Common Features of Classical Civilizations
Common Features of Classical Civilizations
Common Features of Classical Civilizations
The three areas of classical civilizations developed their own beliefs, lifestyles, political
institutions, and social structures. However, there were important similarities among them:
Patriarchal family structures - Like the river valley civilizations that preceded them, the classical
civilization valued male authority within families, as well as in most other areas of life.
Agricultural-based economies - Despite more sophisticated and complex job specialization, the most
common occupation in all areas was farming.
Complex governments - Because they were so large, these three civilizations had to invent new ways to
keep their lands together politically. Their governments were large and complex, although they each had
unique ways of governing
Expanding trade base - Their economic systems were complex. Although they generally operated
independently, trade routes connected them by both land and sea.
Culture Political Organization Social Structure
Slavery widely
Most enduring influences come practiced
from Athens: