Netea Faq: 1.1.3 Unit Datasheets
Netea Faq: 1.1.3 Unit Datasheets
Netea Faq: 1.1.3 Unit Datasheets
NetEA FAQ NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20
transport is destroyed by. For example, an ignore cover hit would firefight and ranged weapons may not be suppressed.
prevent the transported units from making a 6+ cover save.
Q: Can a unit be suppressed if it has no enemy in the fire arc of its
1.8.1 Dangerous Terrain Test weapons?
Q: How many D6 does a war engine roll when it enters dangerous A: No.
A: One. Are units that are making counter charge moves subject to Q: When are units that are armed with a weapon that does not
Dangerous Terrain tests? require a line of fire suppressed?
Yes. A: Only when they are within range of a unit from the target
1.8.2 Cover to Hit Modifiers
Q: When does a unit count as being in cover? 1.9.4 Place Blast Marker
A: This should be brought up in the five minute warm up. Q: Can a formation of units armed only with AP fire at an enemy
formation of armoured vehicles to place a Blast marker on them?
1.8.4 Terrain Effects A: Yes, and the same holds for the situation in reverse (AT fire on
Q: How many units can claim cover from a fortification? infantry).
A: If this isn’t covered by special rules or the scenario then it should
Q: Can a formation of units armed only with Small Arms fire at an
be brought up in the five minute warm up.
enemy formation to place a Blast marker on them?
Q: Can a speed 0cm unit on a road claim the +5cm move bonus? A: No.
A: There is no clear distinction in the rules between speed 0cm and
Q: Can units that are out of range of an enemy formation fire at
immobile units. We recommend you go over it with your
them to place a Blast marker?
opponent during the 5 minute warm-up.
A: No.
A speed 0cm unit could possibly benefit from the road
movement bonus, allowing it to move 5cm per move. However,
1.9.5 Roll To Hit
it may obviously not leave the road as it would then lose its
Q: Can a unit armed with two or more of the same kind of weapon
bonus movement. A unit with a speed of “immobile” may not
choose to fire some with their AP value and others with their AT
move, even on a road.
Q: Can units making a counter charge move on a road claim the A: Yes.
+5cm move bonus?
Q: Can a unit armed with a weapon with multiple shots choose to
A: No, the “moves” referenced here are those in actions. A counter
fire some shots with the AP value and others with the AT value?
charge move is not one of those moves.
A: No. The decision to fire with the AP or AT value is by weapon
Q: How many infantry can be counted as being in cover when and for all of its shots.
touching an armoured vehicle or war engine?
Q: If a target formation has infantry in cover and armoured vehicles
A: There is no limit as per the written rules, so long as the infantry
not in cover will my AT to hit rolls suffer the -1 modifier?
bases can touch the AV or WE. However, a limit of 2 per AV (2
A: No, and the same holds for the situation in reverse (AV in cover,
per starting DC of a WE) is an extremely common house rule.
INF out of cover).
Enough so that it should be brought up in the five minute warm
up. Q: Can I choose to fire some shots at units in cover (taking the -1 to
hit modifier) and the rest at units out of cover?
Q: Can an infantry unit claim cover from enemy armoured vehicles?
A: You may not split each type of fire like this. All AP fire from a
A: Yes.
shooting formation must take the -1 modifier, or not, at the
choice of the player. The same holds for AT and MW fire.
1.9 Shooting
However, the player could choose to take the -1 for one type of
Q: Can you withhold fire for later in the turn?
fire and not to for another.
A: No. A unit either fires when its formation activates with an
action that allows it to shoot or forfeits its right to shoot.
1.9.6 Allocate Hits & Make Saving Throws
Q: Are modifiers to an amour save cumulative? For example, does a
1.9.2 Who May Shoot
sniper hit on a unit caught in a crossfire suffer a -2 save modifier?
Q: Can a unit being transported be suppressed?
A: Yes, all modifiers apply unless specifically stated otherwise.
A: Only if the transported units are allowed to shoot as per the
transport unit’s datasheet. Otherwise, they don’t have a line of Q: If a unit suffers save modifiers so that its armour value is
fire. effectively 7+ does it still get a save?
A: No, 7+ rolls are for hits only.
Q: Can a unit without a ranged weapon be suppressed?
A: Units with a firefight (small arms weapons) may be suppressed if
they are within 15cm and have a line of fire. Units without a
NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20 NetEA FAQ
Q: How are hits allocated on a formation when it contains light formation is taking an overwatch action. However, it could not
vehicles as well as infantry or armoured vehicles? choose to remain on overwatch as it would have to move back
A: The hits must be allocated so that none are wasted and each unit into a legal formation.
has one hit allocated to it before being allocated a second, or
third, etc. if possible. Q: Can a formation on overwatch use its overwatch fire when it is
In other words, if light vehicles are with infantry then allocate in the zone of control of an enemy formation.
AT hits to the light vehicles before AP hits. If light vehicles are A: Yes, as it is not taking an action when shooting while on
with armoured vehicles then allocate AP hits to the light vehicle overwatch. However, it could not choose to remain on
before AT hits. If all three types are in the same formation talk it overwatch as it would have to charge the enemy or leave its zone
out with your opponent. of control.
1.9.8 Barrages Q: A formation carries out an action that involves a move but none
Q: Can a barrage claim a crossfire bonus? of the units physically move, is it still susceptible to overwatch?
A: Yes. A: Yes. Any action that includes one of more moves (advance,
engage, double, march and possibly marshal, hold and special
Q: If a unit is under multiple templates from the same barrage how actions) is considered a move for the purposes of overwatch,
many to hit rolls are rolled for it? even if units moved 0cm.
A: One. Note that withdrawals and consolidation moves are optional
however, and that a player can choose not to move the
Q: Do extra Barrage templates have to be placed to get as many formation at all, thus avoiding overwatch.
enemy units from the target formation under them as possible?
A: The rules are unclear here, but yes they do. Q: Do units that enter play via a special rule (landing, planetfall, self
planetfall, teleporting, tunneling, being summoned or swarmed)
Q: Is it possible to place extra Barrage templates so that they cover trigger overwatch fire?
units that no weapon contributing to the barrage has range or a A: No, only completing a move or disembarking triggers overwatch.
line of fire to?
A: Yes, but only the extra templates. Q: Does a counter charge move trigger overwatch fire?
A: No.
Q: How do you resolve hits for a Barrage template that’s over some
units in cover and some that aren’t? Q: What happens to formation that is broken from overwatch fire
A: Roll to hit separately for those units in cover, and for those units while it is carrying out an action?
not in cover. A: See Withdrawals, “it makes a withdrawal and loses the rest of its
Q: How do you resolve hits for a Barrage template that’s over
different kinds of units? 1.11 Crossfire
A: Each unit under a template requires a separate to hit roll to see if Q: Does the friendly unit need to shoot at the same target formation
it has been hit. For example, a barrage covering two Nobz (one in order to be used to catch it in a crossfire?
with the Warlord), six Boyz (with two in cover), two Grotz, four A: No.
Battlewagons and one Flakwagon would need to roll the
following to hit rolls: one for the Nobz with the Warlord, one Q: Does the friendly unit need to have a weapon that can affect the
for the other Nobz, four for the Boyz out of cover, two for the target formation in order to be used to catch it in a crossfire?
Boyz in cover, two for the Grotz, four for the Battlewagons and A: No, it doesn’t need weapons at all or even a Firefight value.
one for the Flakwagon.
The “type” referred to in the sentence about speed dice rolling Q: Does the shooting formation need to have a line of fire to the
refers to the kind of unit (Tactical, Assault, Devastator, etc.) not friendly unit?
the unit type (INF, AV, etc.). A: No, both the shooting formation and the friendly unit only need
a line of fire to the target formation.
Q: How are barrages where some barrage points have special
abilities resolved? Q: Does the -1 save modifier apply to cover saves?
A: When firing in a barrage, a special weapon ability can only be A: Yes.
used if all of the units firing have it. If a special ability is used in a
barrage then those barrage weapons that don’t have the special 1.12 Assaults
ability may not fire in the barrage, nor may they fire a separate Q: Do assaults occur when neither player takes an engage action?
barrage during their activation. A: No, they never automatically occur.
can be put in base contact there without taking a dangerous Q: Can a formation that used its overwatch fire on the attacking
terrain test. If the enemy unit is completely within the dangerous formation still counter-charge?
terrain then the charging unit would have to take a dangerous A: Yes.
terrain test.
Q: After counter charges are made does the engaging formation
Q: Can a unit that’s making a charge move put an enemy unit in need to have at least one unit with a line of fire to a unit in the
base contact if the enemy is in terrain that is impassable to the target formation in order for the assault to take place?
charging unit? A: In the first round yes, as “all the normal charge move rules
A: Yes, if part of the enemy unit is not in impassable terrain the unit apply”. In subsequent rounds the assault is already taking place
can be put in base contact there. If the enemy unit is completely and its result must be determined.
within the impassable terrain then no.
Q: What happens when an assault goes into a second round and no
Q: What happens to a charging unit that enters the zone of control units are within 15cm of each other after both sides counter
of an enemy unit and it does not have enough movement to charge?
make it into base contact? A: Work out the result again.
A: The charging unit would move as much as possible towards the
closest enemy unit. The intent of the rule is that you should not 1.12.5 Resolve Attacks
be able to charge through a zone of control to reach a unit Q: Do cover to hit modifiers apply in an assault?
further away but should always move towards the closest enemy A: No.
unit even if you cannot make it into base contact.
Q: Can a hit be allocated to a unit that does not have a line of fire to
Q: Can a unit making a charge move claim the cover to hit modifier an enemy unit?
and receive a cover save against overwatch fire? A: No, these hits are allocated in the same manner as shooting hits:
A: Yes and yes. they require a line of fire.
