The 2018 International Existing Building Code®: A Compilation of Wind Resistant Provisions
The 2018 International Existing Building Code®: A Compilation of Wind Resistant Provisions
The 2018 International Existing Building Code®: A Compilation of Wind Resistant Provisions
Usage Note
This document provides the wind resistant provisions of the 2018 International Existing Building Code and is not
intended to be a compilation of all the related provisions of the IEBC. Where material that was not specific to wind
was removed from a code section, “partial shown” is indicated. Where a “user note” or information that may be
useful to the reader is provided, it is provided in blue text. A description of applicable figures to the wind resistant
provisions are provided in italicized text, and the figure can be seen in the full publication of the IEBC.
IEBC® 2018 International Existing Building Code
The International Existing Building Code is a model code in the International Code family of codes intended to
provide requirements for repair and alternative approaches for alterations and additions to existing buildings. A
large number of existing buildings and structures do not comply with the current building code requirements for
new construction. Although many of these buildings are potentially salvageable, rehabilitation is often cost-
prohibitive because compliance with all the requirements for new construction could require extensive changes that
go well beyond the value of the building or the original scope of the alteration. At the same time, it is necessary to
regulate construction in existing buildings that undergo additions, alterations, extensive repairs or change of
occupancy. Such activity represents an opportunity to ensure that new construction complies with the current
building codes and that existing conditions are maintained, at a minimum, to their current level of compliance or
are improved as required to meet basic safety levels. To accomplish this objective, and to make the alteration
process easier, this code allows for options for controlled departure from full compliance with the International
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Wind Resistant Provisions of the 2018 International Existing Building Code®
Codes dealing with new construction, while maintaining basic levels for fire prevention, structural and life safety
features of the rehabilitated building.
This code provides three main options for a designer in dealing with alterations of existing buildings. These are
laid out in Section 301 of this code:
OPTION 1: Work for alteration, change of occupancy or addition of all existing buildings shall be done in
accordance with the Prescriptive Compliance Method given in Chapter 4. It should be noted that this method
originates from the former Chapter 34 of the International Building Code (2012 and earlier editions).
OPTION 2: Work for alteration, change of occupancy or addition of all existing buildings shall be done in
accordance with the Work Area Compliance Method given in Chapters 6 through 12.
OPTION 3: Work for alteration, change of occupancy or addition of all existing buildings shall be done in
accordance with the Performance
Compliance Method given in Chapter 13. It should be noted that this option was also provided in the former
Chapter 34 of the International Building Code (2012 and earlier editions).
Under limited circumstances, a building alteration can be made to comply with the laws under which the building
was originally built, as long as there has been no substantial structural damage and there will be limited structural
Arrangement and Format of the 2018 IEBC
Before applying the requirements of the IEBC it is beneficial to understand its arrangement and format. The IEBC,
like other codes published by ICC, is arranged and organized to follow logical steps that generally occur during a
plan review or inspection.
The IEBC is divided as follows:
Chapters Subjects
4 Repairs
14 Relocated Buildings
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Wind Resistant Provisions of the 2018 International Existing Building Code®
15 Construction Safeguards
16 Referenced Standards
User Note: The chapters shown below are those that are highlighted in this document and provide wind resistant
Chapter 1 Scope and Administration. This chapter contains provisions for the application, enforcement and
administration of subsequent requirements of the code. In addition to establishing the scope of the code, Chapter 1
identifies which buildings and structures come under its purview. [partial shown]
Chapter 2 Definitions. All defined terms in the code are provided in Chapter 2. [partial shown]
Chapter 3 Provisions for All Compliance Methods. This chapter explains the three compliance options available
in the code. Finally this chapter clarifies that provisions in other I-Codes related to repairs, alterations, additions,
relocation and changes in occupancy must also be addressed unless they conflict with the IEBC. In that case, the
IEBC takes precedence. [partial shown]
Chapter 4 Repairs. Chapter 4 governs the repair of existing buildings. The provisions define conditions under
which repairs may be made using materials and methods like those of the original construction or the extent to
which repairs must comply with requirements for new buildings. [partial shown]
Chapter 5 Prescriptive Compliance Method. This chapter provides one of the three main options of compliance
available in the IEBC for buildings and structures undergoing alteration, addition or change in occupancy.
