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Lect7 - Flexural Strength - 1151

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Ultimate Strength of

Prestressed Concrete

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Ultimate strength of prestressed concrete members has to be
checked at two points in time
• At Transfer (AS3600 – 2009 cl.2.4.2)
– Check whether the beam can sustain the applied prestress without
φ Pu > 1.15 Pj

• At Overload
Check whether the beam can sustain factored strength design loads without
M*≤ φMu , φ = 0.8, ku ≤ 0.4
Since both checks are for failure possibility, these are ultimate strength

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Analysis of Mu using yield strength of prestressing
ie. Ultimate strength at overload
b ε = 0.003

dsc εsc Cs
dp dn Cc
εcp σpu Tp
εsu Ts
Strains in concrete Stresses Forces
Note: rectangular stress block assumptions given in AS3600-2009 Clause 8.1.3
where   for f’c ≤ 50MPa
dn = kud
 = 1.05 – 0.007f’c (within limits 0.67 ≤ g ≤ 0.85) d= effective depth

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Calculation of forces in the section
• Concrete Compressive force, Cc
Cc = 0.85f’c γdnb and acts at depth dc = 0.5γdn

• Steel compressive Force, Csc

Cs = AscEsεsc = AscEs ε0 (dn-dsc)/dn (if compression steel has not yielded)
Cs = Ascfsy (if compression steel has yielded)
and acts at depth dsc

• Tensile forces on prestressing tendon Tp and reinforcing steel Ts

assuming both prestressing and tensile steel have
Ts = Astfsy and acts dst
Tp = Apfpy and acts dp

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Calculation of Mu
Assumption all steels have yielded and neutral axis depth dn determined from force
equilibrium ie.

Force Equilibrium
Cc = Tp + Ts-Cc
0.85f’cdnb = fsyAst + fpyAp - fsyAsc

With dn evaluated and the top fibre strain fixed at cu = 0.003, the strains in all the
steel elements are determined by similar triangles

d st  d n d n  d sc
 su   cu  sc   cu
d p  dn
 pu   pe   ce   cu
RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina
Calculation of Mu

Provided all steel strains are greater than relevant limits sy and py, Moment Equilibrium,

Taking moments of the internal forces about the top fibre of the section,
Mu= Tsdst + Tpdp – Ccdc – Csdsc

Where ‘Mu’ is the ultimate moment capacity is the applied external moment corresponding to
failure. Failure in a reinforced concrete beam is defined as the point at which maximum
concrete compressive strain = 0.003

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Total strain in prestressing steel εpu

pu is the total strain in the prestressing steel at Mu.

Total strain in prestress steel = pu = pe + ce + cp

= pe + ce + ε0(dp-dn)/dn

• due to effective prestress

εpe = σp/Ep = P/ApEp

• Compressive stress in concrete adjacent to the prestressing cable, due

to prestress alone
εce = σce/Ec where σce= P/Ag + Pe2/Ig

• Tensile strain in concrete at level of prestress steel due to applied

εcp = ε0(dp-dn)/dn

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Strains at Mu in section with prestress
b o

cp ce pe
 pu
Due to prestress only, strain in concrete at tendon level is ce (+ve); strain in
the tendon is pe (-ve)

Applied moment causes strain in concrete to change from +ve ce to –ve cp.
The concrete at the tendon level has therefore undergone a tensile strain
increment  = cp + ce (absolute values). Assuming perfect bond, the same
change in strain must occur in tendon.

