Comparing Athens and Sparta: Where Would You Rather Live, and Why?
Comparing Athens and Sparta: Where Would You Rather Live, and Why?
Comparing Athens and Sparta: Where Would You Rather Live, and Why?
Allies Delian League (with Athens clearly a Peloponnesian League (with Sparta
the most powerful); Athens taxed clearly the most powerful).
and protected other city-states.
Life style Democratic values for citizens. Spartan culture: Militaristic values.
and values They believed in participation in Children of citizens were raised to be
government as a civic "Spartan", taught to get along with
responsibility. Athenians believed almost nothing. Spartiate citizens were
in their cultural superiority and in not permitted to own gold or silver or
their role in an empire and luxuries. Spartan children were taught
benefiting from trade. (See to respect elderly, women, and
Pericles' Funeral Oration showing warriors. [The strict separation of
these values.) "Further, we classes and militaristic system was put
provide many ways to refresh the into place by Lycurgus in the 7th
mind from the burdens of century BC.]
business. We hold contests and Spartan mothers would say to their
offer sacrifices all the year round, sons, "Either come back with your
and the elegance of our private shield or on it" (meaning return
establishments forms a daily victorious or die fighting).
source of pleasure and helps to This lifestyle was praised by
drive away sorrow. The magnitude Xenophon, an ancient historian c. 375
of our city draws the produce of BCE.
the world into our harbor, so that
to the Athenian the fruits of other
countries are as familiar a luxury
as those of his own."
Education Boys: Schools taught reading, Boys: Boys were taken from parents
writing and mathematics, music, at age seven and trained in the art of
poetry, sport and gymnastics. warfare. They were only give a cloak -
Based upon their birth and the no shoes or other clothes, and not
wealth of their parents, the length enough food so they had to steal (to
of education was from the age of learn survival skills). At age 20 they
5 to 14, for the wealthier 5 - 18 were placed into higher ranks of the
and sometimes into a student's military. To age 30 they were
mid-twenties in an academy where dedicated to the state; then they could
they would also study philosophy, marry but still lived in barracks with
ethics, and rhetoric (the skill of other soldiers. They were educated in
persuasive public speaking). choral dance, reading and writing, but
Finally, the citizen boys entered a athletics and military training were
military training camp for two emphasized.Girls: Girls were
years, until the age of twenty. educated at age 7 in reading and
Foreign metics and slaves were writing, gymnastics, athletics and
not expected to attain anything survival skills. Could participate in
but a basic education in Greece, sports; treated more as equals.
but were not excluded from it
Girls: Girls received little formal
education (except perhaps in the
aristocrats' homes through tutors);
they were generally kept at home
and had no political power in
Athens. The education of a girl
involved spinning, weaving, and
other domestic art.
Cultural Art, architecture, drama and Military supremacy and simple lifestyle
achieve- literature, philosophy, science, are the major inspiration behind the
ments and medicine, etc. Government philosopher Plato's book 'The Republic'
legacy (democracy, trial by jury) - the first attempt to formulate an
'ideal' community.