute for Agricultural Research of Tunisia. Meetings normally take place
in conjuction with the International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, held every fourth year, but
additional regional meetings and working group meetings are also held, such as those in Angola, Argentina,
Chile, Italy, Mexico, Peru and South Africa on a range of topics, including post-harvest aspects, genetic
resources, cochineal, forage, fruit production, etc.
Tangible results of cooperation through CACTUSNET have been the preparation for publication in
1995 of the FAO book Agro-ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear (which has been translated into
Spanish and is being translated into Arabic), the production of a Descriptor List, and the annual CACTUSNET
Newsletter. The fifth edition, published in March 2000, focused on the use of opuntia as forage and is
available on the website of the FAO Grassland Group:
The present publication is also an example of voluntary cooperation of institutions and individuals
participating in the CACTUSNET.


Felker (1995) has provided an excellent introduction to Opuntia as forage and a synthesis of common
recommendations for cactus use and management for livestock feed. He mentions a number of excellent
regional reviews covering the uses of cactus for forage in North Africa (Monjauze and Le Houerou, 1965),
South Africa (De Kock, 1980; Wessels, 1988), Mexico (e.g. Flores and Aguirre, 1979; Fuentes, 1991),
Brazil (Domingues, 1963) and the United States (e.g. Russell and Felker, 1987a, b; Hanselka and Paschal,
1990). Much of the progress stemmed from the work of Griffiths in Texas in the first two decades of the
Opuntia is particularly attractive as a feed because of its efficiency in converting water to dry matter,
and thus to digestible energy (Nobel, 1995). Cactus is useful not only because it can withstand drought, but
also because its conversion efficiency is greater than C3 grasses and C4 broadleaves. Biomass generation
per unit of water is on average about three times higher than for C4 plants and five times higher than for C3
plants. Under optimal conditions, the various types of plants can produce similar amounts of dry matter per
surface area, but under arid and semi-arid conditions, CAM plants are superior to C3 and C4 plants.
4 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

Cacti, and specifically Opuntia spp., have been extremely useful livestock forage in times of
drought, primarily by providing digestible energy, water and vitamins. Although mainly used for cattle,
opuntia has also been used as forage for pigs. However, it must be combined with other foods to
complete the daily diet because opuntias are poor in proteins, although rich in carbohydrates and calcium.
Since it grows in severely degraded land, its use is important because of its abundance in areas where few
crops can grow. It is estimated that, worldwide, 900 000 ha are cultivated with opuntia for forage pro-
While spineless types need to be protected against herbivory, the more cold-hardy, slower growing
spiny types require no such protection, although it is necessary to burn off the spines before using for
livestock feed.
Felker (1995) noted the lack of serious R&D and suggested priority areas for research into the use
of cactus for forage.


Opuntia spp. are being utilized in programmes to prevent soil erosion and to combat desertification;
they have a great capacity for adaptation, growing in severely degraded soils which are inadequate for other
crops and are ideal for responding to global environmental changes such as the increase in atmospheric CO2
levels. Opuntias are also important as cover in arid and semi-arid areas because they can survive and
spread under conditions of scarce and erratic rainfall and high temperatures and can play an important role
in the protection of local fauna.
However, this capacity for adaptation and rapid spread has caused problems, mainly where introduced
Opuntia spp. have established and thrived in the absence of natural enemies and appropriate management
to become noxious weeds in a number of counties. In the previous FAO publication Agro-ecology, cultivation
and uses of cactus pear, a chapter by Brutsch and Zimmermann focused on naturalized Opuntia spp.
which threaten native plant genetic resources, and also on the biological, chemical, mechanical or integrated
means of control which have been developed. Biological control has been particularly successful in countries
such as Australia and South Africa. However, the problems of developed countries are not necessarily the
same as those of less developed countries, and what may be considered a weed in one country may be an
important economic source of food in another. Therefore different countries and even areas within countries
may view Opuntia spp. differently.
This book emphasizes Opuntia as a valuable natural resource, which in many countries is underutilized,
and which can provide forage for livestock and enable economic activities to be undertaken and may
contribute to the food security of populations in agriculturally marginalized areas.


Several publications have dealt with opuntia. Previously, through CACTUSNET, FAO published Agro-
ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear. The present publication focuses solely on the use of
opuntia as forage and aims to present much of the recent findings and research in one volume. From
chapters dealing with its early use as forage in Mexico and its ecophysiology, the book presents material on
germplasm resources and breeding for forage production, then deals at length – through eight chapters –
with its use as forage in Mexico, Brazil, USA, Chile, Argentina, Western Asia and North Africa, Ethiopia,
and Southern Africa. One chapter focuses on various aspects of opuntia cultivation for fodder. The final
chapter deals with hydroponic opuntia production, followed by a comprehensive bibliography and an annex
of opuntia-related websites. It is hoped that the book will achieve its purpose of providing readers with an
up-to-date reference on the use of Opuntia as forage for livestock, and assembling in one volume past,
recent and ongoing work on the subject.
Opuntia as forage 5


Marco Antonio ANAYA-PÉREZ

Opuntia, often called prickly pear, or cactus pear as it is now usually known in commerce, is a plant typical
of the Mexican landscape, and a major symbol of identity for the Mexican people. Together with maize and
agave, opuntia has been a staple food, instrumental in enabling human settlement and cultural development
of the Chichimeca groups of the centre and north of the country.
Complementary to its importance as food were inter alia its uses as a beverage, medicine, source of
dye, and as an object of magical-religious practices. Tlacuilos [the native historians of Pre-Columbian
Mexico, who used pictograms to record events], chroniclers, travellers, historians and scientists have left
testimony of this. However, the economic importance of opuntia as forage was not perceived during the
Spanish Colonial Period, or even after independence.
The few records on the use of opuntia during the colonial and post-independence eras indicate that it
was used as animal feed, especially in the northern arid and semi-arid zones. Its use increased from the
early 1600s with the introduction of cattle to semi-arid areas and the consequent depletion of grasslands.
This situation forced stockmen to cut opuntia pads and burn off the thorns to feed livestock in their pastures,
especially during droughts.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the Government of Mexico and some educational institutions
began to recognize the importance of opuntia cultivation, particularly for forage. The Colegio de Posgraduados
released improved varieties to participate in a programme aimed at stopping overexploitation of wild
populations of opuntia, associated with intensive livestock feeding during droughts or as a regular complement
to the diet. Opuntia plantations have been promoted as a foundation of reforestation and recovery programmes
for extensive degraded areas, aiming to control desertification. There are few studies on the history of
opuntia, with the exception of cochineal. This chapter presents a brief account of the utilization of opuntia
as forage in Mexico.

According to Flannery (1985), between the end of the Pleistocene (ca. 100 000 years B.P.) and the beginning
of the fifth millennium AD, the prehistoric indigenous group of the semi-arid basins and valleys of the states
of Hidalgo, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero, Puebla and Oaxaca began cultivating a series of native plants,
which later became the basic foodstuffs of the ancient middle-American civilizations. For centuries, these
native Americans had lived as nomads, learning inter alia, which plants to gather and consume, how to
roast opuntia and agave to make them edible, and how to extract syrup from the pods of the mesquite
(Prosopis spp.). The cultivation of beans, squash, huatli (Amaranthus sp.), chilies, tomatillo, avocado,
and, as Flannery (1985) suggests, perhaps opuntia, agave and other semitropical fruits began between 7 500
and 5 000 years BC.
Since the arrival of man in Mexico in the desert and semi-desert zones, about 20 000 years ago,
opuntias have been important as food sources, as well as for drink and medicine. Long before horticultural
management of the opuntia was known, the ancient Mexicans consumed it abundantly from the wild. Fray

Marco Antonio ANAYA-PÉREZ

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo
6 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

Bernardino de Sahagún, in his work Historia General de las Cosas de la Nueva España –
written during the first half of the 16th century – reported that native Americans lived for many years and
were “healthy and strong.” Their vitality, according to him, was due to the type of diet, which was not
cooked with other things. They ate “prickly pear leaves”, prickly pear fruits, roots, mesquite pods, and
yucca flowers which they called czotl, honey and rabbits, hares, deer, snakes and fowl (Sahagún, 1997).
On the use of opuntia “sacred tree” as a beverage to quench thirst, Friar Toribio Motolinia said, “...
these Indians whom I refer to, because they are from a land so sterile that at times they lack water, drink
the juice of these leaves of nocpal ... ” The fresh and aromatic opuntia fruit, or tuna, was also used for
this purpose; they made nochoctli, or pulque (a fermented drink, generally made from the sap of the
century plant. – Translator’s note). The word tuna originated in Haiti and was introduced by the Spaniards
during the Conquest.
The De la Cruz-Badiano Codex of 1552 shows how opuntia was used to treat several ailments of
the human body. For example, opuntia was used to cure burns: “The burned part of our body is cured with
the juice of the nopalli with which it should be rubbed on with honey and egg yolk ...” (Velázquez, 1998).
The genus Opuntia spread from Mexico to practically the entire American continent (from Alberta,
Canada, to Patagonia, Argentina), and, after the Spanish Conquest, to the rest of the world (Flores and
Aguirre, 1979). In 1700, Tournefort named opuntias Opuntia, because of their similarity to a thorny plant
that grew in the town of Opus, Greece (Velázquez, 1998). In Mexico, several species of the genus
Opuntia of the Cactaceae family are called nopal. All of them are endemic to America, and of the 377
recognized species, 104 are found wild in Mexico, and 60 of these are endemic in Mexico.
There are few studies on the history of opuntia, except in its association with cochineal. Tibón
(1993), in his History of the name and of the foundation of Mexico, describes the drawing done by the
tlacuilo of Fray Diego Durán, of the foundation of Mexico Tenochtitlán:
“To the left of the hill, a beautiful bird with its wings extended has just alighted on a prickly pear and
sings, as its open beak indicates. A large snake with forked tongue rises in the direction of the
plant ...

“Thus, the tenochtli, the prickly pear of hard red tunas, was, from the beginning, the tree of human
hearts. The serpent that emerges from the bowels of the earth is night; the bird that sings over the
prickly pear is at once the same eagle-sun ...”

It is of interest that the opuntia where the bird, or eagle, has alighted is known by the scientific name
of Opuntia streptacantha, which comes from streptos, “twisted” and acantha, “thorn”. The tuna
lapidea, according to Dr Francisco Hernandez is similar to opuntia in its flowers and fruit, but with long,
narrow, twisted branches (Granados and Castañeda, 1991).
Although the sources consulted for the Colonial Period do not mention the use of opuntia, as a
forage plant, without doubt during the droughts which affected New Spain, the livestock that spread
throughout the country had to consume opuntia, as reported in sources from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The geographical distribution of the genus Opuntia in Mexico, according to recent studies, reflects the
abundance of opuntia and its natural incidence in associations, focusing on the most important species
(Granados and Castañeda, 1991; Flores and Aguirre, 1979):
O. leucotricha Guanajuato and eastern San Luis Potosí, with irregular distribution and variable
densities. Between Santa María del Río and San Luis Potosí, southwest of Villa de
Arista. With high areal densities in Fresnillo and Calera.
Opuntia as forage 7

O. lindheimeri With a density of up to 1000 plants/ha in General Terán, Salinas, and elsewhere in the
state of Nuevo León, and in Tamaulipas, Guerrero and Hidalgo.
O. streptacantha San Luis Potosí: Zaragoza and north of the capital, north of Bocas and southeast of
Moctezuma. Densities of 200 to 600 plants/ha are found in San Luis Potosí.
In Zacatecas: Noria de los Angeles, Ojo Caliente, Troncoso and Guadalupe.
This distribution indicates that the region of Mal Paso, southwest of the city of Zacatecas, has the
greatest diversity of opuntia species. In contrast, chroniclers and historians of the colonial period recounted
the abundance of opuntia practically throughout the country. From the chronicles of travellers or scientific
works, the present distribution includes Querétaro, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nayarit and Coahuila in Mexico,
and Texas in the United States.
Pedro de Rivera, in his trip to northern New Spain at the beginning of the 18th century, reported that
in the direction of San Juan del Río, Querétaro, he found thick vegetation of mesquite, guizaches (Prosopis
sp.), and opuntia. In the direction of Ojuelos, Jalisco, near San Miguel El Grande, he passed through flat
land with scrub vegetation of oak, mesquite and opuntia. On the border between the kingdoms of New
Galicia and Nayarit, he went through rough mountains with many rocks and thick brush of mesquite,
guamuchiles, guizaches and opuntia (Trabulse, 1992a).
Alexander Von Humboldt reported that Villa de Saltillo, province of Coahuila, is located in an arid
plain which descends toward Monclova, the Río Grande, and the province of Texas, where instead of the
wheat he might find in a European plain, he found only fields covered by opuntias (Humboldt, 1984).

Description of the opuntia plant
The morphology of opuntia awed the Europeans, who had never seen a plant like it, leading them to
describe it the best they could. During the colonial period, study and recording of opuntia began with the
work of José Antonio Alzate on cochineal. The nopalli, or cactus pear, was known by the Spaniards as
nopal, and the fruit as tuna, although in the 16th century this plant was also called higuera de indias (fig
of the Indies), higuera de pala (shovel fig), tunal de Castilla, nopal de Castilla, chumbos, tuna chumbera,
tuna mansa, and tunal (Rojas and Sanders, 1985).
In 1539, Friar Toribio Motolinia, describing his experiences in Michoacán, reported that in this province
the tunales were abundant:
“... they are trees that have leaves the thickness of fingers, some thicker and others less, as long
as the foot of a man, and as wide as a hand span...” (Motolinia, 1995).
In the mid-16th century, Friar Bernardino de Sahagún wrote:
“The tree called tuna has large, thick leaves, and green and thorny; this tree gives flowers on the
same leaves [and] some are white, others vermilion, others yellow, and others fleshy; produced
in this tree are fruits called tunas [that] are very good to eat [and] come out of the same leaves ...
“(Trabulse, 1993).
Describing opuntia, Friar Bernardino de Sahagún reported:
“There are trees in this land they call nopalli, which means tunal, or tree with tunas; it is a
monstrous tree, the trunk is composed of leaves and the branches are made of these same leaves;
the leaves are broad and thick, having juice and are viscous; the same leaves have many thorns ...
The leaves of this tree are eaten raw and cooked.” (Sahagún, 1997).

The Nahuas – a Pre-Columbian tribe that dominated central Mexico – identified several native
species whose scientific names, common names and place where identified are the following:
8 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

* Nopalea cochenillifera (L.) Salm-Dyck (syn. Cactus cochenillifera L.; Opuntia cochenillifera
(L.) Mill), also called nochez opalli (Nahuatl), nopal de San Gabriel (Oaxaca), tuna mansa
(Puerto Rico), tuna nopal (El Salvador). This plant and nopal de Castilla (Opuntia ficus-
indica L.) are species used in the production of the cochineal insect (Dactylopious coccus
Costa). N. cochenillifera has several varieties; the best known and most used is nopalnocheztli,
namely cochineal opuntia, which the Spaniards named nopal de Castilla. Another variety is
known as nopal de San Gabriel.
* Opuntia Miller (Cactaceae). The most usual name for the cultivated species of this genus is
nopal, and the fruit is commonly called tuna.
* Opuntia amyclaea Tenore (syn. O. ficus-indica f. amyclea (Ten.) Schelle and O. ficus-indica
var. amyclea (Ten.) Berger.)
* Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (syn. Cactus ficus-indica L.). Also known as nopal de Castilla,
tuna de Castilla, nochtli; used in the production of cochineal.
* Opuntia imbricata (Haw.) D.C. (syn. Cereus imbricatus Haw., Opuntia rosea D.C., O. decipiens
D.C., O. exuviata D.C., O. arborescens Engelm., O. magna Griffiths, O. spinotecta Griffiths,
xoconochtle, joconochtle (Jalisco), xoconochtli, joconostle (Zacatecas), cardenche (Durango,
Zacatecas), tasajo (Chihuahua), coyonostle (Nuevo Leon and Coahuila), coyonoxtle, coyonostli
(Nuevo Leon), tuna joconoxtla (Jalisco), tuna huell, velas de coyote, entraña (New Mexico)).
The xoconochtli is a cactus with cylindrical stems with long thorns and very sour fruit.
* Opuntia megacantha Salm-Dyck (syn. O. castillae Griffiths, O. incarnadilla Griffiths), the
nopal de Castilla.
* Opuntia streptacantha Lem. Also called tecolonochtli or tecolonochnopalli; this is the cardon
nopal or cardona tuna. The fruit is an intense red, aromatic and refreshing. It has great
importance in the semi-arid and desert zones (Rojas, 1990).
Friar Francisco de Ajofrín, who travelled through New Spain in the 18th century, reported that there
were opuntia fruit – tunas – almost year-round. Some were white, others yellow, and some were more
fleshy (Trabulse, 1992a). Miguel Venegas indicated in the 18th century that in California the red tunas are
infrequent, and in New Spain they called them tunas taponas (Trabulse, 1992b).
The physician Francisco Hernández, in his monumental work Historia Natural de la Nueva España,
found seven distinct types of tunas: iztacnochtli, this opuntia was known to the Spaniards as the higuera
de las indias (fig of the Indies) which, according to them, was similar to the fig tree, even when neither the
plant nor the fruit had any similarity to a fig tree or a fig (Trabulse, 1992b), coznochtli, tlatonochtli,
tlapalnochtli, tzaponchtli, zacanochtli (Rojas and Sanders, 1985), and nopalxochcuezltic (Epiphyllum
acker Haw.) (Rojas and Sanders, 1985). The Nahuas classified this last plant in the group of tunas, most
certainly because of the similarity of its flowers and fruits to those of the nopal, which belong to the same
botanical family. This is a plant with long fleshy, undulating leaves and beautiful red flowers.
Bernardino de Sahagún also made interesting records of opuntia species and the diversity of tunas,
very similar to that done by Francisco Hernandez (Sahagún, 1997) and Motolinía (1995).

Friar Toribio de Benavente explains how opuntia reproduces:
“... and one leaf of these plants is planted and they proceed leaf after leaf, and leaves also come
out of the sides, and they become a tree. The leaves at the foot thicken greatly, and become so
strong that they become the foot or trunk of the tree... In this New Spain the tree is called nucpai
– nopalli – and the fruit is called nuchtli ... “(Motolinía, 1995).
“Wherever a leaf falls from this tree, another similar tree is soon formed; and what is admirable is
that, after some time, stuck on the leaves appears a gum called alquitira, for which many conifers
are used.” (Cervantes, 1991).
Opuntia as forage 9

Livestock raising
The livestock brought from the West Indies (Cosio, 1987) by the Spaniards caused a revolution in the
economy of New Spain, and immense areas previously unused by agriculture were brought into use. The
livestock came from Cuba, Santo Domingo and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Hernán Cortés brought the horses
(11 horses and 5 mares), and Gregorio Villalobos brought cattle from Santo Domingo (Cosio, 1987). Livestock
gave agriculture a boost, providing animal traction, transport and manure. No less important was its contribution
to the development of mining; animals were used as driving power and transport. In addition, livestock was
used as a basic source of food. For these reasons and because of the immense virgin grasslands that
existed, livestock multiplied and spread from the central high plateau to the rest of New Spain during the
16th century. Although it decreased, notably in the 17th century, the numbers were so great that in many
regions many wild herds were formed.
The Spanish Mesta concept – a formal organization of livestock producers– also came to New
Spain, where it was composed of owners of livestock ranches (Chevalier, 1982). Extensive grazing of
sheep and goats began, moving livestock from place to place for summer and winter grazing. The routes
crossed New Spain in every direction. The Cabildo (government) of Mexico City founded the first Mesta
in New Spain on July 31, 1527. Later, Puebla (1541), Oaxaca (1543) and Michoacán (1563) followed
(Chevalier, 1982).
Contemporary sources indicate the extent of the changes:
* As of 1579, no fewer than 200 000 sheep from Querétaro moved 300 to 400 km during the
month of September, to find fresh pastures near Lake Chapala and western Michoacan, return-
ing to their ranches in May.
* The livestock from Tepeaca, Puebla, and some from the Central Plateau, wintered in pastures
of Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico.
* From the Huasteca, livestock went to graze on the shores of Río Verde, in San Luis Potosí.
* In 1648, more than 300 000 sheep from the mountains of New Spain were taken to the extensive
plains of the Kingdom of Nuevo Leon, where they grazed for more than six months. In 1685, it is
said that 555 000 head of cattle arrived (Chevalier, 1982; Humboldt, 1984).
* At the end of the 16th century, in the High and Low Mixtec regions, the indigenous people came
to own 250 000 head goats and sheep. In Tlaxcala and Puebla, the communities had more than
400 000 head of sheep and goats, and the communities of Zimatlan, Oaxaca and Jilotepec, State
of Mexico, together had more than 350 000 head (Rojas, 1990).
The migrating livestock damaged the crops of the indigenous people, in spite of the ordinances of
1574, which obliged the ranch owners to open up roads reserved for livestock to go from one place to the
other, but most never obeyed. The irrigated, cultivated areas of the towns were what interested the ranchers,
much more than the plains covered with opuntia or the bald mountains they crossed.

Livestock feeding was mostly provided from natural sources, and that included opuntia. Reproduction of
livestock was spontaneous, and often the owners themselves were ignorant of how many beasts they
possessed. Sheep and goats were husbanded under nomadic grazing; cattle, only on a small scale, were
raised on ranches and specialized haciendas. The harsh environmental conditions affected the animals, and
– coupled with losses from robbery, pests, disease, frosts, hail and severe drought – decimated the livestock,
especially because a large proportion of the animals was raised in the arid regions.
A drought meant lack of drinking water and grass, followed by hunger, malnutrition, disease and
finally death. This situation obliged the owners to leave the animals free to forage for themselves. The
historian François Chavalier reported that in the years of drought animals died by the thousands (Chevalier,
10 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

Sources from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries state that the livestock ate grasses, stubble, maize and
opuntia, among other things. In 1585, Juan González de Mendoza wrote that in the entire Kingdom of New
Spain, the livestock fed on green plants and maize, which was the wheat of the Indians (Trabulse, 1993).
Chevalier (1982) reports that at the end of the 16th century, the “encomenderos” (landlords) fattened
their animals with maize, which they had, in abundance, thanks to tributes. The quality of the meat was
linked to the quality of the maize or the grasses (Trabulse, 1993). As to the usefulness of stubble, in the 18th
century, José Antonio Alzate wrote:
“For some years I saw a subject who obtained an ear of Meztitlan, he sowed it in a small garden:
the stalks grew to six or seven feet and produced three, four or more ears of large size. This
excessive vegetation was not the effect of any preparation neither of the seed, nor of the fertility
of the soil, because if he sowed another species of maize, the product corresponded to its nature.
This experiment foresees great profits for ranch owners who would benefit if they sowed Meztitlan
maize, besides the abundance of the fruit, tlazole, or straw, increases, which is so necessary for
the livestock (Trabulse, 1992b).
As to the opuntia cactus used as forage, the newspaper El Nacional, of Mexico City, reported that
during the colonial period there were mestizo farmers who planted opuntia in half of their farm plots to feed
the animals, and in the other half they sowed maize and beans:
“... and when they judged the land to be worn out, they cut half the cactus pear as forage for the
animals, especially the cattle, and the rest was planted in the agricultural land, which after two
years was again used for ordinary crops, repeating the same operation of leaving the land to rest
by planting cactus pear, which maintains the ground moist and magnificent grasses grow at the
same time, preventing erosion of the land and providing abundant, moist, fresh grass for the
livestock almost year-round (Anon., 1962).

When Mexico won its independence in 1821, the national territory consisted of a little more than 4 million
km2, which included the territories of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, which passed to the
USA in 1848. In these territories, opuntia was used as forage; once chopped up or singed, it was given to
cattle (Flores and Aguirre, 1979), a practice also common in the Mexican states bordering the USA. This
was confirmed by a study in Mexico at the end of the 19th century by the German Karl Kaerger (1896),
whose objective was to investigate agricultural aspects in which Germany could invest, especially considering
the facilities given by the government of Porfirio Diaz to foreigners.
Livestock husbandry
Cattle raising developed in Mexico mostly in the northern part of the country. Enormous ranches were
established and land was concentrated to such a degree that the Terrazas family owned almost the entire
state of Chihuahua.
At the end of the 19th century, massive sheep raising was conducted in the northeast of the country,
especially in the states of Zacatecas, Tamaulipas and Chihuahua, where there were haciendas with 70 000
to 80 000 head of cattle head (Kaerger, 1986). Goats were abundant in Puebla, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes,
Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosí, while cattle were raised basically in the north of Mexico and the coastal
region of Veracruz, where improvement of the national breed with the introduction of Durham and Hereford
bulls had begun. Outstanding among the pastures used for fattening were those located in the Huasteca,
the northern coastal zone of Veracruz, and the southern coastal region of Tamaulipas (most of the state of
Tamaulipas was dedicated to sheep and goat raising).

The forage
In the northern part of the country, the cowboys, besides riding horseback every day over a given area of
the hacienda to guard the cattle from possible rustling, had the task of getting additional feed for the animals
Opuntia as forage 11

during the dry season. The feed was obtained by cutting agave plants, known as sotol, and chopping their
leaves, and, more important, cutting opuntia pads and burning off the thorns so that the livestock could eat
the pads, although often the plants were eaten where they were standing. The greatest opuntia populations
were found in San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, where the farmers could distinguish the
following varieties:
* Nopal rastrero (creeping prickly pear): a cactus with a lateral growth form and consumed
mostly by goats.
* Nopal cuyo: a thin cactus with few thorns; relished by cattle.
* Nopal cardón (O. streptacantha): a fruit species with broad pads. Its fruit is used to prepare
a fermented drink, mixing it with maize grains, apples and cane alcohol. Cattle can eat it only
during the dry season since in the rainy season it swells too much (Bazant, 1980).
* Nopal cegador (blinding prickly pear): Well eaten by cattle, although it can cause blindness if
the thorns get into their eyes.
* Cardenche or joconostle: It has large cylindrical stems (trunk) and is preferred by livestock.
* Tasajillo: similar to the cardenche type, but the stems are smaller and of lower quality. Goats
eat its fruit (Kaerger, 1986).
A newspaper article appearing in the early 20th century reported the enormous amounts of tunas of
all kinds that were produced in San Luis Potosí. It points out that opuntia grew in the poorest land, in hard,
cracked, alkaline soil, where there was no other sign of vegetation, far from fresh water springs, where
there were more hills than flat land; this hilly land promoted cactus growth, and gave the landowner
splendid profits, since they needed neither care nor expenditures of any kind.
“[The parts] of the prickly pear used are: the pads for feeding cattle, when they are fresh, and
when they are dry they are magnificent fuel, and the tunas, from which a delicious fermented
drink is made called colonche; also, an exquisite tuna syrup is made, as well as jams and taffy,
and a liquor is also extracted from the tuna ... “ (Márquez, 1986)
Animals also ate other plants covered with thorns without singeing, such as mesquite (Prosopis
spp), lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla) (the northeastern agave, which is used to produce fibre), and huapile,
a bromeliad which covers large areas. The lechuguilla is very nutritious, although it has the disadvantage
of inducing the animals to become wild, as they need not drink water because of the juiciness of the leaves
(Kaerger, 1986).


The importance of opuntia as a forage plant in the 19th century was the outcome of the need to feed
livestock in the arid zones of the country, where the dry seasons are very long. Opuntia is an excellent feed
for livestock (Flores and Aguirre, 1979).
Government interest in development of the arid zones, which accounted for 40% of the national
territory, led to creation of the National Commission for Arid Zones (CONAZA) in 1970. This institution
provided support to arid zones where it was not possible to obtain profitable grain harvests unless they
were irrigated. CONAZA proposed a programme to grow and use wild plants such as opuntia, candelilla
(Euphorbia antisiphylitica), lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla), fibre yucca (Yucca filifera), and mesquite
(Prosopis juliflora). According to a preliminary study of the 1970 census, over 50% of the cattle and
sheep and almost 80% of the goats existing in the country were in arid zones. In these zones, opuntia
became vital, because it provided some food and water for the animals (Villarreal, 1958).
Although during the first half of the 20th century there were numerous species of wild opuntia, they
began to disappear, mostly because of the excessive removal by merchants to supply foreign markets.
Laws were passed to prohibit its export, but today the commerce in opuntia continues in different forms,
with the consequent disappearance of some species (Granados and Castañeda, 1991).
12 History of the use of opuntia as forage in Mexico

The people of Northern Mexico have used opuntia as forage for many decades. At present the
dairy industry in the arid zones of the north still use opuntia as forage. In 1966, 600 tonne of opuntia were
used daily in feeding stabled dairy cattle in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and 100 tonne daily in Saltillo, Coahuila
(Granados and Castañeda, 1991). Cattle and, above all, grazing goats and sheep, consume opuntia almost
all year. The shepherd burns off the thorns from the pads that he selects, although sometimes the standing
plants are singed (Flores and Aguirre, 1979).
The Ministry of Agriculture promoted opuntia plantations for forage in many regions. The gathering
of opuntia for forage was banned in the states of Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, and
industrialization promoted. Cattlemen were barred from singeing opuntia thickets to ship them to market
(Anon., 1961). The government of Zacatecas began a campaign to industrialize opuntia, especially the
cardon type, abundant in the state (Anon., 1963a).
Reduction of the opuntia populations obliged the Ministry of Agriculture to set up a Programme for
Genetic Improvement of Prickly Pear in 1961, at the Graduate College of the National School of Agriculture.
The goal was to increase fruit production and improve cattle feeding in the semi-arid zones of the country,
which largely depend on opuntia during droughts. The main objective was to obtain improved varieties,
which would, besides producing high quality fruits, be spineless in order to use the pads to feed cattle
(Anon., 1963b). By 1975, Mexican geneticists had produced several useful varieties (including cvs. CPF1,
Pabellón and CPV1).

Opuntia production
Opuntia is not considered a regular forage crop and statistics on planted area and production were not
reported until 1984, and then with little accuracy. Although the cultivated area has been growing steadily,
the figures are low: 22 ha in 1984, rising to 422 ha in 1997 (SARH, 1984 to 1989; SAGAR, 1990 to 1997).
Forage production has been reported in the northern and central part of the country, as well as Southern
Baja California. Opuntia used for forage production is not directly assessable compared to traditional
crops because of the wide utilization of wild stocks.
Opuntia as forage 13



The physiological basis of the ecological success and agricultural usefulness of opuntias as a forage in large
measure reflects their daily pattern of stomatal opening (stomata are fine pores in the leaf or stem surface
that regulate the exchange of gases between a plant and its environment). Most plants have daytime
stomatal opening so that CO2 uptake occurs concomitantly with photosynthesis, which uses the energy of
light to incorporate CO2 from the atmosphere into a carbohydrate. Plants like Opuntia ficus-indica,
however, have nocturnal stomatal opening, so net CO2 uptake and water loss occur during the cooler part of
the 24-hour cycle. This gas exchange pattern is referred to as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM)
because it was studied extensively in the Crassulaceae, although apparently first recognized in the Cactaceae
(Ting, 1985; Nobel, 1988). CAM plants are native to arid and semi-arid regions, as well as to periodically dry
microhabitats such as those occupied by epiphytes (most of the 20 000 species of CAM plants are epiphytes
growing on trees in tropical forests (Winter, 1985; Nobel, 1991a).


As just indicated, O. ficus-indica takes up CO2 primarily at night (Figure 1A). Under wet conditions and
moderate temperatures, net CO2 uptake becomes positive in the late afternoon, when daytime temperatures
have decreased substantially, and reaches its maximum value a few hours after dusk. Generally, a small
burst of net CO2 uptake occurs at dawn (Figure 1A), when the availability of light allows for direct
incorporation of atmospheric CO2 into carbohydrates using the C3 pathway of photosynthesis during the
coolest part of the daytime. The daily pattern for water vapour loss via transpiration for O. ficus-indica
(Figure 1B) is similar to the pattern for net CO2 uptake, reflecting the requirement of appreciable stomatal
opening to get substantial exchange of either gas with the environment.
The CO2 taken up by a CAM plant at night is bound to a three-carbon compound to form a four-
carbon organic acid, such as malate. The accumulating organic acids are stored overnight in large vacuoles
within cells of the chlorenchyma (the greenish chlorophyll-containing region), so the tissue becomes
progressively more acidic during the course of the night. CO2 is released from the organic acids during the
next daytime, causing the tissue acidity to decrease. This released CO2, which is prevented from leaving a
CAM plant by daytime stomatal closure, is then incorporated into photosynthetic products in the chlorenchyma
cells in the presence of light. The daily oscillations of acidity, which is characteristic of CAM plants,
requires large vacuoles for the sequestering and short-term storage of the organic acids.


Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution

University of California (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606, USA.
14 Ecophysiology of Opuntia ficus-indica

A useful benefit:cost index for gas exchange by plants is the ratio of CO2 fixed by photosynthesis to water
lost by transpiration, which is referred to as the water-use efficiency (WUE). For the gas exchange data
presented in Figure 1, net CO2 uptake integrated over the 24-hour period is 1.14 mol/m2/day and the water
loss is 51.3 mol/m2/day. Thus the WUE is 0.022 mol CO2 fixed per mol H2O lost for this CAM plant. This
WUE is about triple that found for highly productive C4 plants (such as maize or sugar cane) under similar
environmental conditions. C4 plants have daytime net CO2 uptake initially into four-carbon organic acids,
and 5-fold higher than for highly productive C3 plants (such as alfalfa, cotton, or wheat), which also have
daytime net CO2 uptake but whose initial photosynthetic product is a three-carbon compound (Nobel, 1995).
Figure 1. Net CO2 uptake (A) and transpiration (B) for Opuntia ficus-indica over a 24-hour period under
conditions of wet soil, moderate temperatures, and high light levels (Source: Nobel, 1988, 1995)
Net CO uptake (µmol/m /second)
Transpiration (µmol/m /second)

Time of day (hour)

Opuntia as forage 15

The much higher WUE for CAM plants relates to the reduced difference in water vapour concentration
between the plant and the atmosphere during the period of substantial stomatal opening. In particular, the
water vapour content in leaves and stems is within 1% of the saturation value in air at the tissue temperature
(Nobel, 1999); tissue temperatures tend to be much lower at night, and the water vapour saturation value of
air increases nearly exponentially with temperature. For instance, the water vapour content for saturated
air is 0.52 mol/m3 at 10°C, 0.96 mol/m3 at 20°C, and 1.69 mol/m3 at 30°C. If the water vapour content of
the air is 0.38 mol/m3 (40% relative humidity at 20°C), then the drop in water vapour concentration from the
plant to the atmosphere, which represents the driving force for water loss from a plant, is the difference
between 0.52 and 0.38, or 0.14 mol/m3 at 10°C; 0.96 - 0.38, or 0.58 mol/m3 at 20°C; and 1.69 - 0.38, or 1.31
mol/m3 at 30°C. For the same degree of stomatal opening, the driving force for water loss then is 0.58/0.14,
or 4.1-fold higher at 20°C than at 10°C, and 1.31/0.58 or 2.3-fold higher at 30°C than at 20°C. Because
tissue temperatures typically average at least 10°C lower at night than during the daytime in many locations,
CAM plants tend to lose only 20 to 35% as much water as do C3 or C4 plants for a given degree of stomatal
opening. This is a key feature in their utility as forage crops in arid and semi-arid regions.

Besides using CAM, with its inherently high WUE, O. ficus-indica has other adaptations that lead to water
conservation. For instance, the waxy cuticle on its stems is relatively thick, generally 5 to 30 µm (Conde,
1975; Pimienta-BarRíos et al., 1992, 1993; North et al., 1995). This helps prevent water loss from the
plants to the environment. In addition, the stomatal frequency is usually low for opuntias, generally 20 to 30
per square millimetre (Conde, 1975; Pimienta-BarRíos et al., 1992). Consequently, the fraction of the
surface area of the stems through which water vapour can move from the plants to the atmosphere is
relatively low. Moreover, the stems contain a large volume of whitish water-storage parenchyma, which
acts as a water reservoir for the chlorenchyma, where the initial CO2 fixation at night via CAM and the
daytime photosynthesis take place. For instance, during a drought lasting three months, the chlorenchyma
in the stems of O. ficus-indica decreases in thickness by 13%, while the water-storage parenchyma
decreases in thickness by 50%, indicating a greater water loss from the latter tissue (Goldstein et al., 1991).
As another adaptation, the roots of O. ficus-indica tend to be shallow with mean depths near 15 cm,
facilitating a quick response to light rainfall. For instance, it can form new roots within 24 hours of wetting
of a dry soil (Kausch, 1965). Its various water-conserving strategies lead to a need for a small root system;
indeed, roots compose only about 12% of the total plant biomass for O. ficus-indica (Nobel, 1988).
Drought, which physiologically commences when the plants can no longer take up water from the soil
(because the soil water potential is then less than the plant water potential), leads to a decrease in the ability
of the stems to take up CO2 from the atmosphere (Figure 2A). Little change in net CO2 uptake ability
occurs during the first week of drought for O. ficus-indica, reflecting water storage in the stem and the
inherently low water requirement for CAM. Also, the waxy cuticle and low stomatal frequency allow 20%
of the maximal net CO2 uptake to be present even one month after the plants are under drought conditions
(Figure 2A). After the initial week of drought, the net CO2 uptake over the next month averages about half
of the maximal value (Figure 2A); after about two months, a small daily net CO2 loss occurs, as respiration
becomes greater than net photosynthesis, whereas most C3 and C4 crops begin having a net loss of CO2
within one week of the commencement of drought. Thus the net CO2 uptake ability of O. ficus-indica and
certain other CAM plants is extremely well suited to arid and semi-arid regions. Nevertheless, soil water is
the major limiting factor for net CO2 uptake by O. ficus-indica in such regions, where irrigation may not be
economically feasible.
16 Ecophysiology of Opuntia ficus-indica

Figure 2. Influence of drought length (A), night-time temperature (B), and light (C) on net CO2 uptake over 24-hour
periods for O. ficus-indica. Except as indicated, plants were well watered, maintained at night-time
temperatures near 15°C, and had a PPF of about 25 mol/m2/day incident on the cladode surfaces
(Source: Nobel and Hartsock, 1983, 1984; Israel and Nobel, 1995)
Daily net CO2 uptake per unit stem area (fraction of maximal)

Drought length (days)

Mean night-time temperature (°C)

Total daily photosynthetic photon flux (mol/m2/day)

Opuntia as forage 17

Temperature not only influences metabolic processes and hence daily net CO2 uptake but extreme
temperatures can also lead to injury and even death of plants. In this regard, O. ficus-indica is extremely
tolerant of high air temperatures, but not of air temperatures substantially below freezing. When plants are
acclimatized to high day/night air temperatures of 50°C/40°C, their chlorenchyma cells are not seriously
injured by 1 hour at 60°C, and most cells survive 1 hour at 65°C (Nobel, 1988). Indeed, high-temperature
damage for O. ficus-indica in the field is generally only observed near the soil surface, where temperatures
in deserts can reach 70°C; young plants or newly planted cladodes are especially vulnerable to injury. In
contrast, cell injury in the field occurs at freezing temperatures of -5°C to -10°C. Damage varies with the
cultivar (Russell and Felker, 1987b), with the rapidity of the onset of freezing and hence the time for low-
temperature acclimatizion or “hardening” (Nobel, 1988), and with the stem water content, as a lower water
content leads to better tolerance of lower air and stem temperatures (Cui and Nobel, 1994a; Nobel et al.,
Because CO2 uptake for CAM plants occurs primarily at night, night-time temperatures are far more
important than are daytime ones for daily net CO2 uptake by O. ficus-indica (Figure 2B). Moreover, the
optimal night-time temperature is relatively low, 15°C, and temperatures from 5°C to 20°C all lead to at least
80% of the maximal net CO2 uptake. Such low temperatures also lead to low rates of transpiration. As
night-time temperatures rise, stomata tend to close for O. ficus-indica; e.g., at 30°C the stomata are only
one-third as open as at 20°C (Nobel and Hartsock, 1984), which helps reduce net CO2 uptake at the higher
temperature (Figure 2B). Except for night-time temperatures substantially below freezing or above 30°C,
temperature is generally not a major limiting factor for net CO2 uptake by O. ficus-indica, especially in
seasons when water from rainfall is available, which is fortunate, because manipulation of air temperatures
in the field is expensive.

Another environmental parameter affecting net CO2 uptake is light; the light incident on individual stems can
be readily manipulated by the spacing of plants, although tradeoffs occur between maximizing net CO2 per
plant versus net CO2 uptake per unit ground area (García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1991). The stems of
O. ficus-indica are opaque, contrary to the case for the leaves of most C3 and C4 plants, so orientations of
both sides must be considered when evaluating light absorption. Also, the light that is relevant is that
absorbed by photosynthetic pigments, mainly chlorophyll, which is referred to as the photosynthetic photon
flux (PPF; 400 to 700 nm wavelength; also referred to as the photosynthetic photon flux density and the
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); Nobel, 1999).
When the plants are maintained in the dark, only respiration occurs, so there is a slight loss of CO2
(Figure 2C). As the daily PPF increases, the daily net CO2 uptake by O. ficus-indica increases. Saturation
by light is approached at a total daily PPF of about 25 mol/m2/day (Figure 2C; for comparison, the total daily
PPF on a horizontal surface for a clear day during which the sun passes overhead is about 65 mol/m2/day;
Nobel, 1988). Because of the opaque nature of the stems, some of their surfaces are not favourably
oriented with respect to interception of sunlight; also interplant shading will reduce daily net CO2 uptake.
Thus net CO2 uptake per plant is greatest when the plants are far apart and do not shade each other.
However, net CO2 uptake and hence productivity per unit ground area is then minimal. If the plants are very
close together, shading is excessive and much of the stem area receives less than 5 mol/m2/day total daily
PPF, for which net CO2 uptake is substantially reduced (Figure 2C). Indeed, net CO2 uptake per unit ground
area for O. ficus-indica is maximal when the total area of the stem (including both sides of their flattened
stem segments, or cladodes) is 4 to 6 times the ground area (García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1991). When
the ratio of total stem area to ground area, termed the stem area index (SAI), is 1, 2 and 3, the net CO2 per
unit ground area for O. ficus-indica is 35%, 62%, and 85% of maximal, respectively (Nobel, 1991a).
18 Ecophysiology of Opuntia ficus-indica

Net CO2 uptake, growth and productivity for O. ficus-indica are influenced by macronutrients and
micronutrients in the soil, as well as by salinity and soil texture (Nobel, 1988; Hatzmann et al., 1991). For
instance, growth in sandy loam is about 25% of maximal at a nitrogen content of 0.03% by dry mass, 50%
of maximal at 0.07% N, 75% of maximal at 0.15% N, and approaches maximal near 0.3% N (Nobel,
1989a). Because the N content in native sandy soils in arid and semi-arid regions is generally below 0.07%,
nitrogen fertilization usually increases the growth of O. ficus-indica and other opuntias in such areas (Nobel
et al., 1987). The protocol for nitrogen fertilization of O. ficus-indica has followed traditional practices
developed for other crops (Barbera et al., 1992; Nerd et al., 1993), where the main form taken up from the
soil is nitrate (Nerd and Nobel, 1995). Although N is generally the major limiting nutrient, growth of opuntias
usually is also stimulated by phosphorus and potassium fertilization (Nobel, 1989b). A soil level of only
5 parts per million by dry mass (ppm) P leads to half-maximal growth for O. ficus-indica (Nobel, 1989b),
but the stems produced are below the nutritional needs of cattle for phosphorus. Indeed, stems of most
opuntias contain about 1% N by dry mass in nutrient-poor native soils, which is below the nutritional need of
cattle for nitrogen, but about 2% when grown on periodically fertilized agricultural land (Nobel, 1988).
As for most cacti, O. ficus-indica is sensitive to soil salinity. Inhibition of growth is often linear with
sodium content, with 150 ppm Na leading to approximately 50% inhibition of biomass accumulation by
O. ficus-indica (Nobel, 1989b). Its roots are more affected by salinity than are its shoots; e.g. watering
with 60 millimolar (mM) NaCl (about 12% of the salinity of seawater) for six months reduces root growth
by 84% and shoot growth by 50% (Berry and Nobel, 1985). Exposing the entire root system of O. ficus-
indica to 100 mM NaCl for 10 weeks reduces root growth by 38% (Nerd et al., 1991) but after only 4
weeks, growth of a single root exposed to 100 mM NaCl can be reduced by 93% (Gersani et al., 1993).
Also, Na is not readily transferred from the roots to the shoot or from basal cladodes to new daughter
cladodes (Berry and Nobel, 1985). As is the case for nearly all plant parts, the Na content of the cladodes
of O. ficus-indica does not meet the nutritional needs of cattle for this element.

The atmospheric CO2 level is currently increasing by about 2 ppm by volume annually, which can lead to an
increase in daily net CO2 uptake by O. ficus-indica. For instance, a doubling of the current atmospheric
CO2 level causes net CO2 uptake by two-month-old cladodes to increase by 49% and their WUE to increase
by 55% compared with the current atmospheric CO2 level (about 360 ppm; Cui et al., 1993). The
aboveground-dry-mass productivity by O. ficus-indica in the field is 37-40% higher for a doubled CO2 level
versus the current CO2 level (Nobel and Israel, 1994). Although the nitrogen content of older cladodes
remains near 1% of the dry mass, the N content of three-month-old cladodes averages 1.47% of the dry
mass at current ambient atmospheric CO2 levels but 1.26% at doubled atmospheric CO2 levels (Cui and
Nobel, 1994b); the lower N content at the higher atmospheric CO2 level reflects a lower amount of
photosynthetic enzymes, as is also found for other species.

The responses of daily net CO2 uptake to environmental factors over 24-hour periods under controlled
conditions can lead to predictions for plant productivity in the field, as CO2 uptake leads to growth and hence
to an increase in plant biomass (Nobel, 1988, 1991b; García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1991). Such responses,
especially with regard to plant spacing leading to a high-planting density that maximizes productivity per unit
ground area, have been used to predict maximal productivity. This has led to experimental cultivation of
O. ficus-indica near Santiago, Chile, and Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, under wet soil conditions (generated by
year-round irrigation), moderate temperatures close to those optimal for net CO2 uptake, SAIs of 4 to 6, and
non-limiting soil nutrients (Nobel, 1991a; García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1991, 1992; Nobel et al., 1992). For
these ideal conditions, the measured dry mass productivity is 50 t/ha/yr. Considerably lower productivity is
Opuntia as forage 19

expected, however, under more typical (non-ideal) field conditions, productivities that can be predicted using
Figure 2 to obtain relative net CO2 uptake responses.
A high-planting density with an SAI of 4 to 6 causes the root systems of individual plants to overlap.
Thus a more typical field situation might be an SAI of 2, which also allows for the pathways in the field
necessary for plant maintenance and the harvesting of cladodes. The weather may not lead to ideal
temperatures, which are essentially controllable only by changing the location of the fields. Instead of year-
round irrigation, two lesser water availability situations will be considered, which are more typical of
Mediterranean climates or regions where encroaching desertification favour the use of O. ficus-indica as
a forage, namely, where the seasonal rainfall leads to wet soil conditions for nearly two months in the winter
and where the rainfall leads to two wet periods of nearly one month each. Using an SAI of 2 leads to 62%
of the maximal CO2 uptake per unit ground area based on PPF interception (Figure 2C) and the field
temperatures may lead to 80% of the maximal daily net CO2 uptake (Figure 2B). For the single winter wet
period and using the response of O. ficus-indica to drought (Figure 2A), the plants would have a maximal
net CO2 uptake for two months, plus half of the maximal for a month more during drought or (2.5/12)(100%)
or 21% of the maximal net CO2 uptake that would be obtained under year-round wet conditions. Because
responses to these three environmental factors are multiplicative (Nobel, 1984, 1988, 1991a), the predicted
productivity is 0.62 × 0.80 × 0.21 × 50 t/ha/yr = 5.2 t/ha/yr. For the two wet periods per year plus the daily
net CO2 uptake responses of O. ficus-indica to drought (Figure 2A), water limitations would lead to [(1.5
+ 1.5)/12] × 100 = 25% of the maximal annual net CO2 uptake, so the predicted productivity is (0.62) ×
(0.80) × (0.25) × (50 t/ha/yr) = 6.2 t/ha/yr. A more precise estimate can be obtained by using monthly or
even daily values for the limitations caused by water, temperature and light on daily net CO2 uptake (Figure 2).
In any case, environmental conditions in the field can be used to predict productivity for O. ficus-indica
using responses of daily net CO2 uptake to soil water, air temperature and PPF determined under controlled
conditions in the laboratory.


Although most ecophysiological studies on opuntias have been done with O. ficus-indica, similar results
occur for other opuntias and other CAM plants (Nobel, 1988, 1994). For instance, Opuntia amyclea can
have a high annual biomass productivity of 45 t dry mass/ha/yr at an optimal SAI and under irrigation in
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico (Nobel et al., 1992; actually, species status for O. amyclea is uncertain but it is
morphologically distinct from O. ficus-indica). Among other CAM plants, certain agaves used commercially
in Mexico, namely, Agave mapisaga and A. salmiana, have high biomass productivities, averaging 40 t/ha/
yr (Nobel et al., 1992). In comparison, the four highest-yielding C3 crops have an average productivity of
38 t/ha/yr, the four fastest-growing C3 trees average 41 t/ha/yr, and the four highest-yielding C4 crops
average 56 t/ha/yr (Nobel, 1991a). Of greater importance for forage considerations in arid and semi-arid
regions is the biomass productivity when rainfall is severely limiting. Under such circumstances the advantages
of CAM become apparent for water conservation, as agaves and opuntias have a higher WUE, leading to a
higher biomass productivity per unit ground area than do C3 or C4 plants under the same conditions (Nobel,
Agaves and other cacti also have other ecophysiological responses similar to those for O. ficus-
indica (Nobel, 1988, 1994). For instance, net CO2 uptake, growth and biomass productivity respond favourably
to N fertilization, and generally also to P and K fertilization, and nearly all species are inhibited by increasing
soil salinity (Nobel, 1989b). As for O. ficus-indica, increasing the atmospheric CO2 level also increases the
biomass productivity for agaves. A doubling of the current CO2 level leads to about 50% more biomass for
Agave salmiana over 4.5 months (Nobel et al., 1996) and nearly 90% more biomass for Agave deserti
over 17 months (Graham and Nobel, 1996). Doubling the atmospheric CO2 level for A. deserti increases
daily net CO2 uptake per unit leaf area by 49% while reducing daily transpiration by 24%, leading to a 110%
higher WUE. As for O. ficus-indica, other commercial CAM plants are also sensitive to freezing
temperatures, but highly tolerant of high temperatures (Nobel, 1988). For instance, -8°C for 1 hour had
similar deleterious effects on chlorenchyma cells of A. salmiana and O. ficus-indica (Nobel, 1996). Thus
20 Ecophysiology of Opuntia ficus-indica

the extent of cultivation of both species can increase because of the rising air temperatures that are predicted
to accompany global climate change, and the increasing atmospheric CO2 levels will increase their biomass

Clearly, O. ficus-indica and certain other commercial CAM species are well suited for forage crops in arid
and semi-arid regions, generally as a result of their nocturnal stomatal opening that leads to nocturnal net
CO2 uptake. The responses of their daily net CO2 uptake to soil water content, air temperature and PPF
are known or can be measured, allowing predictions of their biomass productivity in various regions. Although
extremely high (50 t dry mass/ha/yr) productivity is possible for O. ficus-indica, predicted productivity of
5 to 6 t/ha/yr under water-limited conditions can still surpass productivity of C3 and C4 species used for
forage. Specifically, O. ficus-indica can have a WUE that is 3 to 5 times higher than for C3 and C4
species. In addition, a low stomatal frequency and a thick cuticle reduce water loss, while its massive
photosynthetic stems act as a water reservoir, extending the period during drought that daily net CO2 uptake
can occur. Opuntia ficus-indica is sensitive to freezing temperatures but extremely tolerant of high
temperatures; its net CO2 uptake and growth are generally enhanced by N fertilization and increasing
atmospheric CO2 levels but inhibited by soil salinity. In any case, based on the suite of its ecophysiological
characteristics, O. ficus-indica has great promise for increased usage as a forage crop in arid and semi-
arid regions, as well as for combating desertification.
Opuntia as forage 21




The nopal or opuntia is generally recognized as a fruit crop for semi-arid subtropical conditions around the
world, although it is grown commercially for this purpose only in five countries: Chile, Italy, Mexico, South
Africa and USA. However, it is more important as a forage and fodder plant, considering the extent of wild
and cultivated areas in countries where it is a native plant, as well as where opuntia has become naturalized.
Statistics on worldwide estimated area range from >687 000 ha (Nobel, 1994) to 2.3 million ha (De la Cruz,
1994), the latter figure includes low-density populations scattered across northern Mexico. It has been
estimated that 92% of these resources are potentially useful as stock feed.
Two anatomical features of the plant imply that acceptance of opuntia fruit in the international market
could be slow and perhaps limited: the actual fruit quality (i.e. seediness) and the peel glochids. The
presence of thorns on the most productive and high quality fruit cultivars discourages new growers in non-
traditional growing areas. For vegetable use, the mucilage seems to be the most important limiting factor for
new consumers. Utilization as a fodder or forage, however, seems to be more feasible. Opuntia can
provide a continuous, valuable supply of fresh fodder during the dry season, given its succulent non-deciduous
vegetative structure, a feature rarely found in other forage species. The fodder will in turn be transformed
into more prized commodities: milk, meat, leather and wool.
Animal husbandry on a limited scale is a common survival strategy in semi-arid lands. In many
countries, domestic animals also represent social status, because they are an asset that can be readily
utilized. Pastoral societies are present in all arid and semi-arid undeveloped regions of the world, making
intensive use of native grasslands. As a result, depletion of grasslands is a widespread problem around the
semi-arid belt of the world, contributing to desertification. The search for plants that can withstand climatic
constraints and help stem land deterioration is continuous. In this context, opuntia has interesting potential,
as already shown in its centres of diversity and many other areas of the world that, for historical reasons,
have benefited from opuntia introduction and dispersal.
Systematic collection and characterization of germplasm from native as well as naturalized populations,
and continued efforts at breeding, are needed to find new selections and to develop new cultivars for
desertified areas, areas that currently are running out of options to recover their biological productivity.
Attempts to breed opuntia date back to the early 1900s, when Luther Burbank in California envisioned
the development of spineless varieties for fodder (Dreyer, 1985) that could be cultivated around the globe


Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Facultad de Química

Forestales y Agropecuarias, Guanajuato Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
México México
22 Germplasm resources and breeding cactus pear for fodder production

and make productive vast tracts of barren land. It is noteworthy that opuntia entered the international scene
as a fodder crop, contrasting with its traditional utilization as a fruit and vegetable plant in Mexico.
In this chapter we review the importance of the germplasm base of fodder and forage opuntia, the
extent of its variability and utilization, and the need for long-term conservation efforts. The techniques,
research progress, breeding constraints and goals associated with developing fodder varieties are also


Natural hybridization of opuntia is common. It is related to polyploidy and appears to be one of the major
causes of diversity. Asexual reproduction is an adaptive answer to the low germination rates and seed
predation found in this group (Del Castillo, 1999). Hybridization in natural populations of Southern California
was elucidated by Walkington (1966, cited by Gibson and Nobel, 1986) based on morphological and chemical
studies. These findings indicated that plants of Opuntia occidentalis came from a cross between two
native platyopuntias: O. ficus-indica and O. megacantha. The hybrid was reported as having features of
both parents. Scheinvar (1995) reported that in wild populations of opuntias, plants located in the periphery
of the population show greater variability than those growing in the middle, probably due to a greater exposure
to genetic exchange with other species and genotypes.
Partial as well as total cross-pollination is found in cultivated accessions; thus cultivated types are
likely the result of cross-pollination. All Mexican cultivars are reported as products of hybridization of
O. ficus-indica with different wild opuntia forms (Pimienta-BarRíos and Muñoz-Urias, 1995).
Opuntia flowers are also capable of self-pollination, and bagged flowers are able to set fruit (Nerd
and Mizrahi, 1994). Self-pollination was confirmed by Wang et al. (1997) with a hybridization trial involving
six Opuntia species. The success of self-pollination is also confirmed in commercial orchards, where large
blocks of a single cultivar set fruits and seeds without the apparent need for special pollinating varieties, as
reported by Damigella (cited by Nerd and Mizrahi, 1995, and Mondragón, 1999).


Opuntia flowers are hermaphrodite, but they can be emasculated and isolated with some difficulty to perform
controlled crosses. Opuntia breeding principles and techniques were described by Mondragón and Bordelon
(1998) and Mondragón (1999), some refinements to the techniques were added by Bunch (1997). The
following steps are taken when emasculating opuntia flowers: (1) brush the glochids from the exterior of the
buds to allow easy handling; (2) excise the corolla, using as few strokes as possible, thereby avoiding
wounds and mechanical damage to the style; (3) carefully remove the stamens and anthers, cutting close to
the base; (4) rinse thoroughly with clean water to get rid of residual pollen and anthers; (5) clean the
wounded surface with a paper towel; (6) allow 15-20 minutes to promote drying of the wounded tissues;
(7) cover the flower with a glassine or paper bag, and seal it with a rubber band; and (8) label.
The seeds are extracted from ripe fruits, then washed and sun-dried. Disinfection with diluted (10%)
commercial bleach is recommended before planting. Germination is enhanced by scarification, i.e. immersed
in hot water at 80°C and allowed to cool off at room temperature, followed by overnight soaking. The seeds
can be planted in standard germination media. High temperatures (30-35°C) and regular irrigation are
needed to attain good germination rates (Mondragón, 1999). Germination starts after a week, but can
continue for up to two months, depending on seed condition, cultivar and species.
Once the first cladode attains 5-10 cm they can be transplanted to small plastic bags or pots and
placed in a nursery. Plant growth in the nursery can be accelerated by providing long-day illumination and
fertigation. Plants having a second cladode (25-40 cm total height) are mature enough to tolerate field
conditions, but still they are sensitive to frosts, therefore they should be planted after any risk of chilling
temperatures is over.
Opuntia as forage 23

The ability to generate apomictic seedlings derived from the nucellar tissue of the seed and the length of
juvenility are the most important constraints for opuntia breeding. Apomixis has been reported in several
species of Opuntia, including O. aurantiaca Lindl., O. dillenii Haw., O. glaucophyla Wendl., O. leucantha
Link., O. rafinesquii Engelm., O. tortispina Engelm., and O. ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (Tisserat et al., 1979).
Within cultivated opuntias, apomixis is also a widespread phenomenon. Mondragón (1999), working with 17
breeding populations of Mexican origin grown under greenhouse conditions, found that all entries produced
maternal seedlings, though at different rates. An exploratory trial of apomicts identification with phenotypic
and molecular markers was also conducted. Seedlings emerging late were found to be associated with a
random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) banding pattern similar to that of the maternal entry, providing
a tool for early screening of apomictic seedlings.
Another effective approach to separate sexual seedlings has been used by the Italian breeding
programme. Assuming that the largest embryo present in the seed is of sexual origin, they are rescued from
the seeds and grown in nutrient media (Chessa and Nieddu, 1999) thereby increasing the number of zygotic
individuals for field evaluation.
Opuntia can reach the reproductive stage after the second to fifth year of planting when started from
cuttings, according to cultivar and growing conditions. Plants derived from seeds of a cross between
cv. Cristalina and cv. Reyna (both of which set fruit after the third year when propagated from cuttings)
under optimum conditions in northern Guanajuato, Mexico, also started bearing fruits at the third year
(Mondragón and Fernandez, unpub. observation). However, some important traits that qualify a fodder
cultivar – including nutritional value, digestibility and lack of spines – can be evaluated after the second year
of planting. To evaluate plant productivity, fully-grown cuttings can be obtained at the end of the second
year (Mondragón, personal observation).

Wild stock
Numerous opuntia species are utilized as forage in northern Mexico. Fuentes (1991) and Flores and Aranda
(1997) reported the use of 10-18 species, 15 of which are platyopuntias. O. streptacantha, O. megacantha,
O. leucotricha, O. robusta, O. rastrera, O. lindheimeri, O. engelmannii, O. cantabrigiensis,
O. macrocentra and O. phaeacantha are the most important regarding abundance, distribution and preference
by ranchers. The most frequently used are O. engelmannii and O. lindheimeri (De la Cruz, 1994). All the
above-mentioned species are thorny and have to be processed for more efficient use. O. robusta presents
spiny and spineless types, but individuals with smooth pads are predated by rodents during the juvenile phase
and are not usually found in the wild. O. ellisiana is valued in South Texas and used in situ after burning off
the spines (Felker, 1995).
Even some obnoxious species harmful to livestock, like O. mycrodasys (or blinding prickly pear,
named after the damage caused by the numerous glochids) are consumed when other species become
scarce (De la Cruz, 1994). Varieties of all species can be found close to the original stock, originated by
chance seedlings of sexual origin. Most of the wild accessions have been reported as having low ploidy
levels (4x and 6x), although O. streptacantha cv. Cardona presents 2n = 2x = 88, as observed by Muñoz-
Urias et al. (1995).
The utilization of whole plants to feed cattle is endangering wild populations of opuntia in northern
Mexico. Too often, they are completely uprooted to increase the collected volume and monetary income,
severely diminishing the chances for recovery. The problem cannot be solved easily because the plants are
harvested to be utilized in suburban dairy operations, far away from the native locations and benefiting other
users, besides the landlords. The germplasm available in these areas has been barely evaluated and the risk
of loss of valuable individuals is a real threat. The effects on opuntia variability can be disastrous and
permanent. An initiative to enforce rational utilization and in situ conservation of wild opuntia is needed,
along with intensive efforts to rescue useful germplasm.
24 Germplasm resources and breeding cactus pear for fodder production

Backyard sources
Backyard orchards containing opuntia are commonly seen in semi-arid central Mexico. They represent an
intermediate stage in opuntia domestication, and were also the source of propagules for the earlier commercial
orchards (Pimienta-Barrios, 1990). Fruit clones are important in these sites, but clones for multiple use –
fruit and vegetable, fodder and vegetable, etc. – are also present in these domestic collections. Mixed
stocks of spiny and spineless genotypes are widely available. Plants in the yard represent feedstuff readily
available for domestic livestock during the dry season. Spineless genotypes are preferred for easier handling.
The family orchards are the best sites to find individuals of sexual as well as clonal origin growing in
close vicinity. Opuntia is capable of cross-pollination, allowing the possibility of chance seedlings derived
from natural crosses. In these places, seedling predation may be lower and growing conditions are improved
by waste water and manure of domestic animals. Collection efforts in Mexico have been focused mainly
in backyards, but a complete evaluation of suitability as fodder and productivity under cultivation is lacking.


Hybridization in opuntia was first claimed by Luther Burbank in the early 1900s, which led to the development
of the so-called ‘spineless’ cactus. Burbank saw it as having immense potential for cattle forage in desert
areas. Several cultivars were developed, and Burbank aggressively marketed five of them (Dreyer, 1985).
They were said to be the product of extensive crossing and selection among accessions shipped from
Mexico and other countries. Today, four of these cultivars still remain in the South African collection.
Disregarding the obvious importance of opuntia as a valuable resource for Mexico, the plant remained
nearly forgotten by the Mexican scientific community for more than half a century. Formal breeding was
initiated in Mexico in the 1960s. The Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro initiated research,
selecting for cold-hardy Opuntia (Martinez, 1968, Borrego et al., 1990). During the same decade, the late
Dr F. Barrientos of the Colegio de Postgraduados de Chapingo pioneered the first hybridizations of opuntia
in Mexico.

The improved Mexican cultivars

The COPENA series of cultivars were developed by the Colegio de Postgraduados of the Escuela Nacional
de Agricultura. Cvs CPF1, CPF2 and CPF3 were selected for fodder production, and cv. CPV1 for
vegetable use (Barrientos, 1965a, b), but all belong to O. ficus-indica. The mature pads of CPV1 are
useful as fodder. Currently, only CPF1 and CPV1 can be found, planted in small plots in central Mexico.
COPENA F1 or cv. CPF1 produces long, thin, green pads, excellent for human consumption when
tender. The fruits of this cultivar are light green, with thin pericarp and a slight blush. Under rainfed
conditions, at least one flush of pads per growing season is produced. Cv. CPV1 is a vegetable cultivar
whose mature pads can also be used for fodder.
Cv. Pabellón has ovoid, thick, dark green pads; adult plants produce red tasty fruits similar to the
fruits obtained from cv. Roja Lisa, a fruit cultivar. It is probably a selection from Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Both entries are now available in most of the germplasm banks recently formed.
Cvs ANF1 and ANV1 are cultivars developed during the 1960s by the Universidad Autónoma Agraria
Antonio Narro (UAAAN). Described as spineless and suitable for fodder production, plantations were
promoted primarily in northern Mexico, but with limited success, probably due to the lack of interest in
opuntia cultivation for fodder production as a result of the abundance of the wild resource. They are only
available at the source.
Opuntia as forage 25

The ‘Palmas of Brazil’

Northeast Brazil is the most important growing area for fodder opuntia in the world. Cvs ′Palma Gigante′
and ′Palma Redonda′ (both O. ficus-indica Mill.) are widely cultivated in dry areas. Together with cv. ′Palma
Miuda′ (Nopalea cochinellifera Salm-Dick), which tolerates more humid conditions, they are the mainstay
of commercial production of this crop.
These cultivars have small and sweet fruit without commercial importance. They were introduced
to Brazil by the Portuguese during the colonial era. ′IPA-Clone 20′ was selected from open pollinated
seeds of Palma Gigante (O. ficus-indica Mill.). In field trials, IPA-Clone 20 produced 50% more fodder
than the maternal entry (Arruda and Warumby, 1999).
The spineless Burbank selections in South Africa
O. ficus-indica is believed to have been introduced to South Africa at least 250 years ago (Zimmerman
and Moran, 1991), giving this country the oldest record of opuntia introduced as a fodder crop. Modern
introduction started in 1914, including 22 entries: 19 green “leafed” and three blue “leafed” accessions, by
way of “true-to-type seed”. From this initial collection, and assuming cross-pollination, numerous crossbred
cultivars have been found. These selections were obtained by Luther Burbank in California from material
collected in Central America (Wessels, 1988).
The selections Robusta, Monterey and Chico, described as blue-leafed spineless cultivars (probably
O. robusta, based on the bluish hue of the cladode and the red fruit and flesh) were imported to South
Africa as seed from Burbank Nurseries, to be cultivated as stock fodder (Wessels, 1988). Robusta and
Monterrey are highly productive, while Chico presents some cold resistance. All spineless or ‘Burbank’
opuntias bear tiny bristles (glochids) around areoles and on the fruit surface (Brutsch and Zimmerman,


The early efforts in selection and genetic improvement were unsustained. A fresh start at breeding is
underway in Italy, Mexico, South Africa and USA, based on the utilization of local germplasm. This
renewed interest, encouraged by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has
resulted in the collection of wild and semi-domesticated accessions, publication of information on crop
management practices, and development of new uses for opuntia (Barbera, 1995).
D’Arrigo Brothers, a produce company based in California, USA, supports a private breeding
programme aimed at improving fruit quality of their spineless commercial cultivar Andy Boy (similar to
cv. Rossa, which is grown and marketed in Italy). Even though they are involved in neither the development
of fodder nor vegetable varieties, the programme is selecting only spineless cultivars, which could be evaluated
by other parties.
Texas A&M University, Kingsville, (TAMUK) has been involved since 1982 in collection and
introduction of opuntia to the USA, as well as agronomic research and extension. The programme focuses
on the development of freeze-tolerant cultivars, as chill damage is a common problem in the region (Wang
et al., 1997). In 1996, the first round of crosses marked the beginning of a long-term breeding programme.
In 1998, the genetic material was transferred to Universidad Nacional Santiago del Estero, Argentina,
where the work continued vigorously. TAMUK is also responsible for the popularization of the vegetable
opuntia and opuntia products in Texas. Cv. Spineless 1308 (an accession originally collected in the humid
tropical region of Tamazunchale, Mexico) has been extremely successful among growers and consumers.
Another active breeding programme is located in Sassari, Italy, involved mainly in improving fruit
quality. Their interest also focuses on spineless cultivars. Additionally, the programme is working with
other opuntias of ornamental value.
Opuntia breeding started in Brazil in 1985, with 85 clones obtained from seeds derived from open
26 Germplasm resources and breeding cactus pear for fodder production

pollination of cv. Palma Redonda, plus 17 other clones from several Brazilian locations. Continuous
introduction of genetic material from Algeria, Mexico, South Africa and USA has increased the number of
entries to 1400 clones at the Instituto Pernambucano do Pesquisa Agropecuaria, (Cordeiro and Alburquerque,
this volume), making it the highest number of fodder clones in evaluation anywhere in the world. Higher
productivity and better nutritional value, as well as adaptation to more humid and warmer environments,
are the goals of this programme.

Cold tolerance
Hybridization of cold-tolerant native species with highly productive but cold-sensitive commercial spe-
cies should be a major objective of breeding programmes to expand the cultivation of opuntia (Gregory
et al., 1993; Mizrahi et al., 1997). The most important opuntia cultivars are generally irreversibly injured
at temperatures of -5 to -10°C (Russell and Felker, 1987b; Nobel and Loik, 1993). Certain wild Opuntia
species, such as O. fragilis (Nutt.) Haworth and O. humifusa (Rafinesque), both native to Canada, can
tolerate temperatures below -20°C when properly acclimatized (Nobel and Loik, 1993). Cold tolerance is
an important feature for opuntia production (fruit as well as forage) in the southern USA, where freezing
temperatures occur occasionally (Parish and Felker, 1997). Susceptibility to freezing is the primary factor
limiting the expansion of opuntia as fodder and forage in cattle-producing areas of the USA. Russell and
Felker (1987b) reported that O. ellisiana in Texas endured -9°C without apparent damage, while fruit and
fodder accessions from Brazil, Chile, Mexico and South Africa presented different degrees of frost damage.
The South African spineless fodder cultivars were the least affected.
In the early 1900s, Uphoff (1916) reported that species of cacti having relatively thick integuments
(cuticle, epidermis, crystal-bearing layers, and several layers of thick walled cells) were more resistant to
low temperature than those with thinner integuments. According to Goldstein and Nobel (1991), re-
duced water content and accumulation of organic solutes and mucilage may be partially responsible for
cold acclimatization.
A key issue in cold hardiness is the length of the onset period of freezing temperatures, as noted
by Gregory et al. (1993). In Opuntia, the lack of freeze hardiness is probably not due to the lack of
tolerance to cold temperatures per se, but the range of day to night temperatures, from 28°C down to -
12°C in a single day in Texas, which does not allow the plant to properly acclimatize and express cold
Borrego et al. (1990) reported that selection for cold-hardy genotypes was initiated in the Universidad
Antonio Narro in northern Mexico by Dr Lorenzo Medina in 1963, taking advantage of an unusual -16°C
frost event. The best 31 individuals were selected, together with outstanding fruit and vegetable regional
genotypes that also survived the frost, collected from backyards. Some of these clones were later
introduced to southern Texas by P. Felker.
Parish and Felker (1997) found several promising clones in their experimental orchard at Kingsville,
Texas, an area with recurrent frost and low temperatures of about -12°C. Clone 1436, obtained from
Saltillo, Mexico, was found to have high yield and good fruit quality. Two other clones, 1452 and 1458,
collected in northern Mexico from areas in the highlands exposed to late frosts and light snow cover, are
also promising. These findings indicate the existence of genes for cold tolerance and the possibility of
opuntia cultivation in colder regions.
Development of hybrids with improved cold hardiness was undertaken at Kingsville, Texas, using
the spiny O. lindheimeri as a source of cold-tolerance genes (O. lindheimeri and O. ellisiana have been
observed to tolerate -20°C) and spineless accessions of good fruit quality from Mexico (Wang et al.,
1997). Any spineless segregant has potential to be used in cultivated conditions as a fruit or fodder
O. robusta typically does not tolerate frost, as observed in Texas with cvs ′Robusta,′ ′Monterey′
and ′Chico,′ none of which tolerated a -12 C frost registered in 1989 (Felker, 1995).
Opuntia as forage 27

Spineless pads
The presence of spines on the pads is a serious impediment to widespread utilization of opuntia. Spine-
less pads are thought to be the result of domestication by man, because plants with smooth pads do not
prosper in the wild. The inheritance mode of this trait has not been identified, but reversal of spineless
back to spiny forms has been reported in South Africa. Zimmerman and Moran (1991) reported that
there is evidences that only spineless forms were introduced to South Africa more than 250 years ago,
and they reverted back to the original spiny form over a period of nearly 200 years. Spiny plants are
more aggressive and better adapted to spread. These clues suggest the existence of recessive genes
associated with spininess, and confirm the ability of opuntia to reproduce from seed. All breeding
programmes aim to produce spineless forms.
Plant productivity
Striking differences in plant vigour have been observed within seedling populations derived from selfing
and crossing, suggesting that these differences are probably derived from the plant’s own capacity to
photosynthesize as well to absorb nutrients and water. This might be expressed as a higher bud density and
capacity to budbreak in spring, resulting in more cladodes per plant or larger size. It is an important
selection trait, particularly if associated with spineless pads, digestibility or nutritional value.
Given that fodder production involves partial or total utilization of the vegetative structure, the capacity
to produce new cladodes and to recover quickly from pruning are the more important features to be
manipulated through breeding. The size of the cladodes is determined by the genotype (Mondragón, 1999),
and to a lesser extent by the planting layout and soil fertility. For higher biomass yield in cultivated stands,
it is preferable to have cultivars with medium-sized cladodes suitable for close planting.

High protein content

Protein content varies significantly according to cladode age, with mature pads having higher percentages.
The differences persist among varieties and species. Crude protein varied widely when Fuentes (1991)
compared six opuntias from northern Mexico. The lowest value was observed in O. rastrera (2.8%)
compared to 5.1% recorded in O. ficus-indica. The latter sample most probably was obtained from a
backyard or from a commercial plantation. According to Murillo et al. (1994), differences have been
observed between O. lindheimeri var. tricolor (2.81%), which has higher protein content than O. lindheimeri
var. lindheimeri (4.0%). The genetic component of this trait is difficult to separate because it is strongly
influenced by soil fertility and crop management. Therefore, selection for cultivars with high protein content
must be conducted under carefully controlled conditions. It is doubtful that the genetic gain of protein
content associated with selection can surpass the effects of efficient management of soil fertility.
Pest and disease tolerance
There are a number of pests that affect opuntia, and variations in susceptibility to pests have been observed
but not thoroughly studied. Wild cochineal (Dactilopius coccus Costa) and stinky bugs (Chelinidae
tabulata) seem to prefer some spiny cultivars (Mondragón, pers. observation). Soft black rot (Erwinia
sp.) is a serious disease affecting forage and vegetable plantations in Italy, Mexico and other countries, and
there are no reports of tolerance among commercial varieties. Even though there are options for chemical
control, tolerant cultivars would offer a safer and more economical alternative for growers.


Collection of opuntia germplasm is performed on the basis of major use: fruit, vegetable or forage. New
hybrids will have to be subjected to a wider evaluation to increase the output of breeding programmes.
Breeding for multiple uses is an immediate objective to be pursued by the research programmes. The
suitability of tender pads to be used as a vegetable can be judged during the juvenile phase, after the first
year planted in the field. Mature pads, needed to evaluate fodder potential, can be obtained after the
28 Germplasm resources and breeding cactus pear for fodder production

second year, without hindering the growth or development of the plants. Several combinations can be
expected in regard to use: fruit+forage cultivars and vegetable+fodder, as well as the usual single-use
Local tastes and preferences for vegetables can slow down the acceptance of tender opuntia in
those countries without a tradition of human consumption of Opuntia. Therefore, the most important
combination for growers – other than Mexicans – will be forage+fruit. Evaluation of protein content and
nutritional value should be included as a routine for all new cultivars. There is little information on the usage
of fruits as a supplement to mature pads, and the effects on the nutritional value of an opuntia-based diet, an
alternative of use in countries without a tradition of fruit consumption.
The new cultivars have to be devoid of thorns to facilitate cultivation, fodder handling and feeding.
Modification of cropping systems could allow the introduction of opuntia to new locations; the practice of
multiple cropping based on the local staple crops will allow gradual introduction of opuntia to new growers.
Outstanding spiny cultivars, which are less affected by wild rodents, can be directed towards ecological
applications, such as recovery of degraded lands. Vigorous exchange of spineless genotypes among breeding
programmes should be encouraged.
Opuntia as forage 29





Environmental conditions and physiographic variables have resulted in a wide range of semi-arid ecosystems
with a diverse flora and fauna in northern Mexico, where Opuntia is abundant and widely distributed in
large thickets called nopaleras. It is represented by 104 species, 60% located in the Chihuahuan desert.
The most important species for forage use are: Opuntia leucotricha, O. streptacantha, O. robusta,
O. cantabrigiensis, O. rastrera, O. lindheimeri and O. phaeacantha (Bravo, 1978; Elizondo et al., 1987).


Marroquin et al. (1964) recognized three large regions covered with opuntias in northern Mexico alone. A
wider approach, including the whole country, was proposed by López and Elizondo (1990), who recognized
four regions occupied by opuntiaeras exploited for forage or fruit, or both.
A. Central-southern zone. This includes parts of the states of Puebla, Querétaro and Oaxaca, and is
characterized by tree types cultivated in nopaleras and producing tender pads (nopalitos), fruits (tunas)
and forage. Species are mainly O. ficus-indica (nopal de Castilla), O. amyclaea (nopal alfajayucan),
with several cultivated varieties (Barrientos, 1972), O. megacantha (tuna amarilla) and O. tomentosa.
B. High plateau zone. This lies mainly in the states of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí, but includes also
parts of Aguascalientes, Durango, Guanajuato and Jalisco. It includes tree-type vegetation of O. leucotricha
(nopal duraznillo) and O. streptacantha (nopal cardón), as well as shrubby plants of O. robusta (nopal
tapón), O. cantabrigiensis (nopal cuijo), O. rastrera (nopal rastrero), O. lindheimeri (nopal cacanapo)
and O. leptocaulis (nopal tasajillo).
C North zone in the Chihuahuan desert is the largest region, and includes the states of Chihuahua, Durango,
Zacatecas and Coahuila. It is represented by shrub vegetation of O. cantabrigiensis, O. phaeacantha
(nopal rastrero), O. lindheimeri and O. rastrera.
D. Coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico. This covers parts of the states of Coahuila, northern Nuevo Leon
and Tamaulipas. Shrubby plants of O. lindheimeri are found associated with other forage species:
O. leptocaulis, O. microdasys (nopal cegador), O. imbricata and O. rastrera to a lesser extent.


Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro

30 Production and use of opuntia as forage in northern Mexico


O. leucotricha (nopal duraznillo). The most widely distributed species across region B at altitudes
between 1500 and 2500 m with an annual rainfall ranging from 220 to 450 mm. These wild populations
have been seriously affected by the continuous increase in the cultivated area of maize and dry
O. streptacantha (nopal cardón) is present in large areas of the states of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí,
and to a lesser extent over Aguascalientes, Durango, Jalisco and Guanajuato. This area is threatened
by serious desertification.
O. robusta (nopal tapón) grows in association with O. leucotricha and O. streptacantha. It is widely
distributed over the states of Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and Jalisco.
The tender cladodes are large and succulent, appreciated for human consumption both fresh and
O. cantabrigiensis (nopal cuijo) is a shrub with a well-defined stem and abundant spines, used mainly to
feed goats. It has a wide distribution at altitudes from 1500 to 2200 m with relatively low densities on
calcareous soils over the states of Nuevo León, Coahuila, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo,
Aguascalientes, Durango, Jalisco, Querétaro and Guanajuato.
O. rastrera is a shrub with creeping habit, less than 1 m tall, widely used to feed dairy cattle in the states of
Coahuila, Nuevo León, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Durango and Aguascalientes. It grows well in a
wide range of soils, from deep to shallow, rocky and calcareous. It is sometimes found in dense
O. lindheimeri (nopal cacanapo) extends over the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas at
altitudes around 1000 m with an average annual rainfall of 400 mm. The species has four important
varieties, all widely appreciated for forage: aciculata, lindheimeri, subarmata and tricolor.
O. phaeacantha grows wild in Coahuila and the southern parts of Chihuahua and Durango with only
200 mm of annual rainfall at altitudes between 1500 and 1700 m. Five distinct forage varieties have
been described: major, phaeacantha, diskette, spinosibaca and Nigerians. All of them have good
forage quality.
O. engelmannii is found in NE Zacatecas and SW Coahuila at altitudes between 1700 and 2200 m in
shallow, calcareous soils. It is used mainly to feed goats and sheep.
O. imbricata (nopals coyonoxtle, xoconoxtle, cardenche or cholla) exhibits great variability and is widely
distributed in the states of Coahuila, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Durango,
Jalisco and Guanajuato. It grows well in relatively poor soils and is a typical invader plant in poorly
managed grasslands. Used to feed goats and sheep after burning off the spines in situ.
O. microdasys is a short shrub without true spines but loaded with short bristles or ahuates, which are
blown by wind and can easily blind animals. It grows on calcareous soils, and is used to feed animals
under extreme drought conditions in southern parts of Coahuila, north of San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas.
O. violacea (morado) is recognized by its purple-coloured cladodes. A short shrub (< 1 m) that grows on
deep clay soils of Chihuahua, NW Coahuila and east Durango – areas with only 200 mm of annual
rain, hot summers (up to 45°C) and cold winters (-8°C). Its forage quality is poor.
O. rufida (blinding opuntia) is a shrub growing to about 2 m that grows in calcareous clay soils, in the slopes
or in the deep valleys. Its cladodes are larger than O. microdasys, and its quality as forage is also
poor. It is used only as an emergency feedstuff (Elizondo et al., 1987).
Opuntia as forage 31

Wild stands
Forage availability from Opuntia in northern Mexico relies mainly on wild populations, formed by the
species described above, which are distributed on 283 000 km2. Unfortunately, these areas have been
subjected to heavy use and poor management (Marroquin et al., 1964). Recurrent periods of drought
associated with scarcity of other feedstuffs have also increased the demand for opuntia forage. The
productivity of such ecosystems is relatively low and unstable, strongly dependant upon climate and
management conditions.
Yield ranges from 25 to 125 t/ha, depending upon the species, plant vigour, climate, soil fertility and
management system. The yield value assumes that 75-80% of aboveground biomass is usually harvested.
The recovery period is strongly dependent on rainfall and intensity of usage.

