GCOE, Jalgaon: Chapter 9. Stations and Yards
GCOE, Jalgaon: Chapter 9. Stations and Yards
GCOE, Jalgaon: Chapter 9. Stations and Yards
A railway station is that place on a railway line where traffic is booked and dealt with
and where trains are given the authority to proceed forward. Sometimes only one of
these functions is carried out at a station and accordingly it is classified.
f) To enable locomotives to refuel, whether it be diesel, water, or coal
g) To attach or detach coaches or wagons to trains
h) To collect food and water for passengers
i) To provide facilities for change of engines and crew/staff
The following factors are considered when selecting a site for a railway station.
Adequate land
There should be adequate land available for the station building, not only for the
proposed line but also for any future expansion. The proposed area should also be
without any religious buildings.
The proposed site should preferably be on a fairly level ground with good drainage
arrangements. It should be possible to provide the maximum permissible gradient in
the yard. In India, the maximum permissible gradient adopted is 1 in 400, but a
gradient of 1 in 1000 is desirable.
The station site should preferably have a straight alignment so that the various signals
are clearly visible. The proximity of the station site to a curve presents a number of
operational problems.
Easy accessibility
The station site should be easily accessible. The site should be near villages and towns.
Nearby villages should be connected to the station by means of approach roads for the
convenience of passengers.
When selecting the site, it should be verified that adequate water supply is available
for passengers and operational needs.
The passenger station is the gateway through which people find their way into a town
or community. A first impression is a lasting one and, hence, a well designed station
building with well-maintained surroundings is important. Whilst service is the main
consideration, the type and finish of a station building should be, as far as practicable,
in keeping with the best standards of civic amenities available in that area. A large
passenger station should provide for facilities corresponding to the anticipated
demands of at least the first 20 years of its life, with provisions for future expansion.
The facilities required at stations are broadly classified into the following main
Passenger requirements
This includes waiting rooms and retiring rooms, refreshment rooms and tea stalls,
enquiry and reservation offices, bathrooms and toilets, drinking water supply,
Traffic requirements
This includes goods sheds and platforms, station buildings, station master’s office and
other offices, signal and signal cabins, reception and departure lines and sidings,
arrangements for dealing with broken down trains, and station equipment.
This includes the locomotive shed, watering or fuelling facilities, turntable, inspection
pits, ashpits, ashtrays, etc.
Staff requirements
This includes rest houses for officers and staff, running rooms for guards and drivers,
staff canteens, etc.
a) It should be possible to lower the signals for the reception of trains from
different directions at the same time. This facility is particularly necessary at
By Mr. Udayram Patil Sir
CE 454(D) Lecture Notes
junction stations so that all the trains what are to be connected with each other
may be received at the same time.
b) Unless all trains are booked to stop at the station, it should be possible to run a
train through the station at a prescribed speed.
e) There should be convenient sidings where extra carriages can be stabled after
having been detached from trains or before their attachment to trains.
f) There should be provision of facilities for dealing with special traffic such as
pilgrim and tourist traffic, parcels in wagon loads, livestock, and motor cars.
g) Stabling lines, washing lines, sick lines, etc., should be provided as per
• Least expenditure with regard to the provision of the least number of signals
• Flexibility in shunting operations
Railway stations can broadly be sorted into various classes on the basis of two main
Operational considerations
As per the general and subsidiary rules of Indian Railways stations are classified as
block stations and non-block stations. Block stations are further classified as A class, B
class, and C class stations. Non-block stations are classified as D class or flag stations.
Functional considerations
Stations are classified based on the functions they are required to perform. Under this
category, stations are classified as halt stations, flag stations, crossing stations or
wayside stations, junction stations, and terminal stations.