Chapter 6 Classification of Work. This chapter provides an overview of the Work Area Method available as an
option for rehabilitation of a building. The chapter defines the different classifications of alterations and provides
general requirements for alterations, change of occupancy, additions and historic buildings. Detailed requirements
for all of these are given in subsequent Chapters 7 through 12.
Chapter 7 Alterations – Level 1. This chapter provides the technical requirements for those existing buildings
that undergo Level 1 alterations as described in Section 503, which includes replacement or covering of existing
materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures using new materials for the same purpose. [partial shown]
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Chapter 8 Alterations – Level 2. Like Chapter 7, the purpose of this chapter is to provide detailed requirements
and provisions to identify the required improvements in the existing building elements, building spaces and
building structural system when a building is being altered. [partial shown]
Chapter 9 Alterations – Level 3. This chapter provides the technical requirements for those existing buildings
that undergo Level 3 alterations. The purpose of this chapter is to provide detailed requirements and provisions to
identify the required improvements in the existing building elements, building spaces and building structural
system. This chapter is distinguished from Chapters 7 and 8 by involving alterations that cover 50 percent of the
aggregate area of the building. At times and under certain situations, this chapter also intends to improve the safety
of certain building features beyond the work area and in other parts of the building where no alteration work might
be taking place. [partial shown]
User Note: In certain cases, this can trigger additional remedial measure intended to improve the windstorm
resistance of the building.
Chapter 10 Change of Occupancy. The purpose of this chapter is to provide regulations for the circumstances
when an existing building is subject to a change in occupancy or a change of occupancy classification. A change of
occupancy is not to be confused with a change of occupancy classification. [partial shown]
Chapter 11 Additions. Chapter 11 provides the requirements for additions, which correlate to the code
requirements for new construction. [partial shown]
Chapter 12 Historic Buildings. This chapter provides some exceptions from code requirements when the building
in question has historic value. [partial shown]
Chapter 13 Performance Compliance Methods. This chapter allows for existing buildings to be evaluated so as
to show that alterations, while not meeting new construction requirements, will improve the current existing
situation. [partial shown]
Chapter 14 Relocated or Moved Buildings. Chapter 14 is applicable to any building that is moved or relocated.
Appendix C Guidelines for Wind Retrofit of Existing Buildings. This Appendix is intended to provide guidance
for retrofitting existing structures to strengthen their resistance to wind forces. This appendix is similar in scope to
Appendix A which addresses seismic retrofits for existing buildings except that the subject matter is related to
wind retrofits. These retrofits are voluntary measures that serve to better protect the public and reduce damage
from high wind events for existing buildings.
The purpose of the Appendix is to provide prescriptive alternatives for addressing retrofit of buildings in high wind
areas. Currently there are two chapters which deal with the retrofit of gable ends and the fastening of roof decks,
Appendix Chapters C1 and C2 respectively.
[A] 1 106.2.4 Exterior wall envelope. The construction documents shall include manufacturer’s installation
instructions that provide supporting documentation that the proposed penetration and opening details described in
the construction documents maintain the wind and weather resistance of the exterior wall envelope. The supporting
1 The "[A]" indicates that the Administrative Code Development Committee is responsible for this portion of the code.
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documentation shall fully describe the exterior wall system that was tested, where applicable, as well as the test
procedure used. [partial shown]
[A] ADDITION. An extension or increase in floor area, number of stories, or height of a building or structure.
[A] ALTERATION. Any construction or renovation to an existing structure other than a repair or addition.
[A] REPAIR. The reconstruction, replacement or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its
maintenance or to correct damage.
