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HP End User

Management software
Data sheet

HP End User Management software supplies with the consistency and proactive nature of synthetic
transactions, you get complete coverage in your end
real-time visibility into application performance user monitoring. HP End User Management software
enables your IT organization to rapidly isolate and
and availability from the user’s perspective. quantify the scope of an issue, gauge the customer
and business impact, and thereby prioritize and
respond appropriately.
Improve visibility into and control of
HP End User Management software lets you:
the end user’s IT experience
HP End User Management software combines industry- • Proactively monitor the end user’s experience
leading synthetic and real-user monitoring to give your
• Assess the business impact when problems occur to
IT organization a high degree of visibility into and
prioritize IT’s response
control over the complete user experience.
• Triage and isolate problems
Designed to help align IT with the business, HP End User
Management software provides comprehensive and • See and replicate real user behavior
integrated user monitoring. Using a combination of
active business process emulation and passive real-user These capabilities provide an integrated end user
monitoring, HP End User Management software management solution to improve visibility into and
supplies real-time visibility into the user’s quality of control of the user’s IT experience.
experience (QoE). By combining real-user visibility
Figure 1. End User Management lets you proactively identify application performance problems before users are impacted

How HP End User Management analysis and to help upstream and downstream teams
collaborate. Real User Monitor business process
software works recognition shows each navigation path and tracks the
HP End User Management software consists of two number of users. This usage information can improve
integrated monitors for end-user management. capacity planning accuracy and to create quality and
performance testing scenarios. For example:
HP Business Process Monitor
HP Business Process Monitor software lets your staff use • Application support teams quickly can identify and
synthetic transactions—from multiple locations inside replay transactions to better understand user
or outside your firewall—to identify availability and interaction with the application.
performance issues before they affect customers. This
• Development teams can replay to see specific
lets you capture accurate, consistent and repeatable
application error codes and to determine what user
performance and availability metrics to create a system
action triggered the problem.
baseline. Using this baseline, HP Business Process
Monitor identifies key variations and trends that let • Customer service representatives can replay the
you plan capacity effectively and quantify the value user’s session to assist in resolving the problem live.
of IT investments or changes. Your IT staff then can further analyze data from user
interactions to determine if users in specific locations
When problems arise, HP Business Process Monitor
are experiencing performance issues, to define the
lets you isolate them by location, server, application,
scope of issues and to identify affected end users. They
module and other factors for faster identification
can collect IT statistics for trend analysis to manage
and resolution. Business Process Monitor provides
QoE, proactively intervene before issues become visi-
a transaction breakdown by protocol to isolate the
ble to end users and avoid costly violations of service-
source of the problem. It also integrates with HP
level agreements (SLAs).
diagnostics software, allowing IT support teams to
drill down quickly from a problematic transaction into
Broadest range of protocol support
the application tier where the problem originated.
HP End User Management software leverages more
HP Real User Monitor than 12 years of experience in application testing, tuning,
HP Real User Monitor software lets you measure the monitoring and management to provide accurate
online experience of your internal or external users. You emulation and measurement of end user business
then can gauge the business impact of performance processes for web and non-web environments and
issues and outages and isolate user trends in detail. packaged applications including Oracle® Siebel,
Using a network probe, HP Real User Monitor listens SAP®, Oracle PeopleSoft, Oracle Applications, Citrix
to every request and response sent to and from web and others. HP End User Management software
servers. It organizes the data by session for further supports multinational, multilingual environments.

When problems arise,
HP Business Process Monitor
lets you isolate them by
location, server, application,
module and other factors
for faster identification
and resolution.

Key Component of HP Business Availability Center FAQs

HP End User Management software is an integrated
component of HP Business Availability Center software. Q: What is the benefit to using both synthetic and
Working with other HP Business Availability Center real-user monitors?
software products, it can help your IT organization A: Today, both synthetic and real-user monitoring play
align its efforts with business priorities. By linking a key role in providing a better understanding of
monitoring data with the HP Universal CMDB software, user behavior. Synthetic monitoring simulates
HP End User Management software helps your IT staff business transactions to provide a consistent,
quickly identify infrastructure-related root causes of end predictable measurement regardless of whether or
user problems. not real users are using the application. Real-user
monitoring provides critical insight into real-user
Key features and benefits experience and behavior as usage of common
• Escalates user problems to the correct IT groups. applications can vary dramatically.

• Prioritizes IT response based on customer and Q: How does HP Real User Monitor software measure
business impact. performance for different locations without
• Identifies proactively end user performance and deploying software or agents remotely?
availability trends that need IT attention. A: HP Real User Monitor passively captures session
data by connecting to a SPAN (or mirror) port,
• Provides early warning and real-time alerts for
network tap or repeating hub. This approach
performance and availability issues.
allows HP Real User Monitor to capture every
• Detects end user business process issues before packet on the network individually and reassemble,
customers are impacted. parse and process every TCP/IP connection of
interest individually for all users, from all locations,
• Reduces the business impact of end user outages all the time.
and performance issues.
Q: Does HP End User Management software comply
• Manages the customer’s quality of experience.
with industry regulations such as HIPAA and SOX?
• Enables drill down into HP’s infrastructure monitoring, A: Yes. First, all data collected is encrypted and secured
application diagnostics and transaction tracing at the collection, processing and presentation
capabilities to help resolve problems more quickly. layers. Sensitive data can be filtered out by
• Can be deployed in-house using HP and partner administrators so it is not stored by the system.
services or via HP Software-as-a-Service.

A complete solution The smartest way to invest in IT
HP Financial Services provides innovative financing
Comprehensive training
and financial asset-management programs to help you
HP provides a comprehensive curriculum of HP
cost effectively acquire, manage and ultimately retire
Software and IT service management courses. These
your HP solutions. For more information on these
offerings provide the training you need to realize the
services, contact your HP sales representative or visit
full potential of your HP solutions, optimize application
performance, increase your network optimization
and responsiveness and achieve better return on your
IT investments.
HP Services
With more than 30 years experience meeting complex
Get the most from your software investment
education challenges worldwide, HP knows training. HP provides high-quality software services that address all aspects
This experience, coupled with unique insights into HP of your software application life-cycle needs. With HP, you have
access to standards-based, modular, multi-platform software coupled
Software products, positions HP to deliver the optimum
with global services and support. The wide range of HP service
training experience. For more information about these offerings—from online self-solve support to proactive mission-critical
and other educational courses, visit: services—enables you to choose the services that best match your
business needs.
For an overview of HP software services, visit:

To access technical interactive support, visit the Software Support

Online at: www.hp.com/managementsoftware/services

To learn more about HP Software Customer Connection, a

one-stop information and learning portal for software products
and services, visit: www.hp.com/go/swcustomerconnection

© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change
without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying
such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be
liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Oracle is a registered U.S. trademark of Oracle
Corporation, Redwood City, California. SAP as well as its respective logo is a trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in
several other countries all over the world.

For more detailed technical or ordering information,

please visit www.hp.com/go/software
4AA1-6031ENW, October 2007

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