Discovering The Art Inside of You: Service Learning Program Is A Structured Learning Experience That

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Project Title

Discovering the Art inside of You

II. Project Introduction
Service Learning Program is a structured learning experience that
combines community service with preparation and reflection. Students engaged
in a Service Learning Program provide community service in response to
community-identified concerns. They learn about the context in which service is
provided, the connection between the service and their academic coursework,
and their roles as citizens.
In partial fulfillment of course requirement in Art Appreciation, this Service
Learning Program Proposal deliberates the plan of the class BSMA 4B for the
expected event that will be held at Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School. This
program enhances and is integrated into the academic curriculum or the
educational components of the community service program in which the
participants are enrolled in. It provides structured time for the participants to
reflect on the said service experience.

III. Project Participants and Recipients

This activity will be executed particularly by the 4 th year students of Bachelor of
Science in Management Accounting, section B. The students of Rafael L. Lazatin
Memorial High School are the beneficiaries of this project.

IV. Service Learning Activity

A. Activity Title

LINES AT WORK (Lines Art-Work)

Featuring: Geometric Mosaic Animals

B. Learning Outcomes

This activity will teach the students to learn the importance of GEOMETRY –
Brief Historical background, basic geometry shapes and designs and
COLORS – Its PRIMARY Colors and teach them the Color Mixing Technique.
 To properly handle the discussion process we will use Visual Aids (using
of Manila paper). This will help in the smooth flow of the Discussion.

With this activity the students will be able to:

 Hone and apply their painting skills and creativity in doing the project.
 Know the endangered species we currently have.
 Know how we can save those species to extinct.
 Know how to make a creative art work using basic lines.
 Learn how the basic mixing technique.
 Evaluate their own ideas and methods in creating such art works.
 Practice teamwork.

a. Geometry – Brief History of Geometry and its importance. We will

focus on geometric lines. E.g. Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal. Using the
art of geometry they can create an amazing art work out of their
imagination and artistry.

b. Basic Colors - they will able to appreciate the basic colors and have
the knowledge of the color theory. We will teach them the Color Mixing
Technique so they can appreciate and understand PRIMARY,
SECONDARY and TERTIARY, Distinguish WARM Color and COOL
Color by presenting it using the color wheel.

c. Endangered Species – They will know the top 10 endangered species

in the world, how these species become endangered and what are the
reasons behind to these threat.

With the blending of knowledge and understanding about the BASIC

the student’s imagination and creativity, we will let the LINES DO ITS WORK
to make a fascinating LINE ARTWORK. Teaching the students in creating a
wonderful art by just using basic lines (Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal).
Producing a Geometric Mosaic Animals. Making it come alive using basic
colors they have learned from the discussion session. An exciting and
wonderful art by using basic colors and basic lines.

C. Detailed Activity Procedure

Discussion Proper:

Geometry - Geometry’s origin was way back 3000 B.C where the Ancient Egyptians
used an early stage of geometry in several ways like surveying of land, constructing
pyramids and astronomy. Around 2,900 B.C, the Egyptians began to construct pyramids
with four triangular faces and a square as a base. Today, Geometry is not just used in
construction but it can also be used in arts like sculptures, drawings, paintings and
Colors – Color (American English) or colour (Commonwealth English) is the
characteristic of human visual perception described through color categories, with
names such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet. One of the most exciting
things about painting is learning how to mix colors to make new colors. You can use the
primary colors red, blue, and yellow to get all of the colors of the rainbow. Plus you can
use black and white for shading and lightening colors.
Red + Blue Violet
Blue + Yellow Green
Yellow + Red Orange

Red + Orange Red-Orange
Orange + Yellow Orange-Yellow
Yellow + Green Yellow-Green
Blue + Green Blue-Green
Blue + Violet Blue-Violet (Purple)
Red + Violet Red-Violet (Purple)

Harmony in color can be defined as a pleasing arrangement of parts. In painting,

harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it creates a
sense of order, a balance in the visual feel. When something is not harmonious, it's
either boring or a confused messy feel. The human brain will reject under-stimulating
The traditional color wheel chart shows how the 3 primary colors can be mixed
with each other to become secondary colors. How these secondary can become
intermediate colors. No combination of other shades can create primary colors, however
all primaries can be mixed in various combinations to make more hues.

