Respiratory System

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The nose o The glottis

- Olfactory receptors are located in the mucosa

on the superior surface Trachea (windpipe)
- The rest of the cavity is lined with respiratory - 4 inches long tube that connects larynx and
mucosa (lysozyme enzyme) , which: bronchi
o Moistens air - Walls are reinforced with C- shaped hyaline
o Traps incoming foreign particles cartilage, which keeps the trachea patent
- Lateral walls have projections called conchae - Lined with ciliated mucosa
o Increase surface area o Cilia beat continuously in the opposite
o Increase air turbulence within the nasal direction of incoming air
cavity o Expel mucus loaded with dust and other
- The nasal cavity is separated from the oral debris away from lungs
cavity by the palate
o Anterior hard plate (bone) Main (primary) Bronchi
o Posterior soft plate (unsupported) - Formed by division of the trachea
- Functions of the sinuses: - Each bronchus enters the lung at the hilum
o Lighten the skull (medial depression)
o Act as resonance chambers for speech - Right bronchus is wider, shorter, straighter than
o Produce mucus that drains into the left
nasal cavity - Bronchi subdivide

The pharynx Lungs

- Muscular passage form nasal cavity to larynx - Occupy the most of the thoracic cavity
- 3 regions of the pharynx: o Heart occupies central portion called
o Nasopharynx, superior region behind mediastinum
nasal cavity - Apex is near the clavicle (superior portion)
o Oropharynx, middle region behind - Base rests on the diaphragm (inferior portion)
mouth (food) - Each lung is divided into lobes by fissures
o Laryngopharynx, (air) o Left lung- 2 lobes
- Pharyngotympanic tubes, opnes into the o Right lung – 3lobes
nasopharynx - Serosa covers the outer surface of the lungs
- Tonsils (composed of lymphatic cells – produce o Pulmonary (visceral) pleura, covers the
antibodies) of the pharynx lung surface
o Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid), located in o Parietal pleura lines the wall of the
the nasopharynx thoracic cavity
o Palatine tonsils, located in the
oropharynx Bronchial (respiratory) Tree Divisions
o Lingual tonsils, found at the base of the - All but the smallest of these passageways have
tongue reinforcing cartilage in their walls
- Conduits to and from the respiratory zone
Larynx (voice box) o Primary
- Routes air and food into proper channels o Secondary
- Plays a role in speech o Tertiary
- Made of eight rigid hyaline cartilages and a o Bronchioles
spoon-shaped - Respiratory zone Structures:
- Thyroid cartilage - Respiratory Membrane
o Largest of the hyaline cartilages o Thin squamous epithelial layer lines the
o Protrudes anteriorly alveolar walls
- Epiglottis o Alveolar pores connect neighboring air
o Protects sacs
- Vocal folds (true vocal chords) o Pulmonary capillaries cover external
o Vibrate with expelled air surface of alveoli
o Respiratory membrane (air-blood
 On one side
o Gas crosses the respiratory membrane
by diffusion
 Oxygen enters the blood
 CO2 enters the alveoli
o Alveolar microphages, add protection
by picking up bacteria, carbon particles,
and other debris
o Surfactant, (a lipid molecule)
 coats gas exposed alveolar
 Important in lowering of the
surface tension of the lungs
- 4 events of Respiration
1.) Pulmonary ventilation, moving air into and
out of the lungs (breathing)
2.) External Respiration
3.) Respiratory gas transport, transport of O and
CO2 via the bloodstream
4.) Internal Respiration

- Mechanics of breathing (Pulmonary Ventilation)

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