CSC425 Topic 1 Introduction

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Introduction To Computer

Programming (CSC425)

Lecturer : Assoc Prof Ts Dr Nur Atiqah Sia Abdullah

Topic 1
• Basic Concept
• Program Development Process
• Program Control Structure
Basic Concept
• Computer Programming
• Program
• Programmer
• Programming Language
• Compiler
• Interpreter
• Interactive Development Environment
• Algorithm
Basic Concept
 Reasons for studying Concepts of Programming
Languages :
 Increased capacity to express ideas and solve problems
 Studying programming languages may increase the capacity and ability of
students to express their ideas in a formal, computational form.
 Increased ability to automate process
 Programs are built mainly so that simple, or even complicated processes to
be executed automatically.
Basic Concept
 Computer programming
 Craft of developing a computer program.
 Require knowledge, skill and creativity
 Both skill and knowledge in problem solving and
programming language.

Basic Concept
 Computer program
 From Hanly [2001], it is “list of instructions that
direct the computer to transform information from
one form to another.”
 Another name for software
 Is a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions
that directs the computer to do what you want
it to do.
 Programs are written in a programming
Basic Concept
 Computer program
 Turn data (input) into useful information
 Program uses variables to store data

Input Program Output


Basic Concept
 Programming Language
 A set of rules, words and symbols are used
to write a computer program.
 Provides a way of telling the computer what
operations to perform.
 Programmer is a person who writes programs
by using programming language.
Basic Concept
 Lower or higher depending on how close
they are to the language that the computer
 Lower (0s and 1s)
 Higher (more English-like)
 Generation of Programming language
 Machine language
 Assembly language
 High Level language (Pascal, C, C++, Java etc)
Basic Concept
 Machine Language
 Binary number codes understood by a specific CPU.
 Computer understands only binary numbers, 0s and
 These represent the on and off electrical states of
the computer
 Programs that are written in 0s and 1s is actually
machine language
Basic Concept
 Assembly Language
 Very low-level
 Use mnemonic codes, abbreviations to replace 0s and 1s
 More easier to understand
 A for add, C for compare, MUL for multiply, STO for
storing information in memory
 Assembler is a translation program that converts the
assembly language program into machine language
Basic Concept
• A Machine-language Program Fragment and
Its Assembly-Language Equivalent

Memory Address Machine-Language Assembly-Language

Instructions Instructions

 00000000 00000000 CLA

 00000001 00010101 ADD A
 00000010 00010110 ADD B
 00000011 00110101 STO A
Basic Concept
 High-level languages is designed for specific types of
problems and used syntax that was familiar to people
Language Application Area Origin Name
FORTRAN Scientific Programming Formula Translation
Represents complex mathematical
COBOL Business Data Processing Common Business-
Oriented Language
Lisp Artificial Intelligent List processing
C System Programming Predecessor Language was named B
Prolog Artificial Intelligent Logic Programming
C++ Support OOP Incremental modification of C
Java Supports Web Programming Originally name “Oak”
Basic Concept
 Compiler is a program that translates a
high-level language program (symbolic
statements) into machine language as a
complete unit.
 Examples of compiler: C, C++, Pascal,
FORTRAN, Java, Ada and COBOL.
Basic Concept
 Interpreter is a set of program that
executes the instructions as they were
 Interpreter executes a program from its high-
level form.
 Interpreter converts instructions into
machine language one at a time, in succession.
 Examples of interpreter: BASIC and LISP
Basic Concept
 Interactive Development Environment
(IDE) is a program that provides user with an
environment for editing, debugging and
compiling the source code the program
Basic Concept
 Source file
 A file containing a program written in a high-level language; the
input for the compiler

 Syntax
 Grammar rules of programming language

 Object file
 File of machine-language instructions that is the output of a compiler

 Algorithm
 A precise step-by-step action to perform overall task of the program
Basic Concept
 Compilation Process

Source File Compiler Object file

Input Output
Program Development Process
 Computer programming is a process to
develop a computer program
 Step 1. Problem analysis
 Step 2. Program design
 Step 3. Coding
 Step 4. Testing
 Step 5. Documentation
Program Development Process
 Problem Analysis
 A process of identifying the output, processes and input of a
 How to identify input?
 Nouns and adjectives Keywords – accept, enter, receive, read
 How to identify output?
 Nouns and adjectives Keywords – print, display, produce
 Define the storage (variable) and data type to hold data
 Outline the process (Arithmetic or logic operation)
 Input-Process-Output (IPO) chart as tool
Program Development Process
 Problem Analysis
 Evaluate the following problem statement and identify
the input and output.

 Nation’s Air force has asked you to write a program to

label supersonic aircraft as military or civilian.Your
program is to be given the plane’s observed speed in
km/h and its estimated length in meters. For planes
traveling in excess of 1100km/h, you will label those
longer than 52 meters “civilian” and shorter aircraft as
“military”. For planes traveling at slower speeds, you will
issue an “aircraft type unknown” message.
Program Development Process
 Problem Analysis
 Evaluate the following problem statement and identify
the input and output.