Total strain in prestress p = pe +ce +cp

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina
Worked example: 7.12 in text book
Calculation of ultimate moment capacity

• A post-tensioned prestressed concrete beam has a configuration of reinforcement

shown in the figure. Calculate the ultimate moment capacity of the section.
• f’c = 32 MPa
• γ = 0.822,
• Ec = 28,570 MPa 300
• Ep = 190,000 MPa
• Ast = 1800 mm2
• fsy = 400 MPa
• fpy = 1600 MPa 750 800
• Ap = 500 mm2 Ap
• εce = 0.000176
• σpe = 1000 MPa
RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina
Section at Mu

b=300mm x32
εcu= 0.003
γdn 0.5γdn

dp=675mm dn Cc
εcp σpu Tp
σsu Ts
Ast=1800mm2 Strains in
ce= Stresses Forces
Ap =500mm2 0.000176
concrete at Mu

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Neutral axis depth
Assuming that all steels have yielded,
pu = fpy = 1600MPa and su = fsy = 400MPa
Ts = 400 x 1800= 720,000 N
Tp = 1600 x 500= 800,000 N
Force equilibrium, ΣFx = 0
C = Ts + Tp = 1520 kN = 0.85f’c γdn b
Depth of effective stress block
γdn = 1520x1000/0.85 x 32 x 300 = 186.2 mm

Check whether the steel yield assumption is correct

Neutral axis depth
dn = 186.2/0.822 = 226 mm = kud

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Neutral axis depth (cont’d)
Steel strain εst = εcu (dst-dn)/dn = 0.003(750-226)/226
= 0.0069 > 0.002 (sy =fsy/Es =400/200,000)
Hence reinforcing steel has yielded as assumed.

Effective depth, d, is from compression fibre to centroid of tensile steel

d = (Tp.dp+Ts.dst)/(Tp+Ts)
= (800x675+720x750)/(800+750)
ku = 226/710.5 = 0.318 < 0.4 therefore ductile behaviour OK

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Strain in prestressing steel

σce = Pe/Ag + Pee2/Ig = 2.08+2.95 = 5.04MPa

εce = σce /Ec = 5.04/28570
εce = 0.000176
εpe = σpe/Ep = 1000/190000 = 0.0053
cp = ε0(dp-dn)/dn = 0.003(675-227)/227 = 0.0059

Total strain in prestressing steel

εpu = 0.000176 + 0.0059 + 0.0053 =
= 0.0114 > 0.0084 (py =fpy/Es =1600/190,000)

Therefore prestressing steel is also at yield as assumed.

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Ultimate moment capacity

Taking moments about the top fibre,

Mu= Tsdst + Tpdp – Ccdc
where dc = 0.5 γdn Cc =0.85f’c γdn b

Mu = (720000 x 750) + (800000 x 675) -

((0.85 x 32 x 300x 186.2) x 186.2/2 ) = 939 kNm
and as φ = 0.8 as for reinforced concrete beams
φ Mu = 0.8x939 = 751kNm

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Analysis with semi-empirical expressions for pu
Cl. 8.1.7 of AS3600 permits use of a simple expression for σpu in bonded
tendons at Mu.

 k1k2 
pu  fp1 
  
In which k1 = 0.40 if the ratio of the yield stress of the tendon, fpy , to the
minimum breaking stress fp is less than 0.9,
and k1 = 0.28 if the ratio exceeds 0.9

k2  ( Apt f p  ( Ast  Asc ) f sy )
bef d p fc '
If compressive reinforcement is taken into account k2 cannot be less than
0.17 and dsc cannot be greater than 0.15 dp

(Note: refer to Clauses 3.3.1 for tendon properties)

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Analysis with semi-empirical expressions (cont’d)

This obviates the need to analyse strains.

Thus, for section with compression reinforcement also,
assuming that tensile steel has yielded
T = Tp + Ts = σpuAp + Astfsy with σpu from above
C = Cc + Cs = 0.85f’cbγdn + Ascσsc
Initially assume that compression steel has also yielded,
Thus ΣFx=0 gives us C = T from which
dn = (Ap σpu +Astfsy-Ascfsy)/(0.85f’cbγ)

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Analysis with semi-empirical expressions (cont’d)

Check that compression steel has yielded. If not, revise

estimate of σsc and iterate to solution
Taking moments about tensile steel,
Mu = Cc(dst-0.5γdn) + Cs(dst-dsc) – σpuAp(dst-dp)
Must still carry out check for ductility

