Q2. What Is Rolling and Recrystallization Temperature. Explain The Methods of Rolling Steel and Highlight The Major Differences
Q2. What Is Rolling and Recrystallization Temperature. Explain The Methods of Rolling Steel and Highlight The Major Differences
Q2. What Is Rolling and Recrystallization Temperature. Explain The Methods of Rolling Steel and Highlight The Major Differences
Recrystallization temperature
Recrystallization temperature is a particular temperature point below the melting point of a
metal (or material). Usually, metals, in microscopic scale are made up of grain like particles. At
recrystallization temperature, if you impart enough force, you can easily succeed to change the
size and shape of these grains and this might make the metal more ductile and more stress-
relieved. This is because the grains at this temperature, make the metal behave in plastic
manner, allowing them to deform greatly for very less force application.
The recrystallization temperature does not refer to a definite temperature below which
recrystallization will not occur but refers to the approximate temperature at which a highly cold
worked material completely recrystalizes in 1 hour, very pure metals seems to have low
crystallization temperature as compared with impure metal and alloys. Increasing the annealing
time, decreases the time of RT. The recrystallization temperature is far more sensitive to
changes in temperature than to variation in time at constant temperature.
Modern Rolling
Hot Rolling
Cold Rolling
Roll bending
Roll forming
Flat rolling
Ring rolling
Controlled rolling
Forge rolling
During rolling, steel work piece is subjected to high compressive stresses as a result of the
friction between the rolls and the surface of work piece being rolled. The work piece is
plastically deformed by the compressive forces between two constantly rotating rolls. These
forces act to reduce the thickness of the steel and affect its grain structure. The reduction in
thickness which is the difference in the thickness before and after the reduction is known as
draft. In addition to reducing the thickness, the rolls cause feeding of the material as they
rotate in the opposite direction to each other. Friction is therefore a necessary part of the
rolling process, but too much friction can be detrimental for a variety of the reasons. Since level
of friction is to be controlled in the rolling process, lubrication is an important factor during
rolling. For the work piece to enter the throat of the roll, the component of the friction force
must be equal to or greater than the horizontal component of the normal force.
During the rolling operation, the geometric shape of the work piece is changed but its volume
remains essentially the same. The roll zone is the area over which the rolls act on the material.
It is here the plastic deformation of the work piece takes place. An important factor in the
rolling process is that due to the conservation of the volume of the steel material with the
reduction of the thickness, the material coming out of the roll zone will be moving faster than
the steel material entering the roll zone. The rolls themselves rotate at a constant speed, hence
at some point in the roll zone the surface velocity of the rolls and that of the steel material are
exactly the same. This is termed as the no slip point. Before this point, the rolls are moving
faster than the material, and after this point the material is moving faster than the rolls.
Torque and power are the two important component of rolling. Torque is the measure of the
force applied to the rolls to produce rotational motion while power is applied to a rolling mill by
applying a torque to the rolls and by means of work piece tension. In a rolling mill the power is
spent principally in the following four ways.
Sometimes during rolling of steel, tension (force) is applied to the work piece as it is being
rolled. The tension may be applied to the front (front tension), may be applied to the back
(back tension), or may be applied at both the ends. This technique helps the forces necessary
for rolling of the steel.
During process of rolling, the plastic deformation, which is causing the reduction in the
thickness of steel piece, also causes an increase in the width of the work piece. This
phenomenon is known as spreading. When the work piece being processed has a high width to
thickness ratio, then the spreading is not of much concern since it is relatively small. On the
other hand in case of low width to thickness ratio, the increase in width can be an issue.
Vertical rolls (edge rolls) are used to control the spreading and for maintenance of constant
width during rolling.
Hot rolling is a mill process which involves rolling the steel at high temperatures, over 1700
degrees Fahrenheit. This is part of the reason hot rolled steel is typically cheaper than cold
rolled steel. Hot rolled steel is used when precise shapes and tolerances are not required.
Rolling of steel is one of the most important manufacturing processes for steel. It is usually the
first step in the processing of steel after it is made and cast either in Ingot or continuous cast
product in a steel melting shop. The initial rolling of steel is done in a hot rolling mill where
blooms and slabs are rolled down to various rolled products such as plate, sheet, strip, coil,
billet, structures, rails, bars and rods. Cold rolling of steel is also carried out for some products.
Many of these rolled products such as rails and reinforcement bars etc. are directly used by the
consumers while the other rolled products are the starting raw materials for subsequent
manufacturing operations such as forging, sheet metal working, wire drawing, extrusion,
machining, and fabrication industry. Steel rolling can produce a wide range of products. The
width of a rolled product can vary from a few millimeters to several meters while the thickness
can vary from 0.1 mm to more than 200 mm. The rolled section can be square, rectangular,
round or shaped sections. Different rolling processes for steel are shown in Fig 1
During hot rolling of steels, the cast grain structure of steel achieved during the steelmaking
process (usually large grains grown in the direction of solidification) is converted into a wrought
grain steel structure. Cast structure has weak grain boundaries which makes the steel brittle.
Cast structures are also associated with many defects like porosity, shrinkage cavities and
inclusions. During hot rolling of steel which takes place above the recrystallization temperature,
the cast grain structure is broken. Old grain boundaries are destroyed and new tougher grain
boundaries are formed along with a more uniform grain structure. Rolling of steel also closes
the vacancies and shrinkage cavities within the steel and breaks the inclusions and distributes it
uniformly throughout the work piece. The distinctive mark of hot rolling is not only a
crystallized structure, but the simultaneous occurrence of dislocation propagation and
softening processes. Advantages of hot rolling are as follows.
Since flow stresses are low, forces and power requirements are relatively lesser. Even
very large work pieces can be deformed with equipment of reasonable size.
Cold Rolling
Cold roling is done at room temperature, although the work of deformation can raise the
temperature of the work piecce to 100 -200 deg C. During cold rolling of steels, good surface
finishes and increased mechanical strength with close control of product dimensions can be
achieved. The advantages of cold rolling are given below.
In the absence of cooling and oxidation, tighter tolerance and better surface finish can
be obtained..
The final properties of the work piece can be closely controlled. If desired the high
strength obtained during cold rolling can be retained. or if high ductility is needed, grain
size can be controlled before annealing.
Controlled Rolling
Rolling process allows a high degree of closed loop automation and very high speeds, and is
thus capable of providing high quality, close tolerance starting material for various down
stream industries.
Other methods of compensating for roll deformation include continual varying crown (CVC),
pair cross rolling, and work roll bending. CVC involves grinding a third order polynomial curve
into the work rolls and then shifting the work rolls laterally, equally, and opposite to each other.
The effect is that the rolls will have a gap between them that is parabolic in shape, and will vary
with lateral shift, thus allowing for control of the crown of the rolls dynamically. Pair cross
rolling involves using either flat or parabolically crowned rolls, but shifting the ends at an angle
so that the gap between the edges of the rolls will increase or decrease, thus allowing for
dynamic crown control. Work roll bending involves using hydraulic cylinders at the ends of the
rolls to counteract roll deflection.
Another way to overcome deflection issues is by decreasing the load on the rolls, which can be
done by applying a longitudinal force; this is essentially drawing. Other method of decreasing
roll deflection includes increasing the elastic modulus of the roll material and adding back-up
supports to the rolls.