Endangered Species - An endangered species is a type of organism that is

threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for two main reasons: loss of
habitat and loss of genetic variation.
The activity aims to raise awareness to animals especially those who are at risk
of endangerment. The students will be able to identify such animals and learn to give
importance to the life of every species.
List of the top 10 Endangered Species:
Panda Javan Rhino
Tiger Polar bear
Pacific Walrus Mountain Gorilla

Sumatran Orangutan Monarch butterfly

Amur leopard
Red wolf
Activity Proper:
The class is composed of 50 pupils. They will be divided into ten (10)
groups and every groups has five (5) members. Each group will be given 1
canvas for their artwork.
The students will apply the information they have learned in the discussion
proper about geometric lines, color mixing techniques and endangered species.
They will create an artwork called Geometric Mosaic Animals. There are patterns
of animal silhouette provided for each group that will best represent the artwork.
They will mix and match the colors that they will use in creating the artwork. This
time, their knowledge about the basic geometric shapes and lines, and colors will
be tested through a challenging procedure.
LINES AT WORK (Lines Art-Work)

Featuring: Abstract Art and Geometric Mosaic Animals

Materials to use:
 Acrylic Paint - Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow
 Canvas (8” x 10" size)
 Clear Coat
 Pencil
 Ballpoint Pen
 Paint Brush - 1 flat brush and 1 pointed brush
 Newspaper
 Masking Tape
 Scissors
 Gloves
 Plastic Cups (for water)
 Paper Plate (as Palette)
 Popsicle sticks

 Step 1: Put the picture of the animal at the
top of the card board and poked a hole
around the silhouette of the animal at the
point where the line curves or changes
direction (almost line drawing a dot-to-dot

 Step 2: With the picture of the animal

face down, draw a little dots inside each
hole that you already poked, making sure
that the dot goes on the surface your
painting on.
 Step 3: Cut thin strips of masking tape,
and using the dots as a guide, connect the
dots with your thin strips of tape.

 Step 4: Using thin strips of tape, connect

the dots to another dots or dots connected
to another line within the silhouette of the

 Step 5: Using the masking tape, make a

boarder. Make a boarder around the

 Step 6: Choose 2 Primary colors of paint that

can be combined to create a Secondary
color that can be used as your 3 rd color for
the painting. Paint or fill up the spaces with
different color. Make sure same color should
not touch both of them.
 Step 7: Let it dry and pill off the tape. Using
the white paint, delicately paint across the
edge of each shape to make a cleaner
shape and apply the clear coat paint to
protect the painting from damages.

During the session, while the students and doing their art work, the participants will:

 Provide an ice breaker

 Prepare performances
 Share some trivia
Making sure that everyone is enjoying while learning as the same time.
D. Samples of the activity
Sample Silhouette

Sample Outputs - Geometric Mosaic

E. Activity Cost

Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Costs in REMARKS

White paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Black Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Red paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Yellow Paint 165php/Liter ½ liter 82.50 LINE AT WORK
Blue Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Brush 34.00/set 10 sets 340.00 Use in the 2 activities
Canvas 65.00/pc 10 pcs 650.00 LINE AT WORK
Masking Tape 60.00/bundle 1 bundle 60.00 LINE AT WORK
Paper Plate (Silver) 20.00/pack 2 packs 40.00 Use in the 2 activities
Tissue 50/bundle 1 bundle 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Plastic Cups 45.00/pack 3 packs 135.00 Use in the 2 activities
Scissors 13.00/pc 10 pcs 130.00 Use in the 2 activities
Gloves 50.00/box 1 box 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Clear Coat (Spray) 100.00/pc 1 pc 100.00 LINE AT WORK
Popsicle Stick 20.00/pack 1 pack 20.00 Use in the 2 activities

MATERIAL needed that will be donated by each committee to lessen the Costs of
the Activity

Materials REMARKS
ACRYLIC PAINTS *donated by
each committe
White *
Black *
Red *
Blue *
Yellow *
Newspaper *donated
Card Board (Karton) *donated

