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Figure 5. Ligand substitution reactions (CH2Cl2, 2 d, room temperature) for the syntheses of the AuNPs containing
mixed dodecanethiol and (amidoferrocenyl) alkanethiol-type ligands with variation of the chain length (C11 vs C6) and
ring structure of the ferrocenyl motif (Cp, Cp*, C5H4COMe). Reprinted with permission from ref 140 (Astruc’s group).
Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
298 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 Daniel and Astruc
Figure 13. Stable configurations of AuNPs covered with n-alkanethiol molecules. The sequence shows n ) 4 butanethiol,
n ) 6 hexanethiol, n ) 8 octanethiol, n ) 10 decanethiol, n ) 12 dodecanethiol, n ) 14 butanedecanethiol, and n ) 16
hexanedecanethiol (n ) number of C atoms). Reprinted with permission from ref 139 (José-Yacamán’s group). Copyright
1998 Kluwer.
applied voltage and leads to the charging of a metal state. The temperature of the transition increases
particle with at least one single electron.148-150 Elec- with the chain length, and FTIR shows the increasing
trostatic trapping (ET) is a technique used to inves- amount of gauche defects. Variable-temperature
tigate isolated nanosize metal particles. It is based deuterium NMR in the solid state shows that the
on moving a polarized particle in an electric field to disorder, materialized by the increased proportion of
the point of strongest field, which is the position gauche bonds, propagates from the chain terminus
between two electrodes (dipped in a solution of the toward the middle of the chain, but not further to
particles) at a distance comparable to the particle the ligand atom, and causes chain melting.152 Calo-
diameter.27,148,149 rimetric measurements led to the determination of
The UV-vis and IR spectra provide an identifica- the formation enthalpy of AuNPs in a water/sodium
tion of the ligand that is also confirmed by NMR bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate/n-heptane micro-
spectroscopy, except that the ligand atoms close to emulsion. The results indicated that the energetic
the core give broad signals. This latter phenomenon states and the dimensions of the AuNPs were influ-
is due to (i) spin-spin relaxational (T2) broadening enced by the radii and concentrations of the reversed
(main factor), (ii) variations among the gold-sulfur micelles.80
bonding sites around the particle, and (iii) a gradient Capillary zone electrophoresis in acetate buffer
in the packing density of the thiolate ligands from showed that the mobility of AuNPs with a given core
the core region to the ligand terminus at the diameter decreased with decreasing ionic strength.
periphery.151-153 The NMR spectra are very informa- At the highest ionic strength investigated (6 mmol/
tive, as for all molecular compounds, for the part of L), a good linear dependence of the mobility on the
the ligand remote from the core. The latter can also reciprocal of the core radius allowed the character-
be more fully analyzed, if desired, after oxidative ization of the size of the AuNPs.156
decomplexation using iodide. The AFM images of AuNPs operating in the contact
IR spectroscopy shows that, as in SAMs,154 the mode in air at room temperature showed an attrac-
thiolate ligands of AuNPs are essentially in all-trans tive interaction among the particles, leading to the
zigzag conformations, with 5-25% of gauche defects formation of aggregates and a mean size that is a
at both inner and terminal locations.50,152 IR and function of the size of the reverse micelle used for
NMR spectroscopies allow, together with differential the synthesis. This was taken into account in terms
scanning calorimetry (DSC),152-155 the detection of of the formation of an adsorbed layer of surfactant
order-disorder transitions in AuNPs in the solid molecules at the particle surface.81
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 303
Figure 17. Schematic representation for the synthesis of polymer-coated AuNPs by surface-initiated living-radical
polymerization (LRP). Reprinted with permission from ref 214 (Fukuda’s group). Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
Figure 18. SEM image of (a) 50-µm ceramic hollow spheres (CHSs), (b)-50 µm gold-seeded CHSs, (c) 50-µm gold hollow
spheres (GHSs) obtained by calcination and dissolution of gold-seeded CHSs, (d) a 100-µm CHS, (e) a 100-µm gold-seeded
CHS, and (f) a 100-µm broken GHS. The arrow in (c) indicates a broken particle, which proves that it is hollow. From (f),
