B. Split Flap
B. Split Flap
B. Split Flap
Plain Flap can beobtained by bending the rear part of a wing section through
the rotation around a simple hinge. The main effect of the
deflection is the increment of the effective airfoil camber. Fig.
2 compares the evolution of the lift coefficient as a function of
the angle of attack between a classical wing and a flapped one.
As can be drawn, the introduction of the flaps determines a
reduction in the stall angle of attack; no significant change
in the slope of the curve is registered.
B. Split Flap
Despite its low aerodynamic efficiency, the Split Flap is
largely used due to its simplicity: the device operating mode
consists in bending the rear portion of the lower surface of the
airfoil through a hinge; in the meanwhile the upper surface
remains blocked (the operating scheme is illustrated in Fig.
3b). One of the main consequences is the generation of a great
increase in chamber, but the separation effects on the upper
surface result to be less marked than those on a Plain Flap,
because of the less camber of the surface.
C. Slotted Flap
The presence of some slots between the main portion of
the wing and the bent flap represents the chief peculiarity
of a Slotted Flap, as can be seen from Fig. 3c. In order to
avoid flow separation over the flap, high pressure air is forced
through the slots from the lower surface to the upper one.
A high lift is generated by the accretion of the camber and
the increment in CLmax is much higher than that associated
to plain or Spit Flaps, while the registered drag is much
lower. The pitching moment tends to be high and negative,
thus inducing a depressive effect on the trimmed maximum
lift coefficient of an airplane. The Slotted Flap usually ranges
from the 25% up to the 30% of the chord.
D. Fowler Flap
Fig. 3d illustrates a Fowler Flap. As far as the working principle
is concerned, it is similar to the Slotted Flap; however,
it can also be moved backwards while deflecting downwards.
This motion allows the increment of the effective wing area,
chord and camber
E. Junkers Flap
The Junkers Flap shown in Fig. 4a is similar to the above
mentioned Slotted Flap; the flap is fixed below the trailing
edge and can flip about its forward edge. This device generates
much more lift than the other systems
F. Gouge Flap
As defined in [10], a Gouge Flap is comparable to a Split
Flap, but it can be moved backwards, in order to increase chord
and camber without affecting trim or requiring additional
mechanisms. Fig. 4b shows the described device
H. Zap Flap
The Zap Flap consists of a quite simple mechanism. The
leading edge of the flap is mounted on a track and a point at
mid chord of the flap is connected to a pivot above the track
through a mechanical arm. As shown in Fig. 4d, the sliding
movement of the flap creates a triangle formed by the track
itself, the shaft and the surface of the flap that forces the flap
I. Gurney Flap
The Gurney Flap (see Fig. 4e) consists of a small flat
tab attached on the high pressure side of the wing trailing
edge. The tab length is usually 1-2% of the wing chord and
can improve the performances of a simple airfoil, allowing it
to reach the performance of a complex aerodynamic design.
The lift is enhanced by increasing the resulting pressure in
the airfoil pressure side and, in the meanwhile, decreasing
the pressure in the suction side. The mechanism allows the
boundary layer flow to stay attached to the trailing edge on
the suction side.
The Boundary Layer Control Devices (BCL) have been
classified as active systems, in contrast to the passive systems
analyzed in the previous paragraphs. The acronym BCL
includes some solutions whose aim is to control the boundary
flow separation caused by the adverse pressure gradient of the
velocities around the wings. These systems use airflow from
the engines to shape the flow air over the wing, in order to
reach a higher maximum lift coefficient.
A. Blown Flap
In a Blown Flap the velocity of the airflow is increased
by a small amount of compressed air produced by the jet
engines. The mechanism exploits the tendency of a fluid jet to
be attracted from a nearby surface, known as the Coanda effect
, that delays the boundary layer separation]. The maximum
lift coefficient CLmax and the stalling angle of attack are
increased by injecting high energy air into the boundary layer.
Boundary layer control refers to methods of controlling the behaviour of fluid flow boundary layers.
It may be desirable to reduce flow separation on fast vehicles to reduce the size of the wake
(streamlining), which may reduce drag. Boundary layer separation is generally undesirable in aircraft
high lift coefficient systems and jet engine intakes.
Laminar flow produces less skin friction than turbulent but a turbulent boundary layer transfers heat
better. Turbulent boundary layers are more resistant to separation.
The energy in a boundary layer may need to be increased to keep it attached to its surface. Fresh air
can be introduced through slots or mixed in from above. The low momentum layer at the surface can
be sucked away through a perforated surface or bled away when it is in a high pressure duct. It can
be scooped off completely by a diverter or internal bleed ducting. Its energy can be increased above
that of the free stream by introducing high velocity air.
In a conventional blown flap, a small amount of the compressed air produced by the jet engine is
"bled" off at the compressor stage and piped to channels running along the rear of the wing. There, it
is forced through slots in the wing flaps of the aircraft when the flaps reach certain angles. Injecting
high energy air into the boundary layer produces an increase in the stalling angle of attack and
maximum lift coefficient by delaying boundary layer separation from the airfoil. Boundary layer
control by mass injecting (blowing) prevents boundary layer separation by supplying additional
energy to the particles of fluid which are being retarded in the boundary layer. Therefore, injecting a
high velocity air mass into the air stream essentially tangent to the wall surface of the airfoil reverses
the boundary layer friction deceleration thus the boundary layer separation is delayed.[1]
The lift of a wing can be greatly increased with blowing flow control. With mechanical slots the
natural boundary layer limits the boundary layer control pressure to the freestream total head.
Blowing with a small proportion of engine airflow (internal blown flap) increases the lift. Using much
higher quantities of gas from the engine exhaust, which increases the effective chord of the flap (the
jet flap), produces supercirculation, or forced circulation up to the theoretical potential flow
maximum.[3] Surpassing this limit requires the addition of direct thrust.
Vortex generators are most often used to delay flow separation. To accomplish this they are often
placed on the external surfaces of vehicles[4] and wind turbine blades. On both aircraft and wind
turbine blades they are usually installed quite close to the leading edge of the aerofoil in order to
maintain steady airflow over the control surfaces at the trailing edge.[3] VGs are typically rectangular
or triangular, about as tall as the local boundary layer, and run in spanwise lines usually near the
thickest part of the wing.[1] They can be seen on the wings and vertical tails of many airliners.
Vortex generators are positioned obliquely so that they have an angle of attack with respect to the
local airflow[1] in order to create a tip vortex which draws energetic, rapidly moving outside air into the
slow-moving boundary layer in contact with the surface. A turbulent boundary layer is less likely to
separate than a laminar one, and is therefore desirable to ensure effectiveness of trailing-edge
control surfaces. Vortex generators are used to trigger this transition. Other devices such
as vortilons, leading-edge extensions, leading edge cuffs, also delay flow separation at high angles
of attack by re-energizing the boundary layer.
A turbulator is a device that turns a laminar flow into a turbulent flow. Turbulent flow can be desired
on parts of the surface of an aircraft wing (airfoil) or in industrial applications such as heat
exchangers and the mixing of fluids. In gliders the turbulator is often a thin zig-zag strip that is placed
on the lower side of the wing and sometimes on the vertical stabilizer.
Flow separation can often result in increased drag, particularly pressure drag which is caused by
the pressure differential between the front and rear surfaces of the object as it travels through the
air.Turbulator on a glider, which induce an early transition to turbulent flow regime; vortex
generators on light aircraft, for controlling the separation pattern; and leading edge extensions for
high angles of attack on the wings of aircraft such as the F/A-18 Hornet