Q: After it makes a charge move does the engaging formation need Q: How are attacks with special abilities like ignore cover and lance
to have at least one unit with a line of fire to a unit in the target allocated in an assault?
formation in order for the assault to take place? A: This was never covered in the rules. The unofficial consensus is
A: Yes. While it is not specifically stated in the rules it is implied that they should be allocated in such a way to utilize their special
(“close enough that individual infantry are able to engage in the rules, if possible. I.e., ignore cover hits should be allocated to
fight and make use of their small arms”) and required to resolve units that are benefiting from a cover save and lance hits should
firefight attacks. be allocated to units with reinforced armour. This is something
you should bring up with your opponent in the five minute warm
1.12.4 Counter Charges up.
Q: When a unit uses its counter-charge is it towards the closest
enemy unit in the attacking formation or just the closest enemy Q: Can a cover saves be used in an assault?
unit? A: The defender can use them, but not the attacker.
A: The closest enemy unit. This could be a unit from another
formation. Q: Can the crossfire bonus be used in an assault?
A: No.
Q: If the closest enemy unit is in contact with two defending units
can a unit counter-charge the next closest instead? Q: Does an attacking unit need to have a line of fire to a unit in the
A: Yes. target formation in order to be considered “directly engaged”?
A: Yes.
Q: What happens when the closest enemy unit cannot be reach due
to impassable terrain or friendly units? 1.12.6 Supporting Fire
A: The counter-charge would follow the shortest path to get to the Q: Is supporting fire affected by suppression?
closest enemy unit. A: No.
Q: Can units counter-charge over friendly units? Q: What does “directly involved” mean here?
A: Follow the normal movement rules (see Other Units) with A: In order to support with their firefight a unit must have a line of
respect to this. fire to at least one enemy unit that attacked with its close combat
or firefight during the assault.
Q: Can units disembark from a unit that has already counter-
charged? Q: Can hits from supporting fire carry over on to units that weren’t
A: Yes, so long as the transport unit isn’t in base contact with two “directly involved”?
enemy units. A: No.
Q: How is “directly involved” evaluated in assaults that go on for Units are removed for those extra hits and then broken
multiple rounds? formations are destroyed.
A: Check and re-evaluate at the end of every round. In a three
round assault a unit can go from directly involved, to not, and Q: Does the charging formation need to get within 15cm of all
back again with counter-charges and units being removed. intermingled formations?
A: No.
1.12.7 Work Out Result
Q: Are the extra hits the losing formation suffers only applied to Q: Does the charging formation need to get within 15cm of the
units that were “directly involved”? original target or can it get within 15cm of any intermingled
A: No, the are applied to any units in the losing formation. formation?
A: Talk about it with your opponent during the five minute up, it’s
Q: Do the extra hits the losing formation suffers require a line of played both ways around the world.
A: No. 1.13.2 Becoming Broken
Q: Does a broken unit have a zone of control?
Q: Can the extra hits the losing formation suffers be allocated to A: Yes.
units being transported in a fearless transport?
A: Yes. 1.13.4 Blast Markers and Broken Formations
Q: Do the units removed from the additional hits cause Blast
Q: How are the extra hits the losing formation suffers allocated to a markers.
formation with units being transported? A: No.
A: Once one of these hits is allocated to a transport (or it is skipped
over because it is fearless) all units it is transporting must be 1.14 The End Phase
allocated a hit (while any remain) before moving on to the next Q: What is the order of events that happen in the End Phase?
closest unit. Any remaining units that were being transported A: If alternating, the player with the higher strategy rating chooses
(fearless units, or those that weren’t allocated a hit) would then who will go first.
make their normal armour save or a 6+ cover save if the 1. Aircraft make disengagement moves (simultaneous)
transport was destroyed, the formation would not receive a Blast 2. Resolve critical hit and other “end of turn” effects (alternate)
marker for any of these saves if they failed. 3. Rally (alternate)
4. Remove daemons (simultaneous)
Q: Are units lost due to overwatch fire on the attacking formation 5. Check victory conditions (depends on scenario)
counted when working out the result?
A: No. 1.14.1 Rallying Formations
Q: Can a broken formation activate in the turn after it failed to rally?
Q: Are units lost due to failed dangerous terrain tests counted when
A: No, it can only attempt to rally in each End phase.
working out the result?
A: No, they are not kills you have inflicted. Q: Can a broken formation that failed to rally make a withdrawal
move in the End phase if it already made a withdrawal in the
1.12.9 Winner Consolidates Action phase when it broke?
Q: Can a transport unit pick up another unit as part of its A: Yes.
consolidation move? What if the unit being picked up
disembarked at the end of the charge move? Q: Can formations that are off-board rally?
A: Yes and yes, but the unit being picked up may not make a A: Yes, unless a special rule states otherwise, and they are not
consolidation move when this happens (see Transport Vehicles). considered to be within 30cm of enemy units.