Cultivated nopaleras
There are several production systems, ranging from replanting wild stands to intensive production systems
based on high densities and irrigation. Federal programmes aimed to recuperate highly deteriorated nopaleras
have failed due to a lack of understanding of the complexity of the production systems involved. Plantations
were usually established on marginal lands and under poor management practices, which contributed to the
failure of programmes. However, these federal projects should continue putting emphasis on more efficient
use of natural resources, to improve the ecological and socio-economic conditions of the semi-arid regions
in northern Mexico (López, 1977; Medina et al., 1990).
Well-tended nopaleras planted with 2500 plants per hectare can produce above 100 t/ha after the
fifth year of planting. Recorded yield for the seventh year is 160 t/ha. Sustainable production is accomplished
by harvesting every other row annually. However, in general, plantations are poorly managed and average
yield varies from 5 to 15 t/ha after the fifth year of planting.
Factors important in improving yield include:
* Site selection. For intensive production, it is advisable to select the best part of the land in
terms of soil conditions. The plantation should be at high density. Extensive plantations are
suggested as an aid to recover natural grassland. Planting under these conditions involves a low
density of opuntia plants. Extensive plantings are conducted in any type of soil.
* Variety selection. A wide range of adaptation to local conditions is needed, expressed as good
vigour, health and productivity. They should be suitable for animal feeding either spineless or with
a minimum density of spines, palatable with no side effects, of high nutritive value, and have quick
recovery after harvest. Tolerance to pests and diseases is also desirable.
* Propagation. The source for planting material should be 1-4 years old, collected from healthy
and vigorous plants. Cladodes are cut at the joint with a sharp knife, the base disinfected with
Bordeaux mixture (1 kg of copper sulphate, 1 kg calcium hydroxide and 100 litre of water) and
allowed to air-dry in the shade for a week. Cladode bruising should be avoided. These practices
increase transplanting success.
Soil preparation For extensive plantings, cladodes are deposited directly in shallow holes dug in the field
without disturbing natural vegetation. Depending upon the slope, it might be necessary to build terraces or
individual micro-catchments. Once the plants are well established, surrounding vegetation shading the
plants could be eliminated or pruned back. Under intensive planting systems, regular soil preparation practices
(ploughing and contour furrowing) should be performed before transplanting the cladodes.
Transplanting Under dry conditions during the spring in the Chihuahuan desert, it is highly recommended
to transplant after the first summer rain. However, if additional water for irrigation is available, planting
32 Production and use of opuntia as forage in northern Mexico

could be performed any time, but late fall seems to be the best time of year to allow plant rooting
previous to budbreak.
The best planting material is a cutting with two cladodes, burying 50 to 75% of the basal cladode.
If planting material is in short supply, then single-cladode cuttings can be used. Based on the authors’
experience, row orientation has not proved to be important for initial plant development in the field.
Planting density Using 2 500 plants/ha it is possible to produce 100 t/ha in the fifth and 160 t/ha in the
seventh year of transplanting. If densities are increased up to 40 000 plants/ha under fertile soils and
intensive management practices, such as irrigation and fertilization, yields may reach 400 t/ha (Barrientos,
1972). However, actual yields in the arid regions of Coahuila are very low, ranging from 5 to 15 t/ha.
Management practices Care during the first two years involves only the elimination of cladodes growing
too close together, which can be used for human consumption (while still tender) or for animal feeding.
Although it is not common, in some nopaleras fruit production is allowed to satisfy family needs or demand
from local markets. Under these circumstances, a more conservative pruning method is practised, leaving
a few more one-year-old cladodes where some fruits will develop during the following season.

The use of Opuntia as a source of forage to feed cattle, sheep and goats is an old tradition in northern
Mexico. Cladode harvesting ranges from direct animal consumption in the field, to various types of harvest
systems practised by ranchers.
The variants observed among extensive livestock operations are:
* Direct feeding. Opuntia plants are consumed whole including spines, by cattle, sheep and
goats. This practice is inefficient, resulting in serious damage to the animals or even death.
* Removal of cladode edge. The upper portion of the cladodes, where the largest number of
thorns is present is removed with a knife, allowing animals to feed on the plant. Its main
disadvantage is waste of cladodes.
* Singeing-off of spines of whole plants. The plant is flamed completely, with a propane or
kerosene burner, and the animals allowed to consume it down to the base. Usually leading to
the complete destruction of the plant. It is combined with grazing in the case of sheep and
* Singeing and chopping in situ. The cladodes are harvested and spines burned with firewood or
gas torch. Then they are chopped and offered to animals.
A specific case is opuntia harvesting for suburban dairy operations. The plants are harvested whole
and transported to stables, where they are burned and chopped. Depending on the size of the operation,
chopping is performed manually or with adapted machinery.
Unfortunately, all of these systems are destructive to some degree, as they rely only on wild stands,
and should be limited because none of them involve replanting, leading to depletion of the natural resource.
A sound practice consists of extensive cladode cutting and superficial burning to eliminate spines to
allow animals to either feed directly in the field, as whole cladodes, or cut into small pieces to facilitate their
consumption. Alternative – and more efficient – harvest practices include cladode harvesting from dense
stands, which are then transported to the farms, spines burned off, and cut into small pieces to feed the
Opuntia as forage 33

It has been estimated that cattle can consume from 15 to 40 kg of fresh cladodes/day/beast, but under
drier conditions they might consume up to 90 kg if cladodes are abundant, while sheep and goats
consume between 3 and 9 kg/day. During the rainy season, daily consumption may decrease if other
sources of food, such as grasses, are available.
For housed cattle and sheep, opuntia consumption ranges widely (from 15 to 95 kg/day), depend-
ing upon the availability of other sources of food. The most common other feed sources include alfalfa
(green or as hay), sorghum stover, and cornmeal or cotton meal. Common hay sources are maize or dry
bean stover, wheat and oat straw, used to complement opuntia feeding, due to their relatively low
nutritive value compared with opuntia. However, due to the high costs of hay, opuntia demand is
increasing every year, particularly during periods of drought.

The use of Opuntia as a source of food for humans, domestic animals and wildlife has been very
important in the arid and semi-arid regions of northern Mexico for centuries. Although it has been
considered poor in terms of nutrients and fibre, it constitutes the main source of water in traditional
production systems, particularly during the dry winter-spring season. Opuntia is a key ingredient to
supplement the diet of domestic animals due
to its:
Table 1. Water content among species and varieties of
* Water content. Opuntia is one of Opuntia used as forage in Saltillo, Coah., Mexico.
the main water sources for animals
Species Minimum Maximum
in the semi-arid north. However,
the total amount of water stored O. ficus-indica 88 93
depends upon species and varie- O. cantabrigiensis 68 84
O. lindheimeri var. tricolor 72 86
ties (Table 1). Water content is O. lindheimeri var. subarmata 76 87
strongly influenced by environmen- O. imbricata 70 84
tal conditions.
Source: J.J. López-González, unpublished data
* Dry matter content. Several factors
strongly influence DM, both endog-
enous (species, genotype and cultivar) and environmental, such as soil, climate and season
(Table 2).
* Bromatological analysis. There are significant differences among reported data on tissue
analysis, associated with variation in species, physiological factors, soil fertility, climate, etc.
(Table 2).
Minerals There are few reports on studies aimed to quantify mineral content of opuntia in Mexico.
According to Bravo (1978), the main mineral components in opuntia ashes are calcium, potassium,
magnesium and sodium, usually found as salts and silica. Iron and aluminium are found in traces.
Digestibility The rate of feed intake by the animal is influenced by species, variety and season (Ta-
ble 3), cladode age (Table 4), and their corresponding interactions (Revuelta, 1963; Flores and Aguirre,
Morrison (1956) reported digestibility values as fibre, 40%; crude fat, 72%; protein, 44%; and
nitrogen-free extract (NFE), 78%, while Murillo et al. (1994) studied the influence on opuntia digestibility
of yeast supplemented with two sources of nitrogen. When yeast is added to Opuntia, digestibility was
61.6%; if ammonium sulphate was combined with yeast, digestibility increased to 93.9%. Adding yeast
and urea, digestibility reached 76.8%.
34 Production and use of opuntia as forage in northern Mexico

Table 2. Nutritional values of Opuntia species on a DM basis.

Species DM OM CP Fat Fibre Ash NFE Source

Griffiths and Hare,

Nopalea spp. 10.69 73.79 8.92 1.51 17.21 26.21 50.7

O. chrysacantha 15.52 73.45 3.54 1.11 4.32 26.55 64.33

O. tenuispina 12.45 70.21 4.42 1.04 5.14 29.80 59.52
O. megancantha 10.12 74.51 7.71 1.38 3.75 25.44 68.87
O. rastera 14.41 59.89 2.78 0.76 6.18 40.11 43.23
O. azurea 12.55 68.88 4.54 1.35 3.98 30.12 59.84 Palomo,
O. cantabrigiensis 11.86 68.46 4.79 1.09 3.71 31.54 58.87 1963
O. engelmannii 15.07 68.41 3.32 1.19 3.58 31.59 60.32
O. lucens 17.45 69.59 3.67 0.57 2.58 30.43 62.75
O. lindheimeri 11.57 74.51 4.15 1.03 3.02 25.50 66.25
O. robusta 10.38 81.41 4.43 1.73 17.63 18.59 57.61

O. streptacantha 16.01 79.38 3.17 1.99 18.88 20.62 55.34

O. leucotricha 14.01 74.01 7.56 2.66 14.01 26.00 49.78
Griffiths and Hare,
O. imbricata 17.71 84.25 7.11 1.75 11.51 15.75 63.86
O. cacanapo 16.95 72.51 5.19 2.06 11.21 27.49 54.04
O. stenopetala 13.24 77.87 8.84 1.74 9.14 22.13 58.16

O. duranguensi 10.34 82.94 4.51 1.29 8.23 17.06 68.91

O. ficus-indica 11.29 86.93 3.81 1.38 7.62 13.07 74.13 Bauer and Flores,
cv. Amarillo oro 1969
O. ficus-indica 13.36 81.55 3.66 1.76 9.18 18.45 69.95

O. spp. 10.01 ------ 5.71 3.01 8.11 12.01 55.01

O. ficus-indica 8.01 ------ 6.81 1.01 ------ 8.88 81.25 Lastra and Pérez,
O. ficus-indica 7.96 ------ 4.04 1.43 8.94 19.92 65.67 1978
O. imbricata 10.41 ------ 5.01 1.81 7.81 17.30 68.11

Key: DM = dry matter. OM = organic matter. CP = crude protein. NFE = nitrogen-free extract

Table 3. Variability in nutrient digestibility of spineless Opuntia.

Season Crude protein Fat NFE Cellulose

Winter-Spring 0.2 - 0.3 0.08 - 0.12 3.0 - 5.5 0.4 - 1.0

Summer-Autumn 0.3 - 0.4 0.15 - 0.16 6.5 - 11.0 0.8 - 2.0

Source: Revuelta, 1963.

Table 4. Digestible nutrients of Opuntia as influenced by variety and cladode age.

Source Crude protein Crude fat Fibre NFE
Spiny variety
1st yr. cladodes 0.24 0.14 5.22 5.22
2nd yr. cladodes 0.21 0.17 0.51 4.73
Spineless variety
1st yr. cladodes 0.22 0.17 0.49 4.81
2nd yr. cladodes 0.18 0.19 0.63 4.39
Opuntia as forage 35


The information available on use of Opuntia to feed livestock in extensive as well as intensive meat and
dairy operations supports the importance of Opuntia (Fuentes, 1966).

Meat production
Griffiths (1905) reported the first results, stressing the importance of Opuntia as a source of food for
domestic animals. These preliminary findings, derived from feeding bovines for meat production, were
based on a 15-week study, were that:
* cornmeal + opuntia is better than corn [maize] grain + opuntia mixture,
* daily mean consumption per animal was 48.0 kg,
* daily animal gain was 0.85 kg, and
* 55 kg of opuntia combined with 2.5 kg of cornmeal were required to produce 1.0 kg of meat.
Experiences reported from Brazil concluded that 60% of the total energy requirements could be
supplied by opuntia. Increasing the protein provision (from cotton meal and mamona (Melicoccus
bijugatus)) or providing molasses did not improve liveweight gain of animals of Zebu, Indobrasil and
Guzerat breeds (Viana et al., 1965). Diarrhoea caused by excess opuntia fodder was successfully controlled
by providing sorghum stover at the rate of 0.75 to 1.3 kg/animal/day.
In a study conducted by Fuentes (1991) on seven sites in Coahuila, 685 animals grazing freely and
supplemented with maize stover, molasses and urea were also fed with 10 to 20 kg/day of burned-chopped
opuntia. Daily animal gain ranged from 0.1 to 0.6 kg. Opuntia provided 7.8% of total maintenance energy,
20.6% of the protein, 50% of phosphorous and 100% of the calcium requirements recommended by the
NRC (1984).
These results support the importance of including Opuntia in the diet of domestic animals, based on
experiments combining species, varieties, local conditions and their corresponding interactions.

Milk production
Since the early 1900s, most suburban areas in Northern Mexico provide milk to large cities, and cows are
fed with opuntia as a supplement to the regular diet. The belief is that opuntia-based supplement increases
not only milk production, but also improves quality of butter in terms of consistency and storage life, as well
as adding an attractive “golden” colour to the finished product (Griffiths, 1905; Cottier, 1934; D´Arces,
1941; Aguilar, 1946; Blanco, 1958; Calvino, 1952; González et al., 1998).
However, González et al. (1998) reported that milk production in Holstein cows decreased with the
rate of Opuntia in the diet. Therefore, they recommend using only 20 to 30% (on a dry matter basis) and
supplementation with alfalfa hay, oats and sorghum to obtain a good balance between production costs and
Daily Opuntia consumption in southern Coahuila (Fuentes, 1991) and Nuevo Leòn (Fuentes, 1992),
ranges between 20-30 and 25-40 kg/cow, respectively. It was estimated that in such conditions Opuntia
provided 4.5% of the total energy required for suckling, 12.2% of the proteins, 46% of crude fibre, 15% of
phosphorous and 100% of calcium compared to the recommended requirements (NRC, 1984).

Under a free pasture consumption system in the field, sheep consume less opuntia than goats, but when fed
with burned-chopped Opuntia, their consumption reaches about 3-5 kg/day.
36 Production and use of opuntia as forage in northern Mexico

Other studies abroad report bovines being fed for 400 days exclusively on an opuntia diet without
watering, without serious side effects (Rossouw, 1961). While in South Africa, reports indicate up to 525
days (Havard, 1969; Terblanche et al., 1971). Although there is not a real increase in weight, animals are
saved from starvation.
The consumption of opuntia by sheep is associated with an improvement in the quality of the wool,
attributed to an increase in the lanolin
content, as reported by Ríos (1954) and
Table 5. Influence of Opuntia cladode dry matter content on
Revuelta (1963). The effect was observed body weight loss of “Merino” sheep
with a daily consumption of 7 kg/animal in
Dry matter intake Weight loss
Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leòn (Rios, 1954) Cladode treatment
(g/animal/day) (kg/animal/week)
and up to 9 to 10 kg in other regions (De Fresh 345.7 0.620
Klerk, 1960).
Intermediate 396.1 0.510
Using a linear regression model, Dehydrated 507.1 0.230
Flores (1977) predicted a 2- to 3-fold
increase in body weight for sheep fed with Source: Terblanche et al., 1971
opuntia supplemented with alfalfa hay,
sugar beet and corn silage, for 32-kg
Terblanche et al. (1971) studied the influence of a diet based exclusively on opuntia on the weight
loss of Merino sheep using fresh (10% dry matter), dried (27% dry matter) and dehydrated cladodes
(87.9% dry matter). The last treatment represented the best option (Table 5).

Other animals
In northern Mexico, goats browse freely and feed on Opuntia all year round, but rely more on the cactus
from late autumn to late spring. Daily consumption ranges from 3 to 9 kg/day in the open field, and up to 11
kg when they are housed.
Open browsing, singeing in situ, and cladode collection are the methods of opuntia utilization, as for
The most commonly used species to feed goats in northern Mexico include O. leucotricha,
O. streptacantha, O. robusta, O. cantabrigiensis, O. rastrera, O. lindheimeri, O. imbricata,
O. microdasys and O. leptocaulis. All of these species used as forage sources have abundant spines,
which are hard, large and have abundant glochids (ahuates), which can cause serious problems to eyes and
mouth of domestic animals feeding on them.
Opuntia is extremely important for wildlife, probably even more than for domestic animals, supporting
the rich fauna of the Chihuahua desert.


The recent droughts in northern Mexico have resulted in the loss of more than 200 000 animals, and
consequently the demand for opuntia is rapidly increasing. A few decades ago, opuntia was collected at
distances up to 20 km away from urban areas, while now it is necessary to transport plants from distances
exceeding 100 km (Marroquin et al., 1964).
Production systems practised today destroy vegetation and accelerate the desertification process,
representing a serious danger to the native flora and fauna of northern Mexico. Therefore, it is very
important to implement re-vegetation projects that include several important native species, such as Opuntia,
Agave, Prosopis, Acacia, Mimosa and others.
Opuntia as forage 37



The history of the introduction of fodder opuntia into Brazil is a much debated topic, but probably it was
introduced in the 18th Century, from the Canary Islands, to raise the cochineal insect (Dactilopius cacti L.)
for dye production (Pessoa, 1967). After losing competitiveness, dye production died out, and both species
of opuntia (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller and Nopalea cochenillifera Salm-Dyck) became ornamental
plants. The use of opuntia as fodder in the semi-arid areas of northeast Brazil occurred only at the beginning
of the twentieth century. The introduction of varieties bred in USA by the American geneticist Luther
Burbank (Hardwood, 1930) is also controversial (Domingues, 1963). Opuntia was used as fodder after
1915 (Pessoa, 1967) and due to the great 1932 drought, the federal government established many propagation
plots (Duque, 1973) that provided the stock for the dissemination of the species in the northeast.
Opuntia is cultivated in the semi-arid northeast, mainly by the dairy cattle ranchers, and the largest
cropping areas are found in the States of Alagoas, Pernambuco and Paraíba. According to Corrêia (1986)
and Timbau (1987), ca. 400 000 ha of opuntia were being grown in the northeast. To understand opuntia
distribution, it is necessary to know the physiographic zones of the region, which in the State of Rio Grande
do Norte and in the states cited above are defined in terms of rainfall, forming three large areas: the Mata,
Agreste and Sertão zones (Figure 3). In the States of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba, there are zones
with other names, such as Seridó and Cariri, that form part of Sertão. More detailed descriptions are
available, e.g. Silva et al. (1992). However, to facilitate understanding, this zonation – which is also used in
popular communication – will be maintained.
In the Mata zone there are two factors important to agriculture, namely high precipitation (over
1 400 mm annually), and fertile soils. This region has been, since colonization, dedicated to sugar cane. The
Agreste zone is located towards the interior, in the Borborema Highlands, with annual precipitation around
700 mm, distributed irregularly but concentrated in the period March to August (which is the season of least
evapotranspiration), with mild night temperatures. The Sertão zone has higher temperatures, and the rains
occur during the hottest months. In the Agreste zone, as well as in the Sertão zone, the dry season is long,
lasting six to seven months and seven to eight months, respectively, with severe droughts every 10 or 11
years. In the Agreste zone, the landholdings are smaller, ca. 40 ha in size, and more involved in dairy
production. Felker (1995) reported that in the northeast, about every 10 km there was a 2- to 10-ha opuntia
plantation, but in Agreste this occurs every 1-1.2 km, representing the largest cultivated area of opuntia in
the world. In recent years, opuntia plantations have increased in most of the northeast states. The authors
estimate that the actual total area covers about 500 000 ha.


Estação Experimental de Arcoverde IPA CPATSA–Empresa Brasileira

Petrolina do Pesquisa Agropecuaria
Brazil Petrolina
38 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

Figure 3. The agroclimatic zones of eastern Brazil

Opuntia as forage 39

The regional variation in precipitation, ranging from 300 to 750 mm/yr, with irregular seasonal
distribution, has not limited the establishment of this fodder plant, with its Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
(CAM) photosynthesis, which allows highly efficient water use compared to other C3 and C4 fodder plants.


In the period 1965 to 2000, some important factors have affected agriculture in the semi-arid northeast,
(1) Some cash crops lost economic competitiveness, and were retired from cultivation, like perennial
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. marie-galante), annual cotton (G. herbaceum L.), sisal (Agave
sisalana Perr.), and castor bean (Ricinus communis L.).
(2) Some social security regulations were extended to cover rural workers, and labour became very
(3) Probably as a result of the labour expense, there has been an intense exodus from rural zones to
urban areas and other regions. Currently, only about 32% of the population of the semi-arid region
lives in the countryside. At the same time, studies have shown that alternatives crops (represented
by subsistence crops such as maize (Zea mays L.), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)), were not attractive options because the probability of profitable
yields was only 20%. Due to these facts, livestock rearing became the main activity in the semi-
arid northeast, although its contribution to GNP is still very low.
Animal husbandry in the semi-arid regions is dual-purpose: milk and beef, although near to metropolitan
centres, the proportion of Holstein in crossing increases. In some situations it becomes exclusively dairy
oriented and the cow is milked without the calf. The most important opuntia production zones are Paraíba
Agreste, Cariri, Pernambuco and Alagoas Agreste. Most of the pastures in Agreste are native, based on
the annual grass Brachiaria plantaginea at the beginning of the rainy season and on the perennial grass
Chloris orthonoton Doell. in the following months. These two grasses emerge after woodland clearing.
Pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens Stent.) had in the 1960s a certain adoption, but in years of below
average precipitation it tended to disappear, and it was replaced by D. pentzii, buffelgrass (Cenchrus
ciliaris L.) and Urochloa mosambicensis (Hack.) Dandy. In the Cariri zone, pastures are based on
caatinga, a thorny deciduous dry woodland.
Opuntia is generally planted in January-February, before the onset of the rainy season, although in
Alagoas some farmers plant it at the end of the rainy season, to have it established before the next growing
season. Harvests are determined by need, but they are never performed annually. Transportation to yards
is done variously using mules and oxen harnessed with “hooks” made of tree branches, while others use
trucks and tractors. Some farmers chop it with knives, whereas others use the combined forage chopper
machine. A fodder chopper was designed at the start of the 1960s: it has two inlets, one for grasses and
similar material, and the other for opuntia. Chopped material is spread into the trough using baskets, ox-
carts, or chopped directly into the troughs, which are generally roofed.
Aware of opuntia’s deficiencies when fed as sole fodder, farmers have adopted sorghum silage as an
integral part of livestock production systems (Melo et al., 1992).

Planting density
The first publications on opuntia (e.g. Silva, 1931; Cesar, 1932) contained information on cultivation and
nutritive value, although they were not based on experimental results. Research started at Pernambuco
Agricultural Research Institute (IPA) (Souza, 1963).The goal was to obtain information on various factors,
such as density, evaluation of cultivars present in the region, organic fertilization, etc., based on a 33 design
to study cultivar × density × manure rates. Similar studies were established in the following years (Souza,
40 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

1963; Metral, 1965; Lima et al., 1974a, b). Intercropping with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.)
in Agreste was another factor included (Farias et al., 1989). Albuquerque and Rao (1997) studied planting
density and intercropping with sorghum and cowpea in Sertão.
Until the 1990s, research results did not indicate great advantages with opuntia populations above
10 000 plants/ha (Table 6), except in Farias et al. (1986). In contrast, the use of wide spacing was more
attractive to ranchers for intercropping and to facilitate weed control operations. Results of herbicide trials
have not been satisfactory.
Table 6. Opuntia yield (fresh weight; t/ha) at various planting densities

Density (‘000 plants/ha)

Cultivar Reference
<10 10 13 - 15 20 40
26.85 36.23 49.73 Three cvs. Souza, 1963
52.55 75.61 78.50 Three cvs. Souza, 1963
32.03 48.29 47.08 47.23 Redonda Metral, 1965
21.98 32.82 39.60 50.50 Gigante Metral, 1965
8.46 13.00 15.10 14.76 Miúda Metral, 1965
14.88 20.38 22.36 Gigante + Miúda Lima et al., 1974a
14.66 18.51 19.22 Gigante + Miúda Lima et al., 1974a
21.51 22.56 25.00 Redonda + Miúda Lima et al., 1974b
19.00 19.13 21.98 Redonda + Miúda Lima et al., 1974b
28.37 52.13 66.87 Gigante Farias et al., 1986
41.84 53.32 70.21 Miúda Santos et al., 1996
(1) (1)
3.78 3.12 Gigante Albuquerque and Rao, 1997
4.00(1) 4.53(1) Gigante Farias et al. (undated).
100.15 103.50 Miúda + IPA 20 Santos et al., 1998a
103.36 100.59 Miúda + IPA 20 Santos et al., 1998a

Notes: (1) Data in dry weight (t/ha).

In this context, Santos et al. (1998a), working on opuntia with traditional spacing (5 000 plants/ha),
found a Leaf Area Index (LAI) during harvest of 0.5, which was considered to be very low compared to 3
to 5 for forage plants (Peterson, cited by Zimer et al., 1988). These results and the general trend of
decreasing property size motivated the ranchers to adopt higher densities.
In 1995, there were numerous reports in Pernambuco (Corrêia, 1995; Castanha, 1995) of high-
density opuntia plantings established in the Sertão zone (Custódia Municipality), supervised by C. Flores
(Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Mexico). Densities ranged from 40 000 to 80 000 plants/ha, at a cost
of ca. US$ 1 000/ha, including mineral fertilization. However, weeds became a serious problem, hand
control was time consuming and expensive, and during the dry season there was great risk of fire.
Even though mineral fertilization had a significant effect on yield, other results were not consistent
and it was concluded that a planting density of ca.10 000 plants/ha was adequate. IPA researchers established
dense plantations of up to 40 000 plants/ha in Caruaru and Arcoverde municipalities, and initial yields of
135 t green matter (GM)/ha/year were reported in one bulletin (IPA, 1998) and at a field-day. Santos et al.
(1998b) reported productivity of 15.7 and 12.9 t of dry matter (DM)/ha/year for IPA-Clone 20, and 10.7 and
15.0 t DM/ha/year for cv. Miúda, using 20 000 and 40 000 plants/ha, respectively. Based on results in
Agreste zone, 40 000 plants/ha were recommended for biennial harvests. If plantings are expected to be
harvested after three or more years, the authors recommend 20 000 plants/ha, but both densities can be
combined: the higher density will be harvested biennially, whereas the lower density will be spared as a
“live” (left growing in the field) strategic reserve for use during dry years.
For Sertão zone, Albuquerque and Rao (1997) recommended a density of 10 000 plants/ha, distributed
in 3 × 1 × 0.5 m spacing, i.e., pairs of rows (1 m apart), separated by 3 m alleys. With 20 t/ha systematic
biennial manure fertilization, probably an adequate density lies between 15 000 and 20 000 plants/ha; four
Opuntia as forage 41

jointed lines result in a density of ca. 17 000 plants/ha. Opuntia production costs can be reduced by mechanizing
weed control, manure spreading and opuntia transportation to the trough. Therefore, a 3 to 3.2 m alley
spacing is very important.
Crop management
Fertilization is a intensively studied factor, using cattle manure as the main source of organic fertilizer. Data
in Table 7 show that productivity is almost doubled by applying 20 t/ha of cattle manure every second year.
It must be noted that this amount is not readily available in ranch yards, and unfortunately small-scale
ranchers do not value the manure enough for its fertilizer value, giving it away or selling it at low prices to
vegetable growers. Manure is used in other countries, such as North Africa (Monjauze and Le Houérou,
1965), USA (Gregory and Felker, 1992), in Chile for fruit production (Tironi-Compiano and Zuñiga-Oliver,
1983), and in Mexico (Mondragón and Pimienta, 1990). Carneiro and Viana (1992) found that highest
efficiency occurs when it is spread in furrows before planting.
Studies on opuntia response to N and P started in 1957, and responses to N and P were reported by
Souza (1963). Metral (1965), working in the northeast, also found significant responses to N and P, but not
to potassium (K). Lima et al. (1974c) found N response up to 100 kg/ha, whereas P response was observed
up to 50 kg P2O5/ha. Santos et al. (1996) recorded 30% increase in opuntia production in S.B. do Una,
using 50-50-50 kg/ha/year of N-P2O5-K2O. These results contrast with those of González (1989), working
with O. lindheimeri Engelm in USA, who found a response to N-P2O5-K2O at a rate of 224-112-0 kg/ha/
Table 7. Effect of manure fertilization on the yield of forage opuntia

Yield (t FW/ha)
at manure rates of Manure source Cultivar Reference
0 t/ha 10 t/ha 20 t/ha
14.75 33.10 41.05 Not specified Three cvs. Souza, 1963
35.49 43.24 57.65 Not specified Three cvs. Souza, 1963
27.35 31.67 41.10 Cattle Gigante Araújo et al., 1974a
27.35 27.85 34.77 Goats Gigante Araújo et al., 1974a
1.25(1) 2.86(1) Cattle Gigante Carneiro and Viana, 1992
50.25 96.99 Cattle Gigante Santos et al., 1996

Notes: (1) Data in dry weight (t DW/ha).

Soil preparation
In areas already cultivated in Agreste zone, soil preparation is done before the rains, starting with ploughing
and furrowing, followed by manure spreading (20 t/ha) in the furrows. Rigorous selection of planting
material is needed. Large and healthy cladodes ensure a high number of active buds. It is usually
recommended to plant cladodes facing north-south, assuming a higher rooting rate. However, Becerra-
Rodríguez et al. (1976) reported a higher productivity if cladodes were planted facing east-west. Light
intensity in Mexico is lower than in northeast Brazil.
Intercropping is a way to increase land use efficiency. For annual crops, it has been studied worldwide,
but few studies have been conducted with opuntia. In two places in Ceará State (SUDENE, 1972), various
crops were intercropped with perennial cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. Marie-Galante), and opuntia
promoted an additional net income of ca. 31% compared to cotton as sole crop. Albuquerque and Rao
(1997) found that cowpea decreased opuntia production by 40% in the first triennial harvest, but in the
second harvest, there was an increase of 20%, giving a final decrease of 20% in the mean of two harvests.
The legume grain helped to compensate for the weed control costs. Intercropping with grain sorghum
reduced opuntia production by 40%, but crop residues compensated for the loss of fodder from opuntia.
The recommended practice of planting four opuntia lines, followed by a 3-3.2 m lane, besides the
additional advantages of allowing a more efficient use of machinery, leaves space for intercropping with
annual crops such as maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum or cowpea.
42 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

Cutting height
The cladode denomination proposed by Santos et al. (1990a) uses “base cladode” (the one that was
planted); 1st order cladode; 2nd order cladode; and so on. Silva et al. (1974) found that leaving all 2nd order
cladodes on each plant, nopalera recuperation was faster, and productivity more constant through the
harvests. In contrast, much fodder is left on field when 2nd order cladodes are spared. So the authors
recommend leaving all 1st order cladodes, and for each plant, to leave only one 2nd order cladode. By doing
so, nopalera recuperation is reasonably fast, while less fodder is left on field. Leaving only 1st order
cladodes is an option that must also be considered. Cuttings should be done on the joints, although Carneiro
et al. (1989) found higher sprouting number when cuttings were done away from the joints. However, this
results in plants with awkward architecture that will make future cutting more difficult, and a larger wounded
surface which might facilitate pathogen entry.
Species comparison
Opuntia is represented in Northeastern Brazil by three varieties, which from now on will be referred to as
cultivars, namely cv. Gigante, cv. Redonda (both O. ficus-indica), and cv. Miúda (N. cochenillifera),
although in Gregory and Felker (1992), cv. Miúda is considered to be O. cochenillifera. Cvs Gigante and
Redonda are cultivated in drier zones and on poor soils, whereas Miúda grows in more humid areas with
better soils.
Excluding results obtained in V.S. Antão municipality, Gigante and Redonda had higher productivity
than Miúda (Table 8). However, data for GM and DM content of Miúda indicate higher values than for the
other two cultivars: 16.56% versus 10.39% (Santos et al., 1990b). Another fact caught the attention of
researchers, namely that cows lost less weight when fed with Miúda compared to the other cultivars, as
reported by Santos et al. (1990b), representing a research priority for drier areas. Santos (1992) compared
ten cultivars: there were no differences in DM production (P>0.05) among Gigante, Redonda and Miúda,
although protein content was higher in Miúda. The author concluded that it is feasible to increase opuntia
productivity and possibly protein content through genetic breeding. Santos et al. (1998a, b) conducted
research in Arcoverde and S.B. do Una, finding similar results (Table 8) among the three cultivars as well
as IPA-Clone 20. In the S.B. do Una work, yields of Miúda and Gigante were 8.64 and 7.82 t DM/ha/year,
Table 8. Productivity of opuntia cultivars

Cultivar and yield (t GM/ha)

Gigante Redonda Miúda IPA Clone 20
33.35 36.22 37.40 Souza, 1963
35.94 38.62 19.24 Souza, 1963
34.92 38.05 22.40 Araújo et al., 1974b
21.84 16.58 Lima et al., 1974a
20.20 14.74 Lima et al., 1974a
36.00 a(1) 27.86 b Lima et al., 1974b
33.48 a 21.38 b Lima et al., 1974b
25.06 22.44 18.09 Alves, 1976.
7.82 a 10.07 a 8.64 a 11.95 a Santos et al., 1998a(2)
12.62 a 14.12 a Santos et al., 1998b(2)

Notes: (1) Means with same letters in the same line do not differ (P<0.05). (2) Values expressed as DM.

In 1985 an opuntia breeding programme was initiated at IPA, using seeds from open pollinated
cv. Gigante to generate 85 clones, which were integrated with another 17 clones from other places to
establish a variety trial. In 1995, results indicated that IPA-Clone 20 was superior, producing 50% more
than Gigante, the cultivar most cultivated in the northeast. The germplasm collection programme continued,
with other genetic material brought from Algeria, Mexico, South Africa, USA, etc. New clones have been
Opuntia as forage 43

added, and the genebank at IPA now holds 1 400 clones. New material is now under trial in other northeastern
states, such as Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia. Thus, with
exception of Maranhão, in which there are no semi-arid lands, research is under way in all northeastern

Environmental constraints
The world’s largest areas of cultivated opuntia are in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil, with O. ficus-
indica predominating. It is a region with an annual average rainfall of 600 mm, not so limiting when
compared to other semi-arid regions. However, rainfall is very variable (with a coefficient of variation
(CV) of over 30%), and potential evaporation can reach ca. 2 600 mm, as in Bebedouro Experimental
Field (Amorim Neto, 1989). According to Nobel (1995), the ideal day/night temperatures for opuntia are
25/15°C. There is no such night temperature in the northeast, but the zones with the largest concentration
of opuntia areas are precisely Agreste-Cariri in Paraíba, Agreste in Pernambuco, and Agreste in Alagoas.
In these regions, annual rainfall varies from 300 to 700 mm, irregularly distributed during the year, but this
has not been a barrier to opuntia development. In these zones, the annual mean minimum temperature is
ca. 18°C and the rains occur in the coolest months, when minimum temperature is around 14°C. Cooler
temperatures and lower evaporation allows better use of soil moisture. In places having a minimum
temperature of 18.1°C, such as S.B. do Una, Caruaru and Arcoverde, with rains occurring during the
coolest months, opuntia is more productive and healthier than in Petrolina, where the minimum temperature
is 20.4°C, and rains occur in the hottest months. These climatic conditions might explain the immense
opuntia area in the semi-arid northeast. At the same time, in some zones, such as Seridó, opuntia is not
grown because of the high day/night temperature.
A technical cooperation agreement was signed between IPA and Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo,
and as a result a large number of clones were introduced, and C. Flores has indicated (pers. comm.) that
among them there are clones adequate for Seridó, and some of them are already on test in that zone.

Shading by mesquite (Prosopis juliflora)

To help solve the opuntia high-temperature problem in the Sertão zone of the northeast, it was hypothesized
that shading by mesquite could create a micro-environment inside the nopalera, and help increase production.
Coelho and Godoi (1964) found that shaded opuntia became more turgid, but there was no production
increase. Alves (1976) in Paraíba Cariri – a zone with high day temperature but cool (18°C) nights – found
that shading gave a 56% increase in production from cv. Miúda. With cv. Gigante, the 18% increase
promoted by shading was not significant. Mesquite trees planted at 15 × 15 m (44.4 plants/ha) do not
provide the necessary shading effect, but the fence pole and vine yield that might result could justify such
intercropping (Table 9).

Table 9. Opuntia productivity (two triennial harvests) under mesquite shade, number of
mesquite trees/ha, and cover

Productivity Percentage cover

Mesquite spacing (Dec. 1982 to-Dec. 1988)
(kg DM/ha/year) July 1988 June 1996

5×5m 848.3 69.0 82.4

7×7m 754.3 49.9 75.1
10 × 10 m 1 102.8 41.5 64.8
12 × 12 m 1 136.5 31.3 67.8
No mesquite 1 145.9 – –

Source: Albuquerque, 1999.

Pests and diseases

The armoured scale insect (Diaspis echinocacti Bouché), also known as “mould” or “louse” (in Portuguese,
mofo or piolho, respectively) is the most important insect attacking opuntia in the northeast. It covers the
44 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

pads with its colonies; juvenile and adult individuals suck the pads. Juveniles cause chlorosis, followed by
rotting and death of the plant. The attack is more severe in drier years in poorly managed plantations. This
pest was first seen in Pernambuco in the 1960s, and since then IPA researchers have developed biological
control in Caruaru, S.B. do Una, Arcoverde and Pedra. Integrated control is the most efficient way to
combat the insect.
For integrated control, various natural enemies have been identified in the region, parasitoids as well
as predators. The parasitoids are little wasps (Hymenoptera) that parasitize the armoured scale insect.
The main parasitoid species are Plagiomerus cyaneus (Encyrtidae) and Prospaltella aurantii (Aphelinidae).
Lady-beetles [ladybirds; lady bugs] (Colleoptera, Coccinellidae) are the main predators feeding on the
armoured scale insect. The main predator species are little black lady-beetle (Coccidophilus citricola),
yellow-and-black lady-beetle (Chilocarus sp.) and brown lady-beetle (Pentilia sp.). These predators can
be reared in cages and distributed over infested opuntia fields.
Chemical control practices need to avoid killing the pest’s natural enemies. Mineral oil at 1 to 1.5%
in water is recommended (Longo and Rapisarda, 1995), as well as solid soap plus twisted dried tobacco
(100g each, soaked in 20 litre of water for 12 hours). Observations of the co-author and information from
technicians of Pernambuco Agricultural Extension Service (EMATER-PE) indicate that the combination of
common salt (1 kg per 20 litre of water) plus mineral oil (1%) gives optimal results.
Opuntia diseases have been little studied, and they are described only in terms of occurrence,
symptomatology and pathogenicity. The main diseases reported in Pernambuco and Alagoas are: cladode
rot caused by various fungi (Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Sclerotium rolfsii, Scytalidium lignicola, Fusarium
solani, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina sp. and Pollacia sp.). Pollacia sp. was reported by Franco
and Ponte (1980). Of bacterial diseases, only soft rot (Erwinia sp.) has been reported. These diseases
currently do not cause severe damage to the crop, probably due to the traditional cropping system in the
northeast. However, crop expansion and dense plantings might contribute to higher incidences and severity
of diseases. There are no effective control measures, except planting in the dry season before the onset of
the rainy season to avoid rot in the cuttings.

Weed control
Weed control is the main factor influencing opuntia production costs. In USA, Felker and Russell (1988)
tested herbicides on 30 clones and found a ninefold increase in opuntia production with Hexazinone (8 kg/
ha) compared to the control. In northeast Brazil, very little research has been conducted on herbicides.
Farias et al. (1989), in Caruaru and S.B. do Una, found that post-emergence herbicides did not have
satisfactory effects and induced burning of opuntia buds. Three pre-emergent herbicides (Terbuthiuron,
Diuron and Ametryne) were effective and did not damage opuntia. Glyphosate, however, was phytotoxic.
Economic evaluation
Opuntia is vital to cattle raising in the semi-arid northeast, mainly during prolonged droughts. However, it is
an expensive fodder, being produced at an estimated cost of US$ 0.05/kg DM. In S.B. do Una, with a
strong tradition of dairy cattle production based on opuntia growing, 32% of landholdings are covered with
opuntia (Chagas, 1992), and forage prices can rise up to US$ 2 200/ha. In dry years, for regular opuntia
trading in the dairy basins of Pernambuco and Alagoas, the price is around US$ 600/ha. Price also varies
according to season and volume available. In the same regions, the price of milk is about US$ 0.16/litre.
The estimated costs of establishing, maintaining and harvesting during a six-year period are given in Tables
10 to 14.
Opuntia as forage 45

Table 10. Cost of establishment of 1 ha of opuntia at four spacings

Cost (US$/ha)(1)
2×1m 1 × 0.50 m 1 × 0.25 m 3 × 1 × 0.50 m
Soil preparation 26.32 26.32 31.58 31.58
Opuntia cuttings + transportation 36.84 131.58 263.16 63.16
Organic fertilization 131.58 131.58 131.58 131.58
Phosphorus fertilization 52.63 52.63 52.63 52.63
Weed control (herbicides) 84.21 84.21 84.21 84.21
Planting 47.37 89.47 136.84 52.63
Total 378.95 515.79 700.00 415.79

Note: (1) US$ 1 = reais 1.90 on 30 August 1999.

Table 11. Cost of establishing and maintenance of 1 ha of opuntia in the first two years at four spacings
Cost (US$/ha)
2×1m 1 × 05 m 1 × 0.25 m 3 × 1 × 0.5 m
Soil preparation 26.32 26.32 26.32 26.32
Opuntia cuttings 41.45 165.79 331.58 82.89
Organic fertilization 108.95 108.95 108.95 108.95
Phosphorus fertilization 52.63 52.63 52.63 52.63
Planting 47.37 89.47 136.84 52.63
Weed control 337.37 373.16 568.95 262.11
Total 614.08 816.32 1225.26 585.53

Note: (1) Ploughing + furrowing

Table 12. Production cost of 1 ha of opuntia during the first two years, at four spacings
Estimated cost (US$/ha)
2×1m 1 × 0.5 m 1 × 0.25 m 3 × 1 × 0.5 m
50% of establishment cost 189.47 257.89 350.00 207.89
Interest 45.26 76.32 104.21 50.00
Subtotal 234.74 334.21 454.21 257.89
Harvest 263.16 394.74 526.32 236.84
Total cost 497.90 728.95 980.53 494.73

rd th
Table 13. Estimated cost of maintenance of 1 ha of opuntia in the 3 and 4 years, at four spacings
Estimated Cost (US$/ha)
2×1m 1 × 0.5 m 1 × 0.25 m 3 × 1 × 0.5 m
Planting (including interest) 117.37 160.00 216.84 128.95
Fertilizer – acquisition 78.95 78.95 78.95 78.95
Fertilizer – spreading 6.32 9.47 12.63 6.32
Weed control 94.74 102.63 126.32 94.74
Harvest 263.16 394.74 526.32 236.84
Total 560.53 745.79 961.05 545.79

Table 14. Estimated dry matter (DM) production cost during the first two years, at four spacings

Estimated cost (US$/ha)

2×1m 1 × 0.5 m 1 × 0.25 m 3 ×1 × 0.5 m
Total cost (US$/ha) 497.89 728.95 980.53 494.74
Production (t DM/ha) 10.0 15.0 20.0 9.0
Production cost (US$/kg DM) 0.050 0.048 0.049 0.055
46 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil


Even though opuntia adoption was very intense in recent decades, until the late 1970s there was still some
prejudice because of its high water content, and increasing use of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens
Stent.) encouraged ranchers to abandon growing opuntia. However, the great 1979-83 drought proved that
opuntia’s high water content was vital to livestock raising. In Paraíba Cariri and in Pernambuco Agreste, in
long-term droughts, the authors observed ranchers feeding opuntia in the trough all year round.


