Passengers Amenities

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When a station is constructed, certain minimum amenities are required to be provided at each
category of station. These were earlier termed as basic amenities/ infrastructural facilities and
will now be called Minimum Essential Amenities (MEA).
Minimum Essential Amenities required to be provided in each categories of stations are listed
in Annexure – 1. Availability of these amenities will have to be ensured. Railways will
immediately undertake a survey to confirm availability of minimum amenities as per the
prescribed scale, at all the stations on the basis of passenger traffic.

Booking Office/ Booking Facility

Booking window or booking facility is to be

provided at all types of stations. The booking
windows may be distributed function wise or
destination wise by the Commercial
Department. The booking offices should be
specially brightened up at all the stations.
The booking windows should be so located
that the circulation at the entrance or exit from
the station or the waiting hall is not affected
by the queues in front of the booking
windows. The length of the queue can be
estimated at the rate of half a meter per person
waiting in the queue.
Partition between passenger and booking clerk may be provided by toughened sheet glass or
clear acrylic sheet with a hole for inter-communication at suitable height above the counter
top and a suitable gap between the partition and the counter for collection of fare and issue of tickets.

Drinking Water
Drinking water facility is to be provided at all stations. Piped drinking water may be provided at A1 to D
category of stations and drinking water supply by hand pumps at E and F category stations.

Waiting Hall/ Shed

Except C class stations, all stations having waiting hall or waiting sheds may be facilitated with the seating
arrangements for the passengers comfort. Seating arrangement will be provided at all stations except halt

Platform Covers
Depending on the climatic conditions, number of passengers and nature of traffic, platform covers should
be provided. At important and suburban stations, the whole platform should be covered. Large-scale covering of
platforms should be confined to
a. Junction stations.
b. Stations at Civil District Headquarters.
c. Stations at cities and towns with a population of more than 1 lakh.
d. Stations in heavy rainfall areas.
Platforms are to be provided at all type of stations. Platforms may be of High level, Medium level, and Rail
level depending up on the categories of stations.

a. Length of Platforms: The length should be adequate to accommodate the longest train received at the station.

b. Width of Platforms: The width should be determined on the basis of the clearance specified in the Schedule of
Dimensions. The platform widths should be adequate to permit a free unhampered movement of passengers.

c. Platform Surfaces: The platform surfaces should be of such material that it is dust free in dry weather and
mud free in rains. At important stations, surface of main platforms should be paved with Kota Stone or
Interlocking Pavers. To keep platform surface smooth and clean, all trellis plying at the station should be
provided with rubber tyre wheels.

In the case of single face platforms, the platform surface should have a slope of 1 in 60 away from the coping
up to the edge of the berm, with the berm and the slope of the platform filling being protected by turfing or
pitching as considered adequate.In the case of two face (island) platforms the platform surface should have a
slope of 1 in 60 away from the centre of the platform up to the coping on either side. The ends of the platforms
should be provided with ramps at a slope not steeper than 1 in 6.

Foot Over Bridges

Foot Over Bridges should be provided at stations come under categories A1, A, B and C. In categories A1 and
A, foot over bridge is provided with cover. Foot over bridges or sub-ways as convenient and
techno-economically feasible should be provided keeping in view the following factors:

Interconnection between high level or low level platforms.

The total number of passengers dealt with at the station.

Frequency of train services.

Blocking of the lines between platforms by freight trains.

Time-table and Fare-list Display

Display of Time-table is provided at all categories of stations. Time-table and Fare-list should be displayed on
boards or cement plaques, with or without wirenetting. These should be provided at suitable places, in
consultation with the Commercial Department, for posting time-table and fare-list thereon.

All stations should have clock for time display at stations.
Electronic Train Indicator Board

Electronic train indicator board will be provided at A1 and A category stations. It is provided at station entrance
/concourse on Foot over bridge at landing location and on platform located appropriately to guide passengers at
every stage.

Public Phone Booth

Public phone booths will be provided at A1 and A category stations.

Desirable Amenities
Desirable amenities are those amenities which are considered desirable to improve customer satisfaction and
interface process at the station. The quantum of these amenities would depend upon the category of the
station.Followings are desirable amenities at stations:

Retiring Room: It is a desirable amenity provided at A1, A, B and D category stations.

Waiting Rooms: Waiting rooms will be provided at stations depending upon the category of stations, class and
gender. At A1and A category stations a upper class, second class and a separate waiting room for ladies
(combined upper and second class) will be provided. At category B and D second class waiting room will be

Enquiry Counter: Enquiry counter will be provided at A1, A and B category stations.

NTES: National Train Enquiry System will be provided at only at A1 and A category stations.

IVRS: Interactive Voice Recording System will be provided at A1, A and B category stations.

Public Address System : Public address system is provided at only A1, A, B, C and D category stations.

Train Indicator Board: Train indicator boards are provided at A1, A, B and C category stations.

Coach Indicator Board: Coach indicator boards are provided at A1, A, B and C category stations.

Public Phones Booths: Public phone booths are provided at all categories stations excepts halt stations.

Catering and Vending Stall: stalls will be provided at A to E category stations. Only halt stations are

Touch Screen Enquiry System : It will be provided at A1 and A category stations.

UTS: At all stations except category F halt stations.

Computerisation of Complaints: At A1 and A category stations only. At A, it should be optional.

Cyber Café : At A1 category stations subject to availability of space.

Provision of ATMs (preferably with ticketing facility): At all stations except halt stations
Amenities for Physically Handicapped Passengers

A) As per extant instructions, short term facilities consisting of following 7 items are to be provided at all

Provision of standard ramp with railing for barrier free entry.

Earmarking at least two parking lots for vehicles used by disabled persons.

Provision of a non-slippery walkway from parking lot to building.

Provision of signage of appropriate visibility.

Provision of at least one drinking water tap suitable for use by a disabled person.

Provision of at least one toilet on the ground floor.

“May I help You” booth.

Above facilities have already been provided at all A1 and A category stations, and are now being extended to all
B category stations. This has to be ensured, followed by their progressive provision at other category stations.

B) As per extant instructions, long term facilities comprising of following 2 items are to be provided:

Provision of facility for inter-platform transfer.

Engraving on edges of platforms.

Maintenance of Passenger Amenities

It is important to maintain the amenities provided at all the stations in good working order at all times.
Maintenance staff shall carry out repairs needed to restore the amenity to functional order, immediately after
receipt of information from the Station Master/ Station Manager.

Hygiene and cleanliness should be an important activity for day to day monitoring.

General Manager shall arrange to provide adequate imprest with Station masters of stations where Railways
maintenance staff are not headquartered, to enable them organise expeditious repairs to small items of passenger
amenities such as handpumps/taps, water trolleys, clock, light/fans, urinal/latrines and furniture at the station.

Display of Available Amenities

At each station, a list shall be displayed in station manager/ masters room showing the quantum of minimum
essential amenities required to be provided for that category of stations per these guideline, vis- a-vis, the
amenities actually available. Details of other amenities available at the station should also be displayed.

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