Q: Do I have to use a consolidation move to move out of an 2.0 Specialist Units & Weapons
enemy’s zone of control? Q: Some special abilities can apply to both units and weapons. Are
A: No. A consolidation move isn’t mandatory, it just can’t be used there any differences?
to enter another enemy unit’s zone of control. A: Special abilities on a weapon apply to only to the datasheet line
Note that this can create the situation where a fearless unit does they are on (e.g. Banshee Masks grant first strike to Howling
not withdraw and units from the winning side remain in base Banshees in close combat and Lictor Talons grant sniper to
contact with it. When this happens the opposing formation will Lictors in close combat).
automatically be drawn in to an assault on either formation. Special weapon abilities on the unit apply to all attacks where
applicable (e.g. Warp Spiders have first strike so all their CC and
1.12.10 Intermingled Formations FF attacks have it, as do any extra attacks added from
Q: If a formation is intermingled with a broken formation, can the characters), while special unit abilities on the unit do not (e.g.
extra hits from loosing the assault be taken on the broken Eldar Rangers have sniper for their shooting attack while their CC
formation? and FF attacks do not).
A: Yes, so long as those units are closer to the attacking formation.
NetEA FAQ NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20
Q: Can units that are in a broken formation use their special 2.1.9 Light Vehicles
abilities. Q: Can light vehicles grant the -1 to hit modifier to infantry units
A: Yes. touching them?
A: No.
2.1.2 Commanders
Q: Can the commander ability be used if the unit with commander, 2.1.11 Reinforced Armour
or its whole formation, is not within 15cm of a unit from the Q: Can a unit with reinforced armour re-roll an invulnerable save
target formation after the charge move? against a non-macro-weapon hit?
A: Yes in both cases. A: No.
Q: Which initiative value do I use if the following formations have a Q: Can a unit with reinforced armour re-roll a cover save against a
value different than the commander’s formation? non-macro-weapon hit?
A: Use the initiative value of the activating formation. A: Yes, but only using its armour value.
Q: Does a skimmer that starts a move in dangerous terrain have to transported units without it still teleport in?
take a dangerous terrain test. A: Yes, but any units that can’t be transported should be considered
A: Yes. destroyed.
Q: Can a skimmer pop up as part of a hold action where it is Q: Can a unit with teleport and scout teleport onto the board and
shooting? set up within 20cm from each other?
A: No. While it is not specifically stated in the rules you have to be A: No, all units after the first need to be placed within 5cms of a
able to move to pop up (overwatch being the only exception). unit that has already been placed.
Q: Can a skimmer pop up as part of a counter charge? Q: How many D6 should a war engine unit roll when it teleports
A: Yes, if the unit can move it can pop up. into play?
A: A number equal to its starting damage capacity.
Q: If a skimmer chooses to use its firefight value in an assault when
in base contact with an enemy unit are both units still considered 2.1.20 Support Craft
to be in base-to-base contact? Q: Can a unit with jump packs be placed within 15cms when
A: Yes. disembarked from a support craft?
A: No.
Q: What happens if two skimmers are in base contact with each
other? 2.2.2 Disrupt
A: If either player chooses to use their skimmer’s firefight value Q: Does a disrupt hit inflict a Blast marker on an expendable unit?
they both use their firefight value. Otherwise, they use their close A: No.
combat value.
Q: Does a disrupt hit inflict a Blast marker when it takes down a
Q: If a unit is in base contact with a skimmer that chooses to use its void shield or power field?
firefight value and another non-skimmer unit can it still use its A: No.
close combat value?
A: Yes. Q: A disrupt hit destroys a transport unit carrying other units. Do
these units count as being hit by the disrupt hit?
Q: Can a war engine skimmer choose to use its firefight against A: No. Note that Blast markers should still be placed if the
units in base contact with it? transported units are destroyed however.
A: Yes.
2.2.3 Extra Attacks
2.1.14 Sniper Q: How do special abilities apply to a weapon with extra attacks?
Q: Can the sniper ability be used in an assault? A: Special abilities (unit or weapon) that are on a weapon with extra
A: Only if it is on an assault weapons or small arms weapon. attacks apply to, and only to, the extra attacks. All special
weapon abilities (e.g. first strike) on the unit are also inherited by
Q: What units may an attacker choose to hit with sniper hits in an
the extra attacks, but special unit abilities (e.g. sniper) on the unit
are not.
A: Any enemy units within 15cm and in the line of fire of the unit,
regardless if the hit was from an assault weapons or small arms Q: If a unit has an extra attack on a Small Arms weapon, can it be
weapon. used if the unit is in base contact with an enemy unit?
A: Only if the unit is a war engine, and that hit can only be allocated
Q: When are sniper hits allocated?
to units in firefight with the war engine.
A: Before or after regular hits but before saving throws are made
(and thus before macro-weapon hits are allocated).
2.2.4 First Strike
Q: Can a sniper hit be allocated to a unit that has already been Q: A unit in base contact uses a first strike extra attack and the
allocated a regular hit? enemy unit is removed. Can the unit still use its CC value for its
A: Yes. regular attack?
