General Aruba General (See Plan) : Opening/Closing Hatches
General Aruba General (See Plan) : Opening/Closing Hatches
General Aruba General (See Plan) : Opening/Closing Hatches
GENERAL (See Plan) reserved for the use of vessels carrying out repairs and underwater hull
cleaning. Special permission for anchoring is to be obtained from Direktie
Scheepvaart (Tel: +297 (8) 35192. Fax: +297 (8) 35221).
GEO-POLITICAL: PRATIQUE: The Port Doctor will visit an arriving ship only if there is a
Capital City: Oranjestad. case of quarantinable disease on board, if the ship has no clean Bill of Health
Nationality: (noun) Aruban, (adjective) Aruban; Dutch. or if one of the preceding ports of call has been declared to harbour a
Population: 103,065. quarantinable disease.
International Direct Dial Code: 297. VHF: Shore station with 24-hour service. VHF Channel 16 (calling);
Number of Internal Airports: 1. Channel 11 (working).
Major Languages Spoken: Papiamento (a TUGS: 12,200 h.p. and 13,500 h.p. tugs. Both fitted with VHF
Spanish-Portuguese-Dutch-English dialect) 66.3%, Spanish 12.6%, English Channel 16 (working Channel 11).
(widely spoken) 7.7%, Dutch (official) 5.8%, other 2.2%, unspecified or
unknown 5.3% (2000 census). BERTHS: In total there are 4,070 ft. of dock length available to
ECONOMY: accommodate ocean-going vessels and 1,090 ft. of dock for small craft, of
Currency: 1 Aruban Guilder (AWG) of 100 Cents. which:
Main Industries: Tourism, transshipment facilities and oil refining. a) 880 ft. with 36 ft. of water alongside
ENVIRONMENT: b) 840 ft. with 32 ft. of water alongside
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m. c) 460 ft. with 24 ft. of water alongside
Coastline Extent: 68 km. d) 590 ft. with 34 ft. of water alongside
Climate: Tropical marine; little seasonal temperature variation. e) 426 ft. with 34 ft. of water alongside
Natural Resources: NEGL and white sandy beaches. f) 590 ft. with 34 ft. of water alongside.
Natural Hazards: Hurricanes; lies outside the Caribbean hurricane belt CONTAINER FACILITIES: 30 acre container terminal in operation.
and is rarely threatened. Length of quay 255 m., depth alongside 12.0 m. 150 ton container crane.
Terrain: Flat with a few hills; scant vegetation.
235 ton forklifts. One back-up mobile crane of 140 tons available.
STEVEDORES: Stevedoring is performed at a fairly fast rate compared
BARCADERA: 12␥ 29' N 070␥ 00' W (See Plan) to other ports in the Caribbean area. All cargoes are handled by shore cranes.
The terminal has extensive electrical installations for refrigerated container
LOCATION: The industrial harbour of Aruba is situated 3 miles SE of cargoes.
Oranjestad. Opening/Closing Hatches: This work is normally carried out by the crew.
DOCUMENTS: See ‘‘Oranjestad’’. BALLAST: Vessels must arrive with sufficient ballast to permit safe
MAX. SIZE: LOA 225 m., draft 32 ft. handling. All vessels should enter port with clean ballast that can be pumped
RESTRICTIONS: Harbour open day and night. Depth of water in entrance over board when alongside, as it is prohibited to pump dirty ballast into the
is 36 ft. Depth of water alongside is 36 ft. Swinging basin width 1,000 ft. harbour.
PILOTAGE: Compulsory.
TUGS: Available. MEDICAL: Excellent medical and dental attention is available at any hour
of the day or night to crew members of all vessels.
BERTHS: 1,150 ft. of dockside accommodation.
FRESH WATER: Not available. FRESH WATER: Boiler and drinking water of purest quality is supplied
FUEL: Can be supplied. by hose from the docks at a rate of 200 t.p.h. (in special cases 400 t.p.h.).
AUTHORITY: See ‘‘Oranjestad’’. FUEL: Various grades of bunker oil available by barge from Coastal Fuels
Marketing. A minimum of 48 hours notice is required.
ORANJESTAD: 12␥ 31' N 070␥ 02' W (See Plan) REPAIRS: There are no facilities at Aruba for major ship repairs. Local
workshops can do repairs of minor nature. Preliminary advice regarding such
minor repairs should be included in ETA messages and work requisitions for
CHARTS: BA Chart No. 702. repairs should be prepared for handing to the Agent’s representative
DOCUMENTS: immediately upon arrival.
