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Shock Sensing Sub Tool Application

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Perforating Solutions

Shock Sensing Sub Tool

Shock Sensing Sub Tool Application

By capturing actual dynamic reservoir response at multiple points
throughout the perforation interval, and during and after the
perforating event, the Shock Sensing Sub tool provides “quick
look data” that will be utilized to enhance future designs and
exploitation of your asset.

Today, operators and service providers recognize wells are

pushing the limits of design. The acknowledged importance of
predicting events during the perforating process has pushed
the industry to look at ways to gather dynamic information at
zones of interest during the perforation event. While perforation
cleanup and flow efficiency knowledge have always been desired,
now other factors are being modeled and optimized. These include
shock loading, dynamic and static underbalance, dynamic trip data,
“fast response” reservoir data, characteristics, and analysis. Shock Sensing Sub

Operators and service companies recognize a new level of capability Benefits

is necessary to truly understand and model the perorating event. To • Can be placed anywhere in the perforating assembly
this end, Halliburton has developed Shock Sensing Sub technology
• More data available for job verification, post-job analysis,
to gather data at any desired location within the perforation string.
and model validation
Understanding the stress-strain relationships yields a more accurate
– 12 active channels for high-speed recording
characterization of downhole events. This is accomplished with the
Shock Sensing Sub tool’s unique ability to be placed directly in the – Each channel provides 100,000 data samples:
perforating gun string at multiple points, rather than only above o Tool string acceleration
or below the perforated interval like the industry-standard fast o Mechanical strain/stress in the tool string
gauges. This placement enables verification of what is happening
o Dynamic wellbore pressure
at a specific point in the perforated interval, rather than having
to assume/correlate at points within the perforated interval. The o Static pressure/temperature
Shock Sensing Sub technology enables direct measurement and • Provides high-resolution characterization across
analysis across non-homogeneous intervals with varying reservoir non-homogeneous intervals with varying reservoir and
and wellbore parameters. The more accurate and location-specific wellbore parameters
measurement enables Halliburton and our clients to accurately
• Captures stress and strain, which yields a more accurate
predict and even eliminate downhole issues caused by shock loads
characterization of downhole events
and dynamic pressure events, as well as enhance perforating design
at multiple points within an interval or intervals to optimize well • Enables life-of-well, time-lapsed reservoir monitoring
productivity. Gathered data can also be utilized to accurately test at capabilities for proactive asset management
specific modeled conditions in our Advanced Perforating Flow Lab • Operates in deviated or horizontal wells for dynamic string
(APFL) to verify our model’s predictions prior to deployment. shock loading response

• Can be combined with APFL to verify the shock loading • Enables direct measurement and analysis across
model’s predictions prior to deployment non-homogeneous intervals with varying reservoir and
• Can be placed directly in the perforating gun string wellbore parameters
at multiple points • Displays full job history

Technical Specifications Technical Specifications

Diameter 4 5/8 in. Diameter 6 1/2 in.
Pressure rating 20,000 psi Pressure rating 30,000 psi
Tensile rating 377,000 lb Tensile rating 686,584 lb
Connections Standard gun threads (pin x box) Connections Standard gun threads (pin x box)
Sensors Sensors
Strain gauges 3 axial, 3 hoop, 1 torsion Strain gauges 3 axial, 3 hoop, 1 torsion
Pressure Dynamic pressure, 100 ksi Pressure Dynamic pressure, 100 ksi
Accelerometers Triaxial, 60 kg Accelerometers Triaxial, 60 kg
Temperature Resistance temperature detector Temperature Resistance temperature detector
Environmental Environmental
Temperature rating 302ºF (150ºC) Temperature rating 302ºF (150ºC)
Logging Logging
Event sampling rate 100 kHz Event sampling rate 100 kHz
Event duration 1 sec Event duration 1 sec
Event records 10 Event records 10
Run duration 5 days Run duration 5 days

For more case studies or additional information, please contact

your local Halliburton Business Development Representative.

© 2015 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the
contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. H011603 5/15


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