This vital role of opuntia as a source of emergency water and forage for livestock raising compelled
researchers to give higher priority to its nutritive value. IPA and Pernambuco Federal Rural University
(UFRPE) have been the institutions most involved. In Arcoverde, Viana et al. (1966) compared opuntia to
maize silage for steer fattening, mixing both forages with cassava roots, commercial concentrate, bone meal
and mineral salts. They found differences (P<0.05) for liveweight (LW) gain only after 287 days of the trial,
favouring silage, but no differences were detected (P>0.05) at 84 and 126 days. Daily intakes were 17, 19
and 19 kg for silage and 29.4, 27.3 and 35.1 kg for opuntia after 84, 126 and 287 days, respectively. Considering
that the DM contents of silage and opuntia are ca.35.0% and 10.0% respectively, and that the steers were
above 400 kg LW, the steers fed on opuntia consumed less DM than steers fed on silage in the last period,
and consequently gained less weight.
Research with dairy cattle was initially reported by Santana et al. (1972), feeding lactating Holstein
cows with maize silage versus opuntia cv. Gigante. No difference was found (P>0.05) in milk production
and fat content. However, the cows had LW gains of 437, -465 and -230 g/day when fed on silage, opuntia
and opuntia + 10 kg of silage, respectively. Lima et al. (1985) evaluated three levels of associations, i.e., 25,
50 and 75% of opuntia cv. Gigante versus sorghum silage, and concluded there was no difference among
treatments for LW gain and milk production.


The next step was the comparison among the three major opuntia cultivars used in the northeast, where
cattle raisers considered cv. Miúda as better for dairy production. A trial was undertaken involving Holstein
cows in S.B. do Una (Santos et al., 1990b), looking at DM, crude protein, crude fibre and mineral contents
of three cultivars, sorghum silage and commercial concentrate (Table 15). Cv. Miúda was superior (P<0.05)
to Redonda or Gigante in DM content, but inferior (P<0.05) in protein, fibre and minerals. The higher DM
content of Miúda could reduce the problems associated with diets high in water content, as reported by
Lima et al. (1981) and Farias et al. (1984). At the same time, data on protein and fibre suggest opuntia must
be given in combination with other fodder to ensure higher protein and fibre intake.

Table 15. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF) and mineral extract (MEx)
contents (%) of three opuntia cultivars, sorghum silage, and commercial concentrate.

Opuntia cv. Gigante 9.85 b 4.83 a 9.53 a 10.85 b
Opuntia cv. Redonda 10.93 b 4.21 a 8.62 a 12.02 a
Opuntia cv. Miúda 16.56 a 2.55 b 5.14 b 7.72 c
Sorghum silage 37.60 5.49 25.78 5.10
Commercial concentrate 80.66 24.57 3.63 8.2

Note: Means with same letters in the same column do not differ (Tukey; P<0.05)
Source: Santos et al., 1990b.

Results for in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD), dairy production, fat content and LW gain for opuntia,
sorghum silage and concentrate intake and cultivars are presented in Table 16. GM intake was lower
(P<0.05) in cv. Miúda, followed by sorghum silage and concentrate, due to its higher DM and soluble
carbohydrate content. Regarding opuntia IVDMD, the mean of 75.5% for all cultivars indicates its value as
Opuntia as forage 47

a fodder plant. Cows in all treatments lost weight, which implies deficits in protein and energy ingestion
(Gomide et al., 1987). A lower LW loss in cows fed on cv. Miúda indicates that energy deficit was inferior,
which might be explained by its twofold soluble carbohydrates content. Regarding dairy production and
rate of DM consumed/milk produced, there was no difference (P>0.05) among cultivars.
It has been shown that Holstein cows lost weight when fed on opuntia cv. Gigante as the only fodder
(Santana et al., 1972) or when it comprises more than 73% of the fodder (Santos et al., 1990b). Rearing
cross-bred cows (Holstein × Zebu), which are less demanding in their nutritional requirements, could be an
It was hypothesized that crossbred cows would lose less weight, even if opuntia makes up 73% of all
fodder, with less concentrate intake. A trial was conducted in Arcoverde, in which Girolando cows (a
cross-bred 3/8 Gir × 5/8 Holstein, resulting from crossing a Gir Zebu breed with Holstein) were fed on three
opuntia cultivars, but there was no overall difference (P>0.05) among cultivars for dairy production (Table
17), although cows fed on cv. Miúda increased dairy production by 9% compared to cv. Redonda: 7.2 vs.
7.0 kg/cow/day. Zebu crossbreed cows were also involved, milking with calves left with the cow, allotting
ca. 3 kg of milk/day to the calf. Considering the milk reserved for the calf, the authors estimate a daily
production of ca. 10 kg/cow/day.

Table 16. Forage intake, milk production, dry matter (DM) consumed/milk produced, and liveweight
gain of Holstein cows fed on three opuntia cultivars, and in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD)

Parameter Mean
Redonda Gigante Miúda
Opuntia intake (kg FW/cow/day) 62.30 a 66.30 a 46.72 b 58.44 13.55
Sorghum silage intake (kg FW/cow/day) 6.24 a 6.15 a 4.51 b 5.63 1622
Concentrate intake (kg/cow/day) 4.18 a 4.18 a 3.85 b 4.07 5.27
Total DM intake (kg/cow/day) 12.14 a 12.14 a 12.35 a 12.18 5.70
Opuntia IVDMD (%) 74.11 c 75.12 b 77.37 a 75.53 1.20
Milk yield (kg/cow/day) 12.44 a 12.36 a 12.27 a 12.35 6.20
Milk fat content (%) 3.15 a 3.11 a 3.17 a 3.14 6.60
4%-fat-corrected milk yield (kg/cow/day) 10.79 a 10.63 a 10.80 a 10.74 7.66
DM intake/milk yield proportion (kg/kg) 1.02 a 1.03 a 0.99 a 1.01 9.22
Liveweight gain (g/cow/day) -565 a -640 a -77 a - 141.08

Note: Means in same line with same letters do not differ (Tukey; P<0.05).
Source: Santos et al., 1990b.

Table 17. Milk production, fat content, density, dry extract, and rate of DM consumed/milk produced
from Girolando cows fed on three opuntia cultivars.
Parameters Redonda Gigante Miúda Mean
Milk yield (kg/cow/day) 7.0 a 7.1 a 7.2 a 7.1
Milk fat content (%) 3.9 b 4.1 ab 4.2 a 4.1
4 %-fat-corrected milk yield (kg/cow/day) 6.8 a 7.2 a 7.4 a 7.1
Milk density 1.028 a 1.028 a 1.057 a 1.037
Milk total solids (%) 12.23 a 11.88 a 12.54 a 12.21
DM intake/milk yield proportion (kg/kg) 1.39 a 1.36 a 1.38 a 1.37

Note: Means with same letters in the same line do not differ (P<0.05; Tukey Test)
Source: D.C. dos Santos (unpublished data)
48 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

Table 18. Feed intake and liveweight gain of Girolando cows fed on three opuntia cultivars

Intake Mean
Redonda Gigante Miúda
Opuntia (kg GM/cow/day) 53.64 a 53.13 a 55.87 a 54.21
Silage (kg GM/cow/day) 8.16 a 7.97 a 7.60 a 7.91
Concentrate (kg/cow/day) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Opuntia (kg DM/cow/day) 5.90 b 5.65 b 6.75 b 6.10
Silage (kg DM/cow/day) 2.09 a 2.07 a 1.95 a 2.03
Concentrate (kg DM/cow/day) 0.85 a 0.85 a 0.85 a 0.85
Total DM (kg/cow/day) 8.84 8.57 9.55 8.98
Liveweight gain (g/cow/day) -323 -111 164 –

Note: Means with same letters in the same line do not differ (P<0.05; TukeyTest)
Source: D.C. dos Santos (unpublished data)

Table 19. Cow breed and opuntia cultivar influences on forage intake, milk yield and liveweight gain by
lactating cows

Opuntia cultivar
Parameter Breed
Redonda Gigante Miúda
Holstein(1) 6.80 6.53 7.74
Opuntia intake (kg DM/cow/day) (2)
Girolando 5.90 5.65 6.75
Holstein 2.35 2.45 1.69
Silage intake (kg DM/cow/day)
Girolando 2.09 2.07 1.95
Holstein 3.37 3.37 3.11
Concentrate intake (kg DM/cow/day)
Girolando 0.85 0.85 0.85
Holstein 10.8 10.6 10.8
4%-fat-corrected milk yield (kg/cow/day)
Girolando 6.8 7.2 7.4
Holstein -565 -640 -77
Liveweight gain (g/cow/day)
Girolando -323 -111 164

Notes: (1) Data for Holstein cows from Santos et al., 1990b.
(2) Data for Girolando cows from D.C. dos Santos (unpublished data)

Regarding feed intake, cv. Miúda was superior (P<0.05) to Redonda or Gigante (Table 18). Variations
in liveweight gain indicate that, after a certain time, cv. Miúda would be superior to the other cultivars in
dairy production. A comparative analysis between data of Santos et al. (1990b) with Holstein cows, and
the author´s (not published) with Girolando cows show that they consume less concentrate, lose less weight,
and apparently perform better in dairy production (Table 19). Therefore, Girolando cows could be fed
mainly with opuntia cv. Miúda.

The low DM content is not a barrier for opuntia to be considered an optimal fodder, but its water content
makes handling expensive. Harvesting a large amount of opuntia, storing it near the trough and furnishing
it in small batches could solve the problem. Table 20 shows the effect of post-harvest storage on chemical
composition and DM content for three cultivars when piled up in 500-kg mounds and stored for 0, 4, 8, 12
and 16 days (Santos et al., 1990c).
The results showed no storage effect for cv. Redonda (P>0.05) and only slight differences in fibre
and carbohydrate contents in cv. Gigante, and in fibre and DM contents in cv. Miúda. DM contents were
15.9, 15.1 and 23.4% for Redonda, Gigante and Miúda respectively, considered high when compared to
other results. However, it should be noted that opuntia DM content in the dry season varies according to
the year.
Opuntia as forage 49

A trial was conducted with Holstein cows to study the effect on animal performance of opuntia
stored for 0, 8 and 16 days. Results showed that there was no storage effect (Tables 20 and 21) and thus
little variation in opuntia chemical composition during storage. This is very important, as it implies that large
amounts can be harvested at once, decreasing harvest and transport costs.
In this trial, opuntia as well as maize silage were fed ad libitum, and there was no difference in
opuntia intake among storage periods. It is important to note that cows consumed up to 104 kg GM/day.
The high palatability and DM digestibility and low DM content compels animals to consume a large amount.
These factors, combined with its low fibre content and high calcium and phosphorus levels, induce nutritional
disequilibrium: a probable cause of the diarrhoea common in animals fed with large quantities of opuntia, as
occurred in this research. Santos et al. (1990b) state that to overcome this problem, opuntia should not
exceed 40% of total feed DM.
Mean DM consumption equivalent to 2.68% of LW for cows fed on opuntia stored for three different
periods might be considered low, since recommended feeding levels lie between 3 and 4% for lactating
cows. Protein consumption might also be considered low, according to NRC standards (NRC, 1968). LW
gain during the experimental period was -0.13, 131.03 and -87.21 g/day for cows fed on opuntia stored for
0, 8 and 16 days, respectively. These data indicate large variation among treatments, and should be
disregarded due to the short trial period (21 days) and the fact that the cows were not fasted before
weighing. However, the weight losses are in agreement with Santana et al. (1972) and Santos et al.
(1990b). Dairy production and fat content of cows fed with opuntia for different storage periods were
similar (P<0.05). Santana et al. (1972) and Santos et al. (1990b) obtained similar results.
To demonstrate that opuntia must be mixed with other fodder, a trial was conducted in Arcoverde by
Estolano (unpub. data) to verify which fodder would combine the best with opuntia cv. Gigante fed to
lactating Girolando cows. He found sorghum silage, sucrose, in natura sugar cane bagasse, and hydrolyzed
sugar cane bagasse affect neither DM intake nor milk fat content. Cows fed with sorghum silage had
higher dairy yield than those consuming hydrolyzed bagasse. Cows fed with opuntia plus in natura bagasse
produced 13.6 kg milk/day, showing its suitability for dairy enterprises. Sugar cane bagasse is a by-product
of sugar factories in Pernambuco and Alagoas Mata Zone, and it is sold by the factories at the low price of
US$ 4/tonne.
According to overall results from IPA/UFRPE, opuntia must be complemented with other forages
having high DM and fibre contents. A study of carbohydrates and minerals present in opuntia should help
us to better understand the causes of diarrhoea.
Opuntia is mostly grown in the northeast for dairy cattle, but is also utilized for other ruminants, such
as goats and sheep, during the dry season. Cunha (1996), in a nutritional study with sheep, found that when
opuntia was associated with napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.), the addition of fibre affected
neither apparent digestibility nor nutrient digestion, and there was no difference in rumen pH (P>0.05).

* Opuntia is the only forage that can be stored “live” as it keeps growing in the field without
losing nutritive value, even though it has low DM and protein contents. Droughts have proved
that it is a vital fodder to the region.
* It is an expensive forage because establishment, weed control and transportation to yards
requires high labour inputs, but herbicides and mechanization might decrease production costs.
* Opuntia is deficient in protein, but at the same time is rich in soluble carbohydrates, and its DM
digestibility is above 70%. Diarrhoea is a problem that might be related to high levels of some
minerals, but further research is needed in this area.
* Appropriate cultivars for the various ecological zones, including those in which opuntia is not
currently, grown could be obtained through genetic improvement. Cultivars resistant to armoured
scale insect are also needed.
50 Fodder nopal use in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil

* The use of opuntia with sugar cane bagasse has been shown to be viable in Alagoas and
Pernambuco Agreste Zone.

Table 20. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF) and soluble
carbohydrate (SCH) contents (%) of opuntia after various storage periods

Storage (days) DM CP CF SCH

0 (no storage) 15.35 a 3.51 a 14.53 a 27.95 a
4 15.18 a 3.65 a 12.88 a 30.86 a
8 17.63 a 3.86 a 13.45 a 29.58 a
12 15.18 a 3.58 a 13.15 a 28.25 a
16 16.12 a 3.71 a 14.18 a 29.10 a
Mean 15.89 3.66 13.64 29.15
CV (%) 11.95 13.79 10.70 12.38
0 (no storage) 13.79 a 3.91 a 16.58 a 26.16 b
4 14.61 a 4.08 a 12.90 b 32.96 a
8 17.02 a 5.14 a 13.29 b 29.53 ab
12 14.74 a 4.01 a 13.19 b 29.37 ab
16 15.32 a 4.12 a 13.42 b 29.68 ab
Mean 15.10 4.05 13.88 29.54
CV (%) 11.26 10.29 9.75 10.22
0 (no storage) 22.49 b 2.25 a 12.34 a 56.63 a
4 22.80 b 2.23 a 9.87 ab 57.38 a
8 23.71 ab 2.23 a 11.90 ab 58.85 a
12 24.19 a 2.20 a 9.65 b 57.66 a
16 23.76 ab 2.14 a 10.87 ab 59.20 a
Mean 23.39 2.21 10.93 57.94
CV(%) 3.05 12.52 11.98 5.01

Note: Values with same letters in the same column do not differ significantly (P<0.05; Tukey Test).
Source: Santos et al., 1990b.

Table 21. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), mineral extract (MEx), fat extract (FE) and
digestible non-nitrogen extract (DNNE) content (%) of opuntia cv. Gigante after
three storage periods, and of maize silage and of concentrate.


Opuntia (no storage) 10.33 5.27 11.10 2.32 70.12
Opuntia (8 days of storage) 8.17 5.12 12.48 2.34 68.26
Opuntia (16 days of storage) 9.76 5.22 12.19 2.22 68.39
Maize silage 34.41 6.99 7.22 0.97 58.53
Commercial concentrate 82.97 26.37 10.99 2.19 52.68
Source: D.C. dos Santos (Unpublished data)
Opuntia as forage 51




The literature on uses of opuntia in the USA is most colourful. During the Civil War (ca 1850), freighters
loaded with cotton were pulled by oxen to the only safe port of export at the southern tip of Texas (Brownsville).
The route passed through extensive stands of spiny opuntias. The teamsters scorched the cactus by burning
with brush, and chopped or slashed it with an axe, spade or machete to feed their oxen (Griffiths, 1905).
Because of the high water content of the cactus, the oxen needed to drink water only once weekly in winter,
and two to three times weekly in summer.
In the early twentieth century, pressurized, backpack “white gasoline” pear burners were used in
Texas to singe the spines from opuntia so that the cattle could eat it (Pluenneke, 1990). Kerosene became
available in the 1930s and replaced white gasoline. In the 1950s, butane gas became available in Texas and
was then used in single-backpack pear burners and in rigs with multiple hoses, supplied by large tanks in
pick-up trucks.
As early as 1905, Griffiths (1905) reported that opuntia had been succesfully fed to dairy and beef
cattle, oxen, sheep and pigs (extreme care being taken to remove all the spines), but not to horses. However,
Argentine farmers state that when opuntia is fed to pregnant sows, they abort. Lukefarh and Ruiz (1998)
recently conducted an opuntia feeding trial with rabbits and found that the Brazilian forage variety Palma
Redonda had good palatability and also supported moderate weight gains.
Public opinion concerning the value of cactus for livestock varies considerably between the regions
south and northwest of San Antonio, Texas. In southern Texas, opuntia is highly regarded as an emergency
feed for livestock and as a mainstay for the wildlife population. North of San Antonio, where the rainfall is
lower and where Opuntia lindheimeri is less abundant, cactus is less appreciated. In this region, sheep
and goats begin eating first the fruits, then the cladodes without the spines being burned off. As a result,
spines and glochids become lodged in their gastrointestinal tracts and bacterial infections of the lesions may
follow (Merrill et al., 1980; Migaki et al., 1969).
Spineless opuntia plantations in Texas must be very well protected against herbivores such as rabbits,
rats, deer and peccaries, using a 2.4-m tall netwire fence with a 5-cm mesh band at the bottom. The
adoption of portable electrical fences within these exclosures could permit stock to graze only one row of a
spineless opuntia plantation at one time.
While spineless opuntia plantations require fencing, the spiny types do not. However, the spines must
be singed off with a flame thrower (known as a “pear burner” in Texas) before the cladodes are fed to the
livestock. Thus the flame thrower is a management tool that allows the rancher to decide when and how
much of this resource to use at one time.


Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero

52 Utilization of opuntia for forage in the USA

A study in Texas measured all the water inputs to cactus and the corresponding dry matter production
(Han and Felker, 1997). Of the 662 mm of rainfall input, 143 mm was lost to runoff, 214 mm was lost to soil
evaporation, and 17 mm stored in the plant. The resulting 285 mm left for growth of Opuntia ellisiana
resulted in 17 670 kg of dry weight/ha for a water use efficiency of 162 kg of water/kg of dry matter. This
water use efficiency is greater than that measured in the field for any C3 or C4 plant and thus emphasizes
the basic physiological advantage of CAM plants in arid regions. It is also significant that the fourth-year
fresh weight growth of 194 200 kg/ha contained 170 000 kg/ha of water, that would greatly reduce the
water needs for livestock in drought periods. At the rate of 45 kg fresh cactus per day (discussed later), this
194 200 kg/ha would be sufficient for 4 315 days (11.8 years) of feed per cow.


The nutritional quality of forage cacti can be expected to exhibit considerable variation due to the age of the
plant (Gregory and Felker, 1992), the season of the year (Retamal et al., 1987b) and the fertility of the soil
(Gonzalez, 1989; Gathaara et al., 1989). Despite the considerable importance of opuntia to domestic stock
and wildlife, there are only a few reports of the nutritional quality of opuntia in animal diets (Griffiths and
Hare, 1906; Shoop et al., 1977; De Kock, 1980; Meyer and Brown, 1985; Retamal et al., 1987a). Typical
values for nutritional components in these studies were found to be: moisture content, 85-90%; crude protein,
5-12%; phosphorus, 0.08-0.18%; calcium, 4.2%; potassium, 2.3%; magnesium, 1.4%; energy, 2.6 Mcal/kg;
carotenoids 29 µg/100 g; and ascorbic acid, 13 mg/100 g. The in vitro digestibility values were 72% for
protein, 62% for dry matter, 43% for crude fibre and 67% for organic matter.
Another significant advantage of cactus for animal feed is that it is often the only source of green
forage in the dry season capable of providing vitamin A precursors. Rodríguez-Felix and Cantwell (1988)
reported 29 µg of carotenoids and 13 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of immature cladodes to be used as
vegetables for humans.
The only metabolizable energy and digestibility data for cactus are for wild opuntias in Texas and
Colorado. Everitt and González (1981) found that, of all species examined, although O. lindheimeri had
one of the lowest protein contents (6%), it had the highest dry matter digestibility (76%). Meyer and Brown
(1985) also found that O. lindheimeri had higher digestibility throughout the year than the other plants in
their south Texas study area.
Data on digestible energy and protein content of the small, low growing O. polyacantha on the
ranges of Colorado may serve as a useful guide to other opuntia forage species (Shoop et al., 1977). While
this opuntia was lower in crude protein (5.3%) than grassland hay (5.7%) or alfalfa hay (16.8%), its digestible
energy of 2.61 Mcal/kg, compared favourably to grassland hay (2.08 Mcal/kg) or alfalfa (2.64 Mcal/kg).
O. polyacantha had 85% as much neutral detergent fibre and 70% as much as acid detergent fibre as
alfalfa, but it contain 55% more hemicellulose and 40% more soluble carbohydrates (Shoop et al., 1977).
As might be expected due to the faster growth and less lignification, O. ficus-indica was found to have
greater digestible energy values, ranging from 3.32 to 3.54 Mcal/kg (Retamal et al., 1987b).
While the amino acid profile of the opuntia stems is only useful for non-ruminant nutrition, Teles et al.
(1984) found the amino acid profile of immature opuntia stems to have a biological value of 72, compared to
hen egg protein of 100.
Texas rancher Bill Maltsberger has spent many years developing protein and mineral supplements
for his herd of 800 Santa Gertrudis cattle on 4 000 ha of rangeland south of San Antonio. Although Maltsberger
routinely supplemented cactus with cottonseed meal as a protein supplement and allowed the cattle free
range, there was subtle evidence of nutritional disorders. After considerable post-mortem testing of organs
for trace elements, it was found that the cattle were low in copper, molybdenum and zinc. On the basis of
these analyses, Maltsberger began using the supplements shown in Tables 22 and 23. Regular vitamin E
injections have been also helpful after many months on this cactus diet. When cattle were fed cactus that
had had its spines burned off (as discussed later) and were supplemented with protein cubes and mineral
Opuntia as forage 53

supplements, excellent weight gain, body Table 22. Protein supplement for cattle during
conformation and 90% conception rates were
Ingredient Amount (kg)
achieved. This supplementation also seemed to
Cottonseed meal 475
reduce the percentage of abnormalities in newborn
Soybean meal 450
Manganese sulphate 2.75
Maltsberger (1993, pers. comm.) stressed that Zinc oxide 1.5
the mineral deficiencies in his animals were not Copper sulphate 1.25
directly caused by the cactus, but were a result of Vitamin E-20 3.125
the fact that during droughts cattle often have no Cobalt sulphate 0.080
other source of minerals and vitamins than cactus. Ethylenediamine dihydroxide (EDDI) 0.025

Thus in drought periods, when no other significant Selenium oxide mixture (0.02%) 0.0625

quantities of forage are available for many months, Vitamin A-30 0.45
Masonex (clay binder) 12.5
it is critical to address the issue of lack of proteins
Molasses 53.25
and minerals.
Total 1000
The protein ration in Table 22 is formulated in Source: Data courtesy Bill Maltsberger,
the form of 2-cm cubes, and only fed during drought Rancher, Cotulla, Texas.
periods when no other forage is available. The
mineral supplement in Table 23 contains phosphorus
and calcium in the form of meat and bone meal that
Table 23. Mineral supplement* for cattle for
is not contained in the protein supplement. This cactus supplementation
mineral supplement is made available all year round
Ingredient Amount (kg)
regardless of drought status.
Bone meal 450
While the feed rations have been optimized Meat and bone meal 150
for cattle, it is reasonable to expect that these rations Sodium chloride 300
could be easily adapted to other ruminants such as Manganese sulphate 22
goats, sheep and deer. There are very old reports of Zinc oxide 11.5
cactus being fed to pigs. However, well-replicated Copper sulfate 10

trials feeding cactus to non-ruminants like pigs have Vitamin E-20 25

not been conducted. Lukefahr and Ciro-Ruiz (pers. Cobalt sulphate 0.625
Ethylenediamine dihydroxide (EDDI) 0.20
comm.) have succesfully fed an opuntia strain
Selenium oxide mixture (0.02%) 0.50
(#1270) from Brazil (Palma Redonda) to rabbits. It
Vitamin A-30 3.65
is interesting that rabbits did not like the nopalito
Molasses 26.5
variety O. cochellinifera #1308, but they liked
Total 1000
Brazilian forage variety #1270.
Note: *The mineral supplement is fed all year long.
Source: Data courtesy of Bill Maltsberger, Rancher,
Cotulla, Texas.


Fortunately, there are several techniques to increase protein content of cactus forage to minimize the cost
of protein supplementation. The first method is with N and P fertilizers, since González (1989) found that
crude protein in O. lindheimeri increased from 4.5% for the zero fertility treatment to 10.5% for the
treatment containing 224 kg N and 112 kg P/ha. This is especially important, since this fertilization treatment
raised the protein content above the requirements for dry and lactating cattle, namely 6.0 and 9.25%
Since most commercial cactus fruit orchards receive N fertilization, it is reasonable to believe that
the N content of the pads from these orchards would approach the 9% protein content level. Potgieter
(1997 pers. comm.) in South Africa obtained 40 ton of pads from annual pruning of cactus fruit orchards,
which could be a significant source of high protein forage for livestock.
54 Utilization of opuntia for forage in the USA

Based on the 40 kg/ha consumption of pads per

animal recommended by Maltsberger (Table 24), these Table 24. Daily ration for adult cow
annual prunings would provide approximately 3 animal- with calf
years of forage per hectare. Ingredient Amount (kg)
Fresh cactus 40
The second route to increased protein content of
Protein supplement 1.4
cactus forage is through the use of genetic selections
Mineral supplement 0.1
containing higher protein. In a comparison of eight opuntia
Source: Data courtesy of Bill Maltsberger,
forage clones, Gregory and Felker (1992) found one Rancher, Cotulla, Texas.
Brazilian clone (#1270, i.e. cv. Palma Redonda) from
CPATSA Petrolina, Brazil, that had over 11% protein
content in all four age classes. In contrast, the Texas native opuntia had high protein in the youngest age
class (11%), but only 5% protein in the three older age classes. Additionally, the Brazilian clone had four
times the P content (i.e. 0.41%) of the native Texas clone.
Lastly, it is also possible that inoculation of cactus roots with the free living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Azospirillum sp. could increase the protein content of the cladodes, since Rao and Venkateswarlu (1982),
Caballero-Mellado (1990) and Mascarua-Esparza et al. (1988) found this bacterium could associate with
opuntia roots. While these authors did not demonstrate N fixation from the Azospirillum in association with
cactus roots, Mascarua-Esparza et al. (1988) did report a 34% increase in cactus root dry weight and a
63% increase in root N content with Azospirillum inoculation. Azospirillum inoculation may also help
control the rotting of cladodes caused by Erwinia sp. that is often associated with new plantings, since
laboratory culture studies have shown that Azospirillum inhibited the growth of both Xanthomonas and


The most common problem with new cactus plantings is rot of the plant material at the surface where it was
cut or broken off. Cactus cladodes should either be dried in the shade for several days to allow the cut
surface to “heal over,” or the new cladodes treated with lime/copper sulphate solution to control bacterial
rots. The soil should be ploughed and cultivated as for any other crop. Cladodes should be planted with
about 1/3 of their height below the soil surface, with the flat cladode surface facing east-west.
During the initial growth stages, the growth of cactus can be severely retarded by grass and other
herbaceous vegetation. Thus it is very important to provide good weed control until the cactus is well
established. Pre-emergent herbicides, such as karmex, simazine and treflan all provide good weed control
at rates of 2-4 kg/ha, without harming cactus. If no pre-emergence herbicide is available, it is essential to
plant the cactus in an arrangement that permits easy and frequent mechanical weed control, such as disking.
If a 2.5-m wide disk unit is available for weed control, it is recommended to plant the cactus on a 1 m × 4 m
row spacing to allow easy access of the disk and tractor down the rows.
In Argentina, horses are admitted to the spineless cactus plantations as they will eat most forage but
not the cactus. As discussed later, after the cacti reach a height of more than 1 m, livestock can be admitted
at rates of 1 cow per hectare. At this time the cattle will consume both the grass (weeding the cactus) and
the cactus, thus eliminating the need for weed control in the cactus.
Even unselected stock of the common O. lindheimeri can have high productivity with fertilization.
For example, González (1989) examined eight fertilization treatments on the native O. lindheimeri over a
four-year period in a zone with 430 mm/yr rainfall. The dry biomass productivity in this trial increased from
7 t/ha/year to 62 t/ha/year for the maximum N and P rate, i.e. 224 kg N and 112 kg P/ha. This productivity
compares very favourably with other forage species. In addition to the increased yield, the crude protein in
the cladodes increased from 4.5% to 10.5%. González (1989) recommended fertilizing cactus with 224 kg/
ha N every 2 years to maintain crude protein levels at about 10%, with productivity in the 50 ton/ha/year
Opuntia as forage 55


There are significant advantages to both thorny and thornless cactus varieties. Thornless varieties must be
fenced to prevent cattle and wildlife from totally consuming plantings less than 2 years old. In Texas, deer,
javelina (wild pigs) and rabbits will completely consume new plantings. In areas where deer are abundant,
it is necessary to establish 2.2-m tall fences around the thornless cactus plantings. In contrast, thorny
varieties do not have to be fenced, but the spines have to be burned off with propane torches before
utilization. In Texas, by purchasing propane in large truck loads (40 000 litre/truck), it has been possible to
purchase propane for US$ 0.11/litre. In a good stand of native O. lindheimeri, one man, using an 8-litre
propane tank and a propane torch, can burn enough cactus to feed 100-200 head of cattle per day, using 1.0
to 1.3 litre of propane/animal (Maltsberger, 1989). To avoid overcooking the cactus, only enough flame
should be used to burn the spines from both sides of the plant. Maltsberger also recommended burning
more cactus than is actually needed to last until the next feeding and to not overutilize the resource, by
leaving at least one joint above the ground uncooked.
To reduce the cost of burning cactus bushes at random in the wild, Pluenneke (1990) described
systems in which cactus were planted in rows. In some special applications, such as the need to take
cactus to the penned mother cows and calves, cactus has been harvested and transported short distances
to animals. Specialized hand tools have been developed to first cut the cactus at the base and then to pitch
it 1 m above head height onto a wagon or truck. In Texas, this cactus was then windrowed, the spines
burned off and fed into a tractor-powered ensilage chopper. In Mexico, the spines were not burned off, but
merely passed through the chopper before being fed to dairy cattle (Felker, unpub. obs.).
It would seem highly advantageous to take the principles of hand harvesting and feeding hand-cut
cactus to a tractor-powered ensilage chopper and adapt them to larger-scale, mechanized operations. For
example, it would be useful if a self-propelled tractor or tractor-powered ensilage harvester could be modified
to harvest cactus planted in rows, chop and blow it into a wagon in the field. This chopped cactus could be
most useful in either dairy or beef cattle feedlot operations in arid regions. Alternatively, it might be possible
to use a heavy-duty rotary disk mower conditioned to sever and windrow cactus. After drying the cactus
for several weeks, it would be useful if a modified forage harvester could move down the rows, pick up the
dried cactus, chop it and blow it into a wagon.
While it takes labour to burn spines from cactus, there are some useful management options that
result from burning spines from cactus. Since the cattle do not eat cactus that is not burned, burning allows
control over the amount of cactus that is used per day. Additionally, cattle quickly become acquainted with
the sound of the propane burner and can be drawn for up to 700 m in the brush to the sound of a propane
burner. This conditioning to the sound of the propane burner allows cattle to be drawn into corrals and pens.
Thornless cactus varieties offer the advantage of not having to burn off the spines, but intensive
management of domestic stock and wildlife is necessary to keep the cactus resource from being overutilized.
As the thornless opuntia varieties are not as cold hardy as spiny forms, such as O. lindheimeri, care must
be taken in selecting suitable planting stock of spineless cactus forage varieties.
If freezing water is not a concern (minimum temperatures no lower than -5°C for a few hours), the
Brazilian forage variety #1270 is specially promising as it was found to have rapid growth and nearly 10%
crude protein versus 6 to 9% protein for other varieties (Gregory and Felker, 1992). A spineless variety
(accession #1233), that is possibly a hybrid between the Texas native O. lindheimeri and some O. ficus-
indica type, suffers only minor damage from temperatures as low as -12°C, whereas -12°C causes complete
mortality to accession #1270. This accession #1233 is almost as fast growing as Brazilian clone #1270. In
areas where extended temperatures of -18°C routinely occur, the only spineless type available that is cold
hardy is the slow growing O. ellisiana. On a 1.2 × 1.2 m spacing, with good care, this selection will only
produce 1 600 kg DM/ha the first year and 4 400 kg DM/ha the second year. However, after it reaches a
leaf area index of about 1, some 11 000 kg DM/ha was produced in the third year, and 17 670 kg DM/ha in
the fourth year.
56 Utilization of opuntia for forage in the USA

Given yearly fresh weight production rates in excess of 100 000 kg/ha after a leaf area index of 2
have been achieved, and cattle consumption rates of 40 kg/day, it would appear that at a stocking rate of
1 cow/ha, livestock could never consume cactus faster than it grows. Thus it would seem possible to plant,
cultivate and care for cactus until it is about 1 m in height.


Spiny or spineless cactus has been compared by farmers to “hay in the barn,” with up to 200 ton/ha of fresh
weight. Several hectares of cactus can provide a considerable reserve of animal feed during drought
periods. Unlike hay stored in the barn, the cactus in the fields does not deteriorate in quality with storage
and there are no problems with rats eating the hay in storage. Even during drought periods in the summer
or winter, cactus is green, with vitamin A and only needs to have the spines burned off or cattle admitted to
the fenced area. In drought periods, cattle have to walk long distances to get water. If they are supplemented
at one location by the rancher they must walk to this location every day. By consuming 40 kg of cactus per
day – containing about 85% water – cattle are also consuming 35 litres of water per day, which can be
beneficial in drought periods.

Either spiny or spineless opuntia clones, when planted in rows, fertilized and weeded, can achieve annual
dry matter and fresh weight yields of 17 000 kg/ha and 170 000 kg/ha respectively, with crude protein
concentrations of about 10%. When properly supplemented with protein, trace elements and critical vitamins,
excellent growth and conception rates are possible. Opuntia has great potential for increasing production in
average rainfall years, and to provide a critical reserve of forage for animals in severe drought years. In
droughts, cactus can also provide a source of green forage and a much appreciated source of water for
Opuntia as forage 57


Patricio AZÓCAR

In arid and semi-arid zones, rangelands utilized by sheep and goats are characterized by large seasonal
changes in forage production, and marked seasonal and annual fluctuations in forage quality. In Coquimbo,
northeast Chile, annual records show dry matter yields of 3 t/ha in a rainy year and less than 0.2 t/ha in a
dry year. Shrub species ranged from 36% to 95% of the total dry matter for a dry and wet year respectively
(Azócar and Lailhacar, 1990).
In Chile, goat raising is based exclusively on rangeland, allowing only their maintenance or survival.
Consequently, to reach income levels of production it is necessary to supplement animal feeding with low-
cost feedstuffs that supply energy and protein in the critical periods, to extend the suckling period and
maintain milk and meat production (Azócar and Rojo, 1991; Azócar et al. 1996). In regard to the management
of stock feeding, it was found that the use of opuntia cladodes to feed growing sheep increased by 30% the
efficiency of utilization of drinking water. It is therefore proposed that supplementing sheep, goats and
cattle feed in dry periods could be done using low-cost supplements.
Productivity varies considerably among species according to environmental conditions (García de
Cortázar and Nobel, 1991). Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants, such as opuntia (Opuntia
ficus-indica (L.) Miller), are often considered to have lower productivity than C3 or C4 plants. However,
opuntias are highly efficient in the use of water and withstand dry periods and high temperatures. These
traits make them highly promising for poor soils with limited water supply (Silva and Acevedo, 1985). The
productivity of cultivated opuntia is generally below 10 t/ha/year worldwide, although it can reach 20 t/ha/
year. It is an important feeding resource in rangelands of zones with Mediterranean arid climate, and is
used in dairy and meat production (Azócar and Rojo, 1991; Azócar, 1992; Azócar et al., 1996; Ben Salem
et al., 1996; Santana, 1992).
Utilization of opuntia for livestock feeding is an old practice in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Sicily (Italy);
South Africa, Tunisia, the southern USA, and other countries (Santana, 1992). Most Mexican forage
species are thorny, which is the main constraint to their use in livestock feeding. The problem is overcome
by means of simple techniques, such as propane burners (Felker, 1995). Some O. ficus-indica varieties do
not have thorns, and cladode pieces are easily consumed by livestock. Another limitation of the Mexican
species is their low digestibility, which could be overcome by cutting the material into small portions to
facilitate its ingestion, by including other ingredients in the ration (like straw), and by utilizing two- to three-
year-old plants, since younger plants are more laxative, as are older (>4 year) plants (INIF, 1983).
Advantages of opuntia include high biomass yield, high palatability and good nutritive value, evergreen
habit, drought resistance and soil adaptability (Monjauze and Le Houérou, 1965; Le Houérou, 1992; Nefzaoui
et al., 1993; Ben Salem et al., 1996). Opuntia has high contents of ash (260 g/kg DM) and water

Patricio AZÓCAR

Universidad de Chile
Santiago de Chile
58 Opuntia as feed for ruminants in Chile

(926 g/kg fresh weight), and low contents of crude protein (58 g/kg DM) and neutral detergent fibre (185 g
NDF per kg DM) (Ben Salem et al., 1996). The same authors reported that drinking water consumption by
sheep is substantially reduced as the level of opuntia consumption increases.


Opuntia does not adapt to zones with extreme temperatures. In their place of origin – the highlands of
Mexico – temperatures seldom reach +40°C or -10°C (Felker, 1995). The best temperatures for opuntia
production range between 18 and 26°C, although some species can tolerate temperatures as high as 40°C
and as low as -8°C. It grows in zones with annual precipitation of 200 to 250 mm, but the limits to commercial
production are around 450 mm/yr (Pimienta, 1995).
Water requirement
Table 25. Opuntia water use efficiency (WUE) under
Opuntia uses water more efficiently than rainfed and irrigated conditions
conventional fodder crops, as illustrated in Water use efficiency (WUE)
Table 25 (Le Houérou, 1994, cited by De kg H2O/kg DM mg DM/g H2O
Koch, 1998; Silva and Acevedo, 1985). Opuntia (1)
15-43 23-65
Agave 93 10.7
Planting Opuntia 267 3.7
Opuntia cultivation relies mainly on vegetative Atriplex nummularia 304 3.3
propagation, which is preferred by growers Pear millet 400 2.5

for its simplicity (Mondragón and Pimienta, Barley 500 2.0

1995). Planting is done in furrows (De Koch, Sorghum 666 1.6

Wheat 750 1.3
1998). Rows are usually laid out 2 to 6 m
Alfalfa 1000 1.0
apart and cladodes are planted 1 to 2 m apart.
Rangeland 2000 0.5
Depending on the purpose, planting density
may vary from 850 to 5 000 plants/ha. Results Sources: (1) De Koch, 1998. Other data Le Houérou, 1994.

of modelling research predict that opuntia

could achieve higher biomass productivity at closer plant spacings (García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1990).
In Brazil, Santana (1992) reported a range of fresh weight yields from 106.9 to 205.0 t/ha/yr (approximately
16 to 31 t DM/ha/yr), with yield varying according to geographical zone, type of soil, fertilizer rate used,
planting density and association with other crops.
In Chile, yields of cladodes have ranged from 13 t DM/ha/year in crops that only covered 30% of the
land, to 40 t DM/ha/year in simulated conditions of high planting density, optimum watering and good
fertilization. Average yields of 8 t/ha in non-irrigated lands of the central zone of Chile have been reported
by García de Cortázar and Nobel (1990) and Riveros et al. (1990).
García de Cortázar and Nobel (1991) studied biomass productivity of opuntia at La Rinconada
Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Chile (about 20 km southwest of Santiago, Chile,
[33º19' S, 70º55' W] 500 m elevation). Mature cladodes were planted in January 1988 (summer) at 24
plants/m2 (0.25 m × 0.17 m) facing east-west. Productivity per unit row length of the inner five rows was
assumed to resemble the productivity of a uniform field. Annual predicted dry matter productivity was 40 t/
ha. Further analysis indicated that dry matter productivity of opuntia could reach 50 t/ha/year.
Opuntia as forage 59


Nutritional quality of forage
opuntia depends on plant species, Table 26. Chemical composition of opuntia cladodes and alfalfa hay
variety, cladode age, growing used to supplement goats in the suckling period (Las
season and crop management. In Cardas Experimental Station, University of Chile)
general, opuntia is high in Alfalfa hay Cactus pear cladodes

moisture content (about 85 to 90% Dry matter (%) 93.06 15.04

water), it has high in vitro Organic matter (%) 88.75 90.00

Crude protein (%) 18.86 3.51
digestibility (about 75%), high
Metabolizable energy (Mcal/kg) 2.52 2.25
content of soluble carbohydrates,
Ca (%) 1.68 2.01
vitamin A and ash (20% of dry
P (%) 0.29 0.11
matter), and low content of crude
protein, crude fibre and Source: Azócar and Rojo, 1991

phosphorus (Tables 26 and 27).