A: Only if it was in base contact with another enemy unit, otherwise
2.1.15 Supreme Commanders it would have to use its FF value.
Q: Can an army have more than one supreme commander?
Q: How does first strike work with supporting fire?
A: Yes, although the tournament army lists assume a maximum of
A: First strike doesn’t provide a benefit in this situation, treat it like
Q: What is an initiative test?
A: An action or rally test.
2.1.17 Teleport
Q: Can a formation that contains transport units with teleport and
NetEA FAQ NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20
2.2.6 Macro-Weapons Q: If a war engine is under multiple templates from the same
Q: A transport unit is destroyed but the units being transported barrage is it subject to more attacks than normal?
survive and are placed in base contact with an AV, may Macro- A: No.
weapon hits be allocated to them?
A: Yes. 3.2.3 Critical Hits
Q: Does the “hit” here refer to hits that have been allocated to the
Q: If a unit in an assault with an macro-weapon attack is destroyed war engine or to hits that have reduced the war engine’s damage
by a regular hit before macro-weapon hits are allocated is its capacity by 1 point?
macro-weapon attack disguarded? A: Hits that have reduced the war engine’s damage capacity by 1
A: No. All attacks in assault are simultaneous, macro-weapon hits point.
are just allocated after regular attacks.
Q: If a critical hit’s effect causes additional hits do these have a
2.2.7 Single Shot chance of causing critical damage?
Q: Can a single shot weapon that has fired count for suppression A: Yes.
A: Yes. Q: If a critical hit’s effect is resolved in the end phase and this
results in another critical hit is that resolved immediately?
2.2.8 Slow Firing A: No, it would be resolved in the next turn’s end phase.
Q: If a slow firing weapon’s firepower is preceded by a multiplier do
all of the shots have to be used? Q: If a critical hit’s effect destroys units in another formation does
A: No, shots can be saved and used during the following turn while that formation receive a Blast marker for coming under fire?
the weapon is reloading. A: No.
Q: Can a slow firing weapon that has fired all its shots count for Q: If a critical hit’s effect destroys units during an assault are those
suppression purposes on the turn it is reloading? units counted for the purposes of working out the result of the
A: Yes. assault?
A: If the units’ formation was part of the assault, yes.
2.2.10 Indirect Fire
Q: Are critical hit effects cumulative?
Q: Does a weapon firing indirectly ignore the -1 to hit modifier if
A: Yes.
the target is in cover.
A: If the target would receive the modifier just for being partially
3.3 War Engine Assaults
obscured then yes. If the target is in the cover then no, it would
Q: Can a war engine transporting a broken formation assault?
still benefit from the -1 to hit modifier.
A: Yes, but any broken formations being transported may not
disembark and fight in the assault. If they are forced to
3.1.1 War Engine Formations
disembark due to the war engine being destroyed then they are
Q: How do formations that contain war engine and non-war engine
destroyed as well. Note that They do count as taking part in the
units form a “chain” to be a legal formation?
assault, however, and affect the assault modifiers when working
A: Every non-war engine unit must be within 5cm of at least one
out the result.
other unit while war engine units must be within a distance equal
to their starting damage capacity × 5cm of at least one other unit. Q: Can a unit that disembarked from a war engine to fight in an
assault use its consolidation move to get back into the war
3.1.3 Transport War Engines engine?
Q: Can a war engine transport more than one formation? A: Yes, but the war engine may not make a consolidation move.
A: Yes.
3.3.1 Charge Moves
Q: Can a formation of war engines split another formation of
Q: Can a war engines barge units out of the way with a counter
troops amongst them to transport?
A: No, a single war engine from a separate formation cannot
A: Yes.
transport part of another formation.
Q: Can a war engine barge one formation and assault another?
Q: Are units trapped inside a war engine if it is in base contact with
A: No, a unit can’t enter an enemy’s zone of control unless it is
two enemy units?
assaulting the unit’s formation.
A: No, only if it is in base contact with a number of enemy units
equal to twice its starting damage capacity. Q: Can a war engine barge a unit and then move away from other
units to deny attacks?
3.2.1 Allocating Hits To War Engines A: Yes, but only if the war engine doesn’t enter the other units’
Q: How many units does a war engine in the target formation count zone of control. A war engine is still required to move into base
as with regards to placing a barrage template? contact with an enemy unit if it enters its zone of control.
A: A number equal to its starting damage capacity.
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4.2 Aircraft phase if the unit’s formation carried out any action that involved
Q: Can a formation on CAP choose to carry out an interception a move.
action in reaction to an enemy CAP interception?
A: No. Q: An aircraft makes its approach move and suffers flak attacks
from one unit in a formation. As it makes its disengagement
Q: What is the order of events with regards to aircraft/anti-aircraft/ move it comes into range of an other unit from the same
flak attacks, CAP and landing? formation, may this unit flak attack the aircraft?
A: 1. An aircraft formation activates and makes an approach A: Yes, each unit may only shoot at an aircraft once per turn.
