Examen de Peso y Balance Tema A Solucion PDF
Examen de Peso y Balance Tema A Solucion PDF
Examen de Peso y Balance Tema A Solucion PDF
3. What type of measurement is used to designate the arm in weight and balance computation
A. Distance.
B. Weight.
C. Weight x distance.
D. Long.
4. When dealing with weight and balance of an aircraft, the term 'maximum weight' is interpreted to
mean the maximum.
A. Weight of the empty aircraft.
B. Weight of the useful load.
C. Authorized weight of the aircraft and its contents.
D. Maximum permissible weight of a loaded aircraft (passengers, crew, and cargo) without fuel.
6. If it is necessary to weigh an aircraft with full fuel tanks, all fuel weight must be subtracted from
the scale reading(s).
A. Except minimum fuel.
B. Including unusable fuel.
C. Except unusable fuel.
D. Maximum permissible weight of a loaded aircraft (passengers, crew, and cargo) without fuel.
9. The maximum weight as used in weight and balance control of a given aircraft can normally
be found.
A. By adding the weight of full fuel, pilot, passengers, and maximum allowable baggage to the empty
B. In the Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet.
C. By adding the empty weight and payload.
D. Advisory circular UAEAC.
11. To obtain useful weight data for purposes of determining the CG, it is necessary that an
aircraft be weighed.
A. In a level flight attitude.
B. With all items of useful load installed.
C. With no more than minimum fuel (1/12-gallon per METO horsepower) in all fuel tanks.
C. With pallets and cargo containers.
12. Use of which of the following generally yields the highest degree of aircraft leveling
A. Plumb bob and chalk line.
B. Spirit level(s).
C. Electronic load cell(s).
D. Mechanical load cell(s).
13. What approved document gives the leveling means to be used when weighing an aircraft
A. Type Certificate Data Sheet.
B. UAEAC Weight and balance advisory.
C. Manufacturer's maintenance manual.
D. AFM Manual.
14. What determines whether the value of a moment is preceded by a plus (+) or a minus (-)
sign in aircraft weight and balance
A. The location of the weight in reference to the datum.
B. The result of a weight being added or removed and its location relative to the datum.
C. The location of the datum in reference to the aircraft CG.
D. The location of the weight in reference to the MAC.
15. When an aircraft is positioned for weighing on scales located under each landing gear
wheel, which of the following may cause erroneous scale readings
A. Gear downlocks installed.
B. Parking brakes set.
C. Parking brakes not set.
D. Gear downlocks not installed.
17. Cuál es el factor más importante por el cual se debe realizar el peso y balance de la
A. Para la seguridad del vuelo.
B. Para determinar la cantidad de pasajeros a bordo de la aeronave.
C. Para determinar la cantidad de combustible que debe llevar la aeronave.
D. Para no llevar el motor a su límite máximo de operación.
24. If the reference datum line is placed at the nose of an airplane rather than at the firewall or
some other location aft of the nose
A. All measurement arms will be in negative numbers.
B. All measurement arms will be in positive numbers.
C. Measurement arms can be either positive or negative numbers depending on the manufacturer's
D. All measurement arms will not be in negative numbers.
25. In the process of weighing an airplane toward obtaining the CG, the arms from the weighing
points always extend
A. Parallel to the centerline of the airplane.
B. Straight forward from each of the landing gear.
C. Directly from each weighing point to the others.
D. Straight forward from each of the engine support.
36. Which of the following can provide the empty weight of an aircraft if the aircraft's weight
and balance records become lost, destroyed, or otherwise inaccurate
A. Reweighing the aircraft.
B. The applicable Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet.
C. The applicable flight manual or pilot's operating handbook.
D. Calculate of weight of airplane.
37. Two boxes which weigh 10 pounds and 5 pounds are placed in an airplane so that their distance
aft from the CG are 4 feet and 2 feet respectively. How far forward of the CG should a third box,
weighing 20 pounds, be placed so that the CG will not be changed?
A. 2,5 feet
B. 3,0 feet
C. 4,5 feet
D. 8,0 feet