Table 27. Chemical composition and organic matter digestibility of Acacia cyanophylla, Atriplex halimus,
O. ficus-indica and barley hay (Ousseltia Central Experimental Station, INRAT, Tunisia.)
Acacia Opuntia
Composition Atriplex halimus Barley hay
cyanophylla ficus-indica
Dry matter (DM) (g/kg) 555 464 100 808
Organic matter (OM) (g/kg DM) 900 799 779 916
Crude protein (CP) (g/kg DM) 129 161 38 64
Crude fibre (CF) (g/kg DM) 254 164 154 350
Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (g/kg DM) 469 328 197 605
Organic matter digestibility (%) 51.2 79.3 82.3 -

Source: Ben Salem, Nefzaoui and Abdouli (1994)

Figure 4. Cactus versus straw intake (Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996, cited
by Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1998).

Straw intake, g DM/day




0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Cactus intake, g DM/day

Crude protein content decreases (5 to 3% dry matter) and crude fibre increases (9 to 20% dry
matter) with cladode age (1 to 5 years). Crude protein content decreases significantly (R2 = 0.6) when
cladode dry matter increases with age. This trend is similar to other fodder sources, where valuable nutrients
decrease with plant age because of the relative increase in fibre content (Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1998).
60 Opuntia as feed for ruminants in Chile

Opuntia cladodes are highly digestible. Average values of in vivo digestibility coefficients obtained
with sheep varied from 60 to 65 %, 60 to 70 %, 35 to 70% and 40 to 50 for DM, OM, CP and CF,
respectively. These coefficients are quite similar to those observed with common forage crops (Nefzaoui
and Ben Salem, 1996, cited by Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1998). Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, (1998) showed
in Tunisia that combining straw with opuntia led to increased straw intake and consequently better animal
performance (Figure 4).


Watering animals during summer and drought periods is a serious problem in arid zones. Animals use a lot
of energy to reach water holes, and rangeland degradation in the area surrounding watering points is
common. Feeding with cactus cladodes reduce watering needs in dry areas.
In Tunisia, Nefzaoui and Ben Salem (1998) showed that water intake is nil when daily cactus
consumption by sheep is about 300 g of dry matter. The volume of water consumed by animals decreased
from 2.4 litre for the control diet, to 0.1 litre when the level of spineless cactus was above 300 g DM.
Animals even stopped drinking water at the highest level of cactus intake (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Opuntia intake (g DM/day) versus water intake (litre/day)

(Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996, cited by Nefzaoui and
Ben Salem, 1998)

Water intake (litre/day)

0 200 400 600
Cactus intake, g DM/day

Riveros et al. (1990), in the semi-arid zone of Santiago (Chile), studied the effect of replacing alfalfa
hay by opuntia cladodes on the liveweight and water intake of sheep. During two summer months, 20
lambs, 6 to 7 month old, were randomly allotted to two treatments. One group was fed on alfalfa hay at a
maintenance level. The other group was fed on alfalfa hay plus opuntia cladodes that replaced about 25%
of the dry matter maintenance requirements. The groups were penned, collective feed and water intake
was recorded daily. A third drinking dish was located outside the dry lots to record daily evaporation.
Results showed that liveweight showed only slight variation among weeks (P < 0.05). Dry matter intake
was very similar between treatments (P < 0.05), the group fed on alfalfa hay fluctuated from 0.87 to 1.35
kg/animal/day, and the one fed on alfalfa plus opuntia from 0.65 to 1.32 kg/animal/day. The latter consumed
between 28.1 and 31.8% of the dry matter as opuntia, starting from the second week.
Water intake differed significantly between treatments (P < 0.01): the group fed on alfalfa hay fluctuated
from 2.48 to 3.26 litre/animal/day, and between 0.71 and 1.51 litre/animal/day for the animals fed on alfalfa
plus opuntia. Considering both direct and indirect water intake, derived from the alfalfa and opuntia
requirements to produce 1 kg dry matter, the animals that consumed alfalfa hay plus opuntia cladodes were
about 30% more efficient with respect to water utilization than the group that consumed only alfalfa hay.
Opuntia as forage 61

The authors concluded that utilization of a

crop like opuntia could be an interesting
possibility to increase forage and animal
productivity and particularly as an
alternative to improve the efficiency of
water utilization in dryland zones (Figure 6).
In the arid zone of Coquimbo,
Azócar and Rojo (1991) demonstrated that
supplementing goats with alfalfa hay and
opuntia cladodes in the suckling period
significantly increased (55.4%) milk
production. When only hay was provided,
hay replacement with 16, 21 and 34%
cladodes favoured even larger yields: 93.8,
103.6 and 125% respectively. Under local
conditions, up to 34% hay could be
replaced by opuntia cladodes to supplement goats fed on rangeland and stimulate milk production. This
effect can be attributed to the high water content of cactus tissues. Utilization of opuntia cladodes as a
summer supplement is relevant to increase milk production of local herds in zones with a Mediterranean
arid climate (Table 28 and Figure 7).

Figure 6. Weekly water intake of suffolk ewes at La Rinconada de Maipú

Experimental Station, University of Chile, Santiago
(Source: Riveros et al., 1990)

Alfalfa hay
Alfalfa hay + cactus




1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Opuntia cannot be fed alone due to its poor nitrogen content, which needs to be supplemented with an
appropriate and cheap source of nitrogen, such as saltbush (Atriplex sp.) or non-protein nitrogen from
treated straw. Nefzaoui et al. (1995, cited by Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1998) showed that opuntia diets
could be supplemented efficiently with Atriplex nummularia. Intake of Acacia cyanophylla was low
because of its high content of condensed tannins (7% of dry matter). Tannins are also responsible for the
low digestibility of acacia crude proteins (Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1998).
62 Opuntia as feed for ruminants in Chile

Azócar et al. (1996) evaluated the consumption, liveweight and milk production of goats feeding on
green forage of either Atriplex nummularia or O. ficus-indica, as a 30% inclusion in an alfalfa-based
diet. Treatments were: (1) 100% alfalfa hay; (2) 70% alfalfa hay and 30% of A. nummularia; and (3)
70% alfalfa hay and 30% opuntia. Goats were permanently confined. Replacement of alfalfa hay by the
experimental forage was dry-matter based. Hay was fed unchopped, opuntia cladodes chopped, and
A. nummularia as twigs. Intake was measured daily, and the amount offered was adjusted weekly.
Liveweight and milk production were measured at the start of the pre-experimental and the experimental
periods and from then on every twenty days.
Results showed no significant differences for dry matter intake between treatments 1 and 2 (P < 0.05),
and significantly higher mean intakes for treatment 3 (Figure 7). Total liveweight gains and daily gains
were significantly higher in treatment 3 compared to the others (P < 0.05). Daily and total milk production
were significantly reduced by the inclusion of A. nummularia. Opuntia produced a positive effect on milk
production. According to the results (Azócar et al., 1996):
(i) it is feasible to replace up to 30% of the alfalfa hay ration by opuntia without significantly
affecting consumption, liveweight and milk production;
(ii) the presence of opuntia cladodes in the ration of goats in the suckling period induces a
higher intake and an increase in milk production, which is probably due to the “lactose
effect,” as yet not explained; and
(iii) replacement of alfalfa hay by A nummularia at a level of 30% did not significantly affect
the dry matter intake, but had a negative effect on liveweight and significantly reduced milk

Figure 7. Goat milk production at the start of the experiment and at 20-day
intervals thereafter (Source: Azócar et al., 1996)


Goat milk production (g/goat/day)





1 2 3 4 5
Mean twenty day measurements

Key: ------- = 100% alfalfa hay

– – – = 70% alfalfa hay + 30% Atriplex nummularia
 = 70% alfalfa hay + 30% cactus pear.
Opuntia as forage 63



Juan C. GUEVARA and Oscar R. ESTEVEZ

Cactus is extensively used as an emergency livestock feed during times of extreme droughts, i.e. a kind of
“drought insurance” (Le Houérou, 1994), in arid and semi-arid areas of the world (northeast Brazil, Mexico,
southern Africa, USA, and the Mediterranean Basin).
Cactus plantations in Argentina have increased from around 90 ha in 1993 to 840 ha in 1997. Most of
the plantations are located in the Provinces of Tucumán (39%), Catamarca (22%), Santiago del Estero
(14%), La Rioja (12%) and Salta (10%) (Ochoa de Cornelli, 1997). Among the main traditional, current and
potential uses of cactus (Barbera, 1995), the consumption of fruits, fresh or processed in syrup, is the most
important in Argentina (Ochoa de Cornelli, 1997). Most of the cactus producers use cactus as an activity
complementary to their agricultural systems. Cactus production is very popular in smallholder operations,
where the cladodes are used as forage for cattle and goats (Ricarte et al., 1998), although mainly in winter,
when the water supply for livestock is limited (Ochoa de Cornelli et al., 1992).
A few studies and experiences have been reported on cactus as fodder and forage in Argentina. The
ecological productivity and the nutrient content of the cladodes (Braun et al., 1979), the current status of
plantations (Ricarte et al., 1998) and their productivity under different management practices (Reynoso et
al., 1998) have been studied for Opuntia ficus-indica L. f. inermis (Web.) Le Houérou in Los Llanos of
La Rioja Province.
Our studies with Opuntia spp. began in the Mendoza plain at the end of 1995 in response to the
suggestions of Le Houérou (1995a). The experiments comprised effect of fertilizers, irrigation and planting
distances on the above-ground biomass production (experimental work still in progress at time of writing);
evaluation of plant survival and production in marginal lands (Guevara et al., 1997); micropropagation of
O. ellisiana, material with low availability of planting stock (Juárez and Passera, 1998); and cold hardiness
of Opuntia species and clones (in progress). At the same time, the economic feasibilities of cactus plantations
for cattle (Guevara et al., in press) and goat production (Guevara et al., 1999) have been assessed.
This chapter summarizes the studies and experiences in Argentina on opuntia for forage production
and its prospects.


Data from around 40 weather stations were classified (Le Houérou, 1999) based on two main indices: the
rainfall (R) to potential evapotranspiration (PET) ratio (R/PET), representing the water stress; and the
mean daily minimum temperature of the coldest month (m), representing the winter thermal stress. These
two criteria allowed the construction of the orthogonal matrix shown in Figure 8. The discriminating threshold

Juan C. GUEVARA and Oscar R. ESTEVEZ

Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas (IADIZA)


values in the classification were:

Water stress
Sub-desertic zone: 0.06 < R/PET < 0.15 100 < R < 200 mm
Arid zone: 0.15 < R/PET < 0.33 200 < R < 400 mm
Semi-arid zone: 0.33 < R/PET < 0.50 400 < R < 600 mm
Winter thermal stress
R/PRT (%)
-5 < m <-3 Extremely cold winter
-3 < m <-1 Very cold winter
-1 < m < 1 Cold winter
1<m<3 Cool winter
3<m<5 Temperate winter

The weather stations were also classified according to the rainfall regimes: tropical (over 70% of
annual precipitation falling during the summer season); Mediterranean (over 70% of annual precipitation as
winter rains); and well balanced (between 40 and 60% of annual rainfall in winter).
The absolute minimum temperatures for most of the weather stations ranged from -5°C (La Rioja) to
-13.9°C (Chos Malal, Neuquén). The lowest temperatures recorded were -18°C (El Divisadero, Mendoza)
and -23.6°C (Malargüe, Mendoza).

R/PET (%) = 33
R/PET (%) = 15

50 20
41 12
21 32
16 40
40 1
39 29 Semiarid zone

30 22 36
37 38 23 25
15 4
24 18 2
30 28 14 6 31 7
20 26 33
27 35 9 34 13 Arid zone
10 8

Subdesertic zone
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

m ºC
Opuntia as forage 65


1 Santiago del Estero

2 Andalgalá

3 Tinogasta

4 Catamarca

5 Chilecito

6 La Rioja

7 Chepes

8 S.J.de Jachal

9 Punta del Agua

10 San Juan

11 Barreal

12 Villa Dolores

13 Mendoza

14 La Paz

15 El Divisadero

16 San Carlos

17 San Rafael

18 General Alvear

19 Malargüe

20 San Luis

21 Unión

22 Santa Isabel

23 Puelches

24 Chos Malal

25 Las Lajas

26 Cutral-Có

27 Cipoletti

28 Choele Choel

29 Río Colorado

30 Maquinchao

31 San Antonio Oeste 37 Gobernador Gregores

32 Carmen de Patagones 38 Puerto San Julián
33 Puerto Madryn 39 Puerto Santa Cruz
34 Trelew 40 Lago Argentino
35 Sarmiento 41 Río Gallegos
36 Comodoro Rivadavia

Figure 9. Location of weather stations in arid and semi-arid zones of Argentina



Under different climatic conditions, the thermal limit for frost-sensitive species such as Opuntia ficus-
indica is indicated by an m of 1.5 to 2.0°C in the arid steppes of North Africa (Le Houérou, 1995b).
The authors’ observations from several species and clones established in the Mendoza plains suggest
that winter cold temperatures are the major limitation to cultivation of cactus in this area. When night
temperatures in El Divisadero dropped to -17°C in August 1999, the young cladodes from 9-month-old
plants of O. ficus-indica were almost destroyed, while the 3-year-old plants of O. ficus-indica,
O. spinulifera Salm-Dyck f. nacuniana Le Houérou, f. nov. and O. robusta Wend. had mean frost
damage of 25, 5 and 2%, respectively.
Experiments to evaluate forage production of the cold-hardy forage species O. ellisiana Griff.
and the cold-hardy clone #1233 (hybrid between O. lindheimeri Engelm. and some unknown parent)
have recently begun in the Mendoza plains. This material is being tested because O. ellisiana was not
damaged when temperatures at Kingsville, Texas, dropped to -12°C in 1989 (Gregory et al., 1993).
Furthermore, O. ellisiana experienced no damage and clone #1233 had only slight damage from this
freeze when temperatures of -20°C were recorded on a site located about 500 km north of Kingsville
(Wang et al., 1997).
According to Han and Felker (1997), the average water use efficiency (WUE) of O. ellisiana was
162 kg H2O per kg DM. This is among the highest WUE of any plant species measured under long-term
field conditions.
However, O ellisiana is a slower growing species compared to O. ficus-indica. In fact, the
productivity O. ellisiana/O. ficus-indica ratio ranged from around 0.35 (Han and Felker, 1997) to 0.5
(H.N. Le Houérou, pers. com.). Considering that the WUE measured for O. ficus-indica was 250-300
kg H2O per kg DM (Le Houérou, 1996a), the WUE of O. ficus-indica is about 55 to 85% lower than
O. ellisiana. Thus, we can assume that the lower productivity of O. ellisiana could be explained by its
higher transpiration ratio. Clone #1233, introduced by P. Felker at Santiago del Estero, has exhibited
high above-ground biomass productivity there (P. Felker, pers. com.).

Cactus and other drought-tolerant and water-efficient fodder shrubs (DTFS) can survive under rainfall as
low as 50 mm in a particular year, but with neither growth nor production (Le Houérou, 1994). Mean
annual rainfall of 100-150 mm corresponds to the minimum required to successfully establish rainfed plantations
of DTFS (Le Houérou, 1994), provided soils are sandy and deep (Le Houérou, 1996a). These limits can be
applied in the Mediterranean Basin, and North and South America (Le Houérou, 1994). Thus, cactus
plantations are eliminated from the arid (R/PET < 0.03; R < 50 mm) and hyper-arid (0.03< R/PET < 0.06;
50 < R < 100 mm) regions of Argentina.
Land tenure
Land tenure often constitutes a paramount constraint. The establishment of shrub plantations requires
long-term planning, relatively heavy investments and therefore land tenure security that provides possible
returns for such heavy investments. Land tenure and the control of livestock movements are therefore
prerequisites for shrub development (Le Houérou, 1996b).


Soil texture and rainfall are the main factors related to productivity of O. ficus-indica (Table 29). On
sandy soils, productivity ranges from 2.1 to 2.4 t DM/ha/year in areas with 300 mm of rainfall. This
translates into mean rainfall-use efficiency (RUE) of 7.4 kg DM/ha/year/mm. These yield and RUE values
are lower than those in arid lands under mean annual rainfall of 200 to 400 mm on deep, sandy soils (3 to 9
t DM/ha/year and15 to 22.5 kg DM/ha/year/mm, respectively) when competition from native vegetation
Opuntia as forage 67

and weeds was kept under control (Le Houérou, 1996a). The low yield from El Divisadero cactus
plantation is probably due to its unweeded condition, as they produced 300% less biomass production
than weeded plots (Felker and Russell, 1988). On silty sand soils, productivity reached only 0.75 t DM/
ha/year at a site with rainfall slightly higher than 200 mm, i.e. a RUE factor of only 3.5.

Table 29. Above-ground biomass production from Opuntia ficus-indica in Argentina

Mean annual Aboveground
Soil Spacing Plantation age
Site rainfall biomass production
texture (m) (years)
(mm) (t DM/ha/year)
Los Llanos (La Rioja) (1)
317 Sandy 3u3 5-7 2.4
(30º 22’S, 66º 15’W)
Los Llanos (La Rioja) (2)
317 n.a. 4u4 10 1.7
(30º 30’S, 66º 15’W)
El Divisadero (Santa Rosa,
294 Sandy 3u1 3 2.1
Mendoza) (3) (33º 45’S, 67º 41’W)
215 Silty sand 5u1 3 0.75
(32º 53’S, 68º 50’W)

Sources: (1) Braun et al., 1979. (2) Reynoso et al., 1998. (3) Present authors’ data. (4) n.a. = not available.


O. ellisiana was multiplied from explants containing areolas using in vitro culture techniques (Juárez and
Passera, 1998). The sterilization procedure that showed the best results (only 12% areolas infected)
consisted of the immersion of the entire cladodes in sodium hypochlorite plus Tween 80, and then in
benzalkonium chloride solution.
Explants were cultivated in Murashige and Skoog culture medium, supplemented with sucrose and
different Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) concentrations, at 27±2°C, 100%
relative humidity and a 16-hour photoperiod. Explants in the medium containing 2.25 mg/litre BAP and
2.0 mg/litre IBA showed 100% shoot development in 35 days of culture. The mean shoot length was 10.2
mm after 49 days.
A 100% root induction in shoots was obtained in a medium with 5 mg/litre IBA after 12 days in
culture. The highest numbers of roots were obtained when the entire shoots were cultivated in a medium
supplemented with 5 mg/litre and 10 mg/litre IBA after 48 days of culture.
The acclimatization of in vitro regenerated plants was accomplished in a greenhouse and the plants
showed good performance when transferred to soil.


Cattle production
The economic feasibility of 50, 100 and 200 ha cactus plantations in the Mendoza plains was examined by
simulation models (Guevara et al., in press). Models were run with 200, 300 and 400 mm annual rainfall
and two management systems: cut-and-carry (CAC) for pen feeding, and direct browsing (DB). The study
was based on several assumptions related to spacing and density strategies, planting material availability,
yield and utilization schedule, nutrient content of the pads, composition of cattle daily ration, and opportunity
cost of prohibited grazing.
Two approaches were used to assign monetary values to the cactus feed and the range forage
forgone by livestock. In the first approach, the shadow prices were calculated using the regional prices of
metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) in concentrates (EP shadow price). In the second
approach, the authors assumed the shadow price to be the price of steer meat on the hoof at the producer
level (SM shadow price). This latter approach also assumed a conversion rate of 115.4 MJ of ME per

kilogram of liveweight gain (Le Houérou, 1989). Thus, the monetary values (US$ per tonne DM) were
95.4 (EP) and 66.3 (SM) for cactus and 102.2 (EP) and 59.4 (SM) for range forage production.
Information obtained through the establishment and monitoring of experimental cactus plantations in
the Mendoza plains was used to estimate the establishment cost (Figure 10). The values correspond to the
mean of the two shadow prices. This cost ranged from around US$ 1 490 (50-ha plantation; EP shadow
price) to US$ 850 (200-ha plantation; SM shadow price) in the CAC system, and from US$ 1 080 (50-ha
plantation; EP shadow price) to US$ 970 (200-ha plantation; SM shadow price) in the DB system.

Figure 10. Average establishment cost of cactus plantations in the Mendoza

plains according to plantation size and management system
(Source: Guevara et al. in press)

Using 12% as the capital opportunity cost and the shadow price of meat, cactus production was
found to be feasible in DB systems with 300 mm rainfall on a 100 ha plantation and with 400 mm rainfall on
a 50 ha plantation; and in the CAC systems with 100-200 ha plantations and 400 mm rainfall (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Internal rates of return (IRRs) from cactus plantations in the Mendoza plains according to
plantation size, rainfall and management system (Source: Guevara et al., in press)
Opuntia as forage 69

The economic analysis did not take into account the secondary benefits mentioned by Le Houérou
(1994, 1996a), such as runoff and erosion control, climate buffering, increased land fertility, landscaping and
amenities, stabilization of animal production and reduction in the cattle water requirement. This resulted in
a very large underestimation of the economic impact of cactus plantations.
Without the incorporation of cactus plantations, the cow-calf operation size necessary to yield positive
returns in the Mendoza plains was estimated to be 37 500 ha (Guevara et al., 1996). If a 3-year cactus
production accumulation and a daily consumption of 36 kg of fresh cactus material per animal unit (AU)
were assumed, the cactus plantation required to feed all the cattle (1580 and 2270 AU in areas with 300 and
400 mm rainfall, respectively), for the entire year in this cow-calf model would be about 0.3% of the ranch
size. This cactus plantation would increase the current ranch investment by 7 to 10% (Guevara et al.,

Goats for meat production

The study addressed small-scale stockmen (50-200 does), located in areas with mean annual rainfall below
200 mm (Guevara et al., 1999). Their goat production systems have the following characteristics: (i) goats
are basically fed on rangelands, (ii) most of the goats kid in the dry season (autumn-winter), when the
forage on offer is insufficient to meet the nutrient requirements for goat lactation; and (iii) there is high kid
and doe mortality as a consequence of the feed deficit in this period.
A simulation model examined costs and benefits derived from the introduction of cactus plantations
into these goat production systems. Several scenaRíos were generated by varying the goat herd size (50,
100, 150 or 200 does) and the annual rainfall probability (f) from 0.1 to 0.9.
The assumptions were, in general, the same as those described earlier. However, some particular
aspects were included in the study. Cactus plantations could be established in bare areas near settlements
of the herders where no grazing currently occurred due to overgrazing and wood extraction. Herbaceous
vegetation, which could grow in the inter-row alleys, was scarce and therefore the opportunity cost of
prohibiting grazing in the cactus plantation was not considered. Only 10% of the wages were included as
goat herder opportunity cost. The method of management proposed was cut-and-carry.
This type of management is recommended for areas in which there is insufficient grazing discipline
and therefore a high risk of cactus plantation destruction (Le Houérou, 1989).
A decrease in doe annual mortality from 10 to 2% and an additional annual amount of kids per goat
were considered as the direct benefits derived from the reduction of forage deficit in the autumn-winter
period. An external benefit was the reduction of water consumption by goats in terms of the monetary
value of the labour not used for obtaining water.
Figure 12 shows the establishment cost of cactus plantations for three selected rainfall probabilities.
Costs ranged from US$ 525/ha (50-head goat herd; f 0.1) to US$ 242/ha (200 head goat herd; f 0.9). The
cost of establishment could be considered high and not all the stockmen could afford such investment. The
cost of installing the fence, the main item of the establishment cost in most of the scenaRíos analysed, could
be reduced if thorn hedges were considered. Thorn bush fences could be established for only 40% of the
cost of metal fence (Le Houérou, 1989). A fence made of a double row of spiny cactus at a distance of 1
m and a space of 1 m between plants should be established at least two years before cactus planting (Le
Houérou, 1989).
The annual additional amount of kids required to reach an internal rate of return (IRR) equal to the
opportunity cost of capital (12%) is shown in Figure 13. This amount increased as annual rainfall probability
increased, i.e. as cactus production decreased. An annual additional amount of 0.2 kid per goat seems
possible in practice because of supplementing goats with spineless cactus. In a 50-head goat herd, the
threshold of 0.2 kids is reached at f 0.5. The same number of kids is attained at f 0.7 to f 0.8 in 150- and
200-head goat herds.

If dependable rain (f 0.8) is considered, the additional kids per goat required to reach 12% IRR
would range from 0.21 to 0.29 for 200- and 50-goat herd size, respectively. Further research is needed to
establish, under field conditions, the actual additional amount of kids that might be obtained as a consequence
of supplementing goats with spineless cactus in the dry season.

Figure 12. Total costs of cactus plantation establishment and fence installation cost in the
Mendoza plains, for three annual rainfall probabilities (f) and four goat herd sizes
(Source: Guevara et al., 1999)

Figure 13. Annual additional amount of kids per goat required to reach 12% IRR in the
Mendoza plains according to annual rainfall probability and goat herd size
(Source: Guevara et al., 1999)
Opuntia as forage 71


Cactus plantations could be successfully developed in most of the arid and semi-arid zones of Argentina,
provided frost-tolerant species or clones were used. The trials that have been carried out indicate that
O. spinulifera Salm-Dyck and O. robusta are the most frost-tolerant species and hence the most promising
for cactus forage production programmes.
The establishment cost of cactus plantations appears to be high and out of reach of most ranchers
and graziers. Intensive research and extension efforts are needed to make cactus plantations more attractive
to them in terms of feed value, their role as “drought insurance” and economic benefits, and in particular
reducing the cost of establishment. At the same time, government should consider appropriate incentives
and legal tools favouring security of land tenure.
The system applied in Tunisia for Acacia saligna and in Syria for Atriplex halimus (Le Houérou,
1996b) could be adopted in Argentina. It is based on the planting of state-controlled land. Such plantations,
usually fenced and excluded from stock, are opened to graziers on a temporary basis, subject to payment of
a grazing fee, under the control of the Forest Service, who decides on the time of plantation use, on the
number of animals admitted and on the fee per animal/day to be paid.
Furthermore, in Tunisia, there are legal incentives for fodder production development. These incentives
include state assistance through loans, when economically justified, for establishing fodder shrub plantations,
in particular using spineless cacti, saltbushes and acacias (Le Houérou, 1996b).
Opuntia as forage 73




The West Asia/North Africa (WANA) region contains large areas with rainy winters and hot, dry summers.
WANA is characterized by its high population growth, low and erratic rainfall, limited areas of arable land,
harsh deserts and limited water resources for irrigation development (Nordblom and Shomo, 1995).
As much as 50% of the arid rangeland may have lost its vegetation since the Second World War, as
the human population has increased fourfold (Le Houérou, 1991a). The sheep population has increased by
75% and the stocking rate jumped from 0.25 sheep/ha to 1.0 sheep/ha between 1950 and 1989. The
rangeland degradation is simply the outcome of these changes, besides increased cropping activities and
increased use of feed grains.
Thus, contribution of rangelands to the annual feed requirements of livestock is diminishing continuously;
from 80% three to four decades ago, to less than 25% currently. Overgrazing and the associated range
deterioration are the major factors that have forced pastoralists to change their migration and feeding patterns.
In some countries, animals are heavily supplemented with barley grain and other concentrate feeds. Table
30 summarizes a typical feed calendar common for agropastoral systems of the arid and semi-arid zones of
the WANA region.

Table 30. Typical feeding calendar for small ruminants in the WANA region
Period Area Type of feed Supplement
Mating to early
May to July Agricultural land Cereal stubble Bran, barley, cactus
August to Bran, barley, cactus,
Pregnancy Agricultural land Cereal stubble, straw
September shrubs (Atriplex)
Barley, wheat bran,
October to Late pregnancy to Rangeland, Fallow, hay, natural
olive tree by-
January early lactation agricultural land grazing
February to Rangeland, Natural grazing, fallow, Olive tree leaves and
Weaning, fattening
April agricultural land standing barley, straw twigs, barley, bran

Therefore, most of the WANA countries are seeking appropriate tools to prevent rangeland degradation and
restore productivity. Some of the improved rangeland techniques include (i) reduction of stocking rates;
(ii) controlled and deferred grazing; (iii) periodic resting; (iv) extended water supplies; (v) reseeding; and
(vi) shrub planting.


Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie

74 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

Moreover, productivity can be improved by increasing feed supplies from alternative sources, including
(i) legumes or other forage crops grown in place of fallow; (ii) fodder banks of naturally grown legumes
fertilized with phosphate; (iii) treatment and suitable supplementation of straw; and (iv) other crop residues
and agro-industrial by-products. In addition, a planned government strategy for drought relief should reduce
the risk to small ruminant producers and increase production.
The search for appropriate plant species to grow in arid areas is a permanent concern of most
people living in harsh environments. Cactus species fit most of the requirements of a drought-resistant
fodder crop. According to De Kock (1980), they must:
* be relatively drought resistant, survive long droughts, and produce large quantities of fodder
during the rainy season, which can be utilized during dry season;
* have a high carrying capacity;
* supply succulent fodder to animals during droughts;
* not have an adverse effect on the health of the animals utilizing it;
* tolerate severe utilization and have high recovery ability after severe utilization;
* have a low initial cost (establishment and maintenance); and
* tolerate a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, so that they can be planted where the
production of ordinary fodder crops is uncertain.
The future of the arid and semi-arid zones of the world depends on the development of sustainable
agricultural systems and on the cultivation of appropriate crops. Suitable crops for these areas must withstand
drought, high temperature and poor soil fertility. The opuntias fit most of these requirements and they are
important to the economy of arid zones, for both subsistence and market-oriented activities (Barbera, 1995).


The increased importance of cacti in arid zones is because of their ability to:
! be more efficient than grasses or legumes in converting water to dry matter, based on their
specialized photosynthetic mechanism (CAM) (Russell and Felker, 1987a; Nobel, 1989a)
! remain succulent during drought;
! produce forage, fruit, and other useful products; and
! prevent long-term degradation of ecologically weak environments.
It is suggested that cacti, and Opuntia spp. in particular, were introduced into the WANA region by
Spanish Moors. Nevertheless, large plantations were not established until the 1900s. These plantations
were implemented to create living fodder banks to feed animals during drought and to combat desertification.


Opuntias used for animal feeding are abundant, easy and cheap to grow, palatable and drought tolerant
(Shoop et al., 1977). Such characteristics make them a potentially important feed supplement for livestock,
particularly during periods of drought and low feed availability. A large portion of opuntia plant biomass is
vegetative material rather than fruits, and it can be fed to livestock as fresh forage or stored as silage for
later feeding (Castro et al., 1977). The idea of using cactus to feed livestock is not recent. Griffiths (1905)
was certain that feeding cactus to livestock started in the USA before the Civil War, and before and after
the war, there was extensive freight transportation of cactus pads between Brownsville, Indianola, San
Antonio and Eagle Pass in Texas. The plant has become important fodder in many parts of the world, based
on natural and cultivated populations. It is cultivated in Africa, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Israel, Italy, Mexico, Spain, USA and Peru (Barbera et al., 1992; Le Houérou, 1979; Brutsch, 1984; Clovis
de Andrade, 1990; Curtis, 1979; Pimienta, 1990; Russell and Felker, 1987a; Saenz, 1985).
Opuntia as forage 75

Large areas are found in Algeria, northeast Brazil, Mexico and South Africa. The opuntia is used
all year round, or as emergency feedstock during drought. In many arid areas (Mexico, south Texas,
South Africa, Tunisia, etc.), farmers use cactus extensively as emergency forage that is harvested from
both wild and cultivated populations to prevent the disastrous consequences of frequent and severe
droughts (Le Houérou, 1992).
From the early 1900s in North
Africa, several strategies were
introduced to reduce water and wind Figure 14. Yield of Opuntia ficus-indica f. inermis in relation
to rainfall in Tunisia (adapted from Monjauze and
erosion and rangeland degradation, Le Houérou, 1965)
using shrubs (Acacia cyanophylla,
Atriplex nummularia and 120
A. halimus) and cacti (Opuntia
ficus-indica f. inermis). Large 100 y = 12.182e 0.004x
areas have been planted in Algeria, R2 = 0.7094
Morocco and Tunisia since the 80
1950s. It is estimated that in low
Yield (t/yr)

rainfall areas, some 0.7 to 1 million 60

ha of plantings are helping to combat
erosion and desertification and to 40
provide feed for livestock during
drought. 20
The importance of opuntia
became evident when research 0
showed that CAM plants could have 0 100 200 300 400 500
high productivity in dry regions. Due Rainfall (mm/year)
to their high water use efficiency
(Nobel, 1989a), their aboveground
productivity is much higher than any other arid plant species. In Tunisia, under rainfed conditions and with
no fertilizer application, spineless cactus yield from 20 t/yr of fresh cladodes in areas with 150 mm/yr
rainfall, to 100 t/yr in areas with an average rainfall of 400 mm/yr (Figure 14).


Marginal lands are fragile ecosystems, and when they are subjected to cultivation and indiscriminate vegetation
removal, large-scale degradation and destruction of vegetative cover occurs. The disappearance and
scarcity of several plant species indicate the magnitude of genetic and edaphic losses.
To reverse desertification and restore the vegetative cover in those areas, appropriate integrated
packages are used for rangeland monitoring, livestock and natural resources conservation. Spineless opuntia
(Opuntia ficus-indica) is used in Algeria and Tunisia to slow and direct sand movement, enhance restoration
of the vegetative cover and avoid erosion of the terraces built to reduce runoff.
In central and south Tunisia, opuntia plantations provide a large amount of fodder for livestock and
play a key role in soil conservation. Terraces are easily damaged by runoff, but opuntia roots help to hold
them in place, ensuring stability of the terraces. Two rows of cactus pads are planted on the inner side of
the terraces. The moisture stored at the base of the terrace enhances plant growth. In addition, pads are
harvested and used as an animal feed during drought spells. Cactus can be used in combination with
cement barriers or cut palm leaves to reduce wind erosion and sand movement, maintaining the soil and
improving vegetative cover.
76 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region


Opuntia is not a balanced feed and should rather be considered as a cheap source of energy. Cladodes
have low crude protein content and consequently should be supplemented with protein sources. They
are also low in phosphorus and sodium.
Chemical composition
Hoffman and Walker (Table 31) analysed Opuntia nutrient content in 1912. These early investigations
indicate that spiny and spineless cactus have practically the same chemical composition and are of equal
value for feeding purposes (Woodward, 1915). Cladodes have high water content (90%), ash (20% DM),
Ca (1.4% DM), soluble carbohydrate and vitamin A. They have low contents of crude protein (CP) (ca.
4% DM), crude fibre (CF ca. 10% DM), and phosphorus (P ca. 0.2% DM) (Nefzaoui et al., 1995).

Table 31. Average chemical composition (as % of DM) of Opuntia engelmannii and O. lindheimeri

Fraction Content Fraction Content

Water 85 Phosphoric acid 0.33

Crude protein 1.4-4.4 Potassium 3.04
Nitrogen-free extract 7.85 Magnesium 1.6
Fat 1.55 Calcium 2.84-13.85
Crude fibre 8.65

Source: Hoffman and Walker, 1912

Table 32. Average chemical composition of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes produced in Tunisia

Chemical content (as % of DM)


Average 13.48 27.41 3.84 8.55 58.16 0.04 8.66 1.09 0.05
Minimum 8.95 23.11 1.90 7.39 52.60 0.02 7.56 0.43 0.001
Maximum 21.48 33.70 7.51 10.60 63.79 0.07 10.62 1.92 0.17
Standard deviation 4.50 3.77 1.48 1.03 4.02 0.02 1.09 0.45 0.05

Key: DM = dry matter. CP = crude protein. CF = crude fibre. NFE = nitrogen-free extract. P =
phosphorus. Ca = calcium. K = potassium. Na = sodium.

Table 32 summarizes nutrient content of cactus pads determined in Tunisia. Water content is high (80-95%)
and ash content can reach 33% of DM. The crude protein content is low, often below 5% of DM. Fibre
content is also relatively low: its average value is about 9% of DM. These data are similar to those reported
in other countries (Table 33).

Table 33. Average chemical composition of cactus cladodes

DM Chemical content (as % of DM)


Average 11.01 17.19 4.76 10.91 65.30

Minimum 4.74 8.18 2.50 7.82 56.70
Maximum 17.00 23.53 7.87 14.50 72.67
Standard deviation 3.87 4.61 1.90 2.24 5.25

Key: as for Table 32.

Sources: De Kock, 1965; Lozano, 1958; Morrison, 1956; Teles, 1978; and Theriez, 1965.

Contents of major macro-elements show again very low levels of P and Na and high levels of Ca.
Recent investigations (Ben Salem and Nefzaoui, unpublished data) show that cactus cladodes have high
Opuntia as forage 77

oxalate content. Total oxalate is about 13% of the DM, of which 40% is in a soluble form. These oxalates
are probably bound to Ca, making this anion less available to animals. This high amount of oxalates may
also explain the laxative effect of cactus cladodes when fed to animals.
Crude fibre percentage is a poor indicator of feed fibre status, and improved methods, such as the
Van Soest fractionating procedure, are more appropriate. It appears that, compared to alfalfa, cacti have a
relatively low fibre content, especially the lignocellulose fraction (Table 34). It is well known that high levels
of lignocellulose or lignin are responsible for low digestibility of foodstuffs. According to these data, the
digestibility cactus pads could be expected to be high.

Table 34. Average neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin contents
(as % of DM) of some Opuntia species compared to alfalfa

Species NDF ADF Hemicellulose Cellulose Lignin

Alfalfa (reference species) 45.15 29.91 15.24 21.49 7.93

O. engelmannii 31.18 11.29 19.88 7.95 2.89

O. filipendula 33.30 15.31 17.99 10.49 3.97
O. versicolor 39.85 18.98 20.87 13.73 3.86
O. polyacantha 31.16 18.42 12.74 12.69 4.79
O. fragilis 35.08 15.47 19.61 10.97 3.91

Key: NDF = neutral detergent fibre. ADF = acid detergent fibre.

Source: Ben Thlija, 1987

Ash content of cactus pads is high, ranging from 10 to 25%, mainly because of the high calcium
content. Most of the opuntia species have phosphorus levels below animal requirement (Tables 31 and 32).
Water deficiency and high levels of Ca compounds in arid and semi-arid soils lead to cactus
accumulating high quantities of Ca solutes in its pads. This process allows the plant to extract, through
osmosis, as much water as possible from the soil. In any case, the Ca content of cactus pads well exceeds
animal requirements. An excess of calcium is not problematic in itself, but an unbalanced Ca/P ratio
requires correction. Most authors report a Ca/P ratio of about 35.
Shoop et al. (1977) working with O. polyacantha, indicated that phosphorus content was below
livestock dietary requirements. Calcium levels seemed to be adequate, but the Ca/P ratio, at about 36/1, is
too high for optimal livestock performance. According to the same source, the other minerals (manganese,
copper, zinc, magnesium and iron) had concentrations within the acceptable range for ruminant diets, except
for sodium, which was relatively low (0.02%).
Protein content of cactus cladodes is low, but tends to increase after fertilizer application. Species or
varieties also have influence on this parameter. Thus, Gregory and Felker (1992) found that some clones
from Brazil had over 11% crude protein.
González (1989) found that N and P fertilizers increased crude protein contents of opuntia cladodes
from 4.5% to 10.5% of dry matter. This is rather spectacular. However, in the WANA region, large
plantations of opuntia are located in dry areas where poor soil, low rainfall and limited financial resources do
not allow fertilizer application. Therefore other methods of increasing nitrogen content of cladodes –
through selection, hybridization and inoculation – are very attractive. Protein deficiency can also be solved
through appropriate supplementation and/or feed source combination.
Little attention has been paid to the quality of cladode proteins. Investigations conducted in the
authors’ laboratory showed that the amino acid composition of cladodes is satisfactory and comparable to
that of barley grain (Table 35).
The nutritive quality of opuntia depends on plant type (species and variety), cladode age, season, and
agronomic conditions (soil type, climate, growing conditions, etc.). Nutrient content variation is similar for
cladodes in their first and second years. The general trend is that dry matter content is high during summer
78 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

months, while crude protein content is at its lowest level. The trend for ash content is less clear, but seems
to be high for spring months. Crude fibre is less variable and seems to be higher during winter (Figure 15).

Table 35. Amino acid composition of Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis cladodes (g N/16 g N).
Opuntia CP Opuntia CP
Opuntia CP Barley grain CP
Amino acid (7.51% of DM) (4.24% of DM)
(4.24% of DM) (11% of DM)
(Site: Ousseltia) (Site: Bourebia)
Aspartic acid 9.29 11.66 10.98 5.70
Threonine 3.83 4.96 4.22 3.40
Serine 4.19 4.25 4.37 4.20
Glutamic acid 12.88 12.72 13.25 24.80
Proline 6.38 5.73 7.25 12.80
Glycine 4.66 4.69 4.86 3.80
Alanine 8.19 6.33 8.38 3.80
Cysteine 0.94 0.31 0.94 2.40
Valine 7.14 6.52 7.14 4.80
Methionine 1.82 2.33 1.99 1.40
Isoleucine 4.94 5.20 5.25 3.50
Leucine 7.99 8.58 8.43 6.90
Tyrosine 4.01 4.14 4.01 3.13
Phenylalanine 4.76 5.66 4.81 5.40
Lysine 4.86 6.32 6.56 3.60
Histidine 1.89 2.42 2.40 1.10
Arginine 5.60 5.31 5.60 4.90
Key: CP = crude protein

(a) One-year-old cladodes (b) Two-year-old cladodes

20 MS1 DM
MM1 % 20
% 15
10 CB1 MAT2
10 CB2

0 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Figure 15. Variation of chemical composition of opuntia cladodes (Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis) in the
first (a) and second (b) years. Key: MS = dry matter. MM = ash. MAT = crude protein. CB = crude fibre.