F. Exhibit Plan (Last day of the project)

To motivate the students in making their art work, we will choose 3 groups that shown
their teamwork, creativity and artistry in making their Geometric Mosaic Animals. The
students will have to present their artwork in front so that the class will be to see their
output. The Leaders of each committee with the help of our ArtApp Instructor, we will
evaluate the artwork of each group to determine who will be the 1 st Placer, 2nd Placer
and 3rd Placer. Their prizes will be school supplies such as notebook, pen and many
more from BSMA 4B. The winners will receive the following:

Winners Awards
1st Placer Notebook, Ball pen, Stick Notes, Bookmark
2nd Placer Notebook, Ball pen, Bookmark
3rd Placer Ball pen, Stick Notes, Book mark

IV. Service Learning Activity

A. Activity Title

PET to POT: Recycling bottles into pot

B. Learning Outcomes
With this activity the students will be able to:

 Hone and apply their painting skills and creativity in doing the project
 Know how to make a creative pot out of plastic bottles
 Learn how to create a good art while having fun
 Learn how to recycle used pet bottles
 Evaluate their own ideas and methods in creating such art works
 Know the importance of recycling plastic bottles
 Practice teamwork

a. Detailed Activity Procedure

Discussion Proper:
Currently, our world faces a lot of environmental problems and issues. One of
which is the massive use of plastics. Plastics as we all know take a lot of
years for it to decompose. Most people nowadays make use of plastic bags,
containers and bottles. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to come up with
ideas on how to recycle such materials. In line with this, we would to
introduce to all of you one way to turn plastics into environmental friendly
products which you can also serve you a lot of uses.
Activity Proper:
The class that composed of 50 pupils will be divided into ten (10) groups and
every groups has five (5) members.
Each group will be given 2 plastic bottles (1.5 litters & 5 litters) and the
materials needed for the project. Within the allotted time given to them, they
should apply their painting skills and produce 2 pots with different designs.

PET to POT – Recycling PET bottles (Pot)

Materials to use:
 Latex Paint - Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow
 Cutter
 Paint Brush - 1 flat brush and 1 pointed brush
 Newspaper
 Scissors
 Permanent Marker
 Gloves
 Plastic cups
 Popsicle sticks
 Paper Plate (as Palette)

Step 1: Cut the pet bottles in half
with the use of a scissors or a
cutter and use the bottom part of
the bottle to make pots.

Step 2: Draw the shape of the animal

you want on the bottle. Cut out the
outline of it using your scissors.

Step 3: Paint the bottles using one color.

It will serve as the base of your design.
Let it dry for about 1 to 2 hours.
Step 4: After drying, draw the other
details like eyes, mouth, nose and other
designs you wanted.

Step 5: Paint those design and put other

designs you desire on the bottle. Let it
dry for about 30 minutes to 1 hour

During the session, while the students

and doing their art work, the
participants will:
 Provide an ice breaker
 Prepare performances
 Share some trivia
Making sure that everyone is enjoying the class and at the same time learning.

B. Samples of the activity

F. Activity Cost
Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Costs in REMARKS
White 155.00/liter 1/2 liters 77.50 PET to POT
Black 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Red 185.00/liter 1/2 liters 92.50 PET to POT
Brown 150/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Yellow 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Brush 34.00/set 10 sets 340.00 Use in the 2 activities
Cutter 35.00/bundle 1 bundle 35.00 PET to POT
Permanent Marker 47.00/set of 3 4 sets 188.00 Can be used for
discussion (visual
Tissue 50.00/bundle 1 bundle 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Plastic Cups 45.00/pack@50pc 3 pack 135.00 Use in the 2 activities
Paper Plates 20.00/pack 2 packs 40.00 Use in the 2 activities
Gloves 50.00/box 1 box 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Popsicle Stick 20.00/pack 1 pack 20.00 Use in the 2 activities


MATERIAL needed that will be donated by each Committee to

lessen the Costs of the Activity

Materials REMARKS
Bottles Donated
Newspaper Donated
Hair Dryer Borrowed

 Excess Latex Paint that the class used during the simulation will be used on the
Actual Service Learning to lessen the cost allocated for the Latex Paint.

