Affidavit of Claim of The Heirs of Marcelino Balao, JR
Affidavit of Claim of The Heirs of Marcelino Balao, JR
Affidavit of Claim of The Heirs of Marcelino Balao, JR
1. I, Marietta A. Balao, is the surviving spouse of the late Marcelino Balao, Jr.;
2. We, Josefina Marieta A. Balao, Jose Mario A. Balao, and Marcelino A. Balao III, are his
surviving children who are in the Philippines;
3. We all declare that aside from us, Richard A. Balao and Anthony A. Balao are also
heirs being among the children of the said deceased, but who are at present abroad;
4. The said deceased Marcelino Balao, Jr. was among the children of the late Marcelino
A. Balao. KATIBAYAN NG ORIHINAL NA TITULO BLG. P-69143 was registered
collectively in the name of the HEIRS of MARCELINO A. BALAO. The land covered by the
said certificate of title is located at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan;
5. We, as heirs, did not execute or sign any Authority to Sell or any Special Power of
Attorney to sell our interest in the afore-said parcel of lot in favor of anybody. To our
personal knowledge, the other heirs, Richard A. Balao and Anthony A. Balao, did not also
execute or sign any Authority to Sell or any Special Power of Attorney to sell their interest
in the afore-said parcel of lot in favor of anybody. We all did not give any authority to
anyone to transact on our behalf regarding our interest therein;
6. In fact, at present, the sole authority to sell and enter into any transaction, negotiation,
or any matter pertaining to the said parcel of land is vested in me, MARCELINO A. BALAO
III. The Power of Attorney giving me the said power is herein attached as Annex “A”;
7. We are executing this affidavit to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing facts and for
the purpose of causing the annotation of this affidavit to KATIBAYAN NG ORIHINAL NA
TITULO BLG. P-69143.