it can be seen that the inside of GHS is empty. Reprinted with permission from ref 216b (Fendler’s group). Copyright 2002
the solution.199,200 Attempts to synthesize Pd-core/Au- an ideal choice to serve as a confined reaction
shell bimetallic particles led instead to a remarkable vessel.209 The formation of AuNPs was also controlled
cluster-in-cluster structure because of this redox by using poly(methylphosphazene), whose lone pairs
priority (Figure 16).201 stabilized the AuNPs.210 Functionalized polymers
Many ordered polymer-AuNPs are known. For have also been used as stabilizers. Poly(ethylene
instance, AuNPs in PVP were prepared by hydrazine glycol)-based polymer was used to fabricate an AuNP
reduction of incorporated HAuCl4. The color of the sensor that reversibly binds lectin for recognition and
solution of HAuCl4-loaded block copolymer changed bioassay.211 The so-called “grafting from” technique
from yellow to purple, and then to bluish upon has been used to construct highly dense polymer
addition of a large excess of anhydrous hydrazine. brushes. For instance, several methods,212-214 includ-
The reduction can be stopped by addition of HCl, ing the efficient living radical polymerization (LRP),
which protonates hydrazine in order to avoid coagu- have indeed been applied to the synthesis of AuNPs
lation of the AuNPs.202,203 These phenomena were coated with such a high-density polymer brush.
also obtained with (styrene-block-ethylene oxide).204,205 AuNP-based nanoscale architectures could be fore-
The use of a diaminotriazine-functionalized diblock casted using this simple technique (Figure 17).214
copolymer led to size-controlled synthesis of AuNP Polymer hollow spheres have been synthesized
aggregates in solution and in thin films with thymine with movable AuNPs at their interiors.215 AuNPs can
functionality.206 AuNPs were generated in polymeric serve as templates for the synthesis of conductive
micelles composed of amphiphilic block copoly- capsules216 (Figure 18) and for the oligomerization
mers,207,208 and amphilic star-block copolymers were of L-cysteine in aqueous solution (Figure 19).217
306 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 Daniel and Astruc
Figure 20. (a) Reaction scheme for the synthesis of the PEO-GMA-DEAR triblock copolymers. (b) Schematic illustration
of the formation of three-layer “onion-like” micelles and shell cross-linked micelles from PEO-GMA-DEA triblock copolymers.
PEO-GMA-DEA, poly[(ethylene oxide)-block-glycerol monomethacrylate-block-2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]. Re-
printed with permission from ref 85 (Armes’s group). Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 307
Figure 23. Stepwise “grafting-to” derivatization of AuNPs. (a) Fixation of the polymer with disulfide anchoring groups.
(b) Activation of the polymer by unsymmetrical bifunctional linker groups. (c) Functionalization of the polymer by receptors.
Step (b) is omitted when “activated” polymers are used. Reprinted with permission from ref 236a (Mangeney’s group).
Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
Figure 24. Syntheses of dendronized AuNPs using the thiol ligand substitution procedure. Reprinted with permission
from ref 251 (Astruc’s group). Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society.
interparticle distance.243 PAMAM-dendrimer-AuNPs for the detection of volatile organic compounds and
assemblies were incorporated into SiO2 matrices.244 studied by specular neutron reflectometry.255a AuNPs
The pH dependence of water-soluble PAMAM-den- were formed in the presence of stiff polyphenylene
drimer-stabilized AuNPs was examined,245 and such dendrimer templates with 16 thiomethyl groups on
assemblies were used for imaging in cells.246 Bimetal- the outside.255b
lic Au-Pd nanoparticles were synthesized by Crooks’s
group from PAMAM-dendrimer-Pd nanoparticles 3.13. Surfaces, Films, Silica, and Other AuNP
assemblies for a catalytic purpose.247-249 Dendrimers Materials
containing a AuNP core were synthesized by using
the Brust-Schiffrin technique with dendrons that AuNPs were deposited on surfaces for a number
were functionalized with thiols at the focal point of purposes, including physical studies256-275 (Figures
(Figures 24 and 25).250-254 PAMAM-dendrimer- 26-28) and derivatization of self-assembled mono-
AuNP composites were used as chemiresistor sensors layers.276-278 Privileged materials for deposition are
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 309
Figure 25. Direct syntheses of dendronized AuNPs containing a nonaferrocenyl thiol dendron (about 180 ferrocenyl groups).