G. Exhibit Plan (Last day of the project)

To motivate the students in making their art work, we will choose 3 groups that shown
their teamwork, creativity and artistry in making their Pet to Pot. The students will have
to present their artwork in front so that the class will be able to see their output. The
Leaders of each committee with the help of our ArtApp Instructor, we will evaluate the
artwork of each group to determine who will be the 1 st Placer, 2nd Placer and 3rd Placer.
Their prizes will be school supplies such as notebook, pen and many more from BSMA
4B. The winners will receive the following:

Winners Awards
1 Placer Notebook, Ball pen, Stick Notes, Correction Tape
2nd Placer Notebook, Ball pen, Correction Tape
3rd Placer Ball pen, Stick Notes, Correction Tape
The Most Outstanding Artwork (Top 3) will be evaluated based on the criteria provided
by the Leaders of each Committee:


Criteria Percentage
Creative Mixing of 35%
Creative Use of Basic 35%
Uniqueness 15%
Cleanliness of Art 15%
TOTAL 100%


Criteria Percentage
Creative image of 35%
Creative use of 35%
Uniqueness 15%
Neatness and 15%
TOTAL 100%

V. Project Fund

A. Fund Raising Activity


Conducting an art session as a part of Service Learning Program could be costly
so Promotion Committees decided to make and sell bookmarks, delicacies and pouches
that would be part of the Fund Raising. These outputs would be sold and the money
received would be used for the conducting of the Service Learning Program. Here are
the following outputs that were decided upon by the committees:
1. A bookmark is a thin marker, commonly made of card, leather, or fabric, used to
keep the reader's place in a book and to enable the reader to return to it with
ease. Other frequently used materials for bookmarks are paper, metals like silver
and brass, silk, wood, cord (sewing), and plastic. Many bookmarks can be
clipped on a page with the aid of a page-flap. This product would be very helpful
to many students this is the reason why we think that this product will help us on
our Fund Raising. It is not just to help us in our fund raising but also to help
students, teachers and other people who are using this product. This product is
not only just a product but our way to introduce our creativeness. We are the one
responsible for this product and by promoting it we want to inspire them be
creative and appreciative in a small thing.

2. Selling delicacies will be a big help on our Fund Raising. We are planning to
sell these delicacies to AUF students, inside and outside of the campus and also
to our family, relatives, friends, and other people. For sure they will buy them
because we are planning to sell them at an affordable cost. Though it has a low
cost we will make sure that it will be profitable which will help our fund raising a

B. Total Cost of the Project

The finance committees came up with the estimated cost for the "Line At Work" art
project exclusively for 50 pupils.
Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Costs in REMARKS
White paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Black Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Red paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Yellow Paint 165php/Liter ½ liter 82.50 LINE AT WORK
Blue Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Brush 34.00/set 10 sets 340.00 Use at the 2 activities
Canvas (8”x10”) 65.00/pc 10 pcs 650.00 LINE AT WORK
Masking Tape 60.00/bundle 1 bundle 60.00 LINE AT WORK
Paper Plate (Silver) 20.00/pack 2 packs 40.00 Use at the 2 activities
Tissue 50/bundle 1 bundle 50.00 Use at the 2 activities
Plastic Cups 45.00/pack 3 packs 135.00 Use at the 2 activities
Scissors 13.00/pc 10 pcs 130.00 Use at the 2 activities
Gloves 50.00/box 1 box 50.00 Use at the 2 activities
Clear Coat (Spray) 100.00/pc 1 pc 100 LINE AT WORK
Popsicle Stick 20.00/pack 1 pack 20.00 Use in the 2 activities
Silhouette 10.00/page 10 pages 100.00 LINE AT WORK
(10 animals)

Note: To reduce the cost, we will ask BSMA to donate other materials like brushes,
extra paints and other materials that we can contribute.
MATERIAL needed that will be donated by each Committee to
Lessen the Costs of the Activity

Materials REMARKS
The finance Newspaper committees came up
with the estimated Card Board (Karto) cost for the "Pet to
Pot" art project exclusively for 50
Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Costs in REMARKS
White 155.00/liter 1/2 liters 77.50 PET to POT
Black 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Red 185.00/liter 1/2 liters 92.50 PET to POT
Brown 150/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Yellow 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Brush 34.00/set 10 sets 340.00 Use in the 2 activities
Cutter 35.00/bundle 1 bundle 35.00 PET to POT
Permanent Marker 47.00/set of 3 4 sets 188.00 Can be used for
discussion (visual
Tissue 50.00/bundle 1 bundle 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Plastic Cups 45.00/pack@50pc 3 pack 135.00 Use in the 2 activities
Paper Plates 20.00/pack 2 packs 40.00 Use in the 2 activities
Gloves 50.00/box 1 box 50.00 Use in the 2 activities
Popsicle Stick 20.00/pack 1 pack 20.00 Use in the 2 activities


