Scan WFH
Scan WFH
Scan WFH
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
Office Memorandum
It is quite likely that for the near future, the Central Secretariat will continue to go
for staggered attendance and variable working hours to maintain social distancing at
workplace. Therefore, a broad framework for Work from Home is important to
standardize the operating procedure even post Lock down situation and to ensure
safety and security of information, while accessing Government files and information
remotely from home.
Accordingly a draft consultation paper for the Work from Home is being enclosed at
Annexure for comments. We shall be grateful for considered views and comments of
your Ministry/Department on the proposal latest by 21st May 2020. If comments are
not received by 21st May 2020, then, it will be presumed that your
Ministry/Department IS III agreement with the proposed draft.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Encls: Annexure
1. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
2. The DG (NIC)
3. JS (CIS) Ministry of Home Affairs
8. E-office has facility to link the important files and documents for
referencing in e-files. However, to enable this feature in Work from
Home environment, it is important that the important files/ folders
/clrculars are available in the Knowledge Management System of e-
office. The Ministries are therefore advised to make use of this
feature in e-office so that the important documents that may be
11. Necessary emails can be made part of the e-file and maintained as
digital record for future reference and processedas fresh receipts.
12. All VIP and parliament matters require utmost attention. Therefore,
SMSalerts be sent for all such receipts and files to the next officer
in the channel.
15. The officers to whom official laptops are provided shall ensure that
they do the official work in official device only. NIC shall ensure that
their devices are well protected against malware and malicious
websites. The officers who are working on their personal computers/
lap tops shall ensure installing regular updates, running antivirus
scans, blocking malicious sites, etc with the help of NIC to ensure
safety of their device against information theft.
16. Officers who are working from home shall be available on phone as
per requirements and directions of their officers.