2. If the action taken was a ground attack an enemy aircraft 4.2.5 Transporting Ground Units
formation on CAP may choose to carry out an interception Q: Can aircraft without a transport capacity land?
action against it. If this occurs then the enemy aircraft A: No.
formation makes an approach move and all flak attacks
(from the aircraft formation, any friendly aircraft formations Q: If a landed aircraft is destroyed while carry ground units, are they
that are within range at the end of the enemy’s approach lost with it?
move, and any friendly ground units with an AA value that A: No, resolve this as per Transport Vehicles.
were in range during the enemy’s approach move) are
resolved against it. Before rolling any saving throws it may Q: Can units that have a special ability that allows them to enter play
choose to jink. use it if a aircraft transports them off board?
3. All anti-aircraft and flak attacks (from any enemy aircraft A: No, they may only enter play again via disembarking from the
formations that are within range at the end of the aircraft’s landed aircraft.
approach move and any enemy ground units with an AA
Q: Can a transport aircraft jink and still carry out an air assault.
value that were in range during the aircraft’s approach move)
A: Yes, so long as it doesn’t have the Bomber manoeuvre class.
are resolved against the aircraft formation. Before rolling any
saving throws it may choose to jink if it doesn’t have the Q: Is it possible to air assault into a formation which is completely
Bomber manoeuvre class. covered by the zone of control of another formation?
4. If the aircraft formation has a transport capacity and is A: You can play it either way, just bring it up in the five minute
carrying out a ground attack it may choose to land, at which warm up.
point it becomes a ground unit. If any unit’s disembark they
and the aircraft formation may be subject overwatch. Q: Is a fearless aircraft that looses an assault automatically destroyed?
5. The aircraft formation resolves its attacks or fights an assault A: No.
if it decided to air assault.
Q: Can a unit that disembarked from an aircraft as part of an air
4.2.2 Aircraft Attacks assault use its consolidation move to get back into the aircraft?
Q: Can an aircraft end its approach move in the middle of an enemy A: Yes, but the aircraft may not make a disengagement move.
formation in order to ensure a specific target is allocated hits
before other models? 4.2.6 Disengagement Moves
A: No, if an aircraft ends its approach move in this manner then Q: If an aircraft has traveled more than 30cm during its approach
assume the fire is coming from the direction of the approach move and didn’t end it with a turn can it turn immediately when
move. it makes a disengagement move?
A: No, it still must move at least another 30cm before it is allowed
Q: Do aircraft that attack ground formations suffer to hit modifiers to turn.
for cover?
A: Only if the target is in cover, if the target is obscured then no Q: What happens when a landed aircraft does not make a
because aircraft ignore anything that might block line of sight. disengagement move?
A: It rallies in the end phase like a ground formation and has the
4.2.3 Anti-Aircraft Attacks potential to activate like a ground formation next turn.
Q: Can weapons with an AA value be used to attack landed aircraft?
A: No. 4.2.7 Blast Markers
Q: Do aircraft get a Blast marker for failing an activation?
4.2.4 Flak Attacks A: No.
Q: Can units with weapons that don’t have an AA value be
suppressed when making a flak attack? 4.3.1 Planning Spacecraft Operations
A: Yes, and they only need to be within range as all ground units Q: Do all units with planetfall have to have the same drop zone?
have a line of fire to flying aircraft. A: No, you just need one drop zone for each formation entering
play via planetfall.
Q: Do to hit modifiers for a double, marshal or sustain action apply
to flak attacks? 4.3.2 Carrying Out The Operation
A: No, the only modifier that does is the -1 to hit during the end Q: What is the order of events with regards to a spacecraft’s
NetEA FAQ NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20
operation. the number of repaired void shields the same for each unit or
A: 1. The spacecraft resolves all of its orbital bombardment and shared between them?
pin-point attacks, assuming an action test is passed. A: Shared between them, e.g. if you chose to repair two void
2. Each formation entering play via planetfall is resolved (placing shields, one unit could repair two void shields or two units could
and then scattering it, and then resolving any special abilities repair one void shield each.
like those on a Space Marine Drop Pod). These can be in any
order the player controlling the spacecraft desires. Q: Are void shields considered when determining how many hits a
3. Check to see if any formations that were subject to orbital war engine should be allocated?
bombardment, pin-point attacks or special abilities are A: No.
5.6.2 Hit & Run Tactics
4.3.3 Orbital Bombardments Q: In an Eldar formation takes a double action and moves, shoots
Q: Do all formations that are under an orbital bombardment and moves again can transported infantry disembark after the
template receive a Blast marker for coming under fire? first one, shoot, and then be picked up as part of the second
A: Yes. move?
A: Yes, so long as their transport is not popping up.
Q: Are there any restrictions for placing extra orbital bombardment
templates? Q: If units from an Eldar formation are in an enemy’s zone of
A: No. control and take an advance or double action can they shoot first
and then move?