MATERIAL needed that will be donated by each Committee to

Lessen the Costs of the Activity

Materials REMARKS
Bottles Donated
Newspaper Donated
Hair Dryer Borrowed

 Excess Latex Paint that the class used during the simulation will be used on the
Actual Service Learning to lessen the cost allocated for the Latex Paint
 Note: To reduce the cost, we will ask BSMA to donate other materials like
brushes, extra paints and other materials that we can contribute.

Combined Cost of Pet-to-Pot and Line At Work:

Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Costs in REMARKS

White paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Black Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Red paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Yellow Paint 165php/Liter ½ liter 82.50 LINE AT WORK
Blue Paint 145php/Liter ½ liter 72.50 LINE AT WORK
Canvas 65.00/pc 10 pcs 650.00 LINE AT WORK
Clear Coat (Spray) 100.00/pc 1 pc 100.00 LINE AT WORK
Masking Tape 60.00/bundle 1 bundle 60.00 LINE AT WORK
Silhouette 10.00/page 10 pages 100.00 LINE AT WORK

White 155.00/liter 1/2 liters 77.50 PET to POT
Black 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Red 185.00/liter 1/2 liters 92.50 PET to POT
Brown 150/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Yellow 150.00/liter 1/2 liters 75.00 PET to POT
Cutter 35.00/bundle 1 bundle 35.00 PET to POT

Permanent Marker 47.00/set of 3 4 sets 188.00 Can be used for

discussion (visual aids)
Brush 34.00/set 10 sets 340.oo Use by the 2 activities
Paper Plate 20.00/pack 2 packs 40.00 Use by the 2 activities
Tissue 50/bundle 1 bundle 50.00 Use by the 2 activities
Plastic Cups 45.00/pack 3 pack 135.00 Use by the 2 activities
Scissors 15.00/pc 10 pcs 150.00 Use by the 2 activities
Gloves 50.00/box 1 box 50.00 Use by the 2 activities

Additional Costs:
We would need an estimated additional 6 six Manila papers and a marker for the visual
aids, which will be needed in the program. We will also incur printing cost for the picture
of the color wheel to be provided for each group for their convenience. It will be five
pages that contain two pictures of the color wheel. Those five pages will then be divided
to two to provide the ten groups.
Materials Unit Price in Peso Quantity TOTAL Amount in Peso
Manila Paper 6 10 pcs 30.00
Color Wheel 5 5 pages 25.00

The team will allocate a budget for the Prizes that will be given during the awarding
proper. In addition, this will also include the budget for the prizes that will be given
during the ice breaker. The budget for the Prize is shown in the table below:
Prizes Quantity Price Total Remarks
Ball pen 40 pcs To be donated by 0 Ice breaker, 3rd prize,
BSMA 2nd prize, 1st prize
Sticky notes 30 pcs 15/pc 450.00 Ice breaker, 3rd prize,
2nd prize, 1st prize
Notebook 20 pcs 15.00/pc 300.00 2nd prize, 1st prize
Correction tape 30 pcs 15.00/pc 450.00 3rd prize, 2nd prize, 1st
Plain brown 30 pcs 10.00/pc 300.00 3 prize, 2nd prize, 1st

paper bag prize

total 1,500.00

The team will allocate a budget for the Transportation from Angeles University
Foundation to the Partner School - Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School. The
budget will be use in the said activity for 2 days.


Materials of the 2 activities 2,325.50
Additional Costs and Transportation 1,255.00
Prizes 1500.00
Transportation Amount Quantity Total Cost
NET TOTAL 5,080.50
1 day 300.00 round trip 2 Jeepney 600.00
2 day 300.00 round trip 2 Jeepney 600.00
Cost 1,200.00 &

Expenses of Fund-Raising Project


*The excess amount that will be earned in the Fund-Raising will be use in the
Actual Service Learning Activity (example: snack, water).