Block Stations
A block station is a station at which the driver has to obtain an ‘authority to proceed’
in order to enter the next block section. In a railway system that is inclusive of block
stations, the entire railway line is divided into convenient block sections of 5 to 10 km
and a block station is provided at the end of each block. This system ensures that a
suitable ‘space interval’ is provided between running trains so that there are no
collisions and accidents. There are three types of block stations.
A class station
A class stations are normally provided on double-line sections. At such stations a ‘line
clear’ signal cannot be granted at the rear of a station unless the line on which a train
is to be received is clear and the facing points set and locked. No shunting can be done
after line clear has been granted.
A class stations are suitable for sections where traffic passes rapidly. It is essential for
the driver of the train to have an advance knowledge of the layout of the block station.
The typical layout of an A class station with two-aspect signalling is shown in Fig.
Warner A warner signal is placed at a warning distance from the home signal, the
main function of which is to indicate whether the section beyond is clear or
Starter A starter signal is placed at an adequate distance from the home signal and
marks the point up to which the line should be clear so that the train can be given
permission to approach.
Advance starter This signal is optional and is provided to allow the drivers to further
increase the speed of the trains.
• More economical vis-à-vis B class stations because of the use of fewer signals.
• Ensures the safety of the train because of the provision a warner signal ahead
of a home signal.
• Trains normally stop within the station limits.
• Another clear disadvantage of A class stations, is that a line at the station has to
be kept clear up to the starter signal once the line clear signal has been given,
and as such the flexibility of working and shunting is restricted.
B class station
This is the most common type of station and is provided on single-line as well as
Outer An outer signal, which is the first stop signal. The outer signal can also be below
The B class station is the most common station in use on Indian Railways because it
offers greater flexibility of working. By providing a warner on the outer arm post, this
station can also cater to fast traffic while permitting shunting of vehicles even when a
clear signal has been given.
C class station
The C class station (Fig.) is only a block hut where no booking of passengers is done. It
is basically provided to split a long block section so that the interval between
successive trains is reduced. No train normally stops at these stations. The minimum
signals required are as follows.
Warner A warner signal placed at an adequate warning distance from the home signal
to indicate whether the section ahead is clear or not.
Home A home signal, which is the first stop signal.
The advantage of a C class station is that it ensures the faster movement of trains and
increases line capacity. The disadvantage, however, is that no shunting is possible and
trains cannot stop at these stations.
D class or non-block stations are located between two block stations and do not form
the boundary of any block section. No signals are provided at D class stations. A D
class station that serves an outlying siding is called a DK station. At such a station, the
siding takes off through a crossover, which can be operated only with the help of a
key, which in turn is released with the help of a ball token. A D class station that
serves no siding is called a flag station.
The layout of stations varies in size and importance according to the type and volume
of traffic handled and according to their locations with respect to cities or industrial
areas. Broadly speaking, the layouts required for passenger stations and their yards
can be divided into the following categories for the purpose of study.
A halt (Fig. ) is the simplest station where trains can stop on a railway line. A halt
usually has only a rail level platform with a name board at either end. Sometimes a
small waiting shed is also provided, which also serves as a booking office. There is no
yard or station building or staff provided for such types of stations. Some selected
trains are allotted a stoppage line of a minute or two at such stations to enable
passengers to entrain or detrain. The booking of passengers is done by travelling
ticket examiners or booking clerks. A notable example of the halt is a
Gurhmukteshwar bridge halt, which is situated on the bank or river Ganga.
Flag station
A flag station (Fig. ) is more important as a stop-over for trains than a halt and is
provided with a station building and staff. On controlled sections, a flag station is
equipped with either a Morse telegraph or a control phone, which is connected to one
of the stations on either side to facilitate easy communication. A flag station is usually
provided with a small waiting hall and booking office, platforms and benches, and
arrangements for drinking water. Sometimes a flag station is also provided with a
siding for stabling wagons booked for that station.