The effect of cladode age on nutrient Figure 16. Changes in crude protein content
content is quite interesting. It is obvious that associated with DM (Nefzaoui, unpubl. data)
dry matter increases as cladodes get older.
Analysing data related to this aspect, the 10
authors found that crude protein contents y = -0,5269x + 9,0939
CP 2
R = 0,5866
decreased (5 to 3% DM) and crude fibre % 6
increased (9 to 20% DM) as cladodes aged from DM
1 to 5 years. Crude protein content decreased
significantly (R2 = 0.6) when cladode dry 2
matter/age increased (Figure 16). 0
2 7 12 17 22
This trend is similar to other fodder
sources, where valuable nutrients decrease Dry matter %
Opuntia as forage 79

with plant age, a result of the relative increase in fibre content. Thus, opuntia behaves like any other
conventional fodder where crude protein content decreases and crude fibre increases with age
(Figure 17).

Opuntia cladodes are highly digestible. In vivo average values obtained with sheep varied from 60 to 65%,
60 to 70%, 35 to 70% and 40 to 50%, for DM, OM, CP and CF, respectively. An example of digestibility
data obtained with sheep is given in Table 36. These coefficients are similar to those observed with
common forage crops. Since opuntia should not be used alone to feed animals, digestibility is calculated by
difference, assuming no interaction between diet components.
The main difference between cactus and other forage crops is nutrient degradability in the
rumen. While forage crops potential degradability in the rumen is often reached after 48 hours, cactus
nutrients are rapidly degraded (in between 6 and 12 hours), so it can be assumed that no significant nutrient
extraction is operating after 24 hours (Ben Thlija, 1987).
According to Shoop et al. (1977), 80% of the total digestion of Great Plains opuntia (O. polyacantha)
occurred during the first 16 hours of a 48-hour incubation period, whereas only 73% and 71% of total
digestion for hay pellets and alfalfa
hay, respectively, occurred during the
initial 16 hours. Comparative dry matter Figure 17. Dry matter (DM), crude fibre (CF) and crude
digestibility of these forages is shown protein (CP) content associated with cladode age
in Table 37. (Nefzaoui, unpublished data).

A rapid rate of digestion means a 25 5.5

faster passage of the material through the
digestive tract. This also means that 5
cactus dry matter remains in the 21
DM% & CF % DM

gastrointestinal tract only for a short time, 19 4.5

leaving more volume available for 17 4
further intake. In other words, the gut fill 15
of cactus is low, explaining why an 3.5
increase of cactus volume in the diet
does not reduce the intake of other 11 3
components of the ration. These findings 9
are similar to those obtained by Ben 7
Salem et al. (1996) in Tunisia. 5 2
These results are very important 1 2 3 4 5 6
for arid zones where livestock is fed Years
mainly with straw or cereal stubble: both
coarse feeds are of poor quality and have % DM CF % DM CP % DM
low intakes, which lead to poor animal
A USDA report indicated that feeding trials using heifers showed that cactus cladodes are readily
and more completely digestible than grass-hay (Agropyron cristatum and Bromus spp.). A study conducted
by Rossouw (1961) comparing yield and digestible portion of opuntia and other fodders is summarized in
Table 38.
80 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

Table 36. Effect of spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis) supply on intake, total diet
digestibility and water consumption by sheep fed straw-based diets
Rate of spineless cactus (g DM/day) in ration
0 150 300 450 600
DM intake (g/day)
Straw 550c 574bc 523c 643ab 716a
Cactus + straw 550e 724d 823c 1093b 1278a
DM intake (g/kg M0.75day)
Straw 43.6b 42.2bc 37.7c 44.8b 54.7a
Cactus + straw 43.6e 53.3d 59.6c 76.3b 97.6a
Total diet digestibility
Organic matter (OM) 0.453b 0.504ab 0.543a 0.577a 0.587a
Crude protein (CP) 0.495c 0.550bc 0.537bc 0.585ab 0.643a
Crude fibre (CF) 0.525 0.508 0.534 0.523 0.468
Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) 0.504 0.495 0.483 0.523 0.506
Acid detergent fibre (ADF) 0.524 0.473 0.473 0.522 0.484
Digestible OM and CP intakes (% maintenance requirements)
DOMi 93 123 158 193 212
DCPi 52 52 64 93 111
Daily drinking water consumption (litre) 2.42a 1.49b 1.49b 0.11c 0c
Note: Means in the same row followed by different letters differ significantly at the 5% level.
Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996

Table 37. Dry matter digestibility (%) in vivo (NBDMD) and in vitro (IVDMD) of singed
opuntia, grass-hay pellets and alfalfa
16-hour Incubation 48-hour Incubation 96-hour Incubation
Opuntia 52.9 a 66.4 a 63.8 a
Grass-hay pellets 39.3 c 54.1 c 53.0 b
Alfalfa hay 44.5 b 62.9 b 63.7 a

Note: Means in the same column followed by different letters differ significantly at the 5% level.
Source: Shoop et al., 1977

Table 38. Total yield and amount (as fed) of digestible nutrients of some fodders
Crop Yield (t/ha) Digestible nutrients (t/ha) Digestible nutrients (%)
Opuntia 80 5.0 6.25
Maize (silage) 25 4.2 16.80
Mangelwurzel 25 3.7 14.80
Lucerne hay 5 2.5 50.00

Source: Rossouw, 1961


The effect of spineless cactus supply on digestion of wheat straw was studied in rumen-cannulated sheep.
Animals received wheat straw ad libitum, with graded levels of cactus (0, 150, 300, 450 or 600 g DM/
day). When the level of cactus in sheep diet increased, fibrous feed intake, rumen volatile fatty acids
concentration, rumen protozoa number and rumen ammonia concentration increased, while water intake,
rumen cellulolytic activity and rumen acetic acid/propionic acid ratio decreased (Ben Salem et al., 1996).
Opuntia as forage 81

Rumen pH
Rumen pH remained in the range of 6.80 to 7.13, even when animals received the highest level of spineless
cactus (Table 39), so pH of rumen fluid was not affected by the presence of spineless cactus in the diet.
Even though spineless cactus is rich in highly fermentable carbohydrates, no differences were observed.
Consumption of large volumes of spineless cactus probably enhanced salivation as a result of the high level
of mineral salts and the abundance of mucilage in cactus, which might explain the discrepancy. Efforts to
quantify effects of mucilage on saliva production and rumen buffer would be worthwhile.

Table 39. Effect of spineless cactus supply on ruminal pH ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), volatile fatty
acids (VFA) concentration and protozoa count in sheep fed on straw-based diets
Rate of spineless cactus supply (g DM/day) in ration
0 150 300 450 600
pH 7.16ab 7.03bc 7.19a 7.13ab 6.96c
NH3-N (mg/100 ml) 4.7b 7.1b 11.3a 12.0a 10.8a
Total VFA (mmol/l) 43.4c 60.4b 77.6a 60.2b 55.1b
Acetate 63.7a 57.8b 61.2ab 59.2ab 61.4ab
Propionate 21.0b 25.4a 24.2a 25.7a 23.6ab
Butyrate 6.7b 6.8b 8.3a 7.9a 7.9a
Acetate/Propionate 3.29a 2.34b 2.72b 2.55b 2.57b
Protozoa (×10 /ml) 3.5d 9.3c 13.0b 17.7a 13.1b
Note: Means in the same row with different superscripts differ (P<0.05).
Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996

Ammonia concentration
Animals supplied with spineless cactus showed an increase in ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration in
the rumen. Rumen NH3-N increased (P<0.001) from 4.7 mg/100 ml in the control diet to 11.3, 12 and
10.8 mg/100 ml for diets including 300, 450 and 600 g DM of cactus, respectively (Table 39 and Figure 18).
Ruminal ammonia concentrations were relatively high in animals supplemented with spineless cactus.
Even when sheep were fed with straw alone, NH3-N concentrations in the rumen fluid were quite similar
to those reported by Satter and Slyter (1974) as the optimal level for microbial growth and fibre digestion in
the rumen.

Figure 18. Cactus intake effect on ammonia, volatile fatty acid (VFA) and protozoa contents in
the rumen (Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996)

Rumen fermentation



0 150 300 450 562

Cactus intake, g DM/day

pH Ammonia, mg100 ml VFA, mM/100 ml

C2/C3 Protozoa, 10000/ml
82 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

Volatile fatty acids

Spineless cactus supply significantly increased (P<0.001) total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations.
Highest total VFA concentrations were obtained with 300 g DM of cactus in the diet. Propionate and
butyrate proportions increased significantly in animals receiving spineless cactus. Cactus supply resulted in
a slight decrease in the acetate proportion in rumen fluid and an increase in propionate and butyrate
concentrations. Spineless cactus seems to have the same effect on ruminant digestion as soluble
carbohydrates (Table 39 and Figure 18).
Protozoa counts
The positive effect of spineless cactus supply on NH3-N concentration was coupled with a significant
increase in the total protozoa number in the rumen fluid (P<0.001). The average number of protozoa
shifted from 3.5 × 104/ml to 13, 17.7 and 13.1 × 104/ml with diets supplemented with 0, 300, 450 and 600 g
DM of spineless cactus, respectively (Table 39 and Figure 18).
The higher protozoa count observed in animals supplemented with spineless cactus was associated
with high levels of ruminal NH3-N concentration. It is claimed that protozoa contribute to dietary protein
digestion and thus ammonia production (Ushida and Jouany, 1985).

Cellulolytic activity
Increasing the cactus level in the diet increased DM intake of fibrous feeds but decreased fibre digestibility,
probably because of the depressing effect on rumen cellulolytic bacteria of large amounts of soluble
carbohydrates in cactus pads.
Effective degradability of DM and NDF were significantly decreased by spineless cactus supply
(P<0.001), indicating an impairment of cellulolytic activity in the rumen. However, the rate of degradation
(c) was not affected by spineless cactus supply (P>0.05) (Figure 19).

Figure 19. Effect of spineless cactus intake on rumen cellulolytic activity.

(Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996)
degradability in the rumen of DM & NDF

0 150 300 450 562
Cactus intake, gDM/day

degradability of DM
degradability of NDF

Cellulolytic activity measured by the in sacco technique clearly shows some depression in fibre
degradation (Figure 19). Such a trend is consistent with results reported by Chappel and Fontenot (1968).
It is now well documented that ciliate protozoa have a negative effect on the number of bacteria in the
rumen and thus on ruminal cellulolytic activity (Demeyer and Van Nevel, 1979). Moreover, the high level of
minerals in spineless cactus can be a limiting factor for microbial growth in the rumen, as suggested by
Komisarczuk-Bony and Durand (1991).
Opuntia as forage 83

It may be concluded that a combination of spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis)
with cereal straw is a nutritionally satisfactory solution for maintaining small ruminants in arid zones. Spineless
cactus provides a fodder rich in energy and a water source in drought conditions. Animals receiving cactus
reduce water intake substantially and may even stop drinking water. Moreover, this trial indicates that
spineless cactus may improve the nutritive value and intake of poor quality roughages. It may be offered to
sheep without any risk of digestive disturbances, provided that it is mixed with a fibrous feed. Finally, it is
expected that supply of a protein nitrogen source in conjunction with spineless cactus could result in a
further improvement of the nutritive value of straw-based diets. Additional work is required to test this

Generally, cacti are highly palatable. Jersey cows fed on opuntia and supplemented with 1 kg of concentrate
feed/day, ate 50.6 kg/day of fresh cactus. Metral (1965) obtained similar results, with cows consuming a
voluntary intake of 60 kg when cactus was fed alone. Viana (1965) obtained higher values, with an average
voluntary intake of 77.3 kg and 117 kg/day maximum.
Valdes and Flores (1967) observed higher intakes with sheep fed with Opuntia ficus-indica (11 kg/
day) than with Opuntia robusta (6.5 kg/day). Monjauze and Le Houérou (1965) reported intake values
ranging from 2.5 to 9 kg/day. It is also reported that higher intakes are observed when water content of
pads is higher. Similar results were observed in the authors’ work (Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, unpublished
data). The gut fill value is low, and, unusually, feeding cactus enhances intake of fibrous feeds like straw
(Figure 20 and Table 36). This result is very interesting because straw is the main feed source in the arid
environments of the WANA region. It is well established that besides its low feed value, straw intake is
low. Combining straw with cactus increases straw intake and consequently animal performance
(Figure 20).

Figure 20. Relationship between cactus and fibre intake (Source: Ben Salem et al., 1996).

Straw intake, g DM/day




0 200 400 600
Cactus intake, g DM/day

Sheep fed with straw were able to consume up to 560 g DM of spineless cactus. This level represents
nearly half of the total diet. This beneficial effect of spineless cactus could be explained by the improvement
in rumen fermentation conditions. Spineless cactus increased by almost 2.5 times the supply of easily
fermentable organic matter (Table 36). Animals receiving diets containing up to 500 g of spineless cactus
did not show any digestive disturbance, supporting earlier findings (Cordier, 1947). The response pattern to
spineless cactus supply with respect to straw intake is in agreement with those generally observed with
soluble-carbohydrate-rich diets. Earlier reports (Preston and Leng, 1987; Rangnekar, 1988) indicated that
supplementation of poor quality roughages with molasses increased their palatability. Thus, spineless cactus
84 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

may have a similar effect. Absence of a negative effect of spineless cactus supply on straw intake
presumably lies in the high digestibility of spineless cactus in the rumen and in the rapid outflow rate of this
feed from the rumen, as it is rich in water.


Water is scarce in arid zones of the WANA region, and animal watering is a real problem during summer
and drought periods. Animals expend a lot of energy to reach watering points, and rangeland degradation is
a serious risk in the area surrounding watering points. Therefore, the high water content of cactus pads
could help mitigate the problem of watering animals in dry areas. Research clearly shows that water intake
is nil when cactus intake by sheep is about 300 g of dry matter (Figure 20). The volume of water
consumed by animals decreased from 2.4 litre for the control diet to 0.1 litre when the level of spineless
cactus consumption exceeded 300 g DM. Terblanche et al. (1971) reported similar findings.
Feeding cactus helps to solve the problem of animal watering. Sheep fed for a long period (400 to
500 successive days) with large amounts of cactus stopped drinking (Rossouw, 1961; Harvard-Duclos,
1969). Woodward et al. (1915) with Jersey cows reported similar results. However, Cottier (1934)
suggested that it is not possible to suppress water in cattle fed on cactus.

Energy content
Gross energy content of most cacti species ranges from 3500 to 4000 Kcal/kg DM. Digestible energy
is about 2000 Kcal, which is comparable to a medium quality grass (Ben Thlija, 1987). Thus energy levels
of cacti make them a valuable component to include in livestock diets. This energy comes mainly from the
high carbohydrate concentration of cladodes.
According to De Kock (1985), the feeding value of spineless cactus is equivalent to 65% TDN, while
the authors’ measurements (Nefzaoui, unpublished data) are about 0.7 Milk Forage Unit (MFU).


The method of utilization of spineless cactus will differ from farm to farm according to circumstances, such
as available labour, facilities, volume of spineless cactus, etc. It is often recommended to use opuntia for
feeding livestock by:
* Grazing of cladodes in situ. Although this is the simplest method, it is not the most efficient,
and care should be taken so that the animals do not overgraze and destroy the plants.
* Cutting harvested cladodes into small pieces or strips and feeding them in a confined area to
limit unnecessary wastage.
* Making silage. The cladodes are cut into small pieces and mixed with hay or low quality alfalfa.
If no fruits are included it is necessary to add molasses. The silage container must be airtight.
* Supplementation in case of emergency. Cactus, fed in any form, will keep the animals alive for
long periods. De Kock (1980) emphasized the desirability of supplementing opuntia with a protein-
rich supplement of alfalfa or hay (200 g in winter and 100 g in summer) with cactus fed ad
libitum. A lick of equal parts by mass of bone meal, salt and fodder lime is recommended by De
Kock (1980) to supplement the phosphate and sodium.

Since cacti are evergreen, it is better to store the product in situ to avoid expensive processes like silage
or drying, even if they are technically feasible. Chaffed spineless cactus pads can be dried on any
suitable surface and then ground in a hammermill through a 6-mm sieve. In the form of meal, the spineless
cactus material is not only ingested better, but is also easier to store. A supply of spineless cactus meal can
thus be stored for use during droughts.
Opuntia as forage 85

Good quality silage can be made from spineless cactus by chaffing the pads together with oat
straw, low grade lucerne hay or any other roughage on the basis of 84 parts by mass of spineless cactus
and 16 parts by mass of roughage, with the addition of 2% molasses meal.


The easiest way to utilize spineless cactus is by grazing, as it requires very little labour and is therefore
also the cheapest method. However, overgrazing must be avoided, particularly on young plants that can
be destroyed by sheep. Even older plants can be badly damaged by overgrazing, and subsequent
production will be considerably lower. The best method of grazing is to divide the plantation into small
paddocks and graze each of them intensively for a short period. Large losses occur during grazing due to
Direct browsing needs very tight grazing control, otherwise wastage may reach 50% of the fodder
produced (cladodes partially eaten and abandoned) and the plantation itself may be destroyed by
overbrowsing within a few months of overstocking (Monjauze and Le Houérou, 1965; De Kock, 1980).
The advantage of this type of management is its very low cost and the fact that the grass layer between
the shrubs is available to the stock. These two advantages result in an economically more efficient system.
It is best to utilize spineless cactus in rotation so that a plantation is utilized every three to five years. In this
way a plantation can be chopped or grazed each time to the height of one pad higher than the original
planting. When spineless cactus are utilized in this manner, the plants recover well, the material available
for use is of good quality and the plants are kept within a suitable height range.
Zero grazing or the cut-and-carry technique is more efficient. Loss of feed is virtually nil and risk of
over-utilization is considerably reduced. Over-exploitation may occur, however, especially in case of early
harvest in young plantations; which is detrimental to future production. But the zero grazing technique is
costly, although the method is amenable to the stock. In most cases in North Africa, zero grazing management
would be recommended because of insufficient grazing discipline and therefore a high risk of destruction.

Cactus pads are valuable feed provided the spines are singed off first, usually through the use of a propane
weed burner (Shoop et al., 1977). Other practices were discussed by Griffiths (1905). Steaming to
moisten the spines and chopping of the large pads were, and are, very efficient practices to facilitate the
use and maximize the amount of cactus eaten by livestock. According to the same author, tools and
machines have been built for these purposes.
While in some countries (Mexico and USA) the whole standing plant is burned before grazing, in
North Africa individual pads are burned and chopped into small pieces with hand tools or appropriate
cutting machines.


A problem experienced when spineless cactus pads are fed to sheep in any form is the severe laxative
action they have. This laxative effect is not a disease symptom, it just happens that the food passes past
through the animal’s digestive system faster, and as a result digestion is poorer. It appears that hay as a
supplement retards this rapid transit to a certain extent.
A laxative effect appears when the volume of cactus in the diet is high (more than 50 to 60% of
the DM intake). This problem is easy to solve, and feeding small amounts of straw or hay prior to
cactus distribution is sufficient to have normal transit.
86 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region


As stated in the introduction, rangeland areas and productivity in WANA countries are decreasing dra-
matically and currently provide only a small portion of livestock needs.
Moreover, the seasonality of range production due to climatic conditions results in two feed gaps:
one in winter (2-4 months) and a longer one in the summer period (5-6 months). These gaps are very
difficult to manage by livestock owners, and require large volumes of imported concentrate feeds to
supplement animal requirements. Since it is almost impossible for social reasons to reduce animal numbers,
most national strategies aim to increase rangeland productivity, using several techniques, including re-
seeding, fertilizer application, resting, and establishing shrub plantation. The last option, even if it is not the
cheapest one, is the most attractive. Most of these plantations are based on the introduction of highly
productive species such as Acacia cyanophylla, Atriplex nummularia (or A. halimus) and spineless
opuntia. According to the land tenure system in operation, several techniques are used for planting shrubs
and cacti.
* On communal rangeland, introduced species are planted in rows without removal of natural
herbaceous or woody species.
* On private land, the alley cropping technique is preferred, where farmers can crop the area
between rows when the rainfall conditions are favourable.
* On both categories of land, water and soil conservation techniques are applied. In this case,
shrubs and cactus are planted according to the contour lines in order to consolidate the so-called
* Another approach is related to cactus, and the oldest one is the bosquet type, which is a dense
plantation surrounding the house, used for fruit cropping as well as fodder to supplement animals
Because of these actions, shrubs (i.e. Acacia and Atriplex) and opuntia became an integral part of
the livestock production system in North Africa. It is also evident that a better integration of these feed
resources with conventional ones is necessary. In the following section, selected examples of resource
integration are discussed.

Example 1. Poor quality roughages supplemented with opuntia

Poor quality roughage can be supplemented with cactus. Indeed, the intake of straw increases significantly
with the increase of the amount of cactus in the diet (Nefzaoui et al., 1993; Ben Salem et al., 1996).
Cactus is also a good supplement to ammonia- or urea-treated straw, since it provides the necessary
soluble carbohydrates for the efficient use of the non-protein nitrogen in the rumen (Nefzaoui et al., 1993).
To study the effect of using large amounts of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis) in order to
quantify non-protein nitrogen from ammonia- or urea-treated straw, six groups of six Barbarine sheep were
submitted to diets that included cactus ad libitum and two levels (300 and 600 g) of untreated, urea- or
ammonia-treated straws (Table 40). Results showed that cactus voluntary intake can be high (450 g DM)
and remain important when straw daily ingestion increased from 300 to 600 g. Diets containing 64% of
cactus caused no digestive disturbance. Data indicated that it is possible to cover sheep maintenance
requirements for energy by using diets based on cactus given ad libitum together with 300 g of straw per
day. With high levels of straw (600 g/day) it is possible to cover 170 to 190% of maintenance energy
requirement. To cover nitrogen maintenance requirements, straw should be treated. Therefore, cacti may
be used as a major component of diets containing cereal straws; it is only necessary to add appropriate
supplements in order to overcome the nitrogen deficiency and to supply the fibre needed for normal
rumen function.
Opuntia as forage 87

Table 40. Straw supplementation with spineless cactus

Straw ration 300 g/day 600 g/day
Straw treatment US ATS UTS US ATS UTS
DM Intake (g)
Opuntia 445 447 425 432 462 439
Straw 254 242 249 494 466 486
Diet in vivo digestibility (%)
OM 67.9 64.0 63.3 66.5 69.8 72.6
CP 41.1 48.0 43.3 45.9 61.0 77.1
CF 37.5 30.5 29.2 46.5 49.2 52.7
N retained -0.2 -0.2 -0.6 0.8 2.8 3.9

Key: US = untreated straw. ATS = ammonia-treated straw. UTS = urea-treated straw.

DM = dry matter. OM = organic matter. CP = crude protein. CF = crude fibre. N = nitrogen.
Source: Nefzaoui et al., 1993

Example 2. Atriplex as a nitrogen supplement to cactus

In a first experiment (Nefzaoui and Ben Salem, 1996), Barbarine sheep were randomly allotted into three
equal groups, and fed diets (80% of the diet) based on opuntia (Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis) and
atriplex (Atriplex nummularia). Limited amounts of wheat straw (180 g/day) and commercial mineral and
vitamin supplement (30 g/day) were distributed. Diet dry matter (DM) intakes were similar for all groups.
Digestibility coefficients of organic matter (OMD) and crude protein (CPD) of the three diets were relatively
high, averaging 68, 74, and 75%, respectively (Table 41). In contrast, fibre digestibility was low, as the
soluble carbohydrates of cactus might have depressed rumen cellulolytic activity. The diets provided about
1.7 times sheep energy and digestible crude protein (DCP) requirements. Diet 1 covered 1.65 and 2.3
times energy and DCP requirements of sheep, respectively. Thus, it provided excess nitrogen and should
be supplemented with an energy source such as barley grain. Diet 2 was relatively well balanced in both
energy and nitrogen, while diet 3 had excess energy and needed to be supplemented with a nitrogen source
(non-protein nitrogen, like urea).

Table 41. Nutritive value of three diets

Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3
Total intake (g DM/day) 941 (70)(1) 930 (72) (1) 983 (73) (1)
Cactus intake 197 353 550
Atriplex intake 554 391 236
Straw intake 160 159 167
Diet OMD (%) 67.7 69.3 74.4
Diet CPD (%)(3) 74.5 76.6 75.5
Retained N (g/day) 4.1 3.9 4.1
Feeding value
Energy 167 174 184
Nitrogen 230 190 184
Notes: (1) The values (in parentheses) correspond to intakes stated in g DM/kg of LW0.75.
(2) OMD = organic matter digestibility.
(3) CPD = crude protein digestibility.
(4) Feeding value is expressed in % of sheep maintenance requirements in terms of
energy (as digestible organic matter intake (DOMi)) and nitrogen (as digestible crude

Sheep energy and N requirements may be matched using diets based on these two feeds. The level
of cactus in the diet can reach 55% on a DM basis without any digestive side effect. It is advisable that
small amounts of fibrous feed (straw, hay) be fed to animals before cactus. Better dietetic efficiency can
be obtained if the mineral balance is improved.
In another experiment, the effect of nitrogen supplement (urea, soybean meal, Atriplex halimus,
Atriplex nummularia) on cactus-pear-based diets, voluntary intake and growth of Barbarine yearlings, was
investigated (Nefzaoui et al., 1996). Four iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets (D1 to D4) were offered
88 Opuntia - a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in the WANA region

to four groups with six Barbarine yearlings in each, during 60 days in summer (Table 42). For all diets,
freshly cut cactus was fed ad libitum in addition to a limited amount of hay (170 g/day). Diets were
supplemented respectively with 8 g/day urea (D1), 770 g/day Atriplex halimus (D2), 740 g/day A. nummularia
(D3), and 65 g/day soybean meal (D4). Results showed that cactus based-diets could be supplemented
efficiently by Atriplex nummularia. Use of urea and A. halimus led to low growth rates in comparison
with diets supplemented with soybean meal or A. nummularia.
The voluntary intakes were 694, 844, 858 and 674 g DM/day, for diets D1, D2, D3 and D4, respectively.
The average daily liveweight gains were 55, 58, 74 and 70 g for D1, D2, D3 and D4 respectively. Such
diets, using low quantities of cereals (28%) and forage (17%) in the ration, are recommended to cope with
feed deficiency in the arid and semi-arid areas prevailing in West Asia/North Africa.

Table 42. Feed intake and liveweight gains

D1 D2 D3 D4
Intake (g DM/day)
Cactus 241 252 241 228
Atriplex halimus 0 224.2 0 0
Atriplex nummularia 0 0 225.8 0
Soybean meal 0 0 0 57.6
Barley 308.8 243.6 243.6 243.6
Hay 149.0 142.9 147.5 150.6
Urea 8 0 0 0
Total intake 706.8 862.7 857.9 679.8
Average daily gains (g/day) 55 58 74 70

Source: Nefzaoui et al., 1996

Example 3. Can acacia supplement cactus?

Acacia cyanophylla – a widespread, introduced shrub – was used to supplement cactus-based diets.
Acacia is rich in crude protein (about 13% of DM). To assess the effect, four Barbarine sheep groups
were fed with various diets (R00, R21, R22 and R23) (Table 43). Because of cost, hay was given in limited
amounts. The intake of acacia was low (250 g DM/day) because of its high content of condensed tannins
(7% DM). These tannins also caused low digestibility of the acacia crude proteins. Such diets need to be
supplemented with an appropriate source of nitrogen.

Table 43. Nutritional value of opuntia-based diets supplemented with Acacia cyanophylla
R 00 R 21 R 22 R 23
Feed intake (g DM/day)
cactus 0 167 246 267
acacia 241 373 211 177
Diet digestibility (%)
OM 67.7 76.5 73.9 74.6
CP 45.8 49.4 34.8 16.9
CF 62.8 80.5 77.4 79.9
Retained N (g/day) 2.77 2.73 0.46 -1.07
Feeding value(1)
energy 147 151 131 116
nitrogen 75 67 35 10
Note: DM = dry matter. OM = organic matter. CP = crude protein. CF = crude fibre.
(1) Feeding value is expressed as % of sheep maintenance requirements in energy (DOMi =
digestible organic matter intake) and nitrogen (DCPi = Digestible crude protein intake).
Source: Nefzaoui et al., 1996
Opuntia as forage 89

Opuntia cladodes behave like common forage crops:
(i) As cladode age increases, so dry matter and fibre contents increase and crude protein
content decreases.
(ii) They have high contents of water (≈90%), ash (≈20%) and calcium (≈1.4%), soluble
carbohydrates and vitamin A.
(iii) They are poor in crude protein (≈4% DM), fibre (≈10 % DM) and P (≈0.2% DM).
(iv) Their digestibility can be compared to a good forage crop, with average digestibility
coefficients ranging from 60 to 70% for organic matter, 35 to 70% for crude protein and 40
to 50% for crude fibre.
When fed to animals they show some differences with forage crops and behave more like a sugar-
rich foodstuff (similar to cereal grain or molasses). Indeed, when the level of cactus cladodes in the diet
(v) there is an increase in the intake of fibre feeds, and the rumen volatile fatty acids, the
rumen protozoa count and the rumen ammonia concentration all increase.
(vi) There is a decrease in water intake, rumen cellulolytic activity and the acetic acid/propionic
acid ratio.
Cactus cladodes are highly palatable, with average daily consumptions of 6 to 9 kg for sheep and 50
to 80 kg for cattle observed. They have a very low gut fill value, because their intake does not reduce
fibrous feed intake and the improved rumen conditions enhance the fibrous feed intake.
The high moisture content of cladodes should be considered a positive factor, because it helps mitigate
the problem of animal watering in dry areas. Feed values of spiny or spineless cactus are similar. Spines
are not a limiting factor because they can be removed.
When feeding cactus, two simple rules should be observed:
(vii) Cactus is an unbalanced diet and should be fed in association with fibrous foodstuffs (straw,
hay, shrubs, etc.). It also needs to be supplemented with an appropriate and cheap nitrogen
(viii) Cactus is rich in soluble carbohydrates and Ca, but poor in P. Therefore it is recommended
to (a) add molasses to the ration to avoid decreasing rumen cellulolytic activity; (b) limit the
amount of grain in the diet for the same reason; (c) feed animals with fibrous feeds (straw,
hay, etc.) before giving the cactus. Moreover, a special mineral supplement is required to
provide sufficient sulphur (S) to maintain an equilibrium Ca/P ratio.
Opuntia as forage 91




Most tropical livestock production systems have low productivity due to low feed availability and quality,
especially in drought-prone areas where the livestock sector regularly suffers large losses.
The problem is not limited to arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. Declining crop yields accompanied
by increasing requirements for food are forcing farmers of the central and northern highland regions to
cultivate more land at the expense of grazing pasture and browses. These problems are exacerbated by
poor management and financial limitations.
Research efforts to match seasonal fluctuations in feed supplies to needs include: treating crop residues;
modifying agronomic practices; varietal selection; pasture improvement; supplementing with non-protein
nitrogen (NPN); planting multi-purpose forages; conservation; and rumen manipulation.
However, there are financial limitations and inadequately qualified staff to carry out analytical work.
If treated feeds were to be used, animal products would be at unaffordable prices (Nkhonjera, 1989).
Availability of crop residues is limited to areas suitable for crop production. In some arid and semi-arid
areas, improvement of pasture is restricted to sowing improved grasses on more fertile soils (Evans, 1982).
The nitrogen (N) from NPN or legumes degrades very rapidly and there is a mismatch between the degradation
of organic matter and N. Manipulation of the rumen ecosystem does not seem economically effective in
extensive forms of farming (Leng, 1982). Silage making from low-nutritive-value tropical forages involves
the risk of bad fermentation and needs more facilities (Jarrige et al., 1982). Consequently, there is a need
to get N-source feeds that can immediately supply rumen degradable organic matter to serve as a link
between NPN, forage legumes and crop residues.
Most experts recommend planting of trees and shrubs to provide standing feed resources so that
herds and flocks can survive critical periods of shortage and prolonged drought. In screening plants for
animal nutrition for drought-prone regions, the two most important criteria are drought tolerance and palatability
for animals. However, adaptability of forage to marginal land, ease of propagation, persistency, dry matter
(DM) yield, high digestibility (D), and N contents are also important. Opuntia meets all of these requirements.
Most important, opuntia is suitable as a human food and has other miscellaneous uses. However, more
information is needed concerning its nutritive value, its utilization for animal feed, management, establishment
and its integration into pastoral and agropastoral systems.
The study of the potential and nutritive value of opuntia could contribute to the development of the
livestock sector in dry regions of Ethiopia. This chapter reviews the feasibility and nutritional value of
O. ficus-indica as a feed resource for farm animals in such areas.


Mekelle University
92 Nutritional value of Opuntia ficus-indica as a ruminant feed in Ethiopia


Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller was taken to North Africa from Mexico in the sixteenth century (Pimienta,
1993) and introduced into Ethiopia at the end of the 19th century (CFDP, 1994). It is widely distributed in the
northern arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. A survey indicated that about 30 520 ha (1.88% of the total
area of the Tigray region) were covered with O. ficus-indica, 48.62% growing wild and 51.34% cultivated.
It was also found in the hills of the Welo region, where the vegetation is severely degraded.
Since the 1960s, the fruit has been consumed by almost all domestic animals, and livestock totally
depends on opuntia during the dry season. Planting of O. ficus-indica is common and extensive. Two
Ethiopian organizations that play an important role in the expansion of cactus acreage are the Relief Society
of Tigray (REST) and the Regional Natural Resource Conservation and Development Bureau. The Cactus
Fruit Development Project (CFDP) has promoted the selection, production and distribution of cactus varieties,
identification of diseases and design of erosion control measures as part of its strategies (CFDP, 1994).


The fruits of O. ficus-indica contain water (92%), carbohydrates (4-6%), protein (1-2%), minerals (1%)
and a moderate amount of vitamins, mainly A and C (Cantwell, 1991, and Neri, 1991, cited by Pimienta,
1993). According to these figures, its fruits are high in carbohydrates (50-75% of DM) and moderate in
protein content (12.5-25% of DM), minerals and vitamins.
South African measurements of nutritional quality of Opuntia of 4% CP, 64% TDN, 1.4% Ca, 0.2%
P and 0.1% Na were similar to Texas data (De Kock, 1980). He indicated that in contrast to fertilized
opuntia plantations, the protein content of the ‘wild prickly pear’ was so low that mineral and protein
supplements were necessary.
The effect of cultivar is illustrated by a comparative study conducted in Brazil of fodder cultivars for
milk production: the CP contents of O. ficus-indica cvs Gigante and Redonda, and Nopalea cochenillifera
cv. Miúda were: 4.83, 4.21 and 2.55%, and their CF contents 9.53, 8.63 and 5.14%, respectively. In vitro
dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) was 77.37% for Miúda compared with 74.11 and 75.12 for Redonda and
Gigante, respectively; mean milk production and milk fat were not significantly different among treatments
(Ferreira-dos-Santos et al., 1990).
Cladode age is an important factor for nutritional value. Young cladodes of O. ficus-indica grown
for commercial fruit production in Spain had 10.6-15.0% protein, while mature cladodes varied from 4.4 to
11.3% protein (Retamal et al., 1987b). Similarly, Gregory (1988, cited by CFDP, 1994) reported that as the
age of O. ficus-indica increased from one to four years, the CP content decreased: 11.53, 5.74, 5.5 and
5.65%, respectively in the four years, with an average of 7.10%. Compared to mature 12-year-old cladodes,
2-year-old cladodes had substantially higher N, K and Mn, but lower Na, Ca and Fe. This was attributed to
age and to higher metabolic activity of young cladodes (Nobel, 1983). Concentrations of 15.3% protein and
0.3% P were reported in commercial O. ficus-indica fruit plantations in California (Nobel, 1983). In
contrast, the chlorenchyma contained 9.6% protein and 0.12% P for 5-year-old plantations and 7.8% protein
and 0.09% P for 12-year-old Chilean opuntia plantations. Young cladodes had significantly higher N, K and
Mn, but lower Na, Ca and Fe. Epstein (1972) suggested that Ca and Fe are not very mobile so that both
would be expected to accumulate in older tissues (Retamal et al., 1987b).
In contrast, Gregory and Felker (1992) reported that O. ficus-indica had similar protein contents in
all age classes. Their results are unusual, as young cladodes are generally of better nutritional quality than
older cladodes, which is attributed to the thickening of the cuticle of older cladodes and the increase in
thickness due to the expansion of the water-storage parenchyma (which is very slowly degradable) at the
expense of cell contents (Rodríguez-Felix and Cantwell, 1988). The latter authors reported the following
composition values per 100 g for cladodes harvested when about 20 cm long: 91.7 g water, 1.1 g protein,
Opuntia as forage 93

0.2 g lipids, 1.3 g ash and 1.1 g CF (13.3, 2.4, 15.7 and 13.3% on a DM basis, respectively). It was observed
that total carbohydrates increased considerably during cladode growth, while protein and CF contents
Season has a profound impact on the chemical composition of O. ficus-indica. According to Retamal
et al. (1987b), the highest values of moisture content, free reducing sugars, starch and CP were detected in
spring (92.5%; 103 mg/g DW; 226 mg/g DW; 14.8% respectively) in young cladodes, while at the end of the
season, ash content, ether extractive, crude fibre and calorific content presented the highest values (29.8%;
36 mg/g DW, 144 888 KJ/kg, respectively). Highest concentrations of N, P and K occurred in winter, with
Ca showing the opposite pattern (Esteban-Velasco and Gallardo-Lare, 1994).
Compared to most agronomic plants, chlorenchyma levels of Ca and Mg (5.3% and 2.5% of DM,
respectively) in cacti tended to be higher and Na level (0.11% of DM) lower (Retamal et al., 1987b). They
found that among the 11 elements tested, N was strongly correlated with the nutrient level and metabolic
activity, where nocturnal acid accumulation (NAA) tended to be greater when the N level in the chlorenchyma
was higher (r2 = 0.39). In contrast, NAA was negatively correlated with chlorenchyma Na content (r2 = 0.32).
The distinctive features of cacti: shallow root systems, leaves modified into spines, and shading of
photosynthetic organs; could affect mineral relations. The shallow root enables them to accumulate elements
from the upper part of the soil and shading results in accumulation of certain elements (Nobel, 1977). An
important feature common to most cacti is the relatively high levels of Ca which may represent accumulation
of calcium oxalate (Nobel, 1983).
Flachowsky and Yami (1985) studied composition, D and feed intake of O. ficus-indica by Ogaden
sheep, where 70-75% (DM basis) was total carbohydrate and about 20% was crude ash. They indicated an
apparent D of OM of 70.9%, corresponding to 35 and 467 energy feed units (cattle)/kg (72 MJ ME) in fresh
material and DM, respectively. CP was 4.5-5.5% of DM, less than maintenance requirement.
Given free choice, rams preferred chopped fresh cactus to chopped dried cactus or whole fresh
cactus (Flachowsky and Yami, 1985). In conditions where water is not a limiting factor for animal production,
it could be difficult for animals to take enough fresh cactus to meet their requirements, as a level of water
exceeding 780 g/kg fresh forage is claimed to have a detrimental effect on voluntary intake (John and
Ulyatt, 1987, cited by Minson, 1990a). Fortunately, this effect may be small and of no disadvantage in arid
and semi-arid areas where water is limiting for animal production.
In an experiment replacing alfalfa hay with O. ficus-indica cladodes as supplementary summer
forage for milk goats, 50 goats were grazed on indigenous pasture alone (control); with lucerne hay (LH) ad
libitum; and with three LH + cladodes (C) combinations (85% LH+15% C; 79% LH+21% C; 66% LH+34%
C). Milk production increased by 55.4, 93.8, 103.6 and 12%, respectively, compared to the control (p<0.05)
(Azócar and Rojo, 1991).
Gregory and Felker (1992) reported Opuntia to be high in moisture content (94.26%) and high in in
vitro D (about 75%). Most workers have suggested that Opuntia is low in its CP (4%) content and P
(0.2%) contents, and have recommended that supplements should be given to meet the requirements of
animals (De Kock, 1980; Hanselka and Paschal, 1990). It is moderate in energy content measured as
digestible nutrients, and high in water, vitamin A, fibre and ash (Hanselka and Paschal, 1990). Fortunately,
there are ways of improving it. The application of low rates of N increases the percentage of CP significantly.
It was proposed that high N treatment (224 kg/ha every two years) is needed to meet the requirements for
lactating cows. Application of P (112 kg/ha) also doubles P content, which is normally low in O. ficus-
indica (González and Everitt, 1990 cited by Pimienta, 1993).
Anti-nutritional characteristics, such as spines, may affect nutritional value by limiting palatability and
digestibility and so utilization efficiency. The common method for removing the spines is burning. A device
has been designed to mechanically remove the spines (Carmorlinga-Sales et al., 1993). Another method is
use of a chaff cutter (De Kock, 1980).
94 Nutritional value of Opuntia ficus-indica as a ruminant feed in Ethiopia

Given that O. ficus-indica is a Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plant, the organic acid content
varies during the day. Teles et al. (1984) found that levels of malonic, malic and citric acids in materials
collected at 18:00 were: traces, 0.95 and 0.31 mg/g, respectively. In similar material collected at 06:00,
concentrations were 0.36, 9.85 and 1.78 mg/g, respectively. The pH ranged from 5.2 in the evening to 4.4
in early morning, and the percentage of malic acid varied from >0.5% at 08:00 to <0.1% at 16:00 (Cantwell,
1991, and Neri, 1991, cited by Pimienta, 1993). However, the effect of organic acid variation during the day
has not been studied with opuntia.
Nutritional changes after harvest have been noted, though not explained. Neri (1991, cited by Pimienta,
1993) observed reduction in the content of both total and reducing sugars, and an increase in pH and protein
content. In production systems where water is not limiting, storing opuntia increases DM so that animals
can consume more of it to meet their requirements. The increase in its protein content is more important
and needs investigation.