Delicacies 190 packs 20.00 3800.00
Bookmarks 25 pieces 20.00 500.00
Pouches 10 pieces 100.00 1000.00




Powdered Milk 2 packs 300.00 600.00
Condensed Milk 3 cans 60.00 180.00
White Sugar .5 kg 40.00 40.00
Japanese Paper 20 pieces 4.00 80.00
TOTAL: 900.00



Glue Stick 5 pieces 5.00 25.00
Clip Paper 10 pieces 1.00 10.00
Small Elmers Glue 1 22.00 22.00
Short Bond paper 2 packs 5.00 10.00
Wire 6 rolls 4.00 24.00
Paper String 2 rolls 16.00 32.00
Long Folder 5 6.00 30.00
Beads 2 plastics 6.00 12,00
Popsicle stick 2 packs 100.00 100.00
TOTAL: 300.00


Cloth 4 yards 25.00 100.00
TOTAL : 100.00
NOTE: The team decided to use social media for easier means of promoting the
presented products.


Capital that was used was provided by the class.

NOTE: The team decided to use social media for easier means of promoting the
presented products.
VI. Committees

Zhearry May S. Bugtong: Supervise all
committees in their duties and ensure the success
of the service learning activity.
Warren M. Mallari
Carlo M. Salas
Charlene Ronquillo
 Supervise all the other teams to ensure a smooth flow of the activity.

To achieve the stated learning outcomes, the design
committee has the following objectives:
 Productively brainstorm on the art skills for the
beneficiaries and organize the art workshops
to be conducted, while doing such, be able
to reignite the skill of making art to the
 Share the ideas and knowledge about art to the
beneficiaries and monitor the mentees in their
process of producing artworks ; and
 Participate in the production of artworks to be sold in order to raise funds
for the service learning activity.
Leader :
Mariel Luisa M. Guinto
 Administer the learning's of the beneficiaries and manage the mentors in
the design committee. Also, to provide training to the design committee in
order that the essential art skills will continue on to the beneficiaries.
Members :
Teach the beneficiaries different art techniques to use in their artworks. Enhance
the skills of the beneficiaries assisting them throughout the process.
Nica Angela D. Lam
Ma. Effie Shayne P. Santiago
Patricia Erica Reyes
Geri Mae D. Yalung
Bin MeftahSameraSaleh
April Santos
To meet the stated learning outcomes, this committee aims to:
 Responsible in creating one plan from the
accumulated plans of different committees
and ensure that each plan is accurately
 Producing an artistic compilation thru
conciseness and resourcefulness that may
effectively meet the contents of the plan and
action and clearly communicate it with
 To consistently remind each teams to observe and use their time
efficiently, document the events. Observe the allocation of time of different
committees in completing and communicating the reports or outputs in
order for the compilation to be done completely and absolutely.
Saverola, Patricia Erriz I.
 Accumulate all the necessary information coming from supervising
and design committee.
 Works and handle the final revision of the plan.
Lazatin, Clarice
 Assemble all the details and figures coming from promotion
Pinpin, Ervin & Kim Ha Eun
 Gather and outline the information coming from the photo-video
and editing
Pangilinan, Mia Alyssa
 Settle and layout the information of facilitation committee.
Rodriguez, Desseree & Selom, Eriene T.
 Collect and arrange the information from the finance committee.

The finance committee aims to:

 Estimating budget for the overall materials for the
 Assist the committee in the overall fulfillment of
the objectives and duties.
Leader: Dhenielle Kate Alcaire
 Estimated the cost for the overall materials of the
Charlene Nicole Mallari
Tagulao, Kristine Jane P.
 Prepared the objectives of the committee.
Chienny Frine Cuevo and Alliah Manansala
 Assist the committee in the overall fulfillments of the objectives and duties.

The promotion committee aims to:
Establish a plan to generate funds for the Service Learning Program and gather
sufficient funds that could support the costs of implementing the Art Workshop.
Pineda, Josiefae G.
 Oversees the tasks of the committee and lead them to the better performance of
their designated tasks and in generating enough funds.
Allanigue, Kate Jorley
 To advertise and help on selling the products that would help in generating
enough funds for the Service Learning Program.
Laxamana, Randylyn Rose C. & Gvoss, Florita G.
 To help in selling and advertising the products.
Serrano, Renwella D. & Olea, Princess Eibhin
 To help in the production of the art works and promote it to others.