 Nation’s Air force has asked you to write a program to

label supersonic aircraft as military or civilian.Your
program is to be given the plane’s observed speed in
km/h and its estimated length in meters. For planes
traveling in excess of 1100km/h, you will label those
longer than 52 meters “civilian” and shorter aircraft as
“military”. For planes traveling at slower speeds, you will
issue an “aircraft type unknown” message.
Program Development Process
 Input-Process-Output (IPO) chart
 Example:
 Input : speed, length
 Process : validate the speed and length
 Output : classification – civilian, military,
unknown type
Program Development Process
Input-Process-Output (IPO) chart
Program Development Process
 Program Design
 Developing an algorithm
 Algorithm
is a precise step-by-step action to
perform overall task of the program
 Tools used for Program Design are:
 Flow Chart
 Pseudo Code
Program Development Process
• Flow Chart is a pictorial representation of the
solution algorithm. Symbols are used to represent
actions and arrows indicate the sequence of

Process Decision Connector Start/Stop Input/Output Direction of flow

Program Development Process
Program Development Process
• Pseudocode is a non-standard English-like
language that lets you specify your algorithm.
• It allows you to focus on the program logic
without worrying about the detailed rules of
programming language.
Program Development Process
 Desk-Check the algorithm
Speed Length Classification
1170 35 ?
1180 56 ?
900 66 ?
800 34 ?

Program Development Process
 Coding
 Implement the flowchart or pseudo code into specific
programming language rules (syntax)
 Translate the algorithm into a formal programming
 Syntax or grammatical rules are important in coding
 Identify the storage requirement
 Use text editor to write your program

 Compilation
Program Development Process
 Error correction
 Syntax Error occurs when a character or string incorrectly
placed in a command or instruction that causes a failure in
execution. It is an error in a program due to a code that does not
conform to order expected by the programming language.
 Logic Error is a bug in a program that causes it to operate
incorrectly, but not to terminate abnormally (or crash). A logic
error produces unintended or undesired output or other
behavior, although it may not immediately be recognized as such.
 Runtime Error is a program error that occurs while the
program is running. It might cause the memory leak (infinity loop)
or program crash (quits while running).
Program Development Process
 Testing
 Program must be freed from syntax error
 Use a set of test data to validate the output.
 Program must produce receive valid input and produce
correct output.
 Program must handle invalid input efficiently.
 Does the program accept out of range value?
Program Development Process
 Testing and Debugging

Source Compiler Object Linkage Load

Module Module Editor Module

Program Development Process
 Documentation
 User manual
 Program description
 Capability, limitation, user guide
Program Control Structure
 There are SIX basic operation:
1. Accept Input through keyboard or files
2. Produce Output and displayed it on screen or file
3. Assign value to a storage
4. Perform arithmetic and logic
5. Make decision using selection statement
6. Repeat the same action
Program Control Structure
 THREE types of control structure:
 Sequential Structure
 Selection Structure
 Iteration Structure (Repetition or loop)
Program Control Structure
 Sequential Structure
 ALL statement(s) will be executed from top to bottom.
 Statement can be an input/output statement or a processing statement.

Begin Begin

Read Number1,
Statement 1 Number2

Compute Total
Statement 2

Compute Average
Statement n
Print Total
and Average
Program Control Structure
 Selection Structure
 Provides alternative actions
 Only one action will be executed
 Three types:
 One-way Selection
 A set of statements will be executed if and only the condition is TRUE.
 Two-way Selection
 Either one of two set of statements will be executed if the condition is TRUE.
 Multi-way Selection
 Has more than one conditions and alternative set statements.
Program Control Structure
 One-way Selection (Flow Chart)
Read Score

Condition Score >= 50
Statement (s)
Status is “Passed”


One-way Selection (Example)

Program Control Structure
 Two-way Selection (Flow Chart)
Begin Begin

Read Score
TRUE Score >= 50

Statement (s) Statement (s) TRUE

Status is “Passed” Status is “Failed”



Two-way Selection (Example)

Program Control Structure
 Multi-way Selection (Flow Chart)


Condition 1

Condition 2
Statement (s)
Condition n
Statement (s)

Statement (s) Statement (s)

Program Control Structure
 Multi-way Selection (Example)

code == ‘M’

code == ‘F’
gender is “Male”

gender is “Female” Status is “Unknown”

Program Control Structure
 Iteration or loops
 Perform the same operation more than once
 A set of statements will be executed more than once
 Can be controlled either by counter or sentinel value.

Initialize counter

True Exit loop

update counter
Program Control Structure
 The following flowchart illustrates the process of reading five (5) numbers
and calculate the total.

count = 0

count < 5
exit loop
Read a

Add number to total

Count + 1
Program Control Structure
 Sentinel Controlled loop flowchart:

Sentinel value



Exit loop
Program Control Structure
 The following flowchart illustrates the process of reading a series of
students’ scores and compute the total score. The process will stop
if the value of score read is equal to 999.

Read score

Score != 999

True Exit loop

Add score to total

Read Score
Self Exercise
1. Write a flow chart to calculate and display an average of three numbers
using sequential design
2. Rewrite the above design, determine whether the average is higher than
50 or not. Display the appropriate message for each case.
3. Rewrite problem 1 using iteration any iteration approach.
4. Write a flow chart to calculate an average score of 20 students.
5. Write a flow chart to calculate an average of a series positive numbers.
The process will stop if number entered has a negative value.
6. The cost to send a telegram to UK is RM15.50 for the first 15 letters
and RM0.50 for the subsequent letters. Draw a flowchart to calculate the
cost of sending the telegram.
 Jeri R. hanly, Essential C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition,
Addison Wesley
 J. Glenn Brookshear, Computer Science An Overview, 8th Edition, Pearson
Addison Wesley

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