Clearance from Last Port Radar, radio and gyro repairs can be carried out. However, it is important
2 Consignee Mail Lists (if cargo for discharge) that Masters radio in their requirements as early as possible and give a brief
4 Crew Lists reference as to the nature of the breakdown or fault of the equipment
Derat (Exemption) Certificate concerned.
2 Lists of Stores on Board While alongside, vessels must be prepared to move at 1 hour’s notice.
Manifest of Cargo (or ballast), or Bills of Lading for import goods and Engine repairs to the effect of demobilising the vessel may only be carried
transit goods separately out with special permission.
2 Passenger Lists (if any passengers)
Ship’s Register. SURVEYORS: Representatives of the American Bureau of Shipping, the
The Passenger List must carry full names, date of birth, sex, nationality Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and the Norske Veritas are resident in the area.
and occupation of passengers landing at Aruba. The ultimate destination of Masters may request the surveyors’ services through the Agent.
in-transit passengers must also be shown on the Passenger List.
Derat (Exemption) Certificates can be renewed at Oranjestad, Barcadera POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Oranjestad Tel: +297 (8) 11100,
and St Nicholas. 24555. Ambulance Oranjestad Tel: +297 (8) 24200, 21234. Fire Alarm
Outward Clearance, cargo documents and list of outgoing passengers are Tel: 115.
delivered on board by the Agent’s representative, thereby making it SECURITY/GANGWAY: An efficient and continuous watch must be
unnecessary for Masters to visit the Customs Office to obtain outward maintained on deck and in the engine-room of all ships while in port, and a
clearance. sufficient number of men must be on board at all times to move vessels either
MAX. SIZE: The harbour itself has a depth 36 ft. (MLW). The safe salt for harbour operations purposes or in emergency situations.
water draft approved for docking at the Long Pier is 30 ft. and in the two
Western Basins is 28 ft. Vessels normally enter via the west channel and TIME: GMT minus 4 hours. Vessels are requested to use local time in ETA
depart via the east channel. messages and when dealing with their Agents.
Minimum Drafts: For tankers arriving or sailing in ballast the following CONSULS: The following countries have consular representatives on
minimum drafts are required for manoeuvring under normal weather
conditions: Aruba:
Size Forward Aft Brazil Chile Colombia
(g.t.) (ft.) (ft.) Costa Rica Denmark Dominican Republic
16,600 8 18 El Salvador Germany Guatemala
18,000 8 18 Haiti Italy Lebanon
27,000 – 30,000 10 20 Liberia Nicaragua Norway
30,000 – 36,000 14 22 Panama Peru Portugal
37,000 14 24 Spain Sweden Switzerland
46,000 16 26 UK Venezuela
It is necessary for Masters of Panamanian and Italian flag vessels to
PILOTAGE: Masters are requested to advise Agents of their expected visit Consulates at Oranjestad to present documents and receive
time of arrival at least 48 hours in advance. Arrival messages should include despatches. Other Consulates have similar requirements. Masters may
advice regarding cash or other requirements. This information is particularly check with Agent for clarification.
necessary in order to give prompt attention to vessel’s requirements and to
avoid delay after arrival. NEAREST AIRPORT: Reina Beatrix International, 5 miles.
Pilots are government employees and pilotage is compulsory for vessels SHORE LEAVE: Under normal circumstances no restrictions are
from 50 g.t. upward entering or leaving the harbour. Pilots board inbound
imposed by the Government Immigration Authorities on shore liberty. Masters
vessels at Lat. 12␥ 31' N, Long 070␥ 04' W, within 2 n.m. of shore. The Agent’s
representative will arrange for Pilots to board vessels as necessary. Inbound are requested to endeavour to have all crew members on board prior to
vessels should close the west entrance of the harbour as near as prudently departure time, so that the ship will have no delay in sailing.
possible and make a lee to facilitate the Pilot’s boarding. GENERAL: Customs Guards: Local authorities assign one or more
Every vessel arriving or departing must provide and properly secure a pilot customs guards to each vessel during its stay in port; the charges for guarding
ladder which conforms with the standards of construction normally accepted are for the account of the vessel.
by international safety standards. Failure to provide such a ladder may result
in the Pilot’s refusal to board a vessel. AUTHORITY: Aruba Ports Authority NV, LG Smith Boulevard 23,
ANCHORAGES: Anchorages, suitable even for deepest draft vessels, Oranjestad, Aruba. Tel: +297 (8) 26633, 31881. FAX: +297 (8) 32896.
are located 7 – 8 miles south of Oranjestad, where the depth is 45.0 m. Email: Contact: Captain JH Serahs, Port
Restricted Anchorage: Anchorage extends west of the coast, and is Captain – Aruba.