Samples were taken from opuntia plants grown in a greenhouse on sandy soil, with no fertilization, representative
of tropical poor soils in which Opuntia ficus-indica usually grows.
Four branches (A, B, C and D), as groups, each with three cladodes, as age groups, and their fruits (f)
were separated. The cladodes on each branch were labelled as young (y), middle-aged (m) or old (o).
They were six months, one year and two years old, respectively.

Dry matter, ash and mineral content determinations

Dry matter content was determined by drying chopped samples for four days in an oven set at 80°C. Ash
content was determined by incinerating dried samples at 500°C until a greyish-white colour was attained.
The solution for mineral determination was prepared as stated by Retamal et al. (1987b) except that the
solution for Ca, Mg and K analysis was further diluted with distilled water (1:100) making the final dilution
factor 1:1000. The concentration of Ca, Mg, K and Na in the solution was determined by atomic absorption
spectrometry and the concentration of P was determined spectrophotometrically. The result for each element
was calculated from the respective standard graphs (MAFF, 1986). Crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF)
and ether extract (EE) were determined by the proximate analysis method (MAFF, 1986). Nitrogen-free
extract (NFE) was calculated as the DM not accounted for by the sum of CP, CF, EE and ash (NFE =
DM -CP -CF -EE -ash) (Van Soest, 1982). A bioassay was performed using the faeces liquor technique (El
Shaer et al., 1987) and used for in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) assay. IVDMD was calculated
as: IVDMD = (A - (B - C))/A, where: A = dry weight of sample; B = dry weight of residue after digestion;
and C = dry weight of reagent blank.
The mean proportional weight loss of the triplicates or duplicates for each sample was recorded as
the IVDMD (Omed et al., 1989). Data were analysed by ANOVA (General Linear Model, GLM) test and
the significance of difference between means detected using Fisher’s least significance difference (LSD)
The relationship of chemical composition data with IVDMD was performed by simple linear regressions,
and significance of correlation by ANOVA. For comparison, appropriate multiple regression equations
using combinations of CP, CF, NFE, EE and ash as an independent variable and IVDMD as a dependent
variable were used.

Mineral composition
The mineral composition of samples is summarized in Table 44. There was significant age effect on Ca, Mg
and Na contents and a highly significant effect on P content. Age did not affect K content. It is well
established that tropical legumes, tropical grasses and other roughages are low in minerals, particularly P
(Fleming, 1973; Minson, 1988). The P content (Table 44) of the present samples was low in comparison to
temperate pasture grasses (McDonald et al., 1995). Older cladodes had lower P contents than younger
Opuntia as forage 95

cladodes and fruits, which was in accordance with most previous results (De Kock, 1980; Nobel, 1983;
Hanselka and Paschal, 1990; Gregory and Felker, 1992). All the results were within the range of 0.02 to
0.58% reported for 586 tropical grasses, whose mean was 0.22% (Minson, 1990b). In addition, all the P
values were above the recommended level (0.17%) for cattle weighing 450 kg and gaining 0.5 kg/day
(NRC, 1968).
O. ficus-indica has been reported to be high in Ca content (Nobel, 1977; De Kock, 1980; Retamal et
al., 1987b). The values obtained disagree with this (Table 44). This may be due to the young age of the
samples having allowed less accumulation of calcium oxalate (Nobel, 1977). Fruits had significantly lower
Ca content than other parts and Ca content of young cladodes was higher (but not significant; p>0.05) than
either middle-aged or old cladodes. The significantly higher Ca content found in young cladodes also
disagreed with other reports (Epstein, 1972; Nobel, 1983; Retamal et al., 1987b), but the difference was
small. Fruits had lower Ca content than cladodes, explained in part by the low mobility of Ca (Epstein,
Ca content of 390 tropical grasses varied from 0.14 to 1.46% (Minson, 1990b), a range containing
most of the values obtained. All samples contained sufficient Ca to meet the required 0.17% recommended
by NRC (1968). Most samples were within the high range of temperate pasture grasses (>0.6%) (McDonald
et al., 1995).
O. ficus-indica has been reported as high in Mg content (Retamal et al., 1987b). Mg content of
these samples was high and significantly (p<0.05) increased with age. All the values were within the range
reported by Minson (1990b). In addition, the results were above the 0.11% Mg level recommended by the
ARC (1965). Though there is less likelihood for Mg to be deficient, as most tropical grasses and legumes
have enough of it (Norton, 1982), these results showed that Opuntia had a sufficiency of Mg.

Table 44. Mean mineral composition (% of DM) of fruits and cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica
Ca Mg K Na P
Fruits 0.45c 0.14c 0.40 0.07 0.37a
Young cladodes 1.03a 0.20a 0.37 0.06 0.33a
Middle-aged cladodes 0.94b 0.19a 0.38 0.05 0.25b
Old cladodes 0.73b 0.22ab 0.17 0.05 0.23b
Probability p<0.05 p<0.05 ns ns p<0.001
Grand mean 0.79 0.19 0.33 0.06 0.30
Standard deviation 1.177 0.147 0.927 0.004 0.014

Notes: (1) Different superscripts indicate significantly (p<0.05) different means. (2) ns = Non-significant.

The low K content of the older cladodes (Table 44) may reflect the high metabolic rate of fruits and
younger cladodes (Nobel, 1983). Retamal et al. (1987b) observed that younger cladodes had substantially
higher K content, which was not found in this study.
The Na content of both fruits and cladodes was very low (Table 44) as reported by De Kock (1980)
and Retamal et al. (1987b). Retamal et al. (1987b) reported that younger cladodes had lower Na contents,
which was not observed in the results reported here (Table 44). The values indicate that the low Na content
of cacti was probably due to the low genetic capacity for accumulation, low requirements for growth or low
availability in the soil (Norton, 1982; Retamal et al., 1987b). The latter authors reported that Na content
was negatively correlated with nocturnal acid accumulation (NAA), confirming the above claim.
It is firmly established that tropical plants have low Na contents (Fleming, 1973), though its deficiency
is related to particular species (Minson, 1990a). The results were within the range of Na contents typically
found in tropical grasses, i.e. 0.01 to 1.8%. All the samples contained less than 0.08%, which is the
recommended level (ARC, 1965). However, in the arid and semi-arid areas, salinity of drinking water may
be high (McDowell, 1985), which could compensate for any deficiency.
96 Nutritional value of Opuntia ficus-indica as a ruminant feed in Ethiopia

Chemical composition
Both fruits and cladodes had low DM contents (9.17%), with the lowest values observed in young cladodes
(Table 45). Average ash percentage of the DM was 8.67%. CP declined with age (r = -0.79) in the
cladodes, though the pattern was inconsistent. Fruits and young cladodes had significantly (p<0.05) higher
CP content than middle-aged and old cladodes (Table 45) while there was no significant differences between
fruits and young, middle-aged and old cladodes. Young cladodes had the lowest mean CF content (Table 45).
CF content was negatively correlated with CP contents (r = -0.33), and NFE contents (r = -0.53). However,
the differences between CF contents were not significant at the 0.05 level. NFE was positively correlated
with age (r = 0.64), and negatively correlated with EE (r = -0.42) and ash (r = -0.77).
In vitro dry matter digestibility
Average IVDMD (Table 45) was highest for fruits (p<0.01), followed by young cladodes, and significantly
declined with age in the older cladodes. IVDMD was negatively correlated with age (r = -0.95), and NFE
(r = -0.80), and positively correlated with CP (r = 0.76) and ash contents (r = 0.73). A relationship between
IVDMD and chemical composition, including age was calculated:
IVDMD = 74.1 - (4.12 × Age) - (0.009 × CP) + (0.482 × CF) - (0.91 × EE) + (0.989 × ash)
(r2= 0.93; p<0.001).

Table 45. Mean in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), estimated digestible energy (DE) and total digestible
nutrient (TDN) contents and chemical composition of fruits and cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica
% % DM MJ/kg DM % DM % DM % DM % DM
Fruits 82.92a 15.57a 77.78a 13.10a 10.39 65.78

Young cladodes 77.88b 13.98b 73.48b 13.42a 7.96 66.78

Middle-aged cladodes 71.14c 13.14c 67.63c 10.76b 8.03 72.15

Old cladodes 69.64c 12.99c 66.32c 9.15b 10.72 70.85

Probability p<0.01 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.01 ns ns

Grand mean 9.17 75.40 13.92 71.33 11.61 9.28 68.89
Standard deviation 1.651 0.226 0.312 0.366 1.238 1.281
Key: DM = dry matter. IVDMD = in vitro DM digestibility. DE = digestible energy. TDN = total digestible nutrient. CP =
crude protein. CF = crude fibre. NFE = nitrogen-free extract
Notes: (1) Different superscripts indicate significantly (p<0.05) different means. (2) ns = Non-significant.

Table 46. Mean DM and chemical composition of Opuntia ficus-indica fruits and cladodes from 16
locations in Ethiopia (% on DM basis)
Sample DM CP CF EE Ash NFE
Af 7.5 12.07 9.05 1.94 9.10 67.84
Ay 6.8 12.42 8.68 1.53 10.40 66.97
Am 8.7 9.18 8.40 1.49 7.25 73.68
Ao 10.6 7.95 13.32 2.18 6.90 69.65
Bf 7.7 11.63 7.73 1.12 10.25 69.18
By 6.8 9.78 21.54 2.18 10.95 55.63
Bm 8.7 8.62 8.12 1.77 6.90 74.59
Bo 8.6 10.46 9.37 1.40 9.45 74.59
Cf 7.9 13.11 14.12 1.78 9.35 61.64
Cy 6.9 13.83 7.62 1.91 9.50 67.14
Cm 10.3 12.35 8.16 1.47 8.75 69.27
Co 11.3 9.83 12.30 1.03 9.05 67.79
Df 8.6 14.13 8.00 1.20 8.80 67.87
Dy 6.9 14.00 7.58 1.34 10.85 66.23
Dm 11.6 10.75 7.53 0.92 7.30 73.50
Do 12.9 10.47 6.54 1.09 6.80 75.10
Key: DM = dry matter. CP = crude protein. CF = crude fibre. EE = ether extract. NFE = nitrogen-free extract
Opuntia as forage 97

CP content
Opuntia ficus-indica was reported to be low in CP content (De Kock, 1980; Glanze and Wernger, 1981;
Flacowsky and Yami, 1985; Ferreira-dos-Santos et al., 1990). In contrast, some authors reported Opuntia
ficus-indica as a moderate CP source (Nobel, 1983; Retamal et al., 1987b; Rodríguez-Felix and Cantwell,
1988; Cantwell, 1991, and Neri, 1991, cited in Pimienta, 1993). The results obtained (Table 45) agreed with
the last-named authors. However, most of their samples were from cultivated plantations, while the opuntia
used for this study was treated as a wild plant. Age and conditions of cultivation may explain the difference
(De Kock, 1980; Retamal et al., 1987a; Hanselka and Paschal, 1990).
As is the case in most plants, age significantly affected CP content. The mean CP contents of all the
fruits and cladodes of all ages (grand mean = 11.61%) were greater than the average CP content of all
fibrous crop residues (6.1%) (Kossila, 1984) and tropical grass samples (7.7%) reported by Butterworth
(1967) or the 10.6% of Minson (1990b). However, it was less than the average CP content of 340 tropical
legumes: 17.2% reported by Minson (1988) or 16.7% reported by Minson (1990b), while most were comparable
to the average CP content (13.3%) of 470 temperate grasses (Minson, 1990b). All values were above the
level (6-7%) reported as the limit to microbial activity, and thus productivity and feed utilisation efficiency
(Minson, 1990b).

Crude fibre content

CF content is usually taken as a negative index of feed quality (Van Soest, 1982). In this study, Opuntia
ficus-indica was extremely low in CF. Similar results were previously reported by Rodríguez-Felix and
Cantwell (1988) and Ferreira-dos-Santos et al. (1990).
As plants mature there is a significant increase in CF content (Van Soest, 1982). In cacti, however,
there were no significant differences in CF among age groups (p>0.05). Rodríguez-Felix and Cantwell
(1988) even reported a decrease in CF in older cladodes, suggesting that the significant decrease in IVDMD
values of older cladodes (Table 45) was not due to the increase CF content.
All the samples reported here were below the range of CF contents determined for either tropical
legumes (12.4 to 43.4%, with a mean of 30.6%) and tropical grasses, with a mean of 33.4% (Butterworth,
1967). They were lower than the mean CF content of temperate grasses (20.0%) and temperate legumes
(25.3%) reported by Norton (1982).

Nitrogen-free extract content

The NFE content, which represents the highly digestible carbohydrates (Van Soest, 1982), of all the samples
was relatively high (Table 45). The high NFE values of the older cladodes indicated that they had the
highest soluble cell contents. The increase in NFE with age (r = 0.64) agrees with the observation that total
carbohydrates increased during cladode development (Rodríguez-Felix and Cantwell, 1988), which could,
to some extent, buffer the decline in IVDMD as cladodes get older (Radojevics et al., 1994). The negative
correlation between NFE content and IVDMD (r = -0.80) might be due to changes related to other factors.
In vitro dry matter digestibility
Low digestible energy and protein contents are the two most important features of a diet that imposes
physical restriction on feed intake (Van Soest, 1982). Consequently, energy and protein are usually given
first consideration in any feeding system, and thus there is a real need for a digestible feed resource (Yilala,
The data in Table 45 showed that Opuntia ficus-indica was highly digestible, agreeing with the
values reported by Ferreria-dos-Santos et al. (1990). Although there were relatively small differences in
CP and CF contents between fruits and young cladodes, the IVDMD was significantly higher for fruits.
Their high digestibility was attributed, in part, to the translocation of soluble carbohydrates (Norton, 1982).
Younger cladodes were more digestible than middle-aged and old cladodes. This seemed to be related to
98 Nutritional value of Opuntia ficus-indica as a ruminant feed in Ethiopia

the lower CP contents of older cladodes (r = 0.76). However, none of the CP contents was below 6-7% –
the limiting level for microbial growth (Minson, 1990b) – or below the DMD/CP ratio (>10:1) that was noted
as limiting for microbial synthesis and fermentation conditions (Hogan, 1982).
It was less likely that CF content of old cladodes had significantly affected their digestibilities. This
suggestion was confirmed by the extremely low CF contents (Table 45), which had no correlation with age
(r = -0.04). When compared with other grasses and legume forages, it might be argued that Opuntia ficus-
indica with such low CF content had a lower IVDMD than might be expected. The degree of lignification
was also unlikely to cause significant reduction in D because non-legume dicotyledenous plants, to which
Opuntia belongs, are chiefly unlignified and have a high cell wall recovery (Van Soest, 1982). The extremely
low CF content might, however, have caused a high rate of digestion and affected digestibility due to acid
accumulation in the bottles, which is difficult to buffer (Van Soest, 1982).
A proportion of the decline in digestibility values for the old cladodes could be associated with the
indigestible cutin, which prevents microbial attack (Monson et al., 1972) Cutin is present in the cuticle of
cacti (Hanna et al., 1973; Uden, 1984). Differences exist in the ability of cuticle to crack under stress
(Hanna and Akin, 1978), which has not been investigated in Opuntia ficus-indica.
C4 plants are photosynthetically more efficient than C3 plants, but they exhibit low nutritive value (Van
Soest, 1982). The morphological characteristics (Norton, 1982); temperature of growth (Minson, 1990a);
the well-developed, more slowly degradable, parenchyma sheaths of C4 plants (Akin, 1982); and the few
mesophyll cells (Van Soest, 1982) might limit the digestibilities of fruits and cladodes. However, any impact
of these must be small, as the samples were highly digestible (Table 45). These high IVDMD values were
related to the high cell contents, which are roughly represented by nitrogen-free extract (NFE) contents and
low CF contents (Table 45) (Van Soest, 1982).
Regression analyses of IVDMD against separate chemical composition data (CP, CF, NFE, EE and
ash) confirmed that CF and EE contents are not related to digestibility (r2 = 0.0%), although combination had
a highly significant (p<0.001) effect. IVDMD was best predicted by regression including age (r2 = 93.6%).
The IVDMD of almost all the fruits and the cladodes were above the mean values reported for
tropical grasses (30-75%, with a mean of 54%) (Minson and McLeod (1970) in Minson, 1988), temperate
grasses (45-85%, with a mean of 67%), tropical legumes (36.0 to 69.3%, with a mean of 54%) and temperate
legumes (mean of 60.7%) (Minson, 1988). None of the IVDMD values was below the digestibility level
recommended for different ruminants kept for different production purposes. For example, for higher
performance levels of larger animals, forage digestibility over 66% is required (Burns, 1982); a lactating
beef cow producing 10 kg milk/day requires forage of 67% D, and a cow producing 5 kg milk/day, high
yielders of Ethiopian indigenous breeds, requires 53% D (Burns, 1982). Thus, Opuntia ficus-indica can be
a feasible forage in the tropics where even applying N to grasses does not appear to improve D (Minson,
Higher IVDMD is obtained by drying samples at 100°C for one hour followed by a moderate
temperature of 70°C (Burns, 1981). However temperatures above 80°C causes thermo-chemical degradation
of non-structural parts. Content of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), in vitro digestibility (IVD) and
percentage of nitrogen insoluble in neutral detergent are affected most by drying temperature. Thus, prolonged
heating at high temperature promotes loss of sugar through the Mailliard reaction. The reaction is favoured
by high temperature, moisture content and soluble carbohydrates in the plant material: all these requirements
were met for opuntia. Oven-drying at high temperature can also increase structural constituents. Therefore,
Mailliard products were produced and structural constituents increased, limiting digestion as they are totally
unavailable or very slowly degradable (Van Soest, 1982).
Opuntia as forage 99

O. ficus-indica was moderate in CP, high in Ca, normal in Mg and low in Na, K and P contents in relation
to ruminant requirements from a diet, and similar to common temperate or tropical grasses and legumes. It
was highly digestible. Opuntia ficus-indica may serve as a link between crop residues, legume forages
and NPN sources by supplying readily available organic matter.
Extremely high water content may affect total DM intake by animals, especially during wet seasons
and where water is not a limiting factor for animal production. Therefore, research must gear to silage
production in combination with coarse crop residues.
This study has evaluated some feed quality parameters at one point in time. For any true evaluation
and in order to incorporate Opuntia ficus-indica into feeding systems, its effect on animal performance
must be investigated. Likewise, further work on its combination with other feeds is needed.
Opuntia as forage 101



Gerhard C. DE KOCK

Drought is a natural and normal attribute of the arid lands of arid and semiarid climates. Agricultural
drought may be defined as a deficiency of rainfall with respect to the median or to the mean, that seriously
impairs agricultural production for a period of several months to several years, extending over a large
geographical area. Drought should not be confused with aridity, which rather refers to the average long-
term relationship between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration, although it may occur in non-arid zones
as well.
Southern Africa, with its variable and limited rainfall, is arid, and seasonal and severe droughts normally
occur. During droughts, considerable stock and stock-product losses occur due to the lack of fodder.

Southern Africa is subject to the most complex bio-climatic conditions on the African continent (Le Houérou
et al., 1993). This complexity results from a combination of various geographic conditions, among which
are the following:
* Large variation in latitude between Messina in Northern Transvaal (22°30' S) and Cape Agulhas
(34°50' S), a distance of approximately 1350 km north-south.
* Large variation in elevation, from sea level to about 3 500 m, with a direct effect on rainfall and
* The presence of the oceans to the east and west. These are associated with the influences of
warm currents (Mozambique and Agulhas) in the east, and a cold current (Benguela) to the
* Mean annual precipitation varies from 40 mm at the mouth of the Orange River, to over 2500 mm
on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg and the upper and western slopes of the Cape mountains.
The rainfall regime may be tropical summer mono-modal; Mediterranean winter mono-modal; spring
and autumn bimodal; or completely amodal (without a regular dry season). The mean potential evaporation
may vary from a little less than 1000 mm along the Cape and Natal, to over 2 500 mm in the Upington-
Pofader-Pella area on the southwest border with Namibia.

Cacti perform well on deep, light textured soils, including coarse sands, but clay should be avoided. Shallow
soils tend to give low yields. Cacti are tolerant of pH up to 8.5, and maximum electrical conductivity at soil
saturation should not exceed 5-6 mS/cm (Le Houérou, 1992).

Gerhard C. DE KOCK

Consultant and Agronomy Specialist in Arid Zones

P.O. Box 415
5900 South Africa
102 The use of cactus pear as a fodder source in arid areas of southern Africa

Cacti respond to application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. A production increase of 200 to
300% has often been observed following moderate nitrogen and phosphorus application. Manuring also
increases yield even with very low precipitation of 150-200 mm (Monjauze and Le Houérou, 1965; Le
Houérou, 1992; De Kock, 1980). Cacti cannot withstand waterlogging.


Cacti and other drought tolerant fodder crops use water more efficiently than conventional fodder crops.
According to De Kock (1980), opuntia uses 267 kg H2O/kg DM, or 3.7 mg DM/g; Atriplex sp. uses
304 kg H2O/kg DM, or 3.3 mg DM/g; and Agave sp. uses 93 kg H2O/kgDM, or 10.7 mg DM/g.
The productivity of opuntia is also very high if compared to most native vegetation under similar
conditions. Opuntia produces up to 10 t of aboveground DM/ha/yrin arid zones, 10-20 t in semi-arid zones
and 20-30 t in sub-humid areas under appropriate or close to optimum management (Monjauze and Le
Houérou, 1965; De Kock and Aucamp 1970; Steynberg and De Kock 1987; Nobel 1988; Le Houérou
1991b, 1992).
Such high yields, however, demand careful crop management and good deep soils. Under such
conditions, productivity is about ten times that of standard rangelands under common management conditions.
With neither cultivation nor fertilization, yield is still three to five times that of rangeland (De Kock, 1980; Le
Houérou, et al., 1988). The rain use efficiency (RUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) under rainfed and
irrigated conditions are summarized in Table 47.

Table 47. Rain use efficiency (RUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) under rainfed
and irrigated conditions for several crops
WUE – Transpiration
Crop coefficient
(kg DM/mm/yr) (mg DM/g H2O)
(kg H2O/kg DM)
Agave 45.0 93 10.7
Opuntia 40.0 267 3.7
Atriplex nummularia 28.0 304 3.3
Pearl millet 25.0 400 2.5
Barley 20.0 500 2.0
Sorghum 15.0 666 1.6
Wheat 13.3 750 1.3
Alfalfa 10.0 1000 1.0
Rangeland 5.0 2000 0.5

Using the WUE characteristic of an opuntia in an area with 200 mm mean annual precipitation, the
yields of cactus material presented in Table 48 were produced under various systems of limited irrigation
(De Kock and Aucamp, 1970). In arid and semi-arid areas with limited supply of irrigation, irrigating
spineless opuntia is more efficient than irrigating a small area of alfalfa.
Table 49 summarizes the fodder yield and the amount of digestible nutrients produced by spineless cactus
(Opuntia robusta), oldman saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) and alfalfa per unit of water received (25
Opuntia as forage 103

Table 48. Yield of spineless opuntia (2920 plants/ha) under limited irrigation at the Carnarvon Station
(average rainfall: 200 mm/yr) (Two seasons: 1965-66; 1967-68)
Irrigation Number of Fresh weight yield Dry weight yield
Irrigation schedule
+ rainfall (mm/yr) times irrigated (t/ha) (t/ha)
No irrigation +
0 - 24.89 3.27
178 mm rainfall
75 mm irrigation
1 September 38.61 4.21
+ 178 mm rainfall
152 mm irrigation
2 September and November 66.49 6.11
+ 178 mm rainfall
229 mm irrigation September, November and
3 97.60 9.09
+ 178 mm rainfall January
305 mm irrigation September, November and
4 106.68 10.57
+ 178 mm rainfall January and March

Table 49. Comparison between fodder yield and digestible nutrients (kg/ha) produced by three fodder
crops per unit of water received
Spineless cactus Oldman saltbush Alfalfa
Season Digestible Digestible Digestible
Fodder yield Fodder yield Fodder yield
nutrients nutrients nutrients
1 161.6 100.4 578.3 235.6 247.5 137.0
2 3001.0 1746.3 944.8 397.2 367.4 208.4
3 3551.8 2081.0 1229.4 555.8 394.9 210.5
4 2169.1 1279.5 752.6 303.2 316.4 180.5
5 2220.9 1301.8 876.3 373.0 331.5 182.0

In South Africa, there are three species of spineless cacti utilized for fodder production:
(ix) O. robusta. This cactus has large, circular, bluish cladodes, almost spineless. It was first
introduced into South Africa in 1911 from the selection programme of Luther Burbank in
California. This tetraploid is tolerant to Dactilopius opuntia. It does not produce
marketable fruit and so is mainly used as fodder.
(x) O. fusicaulis has narrow, lanceolate, green cladodes with an upright growth habit.
(xi) O. ficus-indica f. inermis is a green, oblong type, with dense growth habit.

O. fusicaulis and O. ficus-indica cannot produce both fodder and fruit in the same stand in fruit
orchards (unless pruning waste is considered). Fodder plantations are harvested every two to three years,
before they produce fruits.
In South Africa, opuntia cactus is propagated vegetatively by placing pads flat on the ground with a
shovelfull of soil or a stone on top, to improve contact with the soil. Alternatively, double joints can be
planted in a furrow, burying the lower end with soil drawn from an adjacent furrow. Roots will develop
from the areolas within a few weeks.
Rows are laid out following contour lines. Deep furrows or trenches are made with a heavy ripper
and partially filled with manure, which in turn will be covered by soil, planting cladodes on top. The method
is more expensive than simple planting, but it yields better growth in the first two to four years, implying
earlier production and higher productivity. Rows are usually established 2 to 6 m apart with 1 to 2 m
between plants. Planting density may vary from 850 to 5000 plants/ha. The best time for planting in South
Africa is September and October, when the pads are fully-grown and ready to sprout. The resulting plants
will be well established before the first frost of the following winter. It is preferable to use one-year-old
cuttings as planting material.
104 The use of cactus pear as a fodder source in arid areas of southern Africa

The selection of a planting layout depends on the type of use envisaged. For direct browsing,
dense stands (3 000 to 5 000 plants/ha) with short plants are used. In contrast, the cut-and-carry system
requires a wider space to allow a tractor and a trailer to collect the harvest. In this case, a 1 m × 6 m layout
is preferred, giving a mean planting density of about 1 666 plants/ha.

Under rainfed condition, yield may vary from 2 to 10 t DM/ha/yr, if harvested every 2 to 3 years. Yield
rates from irrigated opuntia are presented in Table 48. Yield is increased if weed competition is reduced.
Contour planting to reduce rainfall runoff can also improve yield. The protein content of fodder opuntia
can be raised from 3.5 to 4.5% crude protein to 8 to 10% through application of nitrogenous fertilizer.

Fresh spineless cladodes contain approximately 90% moisture. The energy requirement for the survival
of a 35-kg sheep is approximately 350 g of TDN per day; therefore, the ingestion of 538 g of dry cactus is
enough to obtain sufficient energy. This means that 5 to 6 kg of fresh cactus must be ingested daily.
However, a sheep eats an average of 4 kg a day.
For cattle, to provide the daily energy requirements for the survival of a 400 kg beast, 2 850 g of TDN
are required per day. Therefore, such an animal will require approximately 4 385 g of dry cactus to meet its
requirements. That means a daily ingestion of 44 to 45 kg of fresh cladodes. However, an animal only eats
an average of 40 kg of cactus per day.
One of the reasons why animals (especially sheep) do not eat sufficient amount of fresh cactus
cladodes is the high moisture content. Although the high water content limits consumption by animals, this
moisture can be valuable during droughts, to reduce the need for drinking water. Penned sheep could be
kept alive for 500 days without drinking water, provided they had free access to fresh cactus cladodes. The
intake of TDN can be increased if the fresh cladodes are wilted or dried before feeding.
Cactus cladodes are very low in crude protein in general, but any ration for non-reproductive sheep
and cattle should contain at least 8% of crude protein. Rations or feeds with low protein content are poorly
ingested by animals. A sheep with a liveweight of 35 kg requires approximately 50 g of crude protein per
day. The average 500 g of dry material from the daily ration of cactus cladodes contains only 20 g of crude
protein, so cactus cladodes must be supplemented with some form of crude protein. Cactus cladodes are
low in phosphorus and sodium, requiring supplementation of these elements as well. In general, cactus
cladodes are not a balanced feed but rather a good, inexpensive source of energy.

The easiest way to utilize cactus is by direct grazing, which requires little labour and therefore is cheaper.
There is a risk of overbrowsing and destruction of the plantation if strict control of stock and grazing is
absent. Grazing or harvesting should take place every two to three years. The pads reduce in feeding value
after the third year (Walters, 1951). For efficient grazing, the plantation can be divided into small paddocks,
which are then used intensively for a short period each. Large loses can occur during grazing due to
Increased intake by animals and better utilization can be obtained by chopping the cladodes. To limit waste,
it is preferable to feed the chaffed material directly in the trough.
Chaffed cactus cladodes can be dried on any suitable surface, and then milled. A supply of cactus meal can
thus be stored for use during droughts and/or for supplementing fresh cactus pads to increase dry matter
Opuntia as forage 105

Good silage can be made from cactus cladodes by chaffing them with oat straw, low grade alfalfa or any
other dry roughage on the basis of 84 parts mass of cactus cladodes and 16 parts of roughage, with the
addition of molasses meal. When cladodes bearing fruit are used for silage, the addition of molasses is not
necessary. The silage is then made and used in a conventional manner.
Opuntia fruit and cladodes – even the spiny types – can be made into silage with low quality hay,
cereal straw or veldt hay, and supplemented with protein feed (cotton or sunflower seed meal, and urea)
and a mineral supplement of phosphorus and sodium (bone meal, salt and lime) and this can sustain dairy
production in arid and semi-arid rural areas during dry seasons and drought periods.

Supplementary feeding
In an emergency, where nothing else is available, cactus cladodes can be fed alone in any form, and sheep
and cattle can survive on it for many months. Wool sheep were kept for 500 days on cactus cladodes alone
and survived.
For optimal utilization, however, cactus cladodes should be supplemented. As protein is the most
important deficiency of cactus, a protein-rich supplement should be supplied. A supplement comprising one-
third bone meal, one-third common salt and one-third urea can be used. Another possibility is a ration
consisting of cactus meal and 6.5% of fishmeal, which will supply the needs of sheep.
The most suitable supplement for cactus meal is alfalfa, either meal or hay. It is recommended to
provide 100 g of alfalfa in summer and 200 g in winter, with cactus ad libitum. Any other hay legume with
a reasonably high protein content could be used instead of alfalfa. Cactus cladodes are an excellent succulent
supplement on dry Karoo range (shrub type veldt, high in protein), or in dry grass range during winter, with
a protein-rich supplement.

A problem experienced when cactus cladodes are fed in any form to sheep and cattle is the severe laxative
action. This laxative action is not a disease symptom and has no detrimental effect on the animal’s health.
It is the result of a fast passage through the digestive system. The laxative effect can be curtailed by:
* Feeding fodder lime (approximately 3% of the total intake), to counteract acidosis. The high
acid content of cactus cladodes is related to the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism of the plant.
* Limit access of the animals to drinking water.
* Feed hay with cactus cladodes. Hay as a supplement retards the laxative effect. Alfalfa hay is
regarded as an exceptional supplement to spineless cactus cladodes in any form.
Opuntia as forage 107





Opuntia or nopal is cultivated for fresh fruit production in Chile, Italy, Mexico and the USA, and interest is
also growing in many other countries. The main physiological advantage of opuntia is its high water use
efficiency, with production of 1 kg DM per 162 kg water intake in Opuntia ellisiana (Han and Felker,
1997). However, adoption of fruit production in countries without a tradition of consumption or with no
immediate access to export markets is slow and difficult. The experience of Brazil has demonstrated that
utilization of opuntia as a forage is easier to integrate into the farming systems of semi-arid regions, where
the cultivation of cactus for forage dates back to the early 1900s, and at present there are more than
300 000 ha planted (Russell, 1990). No appreciable use of fruits is reported.
Plantations of opuntia for specialized forage production are not widespread in Mexico, as wild
populations provide reservoirs of forage for livestock. However, these wild stands are endangered due to
intensive exploitation and severe frosts. Plantations of opuntia for forage production could reduce the
pressure on the natural stands while improving the profitability of dairy and meat operations.
Opuntia tolerates a variety of growing conditions, but productivity in its natural habitat is limited by
drought and poor soils. When O. ficus-indica was irrigated in Chile, yields were reported of 1.3 kg DM/
m2/yr, including 0.3 kg/m2/yr as fruit (Acevedo et al., 1983). Assuming 10% moisture content, the yield of
fresh pads for animal consumption reaches 100 t/ha/yr.
Computer models indicate that productivity could be increased by 40% by modifying planting layouts
(García de Cortázar and Nobel, 1986).
In this chapter, some of the physiological bases for forage production are reviewed. Three production
systems differing in cultivation intensity are discussed:
(xii) extensive, low-cost plantations aimed at reducing desertification and producing forage;
(xiii) small, intensively managed orchards, demanding high labour and inputs; and finally
(xiv) hydroponic production.
These systems have been studied in Mexico for growing opuntia under rainfed or limited irrigation
conditions for forage, fruit or vegetable production. For vegetable production, crop management practices
have been adapted to produce mature cladodes for fodder. This information could be applicable with minor
adaptation to other semi-arid regions of the world in which opuntia has shown promise.



Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Centro Regional de Zonas Aridas

Agropecuarias y Forestales San Luis Potosí
Guanajuato México
108 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics


The cladode as a water reservoir
Anatomically, the opuntia plant has a jointed succulent pseudostem, with cladodes differing in water content
according to age. Younger cladodes have the highest moisture content, with mean values of 90.8, 89.1 and
83.4% for young, mature and older cladodes, respectively (Flores et al., 1995). Minerals show a similar
trend, with N, P, K, Mn, Zn and Na decreasing, and Mg increasing, in older cladodes of O. amyclaea Tenore
(Lopez et al., 1988). Young cladodes are more palatable due to their low fibre content.
Cladode shape has evolved to store the maximum amount of water with minimum loss (Nobel, 1994).
A cross section of this organ shows that the innermost tissue is spongy, with large cells adapted to store
water. During drought, water is preferentially lost from the water-storage parenchyma rather than from the
photosynthetic chlorenchyma (Nerd and Nobel, 1991). The chlorenchyma is also protected by a waxy
epidermal layer that restricts water loss. Opuntia is a Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plant (Gibson
and Nobel, 1986), associated with built-in features to save water during the photosynthetic process, including,
inter alia, nocturnal stomata opening for CO2 intake.

Length of growing season

Disregarding the planting season – early spring or late autumn – opuntia produces at least one flush of new
cladodes arranged in layers. Rainfed conditions common in semi-arid central Mexico, with 300 to 450 mm
of rainfall annually, induce the formation of a single layer of new shoots during early spring, which continues
until the end of summer. Adequate water and nutrient supply combined with suitable temperatures may
induce the formation of three new layers of cladodes per season, as observed by Mendéz et al. (1999) in the
hydroponic cultivation of spineless varieties.
If the plant is not managed or disturbed, these cladodes will be mature at the end of the growing
season. Lower temperatures in autumn and winter induce dormancy. Throughout the winter season the
cactus loses some water as a result of drought and transpiration losses, and can be used advantageously as
a forage. Cladodes can remain on the plant and be either browsed by the animals, or “harvested” according
to needs (using the plant as in situ live storage), or collected and stored for latter use. Fibre and dry matter
content increase with age, but, if properly cleaned and chopped, cladodes up to three years old can be
utilized to feed livestock.

The basic meristematic unit in opuntia (and the cacti in general) is the areole (Gibson and Nobel, 1986).
They are helically positioned on the cladodes (Sudzuki Hills, 1995) and can develop either branches or
flowers (Boke, 1980) or roots. The cladodes can initiate the rooting process soon after they come in contact
with soil. Soil moisture is important – but not limiting – for rooting, because the root initials are supported by
the water stored in the cladode.
If the cladodes are detached from the mother plant they undergo a healing and suberization process,
which seals the potential sites of additional water loss. The immediate release of mucilage by wounded cells
enhances and accelerates healing. Once suberized, each piece can act as an independent propagule. The
water stored will support transpiration, and the formation of new shoots and root initials if placed in the
ground. The cladode can sustain water loss for a long time: up to six months without losing viability if stored
in a shaded location.
According to Nobel and Castañeda (1998), the unrooted cladodes of O. ficus-indica remain alive for
at least 12 months. This feature is particularly useful for animal feeding, as cactus cladodes can supply and
partially substitute the water needs of livestock for a long period. Any other traditional source of fodder
available during the dry season in semi-arid zones (cereal straw, maize, sorghum or millet stubble) is stored
dry, requiring additional water to be ingested. Consumption of 40 kg of opuntia per day by cattle provides
35 litre (85%) of water (Felker et al., 1977)
Opuntia as forage 109

Initiation of new organs on cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica maintained unrooted in a glasshouse

was greatest when the cladodes were detached in winter (Nobel and Castañeda, 1998). The response to
cladode excision is very rapid, and enables the cutting to establish rapidly a relationship with the soil. The
stimulus to cell differentiation and multiplication may occur within the first 48 hours, and root primordia
emergence may take as little as two weeks (Fabbri et al., 1996).
The size of the cladode does not affect the ability to form shoots or roots (Mondragón and Pimienta,
1995), but the size of the cladode is correlated positively to the number and size of the new shoots. Luo and
Nobel (1993) found that, under greenhouse conditions, growth of new cladodes is markedly influenced by
the dry weight of basal cladodes, which act as a carbon source for the new shoots. Whole cladodes are able
to produce at least one layer of new shoots a year, depending on cultivar and the soil moisture available
during the growing season. A new plant can be formed as long as there is an areole at the top and at the
bottom of the cutting, and the first layer can have anywhere from 2 to 6 pads.
Better establishment and shorter time between planting and the first harvest are achieved with large
cuttings composed of more than one cladode. However, the investment in handling and transportation of this
type of material increases accordingly. This is a reasonable alternative only in those areas in which opuntia
cultivation is traditional, and there is a continuous supply of planting material. Healthy, vigorous branches
with two to three pads are the best choice.
New plantations can be undertaken even if there is no soil moisture available, using entire cladodes or
fractions according to availability of planting stock. In extensive, low maintenance plantations this is a
unique feature that confers advantage to opuntia over some trees and shrubs commonly used against
desertification (e.g. Eucalyptus spp., Casuarina spp. and Atriplex spp.), which rely on soil moisture at
planting for successful establishment.
The succulence of the propagule is a disadvantage when establishing large plantations, due to its
weight compared to ordinary budwood or stem cuttings in other species (Fabbri et al., 1996).

Response to pruning
Opuntias can endure heavy and continuous pruning. In frost-free locations, pruning can be performed at
any season. Orchards devoted to fruit production are pruned after harvest, at the end of the growing
season. Bud emergence is heavier if plants are pruned during the growing season. In most cultivars, the
vegetative growth overwhelms the reproductive growth. The plant can be maintained in the juvenile stage
indefinitely by continuous pruning, which is the basic crop management tool for vegetable opuntia production.
If not pruned, the cladodes will continue growing until autumn, giving rise to flowers at the beginning of
spring. Development of floral buds is mostly observed in mature cladodes that are at least six months old
(Pimienta, 1990).
Disregarding the planting system, plants can be pruned down to the initial cladode if needed. However,
pruning intensity should be adjusted in the light of rate of recovery, future plant productivity and fodder
quality. Efficiency of animal utilization of pruning waste of different ages and quality should also be balanced
against fodder needs.
The number of buds available to form new cladodes depends on the number of pads. Planting
systems using bushy plants at low planting densities are more productive (on a per-plant basis) than high-
density (using short plants) systems. High density planting systems therefore can withstand heavier pruning.
In locations with mild winter temperatures, the plants can be induced to continuously bud if winter
protection of some sort is provided, along with irrigation and fertilization. This interesting feature is the basis
of out-of-season production of vegetable opuntia across central Mexico and southern Texas. Application of
high manure rates to soil and pruning are responsible for the high yields observed in vegetable production in
Milpa Alta, Mexico, which can reach 400 ton/ha/year (Nobel, 1994). In general for cladode production,
either tender or mature, the productivity of the crop should be tightly regulated by pruning practices.
110 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

Growing opuntia for forage production needs careful timing of pruning practices. Cladodes stored
“on the plant” maintain a higher water content than the detached ones, while labour and storage needs are
reduced. However, it is advisable to remove them just before the start of the next growing season, to avoid
sprouting of new buds.

Response to fertilization
Cacti in general present low productivity due in part to the limitations imposed by the natural
environment in which they grow. Wild opuntia stands are usually found in poor soils with low contents of
dry matter, in regions with a short growing season that does not allow the full expression of their growth
Fertilization trials conducted in Mexico and other countries (Mondragón, 1994; Karim et al.,
1996) showed that fertilizers induce higher yields of fruits and cladodes. Combining manures with synthetic
fertilizers gave the best results in fruit orchards. The reactivation of buds and the increase in size of the
cladodes are immediate effects of fertilization, which can be advantageously manipulated for forage
production. Higher N application (from 0 to 160 kg/ha) increased the number of new cladodes of
O. engelmannii in Texas. The individual cladodes were slightly thicker, leading to 12% dry weight
enhancement per cladode at the high-N level (Nobel et al., 1987).
Fertilization increases yield as well as nutrient content, according to González (1989). O. lindheimeri
(Engelm) fertilized in the spring for three consecutive years showed increased protein levels of 3.1, 4.2 and
4.4 percentage units in response to applications of 67, 135 and 224 kg N/ha, respectively.
The efficiency of fertilizers and manures in semi-arid environments, however is strongly influenced
by soil moisture. Therefore, fertilization should be spared for those years and seasons in which the amount
of rain can guarantee its efficacy.