To meet the stated learning outcomes, this committee aims to:

 Form a plan on how to enable classroom involvement of each
student with the mentors’ and the workshop and make
sure that the art session will be enjoyable and
 Make sure that the duration of the program will be
properly executed, preventing the students from
getting off track and maintain cleanliness and
smooth flow of the activity during the training;
 Be aware and profound enough to students’
queries and concerns about the product they
will be doing;
 Communicate to the school administration and set the schedule for the
service learning activity;
 Responsible for the venue and for the visual aids needed and to keep the
materials used by students; and
 Help the whole team to achieve its purpose by hearing each other, coming
to understanding and making wise decision for the benefit of the whole
team, ensuring the plan is addressed.
Espiritu, Lois Abegail
 Lead the facilitation team during sessions
 Maintain the smooth flow of the workshop
 Makes sure that all the materials to be used by the class is properly
 Takes into account all inputs made by other groups.
Aldep, Marby Joy U. and Costales, Marina
 Be assigned to a group of students (Line at work) to facilitate during the
 Assist the Committee in the overall fulfillment of the objectives and duties.
Ramos, Veronica, Basem Emad al Jesri and Buenafe, Kaselyn
 Be assigned to a group of students (Pet-to-Pot) to facilitate during the
 Assist the Committee in the overall fulfillment of the objectives and duties

This committee aims to present the proper documentation
of the service Learning Program.
 Properly edit the pictures and/or videos of the
activities done in the said program.
 Edit and Present the reports.
 Assist in editing the documents and
files needed in the program.
Micheal Jocson: Responsible for checking all the necessary information that needs to
be included in the proposal. Proofread and making sure that everything are not
overlooked. Responsible for the Revision of the proposal for everything that needs to be
Juenna Gueco, Frances Coleen Luna – After getting the output from the compilation
team. They will do the proofreading making sure that everything are included in the
Cheyzelle David, Daewon Lee – Responsible in communicating with the Compilation
team making sure that the proposal is complete.
Supervise all the other teams to ensure a smooth flow of the activity.

To meet the stated learning outcomes, this committee
aims to:
 Capture every moment from the beginning
of the planning, preparation and actual
performance of the said activities till the
end of the service;
 Capture scenes that will show the best
emotions towards service;
 Record some videos that will give the
viewers the joy in serving, especially
towards the students;
 Present a same-day edit video of the service learning activity, if possible.
 Coordinate and collaborate with the team for organizing the files of photos
and videos captured during and also with the editing group of the class.
Mungcal, Venaphania Glysdi M.
 Responsible for delegating the members in what area/part of the activity to
 Assure that all the important scene and details will be caught in camera.
 Provide all the necessary gadgets and accessories for the best result of
the documentation.
 Take photos for close up and group pictures.
Pascual, Romeo Jeremiah C.
 Record videos of the service learning activity and the subject is more on
close-up and focuses on the event.
Magtoto, Camille Ann
 Record videos and pictures behind the seen, more like vlogging style,
capture some time lapse with the use of go pro and assist the other
Mallari, Myla
 Record videos of the service learning activity and the subject is more on
the details and students.
Tuazon, Ian
 Capture wide photos and video the whole event and assist the other

Program of Activity

A. Planning
Our class (BSMA-4B), had conducted meetings where we talked about which art to
share and teach our designated school for the requirement, segregation of tasks, and
on how we will come up with the required budget to cover our estimated expenses.

We have decided to conduct a workshop on how to do a Line at work and Pet-to-Pot art
work. The program will start with the introduction and orientation about the two art work.
Then followed by the workshop proper where the students will be divided into two
groups. And as the last part of the session we will be facilitating an exhibit of their
outputs and awarding of those who have the best output..

B. Fund Raising
As to the requirement on our Art appreciation class, for us to provide the materials that
will be used for the workshop, the promotion team decided to sell products such as
delicacies, bookmarks, and pouches for our fund raising. The said products will be
made by our class and will be sold to our fellow Angeleneans for us to cover the
expenses on conducting the workshop.