Reprinted with permission from ref 251 (Astruc’s group). Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society.
water/oil interface was achieved by stoichiometric amines.327b AuP nanowires that are between 100 and
ion-pair formation between carboxylate anions on 200 nm wide could be formed by ultrashort laser
particle surfaces and tetraoctylammonium cations pulses.327c
and revealed by TEM, IR, UV-vis absorption, and There are many reports of the preparation, char-
EDX.327a Complete phase transfer of negatively acterization, and study of AuNPs dispersed within
charged (-CO2- or -SO3-), surface-modified AuNPs mesoporous silica, Au@SiO2.111-113,125,328-360 The influ-
from the aqueous phase to the organic phase was ence of size, 328,329 the biofunctionalization,331 the
carried out by hydrophobization using primary crystal growth,332 the organization in high order
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 311
or gold chloride.386g
Another influential parameter is the core charge.
Excess electronic charge causes shifts to higher
energy, whereas electron deficiency causes shifts to
lower energy.386,387 A convenient theoretical expres-
sion has been derived for the SPB position as a
function of the changes in free electron concentra-
λfinal/λinitial ) (Ninitial/Nfinal)1/2
Figure 44. Schematic illustration of the micro-gap electrodes which are connected with the network of organic dithiols
and AuNPs. Shaded circles indicate AuNPs, and lines indicate organic dithiol molecules. Reprinted with permission from
ref 438 (Ogawa’s group). Copyright 2001 Elsevier.
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 317
upon photoirradiation.419
AuNPs have a remarkably low melting tempera-
ture (between 300 and 400 °C), due to the large ratio
of surface atoms to inner atoms, compared to that of
bulk gold (1064 °C). This property was used in the
process of printing and laser-curing of AuNP solu-
tions, a laser irradiation time of 1 ms being suf-
Figure 47. Nucleophilic substitution reaction between AuNPs containing alkanethiol bromide and alkylamines.
Figure 49. Examples of amide coupling reactions between AuNPs containing carboxylic acid termini and amine derivatives.
Figure 58. Fluorescence-based method for determining (a) the surface coverage and (b) the hybridization efficiency of
thiol-capped oligonucleotides bound to gold thin films and AuNPs. Reprinted with permission from ref 516 (Mirkin’s group).
Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.
Figure 60. Control of the optical properties of DNA-linked AuNPs assemblies by modulating the length of the DNA
linker molecule (1, 2, 3) and the thiol 12 base oligomer (A and B) one. Reprinted with permission from ref 514 (Mirkin’s
group). Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.
membranes in order to investigate a new mechanism structures and properties, especially in conjugates
of cell adhesion through carbohydrate-carbohydrate with AuNPs.566,567 Water-soluble AuNPs based on
interactions.558,559 Spontaneous formation of AuNPs thiopronin have been prepared.568,569 Other Au-NP-
was observed in aqueous solutions of sugar-persub- based receptors providing H-bonds recognize fla-
stituted PAMAM dendrimers without the addition of vin.570,571 Ligand design optimizes bioconjugation in
any additional reductant.560 AuNPs coated with hap- various AuNPs frameworks.572-576 Enzymatic activity
tenated mercaptodextrans containing 15 mercapto of fungal protease-AuNP bioconjugates was re-
groups bind specifically to paramagnetic beads coated
ported577 as well as a method to construct a third-
with the corresponding antibody.561a A mannose
generation horseradish peroxidase biosensor by self-
derivative has been self-assembled onto preformed,
citrate-capped water-soluble AuNPs, and, through assembling AuNPs.578 Phthalocyanine-stabilized
the use of a C2 tether, a rapid colorimetric detection AuNPs were shown to be a potential delivery vehicle
test has been developed for the protein canavalinin for photodynamic therapy.579 The biochemical prepa-
A.561b Multivalent interactions of glycono-AuNPs ration of AuNPs was reported whereby the biological
containing galactosyl and glucosyl headgroups with organisms played the roles of reductant, protecting
the HIV-associated recombinant glycoprotein gp 120 agent, and precipitating agent.175b,580-582 AuNPs bound
have been studied.561c on APTMS-functionalized Na-Y zeolite could be used
for the immobilization of pepsin, whose catalytic
6.4. Other AuNP Bioconjugates: Peptides, Lipids, activity in the bioconjugate was comparable to that
