Aurora Australis: Global Maritime Excellence
Aurora Australis: Global Maritime Excellence
Aurora Australis: Global Maritime Excellence
Ice Solutions
P&O Maritime is an experienced provider of maritime solutions vessel Aurora Australis in support of the Australian Antarctic
facilitated through P&O Maritime’s ownership, operations and Division’s Antarctic Program. Service provision includes:
management of a fleet of specialised vessels for customers’ long term • Expeditionary and cargo transport to the Australian
requirements. Government’s Antarctic bases and Sub-Antarctic
P&O Maritime is supported by a wealth of maritime business expertise • Marine research in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic
and an extensive maritime heritage found in the P&O Group. Having waters
operated in the maritime industry since 1960s, P&O Maritime has • Ownership and operation of the ice strengthened multi-
developed into a diversified maritime solutions provider to both purpose support vessel L’Astrolabe for the French Government’s
government and private industry. Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor and Terres Australes at
Antarctiques Françaises. The vessel provides resupply services
to Dumont d’Urville and undertakes some marine research in
Antarctic waters
• Management and operations of scientific research vessel
Southern Surveyor for the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation for oceanographic, geo-
scientific, fishery and ecosystem research
Head Office
99 Queensbridge St
Southbank VIC 3006
GPO Box 88
Melbourne VIC 3001
T: +61 3 9254 1600
F: +61 3 9254 1658