After a flag station comes the wayside or crossing station. While a flag station has
arrangements for dealing with traffic but none for controlling the movement of the
trains, a crossing station has arrangements for controlling the movement of trains on
block sections. The idea of a crossing station was initially conceived for single-line
sections, to facilitate the crossing of trains going in opposite directions so that there
may be a more rapid movement of trains.
Crossing stations may be further classified as (a) Roadside small- and medium-sized
stations and (b) Major stations. Some of the important tasks dealt with these stations
are the following.
The following are some of the important features of this track layout.
• It is a three-line station and provides facilities for the simultaneous reception of
trains from both sides because of the proximity of sand humps in each
• There are two platforms, namely, an island platform and a platform near the
station building. The island platform can deal with two stopping trains
line free for run-through traffic. Important trains can be made to halt on the
platform near the station building.
• There is a dead end siding at either end of the station to accommodate wagons
In the case of a double-line section, which consists of separate up and down lines to
deal with traffic moving in either direction, the layout of a station yard is somewhat
Figure shows a double-line station with three lines receiving, with one common loop
for trains coming from both sides. Some of the important features of this layout are as
• There is a foot over bridge to connect the station building to the island platform
and back. ao
• There are emergency crossovers provided on either side of the station so that it
can be converted into a single-line station in the case of an emergency.
Junction stations
A junction station is the meeting point of three or more lines emerging from different
directions. Normally at junctions, trains arrive on branch lines and return to the same
station from where they started or proceed to other stations from where they again
return to their originating stations.
The typical layout of a junction station with a single main line and a single branch line
is shown in Fig. . The important features of junction stations are as follows.
• There are two platforms—one is the main line platform and the other is an
island platform. In case the timings of two trains match, both the trains can be
received and made to wait on either side of the island platform. This helps in
the easy trans-shipment of passengers and luggage. Also, main line as well as
Terminal station
The station at which a railway line or one of its branches terminates is known as a
terminal station or a terminal junction (Fig.). The reception line terminates in a dead
end and there is provision for the engine of an incoming train to turn around and
move from the front to the rear of the train at such a station. In addition, a terminal
station may need to be equipped with facilities for watering, cleaning, coaling,
fuelling, and stabling the engines; storing, inspecting, washing and charging the
On unimportant branch lines, the terminal station will have only one platform, but
there are big terminal stations such as the Howrah and Mumbai stations, which are
provided with elaborate facilities.
Station Platforms
Station platforms are provided for the entraining and detraining of passengers.
Platforms can be rail-level, low-level, or high-level platforms depending upon the
expected passenger traffic at each station. The general policy of Indian Railways is to
provide high-level platforms at all important main line stations, low-level platforms at
less important main line stations, and rail-level platforms at unimportant wayside
The height of rail level platforms coincides with the rail level, low-level platforms lie
at a height of 455 mm (1'–6"), and high-level platforms lie at a height of 760 mm to 840
mm (2'–6" to 2'–9") in the case of BG lines and 305 mm to 405 mm (1'–0" to 1'–4") in the
case of MG lines.
Types of Yards
A yard is a system of tracks laid out to deal with the passenger as well as goods traffic
being handled by the railways. This includes receipt and dispatch of trains apart from
stabling, sorting, marshalling, and other such functions. Yards are normally classified
into the following categories. ao
Coaching yard
The main function of a coaching yard is to deal with the reception and dispatch of
passenger trains. Depending upon the volume of traffic, this yard provides facilities
Goods yard
A goods yard provides facilities for the reception, stabling, loading, unloading, and
dispatch of goods wagons. Most goods yards deal with a full train load of wagons. No
sorting, marshalling, and reforming is done at goods yards except in the case of ‘sick’
wagons or a few wagons booked for that particular station. Separate goods sidings are
provided with the platforms for the loading and unloading of the goods being handled
at that station.