Enzymes, Drugs, and Viruses of the free enzyme.583a Assembly of AuNPs on poly-
Phospholipids were used for the formation of urethane spheres could be used to immobilize en-
AuNPs,563-565 in particular as dispersants in the zymes such as pepsin; these bioconjugate catalysts
preparation of AuNPs.562 Helically patterned arrays can also be reused as free enzymes.583b Raleigh
of AuNPs were formed using lipid tubules as tem- resonance spectroscopy was reported on single brome
plates.563 The assembly of relatively short polypep- mosaic virus capsids (28 nm) with AuNPs (2.5-4.5
tides on a template can provide protein-like complex nm) inside.583c
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 325
Control over the morphology of ceramic crystals by With AuNPs impregnated on Mg(OH)2, it was indi-
biomimetic processes is of increasing interest. For cated that, below 1 nm diameter, AuNPs have icosa-
instance, large changes in the morphology of barite hedral symmetry, whereas above 1 nm, the AuNPs
crystals occur on templates of varying dimension- are in face-centered cubic cuboctahedral symmetry.
ality.584a In a strategy aimed at nuclear targeting in This showed that the geometrical factor is also
biological systems mimicking viruses, the most ca- important in catalytic activity.601 New methods for
pable peptides were combined on a 20-nm bovine preparation of AuNPs for catalytic oxidation of CO
serum albumin-AuNP platform, and the trajectories include arc melting, chemical vapor deposition, co-
inside cells of these assemblies were monitored using sputtering,602 and pulsed laser deposition (PLD).603
a combination of video-enhanced color microscopy The exceptionally high catalytic activity of the AuNPs
and differential interference contrast microscopy.584b deposited onto Fe2O3, Co2O3, and TiO2604-607 supports
was interpreted in terms of the formation of an active
6.5. AuNP Biosynthesis AuNP/support interface along the perimeter of
Macroscopic quantities of microorganisms such as AuNPs.608,609 The morphology, electronic structure,
fungi could be used as living templates with AuNPs and catalytic activity in CO oxidation over a Au/FeOx/
to organize presynthesized nanoscale components SiO2/Si(100) model sample prepared by PLD have
into ordered structures.584c Reaction of AuCl4- ions been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectros-
with the extract of geranium leaves and an endo- copy and TEM, which showed that activity in CO
phytic fungus, Colletotrichum sp., present in the oxidation increased after oxidation, the higher activ-
leaves, leads to the formation of AuNPs.584d ity being associated with amorphous iron oxide with
Fe 2p binding energy ) 711.3 eV.610-613 The intrinsic
catalytic activity of the AuNPs was shown to increase
7. Catalysis with decreasing particle size. When an Au/FeOx
Gold is very popular for being chemically inert. It interface was created by FeOx deposition on large
is indeed one of the most stable metals in the group AuNPs, a significant increase in the rate of the CO
8 elements, and it is resistant to oxidation. In the oxidation was observed, and these data correlate the
1970s, however, Parravano’s group reported the catalytic activity with the valence bond density of
investigation of the activity of gold in oxygen/hydrogen- states of the AuNPs.614 Spherical aberration-free
transfer reactions585,586 and the reduction of NO by phase image analysis showed that catalytically active
dihydrogen,587 but these studies remained isolated. AuNPs form single crystals having a cuboctahedral
Therefore, the discovery by Haruta et al., reported shape, and that the atomic structure on the surface
in 1989, that AuNPs supported on Co3O4, Fe2O3, or and interface is largely deformed from the bulk
TiO2 were highly active catalysts, under high disper- structure by stress produced by the atom-missing
sion, for CO and H2 oxidation,588,589 NO reduction,590 structure, the reconstructed structure surface, and
water-gas shift reaction,591 CO2 hydrogenation,592 strong interaction with the substrate.615 It has been
and catalytic combustion of methanol593 was a sur- suggested that a synergistic mechanism occurs at the
prise, and was considered important by the chemical AuNP-metal oxide interface, with the oxide support
community. Catalysis with AuNPs, in particular the being part of the catalytic process. Adsorption of CO
very active oxide-supported ones, is now an expand- would proceed on the AuNP on a site adjacent to a
ing area, and a large number of new catalytic systems metal oxide site occupied by an adsorbed O2 molecule.