4.3.4 Pin-Point Attacks A: Yes.
Q: If a spacecraft has multiple pin-point attacks and uses them to
attack separate formations do they each get a Blast marker for 5.6.3 Eldar Technology
coming under fire? Q: Is a Holofield affected by save modifiers (i.e. hits from sniper and
A: Yes. crossfire)?
A: Yes.
4.4 Planetfall
Q: Can flak attacks be made against an aircraft enter play via Q: Can a formation enter play via a Webway Portal that is covered
planetfall? by, or is in the zone of control of, enemy units?
A: No. A: Yes, but the formation using it to enter play would have to carry
out an engage action.
5.1.1 They Shall Know No Fear
Q: What happens when a formation in reserve fails its action test
Q: How many Blast markers does a broken Space Marine unit count
and needs to enter play via a Webway Portal that is covered by,
as having when working out the result of an assault?
or is in the zone of control of, enemy units?
A: One per unit.
A: It takes a Blast marker, and may not take a hold action. It
effectively looses its activation.
5.2 Imperial Guard Forces
Q: If an Imperial Guard formation has Blast markers how many
5.7.1 Fortified Positions
units of Infantry can shoot their autocannon?
Q: What is a fortified positions?
A: Count up the number of units of Infantry that are not supressed
A: They are not units. They are terrain that is placed by the player.
and divide this number by two, rounding up.
Q: Do fortified positions block a line of fire?
5.4.1 Imperial Void Shields A: No.
Q: Do void shields stop a point of damage caused by: a failed
dangerous terrain test, the extra hits from the result of an assault, Q: Do fortified positions work against fire from all directions?
a Blast marker on a broken formation, or the unit ending its A: Yes.
second withdrawal move within 15cm of the enemy?
A: No. Q: Do units entering or starting their move in their own fortified
position have to take a dangerous terrain test?
Q: How many void shields go down if a war engine is hit by a Titan A: If it is dangerous to their unit type, yes.
Killer weapon that causes multiple points of damage?
A: One per each point of damage, with any left over being allocated Q: How wide is razor wire and a trench?
to the unit. A: They are assumed to be under 5cm wide, crossible in one move
when a unit is moving cautiously.
Q: Can a formation regroup to repair downed void shields if it has
no Blast markers?
A: Yes.
NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20 NetEA FAQ
5.13 Dark Eldar Forces • Are you using the “counts as” rule?
Q: Do Wyches and Warp Beasts count as having an armor value of • What is your army capable of (units, weapons and special
5+ when they are subject to overwatch fire when making a rules)?
charge move?
A: No. 6.1.4 Place Objective Markers
Q: Can the player with the higher strategy rating choose to make
5.15.1 Necron Technology their opponent place first?
Q: Can the leader special ability be used to return a destroyed A: No.
Necron unit instead of removing an additional Blast marker?
A: Yes, but only when regrouping. Q: How big can objective markers be?
A: As big as you like, just remember that they’re a marker and as
Q: Can a Necron formation in reserve carry out a marshal action, such don’t count as terrain or block a line of fire.
move to enter play and regenerate destroyed units by
regrouping? Q: Where should measurements for capturing/contesting an
A: Yes. objective be made from?
A: This should be brought up during five minute warp up. For
Q: Can a Necron formation carry out a marshal action, move objectives placed on a table edge, most groups measure to the
through a portal into reserve and regenerate destroyed units by center of the area that touches the table edge, while all other
regrouping? objectives are measured from their center or a designated point.
A: No.
6.1.5 Setup Spacecraft & Garrisons
Q: Can a portal be used if its formation is broken? Q: Can the player with the higher strategy rating choose to make
A: Yes. their opponent set up a garrison first?
A: No.
Q: Can a formation enter play via a portal that is covered by, or is in
the zone of control of, enemy units? Q: Can War Engines garrison?
A: Yes, but the formation using it to enter play would have to carry A: Only if they are in a formation that includes units with a speed of
out an engage action. 0cm or immobile, or if they are in a formation where half or
more of the units (rounding up) are scouts.
Q: What happens when a formation in reserve fails its action test
and needs to enter play via a portal that is covered by, or is in the Q: Can a transport aircraft garrison?
zone of control of, enemy units? A: No, they must be kept in reserve.
A: It takes a Blast marker, and may not take a hold action. It
effectively looses its activation. 6.1.6 Set-up Remaining Formations
Q: Are formations being kept in reserve declared at the same time as
6.1.3 The Five Minute Warm Up other formations are being set up within 15cm of their own
Q: Is there a complete list of what to cover in the five minute warm side’s table edge?
up? A: No, players declare which formations are going to be kept in
A: • Should you dice for each ability used at the start of the turn? reserve first, then take it in turn to set up the remaining
formations one at a time, starting with the player with the higher
• Are transported units considered to be in specific strategy rating.
transporting units of their formation?
• When disembarking, are transported units placed completely Q: Can the player with the higher strategy rating choose to make
within 5cm of the transport unit or just so one part of the their opponent set up a formation first?
transported unit is within 5cm of the transport unit? A: No.
• When does a unit count as being in cover?