Response to high planting densities

High inter-plant competition reduces the reproductive ability of opuntia plants, leading to extended juvenility
and generation of new cladodes, which is the objective in forage production. This effect is enhanced in the
broad-bed system, which allows minimum space for individual plants. The basis of productivity from high
planting densities is the total biomass production, even though individual plants may have a small yield. In
contrast, a row layout allows higher individual yields with a fairly low planting density and facilitates
Opuntia is affected by shading at any stage of growth. The thickness of the cladodes as well as the
plant architecture tends to reduce photosynthetic efficiency. The most important limiting factor in high
density plantings is photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), as found by García de Cortázar and Nobel
(1986) using computer simulation models validated with field studies conducted under irrigated conditions in
Chile. Water and temperature were found to be of secondary importance for plant productivity. Increasing
Stem Area Index (SAI) or cladode area per unit ground up to 4.0 for plants that are 5 cladodes tall,
productivity could be increased by up to 40%. Orientation of initial cladodes had no significant effect.
Typical plantations for vegetable production in Milpa Alta Mexico are done in furrows, training the
plant to obtain a compact low height (<1.5 m) bush, with around 40 000 plants per hectare (80 × 40 cm).
Similar planting methods in rows are used in Brazil to grow opuntia for fodder. Empresa Pernambucana de
Pesquisa Agropecuaria (undated) recommends two planting layouts: 100 × 25 cm (40 000 plants/ha), which
are more intensive than the traditional planting method using 2 m between rows and 1 m between plants.
Two years after planting, the reported yields were 246 ton/ha for the high density planting versus 100 ton/
ha for the low density plantation. Both systems were supplemented with fertilizers or manures. These
observations support the trend of using higher planting density in Brazil.
Opuntia as forage 111


Opuntia has been the plant of choice for socio-ecological-oriented plantations in northern Mexico. It has
been used as a government employment strategy in semi-arid areas, justified by the potential ecological
impact in areas depleted of their natural opuntia vegetation. The extent of over-exploitation of opuntia for
fodder in northern Mexico was highlighted by Lopez et al. (1997), indicating that in the 1970s, opuntia was
collected from sites located within a radius of 20 km around the main cities, while in the 1990s the distance
had increased to more than 120 km.
Flores and Aranda (1997) reported that there were 3 million ha of scattered wild opuntias in northern
Mexico, with another 150 000 ha planted by ranchers with government support, with the aim of increasing
the availability of forage, providing refuge for the local fauna, and countering desertification. Plantation
sites occupy areas where wild opuntias formerly grew. Attempts to introduce selected genotypes have
been unsuccessful, so native species are preferred. Cultivation of cuttings from frost-tolerant selections
has been also reported (Borrego et al., 1990). Extensive plantations of wild O. engelmannii Salm-Dick
and O. rastrera Weber were reported by Medina et al. (1987).
Soil and crop management are kept to a minimum; flat terrain is preferred, without removal of initial
vegetation. The opuntia is planted in furrows following contour lines, laid out with a disk. Once cactus is
established – after 2-3 years – undesirable vegetation is removed and pasture grasses are seeded.


Opuntia plantation on an extensive scale (>1000 ha) should be undertaken applying the same technical
criteria as for smaller, commercial orchards. However, due to the limitations of the criteria used for
conservation and land reclamation projects, such projects usually suffer from careless planning, deficient
operation and lack of basic horticultural principles. A few points to consider are listed in the sections below.
Site selection
Even though it is imperative to reclaim all areas affected by desertification, new projects should to be
directed to the least affected spots, and then gradually move onto more problematic areas. This strategy
allows users to obtain faster results, while the costs of reclamation are reduced.
Select sites with the least restrictions for implementation of simple water harvesting and soil
conservation techniques, soil preparation of light-slope terrain (<4%) can be done with standard agricultural
machinery. Contour planting is the simplest and cheapest technique, which can be enhanced by drawing
furrows close to the plants to collect rainwater to the benefit of the opuntia.
Opuntia is a perennial plant, and so it deserves care to obtain fast and sustainable yield of either
cladodes or fruits. Projects that include opuntia should regard at least three years as the minimum period to
assess genotype adaptation and forage productivity. The final length of this period should be adjusted
according to local climatic criteria, such as the precipitation recurrence period.

Site protection
During the establishment period (1 to 2 years), opuntia needs protection from predators, and controlled
livestock consumption should not start until after this period. Protection of the site is required to avoid
overgrazing and destruction of the newly planted cladodes.
Planting material
Native species are to be preferred. Species that have been extensively used represent a resource
that is vanishing and needs the opportunity to recover. Its suitability as animal feed is already
proven by depletion! Select plants that are indigenous to the region. Mature and old plants that have
112 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

survived unusual frost and drought events should be multiplied and reintroduced. Spiny species are more
resistant to herbivore predation.
Collection of planting material from wild stands
Even under limiting conditions there are spots where water and soil collect; abandoned anthills and rodent
burrows also provide better growing conditions for cactus plants, promoting vigour and cladode production.
These spots are the best for selection of planting material. Pre-conditioning of planting material
(partial dehydration) can be eliminated when planting in dry soil.
Planting techniques
Using two cladodes per planting spot increased the success of plantation to 95% in a reforestation trial
conducted at Coahuila, Mexico, using O. rastrera and O. lindheimeri (Tores et al., 1990). Manually
building an individual micro-catchment around the plant improved utilization of the scarce rainwater available
in the region (mean annual precipitation of 327 mm).
Save the application of synthetic fertilizers for those years with above-average rainfall. Utilization of
manure from local sources is the best choice, due to its long-term effect. The rate of manuring is limited
only by local availability; responses to extremely high doses of manure have been reported in Milpa Alta,
Mexico, where rates exceeding 200 ton/ha every other year are common.
Use rotational, controlled harvesting according to site productivity. Avoid methods that lead to total destruction
of the plant, such as non-selective burning and uprooting. Leaving a high number of branches allows faster
plant recovery.


Some of the developments intended to improve nopalitos (tender cactus pads used as a vegetable) production
can be adapted towards similar systems for forage production.
Opuntia is a plant that tolerates competition and heavy pruning. The entire aerial part can be utilized
as a forage if needed. It also shows a notable response to manure and chemical fertilizers. Manipulation
of planting densities and plant nutrition allow large yields of fresh pads. The broad-bed planting
system takes advantage of all these features. It was proposed for use in small plots (<0.5 ha) in the
backyard or near the household. These spots are usually more productive than the open fields (due to
the accumulation of domestic waste), and in some places they have access to limited irrigation. Both
these factors benefit plant productivity. The labour needed to maintain the plot is provided by the
The system can produce fresh tender pads (an advantage where there is a tradition of
consumption) and/or mature pads for forage. Production is higher during the summer season (the
rainy season in Mexico). Longer production periods are feasible in frost-free places or by providing some
sort of frost protection.

Site selection
Planting sites are more convenient if located near to the household or in a backyard, which allows for
continuous care and protection. If plantations are to be located in the open field, then select the plot with
easiest access. Fresh opuntia pads are heavy feedstuff, therefore it is necessary to ensure quick access to
roads in good condition at any season of the year.
The site should be preferably flat, but slopes up to 3% can be handled with simple soil and water
conservation practices, such as contour planting, without increasing cost of site preparation.
Opuntia as forage 113

Land preparation
Eliminate perennial weeds or shrubs. Till the soil to facilitate broad-bed formation. Depending on the soil
type, it is advisable to plough it twice. Slight terrain imperfections can be reduced by grading. Levelling the
planting site improves water distribution, ensuring more uniform growth.
Rainfall management is a key issue for effective plant growth. Simple techniques that improve
rainfall management have been tried successfully, the aim being to reduce runoff and impound the water in
situ to allow better infiltration and extended availability for the crop. Rainwater can be collected on the site
prior to planting if the field is ploughed in advance. After planting, the furrows that separate the beds can
be “tied up” every 2 to 3 m to distribute rainwater evenly.

Spineless cultivars are most preferred for forage production in this system because they are easier to
handle and process. They also present fewer problems during feeding. In Mexico, the cultivars Pabellón
and CPF1 are the most suitable. Both are highly productive and posses large spineless pads. Pabellón has
ovoid, thick, dark green pads, and the adult plants produce red, tasty fruits. CPF1 produces long, thin, green
pads, suitable for consumption as a vegetable when tender. The fruits of this cultivar are white, with thin
pericarp and slight blush. Under rainfed conditions, at least one flush of pads per growing season is
Irrigation and fertilization can induce more than one layer of pads per season and increase yield.
Recorded yields of fresh mature pads without irrigation in central Mexico are 75 and 118 ton/ha for Pabellón
and CPF1, respectively.

Propagation material
Planting material should be collected from robust, productive and healthy plants. The pads can be
collected at the end of the growing season and subjected to slight dehydration to induce suberization
of the joints. Collect pads of medium to large size, devoid of suspicious dark spots or discolorations. After
collection, they are stored in a shaded dry place for 2 weeks. Pad portions can also be used when planting
material is scarce, but the smaller the portion, the longer the time new shoots will require to reach full size.
The smallest portion that can be planted should have at least two to three areoles in each face.
To reduce rotting, the pads are treated with Bordeaux mixture prepared on the same day as treatment.
Mix 1 kg of copper sulphate in 5 litres of warm water until completely dissolved, then add 1 kg of lime,
stirring until the mixture is homogeneous, and then dilute to 100 litres (enough to treat up to 2000 pads).

Plantation layout
The broad-bed system provides high planting density and productivity per unit area. Several options are
possible, according to the machinery available. In the authors’ experience, the best dimensions of the
broad-bed are 150 cm wide with a 120 cm top, and the length is adjusted as needed. Broad-beds are built
using a small (120 HP) tractor or animal-drawn device. Three or four rows of pads are aligned on top of
the broad-bed with a separation of 30 cm between rows and 40 cm between pads in the row. Eliminate any
buds or roots that have sprouted during storage, which most likely will be misplaced as they can interfere
with the planting operation. The pads are buried halfway into the ground. Using these dimensions, 20 pads
are needed for each 2-m broad-bed length.
Planting date
Tender shoots are highly susceptible to frost damage, and they start emerging 2-3 weeks after planting.
Therefore planting should be done after risk of frosts is over. A safe lower limit temperature would be
5°C for most cultivars.
114 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

To ensure high yields, it is convenient to apply manure prior to planting. Manure can be broadcast and
ploughed in prior to planting. The best results are obtained when manure is supplemented with synthetic
fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers are a quick source of nutrients, while manure represents a longer-term,
steady supply. A minimum of 20 ton/ha of cow manure every other year, supplemented with 90-40 (kg of
N-P205) supplied annually are suggested. These rates have to be adjusted according to the source. Chemical
fertilizers can be applied during the rainy season, providing half of the nitrogen fertilizer early in the season
and the rest 45 days later. The product is spread along the rows and lightly covered with soil (Mondragón,
Weed control
Once planted, opuntia can serve as a nurse plant for many weed species, so periodic weeding becomes an
integral element in crop management. Maintain the plot free of perennial weeds and shrubs to eliminate
competition with opuntia. Weed control between the beds can be accomplished either manually or by using
herbicides. Felker (1988) reported the use of glyphosate at 20 g/litre of the commercial formulation
(“Roundup”) used as a broadcast post-emergence spray to control Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)
and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon).
Management of pests and diseases
Pests that thrive inside the pads are the most destructive and difficult to control. However selective pruning
can help to maintain a healthy plantation. Some rotting problems can also be solved by pruning. Some pests
that live on the surface of the pads, such as mealy bugs and thrips, can be controlled with contact insecticides.
Effective control has been achieved by spraying with dithiocarbamate at 1 kg/200 litre of water.
Mature pads can be collected at the end of the growing season. They are detached from the plant using a
sharp knife, with a clean stroke right in the joint. Avoid unnecessary chopping of the harvested pad or the
plant, to reduce risk of rotting. The number of pads to be harvested varies with cultivar and age of the plant.
During the first year, 2-4 pads per plant can be collected. In order to get steady yield, the plants are left with
only two branches (“rabbit ears”) oriented along the broadbed. Cactus pads can be consumed directly on
the plants, but uncontrolled browsing can cause damage. It is more efficient to collect and store them close
to the livestock yard until needed.
Fresh pads should be stored in a shady dry spot. They can be either stacked or arranged in rows sitting on
their sides. Avoid spots that collect runoff in order to minimize rotting or sprouting. Those pads in close
contact to the ground need to be flipped over every 4 to 6 weeks to avoid rooting. Some relief from direct
sunshine can be obtained with a thin layer of dry straw spread on top of the stored pads. Direct sunshine
induces pad deformations and chlorophyll degradation on the exposed area, thus reducing nutritional quality.
Under the semi-arid cool conditions of central Mexico, the authors have stored pads for up to six months
without appreciable losses.

Although water has been considered to be a renewable resource in some areas, population growth and
urbanization are changing the scenario. Initiatives to improve water management in urban as well as
agricultural lands are increasingly required. Hydroponics is perhaps the last frontier for opuntia fodder
production: it can be adapted to arid areas where the availability of water for irrigation is restricted and
there is strong pressure on grasslands. Hydroponics also improves nutrient use efficiency.
Opuntia as forage 115

Hydroponic modules could allow the efficient utilization of limited volumes of water to produce food
or forage crops, improving rural income. Some systems are relatively easy to handle and could be quickly
adopted. The size of the hydroponic operation can be adjusted to other farm operations, and farmers could
consider it as a part-time occupation and self-employment strategy.
In Mexico, some of the most traditional growers are hesitant to use hydroponics, although commercial
modules to produce export-quality vegetables are becoming fashionable in central and northwest Mexico.
Small-scale hydroponics possesses special significance for arid and semi-arid zones, where agricultural
production is limited by low water availability. In many of these areas, there are shallow artesian wells and
intermittent water sources that can provide enough water to irrigate plant species such as opuntia,
characterized by its high water use efficiency and productivity. Opuntia can produce up to 47 t/ha/yr as
irrigated high-density plantations in open fields, which is higher than C3 and some C4 plants (Nobel, 1998).
Exploratory trials conducted in central Mexico showed that hydroponics may play an important role
in fodder production in extreme climates. The results of three of these trials are discussed below.


Hydroponics literally means “waterworks,” and includes all methods and systems to grow plants without
soil (Steiner, 1977; Douglas, 1985; Gómez 1995). According to Durany (1982), the most common hydroponic
systems are:
Cultivation in liquid media. In this system, the plants have their roots immersed in the nutrient
solution and the type of support depends on the crop.
(iii) Cultivation on solid, inert and porous substrates. In this case, the plant anchors to the
substrate and acquires the nutrient solution by percolation.
Sub-irrigation belongs to the latter type: the nutrient solution is provided and drained through the same
inlet (Steiner, 1977). The system is “closed” and recycles the nutrient solution every two to six weeks
(Resh, 1987). Numerous variants of this type have been developed using the latest technological advances.
Hydroponics promotes efficient water and nutrient use. Compared to traditional agriculture,
hydroponics uses only an insignificant fraction of the water. Hydroponics allows the use of poor quality
water, either moderately saline or alkaline. Some disadvantages are: high energy input (gas, gasoline, oil
and electricity) and initial investment. Basic water-quality analysis and some training are needed to prepare
and maintain the nutrient solutions. The availability of simple instruments to determine pH and electro-
conductivity should also be considered.
Hydroponics ensures better stand establishment, leading to higher densities, saves water and nutrients,
and provides some protection against limiting climatic factors such as drought and light frosts. Well-fed
plants tolerate cold temperatures better and recover faster from frost damage.

The system utilized to grow opuntia was sub-irrigation, using lava as growing media. The system
includes :
(xvii) Storage tank for the nutrient solution.
(xviii) Planting benches. Rectangular shaped and arranged in five pairs, they covered 18 m2 each
(15 × 1.2 m) and were 30 cm deep.
(xix) Growing medium. Red volcanic gravel, with a granulometry between 5 and 20 mm.
Gravel, crushed lava, basalt gravel, porous or non-porous or any other rocky inorganic
material can also be used.
116 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

(vi) Distribution tanks. Built of mortar and bricks, they distribute and drain the nutrient solution.
(vii) Hydraulic network. A gasoline pump (4 HP) provides the power, and is connected to a
network of 50 mm PVC pipes.
The nutrient solution is prepared from
commercial sources (Table 50). Two methods
Table 50. Composition of nutrient solution
of preparation can be used: stock solutions or a
dry mix of commercial fertilizers. In both Source Concentration (g/m 3) Nutrient

methods, the fertilizers of low solubility are Potassium nitrate 150 – 250 N

dissolved in advance, then added first to the Phosphoric acid 40 P

Potassium sulphate 289.4 – 350 K
solution. The products with acid reaction are
Calcium nitrate 210 Ca
added next, followed by the micronutrients in
Magnesium sulphate 40 Mg
Ferrous sulphate 12 Fe
The pH is maintained at around 6.5 by Copper sulphate 0.1 Cu
adding either phosphoric or nitric acid, Zinc sulphate 0.2 Zn
according to the pH readings, with mean values Boric acid 0.6 B
of 3.5 dS/m electro-conductivity. The nutrient Source: Calderón, 1995
solution is replaced every 15 days, after plants
have consumed about two-thirds of the initial
The nutrient solution moves out to the storage tank due to the suction exerted by the pump, then it is
deposited in the check tanks to feed the distribution network and fed to the growing benches. The same
negative pressure forces the solution up to the surface of the planting medium. Once the solution floods the
medium, the pump stalls and drainage begins by gravity. The growing benches are fed in pairs. The
nutrient solution is briefly in contact with the roots, reducing evaporation and potential rotting problems.
The key mechanisms of the system are the recirculation and efficient drainage of the solution.
Planting material. Spineless accessions from central Mexico with previous records of high productivity
under open field conditions were selected for the trials. They were provided by INIFAP (National Institute
of Agricultural, Forestry and Husbandry Research). The plants were allowed to grow freely and a single
yield evaluation was performed after six months. The variables included cladode length and width, plant
diameter and number of shoots, and fresh and dry weights. The tissue was sampled and sent for nutrient
Effect of irrigation schedule and planting method. Two cladode orientations – NS and EW – as well as
two planting positions – vertical buried vs. horizontal on top of the soil – were studied. Once the plants
were established they were subjected to four irrigation schedules: twice a day every day; twice a day
every other day; once a day every day; and once a day every other day. Recorded variables were
establishment percentage; days to budding; number of shoots; and yield on a fresh (FW) and dry weight
(DW) basis.
The tissues collected from the 15 most productive accessions were analysed for bromatological
parameters, neutral and acid detergent fibre (according to Goering and Van Soest 1970), as well as in vitro

All accessions responded well to cultivation in hydroponics and a positive correlation between number of
shoots and weight was detected. No reduction was observed in dry weight associated with higher number
of shoots. After six months, the average number of mature pads was 10.2 (ranging from 1 to 18 pads per
plant), 97% of the accessions presented two or more layers of pads and cv. Valtierrilla yield was larger
(Table 51). The morphological and phenotypic features did not change significantly in hydroponic cultivation.
An interesting observation was that O. robusta initiated budding at the same time as in the wild. Average
fresh weight per pad was 475 g, reaching a yield of 5 kg of fresh pads per plant in six months.
Opuntia as forage 117

Considering the maximum values of number of cladodes per plant (18) and cladode weight (845 g),
the experimental yields could reach 15 kg fresh weight per plant with cv. Selection 34 and cv. Milpa Alta. If
a hydroponics module has a planting density of 30 000 plants/ha, the potential yield could reach 450 ton/ha
on a fresh weight basis in six months: sufficient volume to be the sole feed source for a herd of 30 cows for
180 days, or 523 pregnant sheep for 3 months. The authors’ observations confirmed the findings of Calderón
The N content in cladode tissue ranged from 1.73 to 4.02% on dry basis (Table 52), supporting the
report that N content in opuntia is higher than the best grass, Nobel (1998). According to the analysis,
cv. Valtierrilla and cv. Tapón Hembra showed an N content above 4%. If this value is converted to protein
content, then opuntia can be compared to other valuable forage crops, such as alfalfa (Table 52).
Considering plant productivity, absence of spines and early budding, 17 genotypes were outstanding.
Some of the accessions qualify as dual use: vegetable and fodder; or fruit and fodder. They can and do
represent an important fodder source for the driest part of the year (April-May).
Reports from Lopez et al. (1988) indicated a phosphorus range of 0.1 to 0.5 % on dry basis as
influenced by cultivar, cladode age and planting site. Under hydroponics, the average content was 0.55 %,
with a maximum of 0.84% for cv. Tapón Hembra. K was the nutrient that showed the highest accumulation
(mean 3.89%). Six cultivars – Pabellón, #75, Redondo, RSR, RDR and #70 – showed above average K
concentrations, with 5.96, 5.75, 5.72, 5.50, 5.37 and 5.24%, respectively.
Calcium is found mostly in the cell wall of cacti, providing mechanical support to the cell. It also
participates in ATP and phospholipid hydrolysis. In cacti, Ca is mostly found as oxalate crystals and druses
(Gibson and Nobel, 1986). The average content of calcium in opuntia tissue varies from 2 to 9.5%, depending
on plant age and soil type. Cladodes produced in hydroponics had an average calcium content of 2.66%
(Table 52), with a maximum of 6.4 in cv. #V-3. A study of the chemical form in which calcium is present
in opuntia is needed in order to understand its significance for animal or human nutrition.
Ash content ranged from 18.68 to 30.31%, higher than any other regional forage. Reported values
(NRC, 1984) are only 7.6, 7.2 and 6.4 for oat hay, maize stover and sorghum stover, respectively. Fodder
production with hydroponics could be an important source to cover maintenance and production levels of
Ca, P, K and Zn.
Protein content is one of the most limiting factors for cattle raising in semi-arid rangelands (Fuentes,
1992). Wild opuntia has a range of 2.72 to 5.8% of crude protein, insufficient to provide for the needs of
cattle and sheep (Table 53), leading to weight loss. Protein content in cactus fodder obtained with hydroponics
ranged from 11.72 to 18.07% for cv. LCNF and cv. Pabellón Amarillo, respectively (Table 54).
These values cover the minimum requirements for grazing cattle, sheep and goats (McDonald et al.,
1981). The nutrients content found in some of the accessions tested are similar to those reported for good
quality fodder such as alfalfa, maize silage and orchard grass (12-20, 8.4 and 15% CP, respectively (NRC,
1984)) and higher than maize stover and wild opuntia (Table 53).
118 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

Table 51. Growth features of opuntia accessions from central Mexico, cultivated in hydroponics
Number of cladodes/plant
Accession Cladode DW (g) st
DW (g/plant)
1 layer 2nd layer Total Average
Redondo 16.6 8 10 18 6.0 99.6
ACNF 27.5 8 9 17 5.6 154.0
70 21.8 13 37 40 13.3 289.0
Milpa Alta 37.1 6 13 19 6.3 233.7
Tehuacán 22.4 11 9 20 6.6 147.8
44 29.7 9 18 28 9.3 276.1
Rosalito 22.3 9 21 30 10.0 223.0
RSA 26.8 13 33 46 15.3 410.0
40 14.9 16 34 50 16.6 247.3
Villanueva 20.9 15 17 32 10.6 221.5
RSR 33.2 7 26 35 11.6 385.1
RDR 12.6 7 17 24 8.0 100.8
34 17.5 15 40 55 18.3 320.2
LCNF 28.7 7 18 25 8.3 238.2
75 13.5 9 22 31 10.3 139.0
Italiano 12.9 10 23 33 11.0 141.9
V-3 13.2 7 6 13 4.3 56.7
T-L 10.6 10 35 45 15.0 159.0
Valtierrilla* 7.6 17 4 21 13.3 101.0
V-1 13.2 11 29 40 13.3 175.5
RSB 8.9 12 32 44 14.6 129.9
R-7 19.4 11 22 33 11.0 213.4
F-1 29.5 3 19 22 7.3 215.3
AGO 29.1 8 23 31 10.3 299.0
R-72 15.2 9 25 34 11.3 171.7
Pabellón 15.2 13 24 37 12.3 187.0
COPENA 13.0 9 21 30 10 130.0
Pabellón Amarillo 23.7 8 15 22 7.3 173.0
Tapón Hembra 10.4 7 9 16 5.3 55.1
Tapón macho 4.5 3 0 3 1.0 4.5
S-34 21.5 12 29 41 13.6 292.0
S-35 7.0 5 10 15 5.0 35.0
Tezontepec 5.4 10 7 17 5.6 30.20
Irapuato 8.0 11 5 16 5.3 42.0
Control 5 0 5 1.6 8.0

Note: * = Produced more than three layers of cladodes.

Opuntia as forage 119

Table 52. Nutrient content of 30 accessions of opuntia from Central Mexico

N P K Ca Mg Fe Mn Cu Zn B
% % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
Redondo 2.68 0.38 5.72 1.65 1.28 135 39 3 38 42
ACNR 3.39 0.32 4.79 1.16 0.93 54 26 0 23 32
70 2.60 0.53 5.24 2.07 1.84 177 206 3 45 44
Milpa Alta 3.31 0.36 4.18 2.06 1.24 305 14 0 32 57
Tehuacán 3.15 0.67 4.58 2.00 1.71 178 24 2 50 49
44 3.70 0.24 2.20 2.70 0.87 102 153 0 20 36
Rosalito 3.23 0.56 4.59 2.32 2.15 160 56 3 53 60
RSA 3.62 0.56 4.42 1.89 1.95 159 115 0.61 41 55
40 3.62 0.71 4.81 2.91 1.83 144 331 4 63 53
Villanueva 1.73 0.43 3.12 4.95 1.65 293 92 1 34 87
RSR 2.99 0.62 5.50 1.97 2.01 233 102 3 101 58
RDR 3.15 0.48 5.37 2.99 2.27 152 363 1.27 51 67
34 2.60 0.50 3.76 2.65 1.70 149 163 1.34 49 56
LCNF 3.23 0.54 4.30 2.36 1.55 168 366 2 48 56
75 3.15 0.74 5.75 2.12 1.78 126 304 3 48 61
Italiano 3.54 0.73 4.80 2.59 1.82 105 23 0 45 92
V-3 2.99 0.60 4.11 6.40 1.84 116 300 0 42 77
T-L 3.07 0.75 4.09 2.74 1.87 152 46 3 50 62
Valtierrilla 4.02 0.59 3.42 3.68 1.72 231 307 0.74 47 98
V-1 3.39 0.53 4.77 2.31 1.59 144 32 1.40 37 63
RSB 2.91 0.66 3.92 2.77 1.84 103 136 1.19 49 74
R-7 3.62 0.60 2.75 3.09 2.00 138 65 1.78 49 64
F-1 3.54 0.58 3.33 2.35 1.51 104 95 0 42 53
AGO 3.86 0.55 2.18 3.29 1.41 108 71 0 50 50
R-72 3.39 0.50 2.47 2.43 1.63 116 370 0.91 36 69
Pabellón 3.15 0.56 5.96 2.25 1.85 114 442 1.90 46 74
COPENA 2.76 0.37 3.01 2.59 2.03 91 29 0 47 69
Pabellón amarillo 3.15 0.62 4.87 2.31 1.70 133 37 0 42 72
Tapón hembra 4.02 0.84 2.78 3.08 2.05 103 60 0.06 53 83
Tapón macho 3.62 0.46 2.98 2.23 1.54 89 64 0 48 82

DM digestibility in vitro varied from 84.9 to 95.5% (Table 54), above values reported elsewhere (e.g.
Flores and Aguillar, 1992; Lastra and Pérez, 1978; De Kock, 1998). NDF or cell wall values were below
those reported for most of the forages used in the region to feed cattle (NRC, 1984). It means a higher
potentially digestible rate of cell contents, which might explain the high in vitro digestibility observed in
cv. Pabellón Amarillo and cv. Villanueva.

Table 53. Analysis of opuntia (Opuntia spp.) and some common feedstuffs used in semi-arid zones
compared to nutritional requirements of cattle and sheep
ME Protein Ca P Na DMC(4)
(Kcal/kg DM) (%) (%) (%) (%) kg
Alfalfa 2.10 17 1.41 0.24 0.12
Corn stover 1.81 6.6 0.57 0.10 0.07
Opuntia 4 1.4 0.2 0.1
Nutritional requirements(1)
Cow(2) 2.21 10.32 0.29 0.21 0.1 9.66
Sheep(3) 1.92 9.55 0.37 0.23 0.1 1.3
Notes: (1) Nutritional requirements based on NRC, 1984. (2) Cow of 450 kg liveweight producing 3 kg milk/day.
(3) Sheep of 45 kg liveweight in the last third of pregnancy. (4) DMC = Dry matter consumption.
120 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

Table 54. Nutrient content and in vitro digestibility of opuntia grown in hydroponics
Crude Cellular Hemi- DM in vitro
Accession protein content cellulose digestibility
(%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Italiano 94.61 24.01 17.78 18.67 29.42 70.58 10.75 88.4
40 92.90 25.44 16.25 23.01 35.71 64.29 12.70 87.2
34 92.79 26.37 15.28 19.66 27.63 72.37 7.97 89.9
RDR 93.17 26.28 15.21 23.6 26.71 73.29 3.11 86.7
LCNF 92.59 28.59 18.07 24.78 30.35 69.65 5.57 87.8
Villanueva 92.96 30.31 15.55 21.17 39.27 60.73 18.10 84.9
Tehuacán 93.75 22.35 15.77 14.45 32.26 67.74 17.81 91.3
75 92.65 27.37 15.25 16.20 32.23 67.77 16.03 87.2
70 92.94 22.51 13.67 20.08 37.42 62.58 17.34 84.8
RSR 93.19 23.52 15.91 20.21 37.23 62.77 17.02 91.5
Rosalito 92.75 28.40 15.58 20.78 34.98 65.02 14.20 92.4
AGD 92.32 26.01 16.41 21.97 33.97 66.03 12.00 90.6
44 93.17 28.07 15.86 21.00 33.36 66.64 12.36 22.6
COPENA 92.39 24.59 16.55 18.53 33.08 66.92 14.55 91.9
P. Amarillo 92.77 18.68 11.72 18.37 37.10 62.90 18.73 95.5

Key: ADF = acid detergent insoluble fibre. NDF = neutral detergent insoluble fibre.

Wild opuntia is an important source of water during the dry season; there are reports of cattle
feeding on opuntia for 400 to 525 days using opuntia as the only source of water. However, moisture
content of forage obtained in hydroponics ranged from 90-92%, which could limit usefulness. DM
requirements would be difficult to meet because of the associated high volumes of consumption, as cattle
would have to consume 90-100 kg/day of fresh opuntia fodder. An interesting possibility is the use of
dehydrated opuntia, or its combination with other sources with low moisture content, like maize and sorghum
stover, dry bean straw, etc. Considering agronomic as well as nutritional criteria, the best selections were
“34”, “70”, “40” and “LCNF.”
Nutrient accumulation value is obtained by multiplying DW by the nutrient concentration and dividing
into 100, which is the nutrient content in grams accumulated in the cladode during a specific period. In this
study, it corresponds to six months (Table 55). The extraction order for the main elements was K, N, Ca
and P, with mean values of 0.77, 0.60, 0.48 and 0.09 g, respectively. High extraction results from high DM
production and high concentration. Regarding N accumulation in cvs Milpa Alta (1.22 g), AGO (1.12 g)
and Selection 44 (1.09 g) had the highest values, while for P cvs RSR (0.20 g) and F-1 (0.17 g) had the
highest values. In the case of K, the genotypes with the highest accumulation were Milpa Alta (1.55 g),
LCNF (1.23 g) and Pabellón Amarillo (1.15 g). Significant Ca accumulation was recorded for cvs Villanueva
(1.03 g) and AGO (0.95 g).

Effect of irrigation schedule and planting method

Plant survival varied from 70.2 to 88%; the failures were attributed to rotting, probably due to origin of
propagules, as planting material was collected from a previous hydroponic unit and was more succulent
than regular material collected from commercial orchards.
Bud emergence started in February, simultaneously with late frosts, but a second flush was observed
in March, except for cv. Río Verde and cv. Tapón Hembra, which generated vegetative buds until April.
There were large differences in FW and DW among irrigation schedules (p<0.05), irrigating twice a day
every other day was significantly superior to the rest of the irrigation treatments: the yield differences were
attributed only to cladode size (Table 56). Cladodes planted in the vertical position and N-S oriented
presented a higher number of shoots and higher yield (Table 58).
Opuntia as forage 121

It is feasible to produce high quality fodder under hydroponics during the dry season when other
sources of fodder are scarce. The best results are obtained by irrigating twice a day every other day. We
detected four outstanding genotypes, namely “34,” “70,” “40” and “LCNF,” which produce tender cladodes
of good quality for consumption as vegetables, and mature cladodes for fodder. The system allowed an
efficient use of water and nutrients, making it competitive with other, traditional systems.

Table 55. NPK and Ca accumulation in 30 accessions of opuntia grown in hydroponics

DW Accumulation (g )
(g) N P K Ca
1. Redondo 16.6 0.44 0.06 0.94 0.27
2. ACNF 27.5 0.93 0.08 1.31 0.31
3. 70 21.8 0.56 0.11 1.14 0.45
4. Milpa Alta 37.1 1.22 0.13 1.55 0.76
5. Tehuacán 22.4 0.70 0.15 1.02 0.44
6. 44 29.7 1.09 0.07 0.65 0.80
7. Rosalito 22.3 0.72 0.12 1.02 0.51
8. RSA 26.8 0.80 0.15 1.18 0.50
9. 40 14.9 0.53 0.10 0.71 0.43
10. Villanueva 20.9 0.36 0.08 0.65 1.03
11. RSR 33.2 0.99 0.20 1.82 0.65
12. RDR 12.6 0.39 0.06 0.67 0.37
13. 34 17.5 0.45 0.08 0.65 0.46
14. LCNF 28.7 0.92 0.15 1.23 0.67
15. 75 13.5 0.42 0.09 0.77 0.28
16. Italiano 12.9 0.45 0.09 0.61 0.33
17. V-3 13.2 0.39 0.07 0.54 0.84
18. T-L 10.6 0.32 0.07 0.43 0.29
19. Valtierrilla 7.6* 0.30 0.04 0.25 0.27
20. V-1 13.2 0.44 0.06 0.62 0.30
21. RSB 8.9 0.25 0.05 0.34 0.24
22. R-7 19.4 0.70 0.11 0.53 0.59
23. F-1 29.5 1.04 0.17 0.97 0.69
24. AGO 29.1 1.12 0.16 0.63 0.95
25. R-72 15.2 0.51 0.07 0.37 0.36
26. Pabellón 15.2 0.47 0.08 0.90 0.34
27. COPENA 13.0 0.35 0.04 0.39 0.33
28.Pabellón Amarillo 23.7 0.74 0.14 1.15 0.54
29. Tapón Hembra 10.4 0.08 0.06 0.35 0.38
30. Tapón Macho 4.5 0.16 0.02 0.13 0.10

Table 56. Effect of irrigation schedule on number of shoots, dry weight and yield
of forage opuntia
Irrigation frequency Shoots/plant FW (g) DW (g)
Once a day 4.65 875.85 b 65.73 b
Twice every other day 5.07 1401.4 a 84.20 a
Twice a day 4.1 1080.8 b 75.11 b
Once every other day 5.1 574.7 c 52.07 c

Note: Different letters in the same column indicate significantly (p<0.05) different means
122 Opuntia cultivation for fodder production: From re-vegetation to hydroponics

Water use efficiency

All genotypes tested presented higher WUE compared to the control (Table 59). RSA, Villanueva and 43
appeared superior. The WUE values observed are lower than the data reported by de Kock (1998) for
irrigated opuntia.

Table 57. Biomass yield of opuntia grown in hydroponics

Accession FW (g/plant) Accession FW (g/plant)
34 1559.02 75 803.36
70 1398.47 Copena 772.77
40 976.34 Acnf 710.08
Villa Nueva 956.50 Pabellón 692.14
Milpa Alta 883.79 Tehuacán 685.84
Pabellón Amarillo 873.84 Irapuato 679.10
RDR 870.27 TL 588.05
44 858.18 LCNF 528.26
F5 823.40 Mayero 520.51
S36 V8 822.04 Italiano 476.96
RSR 821.54 RSB 325.41
Rosalito 809.36 Redondo 300.90

Table 58. Effect of cladode position and orientation on the number

of shoots/plant and DW yield
Position and orientation DW (g) Shoots/plant
Vertical (N-S) 757.0 4.9
Horizontal 596.2 2.7
Vertical (E-W) 355.9 4.6

Table 59. Water use efficiency of fodder opuntia cultivated in hydroponics

Yield WUE Yield WUE
Genotype Genotype
(g DM/yr/m2) (g/DM/l) (g DM/yr/m2) (g/DM/l)
70 1531.70 1.77 V1 930.15 1.07
Milpa Alta 1238.61 1.43 RSB 688.47 0.79
Tehuacán 783.34 0.90 R7 1131.02 1.31
44 1463.33 1.69 F1 1141.09 1.32
Rosalito 1181.90 1.36 AGO 1584.70 1.83
RSA 2173.00 2.51 R72 910.01 1.05
40 1310.69 1.51 Selección Pabellón 991.10 1.14
Villanueva 1173.95 1.35 COPENA 689.00 0.80
RSR 2041.03 2.36 Pabellón amarillo 916.90 1.06
RDR 534.24 0.62 Tapón hembra 292.03 0.34
34 1697.06 1.96 Tapón macho 23.85 0.03
LCNF 1262.46 1.46 S34 1547.6 1.79
75 736.70 0.85 S35 185.50 0.21
Italiano 752.07 0.87 Tezontepec 160.06 0.18
V-3 300.51 0.35 Irapuato 222.60 0.26
Tl 842.70 0.97
Valtierrilla 535.30 0.62 Control 42.40 0.05
Opuntia as forage 123


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Opuntia as forage 141


FAO – Cactus Pear as Forage (Technical Bulletins)


Cactusnet Newsletter 2000


Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Arid Regions of Chile – Paper on “Prickly pear

(Opuntia ficus-indica) utilization as a feed for ruminants”

IPGRI - An ethnobotanical inventory


Paper on “Controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica,



FAO Electronic Conference – Paper on “The Prickly Pears (Opuntia spp., Cactaceae)”.

Paper on Biological Control of Opuntia stricta in the Kruger National Park


Environmental Affairs Office, Washington State USA - Opuntia fragilis


Arizona – Index of Prickly Pears


Paper on “Evaluation of leucaena and cactus pear as forage resources for rabbits”
142 Annex 1 – Some opuntia-related websites

Value and Use of Opuntia polyacantha


FAO electronic conference – Paper on “Opuntia-based ruminant feeding systems in Mexico”


Paper on “Plains Prickly pear: relation to grazing intensity and blue grama yield on central
great plains”

Native cultivars of cactus pear in Mexico


FAO – a paper on “Opuntiae: a strategic fodder and efficient tool to combat desertification in
the WANA region

Cactus homepage of Texas A & M University, including use as forage


Paper on “Efeito da adubação e de nematicida no crescimento da palma forrageira cv. Gigante


Prickly Pear Cactus Control


Famine Food Field Guide – Opuntia ficus-indica


Programa de investigación y servicio en nopal

Opuntia as forage 143


A) J.J.Lopez B) A. Nefzaoui

C) C. Flores D) C. Flores

Plate 1. Opuntia is the plant of choice for reclamation of eroded and degraded lands in Mexico and several countries
of North Africa. It is also planted to improve productivity of overgrazed areas.

A) Opuntia plantation in a semiarid area of Northern Mexico intended for vegetative cover recovery.

B) Soil conservation in Tunisia takes advantage of Opuntia tolerance to drought and its high productivity.

C) Opuntia planted in a subtropical area of south central Mexico to reinforce simple soil conservation works.

D) A grassland recovery project in Central Mexico includes rainwater collection and spiny Opuntia for fruit and fodder
144 Annex 2 – Colour plates

A) D. Cordeiro B) J.J. Lopez

C) D. Cordeiro D) A. Nefzaoui

Plate 2. Opuntia pads are chopped before feeding to cattle.

A) Small electrical chopper from Brazil.

B) A machine from Northern Mexico designed for a medium size dairy operation.

C) Delivering of whole pads in Brazil.

D) Manual chopping of spineless Opuntia pads in Tunisia. The mechanical devices are of local design and are
usually built to order in small metal shops.
Opuntia as forage 145

A) C. Mondragon B) D. Cordeiro

C) A. Nefzaoui D) C. Guevara

Plate 3. Cultivation of Opuntia can be adjusted to the needs and possibilities of the area.

A) High density plantation in broadbeds in central Mexico for intensive production and fodder Opuntia. Plants can be
harvested annually or every other year, limited irrigation is sometimes provided.

B) Rainfed plantation in Northeastern Brazil. Plants are harvested in the third year.

C) Barley inter-cropped in rows of Opuntia, increasing land use ratio and the number of products obtained from a
single piece of land: cereal grain and stover, as well as fresh Opuntia pads suitable for animal feeding.

D) Spineless Opuntia planted in rows for fodder production in Mendoza, Argentina.

146 Annex 2 – Colour plates

A) C. Mondragon B) C. Mondragon

C) C. Mondragon D) C. Mondragon

Plate 4. Spineless Opuntia selected for fodder production.

A) CPF1, obtained by the late F. Barrientos at Chapingo, Mexico.

B), C) and D) Many of the spineless O. ficus-indica can have more than one use, fruit and fodder production is an
interesting combination. “Amarilla Grande” selected for its big juicy fruits and spineles cladodes “Selección Pabellon”
which produces red fruit are some examples.

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