for various reactions are now being explored. The reaction would involve an intermediate carbon-
ate-like species decomposing to CO2 upon desorption
7.1. Catalysis of CO Oxidation from the surface.593 AuNP-FeOx catalysts, prepared
Most of the recent research on the catalytic activity by coprecipitation, containing ferrihydrite, a struc-
of oxide-supported AuNPs concerned CO oxida- turally disordered material with approximate com-
tion.588-621 In particular, the mechanism of the cata- position Fe5HO8‚4H2O, and a noncrystalline phase
lytic process was actively investigated, and particle AuOOH‚xH2O, showed 100% conversion after 20 min
size effects and metal/support interactions were at room temperature.616 AuNPs prepared by chemical
examined. The gold cluster [Au9(PPh3)8(NO3)3] was vapor deposition (CVD) of dimethyl gold acetylaceto-
highly dispersed by impregnating Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, nate are active catalysts for CO oxidation below 0
or Cu hydroxide with a solution of this cluster, and °C.617 Extensively varying the conditions of prepara-
activity in CO oxidation was found even at subam- tion of AuNP-MOx catalysts (M ) Si, Ti, Zr, Al) of
bient temperatures (below 0 °C and even at -70 1-6 nm size, followed by characterization using
°C).595 Further studies on the AuNP/Fe(OH)3 system TEM, XPS, and EPR, made it possible to investigate
showed that the catalytic activity was extremely high the structure-reactivity of the catalysts.618 AuNPs
after calcination, which was ascribed to the stabiliza- supported on a TiO2 surface by calcination first at
tion of [Au(PPh3)]+, leading to small particles.596 500 °C under vacuum and then at 400 °C in air
Alternatively, it was suggested that the catalytic showed low-temperature activity on CO oxidation
activity was due to the presence of ferrihydrate (Figure 61).621 The size of the most active AuNPs was
activating O2,597 and Au+ species were found to be determined by low-frequency Raman modes, provid-
more active than Au0 particles.598 Small AuNPs were ing a signal at 11 ( 1 cm-1 that corresponded to a
stabilized by insertion into zeolite supercages, and particle diameter of 8 ( 1 nm, and combination of
Xe and DRIF studies showed the presence of Auδ+ this technique with microscopy techniques gave
species,599 which were found to be highly active.599,600 information on size distribution and structural 3D
326 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 Daniel and Astruc
Figure 65. Synthetic routes leading to (a) a [60]fullerene-substituted oligopyridine and (b) the AuNPs stabilized by it.
Reprinted with permission from ref 656 (Li’s group). Copyright 2002 Elsevier.
Gold Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 1 329
osmotic flow could be altered, which led to enhanced Fascinating aspects are the optoelectronic proper-
selectivities.660 The use of AuNPs has also been ties of AuNPs related to the surface plasmon absorp-
extended to chip-based capillary electrophoresis de- tion, reflecting the collective oscillation of the con-
vices, the AuNPs in the microchannels acting as a ducting electrons of the gold core, a feature relevant
rectifier.661 Electromagnetic coupling effects with to the quantum size effect. NLO applications of
lithographically produced AuNPs were investigated AuNPs are also rapidly growing. The combination of
by photon scanning tunneling microscopy. The sur- this photonics discipline with biology and medicine
face plasmon propagation on microstructured metal has already been demonstrated by the seminal work
thin films was examined in order to provide an on AuNP-DNA assemblies and is very promising for
interface between the nano-optical device and clas- future biomolecular manipulations and applications,
sical far-field optics.662 such as labeling, detection, and transfer of drugs,
The optical manipulation of particles on waveguide including genetic materials.