Locomotive yard
This is the yard which houses the locomotive. Facilities for watering, fuelling,
examining locomotives, repairing, etc., are provided in this yard. The yard layout is
designed depending upon the number of locomotives required to be housed in the
locomotive shed. The facilities are so arranged that a requisite number of locomotives
are serviced simultaneously and are readily available for hauling the trains. Such
yards should have adequate space for storing fuel. The water supply should be
adequate for washing the locomotives and servicing them.
Whenever a wagon or coach becomes defective, it is marked ‘sick’ and taken to sick
lines. This yard deals with such sick wagons. Adequate facilities are provided for the
repair of coaches and wagons, which include examination pits, crane arrangements,
train examiner’s office and workshop, etc. A good stock of spare parts should also be
available with the TXR (train examiner) for repairing defective rolling stock.
Marshalling Yard
The marshalling yard (Fig. ) is a yard where goods trains are received and sorted out,
and new trains are formed and finally dispatched to various destinations.
This yard receives loaded as well as empty goods wagons from different stations for
further booking to different destinations. These wagons are separated, sorted out,
properly marshalled, and finally dispatched bearing full trainloads to various
destinations. The marshalling of trains is so done that the wagons can be conveniently
detached without much shunting en route at wayside stations.
A marshalling yard serves the following functions at the specified locations within the
yard itself.
Reception of trains Trains are received in the reception yards with the help of various
Sorting of trains Trains are normally sorted with the help of a hump with a shunting
Departure of trains Trains depart from departure yards where various lines are
provided for this very purpose. Separate yards may be provided to deal with up and
down traffic as well as through trains, which need not be sorted out.
Principles of design
• The leads that permit the movement of wagons and train engines should be
kept as short as possible.
• There should be adequate scope for the further expansion of the marshalling
Marshalling yards can be classified into three main categories, namely, flat yards,
gravitation yards, and hump yards. This classification is based on the method of
shunting used in the marshalling yard.
Flat yard
In this type of yard, all the tracks are laid almost level and the wagons are relocated
for sorting, etc., with the help of an engine. This method is costly, as it involves
frequent shunting, which requires the constant use of locomotive power. The time
required is also more as the engine has to traverse the same distance twice,first to
carry the wagons to the place where they are to be sorted and then to return idle to
the yard. This arrangement, therefore, is adopted when
Gravitation yard
In this yard, the level of the natural ground is such that it is possible to lay some tracks
at a gradient. The tracks are so laid that the wagons move to the siding assigned for
the purpose of sorting by the action of gravity. Sometimes, shunting is done with the
help of gravity assisted by engine power. However, it is very seldom that natural
ground levels are so well suited for gravitation yards.
Hump yard
In this yard, an artificial hump is created by means of proper earthwork. The wagons
are pushed up to the summit of the hump with the help of an engine from where they
slide down and reach the sidings under the effect of gravity. A hump yard, therefore,
can be said to be a gravitation yard as shunting is done under the effect of gravity.
Catch sidings are provided in the case of hilly terrains, where the gradients near
railway stations are very steep. The purpose of catch sidings is to arrest the movement
of the vehicles if they start to roll down the grade, which may eventually foul up the
running lines. A separate siding is provided outside the station yard so that the
In Fig. DEF is a running line and AB is a dead end siding. BC is the catch siding
connected to the dead end siding preferably by the means of a spring-operated point.
The catch siding lies on a rising gradient and its length is so designed that the vehicle
loses its kinetic energy when it reaches the dead end. Thus the vehicle is protected
from damage and the safety of the trains on the running line is ensured. There is a
sand hump provided at the end of the catch siding to prevent any minor damage to
the vehicle.
In the case of hilly terrains, normally one siding is provided at each end of the station
as explained here.
Catch sidings These are provided at the higher level or upper end of a station when it
starts to slope downwards along the track in an unauthorized manner from the
previous station.
Slip sidings These are provided at the lower level on the lower end of the station. If by
chance the vehicle is not caught in a catch siding and enters the station premises, the
same will be caught and shipped into the slip siding.