VII. Program of Activity

Number of Sessions: 2
Duration per Session: 4 hours
General Program for Day 1


2 minutes Opening Prayer by Marby Joy Aldep

Introduction by Facilitation Committee:

25 minutes -Objectives of Line At Work
-Activity for the Day

10 minutes Group designation

13 minutes Distribution of Materials

Explanation for the preparation of PET-

30 minutes

Demonstration of procedures for Line

2 hours At Work simultaneous with the activity
of the students

Collection of materials and outputs of

25 minutes
the students

13 minutes Announcement of Day 2 Activities

2 minutes Closing Prayer by Marina Costales

General Program for Day 2


2 minutes Opening Prayer by Lois Espiritu

Introduction by Facilitation Committee:

25 minutes -Objectives of PET-to-pot
-Activity for the Day

23 minutes Groupings and Distribution of Materials

Demonstration of procedures for PET-

1 hour and 50 minutes to-pot simultaneous with the
activity of the students

Collection of materials and outputs of

25 minutes
the students

30 minutes Exhibit of Line At Work and Pet-To-Pot

Performance of BSMA- 4B and

20 minutes
Awarding of Best Output per Activity

Closing Remarks
5 minutes



A. Introduction by Facilitation Committee

• The 25 minutes allotted time will be used by the Facilitation Committee to explain
the objectives of Lines at Work and the subsequent activities for the whole day to
inform the students about the details of the activity.

B. Group designation
• The Facilitation Committee will designate the students to their respective groups
with the help of the Supervising Committee. This will be done for 10 minutes.

C. Distribution of Materials
• The Facilitation and Supervising Committee will distribute the materials while the
Design Committee is preparing their materials for the demonstration.

D. Explanation for the preparation of PET-to-pot

• The Facilitation Committee will start to explain on how to prepare for PET-to-pot
to be done on the second session. This is good for 30 minutes.

E. Demonstration of procedures for Lines At Work

• The Design Committee will start the demonstration for the procedures of Lines at
work while the students are following the steps.

F. Collection of materials and outputs of the students

• The Facilitation and Supervising Committee will collect the materials used by the
students and their outputs.

G. Announcement
• To prepare the students for the activities on 2 nd day, the Facilitation, Supervising
and Design Committee will briefly discuss the next activities.

Visual Aids: Printed materials with pictures
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Base: Plastic bottles
Duration: 1 hour


A. Introduction by Facilitation Committee

• The 25 minutes allotted time will be used by the Facilitation Committee to explain
the objectives of PET-to-pot and the subsequent activities for the whole day to
inform the students about the details of the activity.

B. Groupings and Distribution of Materials

• Since the delegates were already grouped on the first day, the Facilitation
Committee will let the students go to their respective groups and distribute the
materials needed.

C. Demonstration of procedures for PET-to-pot

• The Design Committee will start the demonstration in continuation of the PET-to-
pot procedures.

D. Collection of materials and outputs of the students

• The Facilitation and Supervising Committee will collect the materials used by the
students and their outputs.

E. Exhibit
 The outputs of the students will be put on the exhibit area so other students will
also see their artworks while the judges are judging and deciding for the best

F. Performance and Awarding

 BSMA 4B will have a short performance for the students before awarding the
best output for Lines at work and Pet-to-pot.

G. Closing Remarks
 All the leaders will have a short speech to thank the students for their

Visual Aids: Printed materials with pictures
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Base: Canvas
Duration: 1 hour
VIII. Evaluation
The Art Workshop will document its success in meeting its objectives and milestones
and to assess its impact on the youth and schools it serves.

The evaluation is designed to ensure that:

 implementation will be monitored systematically and on an on-going basis
 specific progress measures will be used to assess the quality and completeness
of project activities
 Specific progress measures will be aligned with the goals, targets and expected
outcomes set forth in this application narrative so that progress towards
achieving them can be accurately assessed.

The evaluation will include both formative (process) and summative (impact)
performance measures. Formative evaluation methods will relate to the effectiveness of
the project’s procedures, practices and activities in implementing the project and in
meeting project milestones in conformance with the proposed timelines. A key purpose
of the formative evaluation will be to collect, analyze, and disseminate data over the
course of the project to help the committee to stay “on track” in implementing project
activities and to promote ongoing project improvement. Summative evaluation methods
will address project implementation and consequent changes in youth outcomes
regarding student behavior and creativity achievement objectives.

Key summative evaluation questions are:

a) Is the project achieving its objectives and performance targets? and
b) What is the project’s impact on student behavior, attitudes and creativity

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