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Addition of reinforcement to increase Mu

• Normal design procedure

– Prestressing force determined from service load requirements
– Unstressed reinforcement added to satisfy the ultimate strength

• Approximate expression for determining ordinary reinforcing steel,

provided reinforcing and prestressing steel at yield

M u  Ap f py (d p  0.15d st )
Ast 
f sy (0.85d st )

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Strength at transfer of prestressed beam (section 7.6 text book)

Possible for prestressed beam to fail during transfer if force in the tendon becomes large
enough to cause the concrete surrounding the cable to crush.
While beam is being prestressed, any cross-section is subjected to two actions: 1) the
prestressing force P and 2) a bending moment MG (beam self weight plus any other
loads acting at transfer)
The conditions of equilibrium at transfer require
-the sum of all forces must be zero
-the sum of the moments of all forces about any point must be equal to MG

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Strength Check at Transfer
Strains in concrete

γdn =a C


Applied external bending moment is the dead load moment: MG

Pu = the prestress force which will create failure of the section (bottom concrete strain =
C is the concrete compressive strength resultant acts at a distance a/2 from bottom of
section, C = 0.85fcpab

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Calculation of Pu
For horizontal force equilibrium, C = Pu
For moment equilibrium, Puz = MG
where z is the lever arm distance between C and Pu
z = MG/Pu = a/2- (D-dp)
MG=self-weight moment x load factor
(ie load factor = 0.9 or 1.15 Ref.AS3600-2009 cl2.4.2)
Hence, a = 2[(D-dp) + MG/Pu]

C = 0.85 fcpa.b = 1.7fcpb [(D-dp) + MG/Pu]

Force equilibrium, C = Pu , hence

Pu = 1.7fcpb [(D-dp) + MG/Pu]
Solution of this quadratic equation gives Pu , the force at which the section
would reach its strength limit state

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Calculation of Pu

Note. An approximate solution given by neglecting self-weight by using MG

= 0, ie
Pu = 1.7fcpb [D-dp]

AS3600 Design check (cl.2.4.2)

φ Pu > 1.15 Pj where φ = 0.6 and 1.15 is the load factor
and a load factor of 0.9 or 1.15 on MG, whichever is worse (generally 0.9)

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Worked Example

• A simply supported post-tensioned beam spans 25 m and has a

rectangular cross section shown in the figure. Concrete strength at
transfer = 32 MPa. Calculate the magnitude of the prestress force Pu at
which the section would fail under crushing of concrete at transfer.
• Ast = 3000 mm2
• Self weight = 0.35 x 1.2 x 25
= 10.5 kN/m 350
• MG = 10.5 x 252/8 = 820 kNm

Ap 1200

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

Worked Example (cont’d)
Cs = 3000 x 400 = 1200000 N
Cc = 0.85 x 32 x 350 x a= 9520 a N
Force equilibrium, Pu = Cs + Cc
Pu = 1200000 + 9520a
Moment equilibrium about bottom fibre of the beam
50xCs – 150Pu +Cca/2-0.8xMG
50 x 1200000 – 150 Pu + 9520 a.a/2 = 0.8 x MG
Substitute and solve
a = 581 mm, Pu = 6731 kN
0.6 x 6731 > 1.15 Pj
Pj < 6731 x 0.6 /1.15 = 3512 kN
Also check for transfer at live anchor where friction losses are zero, so that
Pj is a maximum. (If it is at a support, frequently MG=0 & e=0)
RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina
AS3600 deemed to comply method for design at transfer

Cl. states that strength at transfer is deemed to be satisfied if the

maximum concrete compressive stress at transfer ≤ 0.5 fcp

For sections without conventional longitudinal reinforcement it is usually found

that this ‘deemed to comply’ provision is easier to satisfy ie less conservative
than the more rigorous strength calculations

RMIT University© Lecture Notes prepared by Dr Rebecca Gravina

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