[BS] 1 SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE. For the purpose of determining compliance with the flood provisions of this
code, damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-
damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage
[BS] SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. For the purpose of determining compliance with the flood provisions
of this code, any repair, alteration, addition, or improvement of a building or structure, the cost of which equals or
exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure, before the improvement or repair is started. If the structure
has sustained substantial damage, any repairs are considered substantial improvement regardless of the actual
repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either:
1. Any project for improvement of a building required to correct existing health, sanitary, or safety
code violations identified by the code official and that is the minimum necessary to ensure safe living
conditions; or
2. Any alteration of a historic structure, provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure’s
continued designation as a historic structure.
[BS] SUBSTANTIAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE. A condition where any of the following apply:
1. The vertical elements of the lateral force resisting system have suffered damage such that the lateral
load-carrying capacity of any story in any horizontal direction has been reduced by more than 33 percent
from its predamage condition.
2. The capacity of any vertical component carrying gravity load, or any group of such components,
that has a tributary area more than 30 percent of the total area of the structure’s floor(s) and roof(s) has
been reduced more than 20 percent from its predamage condition and the remaining capacity of such
affected elements, with respect to all dead and live loads, is less than 75 percent of that required by the
International Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose, and location.
3. The capacity of any structural component carrying snow load, or any group of such components,
that supports more than 30 percent of the roof area of similar construction has been reduced more than 20
percent from its predamage condition, and the remaining capacity with respect to dead, live and snow
loads is less than 75 percent of that required by the International Building Code for new buildings of
similar structure, purpose and location.
1 The "[BS]" indicates that the Structural Code Development Committee is responsible for this portion of the code.
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401.2 Compliance. The work shall not make the building less complying than it was before the repair was
[BS] 405.1 General. Structural repairs shall be in compliance with this section and Section 401.2.
[BS] 405.2 Repairs to damaged buildings. Repairs to damaged buildings shall comply with this section.
[BS] 405.2.1 Repairs for less than substantial structural damage. Unless otherwise required by this section,
for damage less than substantial structural damage, the damaged elements shall be permitted to be restored to
their predamage condition.
[BS] 405.2.3 Substantial structural damage to vertical elements of the lateral force resisting system. A
building that has sustained substantial structural damage to the vertical elements of its lateral force-resisting system
shall be evaluated and repaired in accordance with Section 405.2.3.1, and either repaired in accordance with
Section 405.2.3.2 or repaired and retrofitted in accordance with Section 405.2.3.3, depending on the results of the
1. Buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B or C whose substantial structural damage was not
caused by earthquake need not be evaluated or retrofitted for load combinations that include earthquake
2. One- and two-family dwellings need not be evaluated or retrofitted for load combinations that include
earthquake effects.
[BS] 405.2.3.1 Evaluation. The building shall be evaluated by a registered design professional, and the evaluation
findings shall be submitted to the code official. The evaluation shall establish whether the damaged building, if
repaired to its pre-damage state, would comply with the provisions of the International Building Code for for load
combinations that include wind or earthquake effects, except that the seismic forces shall be the reduced seismic
[BS] 405.2.3.2 Extent of repair for compliant buildings. If the evaluation establishes that the building in its
predamage condition complies with the provisions of Section 405.2.3.1, then the damaged elements shall be
permitted to be restored to their predamage condition.
[BS] 405.2.3.3 Extent of repair for noncompliant buildings. If the evaluation does not establish that the building
in its predamage condition complies with the provisions of Section 405.2.3.1, then the building shall be retrofitted
to comply with the provisions of this section . The wind loads for the repair and retrofit shall be those required by
the building code in effect at the time of original construction, unless the damage was caused by wind, in which
case the wind loads shall be in accordance with the International Building Code. [partial shown]
[BS] 405.2.4.1 Lateral force-resisting elements. Regardless of the level of damage to vertical elements of the
lateral force-resisting system, if substantial structural damage to gravity load-carrying components was caused
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primarily by wind or seismic effects, then the building shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 405.2.3.1 and,
if noncompliant, retrofitted in accordance with Section 405.2.3.3.
1. Buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C whose substantial structural damage was not
caused by earthquake need not be evaluated or retrofitted for load combinations that include earthquake
2. One- and two-family dwellings need not be evaluated or retrofitted for load combinations that include
earthquake effects.
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light-frame construction methods of the International Building Code or the provisions of the International
Residential Code.
502.8 Additions to Group E facilities. For additions to Group E occupancies, storm shelters shall be provided in
accordance with Section 1106.1.
503.1 General. Except as provided by Section 302.4, 302.5 or this section, alterations to any building or structure
shall comply with the requirements of the International Building Code for new construction. Alterations shall be
such that the existing building or structure is not less complying with the provisions of the International Building
Code than the existing building or structure was prior to the alteration.
[BS] 503.4 Existing structural elements carrying lateral load. Except as permitted by Section 503.13, where the
alteration increases design lateral loads, results in a prohibited structural irregularity as defined in ASCE 7, or
decreases the capacity of any existing lateral load-carrying structural element, the structure of the altered building
or structure shall meet the requirements of Sections 1609 and 1613 of the International Building Code. Reduced
seismic forces shall be permitted.
Exception: Any existing lateral load-carrying structural element whose demand-capacity ratio with the
alteration considered is not more than 10 percent greater than its demand-capacity ratio with the alteration
ignored shall be permitted to remain unaltered. For purposes of calculating demand-capacity ratios, the demand
shall consider applicable load combinations with design lateral loads or forces in accordance with Sections
1609 and 1613 of the International Building Code. Reduced seismic forces shall be permitted. For purposes of
this exception, comparisons of demand-capacity ratios and calculation of design lateral loads, forces and
capacities shall account for the cumulative effects of additions and alterations since original construction.
[BS] 503.11 Substantial structural alteration. Where the work area exceeds 50 percent of the building area and
where work involves a substantial structural alteration, the lateral load-resisting system of the altered building
shall satisfy the requirements of Sections 1609 and 1613 of the International Building Code. Reduced seismic
forces shall be permitted.
1. Buildings of Group R occupancy with not more than five dwelling or sleeping units used solely for
residential purposes that are altered based on the conventional light-frame construction methods of the
International Building Code or in compliance with the provisions of the International Residential Code.
2. Where the intended alteration involves only the lowest story of a building, only the lateral load-resisting
components in and below that story need comply with this section.
503.12 Roof diaphragms resisting wind loads in high-wind regions. Where the intended alteration requires a
permit for reroofing and involves removal of roofing materials from more than 50 percent of the roof diaphragm of
a building or section of a building located where the ultimate design wind speed is greater than 115 mph (51 m/s)
in accordance with Figure 1609.3(1) of the International Building Code or in a special wind region as defined in
Section 1609 of the International Building Code, roof diaphragms, connections of the roof diaphragm to roof
framing members, and roof-to-wall connections shall be evaluated for the wind loads specified in Section1609 of
the International Building Code, including wind uplift. If the diaphragms and connections in their current condition
are not capable of resisting 75 percent of those wind loads, they shall be replaced or strengthened in accordance
with the loads specified in Section 1609 of the International Building Code.
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[BS] 503.13 Voluntary lateral force-resisting system alterations. Structural alterations that are intended
exclusively to improve the lateral force-resisting system and are not required by other sections of this code shall
not be required to meet the requirements of Section 1609 or Section 1613 of the International Building Code,
provided that all of the following apply:
1. The capacity of existing structural systems to resist forces is not reduced.
2. New structural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements as required by
the International Building Code for new construction.
3. New or relocated nonstructural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements
as required by the International Building Code for new construction.
4. The alterations do not create a structural irregularity as defined in ASCE 7 or make an existing structural
irregularity more severe.
506.4 Structural. Any building undergoing a change of occupancy shall satisfy the requirements of this section.
506.4.2 Snow and wind loads. Where a change of occupancy results in a structure being assigned to a higher risk
category, the structure shall satisfy the requirements of Sections 1608 and 1609 of the International Building Code
for the new risk category.
Exception: Where the area of the new occupancy is less than 10 percent of the building area, compliance with
this section is not required. The cumulative effect of occupancy changes over time shall be considered.
506.4.4 Access to Risk Category IV. Any structure that provides operational access to an adjacent structure
assigned to Risk Category IV as the result of a change of occupancy shall itself satisfy the requirements of Sections
1608, 1609 and 1613 of the International Building Code. For compliance with Section 1613, International
Building Code-level seismic forces shall be used. Where operational access to the Risk Category IV structure is
less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from either an interior lot line or from another structure, access protection from
potential falling debris shall be provided.
[BS] 507.4 Structural. Historic buildings shall comply with the applicable structural provisions in this chapter.
1. The code official shall be authorized to accept existing floors and existing live loads and to approve
operational controls that limit the live load on any floor.
2. Repair of substantial structural damage is not required to comply with Sections 405.2.3, and 405.2.4.
Substantial structural damage shall be repaired in accordance with Section 405.2.1.
User Note: For historic buildings damaged elements are allowed to be restored to their pre-damage condition.
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[BS] 705.1 General. Materials and methods of application used for recovering or replacing an existing roof
covering shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15 of the International Building Code. [partial shown –
exceptions omitted]
[BS] 705.3 Roof replacement. Roof replacement shall include the removal of all existing layers of roof coverings
down to the roof deck.
Exception: Where the existing roof assembly includes an ice barrier membrane that is adhered to the roof
deck, the existing ice barrier membrane shall be permitted to remain in place and covered with an additional
layer of ice barrier membrane in accordance with Section 1507 of the International Building Code.
[BS] 705.3.1 Roof recover. The installation of a new roof covering over an existing roof covering shall be
permitted where any of the following conditions occur:
1. The new roof covering is installed in accordance with the roof covering manufacturer’s approved
2. Complete and separate roofing systems, such as standing-seam metal roof panel systems, that are designed
to transmit the roof loads directly to the building’s structural system and that do not rely on existing roofs
and roof coverings for support, are installed.
3. Metal panel, metal shingle and concrete and clay tile roof coverings are installed over existing wood shake
roofs in accordance with Section 705.4.
4. A new protective roof coating is applied over an existing protective roof coating, a metal roof panel, metal
roof shingles, mineral-surfaced roll roofing, a built-up roof, modified bitumen roofing, thermoset and
thermoplastic single-ply roofing or a spray polyurethane foam roofing system.
[BS] 705.3.1.1 Exceptions. A roof recover shall not be permitted where any of the following conditions occur:
1. The existing roof or roof covering is water soaked or has deteriorated to the point that the existing roof or
roof covering is not adequate as a base for additional roofing.
2. The existing roof covering is slate, clay, cement or asbestos-cement tile.
3. The existing roof has two or more applications of any type of roof covering.
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[BS] 706.3.2 Roof diaphragms resisting wind loads in high-wind regions. Where roofing materials are removed
from more than 50 percent of the roof diaphragm or section of a building located where the ultimate design wind
speed, Vult, determined in accordance with Figure 1609.3(1) of the International Building Code, is greater than 115
mph (51 m/s) or in a special wind region, as defined in Section 1609 of the International Building Code, roof
diaphragms, connections of the roof diaphragm to roof framing members, and roof-to-wall connections shall be
evaluated for the wind loads specified in the International Building Code, including wind uplift. If the diaphragms
and connections in their current condition are not capable of resisting at least 75 percent of those wind loads, they
shall be replaced or strengthened in accordance with the loads specified in the International Building Code.
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[BS] 806.4 Voluntary lateral force-resisting system alterations. Structural alterations that are intended
exclusively to improve the lateral force-resisting system and are not required by other sections of this code shall
not be required to meet the requirements of Section 1609 or Section 1613 of the International Building Code,
provided that the following conditions are met:
1. The capacity of existing structural elements required to resist forces is not reduced.
2. New structural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements as required by
the International Building Code for new construction;
3. New or relocated nonstructural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements
as required by the International Building Code for new construction.