• How many units can claim cover from a armoured vehicle, Q: When is it decided how formations in reserve will enter play?
war engine, or terrain feature? A: The means by which a formation will be entering play must be
• Does the charging formation need to get within 15cm of the declared when they are declared to be in reserve.
original target or can it get within 15cm of any intermingled
formation? Q: Can formations that aren’t aircraft or entering play via transport
• How are attacks with special abilities like ignore cover and aircraft or teleportration be kept in reserve?
lance allocated in an assault? A: Yes, but only if they can enter play via some other special ability
• Is it possible to air assault into a formation which is (tunneler, self planetfall, etc.).
completely covered by the zone of control of another
Q: Can a formation in reserve activate?
A: Yes, and it must enter play.
• Where should measurements for capturing/contesting an
objective be made from?
• What house rules do you normally play with?
NetEA FAQ NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20
Q: Is a formation in reserve ever limited in what actions it can carry 6.7 Baran Siegemasters Imperial Guard Army List
out? Q: If a Sapper Platoon is split up and added to one or more
A: Yes, it must carry out an action that will allow it to enter play. companies is the Break Their Spirit goal or tiebreak affected?
Sometimes it might be limited to carrying out an engage action A: Yes, each unit of Sappers adds +30 points to the company it is
(e.g. Eldar in reserve with a Webway Portal in an enemy unit’s added to.
zone of control).
6.7.2 Fortified Positions
Q: Must a formation in reserve activate? Q: Do all Fortified Positions purchased need to be set up?
A: No, but you may only choose to “pass” on activating a formation A: No.
if all the unactivated formations for the turn are in reserve.
Q: Are Fortified Positions counted during tiebreak?
Q: Can a formation in reserve with no means to enter play choose A: No.
to “pass” (e.g. Necrons in reserve with no portal left to use)?
A: No. Q: Are the Gun Emplacements that come with certain formation set
up at the same time as Fortified Positions?
Q: What happens when a formation in reserve fails its action test? A: No, these are setup with the formation they are part of.
A: If must move as part of a hold action to enter play.
Q: Are the Gun Emplacements that come with certain formation
Q: What happens when a formation in reserve fails its action test units in the formation?
but can’t enter play (e.g. Eldar in reserve and Webway Portal in an A: No, they just need to be set up in coherency with the rest of the
enemy unit’s zone of control)? formation.
A: It takes a Blast marker, and may not take a hold action. It
effectively looses its activation. 6.11.3 Summoned Units
Q: Does the action that a formation will carry out need to be
6.1.7 Victory Conditions declared before daemonic units are summoned?
Q: Do formations that are “off board” (spacecraft) or in reserve A: Yes.
count towards the Break Their Spirit goal?
A: No. However, a formation that enters play and is destroyed (e.g. 6.13.3 Kashnarak
an aircraft) would count towards the goal. Q: Does the Kashnarak need to pass an action test?
A: Yes, it has an initiative rating of 2+.
Q: Does a whole formation have to be on the opponent’s half of
the table to deny the They Shall Not Pass goal? A whole unit? Q: What happens if the Kashnarak fails an action test?
A: One part of a single unit on the opponent’s half of the table is all A: It carries out a hold action and moves as described.
that it takes to deny them the They Shall Not Pass goal.
Q: Does the Kashnarak avoid dangerous terrain?
Q: If a formation rallies in the end phase can it deny the opponent A: Only if its move is being directed by a Dark Eldar player.
the They Shall Not Pass goal?
A: Yes. Q: Does the Kashnarak avoid impassable terrain?
A: Yes, it takes the shortest path around any impassable terrain. If
6.3.1 Space Marine Transports there are multiple shortests paths around the terrain then the
Q: If a formation comes with Rhinos, and can also take Land player whose formation it is moving towards may choose which
Raiders and Razorbacks via upgrades, how do you determine path it takes.
how many Rhinos the formation receives?
A: Add any Land Raiders to a formation first. Next, add any Q: Does the Kashnarak avoid overwatch fire?
number of Razorbacks to the formation, up to the number A: Only if its move is being directed by a Dark Eldar player.
required to transport those units not being transported in Land
Raiders. Finally, the formation receives Rhinos to transport those Q: Can the Kashnarak declare formations as being intermingled?
units not being transported in Land Raiders or Razorbacks. A: Only if its move is being directed by a Dark Eldar player.
Otherwise, the formations are only considered intermingled if
6.5.1 Ork Warlords the Kashnarak moves into base contact with each of them.
Q: Can an Ork Warlord join any unit if there are no Great Gargants,
Q: Can a Wych unit that is part of a broken formation direct the
Nobz or Gargant units in the army?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
6.6 Eldar Biel-Tan Craftworld Army List
6.16.1 Fortifications
Q: Can an Avatar be placed within 15cm of a Webway Portal if a
Q: Do all fortifications purchased need to be set up?
Farseer is in reserve and will enter through it?
A: No.
A: No.
NetEA FAQ – 2018-04-20 NetEA FAQ