surfaces offers a controllable tool for application to Electronic conduction correlated with single-elec-
particle sorting, sensing, and atomic mirrors. In this tron tunneling is a possible basis for future nano-
context, potassium-ion-exchanged optical waveguides electronic digital circuits in connection with self-
in glass for evanescent field propulsion of AuNPs assembled monolayers, although the quantized capaci-
were optimized.663 tance involved will require ultrapure AuNP materi-
Encapsulation techniques are currently used to als.
reduce photo-oxidation in commercial devices. In Excellent sensory and environmental devices are
particular, utilization of AuNPs in optoelectronic becoming available by tuning the spectroscopy, fluo-
devices often enhances the optical and electrical rescence, luminescence, and electrochemical charac-
properties as well as the stability; this technique teristics of AuNPs with those of substrates including
effectively inhibits photoluminescence decay.664 DNA, sugars, and other biological molecules or
systems. Another promising electrochemical field
that has just started to develop is that of AuNP ultra-
10. Conclusion and Perspectives microelectrodes. Thus, it is becoming possible to
AuNPs, which have been known for 2500 years, are control molecules at a resolution well below that
the subject of an exponentially increasing number of offered by photolithography. In particular, DNA is a
reports and are full of promises for optical, electronic, candidate for this task because of its excellent
magnetic, catalytic, and biomedical applications in specificity in base pairing, and it can be easily
the 21st century, using the “bottom-up” approach addressed at the nanoscale for applications in bio-
with the hybrid organic-inorganic and biological- sensing and bionanotechnology.
inorganic building blocks derived therefrom. From Finally, although bulk gold is well known for being
the fascination produced by the more or less virtual inert, the reactivity of the gold cores in AuNPs has
medical uses of soluble gold in the past millenaries, recently proven very useful in catalytic applications,
it remains at least that AuNPs are completely bio- even at subambient temperatures, and the field of
compatible. The reasons for the present excitement AuNP-catalyzed CO and methanol oxidation and O2
in AuNP research are also the stability of AuNPs, reduction is now also developing at a rapid rate. Here
the extraordinary diversity of their modes of prepa- again, the variety of synthetic possibilities using
rations (including biosynthetic modes and template AuNP components and the understanding of the
synthesis) involving ceramics, glasses, polymers, AuNP nanostructures and their role on the catalytic
ligands, surfaces, films, oxides, zeolithes, biomol- events is a key toward future applications.
ecules, and bioorganisms, and their essential proper- In conclusion, an extraordinary variety of struc-
ties and role in nanoscience and future nanotechnol- tures, properties, and applications is available for
ogy. AuNPs and will motivate fundamental studies and
The classic Turkevitch-Frens synthesis with cit- applications in connection with those of other molec-
rate stabilizer is practical and still very much used ular, inorganic, and biological nanomaterial compo-
to prepare precursors. However, the stabilization of nents in interdisciplinary research involving chem-
AuNPs by alkanethiolate and various functional istry, physics, biology, and medicine.665
thiolate ligands forming very stable, relatively mono-
disperse materials and the two-phase Schiffrin syn- 11. Acknowledgment
thesis have been a breakthrough. These facile syn-
The helpful assistance of Jocelyne Moncada for the
theses have been shown to be particularly favorable
preparation of this manuscript and financial support
for easy manipulations, such as place-exchange reac-
from the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), the
tions and extensive physical characterizations, for-
University Bordeaux I, and the Centre National de
mation of superlattices and crystals, and rich molec-
la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) are gratefully
ular chemistry. For instance, multiple redox states
(up to 15!) of AuNP-alkanethiolate were beautifully
characterized at room temperature as charge injec-
tion in the core is quantized, and 2D and 3D AuNP 12. Abbreviations
superlattices are now common, easily controlled 2D two-dimensional
assemblies that use supramolecular principles and 3D three-dimensional
are characterized by spectacular imaging and mi- AFM atomic force microscopy
croscopy techniques. APTMS (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane
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