4. The alterations do not create a structural irregularity as defined in ASCE 7 or make an existing structural
irregularity more severe.
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1101.1 Scope. An addition to a building or structure shall comply with the International Codes as adopted for new
construction without requiring the existing building or structure to comply with any requirements of those codes or
of these provisions, except as required by this chapter. Where an addition impacts the existing building or
structure, that portion shall comply with this code.
1101.2 Creation or extension of nonconformity. An addition shall not create or extend any nonconformity in the
existing building to which the addition is being made with regard to accessibility, structural strength, fire safety,
means of egress, or the capacity of mechanical, plumbing, or electrical systems.
[BS] 1103.2 Lateral force-resisting system. Where the addition is structurally independent of the existing
structure, existing lateral load-carrying structural elements shall be permitted to remain unaltered. Where the
addition is not structurally independent of the existing structure, the existing structure and its addition acting
together as a single structure shall meet the requirements of Sections 1609 and 1613 of the International Building
Code using full seismic forces.
1. Buildings of Group R occupancy with no more than five dwelling or sleeping units used solely for
residential purposes where the existing building and the addition comply with the conventional light-frame
construction methods of the International Building Code or the provisions of the International Residential
2. Any existing lateral load-carrying structural element whose demand-capacity ratio with the addition
considered is not more than 10 percent greater than its demand-capacity ratio with the addition ignored
shall be permitted to remain unaltered. For purposes of calculating demand-capacity ratios, the demand
shall consider applicable load combinations with design lateral loads or forces in accordance with Sections
1609 and 1613 of the International Building Code. For purposes of this exception, comparisons of
demand-capacity ratios and calculation of design lateral loads, forces and capacities shall account for the
cumulative effects of additions and alterations since original construction.
1106.1 Addition to a Group E occupancy. Where an addition is added to an existing Group E occupancy located
in an area where the shelter design wind speed for tornados is 250 mph in accordance with Figure 304.2(1) of ICC
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500 and the occupant load in the addition is 50 or more, the addition shall have a storm shelter constructed in
accordance with ICC 500.
1. Group E day care facilities.
2. Group E occupancies accessory to places of religious worship.
3. Additions meeting the requirements for shelter design in ICC 500.
1106.1.2 Location. Storm shelters shall be located within the buildings they serve, or shall be located where the
maximum distance of travel from not fewer than one exterior door of each building to a door of the shelter serving
that building does not exceed 1,000 feet (305 m).
1301.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the alteration, addition and change of occupancy of
existing structures, including historic structures, as referenced in Section 301.3.3. The provisions of this chapter
are intended to maintain or increase the current degree of public safety, health and general welfare in existing
buildings while permitting, alteration, addition and change of occupancy without requiring full compliance with
Chapters 6 through 12, except where compliance with other provisions of this code is specifically required in this
1301.2.3 Additions. Additions to existing buildings shall comply with the requirements of the International
Building Code or the International Residential Code for new construction. [partial shown]
1301.2.3.1 Additions to Group E facilities. For additions to Group E occupancies, storm shelters shall be
provided in accordance with Section 1106.1.
1301.3 Acceptance. For repairs, alterations, additions, and changes of occupancy to existing buildings that are
evaluated in accordance with this section, compliance with this section shall be accepted by the code official.
1301.4 Investigation and evaluation. For proposed work covered by this chapter, the building owner shall
cause the existing building to be investigated and evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Sections
1301.4 through 1301.9.
[BS] 1301.4.1 Structural analysis. The owner shall have a structural analysis of the existing building made to
determine adequacy of structural systems for the proposed alteration, addition or change of occupancy. The
analysis shall demonstrate that the building with the work completed is capable of resisting the loads specified
in Chapter 16 of the International Building Code.
1301.4.3 Determination of compliance. The code official shall determine whether the existing building, with the
proposed addition, alteration, or change of occupancy, complies with the provisions of this section in accordance
with the evaluation process in Sections 1301.5 through 1301.9.
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